HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-06-11, Page 7"te se 11.0fiattl. ablijattrOritilt# ,West HuTori :E District. Annual field in Goderich Year IIOWICK COUNCIL HOLDS MEETING (Intended ter /sat week) MEDIATES NINETY, BIRTHDAY,, • - GORRHIle.-Mrs. -.Than Hyndman the rermet Sarah Gamble, attained the grand old age Of 92 one Mores clay. She its in good heeltie and. enite active. She had Intent' the twinter 'Months' with her 'daughter, Mrs. Fred. Dr:Odell, in Toronte and is now at the hinite ,Of her sone Fred Hp-Oman,. Gentle. A, surprise hirthelay party was held in her tionbr at the hoine• of Mi. and: Mrs, • Fred Hyrairnan on Monday, Mrs, Hynelma.n was the recipient of many carde And gifts. Safety Classes Start July' 21 GORRIE—Owing to smaller reg- istration in the 'Water. Safety claesee this year, it nas been thought adviSable to have them for one month only, As' this did not fit in with the , plans of the instruc- tor who had been engaged, the conunittee ip charge has .secured the services of. Hen Hulse, Ford' wich, who• wee' the instructor last Year.• It is. expected classes will Commence •July 21st. FLOWERS TOPIC AT - INSTITUTE MEETING proportion of the latter have already signed :for space in next yeaseg show.—Advance-Wimes photo. OUT TO SEE THE SHOW :Visitors to the - Sinsmen Trade Fair are seen with some of the esehibits in the background. Comment on the fair was most enthusiastic from both visitors and •eahlbltbra A large GORRM—The Canadian Girls in Training entertained their mothers at a banquet in the 'Gorrie Church ball on Monday evening. 'Gwen Hyndman gave the tnest to the Queen, Helen Magee the toast to the Church and Mai Buchanan re- plied; Maureen. Buchanan the toast to 'the mothers and Mrs. H. Rhame responded, Evelyn Ann Stephens gave a reading, "Mother, Take Your Apron Off". Carol Rob- inson sang a solo, "It's, No Sec- Mrs. Harold Pollock, of. Fordwich, was the guest speaker and her subject was "How the C,G.I,T, Mid- dies 'Were to the World- Labels of GQRRIE—Meeting of the Howick Xevenship Council was held in the clerk's office en Thursday. , Ml reenthere were present ;and. Reeve- AThrtelli"Mianiubtseosn ewr atshei lastitle regular meeting; the' spacial- meeting, and drainage courts of Besdeleri were read; and on =thin of Allan and Haskins were adopted as ,rea,(1. Moved by Haskins and AfelVilcha ael that we set the indigent fun- eral expenses to $125.00, Moved by R. 'Gibson and Ailan that we pay D. A, 'Bann, $;1.65 00 for funeral, mileage, grave• openirtg and cards re indigent funeral ea- penses. Moved by McMicbael and R. Gibson that we give eacia*.of the five libraries in the Township grant of $25.00. Moved by Allan and Haskins that Ave rescind lay-Levi 10-03 'of the Township of Howick re the Memorial Park, Moved by R, Gibson and Mc- Michael that the township rates be set as followe; Commercial 12,2 farm and residential 30.7 milfs, relief .1 Mill and general school 3,2 mills, Moved by McMichael and Gib- son that By-Lew No. 12-58 of the Township of Howick 'for the year 1958, a by-law adopting the var- ious rates for the year, as read the first and second time be, passed. Moved bsi Haskins and Allan hat' By-Law No. 12-58 of the Township of Howick for the year 1953 es read the third time be, finally passed, Moved 'by R. Gibson and , Mc- Michael that the road accounts as approved 'be paid. Moved, by ,Allan and ela,skins that the following' accounts be Said: Provincial ' Treasurer, insulin, $1.58; County of Huron hospitali- zation, $283.00; fox bounty, $15.00; Lorne, L. ,Siefert, livestock killed,' $20.00; Earl Newell, livestock killed $50,00; Municipal World Ltd., -office: supplies, $33.41; Schaefer