HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-05-21, Page 4, .'Kilt'"' n • 0 PAN0 Your The Whigbarn Adranoc-Time$, Wed,neadar, 1$1riv A 29 ' • Ite.M13XrliZ0 a Birth 1.'RUPPE-(--Ir: St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on TurgItIy, May 13, 1908 to, Mr, and Mrs,* Walter TrUPPc (Donna Lockridge) of ,Lambeth, a daughter, FOR SALE WANTED ?'mm CARD OF THANKS The faintly of the late Mrs. Gil- kinson wish to thank their friends apd neighl6a for their sympathy and kindness in their recent ber- eavement, especially the Rev. Dr, Nimmo and B, A. Ourrie & Sons, 21q' LEM% TAXI SERVICE and used Furniture, We buy and son. Phone 185, rrh with Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Sothern, Week-end visitors with Mr, ant ,Urs. John Craig and Mrs, Wrq, Craig were Mr, and Mrs. Aloe castle and family , and gr. rind Mrs, Wilmott Craig, 'nil of Toronto, Ur. and Mrs. William JohnSOn Minalco visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.' .TaMes Warreil, week-end. Miss Louise. 33rOW,90 of Toronto . spent the week-end at her 1mme. Misses Nappy Sothern, Margaret McCann and Dorothy Toner attend- ed the graduation held at the in,Guelph one day last week. Mr. and Mrs Alfred :Topes of Guelph were week-end visitors oottNG, EVENTS THE LADIES' AUXILIARY of the Legion will' hold a cash bingo on Saturday, May 24th, at the town hall. CE21b SALES HELP WANTED—MALE TlhINIDEIIS FOR DRAIN'S Separate tenders will be receive( by the undersigned until 2.p.m.„' Tuesday, May. 27, 1958 for ..each the following 'drains; (A) Construction • -of the Schaefer .drain consisting of 480C lineal feet of 'open drain. ' ' (B) The repair. and :improve- Ment of Branch B drain , No,. 19 open con of drain. Plans n 3.50 alinealtio4- feet' of Plans and spool. ,„ seen from the clerk. , A „certified cheque for 107'0 of the contract .* accompany each tender.. Lowest_ any tender not necessarily 'aeeept- • AUCTION SALE MILK FILTERS for sale,7"kapid .4010", 790; 6 1~a~ineh, 85e, Alexander's Hardware. lrrir LLOYD BABY BUGGY for, sale, Like new. Mrs. Jack Henderson, phone 211, 21b YOUNG MAWS Navy Blue Sport Coat for sale, Size 16-18 years. Phone 814, 210 WANTED Bush lots with soft maple and elm. Will purchase hush,properties farina. CASH REGISTER and adding machine rolls are available at The Advance-Times office at all times, as well as ribbons for type- writerS, A.....,111fl,1. ... fl1111AA11.0111111 ....... . 11110011,1q1.1.1111.11 CLEARING: - AUCTION SALE of the Estate of the late 'WILLIAM HAYS, Wroxeter, Ont:, House- hold Effects, Plumller's Equip- ment,' Machine ToolS'and other valuable items, on FRIDAY, May '23, at 1.30 ' p.m.; Daylight Saving Time, Tenni; •Cash G, BRYCE, Auctioneer - " = • 21b WANTED, REAL ESTATE AGENT WILTON RUG, 8 foot square; grey background. May be seen at the home pf Mrs. Mary Gurney, John. Street. 21b Legion Auxiliary to Visit Palmerston FORDWICH,The Ladies' Auxi, lary, of Howick Legion met in the. Legion rooms for the May meet.: ing, Mrs. Myth Clark, presidont, was lb the chair and Xrs. Jennie Wilson acted 'as seeretary:Adepuhts were taken care, of and minutes read, Final plans were made to attend the zone rally in Blyth' on 'May` 21, An invitation from Palmerston branch to be ,With them on June 2nd, when the' receptionist, Mrs. Agnes Lismpre, from Westminster Hospital, will show slides, was tic- cepted and plans made for Same.'' Crests• for blazers and ties :were given to members. A