HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-04-30, Page 11:1 WORK .ROOTS` A nr tic , • 'Our Specialty , ..... t 0 D`I.UJ to 'Davin, DACK SHOES AT GREAT REDUCTIONS Come, look e he convinced of o4r prices. //1 1-111 FREE OF CHARGt.' • •"0 014-AtDrahc,e0-. 010014 tome, MEW'S ,WORK• OOTS Cork ..Soles $7.95 $10.9 Your Donation to the Canadian CO Society, Local Branch, may be tell al Local Banks, itfclObbons Drug St or W Ingham Advance4Vmes, it UR FAMILY SHOE STORE Stores open in Wingham Saturday rig WINGHAM PHONE 1Z wmimammimmiam00 0mmwoimomammamp ES BROPHY TO Schwicbteoberg, HEAD BOWLERS ArOvoil the Flrehall 0 Sale at Grant's Men's Wear Brussels, Ontario Trophy for two top team .43 year was ,pr'esent'ed by )4'17.0)11c ,IpOr. to the 13►udte liaectric team, tit g4rp W:ie4' lies vo:t:f a. :4the second a: teamii0:osoor w Brown, Red Grump, Hap s,!"at.!4dR,:: Norm ii,noott,„ Tom, Jamie) and LA iieeynolds Other trophies' wti}l bi,n;, Tb Swat- ridge, high 'wegle Tom. j'ard14, iver4Fe ; .1-4 Swat high t'rlple,. - MEN'S SUITS woollens' worsteds in Char, CO.tit Dark 'Grey, peg. $4 9,95 Now $39,95 During- the month of April the ,firemen had fourteen vans, most of ,these being grass •fires during the dry spell, Eight calls were in town'anal Sixitt the cpuntry. 0,0.0 The firemen held their regular monthly meeting on Monday night and a very .hosy schedule of busi- ness kept the discussions going for longer; than usual.' 0 - 0 -,0 • ' The ,brigade is open for one ap- plication for a fireman, preferably one who is available •during 'the daytime working hours:. AnYcine Interested contact any fireman or Chibf Jr, Carr. 0-0-0 Thirty members of 'the lifen's Bowling League gathered the Queens Hotel on Monday evening for their annual turkey banquet and presentation of trophies, Following the dinner President Harold Taylor and Secretary- Treasurer ChaFieS "Perrott reported on :the club's 'year and gave, the financial • statement, A new slate of ,offieers Was elected as follo'Ws: Pres., - Des 'Brophy; •vice,pres., • SPORT COATS, lateSt colours' COAT' and TROUSERS to match $35.00 SPORT SHIRTS, a national make regale: 0.95 to 85.9ti — TO CLEAR .... $1.95 LADIES' SHOES This week Only Any pair in the window S.00 They will include Patents, Panama Kid and Suede in High and DinsiOn'beels; One of the objects at present is to organize an auxiliary to the fire department, of men who would be available. for Civil -defense. They would riot be active firemen exeept in the case of, an emergency and, for training, . . 0 - 0 0 Fire practice will he on the even- ing of May 12.- . . 0 ,- 0 - . A vote was taken-to aid the fund for, life-saviiig ehuilitnent and' alum of money was unanirnously donated towards this. project. ' :" 0 -0 - 0 The Wingham Golf Clu Is Now Open The executive extends an invitation to prospec- tive imembers, young or old, to participate in this enjoyable pastime. The fees are especially attractive to new golfers, Contact any member for further inform= cation. WINGHAM GOLF CLUB For All exciting gift .. • pnro th4ris truly personal fils1 piectical : select a box, of "7'11.1*- • Peraupeli'irl Oecieltieticateirr NYLON T: LOW P' 34 NYLON DELUXE SUPER.CUSHIONS Fmh"i* -1/ Riptrly Montag Pettonalizing InterNational See ar.4 4didlisit,mago• cur rte THE, WINGHAM ADVANCE=TIMES • TELEPHONE WINGHAM'. 890. by GOO DilfriE AR Now that ,fire 'calls come to us by house number, especially on Carl- ing Terrace, did you Mier try to see those numbers from the -street? 0 - 0 - 0 A little' paint of the appropriate color would -be very helpful. In the middle of the night firemen 'would have to runup 'to -each hou'se.r like fire flip to get'a look at the:. nuin- beys. Help us to help you; take a look at your nuinber! 0 - 0 - 0 Speaking of help, during a regent public :shoWing at the Wi-nglmin District High School for', vtwo nights, with several buses parked around the:drive way, plus enough cars to really plug up the drive way, how.in the world,. if. an acc*.' dent, sickness or fire happened could any help get near the place? 0 0 - Q • ' Its all very well to have a really enthusiastic fire brigade; but, when answering a call firemen and trucks must obey the High's ay Traffic Act, and use caution. But how many people try to-' do the same? For instance, on hearing a siren, pull over to the side of the road and stop. 'Do not driVe within five hundred feet of a fire -truck. 