The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-06-11, Page 2ALMOST EXTINer—This picture wouldn't,,have been worth taidkig,20 Years, ago, hut, the prevalence of modern farming equipment has made the sight -of :more Itild.,iler^:ftaall"linusual. This picture was taken at the farm of Albert Bacon, Beigrave, just, about` the 'time 4unior, tiiok'adyantage of •the paiise that re- freslies.—Advartee-Times photo, 4, .„ e • • • Mt!tomulliltUt0Pilk POItt,1:111)11tttfillt4OPifittt00140,100t!totolpimo.p)mw • he o T. ea d _. Rev. Walden,. T See. .4:ippet ran.adla tomoottootoonoonevotormo 'Three thousand copies of the Scriptures for university' grada OW. The Bible Society presented the three thousand Scriptures to the graduating students at the Convocation of the Andhra, Intiver- say, India, this year. Perhaps this. Is the first time In India t•but Mich a large scale distribution of Scrip- tures has ever been made on a single occasion. Several Canadian Missionaries were present at the Convocation, and were thrilled to witness this great distribution of the 'word of God. "The wonderful thing about it all", writes Rev, John Ttart., • "is' that when asked presentation might he made to the 'Christian graduates, the 'University Authority ' asked, 'Why not all the grilatates?' So to all the three thousand grad. antes this year, a copy of New Testament was gleea,,,, Surely thaentrartee of His Word will give Soggelted Bible, Reading Thursday, Nitinbin's 14:1-25; Fri- day, NprIrbOtr 14!'28-45,; Saturday, Judges 7: 1-14; Sunday, Judges 7'; 15-25; Monday, Xaniatt 30; 1-15; Tuesday, Isaiah 49: 1-10; Wednes- day, Isaiah 58: 144. I.D.A. SPECIAL PRI4S Gaviller, McIntosh & Ward Mattered Accountants Bell Telephone Bldg. Walkerton, Ont. TELEtnoi.TE WIIITECHROI Among those from a distance who attended the funeral of the late Mrs, J. Herbert Laidlaw on Thursday were, Mr, and Mrs. John Ross and daughters, Marion and Mrs, Douglas Bair, of Cay- uga, Mr. and Mrs, Morgan Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parker of Clinton, Mrs, Robert Mcelenaghan and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mc- Clenaghan and Beatrice. of Roth- saY,Mr, and Mrs. • , McOlena- :elan, Mr. and. Mrs, Melvin Mc-aenagban, of Kitchener, Mrs. Harry Moss, Plattsville„ Mrs, Glen Swan, Brucefield, Mr. and. Mrs, Ir- win McClenaghan and children, of St. Thomas, Mrs, Stanley Harrison and son of London, Mr. and Mrs. Jas Dobie, Harriston, Frank Stock- ill: Hamilton, John Falconer,. Chat- ham, Chas. Falconer, Glarms, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Vincent, Mrs. Jas. Jackson, Miss Margaret Jackson and Mr. Clarence Cox, Auburn, Mrs Jas. Laidlaw, Mr. and Mrs, Oliver McBrien, Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Laidlaw, London, Mr. and Mrs, Vernon Stockill and Hartley Stockill, of Powasson. The pall- bearers were six nephews, Clif- ford and Raymond Laidlaw; Elroy Laidlaw, Bill, Clarence and Carl McClenaghan. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Keen and Betty Ann and 'baby Kendra of Sudbury, spent the week-end with her par- eats, ^Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Conn, here. Mrs. Johnston -Conn, Who had been visiting at the Keen , home for the ' past few weeks returned homlw Mrs. Milan Moore has been a :patient in Victoria Hospital dar- ing the past week, and Mr. Moore was at London on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Brute Simpson and Children of Peterboro attended the Purdon - MacLean wedding and ,apent the week-end with Wingham relatives. Our congratulations to MISS Jean Martin, of Grade 9, Wingham District High School, who finish- ed her school term on Thursday last, and ;does not have to write an examination. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Carter and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Goupland visited over the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Chas. Robinson and with Gorrie relatives. Mr. and Mrs,. R, J. Currie and Mr. and Mrs. George McGee and children_ visited on 4unday,,,3v,ith Mr. and Mrs. Robe Gibson, Wrox- eter, and with Mrs. Leask McGee, Wroxeter. n7ra..14, 11' We are all in favor of the plan which is to be employed for the coin- ing season so fat Zts ball is Concerned, The Recreation Council has pat- terned the program along the same lines used for minor hockey last winter, PA.thee than attempting to groom one team of hotshots for a minor championship, the opportunity to play ball is extended to every boy in the community through a town league, The winners will, of course, go on to Lake Huron Zone playoffs, but not until all the boys have had a full season at, home, We are not the only pe4(Sons who question the value , to youngsters of participation on perennial champion- ships. Many recreation and sports leaders tend to the opinion that the young members of teams emerge at the top Of the heap amid the cheers of their .admiring tOwns- folk! , are often left with 'a , twisted idea.of life in general and, the objecis of thegame in which they have par- ticipated',' Itt-has- been our experience that many of these young th'amPions get the,idea that they are automatically top's, even when, they *tart . out to work at some occupation in whi0 COURTESY STILL; PAYS Most of us can retail' the day when the visit of a government in- srpector of any kind meant unpleas- antness of the worst kind. 'The trouble started during the war when inspection -staffs were hurried and when inspectors knew that replace- ments would be hard to find. During the War, too, most of the legislation which demands inspection of, busi- nessmen's books was originated and the various bodies in charge were no '-ddubt green about the selection of personnel. We can recall visits from Inspec- tors in various departments which left us with an undeniable urge to kill— when high-handedness and 'an overbearing attitude seemed tote the visitors' chief stock in trade,' overbearing attitude seemed to be Big changes, however, have been made during the'past few years. Per- haps goVel-nrrient *agencies' "have re- ognized t3ie .reality' that 'their in- spector:f enter,. places. of ,husiness for the sole purpose of ascertaining cer- tain. .facts and the = information more readily obtainable from per- sons-'Who are not flustered and con- fused ,after 01bl-6-ugh brow-beating. Last week our office was visited by an inspector the Unemployment Insurance Commission and it was an entirely pleasant experience. He was., most certainly not the kind of man one would try to push around, but he did exhibit that kind of courtesy which indicated his awareness that the subjects of his calls are citizens and equals in the freedoms of this land. This trend to a more courteous treatment of taxpayers is one which can be heartily commended. All too often the inspector is calling on a business %-hich keeps several sets of records and devotes a good many hours a month to the maintenance of government plan for the collection of income or excise tax, to the col- lection of unemployment insurance premiums, etc. This he does with- out any remuneration for lost time, simply because the law says he has no choice. It is therefore more than aggravating when the person who has gone to al! this trouble is sub- jected to arse. We hope the change for the better is a permanent oni. The Wingham Advance*Titn s Pliblished at Wlngbam, 'Ontario Wenger Brothers, Publishers, W. Barry Wenger, ditor littinber Audit Bureau of Circulatiori Atithiltited as Second Close Mail, Post. Office Dept, iitbsortption lute — Ofle Yetir sa.to, to Months $i.t6 la sdininefit 1,1", 11. A, ,$4.00 per ealr 4 4t TOMO Rat& WO par'741414 I Adtertiting OWN os apPllettlias they have no experience whatever. The net, result is a need for complete readjustment to the realities of life. Sports for boys and girls in the minor age groups should have one paramount purpose—to teach good sportsmanship. It should be equally important for a youngster to win or lose with neither a braggart's c,9nceit nor a failure's gloom. The mOdern world is thickly sown with useless young men who "tried out') with some famous professional team and then came back hothe to roost. • Th plan of giving all youngsters a chance at hall or hockey is much more likely to produce good citizens than all the championship teams have ever done. In sharp and encouragmg-. con- trast is the Brussels system. Busi- ness operations over the past 50 years have been carried, out with such goo judgment that the com- missioners. were able this .year