letter froin the adopted, soldier was read,' also one from a sick member in the hospital,' The meeting closed and asocial half hdur was spent, ed. J. Harold Pollock, Clerk, Fordwich,' Ontario,' .7:21b Please phone or write: • • The Aildrew Malcolm Furniture Co. Ltd., Listowel, Ontario HOUSE • for sale in Wingharn Livingroom 20x12; two bedrooms kitchen,„ roam for bathroom • extra room 1.8x10. Garage 20x15 Price $2500, Phone ;569J. 26rrb DWELLING HOUSE for sale, .7 rooms with furnace and .bath. Full lot and ideal location. Apply Hartley Smith, Box 1085, Tillson-' -burg, phone Victor 2-5536. 21b MODERN BUNGALOW for sale,. oil furnace, picture windows wall-to-wall carpeting in -large living room, new garage attache(' with Berry door, sun porch, large lot, low taxes. Asking $6,000 cash Plione 431 or 981. 14rrb • WANTED: Man for Steady travel among consumers in townships Of Turnberry, Wawa.nosh East and Wawanosh West. Permanent connection with large manufac- turer. Only reliable bustler con- sidered, Write Rawleigh's Dept, E-453-131, 4005 Richelieu, Mont- real. 21b CLEARING AUCTION SALE F,arnt Stock, Maehinery At South half of Lot 42, Concession. 3, East •Wawanoosti; 1 mile North of Blyth, on No. 4 Highway TUESDAY, ,MAY. 27, 'at 1 pm. . -I CATTLE—Registered Holstein cow, calved April 18, 1947, Maitland View Rag, Apple Daisy; dry cow, black cow, -3 years old; blue 1-161- stein cow, a year,s old; Holstein cow, 3 years old; 'Holstein cow, 2 years old; blue heifer, 2 years old; blue cow, '7 years old; 6 1-year old, Jereford; 8' Hereford, calves. SHEEP-16 sheep and 12 lambs. MACHINERY—Massey Harris , Ferguson 'Tractor, 3 years old; 12" Pord 2-furrow plow;,' Ford stiff- tooth 'cultivator; 9-ft. spring tooth cultivator; 6-ft. spring ti?oth ivator;, blade for back of tractor; I platform for back of tractor; Ford pulley 'and power take off; bean puller; Ford 'buck rake;' Massey . Harris 1.1....disc fertilizer 7-ft. Massey-Harris 'binder, power drive; McCormick mower, 5 ft.; Massey Harris side rake; -Massey Harris hay tedder; dump rake; Massey Harris manure spreader; land roller; 6-section drag harrows; 5Gehilf -Warenrier mill 1.0", i good as 'brew; fanning mill; 1200 lb. scales; blower pipe garden tractor; Chore- master; wagon and rack 16 1/2 ft;; DeLazval cream separator; trailer with' 12 ft, rack; trailer with 6 ft. 'racks; 'hammer mill belt, 35 ft. good as new; 35 cedar posts; 100 steel 'posts; 15 end posts; cedar Poles; 2 sticks of timber; tarp, 9x11; table saw, .8"; ,disc sander; drum sander; 2-1/4. motors; 1/ electric drill arid stand; jig saw; set of black dies; taps; dies for cutting pipe thread, • ' TERMS: CASH No Reserve—Farm is sold. Walter McGill, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. Bob Henry, Clerk, • 21b CEDAR POSTS for sale, straight, dry and peeled. Average 4" tops. Excellent for barb wire etc, Art Stapleton 604J4 Wingham, 214 for Wingham and District ° APPLY TO Wilfred McI'ntee Walkerton - Phone 880 MEAT FOR, SALE -Good beef by the quarter. Killed on premises. Inspected by Dept, of Health Yearling heifers. Top quality. Lowest prices. Raynard Ackert, Ripley, phone 24r30. 