HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-04-30, Page 10`4. • • - - • • • qM522ctorenaleniVe04Millenift • ••• 44.....44.4....,1404t.4013...(.....44.0.44,......-• ,k.k.4,4.44-44... 0101,PING HAND—Friends and neighbours with no less than twelVe tractors arrived the Inane of Ted Fear, BelgraVe, last Thursday, to plow and cultivate 27 acres of land, Ted, had been laid up for seine time witii,,Ptieurripnla. ihid-'.4a.s ul able to get .any of his spring work done. , *, --Adyanf e,=!rjrnea!, photo. Appoint Assistant' , In Huron County -,DanielJames Rose Code- rich has - .beert. appointed student assistant in Hurin Connty.. from April 28th until his ,return, to col- lege in September. Dir''.• la , a. graduate of ,the Dlplonja y Course. and has conaPfeted niik;`-:SediSti4d' year towards his degree. Most of,Mr. RoSea:.WOrk Will ,he in Junior prograininthe;:•COUntY, Mr. Rose is a'native of'-.13`iiioe.tolinty, statement that 'Contracts for feed- ing hogs were being.letin that dis- trict for as little as,'$2., per hog marketed. This is a new, low in my experience and -indicates, 1, think, very clearly that contract farming can lead-to-very ,losv, tutn.s for the contract feeder. Controls wort' damage before starts. Kills worms before they mature, so halting re-infection. Protects against follow-up infection in worm darnagetl tissue. Does not throw pigs "off feed". Continuous protection from more lands of worms. Makes possible more efficient feed utilivation. Requires no change in feeding methods. Does not affect the taste or smell of feed. SWITCH TO SHUR-GAIN HOG FEEDS (MEDICA TED) and SWING MORE PROFITS YOUR WAY. ..; OW Ten The Winglient AdvAltee.”ThneS, viredne*day, April 30, 1s 8 'Audden and prolonged sneezing In the swine herd could be the 4.1-1 Club Meets wokrolog of a serious swine disease infections atrophic annals. At Jacques lionfii (Late for lest weeltl 111.1ipm Federation News Magnets - Animal Treattiiinf.: Hardware 'disoase r has; ,T Always been a problenajn'Cattle. The pane- dian Veterinary -.Metilical _Associa- tion says it has 'been 'increasing, in recent years. The disease •IS the result of cattle, swalidwing, nails or bits of baling :Wire or other metal around , the barn,: the .'feed lot, or while' grazing:,, HoWever, veterinarians :have • been' helping prevent coMplitatiOns from this cause by having, cattle 's*all."' 'magnet, which • :remains in the .11. paunch where' it attracts and , holds the metaCobjeeti,and usually', ' prevents them from, doing. damage, ACTIVITIES Hardware disease may result in a • Joss of milk production, and can even cause the death of an animal if the metal Object Passes thrOugh the stomach walt,into .the heart or some other vital-„ organ; When an owner thinks that a'salpabic ani- mal may posSibly, have' hardware disease,'-the veterina'ria'n 'Can tell whether . metal 'present in the. stomach by: use of "detector", Similar in principle'` to' a wartime, mine detector,- if treated In time . the animal usnally, can be sawed by an operatiOn.... ' „ BIIIEVALE . BELLES STUDY SAFETY 13/11JEVAL`B April 21.st, the fifth.., Meeting of the I31uevale Belles vints held at No. 10, Morrill, .schoolhouse. The singing. of "0 Canada", the reciting of the 4-H Pledge; the reading of the minutes and the roll call occupied the first part, of the meeting. ' 4 The visit of kiss Patterson, home economist is postponed until May 7th, After a reference to the "Metber$1 46,MPhletS";.!the 'charts "11,1y. Home" and "MYself" were examined. 1- Under the heading "Safety First in the Ilom0 Mrs, W. J. Peacock gave some hints for safe living. A discussion' followed, led by M. Carl Johnston on "Safety Outside the Home". Mrs. Peacock then ext.