HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-06-18, Page 100.4o, 4440 Pk 194$ Advil! gfra MOS.. 1,,'\':�, ED IN i W!ND.►QR heatre `ifwo shows each night First at 7,19: THEAATR:i+l, .C;IA?`11'113 ltiONLJAY, TUESDAY AND 'WEDNESDAY, ESDAY, lifACUI WEEK Pri,, Sat., Jiiu.o 10-20-21 :Jeaxi. ,Simmons, Paul. Douglas in "THIS COULD RE THE . NIGHT" ,,A ibighly entertaining blend ctf comedy, romance and music, �l 7VA' 0119hion Ilia.: your retirement :.: with 15 000 Even if you have provided an annuity for later years—you will probably be abi'e to use a . extra ` , n a $naneial cushion :Ivhgn retirement time comes. 'Talk it over soon with an •Invpstors representative "yoyrbest friend financially." ,' Call or write:. Thos. A. Jardin Phone 117 WINGIIAM, ONT. John W. 'Waines: R. R. 3, LISTO WEL Phone 10453 Investors a� syndicate' o, {,i+tco t• i r,lr,ta •11 b ar et: ,r , � ri w M►ca. arm cslN rnleur.lk. clilclt St. Paul's United Church, Wind- sor, was the scene of a wedding of local interest on June 7th, at 4.30 p.m-, when Betty Osmond Doten,. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doten, of that city, became the bride of John Leslie Stafford of Wroxeter, The groom is the son of Mrs, Thos. Vittio of Wroxeter and the late Cleveland Stafford. R.ev, George Petrie performed the ceremony, assisted by Rev. C. L. Lewis, Miss Karen Ann Wallen, a Girl Guide, sang the "Lord's Prayer" and "O Perfect Love". A guard of honor was formed atthe church by No. 23 Company Girl Guides and the 97th St, John Ambulance Division, Windsor. The bride was given, in marriage by herfathei and wore a bridal satin gown with front panels of nylon marquisette trimmed with R Knows sve can doctor up that . wreck in jig time, and the results will be E. satisfying. Each job is giyexl,our concentrated at-' tendon and we use spec- ialized eeuipnxextt. , Our men are well-trained, cap- able ltwt conscientious, so • ▪ You nett depend on us, re- gardless of how bad the • situation may look. Winghamd. ' B..� Shop Just tell us where . , and we'll be there! Phone 746 Sid Adams Wingham 011111111A.. i1, Ill, 1.1111 O"l 1111111lllll"1,111/111Ap111111/ 1111, 111,11 Ill 111 It1,lllutillgA111t ill, l lhllll lip .nio.tli•olneu-+ro.,,.u.rP.itotuwwo.m,nr,.Au.Awa.mn You don't fie $300 for Mang aids offers the world's largest -sell- ing, finest -quality hearing aids '—tiny, light, inconspicuous $60, to $165 It ifK.`%3rs<t`o"x rraarv.•eai8",s:'. SHE ;wears her Zenith With fashion- able slim -frame e$legtasses.' ilileteark~ka Atetg,Ett,,..« HE wears bis Zenith en-, ttrely at the ear—no dangling cords --even less tnntpiouous than eyeglasses. eY sex. 6 TODAY' M0NEY.DACK GUARANTEE 'SWEAR WARRANTY 6 -YEAR SERVICE P ,EASY .T$ME PAYM EN'X'* , .. M,'I, .*INS, DPUGS w rinse i.,..ta. • i` t'l Rah joh H it r 4 Pe4 h't,, �►yy 1/ Cosmetics': for ,Brrdttip art, P4t,e, tLis ted' p'rsteistenai' !i"ryes± ]'ir alwn'rnftle With• its enitlt±'n tdefu'ra rifltiligir.go our tinPiaemi,., o+Y11twI nylon rouching. The hooped s skirt extended into a semi -train and the bodice featureda, high round neck- line with scalloped • cape sleeves with nylon reaching trim, She wore a crown of seed pearls and 'Criiai - tilly lace which held a silk=illusion. fingertip veil, ' She carried aa` boo= quet of delight roses and lily-of- the il -ofthe valley. , Mrs. Lydia Lire• Was matron of honor and Mrs, Barbara Bondy and Miss Doreen O'Brien were bridesmaids, All, three are 'resi- dents of Windsor. Their dresses were street -length and made of satin cotton. Scalloped necklines were ' featured and the princess waistlines fell into full Skirts. Their straw }fats had clusters of flowers around the faces. Cascade bouquets were carried. The maid of honor had blue and white carnations and her gownwas pink, g w p n , while the bridesmaids wore blue • ' dresses and carried pink and white -'boll- quets. William Wight, of Windsor, was best man, and Benjamin Doten, brother of the 'bride, and William Stafford, brother of. - the groom, were ushers. A reception was held at Si. Paul's` churoh basement where dinner waS served to 130 guests The waitresses" were Girl Guides,, the bride being a former leader..