17rrh ......... TENDERS WANTED • For Wingham District' High ,School One H 120-15 Duro Commercial Water Softener. Capacity 5700 gal- lons between regeneration ,periods. One 1" Neptune Water Meter; or any other make of this equip meat of the same size and capacity. To be installed .in the Wingharn District High School during JUly or August, 1958. Tender price to he installed com- plete with piping and fittings..,, ` Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. Tenders to he mailed.by June4st to J, Gordon Stobo, W.D.R.S,, R.R. 3, Teeswater, Ont Chairman Property Committee, MASSEY-FERGUSON TRACTORS TWO-BEDROOM HOUSE $5;500 -- 2-Bedroom splid white brick home on large lot. Good location in Wingham. Newly de.:. corated, modern kitchen with built-in cupboards; hardwood floors, hot water heating, double garage; 3-piece bathroom; new flat rate hot water heater. En- closed verandah. Apply to Frank T. Field, phone 92, Teeswater. 21b DEADSTOCK WANTED FORDWICH- NEW 50's and 65's NEW HOLLAND BALERS POWER MOWER sales and ser- vice, pick-up and delivery, Stain- ton Hardware, phone 30, Wing- ham. 14rrb USED, TRACTORS DEADSTOCK removed promptly for snnitary disposal, FREE pick up on larger animals, reasonable collection' charge for small aril-mills. Phone collect Wingham 378; Palmerston 123w, or Dur. ham 398, Gordon Young (Elmira) Limited. , arrb 1-44. High Arch with Hydraulic .1-1—John •Deere 'AR 1LMaisey 20 $10100 and UP paid for sick, down and disabled Cows and Horses also dead- cows and horses at cash value. Please phone prompt- ly Bruce Marlatt, Call collect 56r7 Brussels, 24 hour service, 19rrh LIVESTOCK FOR SALE . • Ey the end of this week we will have a carload of SMOKER FARM ELEVATORS Mrs. Alveretta, Wallace and• Miss . Aldyth East visited on Sunday in Hespeler." Miss Donna Toner of Kktchener and Don Doig of Galt XiSited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 'Ross Doig. • Master Gary Sothern %spent the week-end with Mr,. and Mrs, Carl, Stewart in Listowel. • • , .• Mr. and 'Mrs. :'James Keith of St. Catharines are' spending -some time with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Keith. Mr. and afFs. Scott Keith and Randy of 'Waterloo were also visit- ors at the same 'home over the STRAWBERRY PLANTS—Choice Improved Senator Dunlop $2.00 per hundred; also vegetable and flower plants. Phone 483J, Percy Biggs, Lower Wingham. 21b BROADLOOM CARPETS and rug samples on display now. Finest all-wool, hard twist broadloom for beauty and comfort. Have an estimate this week—no obliga- tion. The best costs less than you think! Welwoocl's Phone 86. 21b IVfISCELLANEOUS CHARLES HODGINS SEVEN MILK CALVES, excellent shape. 'Harold Finlay, Delmore, phone Teeswater 173r2, 29 DURHAM HEREFORD graSS cattle for sale. Jack Inglis, R.R. 1, Clifford, 21.1' CANADA • . - TENDERS FOR THE SUPPLY :ma COAL, COKE, FUEL OIL ,'.AND PROPANE GAS FOR THE , FED- ERAL BUILDINGS THROUGH- OUT THE PROVINCE OF ON- ' TARIO, SEALED TENDERS addresSed to the undersigned and endorsed as above, will be 'received in the office of the , Secretary until .3,:00 p.m. (E.D.S.T.;THURSDAY, JUNE 12, -1958, foi• the supply of coal, coke, fuel oil. and propane gas for Federal Buildings throughbut the Province of Ontario, Forms of te,nders • with specifi- cations can be obtained •from the Chief of Purchasing and Store's, Department of -Public Works, Gar , land Building, Ottawa, and the Dis- trict Architect, Department of Public: Works, 385 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. Tenders will not 'be considered. unlesg made on the printed' forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein. The lowest ,or any 'tender not necessarily accepted. ROBERT FORTIER, 'CHIEF 10F ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES AND SECRETARY Department' of Public Works, Ottawa, May 14, 1958.21-28 , • , CUSTOM weed 'and brush spraying, Contact Stan Hopper, Brussels 32r15 or. Jim Casemore, phone 727w12, W,ingham. „ 14;21* ..............................1. "l 1111A1111114bilAillA11411111111111i iii ,1111111111iliOr Cif"...:05.670-1GY S E. 2: • REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES of lawnmowers, power and hand, • Also a number of used machines for sale. From $3.50 to, $7.50, de- pending on condition, Jenkins Repair Service. Phone 694W, Wingham, rrh F1Y P RE P AY POULTRY FOR SALE ANNOUNCING—The greatest in- vention in house-cleaning since the vacuum cleaner, The ELTJX- 0-1VIATIC has so many new feat- ures. You must see it to believe it. Call. L. H. Reynolds, .840J1., your Electrolux Dealer. rrb PIGS for sale, 14 chunks, Apply Wm. Brydges, telgrave, phone 618W2. • ' 21b . ,: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii m. 0\ . i ,0,.414 0,0 ‘;,% :J*-..1 4.40:17.. 41* * 1 • i .11/4 INCORPOHTA Er} / 3 5 '....'":4t;;." i Town -of Wingham 1 DOING SOMETHING 1,0 A VJI-TOLE . LOT SETTER 'THAN WISHING YOU HAD , ' SOMETHING TO . DO./ A nice piing about • our Feed, -is, that ,it your' hags a headk Start toward market What's, more,' it saves you a, lot of, trati4,10 Sinee,' if; is already,pietiared. c4ins AND TRUCKS :FOR SALE .1958 .Taxes BIRTHS 54 FORD for sale, Two tone Sedan 4-door, Phone 486M, Mrs, Feagan. 21-28* NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DHE ESTATE of Margaret WOodi, of the Village Of Blyth; in ctheae s-eCd,oUnty. of Y , rl Wi0Wc.; Do •,. ftitty ,:ocake.fifT511191-(0 4)l ccollnt ntib58 take's: 1.1.P to 80: po en's: of ;6447itiiies. Interest at th6 4.ate Of : 3`!ort•tAler: cent, per annum will be allowed on such prepayments. Pl'cpayrnents of taxes must be made at the Town Treasurer's Office, Town Hall. W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer, Town of Wingham Booiter Mas edium 4.55 ..... IiieKINZIONt:4tf•Viringha'm,,,* on T..b.Ursclay, Ikw:.18,.1d. Mk. and Janies MORIntion,v Rik? 2,' Teeswater, a daughter.' ROSS—In Wingham Horpital, on Saturday, May 17, to Mr. .and Mrs. Jack Ross, Formosa, a daughter. JOHNSTON—In WCgham. Hospi- tal, on Monday, 'May 19, to Mr., and Mrs. Morley Johnston,' R.R. 2, Auburn, a son. SIERTSEMA—In Wingharn Hospi- tal, on Monday, May 19, to Mr. and Mrs, Murray Siertsema, 2, Teeswater, a' Son, Hog Finisher ... $3.05 Nursing Sow 'Ration $3.30 IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? For information phone"293, Stew- Art A, Scott, Wingharn, 2rrb All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 9th day of Stare, A.D. 1958, after which' date the assets will be distribut- e'd amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of Which notice shall have 'been given. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 14th day of May, AD, 1958. E, B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ont, 'Solicitor for the said Estate. 21;28:4b 1952 Chev, pick-up for sale. Good conclition,, several extras, George Budd phone 127 R after 6 p.m. 21" STEWART A. SCOTT Can now save you • 15% on your car or. truck insurance. Yearly or six months policies are • available, Special rates for farmers; For further information phOne 293; Winghani. 29rrb 1954 4-DOOR • De Luxe Chevy, Automatic, Directional Signals, En Eye' Glass, excellent condi- tion, very low mileage, Phone 698. WINGiambe SN 61h FEED MILLS .141011114NO 110W NATION' 5°,4 W4CJ'Al ••1.7 ,7. WiNGHA Emil lll ! l 1111111j!, lll Y lllllllllllllll !III llllll I ll i lllllllllll 111 0 1,11441111i111111,11. 