The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-06-04, Page 7A
PRESENT .CONCERT ing 4111- ObantrgTillIrl
ONTARW, WEBNPWA*, vNg 4th; 190
Brussels 'Telephone
opens dew New :Central
NEW TELEPHONE AVILDING—This is the line new structure erected by the Bruselii, Mortis *n4 tire,
Munleipat Telephone, COmpatty to house 'their Offices and eloshaP$1, ::equipment tn ,,'Brtuoseht.-. 'The Pow building provides the latest In up,to-date :plant, as well as repair deparkeeht awl garage. #.44 photo.
and all leads in , the stew .ex-
change are in, this form,
The ecnninon . battery system
means that in the tonthe of time
all telephones oi; the System Will
be rePlaCe4. Those in Brlissele
have already been, ellanged, and the
remainder Will be done over the
next two or 'three .yes,es,
The collitPany'a eomMission is
heailed by Chairman George.MiOh-
ie and the two reMaining,members
are Denald Metavish of ..'..f.friiSaels
and Alex Peathen ;Or*. Walter
Scott is the; ;secretaryquanager,
Sam Workman, lir. 'lb charge of
plant niaintetianbe, Sisted by
Archie Willis,", .
Mr, and and
daughter, .,cc0Y..visfted,,ron Friday
with' her iparents,,,Mr,' end Mrs.
Webster Jecklie;" ".
Rev: N11114!ncr, 1140. .c)l'a4'ge of
the Bible . lass ;in Heirneg!, School
on Sunday • and, Miss, :WilliaMson
will have ,ehe,rge.'of the class hest
Miss Mari "Reds Of . `.Toi.Orito
spent 'the week:el:4i with her par-
ents; AI r. and Frank, Bess of
Tornberry, ,
Mr, aMI.,1)firS.:Ire,ster.71gcC;reight
and, children of visited on
SUnday with his aunt, ' MM., Alfred
_Mr: and jag.' Faidoner 'and
Lois visited, dri..Moilday 411 Mr.
and Mrs. Chas:-FalcOnel' of Glainis.
'il'hOinnsiin and 'Mr.
'J. D,,BeeerOft. are' ,attending "Con-
ference in Chatfield thi,S1 iVeek.
lie Of the operators at the 11.3russels
irchatige who has been a faithful
employee of the comp:my fur many
• years.,,, •
The Brussels, Morris and Grey
Municipal Telephone Company Was
established just 51) Years ago, and
to celebrate the golden anniversary
the company ilea gone all .out' with
the construction of a completely
new building in Brussels.
The ,new structure, whiCh , was
officially opened on Monday, is
28106 feet, finished In rug brick,
and incorporating the very latest
in office fixtures and telephone
equipment. It also contains repair
rooms and a garage on the lower
floor to house the company's two
trucks. Costs of the building is
somewhat over $17,00() and the
switchboard , installatloh 'alone
amounted. to something over $23,-
The main floor of the new
contains, a spacious office for
the secretary and business mana-
ger, Walter Scott, the large room
in which the/ switchboard and dis-,
tributing banks are -located, repair
,room,., plant maintenance ' office,
kitchen and •washrooms. In the
basement is, the modern heating
plant and ,garage, The 'building'
was erected ,by. Thomas Construc-
tion. of Brussels,
The telephone system, which is
one of the largest independent
companies in the Prcivinee, was es-
tablished in 1908, largely through
the efforts of the 'father of the
present secretary, Over, the years
the System has grown F,;() that there,,
are now 1045 subscribers: ,Thirteen
hundred ,miles of. single, wire are
stretched over a netwprk of 200'
road miles. The company 'now
Owns about 8 miles i,of buried cable
COMPANY. SECRETARY—Walter Scott, secretary of the Brussels Morris.and..Grek 'Municipal:Telephone ,
Company.ia,seated at his desk in the new building which kas- just been -cottpleted.„ hits. been
secretary.for the past •23,years.—Advanee-Times photo,'
WROKETER—The„ Spring Con,•'
cent put orr by the pupils ei the
schools hi the West “OWlek Area
wayas npnttia, TWo7rxst; cavnieranimnz
with a full bow in attendance,
pupils,to ttehcom ers ,manpd)3417.19
the exceptional progrant given; rt
was much, enjoyed by .everyone and
they are looking forWard: te• the
next with eager antielPation.
The following took: part in ;the
instrumental. prelpde:'44mie For.;
guson, Lois F,erguson, Marjorie
Nickel, Barbara Ferguson, Lynda
Johnstone, Cheryl Haskins, ,Carol
Goupland, Lois Marie Fitch, Leone
Chambers, Louise Edgar, •Mary
Sanderson, IVfary McKereher, Irene
Doubleciee, Lorna Woods, Corinne
Keiffer, Donna Ferguson, Janette
Wright, Georgina Keiffer, ?Orion
Scott, Nadine. Col*, Don Whitfield;.