• Guests from a distance were. Mrs, Nellie Saunders; great-aunt ,of the bride, of Toronto; : Mr. and. Mrs. Roy Clarke, Toronto; Mr, and °Mrs. Garland Lehman, Stouffville; Mr: and Mrs. Ora Reaman, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wasman, Tori' onto'; Mr. 'and Mrs, Norman Dren- nan, Lor#don; Mr, and Mrs„' Wm. Barnes, :Kitchener; • Mr. 'Henry Kemp, Detroit.; Mr.. and Mrs; Ar- thur.Brown, Amlierstburg; Mr. and Mrs.. Wrn. Swan, Watford; Mr,. and Mrs. Wm, Perri%, of Brussels: • Following 'a trip to Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Stafford Will return to Wroxeter, where they will reside, Jean Hetherington Wed in Toronto BLUEVALI--Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hetherington attended the . Fair- banks Hetherington wedding 'in Toronto on the evening of June 6th, spending the following day with. Mr. Les, 3, Hetherington and daughters, of Leaside. Miss Jean Hetherington, Reg, N., daughter of Mrs. Major 11'Iiiis and the late Major •Clifford Iiethering- ton, a graduate of the Western Hospital, Toronto, and for two years on the staff of Victoria Hos- pital, London, was married to Gor- don Ernest Fairbanks, of . Toronto. Captain Par.. r of the Hamilton Corps officiated at the' double ring ceremony at the Danforth Army Citadel. - Seventy-five guests enjoyed the reception„ in the League Hall. The young couple • v y g up C Will Iia in Toronto: 'HAYIILE Mr, Harry Watson, of Kitehener, visited his aunt, Mrs, W. J. John:- Ilton, last week,. , 'Recent visitors to 'ltoronto were Mr. and ' Mrs. -Raymond Elliott and Miss Ituby Duff. They attended the wedding of Mr. Ross MacLean to Miss ,,Jean Sharp,,,daughter of Mr: and Mrs, Prank Sharp, of Toronto, .The bride's mother was ferrnerly Nellie' McKinney and she spent Mit early years' iti• Bluevale. Ml's, it, F. Gaririss hag returned home frvrtx•Wiligharri .General Hos-' pita. The: four tier*d birthday';cake. used at .the ebur& centennial' Was . pre.pai`dd and decorated by Mrs, Aloe McCraakin, Mrs Stanley:Mof- fatt arid. l .• tt `Zoslkti '010y ,ra1h t ,.v'P1. ;':r_ ,. x"lErk�R- T JJRTIN"S. : SCHOOL HOLDS OPEN flfflJSE B VEVAI4--The ;Milt and their tee.+,iler, Mrs, :Dorothy Thorn- ton held "Open, lay” oh Friday, A large crowd was shown through ttio school where various, displays of Sehool, Work were exhibited, A• great many :interesting pro- jects were enjoyed lay the visitors. The 'Defence of Canada, ]Life on Mars, Trani and Transportation, Hiawatha and Grafts acid Art were some of the headings thatin- terested everyone, Tea was served •by the senior girls, A draw was Made ori a trellis, shelf and d two birdhouses made by the pupils. They raised, $24,00 toward a bus trip from m •the sale of tickets, Winners , of the lucky tickets 'were Gayle Galloway, Mrs. Raymond Elliott, Mrs, Robert Mc- Kinnon and Doris Paulin, At the conclusion, an address was read by Phyllis Grant, to Mrs, Thornton and the juniors present- ed her with a lace tablecloth, This was a, great surprise 'for Mrs. Thornton, She thanked all for their. kindness and co-operation during her four years -as their teacher. Birthday 'Greetings For Four Members BLUEVAI+E-=-The Mission Band met in the United Church on. Tuesday,. .June 10th, with an at- tendance of '27. The minutes were read and the roll. call 'answered by giving "Abook I would like to read". . . . Keith Johnston gave the prayer for missionaries. Rose, Marie Nich- olson read a, peace item and Mary Craig reed a,' Scripture passage. Birthday 'greetings