HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-05-21, Page 10Aluminum DOORip,, CUPBOARDS; Wingham FLOOR WALL TILES Folding Aluminum AWNINGS LUMBER — BUILDING - Telephone 260 No Car Too Large Too.Srnail Ken's AlignmeAt Service Phone Diagonal Road Wirogliain CHOOSE YOUR OWN TERMS ON ANy.: FARM LOAN over X 1500 at TRANS- CANAP.cREDIT - LOOK 'FOR THIS HIGH VON OF QUALITY SERVICE 5HUH-'GA 'I -WHICH OF THESE 2 SCIENTIFICALLY DESIGNED SHUR-GAIN PROGRAMS 4, IS BEST FOR YOUR CHICKS'? DON MILLS REGISTERED ABERDEEN-ANGUS DISPERSAL Selling at the Hays Sales Arena on, THURSDAY, MAY 29th at 7,00 pan. (A Twilight Sale) ills is a Fully Accredited and Vaccinated herd Owned by T. Thomas, Todmorden, Ontario and is one of the finest quality liertis in as the Province; in excellent breeding condition and of choice bloodlines. ••• Pol: Angus cattle with the right , kind of natural fleshing that top the markets and bring higher re- turns, this 50 Head Dispersal is the plaee to obtain them. The farm has been sold for development and every animal sells. Write for catalogue to: HAYS FARMS LIMITED Sale Managers Box 470 Oakville Ontario FAST DEVELOPMENT SHUR-GAIN now offers poultry farmers a choice of 2 scienti= fically designed programs. Make your choice!' SHUR-CAIN SHUR-GAIN HIGH-EFFICIENCY 'PROGRAM OR LOW-CAL PROGRAM Plan Ncw Poultry Club forl unjors A new program is hoing. started lit Huron County this year.. • • In past years' the emphasis has been on the production of ,meat, from dual purpoSe breed's, however this, year -the emphasis will be on egg prodnetibn with the .flocks be- ing scored foa production; manage- ment, feed conversion, cost (If pro- duction and the percent' mortality. Club members will be required to keep good records in detail and Must be active iii the club concern- ed, order to receive the highest possible score for their prOjeet. The minimum age for Members in this club will be fourteen years as of May 1,' of the clith year and a Minimum ,flock sine of fifty, birds rn41 has been established. Rce0 will be ,kept for six months starting no later than September 1st of the Club year at which thaw the birds must be 26 weeks of age: Tt is planned 10 start one of these clubs in the, S'eaforth aroa• this year ;With M„ Scott and R, Whitely as leaders, Anyone in- terested in joining this club should contact either of, these men or the Ontario Department Of Agriculture Office, Bois 1.50, Clinton, Ontarie, Advice Seekers to . Hog:Vote Set Ju l y For'July 25 Agriculture Minister GoodfelloW this week announced Ontario's bog producers Will vote July 25 on whether to keep their co-Operative marketing plan. Appreiial'by two-thirds of those voting. 'will be' necessary to con. tinue the controversial single sales agency system which includes com- pulsory direction of hogs to "Specifie assembly points. About 70,0011 1sog producers in 420 . Southern Ontario townships are eligible, to Vote, Polls Will open at 9 a.m, and close at 6 p,m, local time. vote was scheduled for March 1956,,biit a group of growers clal- longed the province's ,Marketing 1?gislation and forced a postpone- ment to March, 1957. It was post- poned again when the case went to the Suprenee Court of Canada and resulted in legislative changes, impimpoittwailio11111,111,110.111011101,10111.1 iiiiluapliipilNimilitor• Ar R HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST': U Tbdroughness ----Ability — Time tested Phone 1? for appuinttuent Oec- VVaipole At the Town Hall at. Exeter on Thursday, May 22nd at 8.30 p ra, D.S.T., the turnip growers' Will be given , an opportunity to acquaint themselves with the answers to some of these problems when Dr, G. H. Berkeley, Director of Labora- tory of Plant Pathology, St. Oath- arines; 'Dick Goodin, Field Crops Branch, Toronto; T. .1, Johnston, Federal Inspection Service; Keith Ridden, Agricultural Representa- tive, Middlesex County, will be guest speakers. The meeting will be open to all interested turnip oreclucers and will be convened by Roylance West- ] Cott of Exeter, the Director on the Ontario Turnip Committee. 