HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-06-18, Page 1WALKERTON SPEAKER
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BAND Wilet, PLAY '
Arrangements are being made
this week for aai open air con-
cert by the Lions Boys' and
Girls' Band at the park .after
church on Sunday evening.
The new bandmaster, George
Wench,' of 011ittori, will be in
charge of the band and ,the
varied 'program of detections
Which will be presented.,
Weather conditioas, of course,
will goVern the final, decision in
regard to the concert. Tentative
plans are also wider way ,for
further open air concerts during
the summer months.
;Congratulations are in order to
Mies Edna, Agnes Carr, daughter
the late Mr, ,and Mrs. A. M.
Cart of Wingham, who graduated,
gem the :Thomas-Elgin, General
;hospital on Wednesday, June' ,
',The ,impressive „ceremony took
igee in the .ampidtheatre off 1 Alma
cillege, at three, o'clock, followed
a reception held at the home ef
r. and Mrs. Charles Tilden, St,
$• Those attending tine graduation
exercises from Wingham were, Mr.
Mrs, Jas. A. Carr Mrs, Jae, S.
BLUVVALE—Ties with the past
were evident in the- celebration on
Sunday, June 16th, of the tooth
anniversary of the founding of the
first Presbyterian Church in Blue-
Knox Presbyterian Church,
bright with flowers, had a large
attendance at morning and even-
ing services, when Reit, 2, R.
Greig, of Beaches Presbyterian
Church, Toronto, a former minis-
ter, preached. Mr. Greig, at the
morning service, spoke of hie pleas-
tire In returning to Bluevale and
congratulated the members en their
successful celebration. His theme
was "Believe God", that belief a
foundation for living. Rev. N. G.
Robertson, of Vancouver, assisted
the service.
The choir, under the direction
of Mrs, Oliver Moffatt, organist,
sang the anthem,- "Ye Watchers
and „Ye Holy Ones", A quartette
Mr. and Mrs. 'Roger Oke; from
Whitechurch, Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Ross; from 'London, Mr. and Mrs.
W. 4, Cooks and Miss Marguerite
Smith; from Tifgonburg,• Mr. and
Mts. Hartley Smith; from Teronto,'
Miss Hilda Lane,' Miss Ruth' Men-'
ties; from St. Thomas, Mrs. J. A,
Policia- Miss RuflaWaechter, MiSs
Jean Ross, Mr. • and Mrs. Roy Trig-
ger, Mr. and Mrs. C. M, Hill and
Mr. and Mrs., 'Charles Tilden and
their daughters, Betty, Lore and
/rem London, W. V, Ro'binegn.
baritone, Melvin CarPenerf WO,
Rosa pilling, tenor, George WO,'
felt, bass, gave five numbers
A. pleasing feature of the morn-
ing service' was the presentation of
a, plaque, the gift of theT4a,dies'
Ald of the church, commemorating
the 100th anniversary, tkie 'plaque
to be hung In the efiureb. Mrs..
Harry Harry'Elliott Made the • presenta:.
tion Mr, Greig, who :received it
on be:half of the chnreh, Rev, W, A.
Williams, of Brussels, igatre the
dedicatory prayer,
At • the close .of the'service a
birthday ceke was cut by Xt's, -C-
liiggine and Mrs, Eldred Nichol. , ,
On view in the church Was the
trowel used- in, laying .the .eorner
stone of the present building In
1927, and the 'tuning fork used - by
the late Isbister, „first
precentor in the Bluevale Preshy-
terian 'Cluirchs
Congratulatory messages were
read at the services from, former
ministers, Rev, P. Rowland,
Rev. Samuel Kerr, /Lev, Leland
Jorgensen, Rev. Matthew-
and Rev. Maurice McNabb, 'from
the son and daughter of .a former
minister, ReV, W. J. est, v.
3', K. West and Miss Ithena; West,
and from Prime Minister Diefen-
;baker. -11s:
Following the morning ., service
the congregation 'and their frienas
met in the community hall ,where
a social hour was enjoyed,
In the evening Mr. Greg, spoke
on l'Worship". Rev, W, J:• McClure,
of Mieleswerth assisted in 'the, -ser-
vice, The choir• sang, "Let Every
Tongue Adore Thee." Gerald and
Douglas Thomas played .a clarinet
duet and the London Oaf-tette
sang. • -
With a' rise in telnPerattlre on
Tneeday :afternoon 1/10a. 'of 114 feel
that Winter lona at last he ever,
Cold winds for 'the 'poet- several
weeks have' not, .only, 'dampened
I/ r "n ardor, b41: have retarded ulf,
th growth of crone as well. In
,fliii 1 it's even ,tlotibtful if the pro-
verbial young melee fancy has been
turned in the right diteetion,
, 0 - 0 - 0
2iitli: .ANNIVER0ARYsee.
