HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-06-25, Page 1Mr. And Mrs. 'tarton Sahnon and daughter, Alice Iran, viottm over the Week,,encl With ifs,` 41* men's Ntitia Aline heading Skater treet, With 'which is, amalgamated thorfOrrie Wane and Wroaata New. that a second session- bad to. be set for Monday after, .achP01. all 210 youngsters have signed up and it is understood that,there are a few more waiting, Charles -Ferretti secretary of the Rec. Council is at present attempt- ing to secure, the use of the pool Teeswater for three periods of instruction each morning instead, of two and of course it will' be necessary to arrange for the pe- cessary extra transportatien for the youngsters, It is possible.that a •change in dates will have to be announced, pp parents are asked to watch The Advance-Times care- fully 'for any alteration in, plans. The need for some sort of swim- ming facilities In Wingham be- oanie startlingly apparent on Saler, clay when the Recreation Council undertook to accept regietratiOnS from the youngsters who want tp receive swiniming instruction this strilanler," in" Previous seaSona abont 150 youngsters have been ,taken to the pool at Teepwater twice a week for instructien in swimming and water safety, The program has been undertaken by the 'Recreation Council with the fAons Cluh StipplY7 Ing bus transportation, At .;Saturday's registration, how- ever, there were so inapy applicants , AA 'ALONG THE MAIM 'DRAG: IV ,The 1".edesfifin".: T BAND PoNcEal, The. LtonstQltab Boys' and Ghia' Band, under the leaderShipi of Bandmaster George WQ,ricli, . of Clinton, presented concert" after church on Sunday evening .at the sown park, There was a geed tOrn- o hear the young ransietaea< 0 .- TROFESPOINTAII Paving the threat of a major up, rising, the town • council at 'pre • sent Seeking to secure the services of 11,, Li"sto-cirel man; who, it, is said, hes mastered the fine art of catch- ing dogs. It is, understood, that he has the necessary equipment, to apprehend the, offending • canines, Of Which, the .town is, full- to ever- flowing, The' hap been swamped with,angr3.,, demands that something be 'done about doge on. the loose. - • 0 0 - 0„ , . Wingham .PeOple seem ,to: be pai-- tieularly,• ducky ,at <the • MildinaY , • bingos; ,r,Last week- Wilf' Henry • 'walked away with p the $500,00 special prize,'benig the sole winner. A. short time back .Ab•Nethery won. the same; prize. in Mildmay,. 0 0 - 0 BACK FROM THE COAST,2,-.. That Shill: Boucher's:1track .again,• after 'a .couple, of weeks' iii hia native province, New Brunswick. Slim and his boys .played an en- gagement at, Bathurst .during that time, incidehtal to a sPot . of.rfish- the latter with excellent re- - snl n, They have a shipment of ,,eri,,lobaters and trout On the w The feature -We 'liked beat about the outing was the gland dinner oe-Dolly• Vardens Slim pre- sented' to YourS truly. fori400n Nasmith, *on Rae; Ibe..iiiiarter president, ,ari.qk MatibbeAr. 'Hugh 'Carinieha4d,*Wilf Fre:heti., Maine' Mephair,"Whitney Grose and , Aiek,ift,,ea,vie • 173ETERA31$' GUARD—Gathered at the golf :club on Wedneinlay'eireii-• , the 00th anniversary •Of the,.:1•Ainisl,9191) --are .09„ ;less ethan thirteen past presidents:,of :that :organization., PTom, the, "leIt, Ifirank, ,Madill; 'Stan Oall,-Stewart Beattie, Bob Hetherin on, Harley 'Ora* • '704,91.144ION: DAY • ,•••^ • fiederii• are asked' to Anite.' the '••; rvproelarnation: an this page •Which •••f^Jle(lnitelY-•••Seta Tuesday as:%the holiday'-;nOxt .nreek., Theiii has beeli'~•a good 'eal of speculation ii&tO Whethei or nohe holiday would be moved' 'forward to 1114day. ,Theisigh ithis Change m4,y be made by some hidividual firinS,,-July 1st la 'one ,lielida'y which cannot be altered by: the local council, since is estab,. federal statute.' • , This ifewitpapei, will appear . one • day later ,then .usual next week ..because of the 'holiday on TueSday. Carreapotidents are Raked tp their.: news in .the ;usual time, howeVer.' 