were sung for Barbara 'Brock, Ray blathers, Kel- vin Fischer and Bobby Corrigan, The offering was received by Clif- ford Hetherington. Patsy 'Craig reviewed the mis- sionary story of the last month. Mrs. George Fischer told `the story of the following chapter. The mem- bers formed a' circle for their clos- ing exe,reises. ENGLAND .,DESCRIBED N BLLXEVALE — The historical meeting • of the Bluevale Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. John Wiekstead on June 12th. The president, Mrs. Spading lohn- ston, presided, The secretary,' 4tIrs. W. •J, Peacock, read the Minutes and gave the financial statement.,, The roll call Was answered by each member giving the' birthplace of her immediate ancestors. All were of Anglo-Saxon descent. ' Varions 'business Matters were discussed—the ,• appointment of a, public relations officer,., the use of films at 'meetings; Timis for a Mil- linery course. It was decided that the members' go to Kitchener on their annual :bustrip in July, the date to be selected later. Mrs. W;, J. Peacock reported the district annual, meeting held at Wroxeter,' giving important 'details, Mrs. Carl Johnston, •district direc- tor, gave an effective description of the district directors' rally at Guelph in May.' MisS' Ruth Procter sang a solo, with accompaniment by Mrs. Carl Johnston.' Mrs. M. L, Aitken spoke about the Union Jack, showing how the three crosses on the flag. originated in very early times. 'rhe original meaning of the word jack was a coat Worn over .armor, ornamented With 'a symbol, the coat being called a jaque,' Miss Ruby Duff described "Eng- land Today", indicating the changes that have taken place following two world Wars. There has been re- markable recovery, damages re- paired, great airfields• opened up, new housing projects, new indus- tries, Taxation has ' been so Heavy that proprietors of ancient holdings open castles and manor houses to. tourists for a 'fee, in order to retain their The hostess 'was assisted in serv- og refreshments , by Mrs, Bert Garniss, Mrs. W: ; J. Peacock and Mrs. Bernard Thomas. DEATHS BROWN, Mrs. earl; 10, Sitncoe, Surviving, her husband, two sons, 0eorger Woodhouse Two., and Walter Winghani One. daughter, Mrs. 'Vt'[rliam Bherk, Selkirk; and five bi tlhers, Walter and Oimand 1:''leteher, Port Liover; Orland, of Burlington; Melvin, St. The' 'as; John, Dun,tvilIo. k uneral Service oft 'Thursday at . p.m, with .in- tertnent at Port Dever cemetery, bib=0' SOBitJU, Mrs, Wilhelmine, 840. at Kitchener, Surviving, on ittrh ner. Su a dao - b h , g ter, Mrs. J'olin Allen, 1inghain•; , four. brothers, Miohae1, Ztostock; Edward and Daniel, Stiatfo rd c lV`ei'rrttan, . Wartbsirg; - And three 'S1stetsf Mrs, Ernest i4a11, Rltch- oner Mrd. Fred 'i!lei,l, stew I#arilb rrg; Mrs, Earl poli, RA, 1, New fZamburg, p'unerai Service ,S* IVerixteatiia ;' Yit, g't.t,hi; Vlffl'TECUURGJI Mr. and .Mrs. Gordon Elllott and his sister, Mrs. MacTavish, Whig, ham. attended the services in the Presbyterian -Charon. Bluevale, an Sunday, when they were celebrating the 100th anniversary of the I'res- byteriaii Church In Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Wood and children of Seaforth, and Mr, and Mrs. 'Clarence Ritchie and t:trlldren, visited ;Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Robinson of St. Augustine, and little Barbara, Ritchie accom- panied the Wood family home, to spend this week at Seafcirtll. Mr. and Mrs, Chas, 'Robinson and sons visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh David McDonald of Milton. Mr. McDonald left on Muni day to attend the 'Winnipeg and Calgary fairs, taking with him, by train, 22 'Shorthorn cattle belong- ing to the Gardhouae Estate at Milton. He will be away for six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Falconer and Lois visited .on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, _Calvert Falconer, Blyth, Those from this district 'who attended the Elliott family reunion, held on Saturday at the:Fanshawe Park, London, were Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Elliott, Mrs. MacTavish, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Campbell and baby Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walters, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Mc- 1Cague and children, Mr. Jas, El- liott, and Mr. Harold Elliott and his family, all of Turnberry :ard Te.eswater, Mr, Wm. Rintoul' has been busy this week building a cement found ation for his new shed, : - Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coultes and children visited on'Sunday with her parents, . Mr. , and Mrs. Earl Caslick, r and and M , Mrs, Wilford, d Caslickn family,m a d Wingha ,also visited at the Caslick home on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mclirath. and Mrs. Jas, McInnis were 'lin London on Thursday last and Mr, McInnis, who has been a patient in Victoria ,Hospital for three weeks, was able. to return' home with them, Mr, 'Gordon Small of Toronto spent ,the week -end with Mr. Ross McGregor, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest ° Beecroft,.. 'Ronald and Kirk, and her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Hugh Sinnamon, Winghaxn, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. ,and Mrs. Archie Hertel of Kitchener. Mrs. Harold Johnston and • lsr child - r Parkhill i i c of a kh It vs ted on Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Stewart Scott, Wi.l ha Hospital, andher mother, Mrs. Will Conn, in. Kinloss. Mrs, Irene Paterson of' Toronto spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Taylor. . • Mr. Gordon Mitchell, of Toronto spent the week -end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Will Henry. Wayne and Frances Henry accompanied him back to Toronto on Monday. -Mr. Harold Gaunt of Sarnia spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs.., Russell' Gaunt. and with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gaunt,Winghan►. Lois Conley and Donald 'Gaunt; Who wrote their entrance exams' last week at S.S. No. 9, Kinloss, spent Friday with other entrance pupils at Lucknow District "High School. Mr, and Mrs. Tobi Jantzi and family of Milverton visited on, Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher, Many Visitors.at Church Anniversary' BL'UEVALEL-Besides friends from the immediate vicinity, Wing - ham, Brussels, Wroxeter, Bel - more, etc., the following from longer distances attended the cen-. tennial celebration at Blyevale Presbyterian Church. on Sunday. Rev. N. G. 'Robertson, Vancouver, B.C.; Rev. J. A, S. McClure and Brian, of Molesworth; 'Rev. J. R. Greig, Mrs. Greig, Miss * Eileen Greig, Toronto; , W. E. Robinson,' M. A. Capener,: Ross billing, Lloyd W. ` Holland, George Moffatt, Marilyn Moffatt, Marion Goldriek, Wm, White, G. Terry, Albert Bernardo, all of Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs: W. A. Paterson and Mrs, Strowger, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. Earl Aitchison and Janet, Kitchener; Mrs. Isabel Yeomlin, De= trait; Dr. L. $, Duff arid Mr,`and Mrs. G, SA Duff, Welland; Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Coombs, Simcoe; Mr: and Mrs. Floyd Moffatt of South=' anipton; ,John Fowler, Miss Isabel Fowler, and Miss "Jacolyn FoWler, Woodstock. Mr, and Mrs. t'ercY Chapman, Mr. aril 'Mrs; Murray Slicat , of Stratford; Mr, and Mrs,' John' Orr, 'Kates and Keith, Atwood; Miss Colen Stobo, Mr.: and Mrs. Mervyn 'McIntyre, Teoswater; Mrs. Janes Cleghorn, Brantford. Mr., and Mrs, Marvin Howe, Mary Ellen, ,Sandy and Peter, 'til: Arthur; Mr. and Mrs',. George Love, Goderich; also Mr. and Ml's.. Bill McTaggart, Gederich; MrP and Mrs, Milton