- plained traffic laws and the girds read 'from the Motorists' Manual, A safety quii folloWed. The home assignment:was given and the meeting closed with the singing the national anthem, GIRLS NEAR TALK . ON ;TRAFFIC SAFETY flarcly o,f Goderich was guest speaker on umber service THE A Now you' can control, AND STOP, internal worm damage in your hogs. hat's right --- continuous medication of your hogs is now possible with the new SHUR-GAIN 'MOdicate dliOGFfEDS • • BEFORE IT START ‘SlitIRIA1N 18% PM BOOSTER-STARTE •R MEDICATED, 3111M-fiAIN 16% 110h GROWER. MEDICATED now contain a sensational new antibiotic called HYGROMYC I N. B So what does this mean to you? just this: HUR=GAIN Medicated HOG 'FEEDS In ordet to provide iniproved ADVAi•ICE=TtMES\ now has -Two Lines to Ceritp.1 • In order to secure this extra service for you a change in telephone number has been necessary. The new number ist— The Whiiham .Adyantesii3imes: FOR A PIOT OR A 10Th.. (1141,k 4 1111 Ittt. COOREA4AsTER yousLE DUTY TILLER/MOWERS ....featuring new SAFE T GUARD - Mower Attachment Wain low-cost help in. your yard. and garden wchl? The versatile Tiller/Mower switches Oust 30 seconds)•from tilling to mowing. It does'all ground work, mows grass and needs, pulverizes fallen leaves, Danger zone frilly guarided, Ask for an eye-opening demonstration,. - 'Menlo 1111illingl AFTER. P.M., SEE RAT.NoND scantroT LARVLET—The first meeting of the "Lakelet Luck Lassies" was held at the home of Mrs. Lloyd . Jacques on April 7th, with five. members present, the project being "Club. Girl Stands on .Huard'" with Mrs. Lloyd Jacques and Mrs. Har- old Wallace as leaders. The election, of officers was as follows: President, Margaret Wal,, • lace; secretary, Nancy Jacques: . press reporter, Audrey Scott, A discussion followed giving the advantages of being a Canadian, The second Meeting was held. at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Jacques on April 15 with six members present. The discussion was "How a 'Canadian girl pan spend her spare time, and how to keep her body physically fft to enjoy the pleasant things of life such as nature, and handicrafts We enjoy." By J, Carl Hemingway. On April, 16th, I attended Eip in- formation meeting sponsored by the 'Ontario Hog Producers' Associa- tion and the tambton County Fed- eration of Agriculture, at Thed- ford. The attendance wasn't large, which seems to.tiinclicate that,, the farmers are pretty well satisfied with th'e operation of the Market- ing Agency., At ieast, if they had any complaints they weren't ser- ious enough to induce. farmers to come to ,a meeting to seek infor- mation to improve the situation. The question of who loses a hog when it is condemned was raised. I have had no personal experience along this. line. but I think I have the, facts. , If the trucker Accepts' the hog .at the farm without complaint and it later arrives at the plant, .injur,. ,ecl, it is covered by insurance re- gardless of whether it was injured at the marketing yard or in trans- it. The producer will be paid in full. If the-hog is .injured in such a way that the packing plant ac- cepts it without complaint and it is later found that the.carcass is unfit for ,human consumption and it is therefore condeinned„ the packing plant must take the loss and, the producer will be paid in full.. In most cases this payment will come to the producer without any action' on his part 'hut sometimes occur and-the 'farmer only receives the salvage value. If this happens the producer should notify his shipper and the Marketing Agency so that they can trace the shipment and collect from either' the pack- ing company or the insurance com- pany; , .., If, however; the shipper notices anything suspicious 'about the hog he should inform „the farmer that he will ',not be 'responsible • for i -damage in shipping and if, on ar- I rival at the plant, the hog is tag- i ged "subject ' to kill" by the pro- cessor the farmer will then only' receive -the carcass yalue which may be very 'little. Another 'point of interest was the , . . — • eight in the Gorrie, at a meeting of .the 4-H Club .girls. and their leaders from Melesworth, baltelet, and Gerrie.. His talks_ were entitled "Teen' Age's Are the Worst Drivers" and, "The Ghost Car Traffic Polley". He, showed films, gave traffic miles. and conducted a traffic quiz. introduced by Mrs, Lloyd Jacques., one. of the loaders of the Lakelet Club and. thanked by Miss .