11 George. Cameron's, cat, Snook- er, was a cow' the owner would' be a raillionaire,'' Snooker has done it again. Her, „latest family riumbere five; grand total 86. , • The teaching staff of the 'Wing- hanuDistriet High Scheel gethered in thehome .economics room, Wed nesday noon of last Week for a iinieheon in honor of the, teacher's whe Twill be taking pp Aluties else- where in the fall, • John Jackson has accepted; ,-a pOsition at the VVesthill, Collegiate Scarberough, Gerald. O'Brien goes to Forest District High School, and Sohn < Ostrom is also, leaving the local school. Each of these were presented with a' gift and the staff Wiehed them success in their new:localities, Wilfred' Seddon, who lies been earetail:ter for several years, was also a guest and received a gift. Mr. Seddon will be head caretaker at 'the new Chippewa Collegiate InstitUte at North Bay. The replacements for the depart- ing-teachers have 'been engaged.' Edwin Anderson, Drayton Continu- ation Selioel, will take over' Mr. O'Brieh's duties,,, in mathematics;. Kenneth Wood," a, gradnate< O.A.C. and an addition to the teach- ing ;staff ,here will teach science; Russell •Smith comes ,to Wingham. from Macdonald College,. Ste Anne de BellevieW and will replace Mr. JackSon in the agricultural depart- ment' and Edward Brophy of Auburn,- Who has been teaching public school Will teach, geography, a subject which has hitherto been under. the direction 'of Mr, Ostrom. • 13'es Is Required' — The Preset-it,. arrangement is. this: The youngsters who wish. to have SWimMing instruction and have registered for it are to be at the :town park at, 8:15 on . ThursclaY. Morning, July 3rd: They must, brintghewir parents, it.he he.•forpti,4 :asigne! by T he °fee for instructions is .33:00 pip" child for the season or 25c per, lesson, This money' used to pay for instruction only. addition to instruction fee there is a fee of OM,'for twee, This amount insures the child •for all activities undertaken under the sPonsoeship of the 'Recre ation `Council,! an'd many of the Youngsters in the cornmunity, who have played, hall and hockey or taken part In figure skating •are already insured. Additional my= cmaeoiciot. will net be required in these Besides the program .at the. Tees- ,water pool, Bob MeIntyrei has been engaged to supervise swimming at Flowsen's , dam, but it,, must be einphasized that only competent swimmers should' use this area, It is *definitely not a safe place~ for younger children who could get into 'difficulties in tne,,water, It is at present, expected that the Kinsmen Wading POol at the town park will open on July 2nd, with supervision daily` fiorn 2,30 4.30 p-m: , Other ActiVities In< addition to the' swimming and wading prograins the council has also made Plans for .a 'three-week, summer program of arts and crafts for the •childreri .•of the community to start' on, July 28, It will be under the direction of Mrs. Fred Saint and Irene Saint, Volley 'ball, tennis, and some other sporta are likelY to be included,; To round •out recreational, ac- tivities, plans -are; alreadY ,under way for a town ,league, softball loop, which willobe opqrated ;.on `'.a basis similar to that which *as used so successfully .for hockey during the past winter. • • THE OLD AND THE NEW .Bill, ConrOn, right, holds the gavel, Symbolic of his neWly-assimied presidency of the AVinghain Lions Club,. Which was handed to h urn by the retiring President, Jack Reavie, left Ron 'Rae, eentk.the Charter, president of the club, installed the new officer& ,Gordon Lyons, R.B, 1, Lizekriew, Was treated at the Wingham Hos- pital • on: Thurttday of ,last week for injuries and fractures to the lbones of, one foot, The injuries were in- flicted when a, pile of, lumber fell onto his foot. l-te was permitted to return home. Lyle "Nation of Goirie is 'a pa- tient in the 'hosPital here 'after an accident which occurred last rThurs- day. Working with his tractor,,his left leg becaine ,entangled Wit . the equipment. The leg was, badly in- Jared in. the mishap,: but he ip now reported• to be in satisfactory con- (Mien. On Friday Has, Vanderhoeic of RR. 4, Ripley was: admitted 'to the Wingham - Hospital with coitus lion; and :possible -fraetuee. , Employed 'with a construction firm, a beam fell On 'his head while he was working,' <His progress is con- sidered satisfactory, . • • Robert Harris, „ 18; of Ilelyrocid, suffered a lacerated face, :and abrasions and , contusions to his knee' and -elbow in an accident. on Sunday. He was thrOwn. frokn his motorcycle when: inadhine struck - received treat- ment.at the, hospital here, . . • Three peradns" receiVed treatment at the Wingham HoSpital oh Sun- day following a truck accident abeuta mile south of Brussels. Mary Hermon, 19, of R.R., 5, Brus, sels,'suffered, lacerations: to her heat Lois Noble, 18, of , Londcin, had air injured knee and Louise Smith, • 17, of R,Ft.. 4, Brussels, suffered contusions ' to her neck, The driver of the truck apparently lost control of the vehicle, which hit the .ditch and plowed. Into a, group df trees. ' All three were allowed to return to their homes -after treatment at' the hospital, .The Red Shield Fund, Undertaken in Wingham' and District.. some weeks ago, is still approxirriatelY $500 :short of its objective.