HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-06-11, Page 9• 4 ••• • RD.AY. • • it to• EVESATURDAY NJGHT HOURS NIX ifs• a • 4 r 4.4F4ar!".4.4,4•44.0.14. 20%. OFF ELECTRIC FANS from' 7 p.ni. to 1.Q p.m. Only VaatereVre."4,0Se~reyrra,re HOWARD QVALITY . • sgRyicE • M N 1.0.„ ; • ' PREMIUM SALMON Fancy Red Sockeye SAVE 8c y2 lb. tin ONLY,41c Salurclay Night Only • NOW OPEN Frosty ren DELICIOUS FROZEN CUSTARD ▪ CONES, SHARES, SUNDAES Hamburgs • French Fries Drive In and See Us. .411.10.41COMILIKU:2141II00:61e 111111••WON SATURDAY SATURDAY ' 4 NIGHT • WOODEN SOLDIER BANKS "A penny saved is, a penny matte — These wooden Banks are really like it, — A REAL GOOD BUY $1 09 bright and attractive. Junior WIU Mt* VORgh erletilk WettilettdaYs 4Ilarla I 3 BOVHS • • • pNLy. BOYS' .SCAMPERS Saturday Night Special 7 10 •454.49 CALLAN SHOES • YOUR. FAMILY SHOE STORE maararauseromatimaturaumaamillamarosaa araari,loaracraxasomsamaesamaummr • • :ri:4,...,RUG,Ffilit reraratarmorraa•••••artossaaaruaa.parataaava. BEST BARGAIN OF ALL The charm of "newness" restored to all your clothing. SCIENTIFIC DRY-CLEANING "%mars YOU TO LOOK YOUR. BEST — WHEREVER YOU GO, esrakeYarakIN. TEMi'LEMAN CLEANERS a 1 • 4.. CROMPTON'S JEWELIAERY 4,5".Sa•es","4"!..,,,N4Y PARKER .attd. .EVERSHATW PENS •.and PENCILS • • !WY PRICE • sranaattaaaaa.440444444.44F.444444444 ONE FREE GLASS OF GOLDEN GUERNSEY MILK with each Sandwich purcha eed between 7 and 10 Saturday evening. OXT N DAIRY -------. A Tiny? tight! Full -Power! .° Ladies' Groups • rtr-level hearing pid I saw 4 -Transistor Niro 925 -4=c11•4440 Worn Entirely at the Ear! Slender, tinted, contoured to fit snugly right at the ear! 10.dey 'Money -Back Guarantee, Easy terms See it today enjoy fa- • mous Zenith Quality! Free home demonstration arranged. lizearra.rde, Reel. ob Reuel_ „ 4 • Ws carry baserte,a too accessories for most ',tearing aids • , 4 Hold Meeting BELGRAVE—The regular meet - ng .of the Winnan's 41issionary Society and tIw Womaii's Associ- ation of Knox UnitedChtireh wifs held CM 'Wednesday afternoon in the ,Church. Mr.IN'alter kkott opened the meeting. with a hymn fellowed by prayer Minutes, treasurer'and gift fundreports were read, Visits to the sick and shut -le. were r6corded. --A thank - You card vem read from Mrs. "Al- bert •Coultes. - •Members • were, re- minded of the Missionary Night, to be held on Seep 15 at 8 o'clock, When Rev. B. Yoshioka. of Elm- wood will be the guest speaker. Members of all the district church- es .are cordially invited' to attend this special meeting. Mrs. IToper reported on the bale being sent. lt.Tra. Carl Prorter was the; leader of the devotional period, and open- ed it with a poem on "Spring", 'followed by a hymn and the Lord's Prayer in unison. The theme of the worship .was "Christian Giving". A hymn was sung followed by the prayer of general thanksgiving be- ing repeated in unison, The Scrip- ture from avErAttiew, G24-33 was read by Mrs, Procter, followed by the meditation, Mrs. Cecil Ohara- ney gave a reading on "The Sacra- ment of Prayer" and a letter from Emily Maxwell the missionary for prayer, telling of the Church in India. Mrs. James Michie gave some readings from the TemPer- ance Advbeat� Mrs, George Michie gave an interesting ,report of the London Conference recently held in Windsor, which she attended. . The theme of the W.A. meeting. was "He hath made everything beautiful in his own time", with Mrs Kenneth Wheeler in charge, opening with a hymn.' Minutes were read by Mrs. 'Cecil Chamney and Mrs. John R. Coultes stated there was $507.41 in the finanisial statement. The roll eail was an- sWerect with a verse from the Bible containing the word "Father." Mrs. Wheeler expressed thanks to all who had helped at the Sunday School convention supper. Mrs. Jesse Wheeler reported for the manse committee. The group do- nated $35,00 to the SIM'clay .Sehool treasurer for Sunday School: hymn books, $200.00 was also voted to support the Board' of Stewards' work, BELGRAVE George Procter has received word that he has passed his second year at the Guelph 0.A.O, Allan Scott. has also been informed that he has successfully passed his first year at the same college. Rev. W. J. and Mrs. Taylor of Dorchester spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Taylor. Friends Gather, for Silver Wedding BBLGRAVB—On Saturday even - 'Mg, June 7, 33 friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Nixon to honor Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bolt on the occasion of their silver, wedding anniversary. After an enjoyable period spent in friendly chat' and reminiscing the bride and groom of 25 years were presented with many lovely gifts. The centre of attraction was the three-tier wedding cake made by their daughter, Mrs. Nixon, and decorated by Mrs. Clarence Yuill, sister of the bride. Lunch .was served by Mrs. Nixon assisted by her sister, Lorna Bolt. Guests ' were present from Kit- chener, London, Wroxeter, Brus- sels and