The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-06-18, Page 9boats have been known to: Jose control becauase of Ma; , TWO in the Boat When towing a skier, give other boats and obstacles a wide berth and watch a wide front ahead, You need two in the hoat for •this sport, one to keep an eye on the skier, the other to operate the boat, Your motor should he in neutral when picking up a skier, To start him in the water, wait until the tips of his skis show and are in position, "Thumb up" is his signal for more speed, "Thumb down"— slow up. Make wide turns and don't let your skier get an the inside—he'll sink 'through lack of speed. Learning to Ski If you're learning to water ski, practise first on the beach, With the feet in the bindings, sit On the back of the skis with legs bent tight against the, chest. Keep your arms straight—this• is most important, Now have sorrieone pull you up to a standing position. Try it several times before tack- ling it on the water.' In about two and alialf feet of water, put on the skies and sit down. Allow the tips to show as a signal -for the driver. As the boat :starts, allow- yourself to •be --pulled to the standing position as you practised. Remember, knees bent— arms straight, You steer the skis by merely shifting weight and 'leaning in the desired direction. Practise first inside the wake until you have confidence—from then On it's easy. You might 'write to the Outboard Marine News Bureau, Peterbor- ough, 'Ontario, for their "How To" book on water skiing.. It covers everything from learning to trick skiing, and even has plans for an adjestahle water Ski jump, MIGHTY T V MIKE Ta FOUR OF THESE MINIATURE F'Aei MEN IN A SENSATIONAL TAG TEAM: MATCH. COME. ,irn SEE THESE FOUR LITTLE STARS AS THEY AMUSE AND MARA, THE FANS AND CONVDSE THE REFEREE, Wingham Arena, Saturday June 21 .45 p.m. 450 lb. WRESTLING BEAR—World Famous TV and Movie Star. This amazing Animal will wrestle two heavy weights at one time, a treat to see, worth the price of admission alone. 1.;14'44 YOUR FAMILY MOE wroat ON 4T, ;NAN' SHOP IN WHBRO YOU'RE ALW AYS VVELCQMe PHONE 1Z imommmimilmmmlii.mmaimammmwmpwwwwwwii AF WHITECHURCII Rnssell ;Chapman., Teachers; Mra,• George Fisher and Mrs, Ross - .PIrriagto.n. will he •in. Charge of the field. daY ler the West WaNanosh school., held this PridaY .S.S, No. 1.7 on Concession 2, • . Intended ter last Week .,14fiRliMIUM4010#04M101.1111.04014. 4444 • finter,tounty BASEBALL ...I • SENIOR illow.rironn vs, li.ISTOWFJ., •z 0,80 pap, .SkiffilitiOAV,,JUNIN GALL vio. LISTOWEL $.$1) pan, TI/IllSDAV, JUNE 24 x+11 n~tbiic Sel1001 PREM. Minor tennis FR BE if arriving ' • in .0, body. ListeWel nemorial. park iiii i llll lll ll sational n leek tiOrna .with none 0 it Mellby •Chicage.„ should ha .a good :ono t. with a Jap en one Side and sOme KsiihY on' the other-, Great Scot awl Ivan Vollfott clash In the Other matehi,-, Mr, and MM. jaciner Mid baby,- -George of WeStfleld Visited . .011 Silltday..0: tile home of her McAllen Mrs, 1:), PnW, Mr, and Mrs, Sas, _30bnoten. and 'children of Turnberry and Mr, and .Mrs, .Gerahorn Johnston visited en with,,Mi!, and Mrs, Hinz, of Mimkton, • Mrs,: Jas,".Ctirrie and Mrs, Ken-• .neth ',Currie visited on .Monday .1aSt Miss' Resettit; Den,ins . of MilVerton, ' _ Mr. And MrS. Wni,-Hintoul and family visited on SundaY With Mr. and Mrs, Wrn Ford, Wingbam. Mrs. jas. McInnis was in Lon- don on Saturday end 'Visited with her husband, Patient in Victoria Hospital: during the past two Weeks following an operation on his eyes- 10-esh yoei Fogor • ease$ he seems to know More hold$ than the TV graPPlePs, This NM gladiator is a star In Ilia own right hit has boon in several movio :OW snob as 'The YU,Kon Tale" a 030' flinhi and "Old Yeller" and to see him wrestle two heavyweights at. once is worth the