Big doingS at the golf club to-
night 'Mien' members of the Lions
Club' and their ladles aikeheate• the
20th annissereary el: theafnergation
of the club, The•chatter, preeldent,
Ron Rae, now of Phoenix, Arizona,
is expected •to be en ,hand to in-
stall the new officers.
' ' 0 0 ,; 0
/LAY BALL-- • ,t
14 ease you have forgotten,, the
softball Season is under way, with
several, red hot teams compebine
in the local loop, There are twe Eas'AN THE WORLD—Sge="Red" Ernest; of the' 11.1s,r;lil,r. 14 seen riding a camel in Rafah, Egypt when the A, or three games a week 'at the town seen • Mr. and Mrs, Robert Hall, Catiadtaik ,assisted by Indian troops put on a spring fair, One of the main attractions was a camel ride for ea-. . - Marguerite
reaepinstree Mon Sgt. Ernest claims ho is riding in true liedowin fashion. The money raised at the fair ' Misses Phyllis and park and 'the boys will appreciate ' s
your stinnort. - was turves over to 11.N.KW.A. for the eefugee children of the area. "Bed" is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Johns, Mr. and. Mrs, Roy Morgan,
Jack Ernest of town and his wife, Betty, and 141,0 children, Michael and Michelle live on Boland- St.
Pupils in the uppet ,grades • of
public school received Coilleine.. epoiat-,
itlg out various hazards in connec-
tion with swimming and beating:
;Me campaign is handiest by. the.
Canadian Red Cross th,emarlea lsTaa
tional Water Safety Week-La good
time for every one of us to stop
think deeply. •
rsing Director Added
o Lacal Hospital Staff
Mrs, Isabella Hawking was the
victim of a most unfortunate cc-
curence on Sunday morning when,
She was knocked to the ground by
a big dog as she was about •to•
enter the Anglican Church,
The dog had followed the care-
taker, Harry Gerrie up the front
steps just before the 8.30 service
and he turned around and, fright-
ened the animal away. Mrs. Hawk-
ing was about to,start up the steps
when the dog came racing down,
reared up and planted his forepawe
on her chest and pushed her down
to the boulevard.
Mr. Carrie• .came at once to her
assistance and when Mrs. C. F.
Johnson tried to run out from the
rectory, next to the church she
found the dog blocking her way.
The; animal continued to stand in
A. receition for Mr. and Mrs.
.Bill Coultes will be held in Bel-
grave Foresters' Han, on Friday,
June 20th.• Garnet Farrier'a Orch-
stre. Ladies piease bribe; lanch,
' F18
iNz4iii „mErtibro
to leave the veranda.
The dog apparently did not at-
tempt to bite Mrs. Hawking; but
she was badly 'shaken up in the
The board of 'directors of 'the, will be leaving. the employ of the which will open in. September; She
Wingliam General Hospital met on nOspital and her position will be requested permission to increase
"1 Fa (1'ty . evening under the chair- taken by Mrs. John Donaldson. the size of the class' to 18 or ' 20
manship Of H. C. MacLealf:''A, D.'
iVfaeWilliam, chairman of the fin-
mice. committee, rePorted that the
institution:is just about breaking
even -at the present time, without
taking , into account the' loss
through uncolieeiable accounts. The
ineSPital l s;bank balance• stood at
Following the report of leie
management corninitlee Chair-
Men , 'Roy 1- Cousins increases
in -salary were. -authorized for
members. of the office staff. -It
was' alSO reported that Mrs. Scott • .
Mrs. Morrey stated that' 7 'Nil=
Reg': N,, has been, engaged
ee director -el: nursing for the
`Wingham Hospital, - her e duties to-
commence on July 2nd. .
Chairman DeWitt Miller of. the
property ecomenittee reported that
arrangements have, been rn ea to
efly Used, as' office- apace' in the
Ord Wing, to proYide an office for
the -nursing edbreethr, :
The atiministrattix also' Said that
there were 40 applications for -the
certified- nursing, assistants! course
a former member of tlie*Winghain
hospital staff, who graduated re-
cently at the St. latomas-Elgin
General Howlett' in St. Thomas.
Many friends from Wingham at-
aended the graduation ceremony.
—Photo by Bill Barrett.
Local Rinks Witt
First Tournament •
The first bowling tournament of
the; peon Wingham took place
on lAdnesday, June 11, with rinks
from Kitchener; Hanover and
Wingham competing.
