HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-06-25, Page 2**,
Sita • righ404ill 441vanco41mos., lige4444..440k0 rom.
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Once again our national holiday
itpon us. On Tuesday next Cant
ada will celebrate her 91st birthday
What have we wit Canadians, aceom-
pIished in the past and what course
should we lay out for the duture?
These are questions, we would do
well to consider.
• Canada has come a long way
sinte Confederation. In the decade
• that followed World War II her de-
•velopment was the envy of the
Peter C. Newman, one of Can-
„ada's greatest economists, reported
in 1956 in, MacLean's Magazine:
'For fifteen jittery years Canada has
been .growing faster than any Coun-
tryin the world. Most of the econ-
omistsregard the long-range out-
• look as unmistakably bright. If we
continue the present economic gallop
...we could overtake the now higher
U.S. standard of living by 1975, then
, go •on to become the world's most
• prosperous people.”
In January, 1957, The Monetary
Times, Canada's oldest management
magazine, said editorially: "Looking
ahead, the federal experts see 1957
-as another year of prosperity. They
report that 1956 was a year when
; Canadians had more • jobs, earned
more money and spent more than
ever • before -
In, recent days the U S research
E bureau has issued a report that Can-
ada •occupies a most favorable
postion in possessing a high ratio of
resources to 'population. Present
• trends suggest that Canada may be -
1 come a nation of 50 million people
• or more by the 3 -ear 2,000.
Canada's resource potential is
• The Winghant Advance -Times
Publialsed at Milligram, Ontario
Wenger Brother; Publishers,
• W. Barry Welager, Editor
Member Audit Bureau of Cireelation
Authorized as Set:and Class Mail,
Post Office Depta
lubscription Rate -- One Year PM, Si* 3:4°M.113
• aL50 In adveusee
U. a .A. a4.00 per year'
Foreign Rate a4.00 Per year
Advertising Rates oz application
tremendous. Her vast mineral de-
posits are still not completely ex-
plored. Her forests' are a4, great
natural asset. "No country in the
world has such great potential in
hydro -electric power,"
"In terms •of technology for re-
source development, Cabada stands
second to none
In more recent times we have
experienced considerable unemploy-
ment but •our economy was geared
to take tare of this condition in, the
form of unempl oym en t in
and the • federal government has
promised a huge development • pro -
0 -ram to take up the slack. There
has been a mild recession in some
lines of business but, as Mr. Harry
L. Guy, president of The Mutual
Lift Assurance Company of Canada
aaid in an address at tbe annual
meeting of The Dominion Mortgage
and Investment Association recently,
there is no concern over this sitit-
• a tion. Fundamental changes are
taking place in our economic system.
While our economic system func-
tions unevenly at times and with
certain deviations from what might
be termed sound policy, Canada re-
mains one of the greatest of all pro-
ducing countries and we still enjoy
the highest standard of living, sec-
ond only to the United States,
Despite the continuing threat of
war we have reason to believe the re-
sult would. be so awful -that no nation
will ever cause its start. But even'
if war did come, Canada is well pre-
pared to play its part.
We have reason to celebrate our
birthday. We can take our place
with the other nations of the world
and stand solidly OD our own feet_
We can face the future with confi-
dence •and qptimism based on the
reality of our natural wealth.
• Let the spirit of our national con-
sciousness breathe Liberty, Equality
and Fraternity, and we shall have
the cement to build Or nation, unit-
ed free and strong, and we shall com-
plete the noble. edifice that we have
planned, that we and our children
may occupy it with pride "Canada,
our Home, our Native Land."
WilITECHURCH • Dinner at Brunswick Auxiliary Meeting
; Mrs. Earl, Casliele Mrs. Wallace
1". Conn, Alma aria Marie/ and. Mr.
'• and Mrs., Wm. Casliek and child-
' ren attended the Harkness feunily
beld. on Saturda.y at For-
• mosa Park. ale and Mrs. Wilfred
Caen& mid •family a Winghara,
• alio Atte/Pied the gathering'.
Hugh David McDonald ot
Welton as visamg for a few days
thia week with, her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Prank Coulter.
Mr. and Mrs. Reba Xing and
Bane of Barrie epent the week-
end With Mrs. Robt Ross and
tithes relatives here.