Drain, advertising and fees, $139.26; Branch "B" Drain No. 10, adyer- tieing and fees, $39.26; D. A. Rann, hORRIE Former Belmore CALT. MEMBERS, , GoreetaEseateslewers and Shrubs around the Home was the topic taken by 'Mrs. ,C; Gregg at the WI. meeting ors' Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs, Stewart Strong Some of the suggestions given were, keep your plan simple; shrubbery at the boundarieee:lawn not ent ur with flowerbects; -planting to suit your type of 'house; fragrance it the garden and hoW to make cane TUANBERItt•CPITNCIL --, SETS-MU:1AM IVIOTES.BANQUET Congratulations to Stafford and his bride, the Jack former Mr. Betty Boten, Win,dsor, who were tree field recently' for district dir- potpie was given by Mrs, Stanley Lyels ,of Loisdesboee •braneti, Mrs, 5. Omsk Belgrave and IV/re. Xistrvey Altera, of Dungannon, eneeeage was read from Mrs. Wel- ber of Gran'd'Bend, whp is the area chaltman regretting that she Was unable to attend this meeting, Mrs. gospaelc gave the report of the Provincial Board' and brought greetings from that organization, She announced that there are 1,472 Women's Institute branches in' Ontario, alid there has been a decided increase in the membership rolls, She told the ladies of, the national- essay contest on "How Can I Train My child to Be a 'Citizen of the Warld" with one entry from each branch. She spoke also of the cultural competition which will be the words and music for a new' Institute song. The grandmother quilt blocks competition had 'two,' entries, one from Clinton, and on from Dun- ganon. The judges appointed were Mrs. N. Keating of Wingham, tad Mrs. Pearl ,Straughan of Goderich, These entries will be sent to the area convention and to Toronto for further competition. She 'stated that oh account of the discontin- uance of -the communiity activities' and public relations, a new conven- er had, been made, that of Public relations representative, She will haye charge of all 'publicity . and report. all donations, financial or otherwise. . A pair of linen pillow cases that liar' beendonated by 'F, E.Hibbert -&.eSon, s was,, won by Mrs. Cecil. Blake of Dungannin as a door prize. 444,TBURN—The West Heiren -pie- Wet- annual of. the si.VOineralS In Shitatee met s. lash ' Wednesday in: MaelSey Halls Goderich, with reg:' hark:ion ,taking place ,:at 9,0",a4n, in::jharkdi,of inembera' IA the' GOO , 'rich branch, The meeting was in f`charge of the president, AIM Wel lareetnech, and was opened by the Institute Ode, "0 Cenada", and all repeated the Mary Stewart Col- Jed., Mrs. Tait Clark of the Tiger lop , branch was in charge of th "In Memoriam"' and reed all the deeesteed members of the dis- trict,. follewea by two Mintues' eilence. She gave a little poeM and spoke a few words, "- The secretary, Mrs, Arthur Clark, read .the minutes of 'the 1956-57 annum' which were , approved as read. ears, J, p, Hossael Of Embre, the b,oard director was in charge of :thee ratification of the district directors from the different bran- chea- She spoke of. their duties and stressed that they Were-responsible in taking back to, their home -, branCh the names of ' the , district 'Officers and are'the liason, between - o the branch Institute, and the 'dis- trict. •• • , . •'''' , The' distriet directors are: Au- burn, Mee: it, J. Phillips; Blyth e Mr's. Luella McGowan; Clinton, Mis, C, Sturdy, RA. 2;t pelgraise, Mrs. Walter Scott; --Dungannon; Mrs. H. Alton"; Goderich, Mrs, Dans, ald Rhiel; Kintail, Mrs,` Fred Mc- Gregor; Tiger ' Dunlop; "Mrs, E. Hunter; St e llelena Mrs. A. Gaunt; WifigliamaMrs, H, Burrell; Londes- bard, Mrs, Stanley-Lyon. .