-4•4•4•1•414,431•••-+ more kick it, the spring Moo "Big Bernet.Siii011 Cob" B.fr. 30A sad RR. 32A. are the newest and beat filo varieties. Unhed Hybrids "ECONO-PAC" Silo .filotula are designed to snit Yoor planate, -They ate availablo iii EARLY, MfliNtiM and LAn, for best perforntsnne in these areas for which they are rerommeaded. .Zo fill your silo United is best It bents ,the ,otbers by neared test tai IN TOUCH WITH YOUR UNITED HYBRIDS FARM AGENT (Hes 'go a free lady's mile hot for, your wife) SAM MARTIN ..t5 SON, 1103., 9„, Fordwich, Ontario, FOR ORE CORN VOW. per acre PLANT, WARWICK HYBRID SEED See Your Local Dealer For the Right Variety For Your Farm De al e r s : Jas. R. Coultes, 'R.R. 5; Wingham Bluevale Milling Co.,,,Bluevale Mac Newton, Wroxeter . . CHOOSE YOUR OWN:TiliiMS. 4 , ON ANY • lARIM LOAN over .1.500 TRANS CANADA CREDIT financial problem with al an from Trans Canada Need extra cash for your farm? Then solve your Credit. Right now Trans Canada Credit is offering' special terms on all farm loans above $1,500. Payments can be spread over as long as two-and- , a-half years, and can be made in any one of these three ways: I, I, QUARTERLY 2 HALF-YEARLY 3 ANNUALLY REGULAR LOANS Loots of $1,000 and less are available on Trans Canada Credit's, monthly payment ternts. Don't let the lack of ready money prevent you from buying seed,, stock, or any other ,farm requirement. Get the cash you need at, Trans. Canada Credit. THE ALL,CANAD1AN LOAN COMPANY -4'tv TRANS 'CANADA CR'EDIT -CORPORATION LIMITED 444.4 1.0 IDE' Siltattlii -ONVAttl0 1#16N, 161 • ar.••••,•-•••••••Ana...•• Thelma. Be Ai gal% rr$, W ,em lth,a leader of •tt.7. MOlesworth Clt,1pnite on "Public, Health". Mrs. Har,ld Wallace,. a leader of the Lakelet' 'Club gave "General Rules. for Meal Planning." . •• and. Mrs. Clarence Sperling, Goal() Club leader's subject was ..Tantry • Shelf". "The Club Girl Stands on Ciutil" is. 'the study this season'anal the Gerrie chili has IA alernhers, NI111111111r4r STOP IT! Waterloo Cattle Meding ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,••••••,,,M,•••••,,,•••• New phone number at Formoa Office TEESWATER 126 — Our volume of'business at, Formosa has increas- ed to the point where a PRIVATE LINE from Teeswatei was desirable. • Kindly make a note of the new number. . Use it often—we're always glad to hear from you—no matter what you have to say! for and New P ./ bigger oars in the fall A Canadian grown torn especially developed for Canadian climatic Conditions, Warviiick Seed CoMpaily: dElenheim, Kent County, Ontario The Oldest Seed Corn Company in Canada. ‘.:Kvv.kstiFti SEED CORN 7 66- Females to be held MAY 14th, 1958' at the farm • ' at 1 imp. *Featured in 'the sale will lie the get of such outstanding. sires as: Templereagh Royal Ring Jrnp.); Sanford M48'11(1(1(.11; Wiliam polder (fnip.); • Crillreera». pay Boy (imp). 1. The herd was established in 1681.. The' females have all b41 hied on the farm 'and from outstanding imported 'double da bulls. l , nerd fully accredited, Females vaccinatOd. B.O.D. Tested ror 64141°g-ties write: ;fames M. Scott, Scott :Poultry Farms 2, Sea Carat, 01111000 SCOTT FARMS COMPLETE DISPERSAL SALE OF Dual, Purpose Shorthortit Cattle 2 Herd ,Sims 12 Bull Chives