McVittie, Flint, Mich... Mrs, 'jas l O, Macbonalit, - Allan, Donald, 'ouglaa' and ' Katharine, and Mrs. Rebt, Aitchison and Dor-, is, of Tapley; Mrs, U 13.'14000h* aid, Mr. and Mrs, igen Mowbray, Ltxc iYow • Mr, k , and Mrs, M at C H. iut siert, Whitechurch; Mrs. 74, »; Wright, Guelph; Lloyd kyetker'', Miss Gladys Felkelr, Listo'Wel', Mr'. and +Mrs, Charles Black, Miss Agnes. Wright, Gforrle, and Mr, and Mrs. Walter Shortree'd; , Walterie ' Mr. aii' Mrs. ,Hutton o n .Toronto Oil Wednesday', Juaie ti, Juyeo Gall Garland became the bride .of xLawreiva 'Wesley Hutton, son of Mr, and guns. h1. K. xIutten, of Windsor, formerly oir Whiglram, at the fonlestead Park Methodist Church, homestead, Pennsylvania. The bride, daughter of Jvfl. and Mrs, Johui Qarlaud, of Homestead l:'ark, Wore a ,gown of ivory tissue taffeta, and imported chantilly lace, fashioned with a portrait neckline and yoke of chantilly lace, with long sleeves, and fitted bodied With; opaline sequin trim, The full 'bouf- fant skirt with chantilly lace in- sets ended in a graeeflil chapel train Her :imported silk illusion finger tip veil was attached to a' royal queen's crown of chantilly lace -edged inpearls and sequins. 's . William AndersonTho,bride"wassister, matroMrsn of honor. Mrs. Gilbert 'Payne, Virginia Aus- tin and Niearior •Manley were bridesmaids. The attendants 'wore azure blue ballerina gowns of silk organza. fashioned With tulip top empire ;bodice and full bouffant skirts, They wore headpieces 'of pink carnations, which matched their bouquets. F,,ldq>li Hauck served as best man,. The ushers were Carl 'Sehlenke, Richard Scarborough and Wallace Hick, classmates of the 'groom. Both Mr,. and Mrs. Huttpn were graduated; Prem Carnegie' Institute' of 'Techfology,' in Pittsburgh; Pen - we ding. Mrs. Button majored in secretarial studies; Mr, Hutton majored in mathematics.The new - lyweds _will mak4 their home in Toronto,' where Mr. Hutton will do graduate work in mathematics at. the 'University of Toronto. • McGowan -Giesler, Seeped Heart Church, Walkerton, was the' scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday, June 14, when Eliza- beth Ann Giesler, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Giesler., Walkerton, exchanged vows with: •1 Douglas Gillan McGowan, younger son ` of Mr. and Mrs. George Mc- Gowan, Jaownsvlew, Qntario Rev. Father John Newstead officiated at the double ring ceremony. Sister' 11x. Ifeien, as. organist, accompanied the church choir,' and guest soloist, Mrs. Theresa MacMillan, of Port 23uron, ,Mich,, who sang, • "Ave Maria" at :the offertory. "Penis Arigelicus" at communion time, "On' This Day, 0 Beautiful Mother", during the 'signing of the register. .Given in marriage by her father, the' bride •chose a floor •length. gown of hand'clipped Chantilly lace over white satin, The bouffant Skirt featured tiers of lace and crystal pleating, accented Iby a red ,iitgggte. which flowed into a chapel train, Her fingertip veil was held by a circlet of ;traditional orange blossoms, and She carried a white prayer 'book, centred' with a mauve orchid, : and bordered by -White mums, heather and ivy. ' Miss Wilma Halk, • Walkerton; cousin,'.of the, bride, was maid of honer, wearing a waltz -length gown of .flocked white nylon over taffeta, and _featuring, a cumberbund and flowing -panels of rose chromespun. Her matching white hat was trim - Med in '.rose, and she wore tiny White mittens. . Mrs. George Mc- Gowan, Cornwall,' Mrs. Stuart Rel - wig, Hanover, Miss Helena Stroe- der and Miss Marlene Sehill, both of Walkerton, acted as bridesmaids, They ,Wore similar -gowns to that of the maid .of honor, with powder' blue, mauve, apricot and green cumtrierbbunds and panels respec- tively. espectively All attendants carried white basketsof Shasta mums andsweet peas. Little Virginia McGowan, of Cornwall, was flower . girl for her uncle's bride, and wore a f rook of Seamist green organdie; Her head- dress was of tiny pink rosebuds, and She carried a -miniature white basket of mm's' and sweet peas. 