HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-06-04, Page 131110114.S. PRESBYTERIAL 'MEETS AT KINCARDINE The 44th annual meeting of Maitland. PreahYterial SPelety of the W.U.S. gf the Presbyterian Church in Canada Was held Knox Presbyterian Church, Kin- cardine, On Tuesday NOW 24, t" sessions at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m, Were in charge of the. president, Mrs, Morgan Henderson, Liicknow and were attended by representatiVeS from 17 churches, in the Presbyter ial, Timely suggestion if you need money ! Call on Canada's leading consumer finance compaty Any time of (lay is a good time to talk to the friendly people at 1-11":0 about your money problem's. Advice is Sound and helpful. Loans are prompt and private, I3OrrOW Modern money sorvieo up to $1,000 with repayment bached by 80 years terms you choose. of experience wide-awake ONTARIO reads . CANADMS NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ..laktstuzzt.;:, 4,21241.64.. ,..., : .1.=••:';.•:.....'... ...▪ .........p...m,;,....‘ '.:.==• - — iiiodbwin......:.. 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SO" FIIJANITURE WINGHAM PHONE 51 'Minn neeiniffeenta teak annfillen On 110 Hetet fent ennoin i tin an kaolin ilia eel ea I fir Ian it et a • A no Idlt, 1 Imo limn AdvaneeMaies,„ SEEK CHRISTIANITY IN MANY LANDS WIN041011 'MOW, r*Tirs, vinvio . 7 rte.: eolitweeraia: rRE4fEwootis - • .„tor"tria'Pitrecen with ot severe hearing iaee The- 5-Transistor 04ter-tt ItE0Elit HEARING.-AID $16 WHITECHURCH 7Kitos liadett, super1ntexu6 et4 of Irtstowei 'llospitO, visited on Friday cast with Miss Oliye Tortiff, Mrs. John .Strtith and Mrs. Sig Polon, of Toronto ' 'visited .on TOO- with the latter's sister, Miss Terrift Mr. and Mrs, Sig Polon lea,ve on ,the twenty-fourth of Juno on , the ityndhain Boat; from Montreal for Southampton, ,England, and on to OslO, NOWAY, to spend the next two months at the borne ,of his mother, Mrs. Martin Polon:. • ',pr. i 1)AM1( Rei3 O,11i ' f' (1,..;tr viive Hear Ing lrsses 10 Day Money ea, 1.• rair,d A. short executive Meeting pre, ceded the.afternoon seSsiOn, at Which plans were made for the. June ,meeting of the eXecntive at. Langhicle on Wednesday, June 18, also the fall sectional meetings. The theme of the afternoon ses- sion was "Witness in Faith." The devotional period was in charge of Ashfield auxiliary the Scripture read by'NfratD; R. IVteK000e, the: meditation 'given by 'Aers.,-' HOUSEHOLD FINANCE C-4622oWag- Agado!, R. K. Filch, Manager 35A West Street Telephone 1501 ' OODERICW We Handle Salaries and.Accessolie; for:1114t1 Nearing Air14 o MARRIED AT WROX.ETER-e-Mr, and Mrs. John.Harvey Rralshaw who were. married recently at the Wroxeter United Chnich, Mrs. Bradshaw was the former Elizahellh Blanche Newton. —Photo liy Russell Studio. The meting of the Cofertb gvoning Auxiliary on May -37th opened with the call to worship and. a praycr by. the' president,.; Mrs, 'Cell Leitch. • Passages fronn. john itind 1st •.Corinthians • Were: read 'by Mrs. :Stewa.r1. Forsyth, "The -Greatest Challenge .cveri made by Christ was to ask men to believe in HMV'. was the theme, Of the meditation on the Scripture, which was given by Mrs. Don Ca* eron, dud which showed the req-. ward and blessing we receive -when we accept this .challenge and .dedt., ante our lives and talents to Him., Misses Gloria Reid and, 1..yuda, MacTaggart played a piano • duel ' which was enjoyed very much .; This was followed by. prayer offer' ed by Mrs. • Ken,,Currle, A detailed :report - of the 44th annual .Maitland .Presbyterial, held in Knox -Preshyterian Chureht .Xin- earcline, was, given by Mrs, •• Len. Phillips, Mrs, Gordon Leggatt dedie cated the offering and Mrs. Wm. Reid contributed a poem, "Time