HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-05-21, Page 8Ai I T.....,04401016.101•101,,e,V,......-,-.6,4...,,,,,,pi.,-^“..r;,r,,44rpr, 11• • 1141*.tro, EffrItt r alcle lie winOimin AaVance41 .p,"..4)! WI, 19 ..FOOT TROUBLE? Fitly torneelow4", aud ability,• for 'satisfying see VICKERS, Foot Correctlooist Good Reading for the Whole Family • News • Facts Family Features The Chrietien Science Monitor One Norway sr., Boston 15, Moss, Send your newspaper for the time checked. Enclosed find, My check- or money order. tsereor 1/a 6 month's 'S9 1:3 3 reonths $450'0, Name Address -,..,„Qty Zone Stet. • • 114 • • • • ** • • • • • • • • .• • • .• • . • • • • • • • •1-1.0US,E.TO411OVSE CANVASS' in WinghamLions, = Kilns- ' men- and members of the Salvation Arthy , 7 to 8 p.m. FRIDAY,. . . MAY 23rd, Donations may also be left at Canadian Bank of Commerce, B1 ing- ham. , ;1,0f 14 111, WI ' ...and continues here A 4,%;',4 ....and here A • • here A • • • - Temperance Is Y.P.U., Subject WHITECHTJRCH—The YP.I1. of the 'United Church met in the Sun- day School room of the church on Tuesday evening last, with the president, Arthur Laidlaw, presid- ing. Miss Jean Martin had charge of the worship service, reading the Serit'pure lesson and- leading in prayer. Mrs., Jas. Falechier 'was in charge of the topic, and ,ed in a discussion of Temperance. She said there are eighty'thonsand alcohol- ics in Ontario, with ,s; yearly in- crease of 5,000, that one out of every 17 children would become an alcoholic, and t out of every 17 would be excessive, drinkers. She told the story of the two glaSses, filled briin to brim, one with water and one with wine. Each told their story, the wine brought ;destruc- tion and the- water was a 'builder,. The meeting closed With the MN.; Ipali benediction. home of her brother, Mr. Cecil Forester, at Palmerston. Mr. and Mrs. John lifcBt»'n'ey leave this Wednesday to motor by Northerti Ontario to Victoria, B.C. They will visit with relatives at Kenora, Neepawa, Moose Jaw, Cal- gary and Vancouver. , Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Kinalian,. Mrs. Barr and son,' George, all of London, visited on Sunday at the borne of their sister, Mrs. Thos. O'Malley and Mr, O'Malley, Mrs, Victor Young, of WIrigham, spent • the week-end 'at the home of her brother, Mr. Adam Mc- Burney, Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Currie of Islington, Mr, john Currie and daughters, Carolyn and, Nancy, of Toronto spent the Week-end at the home of JIM' 'brother, Mr. Jas, T. Currie and Mrs, Mettitehie, 14fr, and Mrs. ,Gerald Watson of. Forest spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Allan Pattison and with other East wanosh relatives. - Mr. and Mrs, Norman Coultas and Douglas, were in Toronto on Friday, Where Douglas had a cheek-tip at the Children's ttoSpP tai Mr; and albs, Alex Nethery and other local yelatiVrw visited on SinulaY with. Mr. tine, Mrs, Phillip Dawson. Mr. and Mrs, Robert 'Higgins of Thilgrave visited on Sunday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Roy- rattrson -rand Mr Pattison, Mr, and Mrs, Reward Walker For en exciting gift a • • One that is truly personal and prattled]. .. • peloot Pi box of '7,u4 *oats" Periernlize,i8eoltdShitleatter aggl 0 PIP Aoomor „t/ Pew y 1461164 3 • // 640{411'11Ni fir TourNtitteoti 1144•14'i eItiomo 000.410 WINGHAM ADVANCEMIVIES "E ION ',W1i4GHAM 890 V YOUR CAR V YOUR DRIVING V ACCIDENTS ri• ea on Sanday `with. Mn and Nos, 9;,,Oul.s. Dalton. Mrs. Dalton has been rialto li. daring the 'past two weelis, A blond 'vessel hIIrst in her eye, cai;aing a great deal of sump.. ing. ,anniversary services 119 be bold in the United - Church, •an..Sunda.y, June 1st at 11 .a.rn. and S. pm,. with. Rev. Sidney Davidson of Brace-. -field United' Church, as guest mini.