-- • a t 'The'llhandral stateinents •, were gay ' out, and 'Mrs. Welllngton Gik,, d gave ;the auditor's fel:mit:The seeeetary read'ehe numerous• letters of .correspondence. A reply. was reed stating that a Tweedsmuir Workshop will be h,eld in the near future and the Dungannon btanch will 'be the hostess. 'This district Woman Passes The death occurred in St. Joss' eph's Hospital, London, on Friday, June 6th, of Marian T. Murray, wife of the late William H. Irwin, in her 89th year. She was born at Behnore and lived there all her llfe until moving to London in the fall of 1:953, She leaves two daughters, Mrs. R. E. (Lillian) Jackson, of Exeter and Mrs, Robert (Blanche) Mc- Kay, pf London; also two sisters, Mrs. Sam Nichol, Regina, Sask., and Mrs. D, K. Livingstone, Lon- don: The funeral took place on. Mon- day from the R. A. Currie & Sons funeral home in Winghatn with Rev.W. J. Taylor of Dorchester,' a former pastor at Belmore, conduct- ing the service, assisted °by Rev. Fe R.-Ste/sway of London and Rev. Kr. West, of Behnore, Interment was in the Wroxeter Cemetery married- in Windsor on . Saturday afternoon., Mr.. and Mrs: Frank- King. spent Saturday • and Sunday.. with, their Bob, daughter, Mrs. 'Featherstan, and Mr. Featherston, Crania. ' Miss Marlon Burgess, TliburY, was a, gnest on Thursday and Fri- day at the theme of Mr. and Mrs. Warren 'Collings. ' ' Mt, A. W, Wright, Elora, visited -recently. with Mr. and, Mrs. Percy Ashton, Mrs. la L. • McInnes picked a small dish of .ripe strawberries inhe r ,bgeaartd is etto?ri jut ne 4th„ Can anyone . - Mr-and Mrs. Jack Scott, of To- rortto, Who "resideciahere for a time and Mr. and 'Mrs. Turn Scott and family Of' Burlington were visitors' an ,Thuredayt -at the home 'of Mr. and Iiff5eRobert Dine. LUCKNOW SPEAKER FOR HONE HELPERS Mrs, Clairmont, president of the Gdderich branch, i spoke of .the pleasure' of having the district 'meeting in their town and thanked the Denomme flower shop for the lovely flowers placed on the plat-Will be in charge- :of registration, form: An invitation from St. Helens at the area convention in London to, hold the annual meeting there this fall. Those In charge will be next year was accepted. • Mrs. Arthur Clark, ,Miss loiephine , Woodcock, '`Mrs, Otto Popp; land Mrs. Tait ,Clark, ' s The -president, • in her report, thankede Eill;:tlia',:htathefieseatia -their • kindnesses and tees-operation during' the year, She, gave, the Vali- ti41F i` a good inetetnte `member' wle Oh were; Loyality, generous in criticism (all make mistakes); energetic, that is giVing the time and talent - she can; dependable, enthusiastic, honest witht yierself and the organization, •a good citi- zen and a good homemaker. Officers Elected Mrs. Haseack presided for the .election of officers after Mrs. Geo, Isfilliaresehairman of the neresinat- tng . Committee, had presented the: 1958 slate of officers. The new of- ficers are: Quality of Personality and Pur- pose”. Forty-eight girls and their mo- thers sat down to the table decor- ated with the 0 G.I.T. colors and ring flowers, The evening closed the the Purpose and Tips. Mrs. Tom O'Krafka, and Mrs. Bob Ed- gar are leaders, Bees 't6 paint tables and seats ;at the park were field- two evenings last week. Mr. and Mts. 'Griffith McDonald, Toronto, visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Glad Edgar, Mr. 'Harvey Sperling and Mr. Harold Robinson . attended the funeral in Allister-1 on Tuesday of Mrs, Fred Downey, a resident. of. Alliston. Past president, Mrs. Tait Clark, R.R.