price of admiti, sion alOne, Alex Barris, IVLO, of the TV show 'The Harris Heat" says he has never seen any animal like this big black bear, "Xt's the Most wenderftilly trained animal have ever seen" he quotes, so he must, be good, Two t)ther, all , star matches will round out 'this . outstanding card" and both will .bp over the,. two out of three falls reute with a one hour thine. limit, •Titz one 'of these bontt *Great Motto, that son* trict life member in, recognition of her serViee$ SS seer,etary.treasurer , Of the district ,branch for six years, Mr. and. Mrs, Alain Purdan rived. home from. their honeymoon trip on Monday, Miss Hunter, of tueltnew, a.grad- vote of Stratford Teachers'. College, is teaching this week at S,S, 1.0 Winless, while the teacher, m rs, Collins, ,attends a meeting, The Women's Institute is meet- ing on June 22 for the painting- job at the. Memorial Hail here, and for their bus fain to June 3.0, The you,pg folks of the Currie and Gaunt relatives met on•Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Russell Gaunt, who were eele, brating the tWenty-lifth anniver- sary of their marriage; and twerity- five guests enjoyed a family dinner at the Hefei 'Brunswick , dining room on Saturday evening. TV Midgets ,at Areua Saturday Wingham Arena this coming %tUrday, June 21, an all star wre* tling Show featuring the TV mid- gets will be presented, There will be a tag team match with foal; of these fabulops little stars etivort- ing about the ring 14 a two out 'of three fails affair, All of:the ,mid- gets 'names are not available at For further policy information Phone 293 4,11;1 RE: Insurance Agency OF TIDE, LATE. MRS, MAUDE DODD Al) policyholders of this business please be advised that this agency lies been ptuailia'sed by Stewart A. Scott VVINGHAM Mr. 'and Mra. E, E, Walker at- tended:the:funeral on Sethrday of ,the fermer's uncle, the late Rich- ard Moore of Tara, with interment in 'Tara, Mr'. and TVErs. Kenneth Currie and . family were In London Saturday, Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Thompson and their granddacignter, Mrs, Ted Cully, of Hamilton, visited on Sim- day with Mr,' and Mrs. Calvin Robinson. ,• Water Skiing Redd it in the MORNING while it's,. NEWS ! : ' Mr. and Mrs.,Guy Henderson of Walkerton ,Visited on SundaY with Mrs. g.,E. Walker. Rnbert'Ilinehill, Kenneth Onrrie -9AniBeatliek :Galbraith, ,-were Sun- 4a$' Minors' with, Mr. -Rutherford R'eavie:In,Westiniiister Hospital., •:-1l,13,f.- and' Mrs.' Sas. O'Brien of 'Kincardine visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Cinamney, ',and and Mrs, Jack Perdue and f3on, John, of Toronto, who were visiting' with - his -mother, Mrs, A, Perdue of Belgrave, also visited at the Chan-may home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sleightholm and !family visited on Saturday vvith his-. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sleightholm. of Listowel, and Mrs. Sleiglifholm and "Janet spent the `week,end' there when they fourid- Mrs, Wank Sleighholm under the doctor's care. Mrs. Jas. McGinn of Iroquois .3p,e,nt the past two weeks at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Owen King, Mrs. King and 1VErs. Thos. Metcalfe motored to Iroquois last rhursclay yvhen Mrs. McGinn re-- turned:11,2mo. The ladies returned home by the St. Lawrence Seaway. Mr, and ,Mrs..'Ross Smith asd . . Kathy of Toronto, spent the week- erid Withher parents, NEI% and Mrs. 1- Make FOODLAND - "YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR etoarx. • CANADA'S. NATIONAL ' NLWSPAPER : Fresh Preserving Straw4erries the -top ,and about three inches frOM"the 'Sid'e Of' the Motor; lion'e attach lifting . handles—many lifildmay Rotary Club * Fat 'highest quality and ,jovii prices,,yon ean-ilepend.:on Foodlatiid as they have their own growers