to erect brand new and completely °modern building; to house the switch- board, repair department,. office and garage. In addition, the system has been . changed, over to the more modern "Common battery' Oper- ation—a definite improvement from the standpoint of both, company and subscribers. The shareholders and commis- sioners have .ample room for pride in the progressive steps • which • have been taken to brinc, their sl-stern into stride with the modern civilization of which it is an important part. HOUSES ARE SCARCE • . Of all the things we 'need ih this -town, houses certainly top the list. Never since • the erection of the homes in Hillcrest has, there been such an acute shortage of Eying accommodation, in either purchase or rental class. Even small apart- ments are at a premium. Housing has never been too plentiful in recent years, but the situation has become more drastic recently. 'The demand for homes has been increased, of course, by increased employment here. All the older es- tablished firms have been going great guns and a new one has been added within the past two years. The result is that more families want to live in Wingham, a condition which most communities in Ontario would be glad to face. The solution is not simple by any means. Rentals in a town this size are hardly high, enough to attract the investment of dolalrs in new homes. 'Many of the new families in town are younger people who have not had the time necessary to build sip ,savings for a building program of their own; A government sponsorea project such as the Hilicrest develop ment has its drawbacks, one of them being an additional burden*on tax- , payers, since the sites for such new homes and the services to them must be provided at a very low rate for a pre-set period. The problem, however, is suffic- iently important to merit some deep thought and 'study oh the part of civic leaders. We have all been cry- ing for more industry in town and now that We have it we find our- selves with no places for the Addi- tional workmen to live.. 'rage. TWO Tile,WIllghaltil.44-..romea414.1**,..'sveofrosy„ 44.4. NO BOY TO' BE LEFT OUT a .PUBLIC ENTERPRISE — AT ITS BEST .• One of the finest examples of public business well handled was in evidence recently Ni'ilen the Brussels, Maris and, Grey Municipal Tele- phone COmpany held open house Ur the inauguration of sweeping chang- e tkeir operations. Rural telephone companies all * over the province have long been the butt of jokes based on the complete absence of anything that might be tailed service. Many of 'smaller systeing are so antiquated in both plant equipMent and Methods of 'operation that their right to exis- tence is in-grave doubt. • Editor, Advance-Times, Winghain, Ontario. bear Sir; I believe I am expressing the feelings of every member of Coun- cil and also the citizens of Wing- barn, when I extend congratul- ations to the Wigham Kinsmen Club for the successful _promotion., of their first trade fair in this town. Having watched with keen in- terest all the preparations, enthus- iasm and hard work put into this venture, it was a real thrill to see it carried through to such a suc- cessful conclusion, This is what makes a service club succeed . .. the teamwork we witnessed last week. This is not only a credit to the kinsmen themselves but a fine thing for Wingham and the whole community and we do_ hope it will 'he eontinued for many years to come. It warrants the wholeheart- ed support of everyone in the vi-• tinny. Here's for bigger and better I.*ccomp'llshments in 1959. Most stneerely yours, R. E„/vicKinney; Mayor Mr, and Mrs, Thos. magoffin which makes it a' fine time for moved on. Saturday from their you to but color film into your home at Zetland to the house on camera. For ,all of you Who're planning a picture record of Elisteit^at your house, color film' is a mast. YOU know how cblor.snipthots or color snaes shave a .,wonderful way of ;bringing bar*, colorful. scenes with remarkable realiarn— now they help. you .relive vital detail' of a time and place. Well, isn't that the-kind of record Yoll'd like to have *hen you re- view the pictures you shoot this Eastertime? Basically, 'there are two kinds of color film—one especially de- signed for taking cola snapshots, 9.na