Tim Sharpin, Carol Robinson,
Maureen Buchanan,' Judy "Sinfth
and Mary McKercher.
The. massed choir sang two '"pat-,
riotic numbers, 'the pupils of thd
Gorrie Junior room presented a
chorus and rhythni band; "meal
duet by Rubyy Haskins and Bobby
H arkness; lunior, songs, Grades 1
and 2; 'junior singing game; junior
songs, Grades 3 and 4; and the
story of folk songs followed; with
the square dancers from No:' 18.
Pupils of the Wroxeter senior room
presented a play •and there was a
song by the girls of No..16. A group
of three senior girls' songs' b'y No.
I was followed by the pupils of
No. 1 in Irish folk songs and a skit
by the senior pupils'of NO. 1. There
was a vjolin solo by David ,Adams
and the boys of No. 10 and No. 16
sang four numbers: The rhythm
band of the Wroxeter junior room
was followed by a three-partchorus
by the ptipils of the senfer rooM,Of
the same school., ,
After. numbers 'froM the massed
choir the pupils Of ,No. 15 preSented
a skit, the Gorrie 'senior room: sang
and the massed choir offered the,
selection "0 Lord of •Heaven" with
descant,. The national anthemclos7,
ed the concert.
An enjoyable time was spent at
the council chambers on MeladaY
evening when the 1,yingnare Girl
Guides held a social for the Ladles'
Auxiliary to the Legion, The priM-
ary purpose was to permit the
la,diea to meet and know the girls
they are ,sponsoring, They also
viewed for the first time the Union
Jack they liad purchased for the
As the Guides stood lit,ceremon-
ial f?rmation the ladles witnessed
the enrolment of a new member,
Judy Callan! and the presentation
of badges and first year service
stars, Distilet Commissioner Mrs
George Cameron was in eharge,of
the en rolmen t.
The second class badges were
awarded to Myrna Robinson, Sus-
anne Reynolds, Brenda MacLen-
nan, Brenda Conron Sylvia AleX-
ander and Helen Rtinstedtjer,
Receiving first year service stars
were Jane "Hetherington, Barbara
Cameron, Brenda Co,nron, Ruth
Ann Hodgins, Su-sanne Reyolds and
Faye Yeo.
The following proficiency badges
were also„,presented; Sylvia Alex-
ander, tomaker; 'Brenda Conron,
minstrel; Karen Elliott and Judith
McKibbon, child nurse.
"'The evening was planned wide;
the guidance of Mrs. Ian Hammer.
ton by the following girls:. Jane
Hetherington, Sylvia Alexander
Sue . Nesmith,. Jean Jones, Karen
Elliott, Susanne Reynolds, Helen
Runstedtler, Judith McKibben
Brenda Conron, Myrna .R,obins,:e.
and Ruth Hodgins. Their various
duties were performed in an at•
tempt to earn the hostess badge.
The success of the evening assured
their passing satisfactorily.
Numerous item's appertaining to
badges .won by the girls were laid
out on a, table -for inspection
throughout the evening. After var-
ious feats tif guiding had 'been
performed, a light lunch waS serv-
ed by the, aspiring hostesses. This
was followed by a few words of
thanks by Mrs, Hammerton to au
Legion ladies for their fine effort
A presentation was. then ma+
on behalf of her forthcoming mar-
riage. Mrs, Hammerton was else,
taken by surprise when the Guides'
presented her with a gold compact,
suitably inscribed M appreciation
of her past year's work with them,
This 'was a 'farewell /gift as Mrs.
Hammerton leave Wingham
in the near future,
'The recipients were pleased and
touched by the kindness and
thoughtfulness of the Guides and
made fitting replies,
The evening closed with Taps
and God Save the Queen,
~ Tile pupils of:.. E ordyeeS. Sehnot
ivere taken to LuelsnOW for. dental
care on Tuesday. •,:,
Mr. Roy Walker, 'who is with'
the 0.P.P. in Kitchener, Mrs.
Walker, Dianne and Bobby spent
the week-end at the home of his
parents, Mr. and. Mrs. E. E. Walk-
Mr. and Mrs. Fisher and family
of Sudbury have been living for
the past few weeks in the home ,of
the late Robert Stapleton Zet-
land. We welcome them to this
Mr. Amos Cornelius of Goderich
visited on Tuesday with ,Mr. F,
MeN. Paterson.
EiCillANGE OrEBATORS—Mrs, L. Plant; Mrs.MatiriCe Cameron. and Mrs. Cliif lKerryigliaii, three of , the
operators a,t the Brusscis telephone exchange are pictured in front of the' neiv, sivitehboard. Another
operator Mrs. Boss Nichol, was •not present. The change-over terminates the cold' type Magneto System
and'eMploys what is !known as the "common hattere.—Advance-Times photo.
