HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-04-30, Page 8t. it :0010 an air-tight dust stn dnn4),proot covering .that -protect even the no clelicAte and Oast Article. Lingerie , And. .wearing panel remain fresh, ang,, itninacit late, :Silver ,cannot and crystal washed '1.)efore,'-wrap ping can be 'unpacked, even.. fro ,speaking lixim experience, tells tier excelsior, ready to use on the, table about, the transparent plastic film - , • 'that is judIspensaide for dozens of • , • n and . 0 n Newfoundland has 110101110 11 ft est moose cariboirP7fe early shower or wedding giftk Before, these Are put away temp, orarily they must. be wrapped ant' oltrelY so that when 'needed' eaell. will 'be as lovely' and- :fresh-looking, as the day it was bought, Lucky is the 'bride' whose mother or Wend, ohs in the ithellen and IS equally . versatile as, a storage wrap. Self-adhering, easy-to-work with, hi Canada, CRO WN, Theatre - Harriston LAST TIME TONIGHT AprIt 30th "MAN OF 1,000 FACES" Dorothy Malone and James Cagney .as Lion Chaney, The Man Of 1,000 raeea • MIJRS., & KAT. May .1, 2, and 3 JERRY LEWIS In "SAD SACK" Fun For Ali The Family, from Six to Sixty,' M.01'4IDAY and TUESDAY May and C "Three Faces Of Eve" Starring Joanne Woodward in her Academy Award winning role as the best actre.ss of the year. WED., Tapia, & SAT. May 7, 8, 0 and 10 "PAL JOEY" Starring 'Frank Sinatra, Rita Hayworth and Kim Novae , Special Matinee performance SATURDAY Roy •Rogers in "PALS OF THE OOLDEN.WEST", VOW IT'S SON A COMMIT' KNOWING Pig VANC'S DRUGSTORE m sway, I KNOW 17.44N ofixt% DEPENO ON. THEM Mg MY DIABETIC SUPPLIES.. — EN.AL Trk.4Pttr, Llashmar DRIVE-IN THEATRE Listowel, Ont. THURSDAY and FRIDAY'. May 1 and 2 "DEVIL'S HAIR PIN" Colour VistaVision Cornel Wilde, Jean Wallace SATURDAY and MONDAY May 3 and 5 Double Feature "BAIL ,OUT AT 43,000" ' John Payne, Karen Steele "STAR br INDIA" Colour Carnal Wilde, Jean Wallace TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY • ltfay and `Sweet Smell of. Success'. Adult' Burt Lancaster; Tony Curtis Good Reading for the Whole Family o • News • Facts Family • 'Features the Christian SciehteMonnor One Norway St., Boston 1$r Mdss• terid. YOUr newspaper for the or,* Ohitkid. Brick:40a hod my check Of motley Order. I year $18 moo, $o 0. I months $4.56 f3 •rli"1 °.w hits. been reduced 'up to,. 70% in. • ' children in "fluoridated areas, And these ,,same children '''At th e age of i, 40 may expect to have. three to ' • four times ,4a 1114,11Y of their own, Noto:.foltition o On Old Problem Right now many a bride to-be, Plan4ig A.'spripg or summer wed- ding coping* with 4'problern that Will recur throughout tier married life that of storage, Until the hap- py day she starts her role as home, , every, St(r) "ellA; maker she must protect the cher- since for : flUoridatIng .vcnnutnal water ished items she is beginning to 470..00 on dental accumulate finer trousseau, silver (wen 4 1 • 'The Wingfonaa AtIVIII001411001S, WesEssesidaY)• 1040. 11 ateeteartookteetaweierteeepmitqfit004i#0444: •Z • • - 10ROWNIE'S .DRIYTAN CLINTON, ,ONT, life-4041w the Largest Wide ,S0reela illeiron, Comity Two • Shows Nightly, Rain or Clear Pirst Show at Puslt 'lox office ()Pelt at elltidren utaley r4 la Cars foretti l'utittstAr out trtunicr linty and "THF4 BLACK TENT"! (Colour) (VistaVision) !Anthony Steele - Donald St)l-den (Two Cartoons) • SATURDAY and ItiONDAY May 3. and a `THE KENTUCKIAN"! (Colour) (Cinernascope) Hurt Lancaster - Dianne Poster (One Cartoon) TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY , Slay 3 and I "Spanish Gardener" 1. Technicolor Dirk Bogarde Sohn Whiteley (one Cartoon) 00000 miul; lllllll 0..1.111 ,,,,,,,,, . Grand e-Opening for the 1958 Season 1 Welcome back to a season of fine entertainment Welcome old friends, Welcome new friends We invite you to make this theatre under the stars your regular entertainment habit. Here you can really relax, let down your hair and . enjoy yourself. Here it's as comfortable as an old pair of -shoes . . . and what's more you'can even wear them here. e e • SO — load up your car and visit us regularly! AGAIN, WELCOME AND THANK YOU Signed, Bill Young Manager. Opening,' Thurs., May 1st FREE TO THE KIDDIES on both Thursday and Friday nights, CANDY, SUCKERS and NOVELTIES FREE pass for future prograrns to the driver of every car Thursday