the Other for making color tildes. No ;longer a "speCial-occa- ion" iterti created for elaborate . BOX 473 1 Myles "Marie's -I arna-ain "the, Division ." Mr. a.nd"*Mrs.,,Kelinetli nMasRn and children,, ateinded gathering on Sunday: held** 'Abe home of Mr, "and"... IVErs. Denham`, oe"Kirichin,;Mr. and 'Mrs. Denham were Celehtating a -10th wedding anniversary,. , , Mr. and Mn,,s Russell= Gaunt . are pelebrating ^ their tWeritY;fiftli Oedcling.ariniVeria.ry tiiis.Saturday, with a tamilyclinner at the Hotel Mrs. Max Stewart of Preston. Ducklings? -Goilings? This charmihg miss seems to be wondering as she edmiret lier•Easier Present. ^ -After the bleaker days of -win. ter, there's really nothing like new Easter finery and fresh Spring flowers to give our, lagging spirits a lift. This is the time of year when color reappears on the scene—slipcovers on the lurni- ture, the first Spring foliage and blossoms, pastel sweaters and gay silk prints, bowls of Easter eggs and jelly bearth on the coffee Cable. "Almost everywhere you look these days, the world seems to be putting its 'best foot 'forward— U N is N I I gist Anniversary, 'June 15th 1 Cth 6 Thurs., Stu* 12—Altar Guild at tihe home of * Mrs. Q. MacKay at 3.30 pAn. • • t i urc n "Picture Your Easter in Color" (ANGLICAN) Wilingbain ',EftemmeEss t Rey. C. F. - Rector Mrs. Gordon Davidson - Organist : 8.30 a.m.,—Holy Communion 11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer Yen. R. D. Mess, M.M.. Archdeacon of the Sa4geert old rector of St. Thomas' Parish, Walker 7.00 p.m.—'-Evening Pryer Cameras, color film now comes in all standard roll film sizes to fit ,ery type of camera that's now ..n the market. • The new colOr snapshot film (Kodacolor CU) is a real boon to family picture-takers, It may be used: in daylight or with flash without the addition of filters or blue flaSh bulbs to compensate for the different light. This is the most "care-free" color film ever—: just load it into your camera and snap away indoors or out, with flash or without, , You should *particularly enjoy Using this type of colts filrri for all your Easter shooting. There's not only the colorful Easter Pa- rade itself—there's' the Easter Bunny and the treats he brings, egg„ hunts .,and parties, for the children, visitors'oil spring vaca- tion, new pets And blooming plants, the whole= family together for Easter dinner. Be sure 'to catch not only the highlights but the sidelights, too. Busy little fingers coloring Easter eggs and making fancy party favors—a tug o'war over an Easter basket—a canine culprit caught in the act of removing a chOcoIate bunny's head—a sleepy tot nod- ding over a 'bedtime Peter Rabbit story. 671 —John Van Guilder BrUnsWick, Wirigham,'and A , A family •gathertugat their baind'inliinloss. The W.M.S.',of "'• Brick United Chnrch.,,will meet -this Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. John Jamieson; -.g.•;• and Mrs. W, J. Peacock and children f Blnevale visited on Sunday at the home of her sister,, Mrs. •GOrdori MoBurney. ► Mr. and Mrs. Carl IfcClertagium visited on Sunday with Mr. and MORE THAN 775 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA READV TO SERVE TOO Wingham Branch W. O. Struthers Manager N.298C [ ANI4E0EDUSSE ATTENTION, AhlO SO WE DECLARE JUNE 12th to 17th BILLFOLD Real leather billfold usually sold at 0.19, reduced to just BRYLCREEM plus, 'FREE' COMB ^ Beg. 69c tube Brykreem plus comb for ....... .... .. CASCARA' TABLETS Chocolate-coated - 100's, regUlarly 75e 'CIGARETTE • LIGHTER . 0 Z' "•7 20e Lighter Fluid & 1.5c Flints for • AP 4.1, GOLF BALLS 3 - $1.04 .Low-price goodunality 'Marathon' 'reg. 3/439 for ^'$3.00 size plus.Free 75 Cr c Egg eme0Shampoo • - 12 00 klUDNUT new QUICK , MILK of MAGNESIA Tablets 100's, '300's -reg. 39c, 890 29c, 59c A "Welcome to Wingkamr':,"Store Fishing ....and the Future "Saving inade this holiday possible. 'Continued saving will help me ldok after' Debby's? future. She's one good 'reason - ,X save regularly at THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE" VAN PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST DilflARRY-MIDAILIT TABU REVLON exsooffaatt-VETER/NARY ,PciPPLIET __:-.1[111L-V11,11.10.77 .... . . ..... ,,,,r,trc••••,•• r ti k•ti;55.0:4.4•5 :„_ . . ,Oc 69c 59C'