HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-06-11, Page 1ACCIDENT:RIMS
Robert Wright, 28, of London,
was treated for facial Injuries at
the Wingliam Hospital on '$unclay
after he was hurt in a ear a.evident.
,On Highway NO. 4, between Wing
ham and 'Teesvvater, he is reported
to •have taken the ditch to avo'd
striking & slowersmoving vehicle.
He was releeeed frOm the
tai in satisfactory conditiorL
James Sellers, 1.0, son of Mr, and
Mrs, Elmer Sellers, of 'Binevale,
fell from a awing on Sunday, frac- •
turing his right wrist: The frac-
ture was reduced and a cast ap-
plied at the Wingham ROsplfal and
the boy was Permitted to return
Robert Thompson, 20, of Tees*
water, suffered. serious injury to
three fingers, of his left hand on
Monday when he was operating a
circular saw, The 'three fingers
were partially amPutated in the ac-
cident. Taken to the Wingham
Hospital the wounds were closed
and although still confined to his-
petal he is reported to be pro-
gressing favorably.
ceeds ,• ,
.44449K FROM CAMP4-
Several members of •the 99th Bat-
Whighttni, retariiecr heine af-
ter aeattenuous week at Camp Pete
**EOpet.' Much ,of training was'
One '1.05 nun, howitzere which
kr Or the lvveapQrk of the 21st
R;e~Re ent :ROAM),
insmen tub Tra
Expectations of. Succes s
McGee, epresident of the .Kinsmen displays :at the fair and 'virtually
Club of Goderich, 9,11 of them Were enthusiastic about
The COLONEL 1$ BACK— , ; Ron Rae, former main street
hardware merchant and, a native
' of Wingham, arrived in Warn from
WS home In Phoenix;' Arizon'a,,:on
Saturday, .to., holiday with his mo-
ther, Mrs. Donald Rae, and other
leientheis of the.family here, Mrs.
Rae:' and •the children-arrived -a
'teeple of weeks ago, i '
'ON, THE gEND— '
Friend s,, , of ' Bill .1McCoal- . are
Pleased to know 'that "lie IS. pro-,
gressing "favOrably tollewing a
heart attack se/feared'. two, weeks
ago, ,He is ,still a 'patient at the
Wingham Hospital:, however,.
• , Arena Full'
Attendance At the three evening
and two afternoon open periods
totalled 4680 palt1 admissions, as
well-as the pre-school !children for
whom 'no admission was charged,
On each of the three evenings most
enjoyable entertainment Was pre-
vided and on Diagonal Road, beside
the arena, March Midways, oper-
ated, rides for the youngsters. •The
Kinettee operated feed booths both
inside and' outside the .building.
1n all, 45 exhibitors had set up
To Register for
Kindergarten 'Class
The first Wingham Trade Fair,
onsored by .the local Kinsmen
ub, and staged in •the arena on
hursday, Friday and Saturday, of
'St week,. was one of the most
orepletely auccessful eyelets the
wn has seen. Chiminating months
Planning and weeks of work in
file arena, the interior of the build,
rag predented a most attractive ;an- gle:ranee when visitors arrived. en
the opening; night,
:`<''''The„ RCAF' Trampet Band from
Station. Clinton 'got things off to a
flying start when they parade& on
the main street and led a cavalcade.
of cars to the arena pn Thursday
4'ening: 'Speakers-during the op-
ing eel-et/timer, were Kin Pi-est-
e-It Jack Walker,•who extended a
tcome to thavisitors, 1Viayori R.
'Mdkinney, and the, Official
est, Prosiineial 'Treasurer jelenes
1 . Allan; Who opened the fair; "af-
.r being introduced by the matron
plin Hanna,. l'if.P.P., was to have
wen, present.telt was prevented by
J •Mess, ' • 1
- Parents who have children to en-
ter kindergarten in September are
invited to register them at the
kindergarten in the public school.
Registration will take place dur-
ing the' afternoon of Tuesday,
June 17, from 3.3Q to 6,00 o'clock,
Only children who are five years of
age before the first of JanharY,
1959, are eligible to register.
If not convenient to come on the
above date, please minted the kin-
dergarten• teacher, Mrs. William
Elliott, or the principal, Mr. T. S.