'raster .• Redden McGowan, of Cornwall, neiihew of the 'groom, as ringbearer, wore a whim flannel. slut,, and carried the wedding rings on a white satin pillow. Dr. George McGowan, 'Cornwall, brother of the groom, -acted as best Man, `with ushers being - Stuart lieiwigt Hanover, Robert Melted; Ronald Robertson and Bruceob- na is d R G. ALAN ILLIAMS Optometrist. Patrick St., " W inghatiti' Phone 770 ° root Y oret M1t An excellent method of bating eri adequate insurance estate for the !iron with. a ;;'oWig j a it Gor b iit-1 y FRANK C. HOPPER .'-Representative '.., Canada Life �wyy �Grift mAd' M' 411, 2NI • ertseu, all of Toronto, Following the .ce:remony, the Waliierton Girl Guides and Brown - les formed .a guard of honour for: the couple, .us they loft tiie chervil.' Receiving her Nyesta in Sacred. Heart Church 'Hall, and later In the Legion Hall, Mrs; Gieaier wore. .on afternoon dress of ch ainpagne lace over blue taffeta, featuring a0 cents of toast .chiffon, Site Wore inatcilliig chasighagila a,eCessories., alai a• corsage of pink xgaes. al+far% George McGowan, ,mother., '.of the groom assisted, wearing rose lace end c$pe Aver taffeta, with whi. aceeseorlue, .and .a ,corsage .at white roses. • relluwing the reception, ' the couple left :for the Marltintes, The bride donned .e white lace over tai, feta sheath, with pick. chiffon Side feature, irtatching petal hat, and dill orchid 'corsage. Mr, and Mr's.McGowan ;egad to . . take up residence in W •ngbaln ,where the groom is a I reducer- director with bi IVX-TV , an hais Wife, tvmei's Aged 'woe fr :....rl A IT...! ,,.+s.+i,,. $30.,00 20 CU'. FT: , , ; $369,00. PA.TT'ISO:N.RADi.O & •EL[cTRI`C 1,t0lAlll001111Iltlll 11,,!11111,11111111111 Fll, lll Phone: ,. 1N4411,1i4444u404t • .4.4 040 Grocery Our Prices Are Lower Free. 590 We Keep Down the : Upkeep ' `Delivery 5 RT :. C�KL�, ND Serve Plain. Of l Fix it • fancy. GJ 29c SAVE 12c, `maxwmu , 'UvslV pk. .;. 'COFFEE .16. SAVE. '1 is KLEENEX E N� , L E RLICIULA,B.' or' CHUBBY 6 for $1.00 •• SAVE 11c CAl fl'BELL'S. SOUPS Al,ir 2 for 37o varietieieal for $ 1.00 .COIIQE SALMON • . SAVE 11 - sl . . q . c Seal 104 Rod Se Fancy - � Red x ex / .. for Robin Hood CAKE MIX 3f 10'l SAVE - White or Ulocolate - family ere or . Good Luck MARGARINE SAVE se KETCHUP Aylmer - i1' oz. llllll ....llllllN,ll,:..• SALAD DRESSING Miracle Whip 16 oz. 3 lbs. $1.00 for Light -�Yellow SUGAR' Gello.pkg. 2lbs,7 lbs, 55c Robin Hood All -Purpose FLOUR Robin Hood New Super Suds Powdered Detergent with Meimac Dinnerware as premium. s 43 C �3c. lLtt. 1,49 . Lax. , • aia,tt Krug size WIENERS c'oletusui's li►. •.:...,..,. RING BOLOGNA Coleman's - lb. Country Style SAUSAGE 3, C 49c 39c 5Chueide,',, lb., 57c ..moo—'sa—ti—OUmmm4 ,KENWOOD ` BLANKETS:— Truly a beautiful gift o long lasting value and one that will be. appreciated, 'You'll find a wonderful shades from i on of Our ;luxurious range of varied qualities. Pride 14.59 $12.50, $ � $17.95and $20.95 LINENS:-- .101. Neatly Based linen sets Always.tnake a pretty gift and frond the: 'selection 1 of bridge sets now ixx etelolr you will find no et�l+d�+ofQLite very smartest of fine.��'to $6.95 grade linens. YrictS '• PILLOW SLIMS:- 73earitifully embroidered Mon' Slips - of 'top quality that make a moat pleasing got ' $2.98 Also Wabtksso lowp CO',l"col siois plan or lionistitebed. 'Priced 'from „,,. �P a'' tri $2..1.5 PURE LINEN CLOT.; S �3. I .. , - MI I a►�, utrxr sites hi l+xxurltiub Dona* linen cloths in the most attractive jiattelr is, 795 $29 50 ranges front .. ............. ;1 l,. . nh yy,,��. {A.,y�y�l�1 /M 1 iti t+istoi FF RS ,i•l - • XIi toStpitto • •