- 5, Goderich; president, Mrs, Wes. Bradnock, 'Auburn; 1st vice,- Mrs. Otto Popp, Dunga.nnori; 2nd vice, Miss Josephine Woodcock, tlythe secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Arthur Clark, R,R, 1, Auburn; Fed- eration representative, Mrs. Tait Clark; alternate, Mrs, W. S. R, Holmes, Clinton; district delegate, Mrs. Wes. Bradnock; alternate, Mrs. Durnin Phillips, Dungannon, Coveners of standing-committees: Citizenship and Education, Mrs: Lorne Hasty, Dungannon; Agricul- ture' and Canadian Industries, Mrs. Stanley Lyon, R:R, 1, Auburn; His- tOrical Research and Current Events, Mrs. Bert Alton, RR, 7, tucknow; Home Edoriomics and Health, Mrs. Ken Taylor, Walton; _Reeolution, Mrs. George Malian, Auburn; Junior Activities, Mrs, M, Batkin, Clinton; Public Relations Representative, Mrs. A, Wilkie, Goderich; Auditors, Mrs, Lorne Scrimageour, Mrs., 'Wellington Good, Blyth: indigent funeral, etc., $165.00; Gore • Ion S. Melia indigent funeral„. $125.00; Town of, Listowel, deben- ure payment, $2047.29; G. A. Gib-, Son & Sohs, bridge deposit, $2000,00e effeaestafals,e Hgrr s>seelenallaaa,:a 1N,Ql, A. Gibsbn, relief 'administrator, $20.85; Howe's General Store, re- lief account, $16.58; Wm, Marriner, relief account, $20.47; R. H. Car- son & Son, relief account, $28.60; G. L.1 Dobson, relief account, 123,04; W. Heimpel, relief account, $4.55; Engeland Produce, part payment Warble` spraying, $500.00; library grants,' $125.00; Road ac- count, transfer, $10,790.00. Moved by McMichael and R. Gib- son that we do now adjourn to meet again on July 5th or at the call of the Reeve. J. Harold Pollock, Clerk Arthur Gibson, Reeve Mrs, Harold Keil, brought fin/- thoughts on the motto "Don't work all your life to make a living bu' work to live ,all your life", She said, "We should be •thankful cad' morning that we have some wore to do; have enthusiasm in your work, regard each day as a new adventure." She, closed with .a poen- by Padre' Young,of the O.A.C, The roll call, "Do you think you' child should remain on the farn and why?" brought an interesting discussion, Many enggestions wens given for using plastic bags. Mrs Gregg reported on the East Huron district annual meeting- at Wroa- eter. • , • Mrs. Willard "-Fehr' arid `Mrs Clarence Stokes Were 'named lea dens for the eeutse,•"Sew to make dollars and sense'. , Achievement Day will bet held,in Gorrie on July 4th. Institute '.members have beer asked to assist in the canvass for the Red Shield' campaign, A sol- dier has been adopted at West 'sinister Hospital, London, Letters and gifts will be sent to him. Mrs.. E. H. Strong and Mrs Clarenee Stokes held the, lucky numbers in the -dutch auction. Mrs Clarence' Sperling and Mrs. Glad Edgar assisted the hostess in serv- ing refreshments. Picnic Held at Mr • and Mrs, Turn Scott and family, Burlington, were visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. Len Ruttan. Howick District LO L, met in the Orange Hall at Orange Hill on Tuesday. evening, The- Huron Co. -7.a.O.L. held their quarterly meeting in Gorrie Orange Hall on Wednes- day evening- with a good atten- dance. Wan. Campbell, County Mas- ter, Fordwich, gave a, report of the Grand Lodge at Sarnia. Gorrie Park hORRIE GoRftlael—Moleeveorth "Children of the Church" enjoyed a picnic in the Gorrie Park on Saturday, Mrs. W, J, McClure, Mrs, Veil McIntosh and Mrs. Wm. Smith were leaders for the races and' ball games. A, bountiful lunch Wats served, Mrs. McClure and Brian were presented with, bon voyage gifts, The Rev. W. SS 'McClure, Mrs. McClure' and Brian are leaving at the last of June for a holiday in Ireland. They will go by plane. FORMER RESIDENT DIES AT CALEDON Mrs. W. C. King, Mrs. Ken Has- tie, Mrs. Archie Miller, Mrs. Ira McLean and Mrs. Jack Brown Jr„ Wroxeter, were. in London on Fri- day evening attending a shower for Miss Donna McLean, daughter