...... •
:MEMBERS OE '01°./PICIAL PARTY-eTreire the left are Cal Burke, general chairman , of the Wingha•rti
',Trade Fair; Bloti."'Oramos,1%t. Allan, Provincial Treasurer, Mayor R. E., McKinney and Jack Walker, preskiletit
1i.f,y tke Kinsnten,Chib.--1AdVettee-Timee Photo., •
• '
the interest and response of the
public to their exhibits., Proof, of
this is the fact that about taee-
quarters of the exhibitors signed
up for space at the next fair before
this one was completed,
The 'Carling Breweries Limited
provided a 615,00 door prize each
evening and the Kinsmen sold
tickets on a doll dressed in fifty,
one-dollar bills, which was drawn
for on Saturday evening and won
by Lee Vance of Wingharn. Sev-
eral of the exhibitors had free draW
tickets available throughout 'the
fair on items of merchandise dis-
played in 'their booths, These in-
cluded Vance's Drug Store, R A
Currie gs, Sons, Percy Clark, The
Wingham Advance-Times, Wing-
ham Sportsmen's Association, Mc-' -
gibbons Drug Store and Unite'd
Co-operatives of Ontario.
The Kinsmen are not yet able to
report on the actual net figure in,
their financial returns, but it lE
known that the Trade Fair Will
show a profit, which is actually
more than the club 'had anticipated
Considerable Investment was made
in framing materials for the booths
which, of eourse, will be available
for 'future use, Certainly the en-
tire event proved remarkably suc-
cessful and will have far-reaching
benefits for the town as well as
the Kinsmen,
Wingham Kinettes
Welcorne Member
The cabinet ministe• r spoke in
(swing terms of the enterprise
atn'd public spirit exhibited by the
etinsmen and other residents, of
ttie community in orgaelizing such
fityl ambitious undertaking. Thq
fair was officially opened as he
threw the switch to turn on the
lights; in the exhibitors' booehs all
direr the building.
Others on, •• the platform were
arry Merkley, president of the
lagharn Business 'Association,
arry Wenger, of The Advance
Times, W. T, Cruickshank, ,of
GK? X, Cal Burke, general chair-
man . of the trade fair and Len,
,The Wingham Me:panic, Lodge at-
tended divine ,service' att..St. Paul's; Anglican Church on.Slinekty morn-
ing, where they were addressed hy
the ,rector, Rev. Cl. F„Jelineen, The
• Members of the Oddfellows Lodge,
and the Rebekalie attended ser-
vice at Blefewile United Church in
the morning and in the efternoon
conducted their• annual -decoration
de,:y service ,tet, the Winghane seemes
Mrs. Morris Swanson
Hostess for Shower
Friends of Mr& Robert Hopper
gathered at the home of Mrs. Mor-
ris Swanson on Thursday evening,
June 5, to honor, Miss Donna Wil-
son, Pricir to' her marriage toc:Mr.
Don Hopper,
The evening was spent in con-
tests and the hride-elect's mother
played' the piano. Mrs. Roy Manuel
reacl.• the address and-Mrs4 W. T,
Cruickshank presented .her with
three r lovely 'gifts. : e ,
A delightful luncheon w,as served
by -the ladies.' ,.•
Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Ireland and
Mr, Walter Scott spent Saturday
and Sunday at Niagara Falls, N.y.,
attending the annual Cody, re-un-
ion. About'80 people attended from
Ontario and New York and one
family came from Florida and 'an-
other from ,Saskatchewan. About
9,000 are registered in the family
records as.descendants, and rela
tives of the eace-fanients Huffald
8111 ' Codye!of the wild;' wild *eat.
Maitland Lodge No: 119 and the.
Rebekah Lodge No. 352, Wingham
attended church parade iii Blue-
Vale on, Sunday morning,
The parade commenced at the
comntunity hall and, lodges fom
Brussels, Teeswater a.nd Blyth
wee led to the United Church' by
the Brussels Pipe Band.'
On Thursday, afternoon at'2 ban,,
The regular meeting of the Kin-
ette Club was held on Monday
evening, June 9tli at the home of
Mrs, Jack Lloyd. Mrs, Jerry
O'Brien was presented with her
Kinette pin, and one new member,
Mrs. May Mckrter was welcomed
into the `club.
A very gratifying report on the
Trade 'Fair was given. It swas de-
cided' to have the, final meeting, of
the season in the fain , a et.• pet
luck supper at the Legion Acme,
..MOnday, „lipie::.:.w...gifflisv-of,-
evening were won by Mrs. Jerry
O'Brieh, 'Mrs. Lloyd Ellacott and
Mrs. Jack Walker.
After a delicious hinch the presi-
de,nt, Mee.'j, Beteson adjourned
the, meeting. „ •
AssOciate Mernbers-,‘.