vontraeted to slimily everY P Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. - '• • ii • _ = a NEXT WEEK IS THE BEST WEEK. FOR STRA,WBERRIE. Also limn the preeeSsing plant for FRESH PITTED RED and ti,.1 SWEET BLACK CHERRIES is an offer worth 'taking. THIS IS A 25e COUPON,. NOW AT THE STORE, ALLOWING EVERYONE 25c OFF THE REGULAR PRICE WHEN ORDER.,' ING YOUR PAIL or comotir.S. • THIS WEEK'S, SPECIAL --- WATERMELONS •noW at their peak in flavour and perfection 79e. this time h ."11.zt II-rish Jacky will be WROXETER Alm Allan Etunstead was the winner ,in the Draw for She 104i lb. hag of sugar — another Draw made in July. FOODLAND MARKET,' II- , Phone 207 Wingham '" 'Free DeliVer • 511•Innoimillsopsomminsisuminolvoinenumumaiiiiii $1200 in Prizes Wednesday, June 18 Community Centre, Mildmay $500 Speciall'Must Go Two $100 Specials Twelve regular games fOr $40,00 each One Share the Wealth Mr, and Nfrs, LeVi Pleman and chilciren vitited on Sunday With his mother, Mrs, Rinman and with Mr. and Mrs, Artlair King of Owen -Sound, Mr. Robt, Floyd, LeroY Haines and Mrs; Clifton Moore and her son, Allan, ef London, spent a few days„ last week- with Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy of Marnoch. Mr. and iVrrs. Fred Helland, Fred, Ken- neth and Hairy of Parkhill visited at the Kenhecly home on Saturday Mrs, Pearl Justin of London, spent the week-erid at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook ,of Mar- 1M:rt.:R. MacLean and Mr. David SpO'rta is Water skiing. Here are a - One 'of the most thrilling of. all MacLean of Brussels visited on few tips- to help you get ttarted, Sunday at the home of the form- There is a definite linntation on er's daughter, Mrs. Wm. Irwin. the Milling capacity of any boat. The congregation of Brick 'Unit- ed Church plan to hold their an- whether inboard or outboard. Make sure you have enougn load power aiversary services and the opening to give you the needed sneed for ef their new church on, Sunday, July 6th. water skiing, I have pulled an Mr, and-Mrs. Allan Pattison and adnit skier out Of deep Water With. Mr. and MrS. Roy Pattison visited n o •Ir°1-thl e at ,a11- using Evin- nide IT.P. on a lignt 1.4-foot on Sundai With Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Watson of Forest and H-P• motor will' ba n d it' Mrs, Pattison stayed to spend a three,,skiers very easily and I have few days there this week. seen a 50 1-T.P.'pull five water skiert Mr, and Mrs, W. S. Humphrey ' of St, Helens' visited on Sunday at The,'selection of skis is deter- the ,home of, their daughter, Mrs: miried• by the weight of the skier; Geo, Walker and Mr, Walker. a .,goadiaverage ski, length is 5'n" ivrr.Nand Mrs. Melvin 1Vfathers Of for .y.oungsters, 5'9" for women and Morris and Mr,' and MrS. James 6'3", for the skipPer. They should Gaunt left on Saturday to spend the week-end -on a moter trip be",' at ,least seven or eight inchn$ through Pennsylvania: wide, Remember the greater the ski surface the smaller the drag Mr, and Mrs. Alex Robertsan • ' — Too -:.the' transom width of , yOur and tamily spent Monday in Lon- , don. boat:hat-a lot to do With the pull- . ing,:capanity of your moter . Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Kennedy Visit, ecl on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, the:- Widen it is the more skiers it Jack Woolcock of Glenannan. can"handle„ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tiffiii were in ,.The right method of attaching London , on Saturday. and. visited the. tOwline is with bolts to the with her uncle, Mr. Lloyd Bell, with tr'ansom. 