• stye. Mr, Thos Clen of Goderiell visit- /Mee. This :SulOay Rev go- Cemhie of Ripley Presbyterian Church will ',le the gues,t minister at the anniversary services in Chaim niers Ghtirch..at 3.1 em. and 7.3a pan. Services In the United Church will be withdrawn this. Sunday and. s• Maker of Featherweight Arch, Supports to individual impressiou at Queens Hotel each Monday aftettioon Afoutirroo, ,(q Week at Hanover, ash ilth Ave, — 1pihon t‘ PEILSONAI, PENSION 'OW/ES ASSITRE .COMFORTABlX IIXTtttEIBENT, Consult— FRANK C. HOPPER —Reirresenta tive— Canada Life WINGHANI, ONT. phone 40a Somebody's daughter. The Understranabig Heart andlhe Fiteino Touch i. e compassionate care and the chance to build virtuous and happy' lives, Aren't you glad there is a Salvation Army? ' To all who have fallen by the wayside from whatever cause, The Salvation Army offers. refuge and hope. To equip its faithful workers for these tasks of mercy and restoration, it relies confidently on YOU. It couldn't, of course, be YOUR daughter. This girl has no one to.care for her and her unborn child. Both face a future dark With shame and bitterness, fruit of folly and betrayal. But not without hope. Jp- the havens, homes and hospitals of The Salvation Army the unwed mother and her babe are given • _ KINSMEN TN "40TION—The members of the Kinsmen Club were a, bard-working-, lot laSt Week .as they completed the frames for the booths at the ,aretia which, will house the variousexhilliltS ati the Whittbana Trade Pair. The Fair takes place on, Tune. 5, Wand 'I. In the townictrire, Harvey 11414140,Jablic Jim. Currie are bolting together pieees of Cue TraMes, vithile in the lower photo Britce *taniMitht mind J>t:elz. Wallrei• molre'il few more holes. I'ltotos by Bill` Couiiell.' aie;i0OLL'aelle THE SALVATION ARMY- RED SHIELD APPEAL the home of Mr. and Mrs, Alex, Leaver. • , The Presbyterian congregation held their •annual elean,up jab of Church and surrounding -lawn, on. Thursday last. ' ' ,* Conununion service washeld- in the Preskytetian Church' on Sun-. day morning, with a good attend- and children 'visited' on •Sunday with .Mr. And Mrs,' Win. CaSlick of Cuirass. ' Miss Pearl and Miss Irene Paton of Toronto. spent tlih Week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, George Coulter. Mrs. Percy Xing, Jim and Joe of TUrnberry, Visited on Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Ted Newton, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Newton, Brian and 13everley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sart in St, Cathar- ines, Sincere sympathy goes to the Dane family in the death of their father, Geo, A, Dane. Mrs, .Alen Graham, Mr, ,Tim Graham and son Alex. of Toronto were week-end and holiday visitors with relatives here.. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank King Spent Saturday and Sunday with relativ- es in Toronto, Carol and Ronnie Snelling of Lis- towel visited over the week-end with Mn and Mrs. Ernie Harris. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Halliday, Kitch- ener were guests at the same home on Saturday. Mrs. Ruth Corbett has returned to her borne in the village after, spending the winter months with her brother, Mr, Anson Galbraith, eon. 10, My, Vern Gilpin and Mr. Elwin Gilpin of Viking and Ilaghenclen, Alberta, returned to they homes by plane from Milton on Sunday. Mr. and NErs, Courtney Gilpin were able to return to their borne on Friday and are somewhat improv- ed in health, . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wade and Paul visited on Sunday with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs_ Norman. Wade, returning to Mont- real on Monday, They were enroute from Pittsburgh, Pa,, where Robt. completed a two months' course at the Carnegie Institute of Tech- nology School of Business Admin- istration. Mrs, Wade had attend- ed the graduation on Friday, in Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Earls, Lynne and. Leone, London, Spent the week end and holiday with Mr. and. Mrs. Hugh Dolg. Mrs. Wm. Doig return- ed home :with them after spending a week in London. Miss Sandra Miller of Listowel spent' the week-end and holiday at the home of her parents. ' Mr. and Mrs, Jack Blythe, Ken, Karen and Jacqueline of 'Weston 'were week-end and holiday visitors. with Mr. and Mrs, Ken Hastie, Mr. and Mrse. Telford Montgom- ery of London visited friends here on 'Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Short and Carol and Mr. and Mrs. Ron- ald Short and baby of Guelph were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Torn Short. Birth • li'BLKER-In the Listowel IVfonor- ial lkospital on Monday May 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Felker a son, James Edward, The New RECORD RELEASES are All Here Rock rn roll, b•e-bop, ()Welland, we don't care viihat yon like, we have It! illy margin starts with the finish... WHITMIRE!! SYMPHONY FOR TOMM? EVERLY BROTHERS nEwtrE Cotini SAIL ALONG SILV-ERY MOON 'Billy Vaughan MIME'S ONLY ONE, OF YOU The Few tads MET IHNIC ON SUNDAY The Shirelles SUGAR MOON -:Pat Boone VICTOR HERBERT'S SWEETBEA_RTS IRVING RERUN'S ANNIE GET YOUR, GUN Bernadette, Patricia and Brian King, who live with their, grand- xnotter at Teeswater, visited on Monday at the home of their aunt, Mrs. Walter Arscott,' and with their ittle sisters, Valerie and Andrea, who live with. Mr, and Mrs. Arscott. Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Reid and son, Terry, of Kincardine, visited on Sunday with her patents, Mr. and Mrs George Phillips of West Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nicholson of Toronto spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Stew- art Coupland, who spent last week ,at the, Robinson home, returned to Toronto on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Robertson and family visited on Sunday at the L.P.'s, Extended Plays, Child. rents Records, and 10"Fi. Supplies WARREN HOUSE A GEIVERAL MOTORS VALUE • n r Price doesn't -udiceqna quality, when you settle r is p'i fact, fom bumper for Chevrolet. You can sea the quality nforgin reflected in ChaVy's lustrous finish -- feel it, when MAGONALROAO, WINGRAM Ao bumper Chevrolet delivers a bonus of smoothing-via/Cal suspension. you touch snioother bodywork. There's unseen quality, too, in the sturdier, Safer chassis and road- e Better design and attention to dkail follow extra beauty, extra • , :-.--. . - 1 by IV idle. Volt cab hear. Aild feel this qiiality when through to the double-wall of Body =,. Metter-built doors close tight. What you can't hear performance or, every it road noise: Adogatic insulation shuts it out, And ' When you stretch. in Chevy's silent, ‘more roomy dollar you send..!' interior, you begin to know why it's called Luxury ' Lounge. Yes, extra Oar e i s everywhere, because quality cosines by the carload, took into Chevrolet t', —foe one today! See the Chevy Show . co hour of hi, With' varioty every Wodnotdcry evening. Oleo( Your local IV !Wing for qi mos. DR tint siosr NicogRN 1141ciiNT ENGINES IN Thal 11.010,1) •••"'-"*`*"--"-"*"'"' SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALER FOR QUICK APPRAISAL PROMPT DELIVERY ham- Motors ohotie139... • ..Winghatint Oat