. .
ON THE LAST LAP—Miss Cassie Thompson sits at the old switchboard in Brussels. just before it served '
for its final calls. The new equipment was Put into operation en. Monday of this week. Thu old office
bad served the cOnipany for almost years.—Advance-Times photo. •
Flower Service
(Continued frOm Page One)
White surpliced Sunday School
choir with their pansy nosegays.
had taken their places, the whole
front of the church presented a
picture of beauty and dignity.
Mr. Russel Zurbrigg, superin-
tendent of the Sunday School pre-
sided 'over the service. Dianne
Casliek gave the opening prayer
and the Scripture waa recited by
Pathela Burns, Bonnie Jardin, Su-
san Spry and Judy Callan. Two
recitations, "Fellow Travellers",
by Linda Green. and "God's Guid-.
ante" by Ronald Vegan, carried
Out different aspects of the main
theme, Mr. Zurbrigg thanked all
who had spent long hours giving
their time and skill in preparation
for this' service, particularly Miss
Phyllis johns whose ingenuity and
untiring effort laid the whole
foundation, Also remembered in
gratitude were the many people
who sent flowers and other decora-
tions, particularly those from other
town churches. A telegram of re-
'membrane° and ,congratulation was
read , from Rev, D, J, and Mrs,
MacRae at Renfrew,
The speelei offering, which was
dedicated by Joan Bennett, Will be
sent to the student Minister, Jim
Shynkar, and will help in the
building .of his new church at
Sandy Lake in Northern Ontario.
A white. surpliced Sunday School
choir, 'wearing pansy corsages and
led 'by Mr. A, D. Bennett, at the
organ, supplied the appropriate
mnsic, A French Carol, "Praise
We the Lord" by the choir and a
girls' chorus "Life's Railroad to
Heaven" were, much enjoyed,, A
special attraction were the two
trombone solos "()pen the Oates Of
the Temple" and "Where ere Yen
WOO y 1VtW :Lioye Stobo of
Toowatat, ttetterripanied by Mrs,
BroWn Of. HrusSels.
The ennetiriCeineritS Were Prew
serViee and previous to the open.
big, gate a description of the entire
Setting to the listening audience,
During the afterhoen, hundreds of
people from town and vicinity
ViSited the ehitrch to see the Set,
ting in which this beautiful Service
sented by the Rev, C. R. Durrant
who also offered prayer.
The special speaker, Mrs. W. H.
Pyke of Ilderton was remembered
by many as having, for several
years, conducted the OBC radio
program, Sunday School of the
Air. In her talk to the children,
Nrrs. Pyke followed the general
theme of our train journey through
life. She produced a long railway
ticket purchased at the wicket.
This was to carry her on the little
train to her final destination which
was heaven, A little suitcase
carried many things necessary for
the 'journey if she is to reach the
final station in safety. The 'first
parcel in the bag is "Love", which
overflows to our fellow, travellers
along' the way, Love overcomes all
Obstacles and covers the earth with
kindness, Following this, we must
give of our time, our talents. and
our money. Hard work is another
piece of luggage, without which we
Make no• progress on our journey,
And there is a special guide bOok,
Which, If carried and folloWed, will
help us avoid the many tempta-
tions and pitfalls on our way. This
book is the Bible. Over all is the
greet Guide and Master,' Jesus
Christ, wherein lies the faith 'to
lead us to our desired rest. Mrs,
Pylte held the attention of the
children with stories of engines
and trains,, and as she Made her.
self one with them, ',her visit will
not soon be forgotten.
Mr, John Strong, news editor Of
radio station CHNX, broadcast the
Was held;
ALL IN.ANOWING HOW—Sam Workman, who is in charge of plant maintenance fote the bruieielf
ItfOrris, and ore telephone eoinpany cheeks axe•, 'main distributing fritinc in the 'new telephotte hiYfl' Fill'
at IttoSseli4.z-Aztviolc6-thites phetot
PORMElt (iPERAT.01114-,--Three fernier operators of the Brussels telephtine company 'were on band .last
thliewe,y foe the even, house Wiiieh Marked bite Completion of the neW btiiildingr Titek are Mrs, Met
Ithompsee, Mrs. 46hletk %Moil and Mrs, 'WhItell Ketr.—Adviinee4thies
Barber. Business
Solt;( This Week
George Tripp, who purchased
the former Loughlean barber shop
11) the Queens Hotel block at the
first of dais 'year, has sold the
business to Frank Van Altena, of
Clinton, who took Over on Monday
111r, and Mrs, Tripp and family,
1 Who moved 'here from Ridgetpwn,
Mime no immediate plans,
•••••*•.”..... • ***
*to." P.014,11..tft•Pipl,