'They should be installed, Mrs, Thos. Biirke, Wingham, and approximately three inches below Mr. Jas. McInnis, all .of whom are patients in Victoria lipspital., Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ritchie Visited on Sunday with Pinkerton friends. Mr. and JVIrs, John Murray and family of Sharon are spending this week at the Toni Ross cottage at Langside. Mr. Ross is Mr, Murray's great-grandfather. The Ladies' Aid of the Langside Church met last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. John Crow, 8thlvEnr, and Mrs. Gilbert Hanfilton of Lucknow and Mr. and' Mrs, A. E. Bueltton spent Tuesday in Toronto at the home of the latter's brother, Mr. Chas, Jones, - Mr. and Mrs, Walter Jaines, Leonard and Roy , Of Woodstock, spent the week-end with ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore. Mr. and Mrs.' Kenneth Dickson and children of Belmore visited there on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McInais of Gorrie visited on Sunday at the home or his sister, Mrs. Orville Tiffin. Mr. and. Mrs, Beverley Mitchell Of .Moletworth and Mr. and Mrs. Abbert' Galbraith of Wingliarn, Extra and special cards 25c; 5 for $1.00 Doors open at 8.00 p.m., starts at 9.00, over about 11.00 pan. aingos are held in IVIildmay every second Wednesday. , Proceeds for Community Service Projects. CHOOSE YOUR OWNPT ON ANY FARM LOAN over $1500 at TRANS CANADA CREDIT visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Elliott: Mrs. Jas, Laidlaw of Goderich, spent a few days last week with with Mr, and Mrs, Elroy Laidlaw. Mr, and Mrs.' Kenneth Dowling visited on Sunday with Mr. arid Mrs, Eric Cox- of Rothsay. :Mr. and Mrs. Earl Caslick, Mrs. Wallace Conn, George and Muriel, visited on Sunday with Mr. arid Mrs Gordon Scott of Ripley. oeeteeinee t lllll ll ll lllllll l 1.14.1111 ,1101010..11101,..1111 lilittili llll I l I llllllll ll 1 llllll I ll I llllllllll lllllllllllll I lll ll i ll llllll BUY NOW! PAY LATER I Brick Ladies Rear Reports WHITECFIURCH—The W.M.S. of' Brick United Church, met on Wed- riesday evening last, atthe home of Mrs. John Jamieson, with 15 ladies ,p,resent, and with. Mrs. Gordon Mc- Otirne'Sr presiding, The theme or the meeting was, -"What doth the Lord require of me?" Mrs. McBurney read the Scrip- ture message from Micah Chap. 6 and Mrs. Chas. Shiell had charge of the meditation period, Mrs. Roy Pattison led in prayer, Mrs. Harry Cook gave the delegate's report of the Presbyterial at Clinton, and Mrs, Clarence Chamney, as supt. of the Mission Band, gave that report from the Presbyterial meeting, Mrs. Jamieson as convener of the Friendship Committee, and Mrs. Dow, Missionary Monthly Sec, and Mrs. Roy Pattison, see,, of, the Baby Band, each gave the reports of the similar ones at the Presby- terial, Mrs. Sidney Thompton gave the Literature report and the press report given by Mrs. Gilbert Bee- croft at the Presbyterial meeting, Mrs. Nortrian Coultes gaVe the can- didate report, end Mrs, Me- Burney the SteWardship report, All enjoyed the discussion that folloWed each report, in reference to their own meetings. Mrs, Alex Leaver elosed the*. meet, ing with prayer, The ladies decid- ed to hold their special invitation Meeting in October this year, Resc, Neil McComble of Ripley will have charge of the service in the Presbyterian Church Ort Sun , dan, The W,M,S. of the Presbyter- Chuireh will Meet this Thurs- day at the home of Mrs, Donald Rots, The Institute ladies have been invited to SE. Helens on Wednesday to attend a tea and bazaan Meeting with a special program for the day, Many in this communitY Were 010Astcl to luiVe Mrs. Victor tin. lertiOn honored at the artnital Meet- ing' the Thstitute 'held on Friday Oelinbre, Mrs. tmersOit had been lifc member of this branch tot btit*ai cis little ots 14eed extra cash for your farm? Then solve your financial problem with a loan from Trans Canada Credit. Right now Trans Canada Credids offering special terms on all farm loans above $1,500. Parnents can be spread over as long as two-and- s-half