of Mrs. Ira McLean, whose marriage will take place in the near future. The -shower was at the 'home of Mrs, Jean MacDonald, London, 'Mrs. Frank Earls assisted.' Several from this community at- tended the Jacques reunion at Moorefield park on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Elliott, Lis- towel, spent Sunday with Mr. and hfrs... Alex Petrie, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fisher, Turn- berry% Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gowdy attended. the ex-warden's banquet Thursday evening in the New Ritz Hotel, Hayfield. Mr. end Mrs. Mile Casemore and Mrs. Etta Day, Wingham, spent Wednesday evening at the home, 'of Mr, and Mts. Robert Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond 'Gowdy, Toronto, spent the, week-end with. Mr..and Mrs. Harry Gowdy, The Woman's Missionary Society .of the C-ortie United . Church will meet at the .home of Mrs. W, W Strong on Thursday, June .12th at 8.15. Program comm., Mrse K. Has-. tie, Mrs. 1, Toner, Mrs. W. Col- lings. Mr. Ken Moir of Kitchener, spent the. week-end with his brother. Mr. Gordon Moir and Mrs. Moir, The community club held a suc- cessful dance in the community hall on Friday evening. Carruth- ers' Orchestra of Lecknow simeoliee music. Harry Templeman and Earl King received door prizes and Bob the winner in the spot- ljfglahetk vas es. BBLGRAVE---The annual Hoine Helpers' meeting of Knox Presby- terian :Church Was held on Tues- day evening at the home of Mrs. Clifford .Purrion. Mrs. Edgar Wightman presided. The meeting opened . with the , singing of "Sa- viour, Like a Shepherd Lead Us", The theine of the Worship service was. the. 23rd. Peal& Mrs. Ken Scott read .the Psalm and ,a por- tion of the 15th chanter ,of Luke's gospel. 'Several' versions of the 23rd Psainiewere, eeaa, . Miss, ,Bruce read. modern." " Japan- ese ersion', written by` MaslIsun- Tut Miss .kailerre i Piirdon read the eflesver.greeser's version, writ- ten by Mary Dickerson - Bangham. Miss Margaret Wightnian read an Indian version written by a mis- sionary, Isabel Whitten. Mre, Ar- thur Hull led in prayer. Miss Ann Wightman gave a short reading, after which the offering was received and the offertory prayer given by Miss Margaret Nicholson. The ladies were then favored by a quintet singing "The Lord Is My Shepherd", using the beautiful Walden tune. Mrs Wightman Introduced the guest speaker, Mrs, Morgan Hen- derson, of Lucknow, who 'gave a very interesting account of the life and work' of Albert Schweitzer who is known as the greatest liv- ing Christian missionary, Mrs. Alan Dunbar led In the Glad Tidings prayer. The hymn "The King of -Love My Shepherd Is" was .sung and Mrs. Weghtman closed the Meeting with prayer, The hostess served lunch and a social time was enjoyed. Mrs. Youhgblut expressed words of ap- preciation to Mi's, Henderson for her inspiring address, to all who took part in the meeting and to the hostess, Mrs. Purdem, WIIITECHURCH • *Hi WHITECHLTROH—Elgin Wel- wood and Bert Coleman of Cale- don were busy Making alterations in the home of Mr. and Mrs Cecil Walconer last week and •they and Mr. and Mrs. Falconer visited on Sunday with Mrs.: John Falconer and Mrs. Welwood at Caledon. Dur- ing Sunday evening, Mrs. John Falconer took a severe stroke, and passed away early Monday morn- ing. 'Formerly Hester Quinn of Thant- esaille, she Wet in her -ninety-aec- end year. Her husband predeceased her about 14 years ago, For many years they lived in Culross and E. Wawanosh, tut Mrs, Falconer has lived at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Elgin Wel'wood at Caledon for 20 years, She leaves tsvb skins, Cecil of Itiuloss and Jamas of Turnberry, and two dau'g'hters, Mrs. Welwood (Allis) ad Mrs, Arthur Cronin (Morals) bath of Caledon, Inter- ment will be hi Tiffin's Cemetery after the service at the Currie funeral home, Wingliarie at 2 p.M„ today (Wednesday). John Purdon Is .