HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-06-18, Page 4errtilTai— tit e 4.0 11•6041.1190$4 Weihle CASH 11EGISTItin .(111(1' adding machine rolls ara available at The Xdvanee-Tiroe s oifflee at ell times, as well as ribbons for typo- writers. • ^, Visitors will find that the .en- tire coastline of the National Path in Prince 3.14warri Island is a solid 'unbroken 25 miles of beach equal to the best in other well-known vacation lands, COMING EVONTS r011i MST _ . HEATED litvz ROOM Apartment fOr rent. Possession August 1st. No children please. Phone 1083, 18b REAL 4STATE ''FOR SALE CARD OF TUANICS4 ' I would lace to thank my friends and neighbors of Gorrie and corny munity for their many acts of kindness, and for gifts and-flowers sent to me while I was Florence Wright, Geril0. - • CARD op THANKS I Wish to express 'my sincere thanks to all my many ;friends who so kindly remembered me with cards, letters and gifts. Each was very much appreciated, A special thanks to Mrs. Morrey, • Dr. Mc- Murchy,,Dr, Crawford and staff of nurses of the Wing-hain General Hospital,,--Mrs. Tune Thompson, • 18* ENTERTAINMENT each evening at the -Clifford Inn. C6.1111.) SIX ROOM HAWK house for sale, Fully Modernized, Phone 5723, 1, h 28rr • • • C4VITS TAXI n.Rvi6r, and Used • Furniture, We buy and sell, Phone 180. rrb DA•VENO for sale, good -condition: ;25,00, Phone 434, 18b SALES WOW WANTED ----KALE Mr $,, R. Scott Passes Suddenly Mrs, R ,1 Scott, the former Mar- garet Isabella Aitken, passed away Soddenly at her borne in Wingbanr, on Friday, Juno 13, Born in Ton be rry TO she was a daughter of 'the into William Aitken and Helen Ritther, ford She attended Wingham High School 'and :Stratford Normal School. She taught at. 5.3. Na., 11 East Wawanosh for "mix years nd for the past font. years has been . the teacher at • SS, No, 10 'East. Wawatiosh. • She was- married on October 31, 1923, and her husband predeceased her May .21 -She is survived . by three daughters. Isabel (Mrs John McMillan) Lietowel. Nora (Mrs. Gordon 13.0"bb") Astifield. and . Miss Mary Scott at hone, and two sons, Kenneth and Malcolm, both of Belgrave. .A sister, Agnes (Mrs„ f. Scott Inglis) Carrick Township., and two brothers, Charles W, 'ken; ,Kincardine and James Aitken, Donovan ,Sask- also stir- vivo, There are .eleven grandchild- ren, A sister Mary and a brother Stewart Aitken predeceased her, The funeral was held on Mond . day from R. A. Currie 3c Sons funeral home at 2 o'clock With in- terment In Brandon Cemetery. Rev, Alexander Nimmo, D.D., of St,' Andrew's. Presbyterian Church, .of which Mrs. Scott was a member, of- ficiated:. llll lllll lllllll On04 TWO-ROOM APARTMENT with bath for rent on Josephine Street • Apply to John Falconer, 913 Un-: Ion Street, Kitchener, or Harold Pocock. 11:18:25t MEPITRVf .SMED TRICYCLE for- sale, Phone 662W1, Wallace •Conn. 18" COTTAGE 'for sale at Point Clarke or would consider trade on new half ton truck Write Box 34 Advance-Times, 18b WANTED: Man for steady travel among consumer's in Townships of Turnberry, East Wawanosh and West Wawanosh, Only re- liable hustlers considered. Write Rawleigk's Dept. F-453-131, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, 18b //MK FILTERS for sale—"Rapid AO", 6,-inch, 79c; 614-inch,` 85c Alexander's Hardware. lrrb 114 STOREY," 9-room frame and brick bungalow for sale. Fou: bedrooms and garage, Situated on Catharine Street, to be sold, at a fair price. Phone 396. 