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Ei Ineurance Agency
", or Tot x,4114
.111104, MODE 11191)10
giMibOyhOldimil of this business
iS '04v/sed that this
*lap "has been Pituvliarsed by
Sttwart A, Scott
TO; JOrther -patio; InfOrmatIgil
Phone 293
Now's the time to compare Dodge!
Windshield area (sq. in.) '1,436 979 •' 1,135 • Front headroom
Rear window area (sq. in:) 1,8,39 '1,078 , 1,056 Front legroom
Total window area (Sq. in.) 3,984 3,290 8,506 Front hiprdoin
Wiper blade length ' 16" 12" "' '13" • Rear headroom . Rear legroom
Rear hiproom •
Front shoulder-room
Rear shoulder-room
34.4" 33.9" 35.0"
45.5q . 43.1" 44.6"
63•.0" :60.0" 62.1"
to Ili. highest Meedattliel
eutaroothie craltsmanshijii
Trunk capacity (cu. ft.) 35.6- 29,6 • 25.0
Trunk openipg width-'60,6", 45.0" 34,0" • You et Total-Contact brakes, Trunk opening height r, 21.1' „ 19.4" 21.0" biggest in the low-price field!, Trunk usable width ,, 74,0" . 44.5" 58.0" Plus dual-cylinder front brake4"..
Trunk floor depth 61.0'" 55.2" 55:7" independent parking brake. ,
- Dimensioti3 posed ore eneaseaments of cOmparallo 4-door hardtop. . ,
34,5" 33.6" • 84.2" ,
39.0" 40.7" 42.7",,- 62.7fi §9,r, C O MPARE QUALITY!
60:5" 57.3" 56.4" 1'
60.4" 57.0" 56.2" From first Inspection of
parts to final inspection
of the finished ear, every-
Dodge reflects quality
workmanship from top to
bottom. t yen smallest
details in construction
and fitting get the Most
careful. attention.
'• • . • ‘-'••••
.... •
• ,4440#
The,'Wingharni. A4PElictIMMAIller WII)40041Ye eX.10*Aillie IPS
Niagara Deep street to the town park 'and from that point led a cavalcade Of -ears •
to the arena for the official opening eereinoniese--A-T' photo,• •-
.... .....
RCAF OAND QN PARADE---The,' crack trumpet band from RCAF
Station, Clinton, owned the'activity at the firkrainnual, :Kinsmen Trade
Fair 'on Thursday evening, as they' Paraded.: the length' ,of the main Massage
St. Andreir's VMS
Monthly Meeting.
Mrs, J.V. MeKibhou and Mise
Waleh were In charge of the
June 3rd meeting' of the Wag,5.
$t, Andrew's •Presbyterian•
Church, "Pile president, Mrs, A.
Nimnso, opened the meeting with a
call to worship, and Miss Agnes
Mitchell read from Acts 1, center,
log her Meditation on our respon-
sibility to tell the. gospel and •
cautioning not to, neglect the small
acts of faith because they will lead
to greater things, Mrs, D. Rao, led
A buSiness 'session followed and•
arrangements were made ';for the
annual Home gelpere.meetiog, The
delegates to the , Presbyterial
brought in reports on the meeting
held in Kincardine, Mrs, E: R.
Harrison dedicated the offering.
Miss Walsh opened the first part
of the 'topic, "Men and Women
Working Together" with two ques-
tions: "What is the Church and its
Mission?"' "What is nay .responsi-
bility?'" In this critical ; era in
which we live, there is an' urgency
Wr in our response .as itifesses, A
living church is • a witnessing
church, We must resist the temp-
tation to rest, but we must strive
for the outgoing vitality of the
early, Christian , Church •
In the second• part of the topic,
Mrs. J. W. IvlcKibbon stressed the
loving service of Christialy,fellow-
ship, which has its well,spring in
Christ, in 'contrast to Worldly fel-
lowship based on common interests,
This fellowship must be outgoing--
no one can have Jesus to 'himself.
Following a hymn Mrs. - T. C,
King closed the meeting with
Rainbow Club
Plans Picnic
The regular monthly meeting of
the Mary Hastings' Rainbow Club
was held. in the .0dtlfellows, Hall on!
Tuesday,, June a .at 7.30, with,
euchre after the meeting..
The meeting opened with .House-'
wife's Creed and Lord's Prayer M
unison, Plans, were .made fop the
plenie to be held in WIng114 /442* this month. 'Clinton and. Gtidertch
groups etre to be invited and .0041-
atittees were set up to lot* after
he sale table, Sports .and lunch
tables, Each member is to bring a
picnic lunch, which. will he pooled
• ma. a cup for tea which Will. be
The ,next meeting will• be held
in the Legion Hall on Tuesday,
July 8 with Elsie Sturdy, Annie Mc-
Nevin, Helen 1.1cBurney, Ethel
Stewart and Jean Crump as joint
hostesses; After the euchre, lunch
was served with prizes. going to
Mrs, Edith Montgomery,' 'Mrs, C.