'Mu Karen Groskorth ,corri-
meticed work in Chapman's Gen-
' trot Store, on Tuesday last.
The V -1>I1. of the Ilnited thumb
Met on Tate.day 'evening last, in. the
Solidity School room at the chards,
with the 'president. Arthur Laid-
law„ presiding. Mts. R. 'Meanie:a
reed the Scriptrire ,lesson from
Matthew, chapter 25, and 'Muriel
.Maare 'elliting the meditation pet-'
teathe story ot the Young:
Osik Tree, . Mn. Russell Purelon
gave a.reeding .and Mist Allhired
• Mettenaglian gave ea interesting
and informative talk n Realth,
and out reeponsibilities for the
use of our body and, mind and
fis all can lead to better,
begat eorkeatotit murtel Maeda:
iti prayer and ifte, Purdon
la a seat on Bible riareat and the
mettleg dosed with the afiapalt
attars+. Reanioad Lahlitivr baa
ebatige of the reereetion Perttell
nunt followed. Lunch *as served'
and all enjoyed the social tinit
Those Who attended the funeral.
of the late attae Fatiny Peterson,
bele at the A. urrie & Sons.
Thneal Wingliant„ last Wed-
fresday were Bev. tlegtiorn, pas-
tor a the Presbyterian "thyself,
Leatalagten, "Mr. (Reel *Madan
andaifia Seat' t 'Patereetta Detroit.
Mat Man Pateresin and ./liek and;
Denald Paterson :of 1;earitington
Mta,Jas. Dickson. and bes brother,:
Randall BaSeltlen ct,r6folito, Itra
tad Mee. 'Cliteriet 'LeVela, Gnnby
Mr. andMr's. Wan. Pa:Lefton and
bet Mother. Ifts, ,strtivrges, ef
totatte. Ail gathered • after Lisa,
tiaterat et the hottie a
..mtt‘ mationsta tit IiVrosetef
• • t last Week with hes daughter,
• Vinhtt and M1»It'
•'ThOrlittiti "Of MMUS nParet the **at -
fag herelaint ailaten, Ufa Mat.
anyika On Beinday and Atit.
tt MaNalli situttoty vtat.-
tAtt *OaWUIIa mtia, tutu von;
antreettatilailet them leatitte fat the
taitrattella Atr. ikrot Wit RAC
lktad AVM Matti Mre.
Por 25th-Anrziversary iAt Poplar Grove
On Saturday, „lune 14, Mr, and
M. Reesell Gaunt celebrated their
25th -wedding anniversary when
2a guests, friends, relatives and
neighbors gathered- est the Hotel
Brunswick for a...family abuser.
• The tables were decorated with
red roses an a three-tier wedding
cake -centred the bridal table. Har-
old Gaunt, of Kingston, proposed
• the toast to the bride and during
the dinner bons a telegram was
received from :Wes Katherine Mc-
• Kenzie, public health nurse at
Kingaton, aunt of the groom„ wbo
was 'unable to be present.
The guests returned to Mr. and
Mrs. Gaunta resideace an con. 2,
Kiniast, where the evening was
sentcard* and settled chat Mr.
and Mrs. Gaunt were presented
witb iiively gifts in honor of the
Mr. and Mrs. Gaunt ware Tem -
sandy surprised cat Priday eve-
ning when membere of the David
Currie family presented them with
ft, cabinet or Silverware, electrie
tea kettle and 25 red roses in bon-
er of their 25th annivereary.
Willis of Gowartstmen also 'Visited
an Stasday at the Vaillis horde.
Mr aed Mrs. Stott Paterson
and tinnily of Deitteit agent the
Vreek-entiwith bis lather,, la
Pateratue and 'Mrs. Petersen
anti tlat Children stayed to apend'
the Week bere.
Mrs, Howard Walker was a pate
•lent in Winghlan Hospited over
the 'week-eed.
The president,. Mrs. N. Keating,
presided at the meeting of the
Wingham *United Church Evening
Auxiliary which was held at Mre.