4yrb GOOD USED, PIANO for sale, Reasonable* price. Phone Wrox- eter 26r5, 18b COOKSTQVE for sale, Renfrew Cookrite, in good condition, $40, Ken Mason, Belgrave, phone Wingham 6104. 18* KFt0EHLER 65th anniversary ',spec- ials in davenport and. bedroom Suites at the Mildmay Furniture Showrooms. Godfrey Schuett, 18:25b SALES IHCLP WANTED, FEMALE; Applications tor 'CARETAKER AT Wingham Distrid High School Will be received by the undersigned until,. 12 o'clock noon , JUNE 24th, 1958 1. Applicants should state experience, qualifications a,nd sahiry expected. Duties are to commence as soon as, possible, but not later than' July 1st, 1958. For 'any further 'particulars concern= ing the position consult any member ris of•the Board. THIS IS ONE PLACE,- where business and :pleasure really mix -71n an exclusive Avon territory. You can earn large commissions whilemaking new friends, The benefits work' both ways—ask any Avon Representative, For inform- ation about available districts near you please write Mrs. Lour- len Green, Box 281, Hanover. UPSTAXR APARTMENT for rent Immediately. Four rooms, bath hot and cold Nvater, private en, trance, garden available: Abstain- ers. Phone 552W. • 181/ APARTMVNT for rent in, Tees- water, 7 rookis and bath, .$30.00 • per month, Available July 1st, Mrs, Eddie Wader, 17r4 Tees- water. 18* COTTAGE for rent at Kintall, private beach, good. swimming, hydra, sleeps 7 or 8, $25.00 per week, Phone 434. Few vacancies left 18.b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY MODERN BUNGALOW for sale, oil furnaCe, picture windows wall-to-wall carpeting in large living room, new garage attached • with Berry door, sun porch, large Tot, low taxes, Asking $6,000 cash Phone 434 or 981. 18* STUCCO HOUSE for sale on Fran- -Pis Street, Wingham, Six rooms, 3-piece bathroom, garage, garden, Splendid location, Available July lst.—Apply to Mrs. Mabel Hare, R.R, 1 Hillside St., Waterloo, Ontario, phone Sherwood 23174.' 11:18:25b CABINS light housekeeping for 2 or 3, Central location, $25 per Week for 2, - Write Ba: 59,.41 Woodward Ave,, Grand Bend, Ont. 11:18:25:2b CARD Ol THANKS' We. would like to express our sincere appreciation to friends, neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Beattie and others for their kind- ness and assistance, floral tributes, loan of cars, etc,, at the time of our very sad bereavernent,---Family of Mrs. R. J. Scott. 18h CARD OP. THANKS We wish to thank our friends, neighbors and the employees of Huron County for ,the 'lovely gift. A special thanks to those who or- 4anized the shower, We appreciate t very much: Harvey and Betty Bradshaw. 18 4' EMPLONMENT WANTED DO YOU want to run a. fine ser- vice station? Proven financial returns, rent very reasonable, Write R, E. McKinney, Box 508. Wingham. Confidential. • 1.1:18:25b SENIOR STUDENT wants summer employment. Preferably farm work or painting. Familiar with all types 'farm equipment. Phone 758W3. • le' TEACHER WANTED IJARGE COMPLETE Scout Uni- form, $5,50; Hammerton 199. 18b ORIENTAL RUG for sale, 9"x101/2', suitable for neutral colors of furniture. Phone 3937. 18b SEVERAL used milking machines for, sale, Let us install one of these or a new Woods in your home an a trial basis. Distance is no barrier. Irving Keyes, Glands, Phone Paisley 114r4. 