HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-06-18, Page 2•
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fleWhoshilifit Advattpe-wittteil, Wefinesomy, Also is, 19
Last Sunday afternoon, as the
Kinsfnen and some of those who had
1)een exhibitors at the Trade rair
were standing around at 'the arena
carrying out the post niortem, one of
the chth members expressed the
thought which was uppermost in our
mind. He said, "You see, Wingham
isn't dead after all."
The Trade Fair certainly proved
that there is plenty of life in the
business community here. There
were 45 exhibitors at •the Fair and
. the great majority of them were
Wingham. business men, who ex-
pressed, in the most practical way,
their confidence that economic pros-
pects here are bright indeed. They
would scarcely have rented space
and put in hours of work and the
necessaryinvestment in decoratmg
materi'als, had they been convinced
that the business outlook is hoPeless
.!aiklall this in the first -Ti-akre
Fair, before there'was any precedent
on which" ;to • base. their, confident
approach. .
During.' -last andthe early
This is. National Water Safa:Y
. Week. These National Weeks' come
With boring frequency, but in this
particular instance we have one that
is well wOith some thought, as we
in Wingham have sad reason 'to
- There is, of course, the possibility
that rea,ders of this newspaper .ni.ay
also' be a little bored with the subject
of water safety, but that doesn't
bother us one iota'. prOvided.we
continite to get reSults...
• As you know,' The AdVance-
Tinfes was partially responsible for
raising a tidy sum to be used for the
express purpose of promoting -water
safety here. The first practical step
was .taken last week, with, the.arriVal
• of six life, preservers to be pladed at
particularly dangerous sp:ots along
- the river. This, of. course, is only
„.,the beginning: There are many, More
ings .to be done before we have-
• provided every , possible means of
Pveventing drowninks,, :one of. the
most,- important of . being the
erection of fences:and guard rails at.
tire.most hazardous spats.
One of the rnost7effectiVe5meatts
Of preventing drdwnings, *of coiirse,
is to fw,OVide ,Swimming inthiction
for evei.:i'149-3;:?' and girl the tf3rn-
rinui4y., onatter of,.' tact we
Would 1ile to 'see the day _wketv such
instruction -is compulsory. In this
field the Re c Teat ion ;,C -o aS-betii
doing an eikcellent 'job for 'several
years; despite- the fact .1t.lat. yourig
sa,rs, hive;•ttO''be t.ilati#017!ted to .*a
n eigh861iii 't at- les ions.
In the same vein we are sorry indeed
to learn :that the entOlnient fdr
water safety :instruction' at Gorrie
this :suinnter - has dwindl'ed-:.:to the.
point where only' 'one .cOhrse will be
needed rather than the 'two, which
were required:last Smuttier: . ,
Our program . Wingham will
never be complete until there is some
-adequate swi mining -areawithin the
town in which water safety instruc-
tion can be given and in which
youngsters can, enjoy their swim-
tning without being attracted to the
more dangerous areas at the two
dams. We do not contend that a.
fifty thousand dollar pool is the only
answer. It is highly possible that a
much less expensive alternative may
be found by creating a clean and safe'
swimming spot in the river itself,
with proper adult supervision,
One thing, however, is utterly
certain, If we are all prepared to
spendmoney for accident insurance,
for fire coverage and protection
against theft, we should be able to
see the sense in a few dollars spent
on the insuring 'of children's lives by
proper safety measures.
the Winghatn Advance -Times
Ptiblisted at Wingharn, Ontario
Wenger Brother* Pubilitierett
W. Barry Wenger, Editor'
liternber Audit Unread of Orientation
Authorized as Second Clare Milli
Post Office Dept,
lubeeriPtkirt /tate — 'one Year PAO, Mit Month*
$1;150' In nal/fined
fl. A At. $1-00 Pee Yost
tartrign *ate HA Per Year
_AllikeintlifitOitteea atiallottion
4 "
Part of the winter there was a sort
of general discouragement rampant
along the main street. Many busi-
nessmen seemed to feel that we were
on the 'irerge of a major depression
which would equal, if not surpass
those grayest months of the thirties.
Facts, of course, did not bear out' the
theory. The actual truth of the
matter was that the flow of business
though local outlets compared .very
favorably with the previous year,
,and in many cases surpassed it.
We are all subject to tremendous
influence by the mass media of pew -
papers, radio and television in this
day ahd age and it is possible that
the stories of unemployment in other
places affected us unduly here, There
WOS no widespread unemployment in
Wingham during the winter—in fact
ernployment was at a little higher
level than the Pievions winter, Why,
then, the gloom.
r. One factor in the world of busi.
ness, must, of course, be recognized.