night. Thursday and Friday • May 1 and 2 "DAVY CROCKETT AND THE RIVER PIRATES" (Technicolor) — Plus "Mt INCREMBLE SHRINKftsIG • MAN" May 3rd Spence *Ott and :Miss Mary Sat were in Toronto on, $(4.10.11)" te, attend special services for Royal Arch Masons, .They.. were accompanied by Mr, .and Mrs.! Alen Robertson -and. Mr, and Mrs; N, T. McLaughlin, " and Mrs. R. A, Powell, Mr. and 'Mrs. Vrank .Seddon 'and Mrs. Elizabeth Jenkins 'Visited lift, and Mrs. •'Ralph Seddon at chener Over the *week-and, • Dixie Dunbana. of Point Edward spent the week-end with Ut$s. Ony, --Mr, and. Tom Wade and family of WOocisteelt visited for a few days with. relatives in town and country. • • —Mr, Clayton Gamtnage.of Ter- onto, visited with Winghani, friends and renewed old acquaintances on Saturday, —Murray CamIthell, 'son', of, MO. Jas. Campbell, Minnie ..tis joined the wavy •and,leftTfor; Corn- wallis, N.S., Sunday ,:raolrling' 'to bekin his training, We wish hint great suceess. Robert Powell, Mrs. 714- marl Keating, Mrs, E, Parrish, Mrs,• Blirripli, Mrs, 'Bower: and Miss' Effie Bower attended'an .e.tecutiVe meeting of the .Wornert's Institnte at Auburn on Monday • afterticiOn, These ladies represented Wingliath Branch and drew up Plans fO'r the district annual meeting.; Which he held in Goderich on May 28th, —Mrs. Wm. Keith and.; Mr. and Mrs. Terry Nethery visited friends In Teeswater on Sunday and" ;at tended the ' ICrlori 'Presbyterian 'Cliiitch: —Mr. and Mrs. 'Andrew Liirtn,; Judy and Bob, spent, Monday eVen- ing in Fergus with 'the Ibrrnerts parents, Mr, anci • —Thomas Foram, who has spent. the winter with his .sister, WS." Winter at RichinonA Hilt: returned• to his home R.R. '2* week ago, —Mr.- and Mrs. G...:41.• *Kettle have left for their. "home hi ;'Nina win, Sask., *after attending the, winter in Wingham with —Visitors at the hoMe. of mr.: hind ' Mrs. E. Parrish Aluring.-4, end were Mr.''and Mrs.:;"'NelSon, Grey and son', John, Mr.' .13'mel4 Guy, Lis towel, M. and Mra. ,,Jame's Harris and, daughter, • Nandy„ 'of Preston and Miss Lenora,..Guy of Toronto. • • • ..* .• • ' —Recent visitors :with Mr,. and Mrs. Ben Keats we're' ;,the, brother, Mr, ,111: Woatitinkri, Mrs.' Worodman and two children' Of Kai- adar. . —Mrs, Wm. • Alton spent the week-end in LoniltIn with her :ion,. Wendell Alton and othei• relatiVes. —Mr. and Mrs! oalvin :Moffatt and three cbildien d...;St,'Catiiar- ines spent the fweelt,:end with :The foi•mer's parents, Mr. and: MI 'S.' Alvin Moffatt. , —Miss Rena Mciore, Mrs. uarl Lott rand Mrs. Frank Burke'were winners'of a draW at a littird'resh- ers' dernonstration'hekl inflrarkia, ton last Wednesday eVenineMiSa Moore won a camera, Mrs„;Ltitt, a book on hairdressing and ' Mrs. Burke a stuffed dog.*Cinite ,a rium ber of hairdresse6 'from the ilia trict were In attendance arid .lunch was served following the.demonsta- tion, when, a Very. enjoyable social time Was spent. • - —Misses Hazel and Minnie Weir, Toronto, spent the week-end With . their parenta, Mr. and Mik 'D. ,L, Weir. —4/f/rs. ,T, H. Christie haS. retUrn- ed to Winghain after spending the winter, with her son, Mr.: and Mea.: 47, M. Christie, In Tortmtci.. She , returned with her daughter, Mrs, W, B. McCaw. and 'Mr. McCool, who spent the week-end , ln the city. Mr, and Mrs. iti-aqY Leeiton of Toronto spent the week-end With Mr, and Mrs; Robert Oolle;r. —Mt. and Um Harley Merkley and daughter, Cathy' nr are spending this week' With 'rela- tives in Wingliarn and —Master Paid Keats, who *an admitted to hospital last Tuesday with pneumonia, is pirtniressing favorably and is expected home the latter part .of the Week, —Iterterit VialtOrS With Mt, and Mb, dart Lott were Mr, acid $/rtm, Harty Henderson. anti faintly of Aytnti, A birthday din/vet Wits held at rite home Of Mt,• B. 0110- c et; London, recently in ruttier of 14r, dames Wild, who celebrated Ids Ord birthday. Mr. and Mrs. It wind 4nd jimmy of Wingiunn were also present for th e dinner-. • and Mrs,' Boyle of Ooderich Wree week-end guests of Mrs. A. Anstett, --Miss Myrtle Johnson of Lon- don is spending a snort time at her residence on Muter St. —John Oswald of London and Bob Oswald of Paris we're week- end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Limn, —Dr, Tracy HroWil of St. Thomas was' a Sunday visitor with his mother, yrs. Brown, Leopold :st, —Mr, And