Mrs. H. Campbell and her rink
of Mrs. G. Godkin ,and Mrs. W.
Haney won first honors; Mrs. L.
'Mader of Hanover, second and
Mrs. G. MacKay, with Mrs. J. Mc-
Intyre and Mrs. I.,, Patterson, third.
Friends Surprise
nkeukninating -SeVeral nicilthe°t•Pf•
discussion; a meeting was held last
week in the Wingham town hall to
formally 'organize. an Association
for Retarded Children. T. S. Beat-
tie,, principal of the public school
acted as chairman of the gather-
ing which- included representatives
from Lucknow, Brus-
sels and Blyth and the townships
of East Wawanosh, Morris,, Grey,
Turnbetry and Howick,
Seen an organization has been
tinder consideration for several
months by members of :the Lions
ChM in Brussels, Lucknow and
At "last week'g meeting a nomi-
nating committee was named to,
bring a slate of Officers to a meet-
ing which will lie held here on
June 26. Members of the committee
are T, S. Beattie, Wingham; Har-
vey Webster, Lucknow, Donald
McLaughlin, Howick; Fred How-
son, Blyth; Bill Turnbull, Brus-
sels- arid J. H. Kinkead, Goderich.
Speakers at the meeting includ-
ed Murray Finlayson, Barrie, preen
deft,- of the 'Ontario Association for
Retarded Children; Gordon Living-
stone, Fergus, regional director,
and George Roes, Walkerton, past
presideifrof the association in that
One of the foremost objects of
the association will be to set
some sort of school, Where retarded
children may be given such instru-
ction as they can absorb and thus
provide some opportunity for them
to live useful and happy lives,
Horst R. , Nisylt, who has been
operating a photography buslieess
in Stratford 'for some time, assum-
ed ownership of the Haminerton
Studio in 'Wingham last Saturday.
Mr. Nisyk, his wife and two daugh-
ters, Garste, 5 and Christina 3,
will move into a home on Centre
Street on, July 1st. •
The new owner is a native of
Germany, but' has babe. sin Canada
for the past six and a half years.
Mr. and Mrs, Ianville Hammer-
ton, who have operated -the studio
for the past ten years, intend to
return to England Shortly, They
have been active members of the
business community here- and Mrs.
Hammertoe has devoted a great
deal of time to leadership of the
Girl Guides,
The Hammel-tons and their
young family will be- missed, and
will carry with them the best
wishes of many friends as they
return to their homeland,
students. Only six are graduating
from the spring class, , . •
Included' in the - report of the
property - committee • was, the pur-
chase• of aenew- washing machine
for the nurses' residence. The old
boiler room In ,the residence will
e altered std, 'Wats it bef used
as 2, laiinelrY,' A new power lawn
mower has also -been purchased.
The board has received an offer
for .the unused boiler in the resi-
dence and it is likely that it will
be sold.
An Ontario government inspec-
tor has passed - the No..2 boiler in
the new heating plant and the
other one is being readied for in-
spection at the present time. ,
Fire Chief 'Jim Carr recently in-
spected the- hospital for fire haz-
ards and strongly . recommended
that a regular fire drill .be, carried
out. The board concurred', with
this recommendaticarvIt is expected
that an inspector froni pile Ontario
Fire. Marshall's. office will make
an ,inspection shortly.
The Wellingten-Eltiron Liberal
Women "Will hold their ' 'annual.
AglilifeAnWn s
June 23rd, at 7.3o pan. sharp, Guest
Speaker will be. Miss Judy La
M _Provincial President, fol-
low by meeting onthe,Weiiiiikton
Iatitferin nomination Committee, at
8.30 p.m. Mrs, G. flarieSon,. Harris
ton, president. Mrs.. Milian Jamie-
sdie,' Fergus, secretary, -* P-18b
The Whighaen Women's Institute
are holding a tea and bake sale
in the ,Ceufleil Chamberas On Sat-
urclay,••June at three' ,inelock,
Tea will be served froth 8 to 5 P.-tn.
Ever-yen-Pi ;welcome.' F18b
:• , .• ------- •
paneing-to the Miesle of, Tiffin%
Orchestra' i in the 'Whitechutch
'Community Hall, Friday, June
20th. Dancing from 10 to"1, ,under
the auSPicas of the Hall , Board.,
Lunch counter. Admission
Mrs. W. E. Hammond'
itonsk R. NISYK
evhe,last Saturday aseinned Owner-
ship 's ea the Loather afennnerten
photographic studio in winginun.
The new enemy cowries from Strafe
Dessert Bridge
Mrs. W. B. Hammond was taken
by surprise at her new }lame in
Listowel on Thursday night when
three car loads •of Wingham
friends dropped in.