Hopper and Mrs. S. Cowan; lucky
card Ross King and the baSket of
groceries was won by Mrs. J. Carr
It as,,,, for 'everyone. Inereases,
eireukftion, relieves fatigue and
sore getting muscles. Helps you
• li '-`effeetive figure control,
For Pton-nation er appointment,
eall• 'your ,local representative
;for this area:
-.*hone 993, Wingham
Na,' obligation at ,arty thee.
Because of the added require-
ments for growth; puppies require
more calories per unit of weight
than do mature dogs.
SAVE ON TIRE see us for
!: oix g h e$s --Ability Time tested . 1
I ' L i
• Phone '37, for appointment •
Rev, Henderson officiated at the
wedding of Mrs, Iris Belle :Mac-•
'Lean and Aldin, 3. Purdon, on Sat-
urdaY, June 7, at 5,39 p.m, at the
PreshbYterian manse in Walitter-
ton,- The bride is 'the 'd'aitglitei., 'of
the-late Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Cur-
tis of' Deford, Mich., `arid' "'the
groom Is the soh of the late Mr.
and; Mrs. ',William Purdoir, White- -
The bride .wore a street,length'
dress of„.azure, blue: crepe trimmed,
'with 'matching nylon, with pana,,
ma flowered hat and shoes, and bag;
to match. She wore a ,corsage of
pink Tose buds. •
Mrs. Marion Purclon of White-
church; a daughter-in-law of' tile,
groom, was -matron of honor and
wore a blue and white crystalette'
dress, .3r,pliow flowered hat, Valte
shoes and bag and a corsage of
yellow roses. , •
The best man ;was Mr:,Bruce
Simpson, of Peterboro, a son-in-,
law of the bride.' •
A dinner' and reception was held
at the Hartley House ,..in Walker-
After a honeymoon trip to Nor,
thorn. Ontario and Michigan, the
couple will reside in Wingharn,
ONLY $ias4S guaranteed ..
high mileage economy I ZIM`,T6'74°
tube type.
Deluxe Super-Cushions $i69s zipjx rIg ea:1r
New 3-T. Nylon Deluxe Super-CUshions 31995
with trade-in size 6.70 x 15.
All Goodyear tires are made with Super strong 3-T Cord
. . . See us far the heat tire deal in town
' \ki,,,N4N44411
Mrs. John White,
Is W.M.S. Hostess
MaNTOSI-1-Mrs. 'John White
was hostess to. the McIntosh W.M.S.
on Wednesday, June- 4th. Fifteen
members were present.-and thirteen
Mrs, Russell Sewers was leader.
The meeting opened by singing
a hymn and all repeated the Gen-
eral Thanksgiving prayer. Mrs.
Geo. Harper read the Sdripture,
Matt. 6: 23-33.
Mrs. Allan Darling prepared •and
read a chapter of the study boOk.
The roll call was a verse from, the
Bible on "Love", which was well re-
sponded to. All enjoyed a trio sung
by Donna and Barbara Ferguson
and'Billie White "So Let the Sun-
shine In". A hymn was then sung
after which Mrs. John White clos-
ed with prayer. •
A dainty lunch was served by
the ladies of the 17th. After lunch
several piano solos were rendered
by Donna Ferguson.
"Wears Out"
3 Times FASTER
than a Muffler!
Every bump you hit
knocks-out wheel' ,afign-+
ment a little inure: That's
why alignment 'wears out'
3 times faster than mid-
flers. Prevent costly wear,
don't gamble with nnsafe
steering . . have wheels
accurately Checked every
5,000 miles by the shop
with Bear Service, at the
"Happy Bear" sign: If you use baking soda only for
cooking you're neglecting -a valu-
able household aid, Aniong the
many chores it tackles is. Cleaning
the refrigerator, polishing•tarnish-
ed silver, cut-glass and jewellery
and removing grease and food
stains from the top of the stove.
Rev, M. O. Marks Officiated at ,a,
double ring Ceremony for. Laura
Jane Anderson and William Addi-
son, Fraser, on Saturday, May 3rd,
at the home of the groom's bro-
ther, Mr. and Mrs. James Fraser,
Lethbridge, Alta, The 'bride Is a
daughter of Mr. John, David. An-
derson and the late aqrs. Anderson
of Barrie, Ont., and the groom is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Addison
H Fraser of Wingham.
The 'bride wore a street-length
dress of 'White brocaded nyloh, il-
lusion veil held by sequined head-
dress • and wore a corsage of red
The niaid of honor, Mrs. James
Fraser, wore a street-length dress
of white, nylon _,embossed with
peach: Her accessories 'Were in
white and She wore a corsage of
white feathered carnations".
The junior bridesmaid, Miss
Brenda Bird, wore a white nylon
dress With corsage of pink .-carna-
The best man was Mr. James
Fraser. •
A dainty wedding supper was
served to' 20 guests by Mr. and Mrs.
James Fraser- at their home, 1221
9th Ave. North.