years, and can be made in any one of the** three ways: $10 0 Dor 1 QUARTERLY 2 HALF-YEARLY $10 0 W AEEK Mr.. and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott, Mrs. Alonzo Sparli-ng arid Miss Hazel Snarling spent Friday in tendon. 'Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dane were Sunday visitors with Miss Emma Williamson at Fordwich. Mr. and Mrs, Elmen Gallagher and sons, Toronto, spent the week- end with Mr. Albert Gallagher. Mr. Gallagher has returned from. a two Months' vacation. in 'Toronto and with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Michner at St. Clairesville., Ohio. ' 'Nfn, and MrS. Henry Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Grob°, Harriston, Mr. and Mrs.,-VVin. Dowling and MI-a-Doug 'Currie arid Susan, Mt. Forest, Were' Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Elliott. Mr. and Intl's. Fred Hyndman, of Gorrie, and Mrs, John Hyndrnan, Toronto, were 'Sunday viSitorS with [Mr, and Mrs. Sallies: Doig. ' I and Mrs. Wesley' Ileimpel, Harvey and Joyce spent Sunday in , Stratford. Miss Elva ,Hupfer left this week for a motor trip to the West Coast and plans to be aWay month. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Galbraith and daughters, Mrs. Murray Ed- gar aind Wilma jean, Gonne, spent Sunday with Mr, and „Mrs, George Galbraith. Mr. and Mra. ROSS Coates were Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Sack I-Meat at Littovvel, lVfra, Sas, 'McNeil, Mr. and Mrs. Ronhie Higgins and baby spent Sunday with, Mr, and Mrs, Stewart Higgins. Mr. John Huffer. Mrs, Altaic° Spatting end Miss Hazel Sperling were Sunday guests Of Mr, and Mrs, Saines Bremner and Mr. and Ws, Getirge Hart„RrusScls, • Was a Weak-end Visitor at the home Miss Donna IVIeLean, London, Of hen ncirOlits, Mr, and MrS, puts new ‘0011141EA14 'TIRE on your tor T23 Intended for last week Mr. and Mrs. (Allister Green, Lin- da and Janice of Wing-harn spent Sunday with' Mrs, W, H. Weir and Miss- Gertie BUshand attoided the flewer service, in, the United Church on ,Sunday. They also called on Mr, and Mrs. George Gibson, • Mr. and :Mr's, Harvey Bradshaw' spent 'Sunday With Mr. an.d Mrs, Vic :Shera at Moorefield. Mr.'-apd Mrs, •Win, Newton and daughters, of Byron, Mr. and Mrs, .Lyle Hart and Patti, Listowel, were Sunday guests of Mrs. R. Newton, Mr, and IVErs, James ,Robertson and' -Jimmy and Mrs, Ethel Car- michael, Goderieh, visited Mr. and Mrs,' Wm, Hart on Sunday. Mr, arid Mrs, Billy Hart, St. -Catharines spent the week-end at, the same nonfe. 'Mrs. Wm. Hart returned hone with them- for an extended ,visit:• THE MIGHTY SCOT, 22/ lb, - linverneSs, Seothied YR. IVAN VOLKOFF 245 lb, - Bearded IttintSlan THE GREAT MOTTO '225 tb. Jiniktnese *Mt MELLOY 2zo Chidtga Bert .Armstrong 3 ANNUALLY REGULAR LOANS Loans of $1,000 and less are available on MOO Canada Credit's monthly payment terms. Don't let the lack of ready motiey prevent yon (tom buying seed, stock, or any other farm ,trettuiretnent. Get the cash you need so:T.4am trassiads Credis.;,' 11111:410;CideribtArt LOAM coos* TRANS CANADA CREDIT CORPORATION LIMITED *4"1 Phone: 181 Stiodalized ignition and 'Towing Stroke Wingham Omario ' ritimp. EXHIBITION ,- :PARIC1146 . . : 'CHILDIR:, .'.'',' tot ., . McLean, • Mrs, Kato Stuart, TOOSWater, WS, ,tind Ur; Harty Mdcientlip, hoo VV.toeloolitt. tioht &IMO, with. ,And 00itie itt1144' on the card arid along with three other miniature mat men will amuse the fans and cenfuse the referee. This will be the- first time for rannber of years that the gets will be seen locally and a-big turn ant is expected, Also 'of interest to the Wingham mat fans i8 the appearance of "Terrible Ted" the 450 •lb. C.B.C. wrestling bear. This amazing mal will astound phi' with his knowledge of holdt and in some its bit ,S411Alatt 001DRH1eitti ONTARIO tlittAtE