F. Reavie's cottage at Poplar
Beach on Tpesclay eveniug, June
Mr. and Nits. Gee. Fisher and
family visited ors Sunday at the
home ,ot Mr. and MM. to. Itara
ahstA, Camas. /Ste, and afts,
at PISb-
nnd end Okfre. 'rob' Jentel of
atilverterk lessee this Sitarday to
send the Weekeetisi with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Fisher of Tlietaltet
Mr. Freak Sleightholm, fatbet
Jed Mr. Elmer Sleight/earn, at
:Tarnberty aittaedieivey on Manday.
at hie home lit Llatiteeel after ato
.• 111treas of *vend mititha 'The tee*
tral *ill at held On Therstin,
beat the Hatratiort Gibeon fattier/it
barne, LiestoWel, to Ethel CeineterY.
}lita and MM., Stisart Cauplited
of "rottaiita *tot the arealtsetel
With her litirentik Via, and atrita
Chita Itebbeatiet. Tanaka Pat:Maaate
who 'ha* *peat the post Week in
tomato feturreed bean. Withtheta
Mrs. Er Webster conducted, the
devotional period the theme being
"Freely ye have received, freely
givea. Miss L. Robertson and Miss
J. Murray assisted,
E. R:;ncordine Scene
• Cif Turnbi411 Reunton.
•Gliesta from Wingtann, 044,
• Jarvis, Burford', StaYlWro aritaord'.
Peterborough, Tonto and other
.points were present for the re -
'Ulnae 'held at:Kineardine Vark on
-Saturday, ,Tune 2lst.
Following dilater, a, brief bust-
nesa SeaSitat Was conducted by the
President,. l4r., Hervey I,enklater,
•Kirieerdine and afra Wm, sturdy,
:Owen Sound, eeetetarY,
• The 100 mullion will be held on
lune 2.'.etb atGalt, with Um, •
wing Wilson, Ayr, president% and
X140 Marion Cowan, pot, nere-
naos for the abildren Were held
,arei a deagliten supper waaserved.
.prisee were awarded for the oldest
ady'olaest geutlemen, youngest
baby, largest family ,present and
the earony travelling the greatest
distance. •si
• The Wingham Women's Institute
met for regular session on Thurs-
day in the council chambers, The
'president, Mrs, R. Powell, preaided
and the meeting opened with the
Ode aud Mary Stewart Collect.
Mrs, N. Keating, peeretary-treas
urer, read the minutes of the prey -
Outs meeting, correspondence ami
treasurer's report. The ennui:a hob
day at Guelph was mentioeed and
the deadline for reservation k •
July Rh
• The holiday week is July 14 to
18 inclusive. Leaders for- distriel
raining school for the extensior
course, `.Sew te save dollars and
make sense" were chosen, Mrs. N.
✓ McLaughlin and Mrs, E. Pariah
tbe date to be announced later.
The roll call was eame a good citi-
zen, The July meeting will be in
tlae form of it picnic in Wingham
town park on Wednesday, July la
for members, families and friends.
Bring your own dishes.
The delegates to district annual
gave their reports whieb were well
&me, ;Mrs, Foetune and Mrs
Geo. Day as delegates and Mrs.
Burrell, district director.
• W. 5. Hall wan introduced by
liCss Effie Bower. Be gave an
address on Guidance and was as-
sisted by Tom Burrell with films
on the sanie subject. Mrs,'E. Par-
ish thanked the speaker .'; ".
Achievement Day for "tbe 4-14
project, "'The Club Girl Stands" on
Guard" was announced lei July 2,
in Blyth. Delegates to a film con-
vention: for Institutes are conven-
lernurne%tho4ifwesaentaniotsedervatnedlgvi.nermthi,Lt;.n. ,!tTnhcel,
.A, paper on modern tithing was
given by Mrs,. IL McArthur. This
method or giving was revived
eeventaeh /ears age by Grace
Chureh, Port !aurora Michigan,
and has proved 'very benefitial.
The three words, "time, talents and
treasure" summed up the very in -
Wreath* subject,
After the -offering bad been re-
ceived Mrs. Percy Stainton led in
prayer. The group wan very pleat-
ed and honoured to have Rev.
a R. Durrant as guest speaker.
Mr. Detre/it spoke about his ex-
periences as a Missionary in New-
On 'behalf Of the Auxiliary Mrs.