(/‘ la a, small seetion oil the eiroWd -at the °pooling; omentonles as the Whighain Trade Pair was 60161411y inangtirated on ' The Turnberry Township council met in the,Bleweale community hall on June 2nd et 1.30 p.ire, • With all members present and Reeve W. Jack Willits in 'the 'Chair, Motion bee W. Harry Mulvey and Glenn. T. Appleby,,, that the min- utes of the 'last regular Meeting and special meeting. be adopted as -preeaadt Motion by Herb Foxton and W. H ritk M yon of L. Sh.roPshall and othe Mulvey, that we accept the ens on the open ditch,' known as the Lower Town drain for a cIeane out, and instruct tha engineer to make the necessary survey and re, - by Glenti T. Appleby and Apc;Merat411°''friseeTavieh. that Herb Fox- ton be: eennissibrier• on the Low- er Town aeain. Motion, by Herb Foxton and W, Harry: Mulvey that the petition signed by L. -Sterepehall and others forastreet -inefarriver Wing- haria be accepted and the clerk ap- Preach the hydro stiperintendent, Mr Whirter, Motion by W. Harry Mulvey and Herb eFoxton, that arurnbeiry and Morris Township dump be cleaned lip and George Greenaway be ap- pointed to leek after the dump and: that, it be open Thursday afternoon of each week from 2 to 4 o'clock. Motion .by W. Harry Mulvey and Glenn T ApPleby that By-laws and 9, 1958; be read a third time. :Motion by Herb Foxten and Alex 7YfacTavish, that Bealawe 8 and 9, 1958, as read a third tithe be pass- ed, signed by the reeve and clerk and the seal of the corporation at- . taehed thereto, By-law No, .8 sets a penalty of three per Cent oh all unpaid to es after the time limit of Dec. 15th and one-half of one per -cent. each month thereafter. By-la.W Na. -9' 'sets the mill rate s for 1958 as follows: Conntse 13 mills: township residential. 13; township commercial, 16; reserve fund. 1 mill; high school, mills; township general school area. 12 nails; bOspitalizetion and compen- sation, 1 5 mills; Federation of Ag- riculture, .4 mill; tanevele street lights, 4.3 mills; Culross general school area, 18 mills. Motion by Glenn T. Apaleby area W. Harry Mulvey, that the geners sal. and road accounts be passed and paid as presented., General Aceourite Menteith & Monteith. ituditers, $350.00; Municipal World, supplies, 81009; D. Hildebrand. fox bounty, e4.00; aohn Lane, fox bounty, $8.00; Ross Willits. compensation, •$47 John V'. Fischer, part salsa-sr, $45 00; Eneeland ;Produce, cattle alsreeq.", $302.00; relief A .0. lth envelopes, .1 rott: warble fly inepeetor, $17.5 1 0: Jensen, fox bounty, $3.4; Wm B. farelltshank, unemployment ins., 2, $14C-e.9O. Galloway, 11.$241.514I Iti; William Mundell, 3258.45 • Road Accounts McColl->arortenaci Oil CO., 0$: Snar-on Tools, sockets, 33.40; Su- pertest, fuel oil and eb,e $169',0: Wm, J. 'Elliott, tile, $3 24: Andy's rearage, truck remit' .$2635: Pones's' Bros., ealoluire $338 68: Rots Hess tines, bulldozing $13.00: hi Par- rish, gravel, $3 00; Motley 'Ma. Michael, removing silo* fence, $35 00. Motion by Herb Poxton else Alex MaeTevish, thee We do hew ,ied- jottrit to meet. July 1411 et 1 80 p -m. W Seek p'ese.0.4 John V. Pieeher, Clerk Arrives Home . Prom eHGeurmanyt, WAtTE John Huffman arrived at the home of his parents. Mr, and Mrs Roy Huffman of lainloSeo On Valndaet. He had beery with' the Air Force nod ellieenalelyw 'for witlsstrpta;t et i tIlliorete:ebeerast. A year age he Tentried in Scented, d, front t ngland fo Montreal, and inetered