for Housecleaning." An , interesting film, , ""People• without Fear" gave an insight into, the growth of the Christian Cliurch throughout the world, -especially in Germany where the chi-Ire-1i fights, for: survival, .and. •is relmilel- ing after World II, Behind 'the Iron Curtain, ton, faithful witnesses- of 'the Eastern Orthodox Church continue wor- ship despite hostility; and their membership is growing. A college in Syria (500 boys) 213 are Christians and 1/3 Moslems, The boys are given courses in medical arts and sciences, but in the- evenings the College .president. holds. classes in his home to give the students an opportunity to ac- cept Christ and receive further study in the Christian way of life. At' the medical - training centre in Vellore, India, where there As a Christian medieaLcollege and hos- pitaletheework at -healing •soelS•and bodies never -ceases; A bus and clinic serve People for miles around One -.doctor ministers to 6,000 people. As many - as 130 - cataracts have been removed in one day. In. the Phillipines, radio is the means of spreading the Gospel. .Audio-e-visual trailers go out into the remote villages and spread the Christian message. by • flan nelgroph, honks. -and. pamphlets. • New. hope- is springing up in Korea, the most highly Christian- ized country off the Orient. Here thousands are homeless and -hurl: gry, but 300 new churches have been established by Christian mis- sions. An -interesting - report of - the Hamilton-London Synodical., held in Leamington was, given by Mrs. Ken Leitch:. Mrs. Robert Arbuckle was pre- sented with a life membership in the Women's Missionary Society. An address was read by Mrs.' Ted English, and presentation was Made• by Mrs. Leonard Phillips. Another film "Bush Doctor" was shown, and as usual, a social lionr followed. Fordwich Wins First Prize in W.I. Quilt Block Competition and the prayer by Mrs, Williana Ross, Mrs, Mel Ritchie, president of the Kincardine society, extended a core dial welcome to all visitors to their church and 'Rev Wallace 1VICloan, Lueknow, 'brought greetings from the Huron-Maitland presbytery, finsaid that the combined efforts of. heth .Men and women are needed to dceinuplish the aim of the church Which is to make an ini- paet en the world around us. Mrs, R. S. McMurray, Bluevale: treasurer, reported an increase in givings over last year at this per- iod, Presentation of an honorary life membership to Mrs. William Doug- las, Lueknow, was in charge of Miss . Mary McLeod.. Since` Mrs. Dotiglas Was unable to be present, Mrs, Reid accepted it for her. The guest speaker was Miss Mary Whale, B,A., ,executive direc- tor of overseas missions. She Was introduced. by Mrs. Morgan Hen- derson. In justifying .her enthuse ailtri for her Work, she said, "There is no job in this world so worth While as hearkening to the voice of C.;nd and doing His will". Speaking of faith, she said, "We denionstrate mit faith Iii our Spring planting, are we Witnesses to our faith in religion " Miss Whale, who has recently visited many Christian and non-Christian churches in India, Formosa and Japan, Warned that non-Christian faiths are becoming strongly established in our own canntry. short "In Memoriam" service was conducted by Mrs. John Bell and Mrs. bird of Itineardine soc- iety. Reports of synodical delegates were given by Mrs. H, Armstrong,- Tees.water, Mrs. W. McIntyre, Smith Mrs. John Came- lia, '2Vfolesworbh, Mrs. H. McKin- non,, ,R9ipwley and Mrs. M. Rayner, L Supper was served in the school- room °tithe church by members of' ".. tlQ. 