23Alt-Nov 50 ACIR.ES on highway No. 87, at the outskirts of the Village of Wroxeter, 0 room, 4 bedroom brick house, 6 rooms remodelled last year. 4-piece bath, oil fun nace, pressure system, built-in cupboards. Barn, refixed, stabling for 20 cows, 5 pig pens, new silo River runs along edge of farm Both buildings recently rewired and in good repair. Please call or write: Mr. RobertG, Gibson jr., R.R, 1, Bluevale, Ontario. Phone Wrox eter 4r6. 11:18:25h REPAIRS THAT'S RIGHT, for choice screen- ed cement' gravel, whether now or later, phone P. Holmes, 988 Wing-ham ' 1.8:J2'" CARD OP THANKS We would like to express our sincere -appreciation_ •for acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and floral tributes received from friends, relatives and neighbours at the time, of our recent bereave- ment.—Herbert Latdlaw and fam- ily. 18* EXPERIENCED PROTESTANT Teacher for Union School No. 7, East Wawanosh to start next September. Apply stating salary, experience and qualifications to John A, McBurney, R.R. 1, Bel- grave, Secretary East Wawanosh Township School Area Board. 18:25b CARS AND TRUCKS FOR SALE The pallbearers were Tom Inglis, Robert Inglis, Stewart Aitken, Al- bei!'t Aitken, truce Darling and John Rutherford. The floWer bear- ers. were Stewart . 'Beattie, Athol Bruce, Harold Vincent; and Alex MOBurney AMBULANCE SERVICE 49 PONTIAC in good condition at low price, Phone 351, 18b BUILDING AND - PLUMBING SERVICE—Repairing, remodel- ling, bathrooms, cupboards. WI can supply you with . all you' plumbing needs, Bathroom fix , tures, McDougall pumps,, electri, water heaters, pipe, arborite wall-board, floor tile, etc. Georg 'A, Carter, R.Ft. 5, Wingham Phone 713W1. 4:11:18:25b YVONNE 1VicPHERSON, Acting Secretary. - Wingham District High School Bard. lvfeDOUGALL'S LAWN Mower Ser- vice—grass shears, scissors, etc., sharpened, Re-conditioned mow- ers for sale, • Phone 553w. 28,4,11,18,25* • 750 CREDIT NOTE drawn on II -Mills Molar Sales, Goderich, to be applied on purchase of a new, Chrysler product for sale. Will self for $500 cash, Telephone 30R41. Wroxeter. 4:11:18" "011.1.,1 llllllllllllllll ii1111111111111101111111(11.. l • lll 11f1111'1111,0,111,,, llllll 1 llllllllll 11111•IfIllIffiitilw:11.1411g1111i,11.11i CARD OP THANKS We wish to take thi0 opportunity If:•extending to all our friends and leighbours our deep gratitude and umreelation for the expressions•of . uympathy and all the kind deeds bestowed upon us during Our ber- •avement in ,the loss of -our mother. Your kindness to :us at this -thine sill always „ rernembered.----Fal- .ioner, Welwood and Cronin"famil- les,-. 181) LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TIRRIE'S AMBULANCE,' Wing ham, Safe, courteous- Service Phone Day, .01; Nighti 716 or 636 13rri issersamosamossistoisam— mot YOUNG CALVES- for sale. Apply Oscar Holmes, 73933 Wingham,' 1.8b 11 'PIGS; 8'f weeks- old for sale. Apply to Garner Nicholson, Bel. grave, or phone 13r17 Brussels. 18* MASSEY-FERGUSON TRACTORS, 'NEW 50's -and 65's NEW HOLLAND BALERS - ROLLAWAY COTS, Spacesavers, bedding, Divans. Good selection at Sehnett's Mildmay Furniture, free delivery. 