A pleatsaait evening was spent and
Mrs. flammend was presented with
al beautiful Morocco purse, with
five bright new eilver dollars at-
tached to a ribbon bow.
The wdrnee had taken lunch.
which they served and Mrs. Ham-
mond 'expressed her thanks and
appreciation for their gift and
visit. '
Lions Raise $1,525,
For:Crippled Kids
The Lion's Club of Wingham 1,3
pleased to report the closing of it
very successful. Eastet Seal Cern-
paign for 'Crippled Children. A
total of $1525.00 was raised, which
was $300.00 more than last year.
This area embraces the towns of
Lucknow, Blueyale, Fielgrave and
WhiteChurcla . as well ',as the .town
of Wingham,
Donations varied' from 25c to
goo.go, and were , received from
596 contributors, Part of this money
is retained by , the Club for any
need which may arise locally and
the ,balance is forwarded to Crip-
pled Children Headquarters in
The dessert bridge bold at the,
golf club last Thursday afternoon
for associate members was very
successful, with seven tables par-
ticipating. Winners for the after-
noon 1-Were! First, Mrs. W. J.
Adams;. second, Mrs, .B, Portet e
Mrs. • II. MacKay won the lucky
, -
On Committees
Marvin Howe, M.F. (*.Wellingtop-
Huren) of Arthur, who for the past
month has been atteriding the new
parliarrientary eeesion at - Ottawa,
has been appointed a 'metier of
the; folloWing 7-toitse of Cornanone"
committees: Agriculture aud Colon-
ization; 'Estimates; and RailvvaYs,
Canals and Telegraphs.
"Mr. and Mrs'', Ira MeLettn,
Wroxeter, 'wish to annomee the
engagement of their daughter,
Donna Lillian, to Mr. Donald Rae
Gibson,; Sen. of M. and IVIts, John
C. Gibdon, W'roxater, The -marriage
to take ,place in Wroxetee United
CharclioNly -11, 1958, at 7.30.p.nr,
Work is in progress this-Week
which will' result in the; placing
of life preservers at several haz-
ardous spots ,along the —Maitiand
River 'in Wingham. The , job: is;
being, tinderteeken,, by thee eWiter,
Safety Committee recently Appetit-
ed to administer the fund `raised
thrOugh the ,Adve h"ce Times and -
the gerieropity of manyaniiers.e
donation of $10.00' jest *4k: f torn
Huron Chapter, Order of ,the
tern Star brought- the,:ilinci . tag • to $790.00.
The committee hie 'Oabchaeed
six 'life ring-S;frOm ihenanatO safety
division of the Red Cr'ddS. Posts
will be erected, on whith metal ,
boxes will be placed, to held the
life preservers and pretect them
from the weather. Each of the'pte-
servers will be attached to tl, length
of rope and the loose .end of the
rope is fastened to a floating ball
to mark its position in cite it is
dropped into the water. The pre-
servers themselves are a bright
orange color, to facilitate spotting
their position.
The keen interest which has
marked the water safety campaign
from the outset has again. been
exemplified,, for 'embers of the
fire department are- undertalsing
the erection of the, posts and boxes
and Berry Door Coe°Ltd, is manu-
facturing and donating the envel-
ope type metal boxes,
The placing of the preSeivers is
but the first step in what the com-
mittee hopes will be a, complete
program to provide every possible
safety precaution add prevent
any repetition of the two' drown-
ings which 'have occurred 'within •
the past year.
Family Gathers at
Hetherington Moltke.
A dinner was held at the 'home
of Mr. and Mrs, R. S. Retheririge
tom on Saturday when MeMbera of
the Thompson family gathered to
visit with their cousin, Min Atte,
Mrs, Rae and fatally of Phoeriik,
Arizone, who •ate holidaying hi
Attending tile dinner and visiting
for the week-Ond Were Mil. Meth- .
et:11)&011'S brothers, Mr, and Mrs.
Jim Theinipson and Julia ,of Port
nen and Mr. and Mrs, Rae
ThoMpson and two children of
Ott Sunday all attended iterirle6
at LtlekboW 'United Chureh When 'a
stainedglass window, the gist a
their untie, Mr, Robert iittte attd
his daughter, lifiii9brie was dolt.,
Gated In Iner,Orp' kat.