Dessert Bridge
E$04,0gME10 - • .1.
Mr. Oliver' Moffatt, Siiievale,
On stele; antiOunce the engegemetit
of laughter, Marilyn ,` Louise,
to Glendon Arthier: Terry :son
of' .Mr. and Mrs Arthur p, Terry,
, tendon; the wedding to take 'glace
in ' Knox Presbyterian' Church,
thievale, On Saturclak,"June 28, at , • two o'clock.' d 11*
Rev. R,, A, Brook used the three
links, of the 10;0.F. symbols: of
friendship,. love and truth ae.
subject.. :Wilford • Caslicke noble
grand of the eringtiaine: 1? 'arch
thians, chanter 13, Between 60 and
70 Otldfellows and Rebekahs .at;
tended the 'service.
The local.branches held, their
annual decoration service at Wing-
ham 'cemetery in the afternoon
when about 40 Rehekahsand Odd-
fellows fathered at the cemetery
°a,hd paraded to the memorial plot.
Lloye Stobo of Teeseiater played
soft music, on the accordion while
-the crosses were being placed and i Walker and Miss Greta Harris, all
supplied the accompaniment f or past. .noble grands,
the hymns, "Nearer My God to
Thee", and "Blest Be the Tie that Following the supper the regular meeting 'took place, A guard of
?'i\lajestic., Rebekah Lodge was
very honored on
night of
last week to have as ▪ their guest,
,e,MitrtleK Patterson, &esernistei
Of A, pot luck supper con-
vened, by Mrs. Harry Town and
her committee was enjoyed. Mr.
Patterson, Mrs. McKenzie, assem-
bly Pianiet; Mrs. Joe Schneider,
nohle grand; Mrs. Vance Sander-
son, vice grand; Mrs. Jack Mao-
Intyre; chaplain, as well as Mrs.
Charles Cook, Mrs. Horace Aitehs
Mts. Roy Bennett, Mrs. Wil-
fred Henry, Mrs. HarrY Gerrie,
Mrs.' 'William Bain, . Mrs. Allan
sesLion President Jack Realvie pre-
sitled.,,,for'..the regular ..meeting of
the Lions Club at the Hotel Bruns-
*telt Friday,. evening,, Lion
FlOyd Blakely was at the piano and
Lion ,DeWitt Miller, was in charge
of, the painless extraction depart-
Merit, gathering fines from all and.
,sundry for . a variety of offenoes.
Von Harry McArthur led the sing- .
new member was welcomech to
the club, John, B. Runstedtlee. The
initiation ceremonies • were. carried
eitithsTs Lion Bill Tiffin and Lion
Stan ,Hall read the code of ,ethics.
,-,,Lton Bill Cruikshank'reported•On
the'ldistrict 'CoftventiOn whiale-.Was
;keeld!'atNotth Bay at the beginning
Or the •.we.elt. He and Licit! Sill.
Currie .had repreeented the .Witig-
learn Club at the gathering.. ,The'
Convention was the largest ever the associate members of the Lad-
ies' Golf Club are being entertained
at a, dessert bridge eo inaugurate the
season: From then on, 'they will
meet everi "Thursday afternoon at
the club house at; 2.30• for bridge.
As these , , gatherings have been
most enjoYsible, the sine/ethers are
looking forward to a 'good season
under the convenership of Mrs. J.
J, Brown.
New rnembeei are cerdially in-
vited .and anyone wishing further
information can get in touch with.
IVIrs, Brown •at 110.
A golf 'game is being arranged
for those who wish to play golf
after the luncheon,
Mr.• and Mrs. Morris
•Swarisen, WitighaEn, aaiiounce, the
engigetnent of theireldeSt! daugh-
ter,,,• Gloria Leuise Simi,' to Mr, John
Jeffrey 1.eiing of North. 'Bay, son
of Mr. and :Mrs: Aleicitneler Laing
Of -.Winnipeg, ,Manitelsa. The wed-
ding will, take :place. hi 'St: Paul's
Anglican Church, July 5th. 11*
All boys interested in baseball,
between the ages of 8 and 14 years
are asked to be at the town park
on Satutday at 10 SAM Bring your
own' gloves. The Recreation Coun-
cil will line lip teams for the sum-
'mei. season.
Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred I.-Shantz,
RA, 4, Ripley,. wish to'-announce
the eetigagentent of" •their elder
daughter, Marion. Jane, •of Wing-
ham, to lifr. Lloyd Machan , of
'Eirtiseela 'Won of Mrei, Laurence
ktichan and the lite Mr. ]fachan,
Brussels, The Wedding' will take
Place, at Kincardine * on "June 28,
1958. 4 F11*
OPENS THE FAIR—Hon. James 'N. Allan, Provincial Treasnrer, offic-
ially opened the Trade Fair- on Thursday evening when he throes- the
switch which turned on the, lights in the exhibitors' boothsle--A-T Photo.
honor 'was formed, by the past
noble grands, each carrying a car-
nation branch. These carnations
were later presented by .Miss
Greta Harris to the assembly
president. Mrs. Charles Cook, past
district deputy president, introduc-
ed Mrs. Patterson to the lodge and
Mr& Roy Bennett, past district
deputy president, introduced Mrs,
Mrs. Patterson spoke of her
travels as president , and of the
different jurisdictions she had
visited, which proved to be very
interesting and informative. to the
members present.
Binds". John' Preston of Walker-
ton, a member of the Maitland
Ledge gave the address and Rev.
C: R. Durrant of Winghata United
Church pronounced the !benedic-
Mrs. Vera Schneider, noble grand
of the Rebekah Lodge No. 352 plac-
ed the cross in 'memory of those
who had lost their 'lives overseas.
'Others who placed crosees on the
graves of deceased members were:
Joseph , Schneider, 'Robert Hall,
Stewart Cowan, William Sturdy
Ed. Marsh, Alex Baird, Harvey
Aitchison,. Harry Gerrie, Harry
Elliott, Nelson pickell.
held fin this .district, which, takes
"reeall eof; Ontario and part Of 'Qne-
bee:- Oyer 2100 attended the ga-
thering, •
Anniversary Meeting, ,
,Plans were completed for a epee-
1a1.:meeting to be held: at the golf
Whet on ',Wednesday ° evening , of
next week, when the, club Will mark'
its' 29th ;anniversary, .! Ladies are
to 4seegueSts at the 'gathering and
Ithie Rae, the,. club's charter; presi-
dent,,Will be on Mind; for the meet- , • ,
4 he nominating committee pee-
Sented the slate of officers for the
1.958,59 ;year, and the report was
tmeinimously adopted; The . new
offeeere will be• installed at the gm-
ifivereary meeting next week.'They
esPast,„pres., Jack Reevte; press lei,
aonton; first vide-pres,, br.
,A„ cesieeford: second, vice-pres.,
13:Crintrshenk; third vice-pres., W.
W. 'Carries see„ L. E. Vance': trees.,
Norman "Welwood; tail twister, T.
Currie; ,„tanner, Harry Mc-
Arthur; pianist, HarOld Victor
Pete; directhrs; one year, Jack
Reavie,_Dr, K. M. MacLennan, and
Lloyd' •Casemore: *Vivo ;years. Dr
, Shauneasy and Orval Struthers. '
Mayor ,R, E. McKinney attended
a meeting of the 'Dower costing
committee of the Ontario Muni-
cipal Electric' Association which
was held ,in the Royal Connaught
Hotel, Hamilton, last.' Wednesday.
The committee is comprised of 22
mernbeiri studying the -rates charg-
ed to. various municipalities in the,
province for lOw tension trans-
Mr. McKinney states that he, pro=
tested _the selection of a commit-
tee largely Made 14p of municipali-
ties which are, now enjoying favor-
able rates and Would therefote be
opposed to a redistribution of costs
which might affect them adversely.
He also objected, to the formation
of 'a committee which did not in-
clude himself and Mr, Tornlin,son
of Port Elgin, elitiming that it was
the wish of the convention, held
a few weeks ago, that both ;should
be named to the, costing commit-
One. resolution which passed the
committee would reduce, the cost
of low tension transmission to the
town of Wingham from 7.78 kilo-
watt to 5.5. The reduction, how-
ever, Will not take effect until it
has been approved 'by the Hydro
Commission and may be delayed
for seine Months.
Low tension transmission rates.
are based unon the 'distance of the
Municipality served from the dis-
teibutitin point in- the area: In this
district the'distribution as made
front Hanover arid Mayor McKin-
ney points ..out 'that transmission
costs' to that town total only $801.59,
where as Whig-ham pays 42,383,'34
annually. ',At Kincardine the cost
is still. higher, 816,622.94. some of
the larger cities enjoy a very low
rate, London, paying $1,217,16 anti
Hamilton,, while Toronto
is not charged at ail.
liiiingltara'S power last
year was approitiniately 166,000,00:
of which, $12,8024 Was the charge
for loW tnsion tratsmissiet.
Wingham- Firm:
Geis Contracts .