18:25b NOTICE The Turnherry and Morris- dumi. in Bluevale will be 'open or Thursday afternoon of each weer, from 2 to 4 o'clock, for 41rthe information apply to Geo, Green- ' „away. 11:18:2517 HEADSTOCK WANTED )EADSTOCK removed .promptb for sanitary disposal, FREE idol( up on larger animals, reasonable eolleetion charge -for small ant mats. , Phone collect- \gingham 378; Palmerston 123w, or Dur. ham 308, Gordon Young '(Elmira) Limited. Grrb MEAT ,FOR SALE—Good beef b3 the quarter, Killed on premises. Inspected by Dept. of Health Yearling heifers, Top quality. Lowest prices. Raynard Ackert, Ripley, phone 24r30. 17171) ••••,•••••••• 4 PIGS ready to wean for sale. Apply to Geo. Fisher, White- church, Phone 747W11. 18b 11 'WEANER PIGS and 20 chunks for sale. Frank Stamper 15 ring. 20 Wroxeter. 18* 20 CHUNKS of pigs for sale. Red- • mond MacDonald, phone 739j2. 18* IN MEMORIAM CASEMORE —In • loving memory of Douglas Casemore, who passed away one year ago, June 17, 1957. It's not the words, they -are hut few, It's the loving memory we keep of you, Though absent, you are ever near, ;till loved, still missed and ever - dear. ---Ever remembered by mother, dad, sisters and brothers, 1.3b ALL PEOPLE ARE CORN! .tiELPLESS AND SOME OF N EVER OUTGROW IT BALER 'TWINE We. are selling. Out eta' stock of Baler Twine. !fills 1 itt a Reduced Price, and yen spank'. stop: a OW 4.6e .us for :Your reqUirChieriC Give irs the tintnhor of •halos yore need; 'tyre will give. you -a, ptiee,Ittrd deliv`ar their' tir i,00r f,iivii, lit'ytirii' request. This 18 Goad Twifie - TRY POULTRY FOR SALE 'ANNOUNCING—The greatest in- . vention in house-cleaning since the vacuum cleaner. The ELIJX- o=mAT,rc has so- many new feat- ures. You must see it -to believe it.. Call L. H. Reynolds, 69931, your Eieetrohix Dealer. rrh AUCTION. SALE . • — AUCTION SALE On Francis St., Wingham SATURDAY, JUNE 21, at two o'clock sharp TERMS: CASH - 1/LeClary Kitchen. Range, Chrome Kitchen Suite, Pressure Cooker Keivinator Frig., cooking utensil:, and dishes, bed and spring filled mattress, Oak dresser, chest of drawers, 3/4 bed with springs and spring filled mattress,.' mahogany -dresser, night table, cedar ,ehesi. writing desk and hall tree, Gerard Hdintzman piano, piano bench chesterfield,' occasional chairs, ent table and card table, bridge lamf and„table Magazine., stand electric heater; drapes ' and cur. 'woollen blankets 'and ;bed ding, stepladders and garden tools lawn mower and garbage pails, tut stands. Many other articles too numerous to mention. Mrs. Laura Hayden, Prop. L, G, Bryce, Auctioneer 11;181r pick-up,. 8000 DEKADI3 PULLETS for sale. Healthy, well raised,. vaccinated 'for bronchitis and Newcastlq. 12 weeks old June 26th and July 3rd, Discounts .on large orclert Free delivery on all orders of 200 or more. inspection invited. Enquir- ies promptly answered. Call or write "MOORE'S POULTRY Farm" R.R, 3, Seaferth, Ontario, phone 647r31. 1.1rrb IVIISCELLANEOLTS MEDICALLY APPROVED Nia- gara Deep Massage increases circulation, relieves fatigue an(' aching muscles. Effective for figure control. Loeal representa- tive Mrs. Walter Pocock, phone' 993. 18rrb POWER MOWER, sales and ser- vice, pick-up and delivery, Stain- toil, Hardware,' phone 30, Wing- ham, ' 1.4rrh USED .TRACTORS 1 No, 44 Tractor No. 20 Row Crop 1 No. 20 Standard • USED EQUIPMENT 1 Cage Combine, complete with motor and ' HIGHEST cash prices paid for sick, down and disabled Cows and Horses, also, dead tows- and horses -at cash value. Please phone promptly Bruce Marlatt„ Call collect 56r7 Brussels, 24 hour service. 