Most businessmen have become ac-
customed to an increase in volume
each year, a state of. affairs which
cannot logically be expected to con-
tinue for ever. , It is quite obvious
that there must a levelling off
somewhere along the line. But that
hardly spells disaster;
If the WinghamTrade Fair has
done nothing else it has ro-ven that
there is still a great backlog of en-
thusiasm and confidence available—
and those two qualities are perhaps
the most ;important assets in a busi-
nessman's life. Wheh those qualities
are translated into imaginative, hon-
est merchandising bothistore owner
ancl customer will, fare well,,
Last Friday morning it was this
writer's sincere pleasure to . have
breakfast with a group Of American
weekly newspapermen who are tour-
ing Ontario as the guests of the De-
partment of Travel and Publicity.
Corning from some thirty states in
.the Union, they provided a' fair
cross-section of American opinion.
One of their frequent theme 8 of
conversation -was the beauty and
apparent prosperity of the country-
side throukh which they had been
driving. They weie not the type of
men to waste words in idle compli-
ments in fact many of these re-
marks -were overheard as .conVer-
sation between members of 'Phe
group, and not directed to' their On-
tario hosts. .
Much of the credit for the attr.a.c-
tiVe appearance of the countryside
must be passed on to the owners of.
farins,„who, within the past 15 years
have done so much to improve the
appearance of property. Mot, of us
can recall a day, not too many 'years
ago, when the average Ontario farm
was -not a prone example, of pride in
Four -}'i' club members, Junior
Farmers and junior Instituters have
been bringing home new -ideas about
what an Ontario farm should look
like and the results are truly worth-
while. Rather than thinking of thea
home a.cres only as a source P -C dol-
lars and cents these young 'people
have learned that beauty and econ-
omy go hand in hand. Thousands of
barns and fences have been painted.
There mast be miles of new hedges
and borders; many acres of well -
trimmed lawns and -goodness knows
how many thousands of recently -
planted trees.
All this improvement adds up to
better business for the farming sec-
tion of our populace. It is a gafe bet
that when those Amprican editors
get back home they are going to
write a good many words about the
kind of place they visited. Not only
that, but when they go shopping
they are going to have a fresh inter-
est irt Ontario turnips, Ontario
cheese, in fact anything that comes
from an Ontario farm, •
We think that Ontario farm
owners deserve a real pat on the
back for the wonderful job of im-
provement they have done and' are
continuing to do Since their proper-
tieS sit right out beside the road for.
all to see, they have become first-
class advertiser for our province as a
i3OX 473 I
The Advance -TWOS,
Willem% Ontario, '
Wre*etert Out.
lune MA 1908
Dear Sir.
I can see by Mir editorial and
news column that you. arc better
aware than this reader of the role
played by Agricaltare' in the not-
lon'S eCOnOrniP bloodstream?
In pondering the way in which
the se -called High Cost of Food
has snaggled mtAt of the spotlight
from the ether side of that same
nutritional eoin•.0-High Cost of
Farming -I'm thinking that you
will find the following table news-
worthy and thought-prevoicing
(although from the U.S. farm
scene) so I send it along. The of -
tidal -figures are culled from your
rural contemporary "'National
Grange Monthly" (May issue) and
will deliver their -own message,'
showing the nuniber of minutes of
wbrk an Average factory employee
gave for a few staple foods In 1647,
compared with 1957.
In 1947: • In 1957:
Per a dozen eggs 32 min. 19 min.
Choice steak (1 lb.) SO " "
Bag of- sugar (5 lbs.) 27 " 16 ".
Potatoes (10 -lb, bag) 27 ". 15"
Milk (-1. qt.) ., 10 "
Bread (loaf) ' 6½'" 5
Clearly, the primary producers;
are giving smart value for the dol-
lar's they get from their Off -the -
farm customers, today?'
-* *
Mr. Barry Wenger,
The Wingham Advance -Times,
Wingham, Ont.