111,1,,,, WI! llllllllll lllllllll llllll ll l llll RELIABLE WOMAN wanted to assist with housework, Part time. Phone 155 Wingham. 21b 'BUSINESS and' PROFESSIONAL ' CRAWFORD & HETHERINGRN NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the estate. of CHARLES WESLEY PALMER, late of the Village of Wroxeter, in the County of Huron, Sawmiller, deceased. TAKE. NOTICE, that ,creditors and otherS having claims against the., estate of the said CHARLES WESLEY PALMER' 'deceased, are required to file their claims ,duly' verified' with the undersigned on, or before the twenty-fourth day of May, AD, 195,8, and that after the said date the Exeentors will distribute the estate having re- gard only to the tialniS of which they 'will then have notice. DATED at Teeswater, Ontario, this fifth day of May, AZ, 1958, A, it, IVfeTavish, Teeswater, Ontario, Solicitor -for the EXeelltorr{, :1,4;211) , . 1, , DIRECTORY Barristera, Solicitors, ' Phone 48 CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. HETIIERINGTON, Q.C. Notice to WATER CONSUMERS The hours for waiering lawns arid gardens are from 6 a.m." to 9 a.m, and from 6 p.m. to 9 ,p.m. This will be strictly enforced. An ANNUAL charge of $4.44 gross, less prompt payment discount of 14 per cent, is made for the use of hose or outside tap for the above noted purposes. Anyone found watering lawns or gardens, who has not paid for this service will he billed accordingly. WANTE D SEE THE USED F'UR:NITURE at R. A. CURRIE & SONS Three-pieec chesterfield suite, bargain, $89,00; ehesterl)ed with wood arms, to clear $29.75; 5-piece chrome Set, table and four chairs, Only 832.00; one SptMeatiVer, eked-, lent cover, $89,95. J. W. BUSHFIELD Q.C. lintrister; Solicitor, Notary, Etc. MOticy to Lean IOtfice--Meyer Block, Witighstn A. IL M9AV1SH IftAmitistirit„, sotiorroit • and NOTARY PUBLIC • TEESWATEII - ONTARIO Telephone 23 TeesviiI4U. Wroxetor--4.1Very Wedititsday afterneon, p.M., or • byappointrinent: REPAIRS WELLINGTON Fredericle F.• Homuth R.O. Carol E..fiomuth R 0 Mr*. Viola K ltimuth, R.O. OrtOlVIETRISTS PtioNE 118 Harriston, Ontario Wan tam Public Mines Commission InSittaneir ripany Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company Which hits faithfully aerved, its policy lioldera for over a etifittirY, itteittl: torenito Midt.earo trifiltnince Agency' . Witithant C. Ci•Shera, Superintendent AlsilitmAxeo.4, bran, Safe, Courteous Service. Phone Pty, 01; Niett, er..086. 13ft (430000).4600kasseemimemsfistelmaystommelistaitti0t3103, 4.1.04 . FINANCING A CAR: Before you Oily ask about oiti LOW Cost Financing Service with coMplete Insurance Coverage. STEWART A. SCOTT ]bans 2N wing/Ain gkrb OtlYLDING AND PLUIVii3ING SERVICE4I.c.pairing, rote-del, bathrooMar 'cupboards. We can Supply you with all 'your plumbing heeds. Bathroom fik- tfrrta„ MebOug0.11 pumps, eleetric Witter lietttera,• pipe, arborite, Itail-boar'd', floor tile, etc. George A, ' Carter, 11„ti.