19rrb Highest Cash Prices paid for old, sick or disabled- HOrses& COWs iiiifiltiEST CASH:VALUE PAM IN SURROUNDING DISTRICT for DEAD COWS and HOLSICS. F61. Prompt, Sanitary Disposal, do or night OLD HORSES for Slaughter at 5ti per poled. 24 DOUR SERVICE Phone LEROY ACHESON WANTED JOHN:DEERE. dealer in. Brussels, used tractors for sale. Jobs Deere Model A and Model A.R.: Oliver Crawler, Mealy other used Machinery, also F,C. 150 one-half tort Willis jeepn VA ton Chey.. 51; International 51. one ton and other equipment, Wes Budnarlt, Brilesels, phone 58J. 181, nuteapolts' 8 rt Swathet I 4 40)07.V.a* task '(for'Vot:c1 FerblOcin imam) 1 8-ft. Binder on rubber 1 7-ft. 13ioder on steel REPAIRS 'TO ,ALL , MAKES --Of. lawnmowers, power and hone Also a number of peed machines for sale. From $3.50 to $7,50, de- pending on condition. Jenkins Repair Service, Phone 094W, Wingham. rrb CATTLE WANTED for pasture. Mostly new seeding, rest alfalfa and broom grass. Jim Johnston, RR, 1, Wingham, phone 701W1. 181) CHARLES HODGINS ONE single bedroom suite; small kitchen Cabinet, sofa and •two armchairs, odd 'chairs and small tables, odd pieces of furniture, dishes and small appliances Phone 434 or '981. 18* atilOVATOTI Automagle, Sham- peo—Now you can renew the appearance of rugs, upholstery, Teases no ring, odor or color change. Take half the work out of Your spring cleaning. Avail- able at Walker Home Furnish- ing's. rrb Notice to SEPTIC TANKS, Cesspools, ete,, cleaned with modern etpliprru;nt, All work guaranteed. Louis Blake, R.R, 2, phone 42r6 Brus- sels, 26pr25JE* BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRE TORY CRAWFORD 11[11101•1N 4N DarrlaterSo Solicitors, %Vietnam, , Plume 48 11. CRAWFORTS, 8, 1 DOD OTONi, Q.C. Atwood 153, collect GEORGE IIISLOP • Wroxeler 2,11 ,Inne30 WANTED TO RENT TOWN OR 'FARM house with .modern conveniences, Reason- able 'rent, Close to Wingham Phone 127R. . 18h NOTICE TO MENTORS IN THE ESTATE OF EDITH EVELYN PROCTER ALL PERSONS having claim: against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the, Village of BelgraVe,, in the County "of linron Spinster, who (Bed on the Twenty- eighth day 'of April, 1958, are re quired to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the Twenty-first day of June, A.D., 1058. After that date the Executors will proeeed to distribute the es- tate.having regard only to Iht, claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this See. and day of June, A.D., 1058. CRAWFORD -&•HEITHIMINGTON WIrigharn, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors 1:11:18t NEVER, NEVER, never since the world began such relief from sore, aching, burning feet, weak ankles, sore knees, hips and Wit, cramps in feet or legs, Corns, callouses, bunions dis- appear, arthritis pains fade ttway, brings bac* circulation. Consult W. A: Kaufman, phone 04 Lis- towel, open Tuesday afternoon and evening, and at the 'Bruns- wick. Hotel, Wingham,, on Tune 26 and July 10, Phone 666, ,rrb Velt1610 HARVESTER and forage hevt for sale, new 1957, harvested :12 -aaree; (dipper '6 ft, 'combine, Motor driven in excellent condi- tion, Sold the farni.