Gorden Eydt, Millbank, Waterloo Coliniy; IL T. McKay, Science Bill,
rertit'County; Lloyd 'Barris 11,fount Vorest, Grey (10.1110'; William
Ilairisten, vide.president of 'the Ontario Vederittion; Clifford
Kens, Mina, Wellington County And` Bert tloynard. Staffri, zone
clutirmandyance-Times photo,
former CP11, station. Growth of the
congregation demanded a larger
befitting Within a feW years and in
1802 the cornerstone of the Present
building was laid, The present red-
tory was lotirehased.in 1010,
ZONE MEETINnt-..4icilteiionfittiVes frolii six counties 'gathered at the
eti Tuesday of last week to disellaS
i'ariella.tullieeia of. itgrietilluititl proble"Ma Which the Federation of
Agriculture is interestett. Eton the left are tfini;toit Shapton, Exeter,.
lurowt County 'Cittiltuntiq 'II,. A, 11100inty, BloiYrend, Bruce ,COuntyl
Special services Were held in St,
Paler 6,,,,Anglican "Cleureh, Wing-
hariP Snnday to 'Mark the 91st
antileineeaty. et,:the parieh..The
tor, "Rev, C, F. Johnson, was 'in
charge of the services at 11 a.m.
aricf'7 pan. , ,
• Speaker 'et the morning service.
was'the Yen, R, D, Mess, D.D.,
,rectory of. St. Thomas Anglican
ChM* Walkerton, and archdeacon
of Skageen. He- recalled that the
year 1867, in, which the parish of
St, 'Pamirs was founded was, a tithe
of trouble and disturbance through-
out.- the' world; even as is the- 1 pre-
sentperiod. The speaker pointed to
the marVellotis -scientific 'and sops,
ial development which has taken
plaCe in the past 91\years and said,
that there is a trend now to place
all reliance upon the material pow-
er,which :has been produced iri this
twentieth century:
Mt Mess said that no matter
what).the age or the conditions it
brings, history and human experi-
ence that the power of Goo has
invariably proved to be more im-
portant than the most awesome
might than has ever mustered, and
he nailed for a rettii-n to the stale
of reconciliation between God and
man for ' whieh Christ died and
rose again,
Organ mueic for both services
was prOvided by Paul Berg, n,f
Kitehener, at the co/mole of a new
Htimmond . dealt/110 organ, which
Veal in- the church on trial, Ouripg
the evening service a tWenty-min-
kite' organ - interilide , replaced itha
Started As Mission-
The eattlieet -beginnings of the
peeeente Atiglietin pai1Sh vVel-b for,
Mutated' in 1862 when members of-
that faitili' began to ,imid trteetirtgs
in a tomm et the old 'King; William,
Hotel, Which steed on the, site now.
occupied by .the Queens, In 1867,
hoWeVet, tt'lormal orgenietition of
the parish was undertaken under
the', guidance of Rev, William Mur,
phy, ono of the first. graddates of
Hurdn' College, at LontiOri, Who had
eOirie to the Anglican grOups
TeeSWater and kiniess,
By 1868 the fitst eherchhad been
treated On %Mini Street, near the
A special meeting of Royal Brack
Preceptdry No, 797 will be held
the Orange Hall, Wingham, on
Thursday evening, June 19; at 8.30
p.m. Initiations, Degrees and Gen,
etal Business„, All ineinbers ' are;
urged to attend. 4 Fal8b
North Huron county. Orange
Church Service will be held • in
Winghtun 'on, Sunday morning;
June 22,' at 11 am, Service will. be
- ill charge of Envoy Newman, Sal-
vation Army. Lodge Miembere will
Meet at Orange Hail on'Edward'
Sttaet.at 10.30 11a.in. Tieitinge,istee
thren Welcome,' all Orange ',and
Youiig Briton members of north
Huron CoulitY please. 'attend..
All children 8 years and over
Who wish to, take swimming instru-
ctions at tees water should registdr
at the Wingliani Toarii Mall on Sat-
urday, :Mile 21,' between 16 'ant
and 12 noon, A fee of ',p,00 set by
the TeciWater Peal ,.ddiiiniittee1
qualifyiag ter fifteen IdeSons and
tests is .payable' on tekistraticm.
Anyone, not wishing '.:LO'.tak„,e ..the
entire course may .pay Y25c each
trip..8Witnnitrig„,Will. be On.Menday,
and Thursday eonateenbing• oh July
3. 1958.
Mrs, George SnetWood, 211 Wel-
lington St„, Brantford', iviehea to
a 'nee the engagement of her.
daUghtet, Enema -Yeariette,
to Mr, Sterling Etanklin Mciallreas
Solt of Mrd. PerbY lOhn Caslich; of
Win" hairi and the late Mt. Etheet
rtanklin Meilteit, The 'Wedding
Will take Plate on Saturday, dilly
6; 1958, 'it 2,86 ' Bethel
Clia,P01) Brantford,