•- Those in • charge of, the- campaign knOW that ,,several -in this locality, have not Yet been Contacted fer their donatithis. These -people are asked to get in touch with .EnVoy Newman at 'the Salvation Army Citadel/,within the' next few days, end any g s•uch contributions will be picked up. - The'Salvation •Army and mem- here of the •Red Shield Fund -com- mittee have asked that we express their appreciation of "the gener- osity Which has' already been ex- tended since the campaign opened. GORRIE—Mrs. Bill, Thornton fell at .her home on Wednesday afternoon, breaking three bones iii her ankle, She IS Wingham Hospital and her condition is satis-, factory. , Lyle Watson 'had over .thirty stitches • the calf of his leg to close a wound Caused in a, tractor, aeeldent on Tliursday.:He was P.er :' knitted to return to his hothe from the Wingham F on riday.' Two, of his children were with hiM Onthe tractor at the time but 'es-, taped iminjtired. 'Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gilmour, R.R.- 1, Wingham, announce ,the engagement of , their daughter, AudreY ',Elizabeth Joan:- to 'Mr, 'Kenneth Currie Uckague, son; of. Mr, and. Mrs. John A, McKagtie, of R.A. 2, Winghem. The marriage to take place in St; Andrew's Pres"- byterian Church, Wingham, on July 19, at 3 o'clock, F25*- Orange Lodges of North' Huron district gathered in,Wingham • on Sunday morning for 'their annual church parade. Meeting at the Orange Hall on EdWard Street, the lodges were' led by a Salvation' Army Band composed. of local members 'and visitors from Guelph,' Walkerville and Paris. • They pa,r aded along Josephine ,Street both before and after the 11 o'clock service, at the Salvation Army Citadel. Envoy Stanley Newinan was in charge. of the service and spoke from Ricodus 38:18, his subject be- ing "The Tabernacle", Bandsman crircilicy of Guelph sang a solo 'during the service and the pianist. Mrs' Henderson, played "Ca- thedral Chimes" as an offertory number. Members of the Wingham LiOns Club and" their ladies gathered at the golf club list Wednesday even- ing for one of the pleasantest events in the hiStory of that or- ganization on the occasion of the cluh's 20th anniversary. Guest of honor for the •evening was Ron Rae, the charter president of the Wingham club, who has the added distinction of being' a charter presi- dent of a new Lions Club yn Phoenlit, AriZona, where he now re- sides. Thejneal for the evening, which' consisted of barbecued chicken and all the "fiXings" was provided by the ladies of the golf club, With Jack Lloyd as Chef and undisputed master df the barbecue pit. •Cainmenchig at 'Six :o'clock, It riday .'e ening of this week: the Wingliani Boy ScoUts Will canvass ofe .entire- town'iii an .effoit raise.'1 funds , for their camp., and SeVerai • "other outings' which: are. Wanyied for the summer -month&' The boys will not,:however, mere- lyj'ask 'doriations.',:They are offer- ing' :Opfr for • ,your money, aince..,:they , are fa:• sell a' compact and highly useful first aid- kit, an" itern-:which - 4s lacking in many homes; <4ishiesses arid cars. ' The kit ^4exitains' 'Ben,dolds, bandage. gauze,, adhesive tape and:. cream antitOptle, and sells for $1.00: . The 'Boy .Seouts are 'a pretty SOlfufficient group: It would be hard to Imagine any organization Which accomplishes more, with les( appeal's" to public generosity. The annual Apple Day in the fall is well knoWn to folk here, and ;it, too, ie an. occasion when the bays offer some value in return for the con- , 'Camping, 'which is one' of the most iiiiportant of Scout activities, 'provides the finest possible oppor- tunity for the boys to put into actual practice the crafts they have ,studied throughout the colder Months., Few parents have any doubts about. the value of:Scout training for their yOungstera and there is similarly no question about the soundness of this investment in good citizenship as far as the general public is concerned, The Scout sale on Friday even- ing Is heartily recommended to every person who is interested in the future of this community. come' a.better place because of the, existence of a Lions Club in",Wihg- ham • Treasurer Norman Welwood pre-, seated the „financial - reports of the': va.rio,us , clePartments. which. Lions work is divided, Lion Bill Con.ron expressed appreciation to the ladies and to Jack Lloyd tor' the excellent meal provided, for,the gathering, Before calling on Ron Rae to in- stall the= club's officers for the corning season, President Jack Reavie expressed his thanks 'for the assistance and co-operalion which had been accorded him dar- ing his term of office. The