Mrs, Gordon Kelly of London, visited at the week-end with, 'Ow latter's sister, Miss Al- dythe Graham. —Mrs. Carl _Lott is in Nartli, this -Week at the hone of her son, )410 and his wife, Bud is tri'X'ivie Hospital' there with an attack of jaundice. James Wild spent last week visiting his daughter and son-in-law,' Mr, and Mrs. ptafford Churches of London, • • —Mrs. Jim, Ferguson 6f. Welland is visiting with her sister, J. ,Harley . Crawford, Mr. CraWford ,and family: • —Mrs, James Halliday returned home after spending a ,week with relatives in Detroit and Flint, Mich. Fight. Still /Flames On Phioridal ion DesPite the fact that fluoridation of the communal Water Mini/1y is • considered 'to be the Mast import- ant health measm•e to ob- tain in ,the past ;tweety years, and that. its -benefits> have been ob- served. as far back as 1874, there in still considerable opposition to this move. This is to be expected when we- consider • the opposition, which mgt >§inilar ..advancenients in pub- lic health the- past, The pro- motion ' of -snob. innocuous pro- cedures as pasteurization of initir and -immunization even sparked off riots' amongst the 'enthusiastic, op- ponents. Then, as now, sincere but rniainfOrnied indlvidualS,' as well' as fanatics; have organized into so- ciettea and. -grouPs to combat this 'great health 'measure, Numerous Warninka 'of impending disaster have been. sent 'out and anti-fluori- dation presses have been set up. The 'Health League of ,Camada,, fogether -with° medical and dental Srganiiations throughout Canada and the United States has given a wholehearted endorsement to tinoridation the list of organi- zations. may he added, the World Health 'Organization, which in Sep- tentlier,19-57, after studies by expert, committees in Seventeen countries Paa.nOt only endoreed fluoridation, but also has encouraged its adop- tion „'!wherever and whenever. pos- table", Se,:2_poneerned, the ,,T•Tealth League ivt;ith-this problem, that it bas forined a special pommittee on flubridation in order to cope with the opPosition, and follow through by, encouraging the adoption of flueridation: The Committee con- sista largely of medical doctors. and dentists' who .JiaVe shown a keen interest - this • public health, meastite. „ DeSpite the opposition, 'the num- ber of communities introducing fluoridation is on the increase. "As With other worthy> public health rites:sures, .the ,prOgress has been, slow but rewarding, Dental deeay Saturday Only 130wery Boys in , "BIG BAD URANIUM" — Phis. "GUN tiATTLE AT" MONTEtttY" Starring Sterking tOlaydeini teeth as their lens fortunate .neigh- hours. Moreover, dental hills are also deerea.sing in these areas, billsI supply, 111• saved, 'and china, linen and perhaps Hr had Wally medical bills. 44000 OP ..- 4 • boiii:are,boi-rowing fr9s*.a .ba eraccOlvitlx anforeSeettopsehold expenses? :Want t(5 inake ;'sotne. special major :pur- , 040 :*ediriOney .tor .taxes—br to meet a ,..f.aPaily:.,ri01,022personst.joati;s 0 help pecipk:naeetjliksmehl.iituationS,are being, xr e-z banl$S every day., - ofe.re,hofakkingAfavourwhen you visit chki#Ifd`!:banle'.'t.6,:air4nge:e.'j)ersdnal- E.,,,CH A RTER-E D':. :B A N ICS SERVING '110 loan. Menial-14er welcomes4o*thities• ' to innice loans, repayable out of Varni146, in convenient instalments; • ' Apci at 'a chartered bar*,:,,y9it-,caa always count on privaey.ang coilkfentis:eonside,fa. lion, whether.you:are.ariaiiging*lonAt using other valUable lervidethe..;;baii fiwen's eye for 'Ma I I combs trestles of Catindlati 'faehloo stylist Lou Larry, lees lack es sehsationalk wen Cowie first to pinpoint fashioifs p oints a- Fok wok vimyiirt TiltONTO'pftlf "it's A red-letter year for Canadian fashion says Gwen Cowley, Toronto Star. Fashion Editor, "This year for the first time we are abreast of the times: The Chemise is as prominent here as .in• the New York collections," And you can bet your buttoin pattern that Miss CoWley knows, because she hal covered the fashion capitals of the world for 1,3 years. She and her staff' are experts at keeping you informedsbout what 'the world 'is weaiiiige They are one of the reasons why so Many women Wei that for complete coverage Of the uomsn'e *odd, The 'Toronto Star is Canada's „ greatest newspaper value, :PPR ALL THE ItASHION NEWO • 'READ THE' • `TOR-ONTO ,STAR' 10 KINK 111110 wilivronatore- IK