R.'Burrell expressed a vote of
thanks to Mr. and Mrs. nutrient.
Daring the busingss portion of*
the Meeting Mrs. G. leasmon gave
a pont ori Christian Stewardship.
A. repeat was given by Mrs„ fl
Burrell, conVener elf the suPPIY
eotranittee. It was ,axitotseced that
Masi Helen libel% as being sent
by tbe stoup to ,Alma College
Training Scheel in St. Thomas ibis
At the close or me' meeting Nev.
Durrant pronounced the benedit-
tient. Lunch Was 'aerved and a very
enaciatible haus followed.
441 Group Judges
Shorthorn Cattle
ithe 3Min Meeting of the Blyth-
Belgrave 441 beef calf club was
held at the initen Of Mr. Edgar
VefithiOtall, JO** 23. 'The Meeting
batted With the "4.11 pledge follow-
ed by the minutes anti the mil telt
Itio grerep then judged tarn very
tine elatacs of tivorthOrti tattle.
1 The final ,plans Were 'Made for *
trip 14 the Guelph area, duly 0.
The *Hefting Adjourned alter which
lletra.'llOtightrifien Served ak. veil !"
enntil knelt tbOte *leant
Spence Scott
Wed in States
Rev. PeuI•Parr of Cedar Grove
Undenominational Church,,:afficieta
ed at the dodge -rang ceremony of
Nelva R. Osmond and Spence Scott,
in Philadelphia, on- Saturday, Tune
lth. The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Osmond
153 E.. Duneannon Ave., Phila-
delphia and the groom is the son
of the late Me and Mrs. William
3, Scott of P -P- .4„ Wingham. The
organist was M. Louise Wallace
and the soloist- Mr. Wendel Friek,
The bride, given in marriage -ay
her father, wore a floor length
gown a embroidered lace with
boat neckline trimmed with pearls
and lily point sleeves. 'The skirt
laid tiers of pleated net with
clusters of seed pearls and featured
a back bustle whicla exteridecninto
a, chapertrain, The finger tip vefl
was held by a crown trimnaed with
seed petals and she 'carried
white Bible crossed with white or-
chids and streamers of carnations.
The maid of bonour„ afra. Mary
Mowak wee dressed in a pink
floor length gown of stiff Chiffon,
and carried a !five sided basket
filled with pink and blue flowers.
Her hat Was oval shaped taue
The bridesmaids, Mrs, Faith
Hoinsea and Miss and Osmond
both Wore blue floor length gowns
of stiff chiffon. They earried pink
and blue flowers in white fireside.
baskets. .Thelr hats were oval
'shaped lank Straw,
The best mat was Mr. George
Robles and the Ushers Were Mr.
Withani °smiled, brother a the
bride and . reanond borate/Ai
The bride's mother wore a 'blue
silk dress and a white sachet and
the hridegroorrns sister, Miss Mary
Scott, Wore an aquatroteded
taffeta tea white tirelild.
• Theweaning dinner wan served
at Park Drive Manor at $,30.
For going away the bride those
a blege dress and jacket with dark
• cumberbund at
beige hat,, shoes and gloves and
wore a White rchId. Aftet a borss
arystiode trip to Wilderwooti, New
Jeraey Said Niagara rag,
• canoe wit reside at It. 4, Wing -
Guests attended from
Stretford, Ludkiteva Windsor, Tata
taste and Itrassels„, California.
--Mr, and Mrs, Spence SOW
<formerly Nelva Osmond) ot PhUa
cloptua, have returned from their
boneYnloon te the Unitea States
nod have taken up residenee on
tlieir farm, and lit* Morris. We
extend eongrattilattons and test
-Ma and Mrs, Alvin Moffat and
Miss aferjOrie Moffat Were in Lis-
towel on Saturday te atteed the
Earl reunion at Mernorial Park.
-Mrs. Raliert rove% Mrs Eliza-
beth Jenkins and Earl Jenkins
spent the week -and at Brentford.