44k —1110V jj61-1.-4 1,--- t / WHEEL BALANCING AND FRONT ENO ALIGNMENT Need extra cash for your farm ? Then solve your financial problem with a loan from Trans Canada Credit: Right now Trans Canada Credit is offering special terms on all farm loans above $1,500. Payments can be spread over as long as two-and. a4lalf years,, and can be made in ,any one Of these three ways: 1 QUARTERLY 2 HALF-YEARLY 3 ANNUALLY * REGULAR LOANS Loans of $L00.0 and less are available on Trani,' ',Canada Credit's" monthly payment terms. Don't let the lack of ready money prevent you from buying seed, stock, or any other farm requirement. Get the cash you need at Trans Canada Credit, THE ALL•CANADIAN LOAN COMPANY TRANS CANADA CREDIT CORPORATION LIMITED , " ,148 THE SQUARE GODERICK ONTARIO PHONE 797 BROPHY BROS.. Phone ''1 ,18 Wingham are to 'be, completed and ready to band In for the next roll call. Plana were also made for Ach- levenaem Day, which is to be held at Gorrie on July 4th, The meet- ing then Was turned over to Mrs. Lapp Who told about public health service, National Pantry Shelf and general rules for meal planning. The Members Were given menus, which they judged, giving reasons for their eiMiees and using Carir ada's food ride a$ a guide, For the home assignment each girl ,. must coinpitte, her record book and charts 100%; she Must Mark her food selection score, for this week, , and plan and prepare a meal her farhily, .which most 'be record- ed to thr,$ record book, The meeting ClOsed by singing "The More We ott, Togethet' With Mary Taylor B. FAST FARM'. TIRE right on 'iroittlailm Entertain others The seventh meeting of the "Advice Seekers". tWas held on Wednesday ,evening of last Week With ten girls present. The meet- ing. opened by singing "0 Canada", followed 'by' the 4.14 pledge and motto. The Minutes of the last ,theetitig Were read and adopted. The roll tell was answered with "My average food score Selection tot. one week" , " During the business portion the , girls planned te have the Mothers with them for' the pOtt• Meeting, Which will be held pri ;bine 20d; served and 'the girls Will: give it 'complete review of, Vick meetings., The reeerci books get SHUR., When it's SHUlt.GAIN—you profit either way GAIN and be sure- Give us, a call and well .quickly arrange fora service truck to call at your farm look after your needs promptly. AdVanifaraIOW* WedPiefifiaY, AhlY 34 068 T urn ,p ,rowv,rs GING and tinder 44 Of May 1st. Who arcs To meet Tonigh t )iNNIJAL JR. JUDGING 1000014g the J udging Competition • - ' " fOr the firat 0,1111 Who have' Turnip groWing in .81 ' TRIALS' AT SEAHRTII no: previous 4.1,I expert. Exeter areas Of Huron COtittillt„y ' • ence, This Class also includes the Lateart area cir Middlesex 1st year 4-H Club Members, Ju,dg„, County is big' bnainess and it is ing Instructions will be given to these members in the morning Previous to the Competition, 2, JUNIOR--Open to all young men and /vonien, 1' years of age, and Under, as Of May 1st excluding those Who have participated in the Inter-Club Competitions at Guelph, 3. INTERMEDIATE---Open to all young men and women between the ages of 1$ and 22 as of May 1st, who have not represented the County on a Royal. Winter Fair Judging Team. 4. SENIOR—Open to all young men and women, 23 to 30 years of age, as of May 1st and also to all those who have represented the County on Royal Teams and Graduates of a Two Year Diploma Course in Agriculture. The AMIttal Hnron County Live- took; judging* Competitien will be ie14 this ,Saturday, MaY 2 4th, at Registration will corn- Nanee at 9 p.m. in the Seaforth C0171Malnity Centre and the classes Of