Dear Mr. Editor:
When you Arst suggested that
the Wingham Trade Fair would
give you a fine opportunity to- dem-
onstrate to your community that
you were now in a position to
handle' all its requirements in the
way of typewriters and other busi-
ness machined, and asked me if I
would co-operate.. I was happy to
say yes,
• I have, as you know, had S. great
deal to do with Trade Fairs, and
similar projects and, feel that they
serve an, extremely useful 'purpose
in stressing • the "buy at hoine"
After the experience of those
three days I can say that of all
the functions I have seen, yours in
Wingham ranked among the very
best. It was well organized by
your Kinsmen, well siipported by
Your. business -men' and the public,
and a distinct credit, to the com-
munity in every possible way. '
One of the \ most important fag,
tors in its, success was, I believe,
the fine publicity that you gave to
it, proving again 'that when it
comes to telling the story of .a
community and its activities the
weekly newspaper can do the job,
Congratulations are due to every-
body connected with your Trade'
Fair.. .
. Yours sincerely,
York Office Equipment
- 'F. J, Picking,
• Recommend Measures
For Fire. Prevention
• •
Fire—the- Canadian • farinees
greatest hazard—brings finaneial
ruin. to hundreds of 'farrn„ families
annually accordingly to the All
Canada Insurance FederatiOn.
Difficult to control, farm fire's:
can destroy homes, -livestock arid
the business investment of years
in a, matter or minutes, warn offi-
cials of the All Canada Insurance
Federation which represents more
than 200 fire, automobile and caS-
unity insurance companies. z
The Federation recommends the
following safety measures to 'help
prevent ;farm fire:
(1) Contact your nearest fire de-
partment for informaticin on fire-
hsting facilities, The department
Will also suggest specific prectuit-,
(2) Each farm building should be
equipped with approved fire ex-
(3) Wet hay can start fires'
through spontaneous combustion;
allow hay and -grasses to dry thor-
oughly before storing in barns.
(4) Lighting arrester systems
Should be of a good make and pro-
perly installed. They should be
Spected at least cake year.
(5), Radio and television anten-
nae should be adequately grounded.
• (6) Electrical 'wiring should be,
drecked regularly by experts, es-
pecially when new machinery or
Motors are installed. •
(7) Wire fences attached to
buildings Should be grounded at
the nearest fericepost to the build -
lug,. This is another prbtection
• against lightning,
(8) Electric Wires for lights
should be installed hi approved
fashion, tXtetisitrn cords Strung
• tive'r the nails or rafterare dan-
(9) Gasoline„, kerosene and other
• Inflammables should 'be Stored in
well -marked safety earls,
(10) Stoves or other heating
equipment should be gleaned and
• inspected least once a Year<
(11) If possible, a Well of Porid
Shonld -h# located 'hear buildings to
add In fighting lire*
TOWn Council VaPaed an aceotint
in the amount of 420.00 for a new
uniform for the chief of pence,
At the regular meeting of the,
Wingham Ldg on,Tnesday evem•
ing _Offieers were
eipctedi W,M., A, at< Crawford;
AW,, ID, S., DInsley; W,
McIGhbon;' chaplain, be T. E.
Tanalyn; treas., • John Rit'
Sec„ Morton; $.P., W. A,
CamPhellIS-C., .1, 0, :McGuire;
S. -A.
Maior Kahle, Of Riverview paritt,
near Gerrie, died suddenly on
Monday morning after a few hours
illness, He wits in his 81st year
and until' a few years ago wlis
prominent in military affairs, hold.
Mg office In the 33rd Rgt, He Was
twice elected reeve of Howick
TcAwnship,.. • ;
The Grand: Trunk laailway is
selling tickets to prineipar' points
hi Maniteha;‘, •Saalcatchewan "and
Alberti. rates: Win-
nipeg' and retifin,"0; Ednion.
fcM and return, $4250.
Mrs. John -Lamenby received a
telegram • last Thiliaday 'Morning
telling of the -Sudden death; Of her
brether, 'Mr, ,D,;f).,,,Ferbes, of .St.
Peel, Minn. D•ecertsed " lived for
some years, In TOrnberry, ; Town-
ship, , his father 'being ;one of Abe
first school. tedefiera in this. sec,
quiet -, wedding graeed ';the
home of Mr. Peter MeLarieri,Centre
Street, on Wednesilay:AO tin's, week
at high noon, :when' his' daughter;
Mary Christina,- heitante the, bride
of Mr. Durreinv: Stewart, former-
ly of Winghain, arid now of De-
troit. .