--Wm. Graeey, V•ift, Sprtngffeld, Ontario, 4:11:18* OV FEET CAN cause pain In kneeti, hips and lower haelc., or ddinite lasting re- sit-Ate bleeds„ with J, A. V1CKER,S, VOot (torreetienist, Ouerms Wilighatn, oh Monday after- henna, 2001) J. W. BUSIIFIELD WATER CONSUMERS The 'hours for watering lawns and gardens are from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., and from 6 13.m. to 9 p.m, Thi,5 will be strictly enforced. An ANNUALcharge of $4A4 gross, less prompt payment discount of 10 per cent, is made for the use of a hose or outside tap for the above • noted purpoiei. Anyone found watering lawns or gardens, who has not paid for this service will be Idle() accordingly. A. H, 111911121 BAltRISTER, SOLICITOR. and, NOTARY 1p11840 TEINSWATER ONTARIO Telephone 83 Teeswater Wrinteter,—Every 'Wednesday atternoen, 2-4 p.m., or eilrintrnent, Q.C. • Solicitor, Netart EtO. Money to Loan Ottiew—Meyer Winkhant CLACTON FIR SEE THE' USED .FURNITURE at R. A. CURRIE & SONS Insitrllliet, 18C040inpany, An call Canadian 001111001 Y 10" has ;faithfully served its policy noldiers for toivio:rtie emlitty; \ toad 0 — Ti)rot4 ,0 111. I .-Maa,Arvorkitgavviltiioitte Atoll,* Wiileham Public Utilities Commission Ttrifil#416eC Chesterfield suite, a bargain, .$89,00; nbeeterbed With Vv -140114, - clear $2915; dining tors*, tit to with" otterision 0,094, kitchen Stool*;$9.',.. bunts atihoistotext,ymittir, • two Ordrifort ter C. E;Shera, guporilltenthmt Es YOUR TELEVISION properly insured lot all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- Art A, Scott, Wingham, arrb STEWART A. SCOTT can now save you 15% on your car er truck insurance, Yearly or six months polidies are aVallable. Special rates for farmers, Poi' further frdermation phone 293, Wingham, 29rrb irOR ARTIERITAL I nseininatlon service or more information, telephone. the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association collect gat Clinton MY 2.8411 or Formosa. office, 'phone Toeswater, 126, be- tween 7186 and 9.6 fon. We supply SerViee to top quality bulls re. the Volstein, :tersey, Ayrshire, GuerliSey, Brown SWISS, :Red Poll, HerefOrd (polled and horn, erl) Beef Shorthorn. (polled Or herbed), ithel Dual Purpose Short,' horn, Angtia and Charetalse braids. Thit cost IS laW., 23trb eederick V, 14onitith Ohni.13,, Carrot ttb, Mrs, Viols II, it, 0, nioroNtryntros Primo US iitittittton, Ontario TENDERS WANTED Tenders will he received by the undersigned up till Julie 21 for the erection of a foundation, laying sub floor and top floor, contractor to supply all material, contract to •be -completed by August 20. Fur- ther particulars ean he had from the secretary, Lowest or any other tender not necessarily accepted'. Russell Gaunt, Sce.-Treas,, R•11,5, Lucknow S.p, No. 9 icinloss T> IVt)EliS WANTE'D The Trustees of thievale United . Qhureh are calling for settled ten- dere On a; eireulatory heating sys. tern capable of beating church auditorium and Surisclay School room efficiently at the same time when the outside temperature is' zero, Tenders Must be accompanied With licheniatle and detailed speciti- catiohs, including all controls, and the prides cover the use of either oil or Coat, The lowest tender not necessarily accepted and allettld- he sent tp the nndersigned. secretary of the beard, tot later than july . 20; 11.958".- :SparTfne. Rift 2, Oltialiale, Otit. FINANCING A CAR1 Before you Oily, ask about oils t.,Ow ,Cost toimineing Service with complete, Immranee Coverage. l'hilhe 293 STEWART A. SCOTT Wingham :Box Holders' Manies Not Given Out. It iri mttoo agahla over roles to illVtilge the name Or address B-• of May talliturtiser Using onl 40stiedillineft nos Ntritibet, t4 for Ong ' " Int " oseioriciakeliaieeeeleolealioaiimiataitein tt •