liveSteck will be judged at the Seaforth Fair Grounds; The follow- ing Rifles and Regulations will , apply in this Judging Competition: 1. This Competition is under the direction of the Huron County Branch of the Ontario Department of 'Agripulturc and the Huron County Junior Farmers' Associ- ation, 2,„ It is open to all young men 'and women 1.2 to 30 years of age residing in Huron County and who have not completed more than two years in an Agricultural School or College, 3, Three claSses each of Dairy Cattle, Beef Cattle and Swine and 'one class of Sheep will be judged. One of the Swine Classes w111 be a class of Ibog carcasses. All corn- petiters are expected to judge all ;;;classes and give oral reasons on one class of each kind of live- ‘toolr. 4.. Registration must be made at the Seaforth Community Centre by 9.30 a.m., D.S.T.. on Saturday, May 24th. judging will commence at 9.30 a.m, Sharp, D.S.T. We would appreciate your being on hand at least • by nine o'clock or earlier if possible, 5. Prize money for this Competi- tion is made available by the Agri- cultural Committee of the Huron County. Council, through a grant to tlie Junior Extension Fund. PRIZES IN EACH SECTION:— $5.00; a3.00; $2,00 and twenty-four One Dollar Prizes. Contestants will be divided into four sections as followaa NOVICE--Open to ail young men and women 17 years of age SHUR-GAIN High-Cal 16% AIWVIash Chick Grower (Medicated) SHUR-GAIN 20% Super Growing Mash Plus high energy scratch mixture containing at least SO% 'wheat. and/or torn SPECIALS The Huron. County Competitor with the highest aggregate score in the Grain and Livestock Judg- ing Competitions in 1957 and 1958 combined will be awarded a trip to the United Nations and New York in 1958 or trip of similar value. The Huron County Competitor with the second highest aggregate score in the Grain and Livestock Judging Competitions in 1957 and 1958 Will be awarded a trip to Eastern Ontario or an award of similar value. uk Shield, donated by the Ca- nadian National Exhibition Associ- ation, will be awarded •to the in- dividual making the highest aggre- gate score in the Novice Class. This becomes the property of the winner: Three silver cups will be awarded in this Competition as follows: One, donated by Wm. Stone & Sons Ltd., to the individual with the highest aggregate score in the Swine Sec- tion. One, donated by 'the Carnation Milk Company Ltd., to the indi- vidual with the highest aggregate score in the Dairy Section. One donated by Blatchford Feeds Ltd., to the individual with the 1.1ighest, aggregate score in the en- tire competition. No contestant can win, more than one of the three cups in any one year. A special challenge Prize of $15.00, donated by the Huron County Federation 'of Agriculture, will ,be paid , to the Junior Farmer Club in Huron County, Who has the greatest number of Competitors competing from. their club. Win- ner will be calculated on the high- est percent of members compet- anticipated one of the largeSt acreages of turnips will be sown in the 190$ crop year, In order to keep Producing the high quality rutabagas these areas are noted for,, constant vigilance has to be,given to see that they are kept free of flea beetles, turnip ,maggots and caterpillars, as well as 'to keep the eurnips free of water- core SHUR-GAIN Lor-Cal 16% All-Mash Chick Grower (Medicated) SHEIK GAIN' 20% Super Growing Mash Plus oats only (low energy) , ing—based, on .1958 membership list. I am sure. that you will realize that these are very:attractive prizes and this should make the Com- petition worthwhile to all juniors in the County. REGISTRATION FEE—A' regis- tration fee of 25c will be charged each competitor, LUNCH---Everyone is asked tp bring their lunch, chocolate milk will be provided, With three sets of Judges tak- ing your reasons on the classes, we expect to have the 