HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-06-18, Page 8n Adval1004010,1001, W*441040401To 414144 1450 SATURDAY NIGHT sr SPECIALS Prop in to the mill soon where we can outline the details of the SHUI?-GAIN 6-Step Hog Feeding program. We'd like to tell you too of the new SHUR-GAIN feeds for continuous medication of hogs. CANADA PACKERS LTD's WINGHAM 011iait . !RIG itoti;E,.... ~. M'!:CORN , 9.'for $ • . 15 o?',. DOG- FOOD1,•'.. , : ;.:, . , .....,1:2 for $1.00 , • 1 I;13., PRO. i'iVEGA:i'R6:ii'‘''4,14E'':.. ,:C:"; ..'.. ... . ... . 4 .for $1.00 :,,-.: AVL1Vfliilli ' ' '' - ',C..' 11 07, ATSJ P ' ' • ' ' . 5 for $1,00 ST. WILLIAMS'.'4)`:. ii".!•;`,...., '': :,. ' " . 9 OZ. A SSOrer:EP 4.:1.,LAMS. : - .•... 01. : • - '. 5for$1.00 LG.A. .. ' .' .. .7 ::",... ' ``,.',,,' , 15 OZ. BEEF STEW <'::::•'..,; .•;:r - ... 4 for $1.00 .Cheerios 10'/i Wheaties 12 oz;. Tri,ic i 81-/ :,.o ... 4;0' c0,13,..airis:;; JfeAs1/210,,00;;;.. K, cix ?(); C .,, ..„,........,-. : R Sli . 6 „for 1602. . 2 for $1.00 • .zo oz. , 8 for $l-00 PAL-CO • • 28 oz. CHOICE .,.,TOMATOES'. , . for $1:00 LYNN VALLEY 15 OZ, PEAS - . 10 for $1,00 •otimAAINGER. :FANCY RED 34.'s COHOE. SALMON , ••....3 for $,1.00 NATURE'S RE5T. CF,IEE4 P.1141110, OF NIA ciA14 Quaker TABLERITE MEAT FEATURES TABLERIVE - OVEN 1READY LB FRYING CHICKENS • . „ . 43c TABLERITE LB,, KG. FRANKS . • . , • SHORTCAKE sEnvit PLAIN ot IT* IT IrANOIr 29c Remington 's TABLERITE Get Acquaint- ed Pak TABLERTTE Pork Sausage 1/2 rico. Side Bacon • Litt, Pita Sliced Bologna • LH, PIII1 ALL FOR. $1.00 Market 1 - ever.1/2 isinienfarnilies aye &arrow eanfulestrlyfrom .11Ir • Reason? .,HFC, 0.anadeti leading consumer finance company, offers courteous money management advice and prompt loan service tiacjiegi by 80 years 4 ez. perience. At 1-IFt.you can up to.$1,000, get one-day •service and .take cr. up 'to a° months to repay 4. • „ . . 3. HOURS. ONLY. • 'or 3 ..HOURS. ONLY 7 to .10- 'pi tn. • EVERY :SATURDAY NIGHT CROMPTON'S JEWELLERY W*VYWI.NrS"eY,,"'".".' 20% OFF ELECTRIC STOVES and ELECTRIC WASH MACHINES from 7 p.m. to 10' p.m. Only NOW OPEN Frosty Queen lirfOt 1:00;10191US FROZEN CUSTARD CONES, EIKARE$, SLINPAES Hamburgs French Fries Drive In and See Us. PARKER and , EVE RSHARP PENS and PENCILS HALF' ;:'PRICE YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE • • . ., • - • . W.R.HAMILTON # OPTOMETRIST LI Thoroughness — Ability -L-• Time tested - 1 , - W Phone 37 for appointment yjiilii111 iill HansIIpIUrililiiiii isoiholuistilirill ormistimii, it . • Saturday Night Only Redpath Granulated 'SUGAR 10 LBS. for ONLY 89 c FLOWER and VEGETABLE , PLANTS STRAWBERRIES * More people come to I-IFC for money help mee R. K. FitCh, Manager 5A •Westlitreet Telephone 1.501 GODERICH rop,:Soil -Iinprovement Assoc. Sees Fine High School project at Exeter SATURDAY NIGHT PHONE 53 McKibbons ATTRACTIVE CROCUERV COOKIE JAR REGULARLY' 43,59 SPECIAL $1.98 THE PRUG WINGHAM SATURDAY NIGHT JUST USE -YOUR NORMAL GOOD TASTE. WHEN ion guy NEW APPAREL AND THir, BRING YOUR SUITS, COATS AND• DRESSES TO US ,FOR THAT EVER-NEW APPEARANCE. - TEMPLEMAN CLEANERS "Where the Charm of Newness Is ReStOred"' STEP OUT IN STYLE! , • Filter Cartridges! Your engine Wears fast With0114 proper lubrication and No does your steer• big without correct' wheel halapeing: IrVent costly steering and tire'.' wear. . }toe v4iheels checked with accurate BEAR eguMnaent every 'time you change oil filters. It costa no more at the shop with BEAR, Service at the "nappy Bear" SO: About 39 members of the Crop and Soil Improvement Association enjoyed a trip through 'the county on Monday. About twelve from the immediate district were in the They went to Exeter and then to Mitchell, where they visited the plant of Stacey Bros.,.who manu- facture butter and powdered milk, The firm has 1,000' milk patrons and 359 cream pa&ons and handles a, total -of 250,000 lb s. daily.'Stacey Bra's. ,have a continuous process Mitter-making re:Achille, invented and mannfactured in. Europe. The cream, coloring .and -,salt are put in 'one vat aid the machine takes' over, producing butter in one oper- ation.