'Dared's: sabietY "of tfid KilTh dine church. The them,e of the evening service Was ."Is there sacrifice in our de- vOtions?" and the devotional period Was taken by Teeswater evening group, Mrs, Jack Colvin read the Scripture, Mrs. Gordon Stobo gave the Meditation and Mrs. James Reid led in :prayer. The highlights of synodical were continued by Mrs. Ken Leitch, Wingharn, and Mrs. Elsie Johnston, •Kincardine. A vocal duet was con- tributed by Mrs. Ian Hamilton and Miss Helen Perrin, Kincardine, • Miss- - Whale's address in the evening was accompanied by a ser- ies of coloured slides telling of missionarymabsa. work in. India and For- A graduation service for two South Kinloss members of the C.G.T.T, was in charge of , Mrs. Walter ballagh, of Teeswater, Mrs. Morgan Henderson, retiring preSid8nt (if the Presbyterial thank- ed the society for their co-opera- tion and assistance and hoped for the same for her successor. A hymn and the closing prayer by,Mrs. John Speir, Brussels, clos- ed the meeting. Tea was served to the delegates before they left for home. Johnston, Gorrie; first vice-pres., Mrs. Grayson Richmond, Mo,nkton; second vice-pres., Mrs. Howard Harris, "Fordwich; sec,-treas.,. Mrs. Harry Rbame, -Gorrie; federated representative, Mrs. Stanley Bride, Fordwioh; alternate, Mrs. James Armstrong, Brussels; auditors, Miss Margaret Curtis, Bluevale and Mrs, JoSeph Horton, Bluevale. 'Conveners -of standing commit- tees—Agricultnre• and . Canadian Industries, Mrs. - Alex Corrigan, .Bluevale; citizenship -and educa- tion, Mrs, R, W. Stevens, Brussels; home economics -and, health, Mrs, John' Ceimpbell,.•Listbwel; research and current events, Mrs.. Gilbert Howes, Wroxeter; resolutions, Mrs. EmiterSon Ferguson, Clifford; public relations • representative; Mrs. Thomas O'Krafka, Gorrie. Entertainment ,throughout ..the meeting was provided by Mrs. Emmersori Ferguson and Mrs. Travis, Moncrief. Community • sing- ing was made by Ethel and Blue- vale groups. llllllll llll l 11111111111 lllllll 1111 lllllll 1 lllllllll l 1 iiii 111111,14 ii iii 1 lllll lif11111111 llll I ii 11111111111 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 111111 iiiiiii l 1 iiii /111/11 iiiiiiiii iiii i WROXETER-- -The 56th annual meeting of the East Huron District Women's Institute was held in the Wroxeter' dommuninty hall on Tuesday of last week with 11 branches represented and 101 reg- istering. The hall was beautifully decorated for the occasion with W.I. colours and tasteful floral arrangements. The meeting opened with the singing of the Institute Ode and repetition of the Lord's prayer. The district president, Mrs, Glen John- ston, of Fordwich, wet's in the chair and presided over the gathering. Mrs.. R. J, McKeller of Kinear- -dine said that Institute member- ship • has increased by 1339 in the past year and went on to say that .Ontario now has 1472 branches with a total .membership of '16,102. Mrs. C, Sothein of Fordwich re- ported receipts for the year of 85,175,00, A resolution for winch legislation has been set up is the banning of TV plays which depict 'drinking scenes, Successful projects have been the Ceylon Relief Fund, to which $4047.00 has been contributed. In addition, bales of sweaters were sent to Korea. Miss Shirley Patterson, home economist for Huron and Bruce spoke on the Junior work. She said there are 61 training' schools in Ontario, In connection with the rug-making project whiCh .was car- ried out 'recently, she said 192 started the,.projeet and 155,- com- pleted rugs were on display at the summary day in Wingha.m. Eighty- four of the completed rugs were .f rom East Huron. Mrs, , George Griffith, Wroxeter and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton judged the Tweedsmuir project on quilt blocks, first prize going to Fordwich Institute and second to Brussels. • An invitation was extended to the 11 branches in East Huron to 'hold the district annual next year