charter president then in- Stalled the following Slate: Pres., Bill Conran; first vice-pree., W. A, Crawford; Second Vite.preg.r W. B. Cruickshank; third Vice-preS., W, W. Carrie; see., L E, Valtert; treas., Norm Welwobd; tail twister, T, A. Currie; lion tamer, Harry McArthur; pianist, Harold Victor Pym; directors, one year, Jack Reavie, Dr. K. M. MacLennan." Lloyd Caseinore; two years, 1)r. thattnossy, Orval StrutherS. Lion Rein urged the Wirighant Lions to forge ahead and seek new opportunities to serve hinatity, He spoke of the tremendous ite- eomplishmenta of even the Smaller globs in and erattncl Phoetni AriZona. As he accepted the gavel the " hew preeident, Conton, gratulated Past President jack: Iteavie on his excellent year as head of 'the club and /Wired the same cei.tiperation. Vont ttot members during the Coining feral, 55th .Anniversary r, • : Mr, and. Mrs, Robert S, Camp- bell of Turnberey Township cele- brated ...their 56th wedding "anni- versary this week at the home of their granddaughter; Mrs,, Fred McGee. They were married June 24, 1903. The bride was the former Annie Holloway. They have one daugh- ter, Mrs, Andrew (Bessie) Straugh , - an of Goderich and three Soils, Robin of • Wingham and herb, and' Stuart at home, • ten grand- children and seven` great-grand= children. Both gt. and Mrs. Campbell en- joy good health: Mr., and Mrs, Russell Walker, of GoderIch; announce. the 'engage- ment, of. their daughter, ,,Dawn& Yvonne, to Robert Miller Sproule,- Son: of <' Mr. and Mr& Roscoe Sproule, :of Toronto. The; marriage will take place July 19;!in London. ' V23''t OFFICE 'CLOSED Dr, W. A. 1VIcKihbork's office Will ,he closed from June 29 to July 24th inclusive. • RECEPTION • A reception for Mr. and Mrs. SpenCe Sec:kb' Will be' held in the • Bluevale Community Hall on Fri- , day, June 27th. Tiffini Orchestra. Ladies Please bring ^ lunch. • P25b !dui ivr, tutdrr Td Victor ,P3'ini Will present isle pupils In recital in St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Friday, ;Tune 2Ith, •$,15 Sliver collection, The 'public is in-' Vited. • • P251) STRitlivitiodOt toMergit The Ladies' Aid of lino* PresbV4. teria,n Chnreh,,TeeSWater, are held. ing their AnnusA Strawberry. Sun..' per , in the church basetrient 'Thursday, /tine' 28th, from 5.30 to 8 Phi. EverYone, weicoMe.. Adults OM, children It years and under, ' 50 tenth, `VIP MEMr SERVICE ' A Memorial service will be held in Brandon Ciernetery, Beiglavq, on :Tone 29th, at '8.00 p,rii, Reif, Mekilly , of ' Ahgliced Chtittli Will 'be the si dr: 025b `SUESDAY, JULY ist, 1958 A Public Civic Holiday FOR THE:, TOWN OF NOINGH AM I hereby call upon an good citizens aobserve the same. bAlyG't AT WitoV0r$8 A donee 'Will he held, hi WrOXeter Community' Hall, On Friday; June 2't, 10tfi, Carruthere OrtheStrii; Spot da,rlees, soot PriSea, adinisaieri 15e, Ditneing-10 • . Lien Presidekk Jack Reavien pre- dided over the gathering and enter- tainment was provided by the CENX` Transmitters, & quartet in- eluding Bill Conron, Bill Connell, "Hap" Swatridge 'and Reg Bitten. As Ron Rae named the twenty presidents who have directed the club's, activities over - 'the years, Lion Jack Reavie- lighted the 20 candles on the. anniversary cake. District Governor Ray Watson spoke of the hiStory of service to the community which , has been built up over the years and also mentioned the fact that 13 of the past presidentS are still members of the club, a very definite cation of the interest 'which eXiSts in Lionism here. Lion Lee Vance made a present- atiOri, on behalf of the Members, to Mrs. Whitney Crone, who is respon- sible for the fine meals and hos- pitality enjoyed by the club throughout the year. Mrs, Grose replied, Lion Harley Crrawford read the minutes of some of the club Meet- ings held during the early years of the orgamization and said that prior to the forrns.tion of the Lions Club the only group engaged in anY'type of .service work was the Clamber of Commerce, Litrt Wilf ""'reach' also Spoke about the early days of tionisin hr Winghturi and asked the charter Menthol's present to stand, One of these was Lion Bob Spittal, of Seaforth, who Was a guest at the , celebration, Lion 'Wilf also read the names of past' presidents bred . Spry, Bill Hamilton and Charlie *Aborts, who died elude their terms of tiffiee. 1 e Also 'spoke of Ono ;NIA president, till Who is very ill at VreSent, toth speakers expressed the be- lief that this eintsmiwav .hag be• ,IFIETY,FIVE TEARS MARRIED-414 anti Mrs. Robert s. CaMp t bell, of urnberity Township, Who Celebrated ocoi 60th wedding',vitintivOlti$10011 tiltrY *bre Married on dime `44t1i long,