Whighturi races; on Wednesday
and Thursday -Of neitt week. '
It' is ,expected that the OM rate
for -this year will not be inore than
25; mills • on the'<iicillar:
'Mt. Ches.. RintOul :has had 'his
barber...40p nieely, fitted up in
putting a dandy, riew ease, 4
new chair , and appliances. for .hot;
and •poldi ivater... -7. • • '
. •
Mr. Wilfrd of BlYth, was in
town on Monday; with a view to
Making improvemente at the apple
evaporator' so ,as bi- be- in better
shape for the ceining season's
business. . • -
IrimaKennedy who recent-
ly Passed ,her, fourth' year extant -
mations in medicine 'at ,;Toronto
University; left for • Toronto on,
Monday 'Morning, -where: she' has,
been •appointed ihouse •'; surgeon' in
-the' Private PaviliOn lit the Gen-'
Hospital. '
. „
Mr.- Albert Foxton and his
ter; Miss ',Henrietta:- spent- the- past
Week -end in Kiacarditie. „ •
Mr. arid Mrs. ytni.,S, King ,spent
a few days recently With Mr, Ind
Mrs. John' at:Walton, :*
Mrs. Williams; Of Detipit, is visit -
trig with her .Cousin-„. urs....,George
41,111-d, fat. ity
left On -/Clenday 'for Winnipeg,
where' she
,Mr. ROsSell Mckinh'ey,: of' Ter -
onto, is. viSiting.With relatives in
Cuiross ani° /3lueVale. '
Privates •Vercy ',IVIerkley, Alex
Harvey,. Cashiirn and Roy
Criiikshanki skint' xne,, weekend
at 'their respective homes here.
'Mt. and ltfra. James Bryan, of
Orangeville, tspent' a 'few days with
the; latter's, parents, ,Mr .; and Mrs.
Weliker,'.at'SCIlefenis:"` •
Ferguson Londen this.
Week, whereshe: has .been called'
by the •military authorities to 're-
ceive a bar Which -Was ,won 'by her
husband, • 1..Alpiit. Fester. Ferguson,
for' valiant 'service on the battle -
Mr. T.15. HolmeShas decided to'
remain in town and. will -continue
his shoe repairing business on a
much. larger, scale,
Mr. -George Tervit whd hits been
In the employ of the Gurney Glove
works for seine, time,ileft on Mon-
day for Walkerville, where he has
aecepted a position.
• Afti.• William 'Snelgrove of Wey-
bum, Sask., 'is visiting with her
sister, Mrs. Robert Copeland.
- Mrs. Mabel- Clark and daughter,
pauline spent the past week with
friends In Stratford. •
Mr. A. 14 Posliff mitis in 'Luck -
note on Sunday last taking charge
of I.O.O.Pt -decoration servicds.
Mr. P. Gowans and Mr, It, Hop-
per attended the LondOn Confer-
ence Of the biked Church last
Mra. K 0, *Vent of Montreal
IN visitinirWith. 'her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W„ H.Davidson, of Maple
Street. „
Mr, Wm. McMichael, tiluevale.
Spent Sunday with his daughter,
IVLra. H, Sinniurion,
ingharn -Junc-
tion. t .
Mr'. deo, Masen la On trip to
Weetterin•Oanitcla to Visit her &Ugh,
ter,. Mr* G. T.- Gregory, at climax,
Mr. and NOS, lialliklay and
Mr. Old Mrs, A. Itialliday and fait.
fly spent Sunditk with friends in
Mr. and Uri. William Martin, of
Stratford, tpitit the atreelt-end with
Mt Ott Uri.- *ha& Martin, Vint4
•A •:;:•
risAtiao Giving
Thorne ofiMeeting
ftgrAtsts--mr4. T; J. Todd
was hostess on Thursday for the
meeting of tile W.K.S. and the
W.A. of the United Chtirch, when
eleven ladles were present, The
theme of the worship service, with
the president, Mrs. S. F. Preen in
eharge, was 'Christian, ' •Giving"
aro Mrs, W. I, miner read the
Scripture lesson. The treasurer re-
ported $ithi in givings for 'the year.
Plans were made for a baby Band
Meeting on June 16th with the
WKS. helping with the lunch,
was agreed tp have a secial.
meeting and te try to secure Mrs.
Howlett Sr., of Brantford as the
Speaker. A letter Man Miss NMI- '
0la, missionary in Ingle, Was Mad
by Mrs, Frank McQuillin, Miss W.
D, [Rutherford is te reply,
In the Study period Christian
giving was taken by yrs, J. Cam-
gron; meaning of Christian
by Mrs. W. G. liumplireY; what
Christian giving includeby Mrs. L,
Woods and ; modern tithing by
Miss Rptherrord. The meeting was
closed with'prayer by Mrs. Green -
"Go • telt071or We cannot but
speak of what we have seen and
beard" was the theme of the wor-
ship service, for the W.A. conduct-
ed by Mrs.' Todd. The meeting
opened with the theme hymn,
prayer and, ths creed, Mrs, Cam;
prim read the Scripture lesson and
IttrA. 0. Stuart,- the lesson thOughtS.