'Competition completed by 5.00 p.m. As soon as everyone has given their reasons. official placings will be announced for all classes. NOTICE' TO ALL JUNIOR 4-H CLUB MEMBERS—It is, important that you attend- this Junior Live- stock Judging Competition as the experience gained by participating in such an event is very beneficial to a Club Member and will put you in a better position to obtain_ a high standing in your Club 'Project: 'Member§ Of teams who, represent Huron in 4-11 and Inter-County Judging Compe- titions will be selected from' the results of this Competition. . IMPORTANT—Your 'presence at this Competition will count as a bonus mark towards your final 4-H Club attendance mark, if you miss any oof your regular 4-H meetings.. Remember that every Junior in the County is welcome to attend this Judging Competition. Sixty-seVen outstanding sehOOlboys from; the, 15 counties of-Western Ontario were, recently ,entertained by the University of Western .On- tario and The London, Free Press at the 14th Annual Leaders Club gathering. The above pieture shoWS leaders from' Oxford, Perth, Nor- folk, Bruce and Huren. Left to right are: front 'row, 'Grant Geall, Huron Park Secondary SehOol, WOodstock; Bill Allan, Woodstock Collegiate Institute; Ronald WilsOn, Ingersoll District Collegiate Insti- ACTIVITIES Lute; Glenn Butters, Duhlin ,Cera" Urination School; Barry McQuillin, . Winghara District - High School. Second row, lin Stewart, Ripley District ,aligh School; • William lVfacKenzie; Einearclino District High School; 'Charles Ware,.St, Marys District High, Sehoel; Fred Erdley, Stratford Collegiate Insti- tute; Frank McDonnell, Clinton pistriet Collegiate Institute; Third. row, Williarn • Marshall, Lncknow, District High- ,School ; HoWs,rd James, Seaferth District High WILLIAM S. MULVEY of the Wroxeter distriet, was one of the 71 students Who received their diplonias in agriculture at 'the recent,, graduation exercises for the ,tWo-yenr course. at the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph. SebOof; Glen Querengesser; 1V1.11- vertori.' ".District ,High School; Alexanden 'Graham, Norwich Dis- tiiet High School;' George: Yunclt, Mitchell District High,. School. Fourth' Tow, Bill- Pollen, South Hproi:Jabistrict High School '(Ex- eter); Nelles Meaciee, Simcoe triatHigh. School; David McCardY, Chesley• District • High School; Wayne Kirstine, Walkerton' Dis- triet High Sc.hool'i Arthur' Peachey, Goderich District Collegiate In- Hereford Assoc. Spring Sale 'The ninth . Annual, Spring Sale was held by the Huron Hereford Association on Tuesday, May 13th, Ten .bulls sold for an average price,,„of itop , prieecibull was consigned by Hirtzel Bros, of Ctediton, Ontario and was pur; chased 'by Mr. Alvin Wolper, Auc- tioneer, Dashwood for 3750.000: The ,second higest price for bulls,. $500.00. was paid, by IVIr.'WM. Tustian, Kagawong, Ontarib, Manitoulin Island and was consigned by 'Whit-' ney Coates and Son Centralia ,Seven heifers averaged $312,10, The top price $585.00 was paid by Wm: J. , Clark, No, 5, Goderich Mr the' lot consigned by Heber J. Eedy, ,4az SOn. Pour cows with .calves-at side averaged 8318.75. The sale average for 21 lots was $884.05. Juniors Hear Talk On. Weed Spraying .The regular meeting of the North Huron Junior Farrners was held on May 8th, in the -VVinghardlaiS-: trict High „School, with vice-presi- dent; Rose. Smith in charge. The 'secretary's report was read and adopted. Jim Bowinan introduced the r guest speaker, ''Geo,,rge Jones'of the 0,A,C. in Guelph, who gave a ycry, informatt,ve -talk on weed spray- ing and the use of pre-emergence spray. He. .wa;a, thanked by Boyd Taylor, The meeting adjourned an a motion by La,wronce NeSbitt, Seconded by, Clarence. Walker; WE'RE AUTHORIZED nada Packers comosici EAR FARM Tit( HEADQUARTERS WINCHAM and ohatta "Myself and My Uothcol at the piano. •