in Bluevale. Officers elected for 1958- 59 ale: Past pros., Mrs, Andrew Simpson, Molesworth; pres., Mrs. •Glen Then put hini in a Even More than a beautiful reclining chai? the SUPERLOUNCER is a scientifically designed HEALTH chair which helps to relieve tension and heart strain. Try the SUPERLOUNGER yourself and you'll agree that it's dad's best "health insurance." Superbly styled and carefully tailored in decorator color corn. hinations the SKLAR SUPERLOUNCER. L is truly Canada's finest value. Specially priced / Belgrave Co-op BELGRAVE, ONT. Phone: Wingham 1065w Brussels 14r10 WROXETER Mr, and Mra, A. R. Wells and Mr. and Mrs. Fred MacPherson,. Toronto; Spent the week-end with Mrs. G, A, Wearing at her home. here. The annual Sunday School anni- versary and floWer service will be held in the Wroxeter United Church Sunday June 8th at 11 arm. Theme for this year is "Praise God with Music". The Rev J. A McKim, of Clinton, will he the gujst speaker. $ 9 7 5 0 I Careless Shipping Injures Livestock Careful handling of livestock being shipped to market can pay big dividends to both the farmer and consumer. The Canadian Vet- erinary Medical .Associatinif says careless handling results in big losses because animals crippled, bruised or killed on the way to Market return less' to their owner anti 'redline the meat supply avail- able to the consumer. The C.V,M.A, says- Much of the loss can be pre: vented by the use of humane gad- gets in loading and unloading gni- tt gests that losses can be prevented or .reduced The Association also sug- ,e. ducal by protecting animals from bad weather, and eliminating ibortols.:.en boards,- protruding' nails' and sharp objects on buildings, fences or OP the ground in feed COUPLE CELEBRATE FORTIETH WEDDING Father's Day . will be every day when he is ;AIL, #111,PPRIMIIINGERJ rma' VicE eA w GOOD,YEAR 34 NYLON DELUXE SUPER-CUSHIONS WROXETER—Mr. and Mrs, Jag. Doig celebrated their fortieth Wed- ding anniversary at their home on Saturday evening. Guests were Welcomed at the door by Mrs, Doig and daughter, Mrs, Bradley Gal- braith, Winghenn, A delicious buf- fet lunch was served by Mrs. Brad: ley Galbraith, Mrs. Lorne Doig and Mrs, Mac Doig. Mrs. Doig is the former Edith Cowdy, daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs, Jelin Gowdy, Mr. and Mrs. Deis have two sans, Malcolm, of Kitchener and Lorne of Drayton. A guest of honor at the event Was Mr, John Inglis, :Mildmay. Guests were proseut from Clifford, Drayton, Wingham, Mlldmay and Gerrie, The cOttple received many lovely gifts and we wish them Many More years of watida WROXETER Mrs. Alex Wright, Mrs. Leslie Douglas, Mrs, Gordon. Greig and Mrs. Wm, Wright spent the week- end with Mr, and Mrs. Win. Lowe, Gravenhurst, and . Miss Elspeth Davidson, Alliston, Miss Gladys Musgrove, Trenton, WaS a .week-end visitor with Mrs. Sarah Musgrove and Mr. and Mrs. St,eWart Musgrove, • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eaton and family of Seaforth, spent Sunday With. Mrs. Alonzo Sperling. 15r, and Mrs. 'Archie Boyd, Kirk- land Lake, were visitors one day last week With Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Muir. Mrs. Lee Miller, Ayr, was a Sunday guest at the senile home. Mr, and Mrs. Win. Hart spent the Week-end at Port Elgin with Mr,' and Mrs. George Hart of At- wood. Mr, and Mr's. Riehard Ingram spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs, Mon MOM% Stratford, Mrs. Lee Miller; Ayr, and Mr. Harry Walker, GoWanstown, were Sunday guests of Mr. and MI'S. Russell Walker, Mr. and Mrs, Royderi Devil, -of Pordwich, called on Mr. and Mrs, Ross Coates Mt Stine* evening. Mrs, -John Siriiiimien is a patient in Witigliatn 'Metal Henkel, hay. log undo/win tt tonsilectetny Ob. Mondit74