Clifford. • dFlicious NLW ke cream in the gayly colored NEW cartons • pitiC ettlt tilS flavor you want from the color of the carton ... and the flavor nanie printed on the Orford CUT. MEMBERS AT AFFILIATION MEET1N6 BELGRAVE—The regular meet- ing Of the Belgrave Evening Aux- iliary of the WornaWs Missionary Society of Knox United Church was held on Monday evening in the church biteexitent, with 22 members answering the roll call. , As this was the affiliation meeting with the Canadian Girls in Training, guests included the Afternoon Auxiliary and mothers of the C.G.I.T. members. Mrs. Gordon. Bosman was in charge of the business and opened the meeting with a hymn, • Minutes were read and the treasurer's re- port given. There were three home and 44 hospital 'visits to the sick and shut-in recorded. Mrs. Clarence Hanna was .a.ppointed to send for name stickers to sell. The loose •collection from .this meeting went to ;the C.G.I.T. group. Mr, Ted Fear, ' leader' of the C.G.I.T. was in charge of the rest of the meeting and the girls open- ed it with the OG.LT. Pledge and singing a hymn. Trudy deYong and Jean Hanna were in charge of the worship period, opening with a hymn. , Trudy read the Scripture lesson, Romans 8:37-89. The story, "To -day's girl, To -morrow's Moth- er" was read by Jean. A: hymn Was sung and Trudy led in prayer. Mrs. Clifford Logan' and Mrs. Gordon Bosman assisted in the affiliation service. Patsy Logan extended the desire to join and Mrs. Bosman responded. Prayers were gives by Lillian Pengelly, Joyce Armstrong, Betty and Flor- ence Rinn. Lillian Pengelly gave the C.G.I.T. gift and Mrs. Logan received it on behalf of Mrs, Ted MeCreath, Presbytery secretary for Huron for affiliated C.G.I.T. groups.. Mrs.' Bosman gave the new members their badges and Mrs. Ted Fear led in prayer. Linda Coultes gave a reading. Mrs. rear gave a little Insight into the study the • girls have been having on Japan. Short readings Were given by Karen Anderson, Ruth Michie. Lorna Bolt, Marilyn PengellY, , Barbara Krug and Marie •Coultes. Ruth Michie and Marilyn Campbell gave a vocal duet accompanied by Mrs, George Michie. The offering was received by Marie Coultes and Barbara Krug Janie Beecroft favoured with a piano solo. A film, "People without Fear," was shown and much enjoyed. Mrs. James R. Coultes led in recreation and lunch was served. Guild Meets at Bradburn Horne BELGRAVE—The regular meet- ing of the Ladies' Guild of Trinity Anglican Chttrch was held at the home of Mrs. Mci Bradbttrn on Thursday afternoon With 17 mem- bers answering the roll call and one visitor. The vice-president. Mrs, Alex Nethery, was In charge of the meeting in the abserice of Mrs. Clark Johnston: opening with a hymn and the Lord's Prayer. Miego,n, lVfealy read the Scripture Routine reports were read by the Secretary and the treasurer. Bills for the improvements on the rec- tory are to be paid, Plans were made to dean the church and o quilting wa4 .nrrtinged to be -held tt 1111%, Robert Riggins`, The group received att Invitation to moot witb the Auburn Guild on the oecasion of their 7011i anniversary on the 10th of June, Ivrrs. Wltllaxn Bryclges govoa reading en the life of an Indien minister in the West. IVIrs, Mel Ilradburn conducted A Bible con - and the 'Meeting -closed with ` prayer, Luiteli Vtras Served by the flOStesS assisted by Mrs, Cora Me. Gilt mkt Mrs, rt.Obett PrOcter, HEIN SmS, PUPIL SPEAKS AT li CKACHE. SERVICE BELGRAVE-• Once again a sue- cessfuf Sunday Sehool anniversary and flower service was held in Knox United Clinreh on Sunday morning, June 8th, As the lnrr'e. congregation entered the -church they found themselves gazing into. the wonder of 'Go'd's Garden". All across the front of the choir loft was a mass of lovely early flowers, making a background for a rural scene. of a house and barn with a flagstone path leading to the country church. Near the farm buildings was planted a garden of the following virtues: truth, obed- ience, loyalty, patience, hope. cour- age, faith, joy, prayer. The choir was made up of the senior classes of the Sunday School, singing appropriate with - erns, The junior members of the Sunday School and their teachers marched in a body to occupy 'the front seats of the church. Ross Anderson, Sunday School superintendent, was in charge of the service and gave the call to worship. Marjorie Hopper gave the Scripture lesson and Douglas Johnston led the regpensive ii'ad- ing. The guest speaker was Mr. Ross Burlington, a former member Ross Procter of Burlington, a form- er member of, the Sunday School. *"71rMTEnr My be Warning. Backache is often caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache.; die- turbed rest or that tired -out and heavy.. headed feeling may soon follow. That's the time, to, take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimnlate the kidneys to normal action, Then you feel better—sleep better—work better. 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