% The linthhed.'product leaves this section of the .machine in 8- inch squares and then automat- ically cut into' 1`-1b. prints and, wrapped, never being • touched in any ,Phase by human hands. '4 The group then :ViSited Ross Mar-, sbaIlis,..farm at Kirkton. Mr. Mar-. shall ls a Holstein' breeder, spec-. faliztrielli line 'breeding. 'He is milking 25 cows at'the present time and has a Torontomarket. The mint is 'transported .by bulk carrier, the yearly output being 325,000 lbs, An interesting comparison is that this 'Yearly output is less' than the daily poundage -processed in the, Stacey Bros, plant: Thee. Morrison dam, •a new county wassisisemassaa. council project in Usborne Town- ship,, was visited. It covers about 3,000 acre's and the cost • has been approximately 8200;000. It is 're- ported that this project is already helping out the water level ,in wells on the south side. The Exeter Women's institute ca- tered for the dinner at noon. Har- ry. Strang, Hensall, president of the Ontario Crop and Soil Improve- ment Association was their, host after lunch,' when they inspected his new pole barn, replacing his harn that was burned last winter. Mr. Strang is an elite seed grower, specializing in registered seed— wheat, barley and oats and 'his barn 'has .been designed for seed cleating and storage. The three acre experimental-plot at the Exeter High •School was well worth seeing, Andrew Dixon and his pupils hake:been working with beans and sugar beets and have made several tests of various kinds. They have discovered that trans'- planting is beneficial in the case of sugar beets and were able to show the visitors that the trans- plants were• more than twice the size of the plants that had not been transplanted. They are now' contemplating the wisdom of using, machinery for •this job, such as the transplanters used by tobacco ,growers. Nursery stock in evidence would total about $2,500.to .$3,000, A num- ber of dwarf 'apple and pear- trees have been uSed 'for grafting. The pupils are given these fruit trees as premiums for their labors, The barn at the Exeter school is quite adequate but not preten 3110111 RADIANT IS EXCELLENT IN U.S.A. Shore Radiant, who was the re- serve Grand Champion Holstein bull at Western Fair, London, last' fall, for 'Hardy Shore & Sons, of Glanworth, Ontario, has been clas- sified "Excellent" in the herd :Of his 'present owner; D, J. Staxman &. Son, Wauseon, Ohio. This is the, highest rating attainable for body conformation, Radiant scored 90 out of a, possible 100 points, Shore Radiant has been an out- standing winner ever since he was first shown in 1951, when he Was second senior bull calf at Western Fair. In 1955 he was third prize senior yearling, in 1950, second prize two-year-old at London and at the Royal Winter Fair, and hon- ourable inentiou for All-Canadian, Then in 1957 he was Reserve Grand Champion at Western Fair, Radiant% sire is Shore Royal Duke, one of the bitttery of Hol- stein sires maintained by the Ox- ford & District Cattle Breeding Association at Woodstock, His darn Is the rioted show cow, Shore Sov- ereign Biondle, Who is classified Very Good, and Who Was reserve Ail-Canadian, three-year-Old heifer in 1951, and received honourable Mention as All-Canadian heifer calf id 1948, She wait also a first mite winur at the iloyal Winter Pair Id 1951. and 1952, receiving lionour-• ;Ole mention as All-Canadian helf. er calf In 1948, She WWI also a fit* prize winner at the Royal Winter Fair in 1951 and 1952, receiving honourable mention as Ali-Cana- dian tour-year-Old In BEL /a 1949 She was reserve' itlnipr champion et Western Fear 4r1don.., 4 ry nous. The pupils erected it them- selves, • under the aupervision of Mr. Dixon at a cost of $1,700. In the poultry division they have 300 hens and, have had the' most suc- cess with the slotted floor. They also hatch pheasants and on Mon- day had 35 'ready for the 'Sports- men's Club.' A large perennial bed, a mass of bloom, from' spring to fall, con- tains only eight varieties of flowers and Mr. Dixon highly recommends such flower beds for all farm homes. This small-scale experimental farm, is not only educational, hht is also a paying proposition, Mr. Dixon and the students also have a garden of no small proportion. They supply vegetables to the cafe- teria and .what' isn't used there is sold to the-stores. EXhibits are also- At Grand Bend the group visited the Haig Farms, also known as Klondike Gardens, ,1,000 ' acres of marshy land. 'An up-to-date ware- house and cold storage plant con- tains 'the most modern equipment, with machinery to wash, clean and, pack the vegetables produced on the farin. Many of the Belgian and .Dutch families in the area, have. erected new homes. Mast of- these people settled there on arrival from their native lands six or seven years ago.- The 'price at that time was $1.09 per acre,: and is now '$350.00 per ;acre. Thesoil has Proven' superior to' that of the Thedford marsh. Another event , to take place un- der the sponsorship of the Huron' Association in the near future is the Twilight meeting at the Coun- ty Home on July 18th. WNITECNURCN Mr, and M▪ rs, Cameron Simmons arid Nancy of London spent Sun- day ,at the home of her parentS, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Martin. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. McInnis and son, Bud, of Walkerton visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Falconer, 'Mr. and 'Mrs, Clayton Scholtz and children of London visited on Sunday with his, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Etre Scholtz. Mr. and' Mrs, 'Ernest Charleton of Hamilton visited last week with Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Falconer. Mr, and Mrs. Hugh David Hen- derson and family of Liatowel visited on Sunday With his Aunt, Mrs. Win, DaWsOn, Mr. and Mrs, S. G. Gillespie 4100 the week-end at the hoMe of, Mr. and Mrs. Jack GilleSpie, Lon- don, Mrs. Allan Turner, Who spent the Winter at Toronto, returned to her hone here 'on Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs, Richard Turner and son wary. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Itehnedy, end• Mr, and Mrs., Jain Wooleoelt and baby Iltiari spent Thursday with friends at Alba Craig, ,Parkhill arid $trathroy, and attended Air ;Force day at Centralia on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. John' Metturney arrived intarie last Wednesday after spoudiug three Weeks on a trip to Kenera, Winnipeg, Calgary, Van- couver, 806ttle and Lethbridge. • Mr: and Wirt. Ihrold Sleaser.'and • , Graham Cook and children of Ripley, and other local, WInghari, and 13elgrave relatives, visited on Sunday with their Parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Cook, Mr. and Mrs, Alex Shiell and Donald of St, Thomas Spent the Week-end with Shiell and Me- Burney relatives in Winghtim and. Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Moore and Mr,' and Mrs. Jack Utter, also Mr. and Mrs, John Haney, .lean and Harold Moore, all of London, visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs: Wrn, Ken- nedy of M.arnoeh on Sunday, Many 91, Wawanosh 'folks learn.; ed with regret of the sudden passing of Mrs. Margaret Aitken Scott, on Friday night at her home in Wingham. For six years she taught school ' at S.S. No, 11, E. Wawanosh and, endeared herself to all in the community. For the past few years she taught ;in Me: GoWa.n's school on the 4th of E, Wawanosh. 