-Sunday visitorwith Mr, and
MM. E. Parriab were Mr. and Mrs,
Fred Guy, Moriktork end Mr, and
airs, jack Hematite Trowbridge,
Week -end visitors with Mrs
D. S. Mecialaughten were Mrs, t J.
lamble,Fordwiela end Mr. and Mrs,
John Mowat,
--Miss Grace Keith, Reg.., of
Guelph spent„ Wednesday with her
aotber, Mrs Wilbam Keith,
-Mrs, Jean 'Crump has returned
home after sending the past two
weeks -in Toronto with her sister,
Mm. Lillian Mutrie. afts. Mutrie
returned home with her and is
visiting here for a few days,
.-Jr. and Mrs. Oscar Rook and
atr, and Mrs. 3. L. Reek, all of
Monkton, visited on Sunday with
smill %lea Hugh Sinnarnon,
Minnie St., and with the former'?
laughter, Mrs. Rohe Sinnamore in
Wingham Hoepital,
-Mr. and airs. Robert Hall were
veelt-end visitors with' relatives fo
ecton arid Toronto.
e -Miss Barabra Carbert of Van-
couver, B.0„ has been visiting with
• ber parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred
Carbert, for the past couple of
weeks. •
-Air, Herbert Fuller and son
Barry spent Wednesday of lest
veek in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rae. Jamie
.enee and Barbie and Bill Wise
'eft on 'Friday morning for thee
htime in Phonetx, Arizona, after
risiting with their mothers, Mrs
L. Fria and Mrs. Donald Rae
and other relatives.
• -Trudy Allan, and ber mother
Mrs, 3, W. Bushfield entertained or
Friday evening, when they held a
surprise party ter Comae Hammer -
'on She received several haVela
presents. On Monday, Coralie had a,
number of ber school friends at her
home for a wiener roast. She leaves
Wingham with her family on Satur,
•lam for her new home in England
-Recent visitors at St, Paul's
rectory were lefts. Melvin Jenks
Local Pupils 'Pass -
Theory Examination
The following is a. list of success-
ful candidates in the Theory ex,arn-
inations recently held by the Roy-
al Conservatory of .Musie of To-
ronto in Clinton. ,The alataaa ate
arranged in order, of merit;
Grade V Theory, tounterpoint,
honors, Margaret C. Petrie.
Grade IV Theory, harmony, hen-.
ors, Arlyn Powell, Neil Eadie, Car-
ol E. Pepper.
Grade III Theory, harmony and
history, honors, aallifian Trick, Ai-
• dith Halwatd. .
Gracie II Theory, first class hon-
ors, Alan Cochrane, Nancy L. Olde,
Sherry Cochrane, Terry Wilson.
Sandra Chamney, Mary E. Levis,
Shirley Vincent, Janet Beecroft,
Lloyd Campbell, Nancy K. Forster,
Joan McCowan Eleanor MeNay,
Douglas lather, Helen McNeill,
Cbristite Runstedtler, Mary E. Al -
lin, Lorna S. Pratt. Pose, Maly
Fisher, Catharine 'MacDonald.
Grade t Theory first class boners
Mary E. Sbiella Pliyllis Clayton,
Janet Finiatathe
Trousseau Tea
For Isabel Cameron
-Mrs. Allan Cameron was hostess
for a trousseau tee, on Saturday in
honour of her daugtber, Isabel
Jean, whose marriage is to take
place this week.
The tomtit were decorated. With
pink and white streamers and slim-
mer flowers.
Those displaying the troueseau
Were Miss Shirley Reek, Miss Beth
Anderson and Miss Esther Wickie.
Miss .Than Thompson displayed the
gifts -
Pouring tea in the afterimon Were
Mts. John Campbell and Mrs, Ross
Gray. Dn the evening Mrs. Henry
Wheeler pohred tea.
Thom serving the Vests were
Met Madeline Canteron, Mist Mary
Grate Murray, Mrs. Arthur Camp-
bell, Miss Bessie faasheron and
Mrs. Norman Thompton.
Graduate Nurses
Hold Annual Dinner
An enjoyable evening as held
at the Legion Hartle on lune lath
*hen the Wingheen General Hes-
• pitel iseadiaitet held their Marital
banquet, There Were eineteen
gradates present, with their hits-.