0 - 0 - 0 Whe7n the town siren is blowing it would be a help to firemen in cars trying to report for duty, if traffic' stopped on the main. street, with tra de-in, 6.70 x 15 tube type, bluckwall. Act` now! See us for safety proved Goodyear 3-T Nylon Tires at lowest price ever! WE MOUNT YOUR TIRES /VOW I CAN /YE rodir 75#41/ SPOT' ...,. . . BOWLERS , RECEIVE. TROPH-V—ilhe DUrke kiectri:e Team wtiliceil Off with high honors for the Season, whiM they mini the Burka TrApK At top :frank Buidte presents the award to Tom Jardin, The team is seeliflieloM. Back row; from Gre left; Hap Smatridge, Torn a-00h' and Walter Brown; front, Bed Grump, .Norm - Elliott and. Les Reynolds, - , ---Advance-TimeS Ph0tos. Bert Armstrong Phone: 181 Specialized Ignition & Towing Service WINGHAM, Ontario. Phone 139 Wingham :44Z1,=:701,4 ktiv tertaa oti Mee/ aaaa • WINGHAM MOTORS Trip to Bermuda Enjoyable But Ended Much too Soon taking sight at the zoo and while the other animals and birds were interesting; these .beautitul lairds ontshone everything else, At the aquarium. they saw all kinds of tropical fish, typical of the waters in. that area. A -well-tanned and satisfied group the surrounding district made up CLINTON • COMMUNITY SWIMMING POOL COMMITTEE' arrived in Malton last week follow- ing a week's vacation in Berm,uria,' The only complaint Was that the time VMS all too 'shrift, The trip Was sponsored by CHNX With Miss Margaret Brophy, wo- men's editor, as -directress. Twen- ty-five people from Wingham, and maiiiiiniviuitiliwilieliiimaiiiii•IIMIlifilluilltilltillitkiiiiitiimisimumillimittlaitiminginiilfilli•I Attention - i .. 44 • - .11 SpOrtsnitn. ii i 4 it 1 ,, ...., . i-.' ii. Oid Time and Modern Dancing . 6.7. i At Th,e. ROYAL T , . .ASS•... THURSDAY, MAY 1st ,,... The luxury liner, Queen of Ber- muda was in port and 'the party was taken aboard and toured the vessel, Resistance was low ,especially On the part of the ladies when they visited the perfume factory and most of them returned home, with at least one bottle of :frog ranee, It takes a full year to make lily perfume and 1.8 months for passion flower. • d Mrs, 0, Hoyle, Miss Barbara Stainton, of Wingham, James Cum- mins and R, Thompson of Bel- grave, Mr. and Mrs, W. It, Jack 5015 of iAstowel, Mrs, T. Burke,. Wroxeter and Miss Marjorie Rus- sell Of tiStOVVel were members Of the tour from. Wingharn arid the immediate district, , DOORS OPEN AT 7.30 P.M. - GAMES START AT 9 P.M. TWO new and INCONSPICUOUS it hearing aids See and try them bothl The new Zenith Diplomat at-the--eat hearing aid. And the brad new, Zenith Eyeglass Hearing Akl. Attractive, inconspicuous, high performance Zenith (biellty itetieing Aids/ '10.0Ay money- hack Guarantee. Free home aleinonatratica arranaed I 15 GAMES for $75.00 each 4 SHAR&THE=WEALTH GAMES 'JACKPOT $1,000.00 — Must Go the party, and while in Bermuda they stayed at the St, George Hotel, 9ne of the' highlights was an all- day Cruise aboard the Priscilla, When about 200 passengers enjoyed the beauty of the many islands; They docked at Hawkin's Island for a barbeette lunch before con- tinuing the cruise. A bus trip of Bermuda Island gave the visitors an excellent op- portunity to o see the profusion of floWers—hibiscus, lilies, sweet peas, gladioli and ..stiapclragoUs. At one of the private homes they saw MAP of „, the island made pp of MaSses of biotin'. The fruit trees are Morn loquats, paw-paws and grapefruit, An amazing though eerie spectacle was the. view In the farneus Crystal arid 'Leamington eaves, with their stalagmites and stalactites. The sound of dripping water and the knowledge that the ocean was dir. cetly beneath the narrow shelves insured eautton raft the part of the Sightseers, and. ,rnorO. than Was' telleVed to. return to the open. 'The ntOtitnittoi- y were a. breath- 13111IGHT1tN TOM a Spot Prizes -- Elimination Dance • = Proceeds for Wingham Sportsmen's Assoc Club House 1 MUSIC BY SLIM BOUCHER AND THE GOLDEN I. Reg, ttitton, Ernie king, Clark Johnston, and many thert, McKibbons PRAIRIE. COWBOYS • SPECIAL GUESTS: PHONE 53 WINGHAM You will find it easy to keep the COrainie tile in your kitchen bright- ly elean With at clean-tip wax which has detergents blended with the wait. The Wax; does an eitcellent job on both tiles and joints, ./t also leaves a preteeltiVe. Mating so ADMISSION:, $1.00 Extra Cat:ds: 25c each or 5 for $1.00 Jackpot Cards 50c each or 3 for $L00 CUP THIS ADV. — Bring this Advertisement to BoX Office and Get Extra FREE Ticket on Door Prizei. ADMISSION — • — 75c that caty to Wipe Off. ellbeie*11 - 'splatter, itillanilillalitlifill111111111111111litiltAIIII111111101111111311111111111111111111111111111111111111111111141111tialaillicila Handle imurrler shill occe.roorlo for beiirio aids, ' 'too WM§ 110511, *pi. Mold tOnn0cllory with 205151E0551111mernitAhrire " only 151504 115r fesPitniimaisssi, OPM or opEc1115