- • • "
•iitote ott §PORtsmiliN,.-Thir3 spoirtsmeti)6 Aesegiatien !had' aril iiitetestlig booth at the
Witegletiti Trade' Fair. .14E9011s of the AemiMiatinn Were on band to answer 4udatiOns about the ambitious
program of ,Oonserrvittlon, noW in tiebeicese,-,AtiVientic-Thines photo,
ADVANCE411.011$ of Bite arid 141.9.
Harvey Visho, Wingilatur Was the evinlier'Cu 'braiel new Sinith-tioetithi.
Skeleritet portoblo typewriter of the Whighatn Trade Mir on Satfrolay
bight. Vroo tickets Were available to Visitors at the Advoneejtintes
booth, where modern: business Maehitien of all kinds Wtre oil
,,-AtIValieo*Titn0 photo,.
Lucky Aralieatilt
Goes on Tour .
Lucky AMbeault has received the
honor of being chosen to. tour Ot-
tawa Valley with the Jack King-
ston group Of Haenitteri, He alee
was a guest on the flank Strew
Show. Besides the Canadian group
Cowboy Copas,' Wilma Lee, Stoney
Cooper and theft'. daughter; Carol
Lee, appeared on the, same show,
The best of etteceee is wished
Lucky, a forrtier • ORNX star, by
his Whighani :Merida,
Mr. and Mrs.: Allan., Cameron of
,5°-Mitchell, wish td announce
the engagement, of, their elder
daughter, Isabel Jean, he Mr. Lloyd
Henry _Wheeler, enly! son of Mr,
and Mrs., 'Henry'; Wheeler, R,R, 1.
Bluevale, The Wedding' will take
pletce,crio Saturday June 28th, in
Kneet Peesbyterian Chhrch, ; Mit-
chell at 2.30 p.M, • . Flab
, .
the "One -hundredth anniversary
of the founding Of .,the PrtesbYterian
Church in tiluevale Will he °beery-
initnost Ptebbyterian Chtireli
qn Sunday, One 15th, . i958,- With.
Rev,J. It, Greige.A, forniet
of Toronto, as gtiese-ettrase'ee.
Services at 41 a,m and., 7.30 Pin.,
15.83'. A social" het* WilllolloW the
rimming service. Verinei members
and -Mende of the PittieVide, eon-
gregatiOn. arse invited to -attend the
,centennial eetylete EtS*Sliettiniett-
orate the fetinders Of, the PreihY''
thriati dinfreh "the Hitiiiirale
inunity, Spedial ,ingusin will be ore-
41defl, ll,ciuding, , a Male, quartet
artleiv ,Party field in
the church basement oil TtiosdaY
tight, Jane 17, atippee,,SerVed front
to 8 pari,..f011oWeti by a, pro-
grate In the ConittilifiltYlItill, eon.
*tint: Of a play by North *Wren
AurifOr fraraterti and 'entoleal
leeeee by the VOting IPOOPT6 Of TeaS-
*get VicabYtetiall thUrch, rib •••
Joe Kerr 'Construction has been
"awarded two contracts by the Ont-
ario Department of Highways, for
the stockpiling of gravel.
'bile contract Calls for sthckpil-
ing on NO, 9 Highway, to cover the
stretch from Walkerton to:KinlOsa
The- second, is for the Lucknow
bivisiOn on No, 86 Highway.
' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Morrison
arinotince the engagement of theit
daughter,,Marilyn Doreen, to Mr.
'Francis Harold St9ckill, so.n. of at is
and :Mts, VernonStockill of po-
Wasson. The wedding will take
plebe. on Saturday, July 12th, 1958
at' Chalmers Presbyterian Chdrch,
Whitechureh, Ontario. 111
, Mk. and Mrs Jack Gorbutt wish
td announce the engagement of
their only daughter, Beverley Max.,
ire to MP. Daniel Harley Lambkin,
of Embre„ Hon of Mrs, Roy Lamb-
kin of Ciorrie and the -late Mr,
Lambkfn. „Wedding Will take
July 5, InISt. AtidreW'S Pres-
byterian. Chtirch l Wingham, at 2
Mr, and Mrs. aulin A, Wilson, of
LisfeWel announce the engagement
Of ,their daughter, Donna June, to
Mr, Donald David Hopper of Whig;
ham, son of Mr, Mid Kra. Robert
15, linpper, The wedding will take
Wade at IttioX PreShYterian
ohnteh, ListoWel, Saturday,
,Hine two OW% Vitt*
4: 1