heine with a, fri-end In a inenth they will terfort With the Air Vero La t'renton, where they will be IA -aliened for live years Little Gail Hinton', daughter of Mr. sand Mrs. Gordon Rintoul, who suffered from' concussion arid shoulder break from a fall, a few weeks ago, has made a *good re- covery and was able to' ha.ve 'the betirlagee and cast reMoved on Saturday, Miss Gertrude 'Stewart of Cooke- ville is visiting- at the house of her sister, Mrs. Harold Walker end Via Walker.' Mr. and .Mrs. Clarence Ritchie and children visited on Sundae at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ross McMichael, at Sarnia, Mr. and IVIrs.ftobt Scott of Tees- water 'Visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mi's, johnstoe Conn, Mr. and Mrs. Hebert Putdon arid Me, and Mrs, Archie Purdon anti Itathy Visited on lattedely at the Mine of Me, And Mit. Floyd Entt, of 1301weed. Marilyn, Jean and Hobby i3oil aCCOMpatiied theln home to beettdaY here. ;., e 1 _ Miss /' Shirley Patterson, home economic coach for Huron County gave her report of the, year's . ace tieities in 4-1I work and also of the rag-making Preject Which proved so successful in the county. The girls of the Godetich 4-H ,club preierited their skit, "Safety in the Home.", The leaders of this project "The Club Girls Stands on Guard", are Mrs. Robert Wilson, leader and Mrs. A. B. Straughan, assist- ant. Special Music' Was supplied by aft. Ed, Stiles of Goderich, who played a medley , of Songs on the piano. The reports of the various stand- ing conveners were giVen showing greater interest in " the Institute throughout the whole district, Mrs. A, Wilkin of Goderich, convener of resolutions reported receiving three, each dealing with the abol- ishment Of Daylight-saving time, ' These were sent ' in by Belgrave, St. Helens and Auburn, This reso- lution.eves passed by the delegates and ' will be Sent on to the Area Convener. The dinner was Served in the parish hall by the ladies of the Goderich Institute. The Institute grace was sung and Rev, K. E. Taylor rector of the church, wet-, come the gnests, Mayor Fisher of God ch welcomed the guests to ' the' town. Mrs. Otto Popp replied and Miss Josephine • Woodcock thanked the ladies for their dinner and Dr, Taylor and MaYor Fisher for theft welcome, Gifts of hatid cream were pieced at 'every plate 4 ' by courtesy of Rieck's PEng.Store. Delegates Report The aftermion aession opened with the convention eamg ,follOWecl by the roll call Of all- branches. Mrs. Nornian Keating of Wingharri gave the tepOrt of the first net- lanai convention held lit fall' in Otte-Wes Mies Nora Creyle6 Of the Department 'of Agrienitute, Tot- onto, gave an addreate Urging all WI, members to take advantage of theheott courses offered by the I 40 , lte rtnient, She remarked -that objective of, the W,I, ie, to de- velop happier, and More useful eitizette and better tioneenialters, IV(r.e. Gatint, of St. Helene sang a sold edetntipanied bet Mrs, R„ a% Phillips of Auburn and itise led in cimemletitst singing. . ,A, report of the ChiciPh Confer. i Injured hi Fall WHITECHORCH — Mr. John 4 Pueden, wise was helping his bro- ther fel, a few days. last week, to put steel Sheeting on -the rotor Of his brother, Hebert Purdon's bath, met with a painful accident on Saturday. When climbing a ladder, with 4 hoard hi -one hand arid a pall of nails in the other, he missed his hold 'on the, ladder, and Oil a row feet tip egallest a pile of lumber, on the fleet, His loft leg Thursday is-Veiling, .Attendance on all three evenings was exeeltent atoll was badly scraped and souse ribs oarprisingly good an both Friday and Saturday afternoons—AsT photo. eracked.