1Hogrannue of sweat WA a
sing -song followed the turkey sup-,
per under tbe convenerthip of
Ifra Itingrose, Mrs. Jim Cart
Ifts. N. McDonald, Mrs. IL Math -
A Alert Meeting Was held elect-
ing the following officers for neatt
year: Mss. LHIIal& IlliderWood, Awl
creatit Moftattv /Irk 1tarvey Alt -
thin, Ntre. Walter l'oconk.
A dainty lutith was setved at the
eloee of 'the elrening. Lettere were
tatol, from seVenfl who were unable
and Mrs. Ilatiothy Weir mid
their "daughter, Lorrelle, 01Vial4
bad, Velitited With their aunt, Mrs.
liteCreight„ treat tbe week,
who is on the staff of The Sunday
SchOoi by Post, sOltattpn, nod
the Rev, Peter Heritaga of Saskat-
chewan and Miss ConStaistie Iitittee
of Owen Sailed -
end Mrs, letel Keating and
family of Exeter Were the guests
ut Ma- and MM. jebn McInnes and
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Tiffin on Sat-
urday and Mrs. David Chimney
vis -
ted at the home of WS. M. Carter.
Minnie St, a,
---Ma and .I.V.fts, Harvey Robb and
fatally of Antherley ond Mr, and
Mrs. Homer Yaelt and family of
Kitchener were Bendel visitors at
the tome of Mr. and Mrs. Charlea
I-'errott and visited with their
mother, Mrs, Fred Destow, who is
a patient in Winghain Hospital,
-Kenneth liodeltinson assumed
his duties 'with the Betel Hydro on
Tuesday and will work for that
-company dering the summer
_earn Thompson et MildillaY
commenced simmer employment
at The Wingelarn Advabee-Times
on Monday,
-Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Iterate
and Babby, of Listowel, Spent Sun-
day with adr, and Mrs. 5 J, Walls-
er and family.
-Mr. W. 0, Geddes of Ohathain
vialted over the week -end with bis
sister, Miss Anne Geddes. A
-Mrs. Roy Wilsbn and son
Bradley of Toronto spent; the past
week at the home of her parents,
Mr, and Mrs, S, Cowan, Minnie
Street, Miss Pauline Cowan ef
London is spending two weeks'
holidays with her parents.
-Me and Ma -Spittal
of Seaforth and formerly of Wing -
ham attended the 20th anniversary
celebration of the Wingham Lions
Club on Wednesday evening, Mr.
Spittal was manager of the DOM -
inion Bank here for a number of
-Mrs, Chas. Headley of London
spent the week -end with Mr, and
Mrs. Jarnes Carr.
--Mr. and Mrs. J. ()Hagan and
daughter, Mary Angela of James-
town, NX., visited over the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. James Gib-
bons. •
-'-Mr. and Mrs. -Miller Davis and
Mr. Bill Elliott were in London
on Thursday of ilast week,
--Idea Walter Davis returned
bome from Camp Borden on
Sunday, Where shehas ipent two
weeks with her daughter, Mrs. J.
T., Bildfela Mr. Bildtell and child-
-fr. and Mrs. Walter Murray
and Paull of Richmond 11111 spent
the week -end with his mother,
Mrs. S, A. Murray. ,
,Misses Bev. Gorbutt, Corry
Verhoef, Colleen Schwass and
Mrs. Agnes Lane were among the
glieste,who a.ttencied the treusseatt
tea recently _at the - home Mrs:
L Wileon;Listowel, ia honor of
her daughter, Miss Donna Wilson.
-Ma and Mrs. J. L. Pegrnen
and Doreen , of Appleived Acres
'Spent theeweek-eod with airs, l'eg-
nen'S' mother, Mrs. Geo, Ctuneron
ar. Mrs. Cameron returned with
;hem for a brief visit and her
granddaughter will join het there
to take her to Montreal, where she
-,vnr spend a few weeks- with her
daughter,. Mrs. C. Summers,
-Attending the Hopper - Wilson
wedding in Listowel on Saturday
were Mr. and Mrs, Robert Hopper,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hopper and
Johnny, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Hop-
per, Mr., and Mrs. Percy Clark, Mr.
and Mrs. John Pakten, Mr. and
Mrs, Hugh Carmichael, alias De-
lina McKay; Mrs. Robe Hopper Jr.,
Mt and Mrs. Angus Mowlaray all
of Wingharn, Mr. Freddie Hopper,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott
and Mr. Irving Elliott, of Bluevale,
Mr. and airs. Reg Sutton, Hanover
Mrs James eryans and Mrs. Ted
Wilsen of Brussel; Miss Patricia
dinliieligel Of •Lestition•azatMeaDo•ii
Hawthorne of Toronto.