„ 5, Winghttm, pi#oohs 7x3 'I. 144;21:88- $20 and Up paid for Old, Sick or Disabled Horses and Cows HIGHEST CASH vALtnr, PAID IN' SURROUNDING DISTRICI? for DEAD COWS and HORSES, For Prompt, Sanitary Disposal, day or *night Phone LEROY ACHESON Atwood 153, collect GE0111•0111 /118I.OP Wroxeter , nitie86 LARGE MOFFAT Electric Stove, one single' bedroom• suite, one pair extra long beds, and mat- tresses,, sofa and two armchairs, odd pieces of furniture, dishes and small appliances, oil paint- ings-and antiques. Phone 434 or 981, 1.4rrli WINDOW SHADES—We carry a full 'Selection of window shades in plastic and cloth, white, cream and green. We have a machine 'to cut shades to any size requir- ed, while you wait. Priced from OM to $3.19. Walker Home Furnishings, Wingham, 7:14:21:28b YOUR FEET CAN cause pain in ankles ' knees, hips and lower back. For definite lasting re- sults checkwith 3', A, VICKERS, Foot Correctionist, Queens Hotel,. Wingham; on Monday after- noons. . - 26rrh SEVERAL used milking machines for sale, Let us install one of these or a new Woods in your home an a trial. basis. Distance is no barrier. Irving Keyes, Glamis, Phone . Paisley 114r4, 23Alt-Nov ;.EN AT Automegie Sham. poor-Now you can renew the appearance of rugs, upholstery, Leaves no ring, odor or color change. Take half the work out .of your spring cleaning. Avail- able at Walker Home Furnish- logs. rrb LADY WANTED for light house- keeping and companion for elder- ly lady. Apply Post Office Box 81, Wingham. 21" RESPONSIBLE GIRL OR WO- MAN wanted for housekeeping duties. Modern home with all Work-saving facilities. Best Wages. Start ht. once, Apply Mrs, Barry Wenger, at The Advance- Times office, phone 890. A WONDERFUL EARNING OPPORTUNITY Ii'or ambitious, mature woman in Belgratie td take over Well es- tablished Avon Territory. Custotner list available. For particulars' Write: r's. LOUrien, Green, District Manager, ' loox 2g1; kittlioVer, 450 RED SUSSEX PULLETS for sale, Ready for shelters. Harold Finlay, Belmore, phone Tees- water 1731.2. 21* 400 R.I.R. x L.S. x R.I.R. Pullets for sale. Eleven weeks old. K. Mc- Naughton, R.R.1, Bluevale, 'phone 15r3 Wroxeter: 214' HOLSTEIN HEIFER' and Durham heifer for sale. :EIdistein due im- mediately. Also Purebred York Hog, serviceable age. John Thornton, Gorrie RR. 2, phone_ F6 rdwick 57r3. 21.* REAL ESTATE MODERN HOME volt SALE $7,500--8-bedroom solid white brick home on double lot in Wingham,. Good location. ,Automatic oil hot water heating. Hardwood floors throughout; modern 3-piece bath- room with shower. Flat rate wa- ter heater; modern kitchen with built-in cupboards; enclosed glaaE verandah, Apply Frank T, Field phone 92, Teeswater, 21b FEMALE HELP WANTED FOR ARTIFICIAL, insemination service or more 'information, telephone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association collect at Clinton 1W 2.3441 or Formosa, office, phone Teeswater, 126, be- ` ween 7,30 and 9.30 arm, We 'supply service ,to top quality bulls of the Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Brown SWISS, Red Poll, Hereford (polled and horn- ed) Beef Shorthorn (polled or horned), and Dual Purpose Short- horn, Angus and Charolaise breeds, The cost is low, 23rrb SEPTIC TANKS, 'Cesspools, etc.,. cleaned with modern equipment. All work guaranteed. Louis Blake, R.R, 2, phone 42r6 Bruar se's. . '• ..26rr25.1E-s1 NEVER, NEVER, never since the world began such relief from sore, aching; burning, feet, weak ankles, 'sore knees, hips and back, cramps in feet or legs. Corns, callouses, bUnions dis- appear, arthritis pains fade away, brings hack circulation. Consult W. A. Kaufman, phone p4, Lis- towel, open Tuesday afternoon and evening, and at the Bruns- wick Hotel, Wingham, on May 29 and June 12 Phone 666. rrb 4'11' '''4241,11000*,ir4INYW 10,0"01#.4.,1'11.r."