6 Steps to Successf ul Hog Raising SHIER-GAIN 15% DRY SOW RATION SHUR-GAIN 16% NURSING SOW RATION SHUR-GAIN 18% PIG TAIL-CURLER (Medicated) SHUR-GAIN 16% PIG BOOSTER-STARTER (Med.) SHUR-GAIN 16% HOG GROWER (Medicated) SHUR-GAIN 15% HOG FINISHER THE SHUR=GAIN 6.STEP HOG RAISING PROGRAM IS THE SOUND WAY TO ENSURE MAXIMUM RETURNS FROM YOUR SWINE. The SHUR-GAIN 6-Step program is the most direct you can follow. This has been proven in• practical tests on the SHUR-GAIN Demonstration Farm so you KNOW you're going to get results. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sharpe of Teeswater visited on Sunday with Mr. 'and Mrs. Edwin SMyth. The follOwing funnies atteraiki made • at the• fall fairs and it is the ,Scott family reunion, held at 'customary to return with a 'tidy, the Gore Park, Elora on Saturday, sum in prize money. The project has been so successful and self- supporting -that the proceeds easily pay for, the teacher's salary. it has develOped in such proportions that it has been necessary to add an. assistant. Mr., and Mrs. Albert Coolies and family, Mr, and Mrs, John Gaunt, Harley and •George; Mr. and Mrs, George Coultes, Mr. and Mrs: J. M. Coultes, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Boa- man, Mr. Robt. Coultes and Mr, and Mrs, Norman Coultes and family. Murray Sidon, Ivan Dow, and ,Tim and Kenneth Coultes were at Exeter on Saturday where they played ball with the .group of Jr. .P`rirtners. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Thompson .and little son visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon Wright of Clifford: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Zinn and family and Mrs. Rutherford Rea.Vie and Sharon, visited on Sunday with Mr. Reavie„ in Westminster HoS- pital, London, and with .112f.r, and Mrs. Kenneth Pardon at Thorn, dale. Mr. and Mrs: Ross Thompson and family of Tillsonburg, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Calvin. Robinson. Mr. arid Mrs. Clarence Chatnney visited on Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Ja's. O'Brien of' Owen Sound, Among those from a distance, Who attended the funeral ,of the late Mrs. John Falconer on Wed., nesday last at the Currie funeral home were Mr, and Mrs, Gordon JainieSon and Mr. and Mrs. •Alex Butler of Goderieli; Mr. and Mrs. Wm, McInnis and son Bud, and Mrs, R, Morristin of Walkerton; Mr, and Mrs. :Ernest Charleton of Hamilton; Mr. and WS. Calvert Faicerier, Bruce and Carl, 13lytill Mr. and MrS. Wm, ralconer, Mr, and Mts. Ernest tr'alceiner, Bine- vale; Mr. and :Thos. Meinnia, Gorrie ; Mrs. R, T, Harkness," Brampton; Mr, and Mrs, John Mc- Innta and Mrs. Wm, McPherson, Holyrood; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Row- cliff°, Bert Colo-nail, Kenneth Baker, Mrs. Murray Speera anti son Jelin, Mrs, Alek SpeerS, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cronin and his 'mother, Mrs, Margaret Cronin, David. Cronin and Mrs. Leslie Mc- Kinnon, all from Caledoni Mrs, William Ferguson and. Miss Jean Ilainilton, Mrs. Allie Craig, Miss Marjorie Little, and Mrs. Minnie Cloakey, all of London; and Mrs, Harold Quinn, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Hutchison, Miss Le- nore Armstrong And Mrs. Mary Calder, all from Tharnesford; Mr, . and Mrs. .Tohn Palermo, VW, ,loa.,Falconer and' Mrs. Gm Falconer, of Ititelienerl Mr, and Mrs. Richard WeIWOod Mid dot el" from Elliott Lake; Mr. and Mrs, IteliSoll tramouar,.sarturq htra, Tohn Carruthers, LuelcnoW; Mrs, John Cash* and son Percy of Teearvater; Miss Etruria Richardson of M. 404: vg,„mr.,r90.40,1:0fittJ,44igs100. AYLMER 15 OZ. BostonI3rC403EANS • . • . • . 7 for $1.00 ki-ornitur, . 16 OZ. PEANIM. BUTTERS . 4 for $1 .00 NanTE....coLouRoo *' • KLEENEX:;E4inonly.Size 3 for $1.00 wEsTnnwitcn Tor LET': t • • • 11 for $1,00