For going away the bride wore
a coral suit with White accessor-
ies and a corsage of white carna-
tions, After a honeymoon trip to
Edmonton and other points the
couple will reside-in Lethbridge.
mpathetic eyes
-Many banking problems require sioecial care and skill ir4
4bandling. Estate settlementt, many loans, business
trafisactions .foften bring up problerns.that only
.0iPirience and a completely sympathetic understanding
cawsolve, •
the BIG money's worth
in the low-price field!
Ai •
' 'We 'belieVe that you will find the intelligent' eisoning
and tie' friendly, helpful advice you need it eny
Toronto-nbininion branch. The Manager and hit
'ate will be'pleaSed to discuss your' batiking problems,- r ,;ri6 Matt& jiow large or Small, or whether you are an old
" " etistotner `4.5t4 new one. Why not drtip tit and talk it Overt' e • ),` CI-IrtYSLEE2 qoapORA-rioN bP CANADA, LIMITED .io
c.4#i •
Now's .4t4e time to buy Dodge!
4E Yours at no mitt's, eost ---'58 Torsion-Aike
„, Ride -finest of all snspeirions!
* Dodge 'offers ,push-butt971 automatic &fire
. . most modem, tonCh in motoring!
* Big-car roominess,' but easy to' park
easy to hat* in, traffic! .4
*' Come in now! $ee.lio)v,Dodge gives yoo.
more when you lynx and when you trade!
WIOGII414 • "Y*12 6"',1•A'N IC
TEOTLERy Moniger
Several Functions
Previous to ,Wedding
(Intended for last week)
A trousseau tea was held recent-
ly by Mrs, Kenneth B, Davis, Strat-
ford, in honour of her daughter,.
Muriel Jean, whose marriage to
Mr, William A. Coultes, Brussels,
took place on May 31. '
The .home was, decorated with)
large bouquets of Mau and tulips.
Guests were received' by Mrs. K.
Davis arid Mrs., Kobert H. Coultes,
Tea was poured by Mrs. Walter
Timms, Tillsotibilrg, grandmother
of the bride; tlItirS. Russell Walker,'
Goderich, MrS, W, Stuart MacLeod
and Mrs. gerbert Weber, Stratford,
Miss Davis was also honoured at
a kitchen shower -at the home of
Mrs, J. H. Del Net, Ititchener, and
tr thiseellaneotts shower at the hoine
of Mrs, risher, Stratford. Mrs.
Win Bevis and /Alas Carmen
Weber, also entertained at a Mit-
tellaneons shrower at the horne of
Mrs. Wm, Davis, Stratford..
),/w Davis was presented with
a white Chenille bedspread by the
employees of the engineering de-
partinatit of the Bell Telephone
Co,, in , Ititchener, where she had
been employed, tier 8urnilay Sehoot
class of St, John's United Church,
8tratfoid, presented her- with, 0.
silver 'hewer basket, -
Looks ,4Iia4b
t. GRAHAM, Metnag
file Eranch hYbiit' I:Jodie-bola-0 dealer will be pleased .to Orrailgo tots domoottatioridrivot.
• ar.. a,
The June meeting of the WO,
man's Missionary Society Of. Wh14-
hallo United Church Was held In
the school room on Tuesday, The
program was prepared by Mrs, k.
Gowans who atop Freskled at the
meeting, The worship and bible
study was presented by Mrs, W,
Adams, and was based on Paul's
words to the Philippians, "Rave
no anxiety ahOot anything, but
everything by Prayer", XII Prayer
we can 1C160 our burdens of ankiety
and learn to rejoice in the ..ord,
as We give Him,thanks for all the go od things we enjoy, This study
on prayer was followed with pray-
ers by Mrs. 'Adams, Mrs, Gowans
and. Mrs. Roulseon, Tn connection
with the theme, Mrs, Grant Mc-
Lean and Mrs. Carl Bondi sang
the duet, "Living for Jesus",
A letter was read from Miss
Frances Langley, who has been a
missionary in the Belgian Congo
in Africa, She 'is now studying in
Belgium and wrote a very interest-
ing account of the exhibits display-
ed by the Protestant .' Church at
the World Exposition in Brussels
Keeping in 'mind the fact that only
1% of the nine million population
of Belgium Is Protestant, one
realizes the importance of the three
Protestant displays at this world
exhibition, First, there is the Blblc
Society stand composed of
Hated Scriptures in four languages
and, where bibles are for sale. Then,
there is the exhibit of the Congo
Protestant Mission with native pas-.
tors on hand to answer questions.
Lastly, the small Protestant
Church, a round modernistic build-
ing seating 300 people and where
services are held daily in differ-
ent languages.. This interesting
letter had been received by Mrs.
Arnold Halliday of Wingham.
A review of the study of Japan,
"Meeting Today's Crisis Together",
was given, by Mrs, Gowans. She
shoWed that as missions are carried'
to different groups, factories, trad-
esmen,, etc., • here and there the
seed of the gospel falls and bears
fruit. Much education is expected
from -the World Conference of
Christian Education which, will
meet in Tokyo in August. •
It was decided to hold the next
meeting on Tuesday, June 24.
Clothing and quilts were on dis-
play to be' packed for Korea, -and
which will go forward at once. The
president, Mrs. Fingland, closed
the meeting with prayer.
P t
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