It was agreed to purchase a nevi
element Tor ^thestbvd at' tlie Manse,
Mrs. )V, I., Miner and Mrs. 'F, ,J.
Todd are to, took atter flowers for
th church, . and -..Mts•
Atilart •t- and ; Mrft.; for
July. • • ,
' At' the conclusion' a, sltelal hour„
was enjoyed when hinch Was serv-
ed by Mrs. Green and Mrs, qam-
,Mias W. D. Rutherford is a visi-
tor with friends in Listowel, and
Mrs. David Todd and Mrs. D, J.
McIntosh of St. Catharines are
spending the week at the former'S
home here.
Miss Isabel Miller, Miss Anne,
Wayne and Hughie Todd and Mr.
Raymond Laidlaw were week -end
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. S.
McIntyre ,and, Donald at 'Brace -
• Miss Margaret Miller, Reg. N., of
the Wingham and 'District Hospital
Staff was home for the week -end
The Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper will be observed in the
united Church nest Sunday.
ham' Junction: -
Mr, Geo. G. Mines has returned
to Akron, Ohio, after spending 'a
few, weeks with his parents, Mr,
and Mrs. W. A. Mines.
Mr.' George Spotton M.P., has re-
turned home after attending the
sessions of the Hotthes of Commons
at Ottawa.
Mr, and IVIrs. pert Tanning and
son, John visited with the latter's
Mother, Mrs, John Wilson, Edward
Stfeet, 'her the iv'eek-end, '
Dr, W.; McLean,' of Westmin;
ater Hospital, London, si)ant th
week -end with his mother, Mrs.
Margaret' McLean, Catherine St.
LAC •Stetvert Elliott, of the
-RCAF,. and fornierfy of Bluevaie,
Wiiii'lla•tifiReseaft, tared -altrelii-
bLEidgete- 'has transferred
,the tennis courts are the 'Scene
of much attivity these days despite
the large nimiller c!f menthers that
he'Ve, enlisted. ,
The home of :04.41Cli,
foss, was the Scene' of pleadalit
Party when neighbours artttriends
gathered to liOper Mr. anif,Afrs.
Wilford Ceslick, who were recently
On Thursday, ;Hon. john Brack0,
On, leader of the Progressive Con-
Servative party will visit ,,Wing -
Misses Grace Louise Parker and
Joyce Walker left on Monday for
the Ontario Farm -Service camp at
LAC'Xeil Carr is spending a few
days at hi a home -here,
• LAC Russell Zurbrigg, of St.
Thomas, was home for the week;
• Miss Ann Henry, Reg, N., has
returned tO NeW York after spend.
ing a few months here,
'Wren rioris Fells of Toronto,
Spent the week -end With her par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Fella,
Mrs. Fred Howson and two
children are spending a Mean
With -her husband, $gt. Fred How»
son, at PetaWittYa
Mr, 1.2 W. McLaughlin, of Tor' -
onto, spent the week -end with his
another, Mrs. A McLaughlin, anti
his sister, Miss Verna McLaughlin,
GaviIier, McIntosh
8ciVar d
marten -4 Arkeinitante
Bell, telephone msg.
Walkerton,. Ont..
. , ;
jUk 19th. fo 24th
0. pound loess weigit9 roll - hospital grado eo.ton, ,
SAyn gnu - Regular $1,70 size for only •..,
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Max Factor CURL CONTROL !• , .
f1:70 regular price at a spett41 VIC iinVIHN - - 4,.. :.i St,:- .....-
LYSOL 10p OFF 4 •
IftegUlar bottle of New Improved rbylog foi,000,
SPRAY NET - Helone Curtis , • ma.
'SAVE 112e - Regular MOO ie for only ..............
NEW QUICK Horne Perm. Special
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YE-TER/NA y /E‘r
1 7
• Harold Victor Pyni
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
8.15 p.m
Silver collection. The Public are 'invited.
, 12,25
, •
Rev, C:F. Johnson, L.Th. - Rector
Mrs. Oordo'n Davidson ,- Organist
The Third Sunday after Trinity
9.45 a.m.—Stmday School
1.1..bb a.m.—Morning Prayer
7.60 p.m,—Evening Prayer
I •
isSued in amounts from $100 upwards
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• earn 4,U% interest,-payabfe half.
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. 3 4 5 . 41
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Hotigant), (Mr•iikletirri)'