-Mr. and Mrs. Stafford Bate.
non were week -end visitors witb
their , son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl litelaay and
family of Stratton].
-Mrs. Omar Haselgrove 6ter-
tallied a few friends on Monday
evening in honor of Mrs. Belen
Scott. Games and contests were
played and she was presented with
a table lamp during the lunch
hour prior to her marriage this
week. •
-Mr. mid Mrs. Percy Clark and
Brian apent Sunday at Island
Grove, near Keswick.
Surprise Shower
For Betty Francis
Friends, nelgbbotits and eo-
workers gathered ,at the Legion
Home an Tuesday ,evening, June
17, in 'honor of Miss Betty Fnincia
Whose marriage takes place the
latter part ef the month.
Miss Francis wets •escorted to the
bali by her mothers.lfer, sister -la -
law alai atra Cr:ahem, assuming
that they were going to look over
the ,setting ftie the wedding reeele
tion. l'irheri the lights were turned
on she was confronted by those
Who had gathered earlier.
• A Vara enjoyable cela1 evening
Was. sp4ii.L. Betty received minty
lovely gifts and Mitch was served.
'Everyone expressed best wishes for
the bride -elect.
& Wird
Clattered Aeranatente
San Telephone vat
Vitidkettoni Ont.
• •.•••
• •-
r ,
See the hoe if weding.statiosery..at Advancoimes
JUNE 25th to 30th'
r inSect bites sliiihnne*41$ 0A, reit, 30c, 500 9 -
Packet of 20 - .*egolarly lee C for C
MA. brand ASA, Bottle of 300, 00. 80e ..... .... ... trim
Heavy erade 16, 44) oz reg. 55e, $1.30
43c, 87c
White - box ot 10, reg. 18e, 0 for 25e . ... , for C
,,,, „..„ . „ , f P
c, 49c, 79
2, grain
i 1/ .
- 4 and 30 ounc33c, 59ce - regularly 40e, 75e
Tut LgT TISSUE - 2 25c
LDA, Pink, Yellow or White ;reg. for 27e -ea for _
WAX PAPER 28c, 2 tor55c
I.D,A. Heavy - 100 fa roll, reg.,. 3143
WRITING, PADS 8c, 2 for1.5c
Note size, reg. Ific
12c, 2. 23c
I Letter siza reg., 1.6c
VAN dr
4 ir
Da 8/1RP v Hoorn./ T TA au REVLON
1,--cr.--•*t- • C:Ph.r.- 18-
- of
Haroled. Victor Pym
St. Andrew's Presbyterian church
8.15 p.m,
Silver collection. The Public are invited.
. . .
• ▪ '...Tbt'.H....:Catbin..=.313ritk
NEXT SUNDAY, JUNE 29, at 10 a.m.
Preacher -- The Rev. COI. C. A. Krug' O.L.M.
Invite You To Join Them
SUNDAY, JULY 6th, at 11 a.m.
- Preacher — The Rev. G. H. Dunlop B.A. -el
SUNDAY, JULY Gth, at 8 p.m. a
Huron Presbytery, The United Church of
• Canada. . • • =I
.1 .
• • Preacher, 'The Rev. C. D. Danielle,
• Unalrinkli; tiuron Presbytery.. - 11.11,
-a • • • • •
• :Id • efilittill
. • • • -
•. (AN-0140Am -
• al
-Fourth -Sunday after Tata)*
* Thursday, lune 26—tadies' Guild at the Rectory
At 3 o'clock
fi •
. —
Rev, C. V. jahoson, L.Th. - Rector
Mrs, Gordon Davidson - Organist
9.45 ,a.to,---Sundtty School #
11.00 ton.---11:1orning Pryer
7,00 Communion
w , '