HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-04-30, Page 44nte:7•r" Ailairomtoarvagalq, wee wee*. woe .411leereeZerAreele 4 SIM Foyle The Whit' o.1111 AilVao004'llnee,'WeclilleeileY, April 30, 195$ K•MtVM,F4.4",:ir .44 "PI> . • BROWN--In Wingham Hospital, on Tuesday, ,April 20, to Air',, and Mrs, John Brown, Wroxeter, daughter. FORTUNE Tn Wingham Hospital, on Tueaclay, ,April 20, to IV.1r 4*Ild Mrs. -Donald 'rename, RR; 1, Wingham, a con, , .e4.4.44,44.4 .• CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to my friends and neigh" hours and -members of Wingham Orange Lodge, who assisted me al the time of my recent bereavement Special thanks 'to Kr, and Mrs, jaS Falconer and Lois and to; Walker funeral home.--Mrs, Alfred Me. Creight, 30' ItEAL ESTATIO FOR SALE 'HuINTTI2R—In Wine:burn Hospital, orl Monday, April 28, to Mr. sand Mrs, William. Hunter, Luelcnow, a daughter. STAMPER—In Wingham Hospital: on . Tuesday, April 29, to Mn', and Mrs, Wendell Stamper, lt,R, 1, Wroxetee) a daughter. • COM:INTO FNENTs CASH BINGO—Every Wednesday at 9 p.m., starting April 23rd, at Sacred Heart Church Hall, Mild- may. 15 regular games for $10.00, 3 special games for $25.00, Ad- mission 50et 16:30:-111281, Fortner Resident )ies in Toronto The' death of 'Arthur Hudson Sainsbury, Who was well lcoown in Wingham, (lectured suddenly Sunday morning at his home in To.mnto. His wife was the former ,Tenn Van Norman, a sister,of Mrs, deo Ross of Wingham,' In addition to his wife he leaves two sons, Geol'ge and, Van.. .rinieraf service will be held in St. George's United Church 'at two o'clock this -'(Wednesday) after'-, noon. Interment will .be in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto., ' LEV'S TAXI SERVICE and use( Flirriltare. We buy coicl sell Phone 280, rrb MILK leILTERS for sale—"liapic 6-ipch, 79e: 61h.-inch, 85c Alexander's Hardware. lrrl HOICE BUILDING LOT for ,sale on Catherine Street, sewer. Phone 552M. 16:23;30:74 -10USE, for sale in Wingham Livingroom 2042; two bedrooms kitchen, room for bathroom extra room 18x10. Garage 20x15 Price $2500. Phone 569J, 26rrl INCOME HOUSE for sale on west side of Victoria Street; well situ- ated; good roof; new furnace two apartments, Down payment balance can be arranged, Phone 341w. , 30b PIANO for sale. Ted Smith, Wrox- eter, phone 71 or 92. 30b WANTED BABY CARRIAGE wanted; in good condition. Phone 028W12. 3114b .MOTZART PIANO and bench foi sale; in good condition. M, Hark- ness, phone 17w Teeswater, 300 DINING SUITE for sale; consists of 4 cheirs, table and sideboard. Phone 679,1, 30 0 WANTED push lots with soft maple and elm. Will purchase bush properties or farms., Please phone or write: Robinson Funeral. This Afternoon John- Chorlea' Robinson, a re- spected resident, of Wingham died" Ott the Wingham General Hospita' on Sunday in his 75th .year.. • A native , of West Wawanosh Township, he was a sop of the late Tames Robinson and 'Catherine kdamson, eeeeived his educe. :ion hi West Wawanoph ,and was married at ''I‘itilvertOrk 1915 to 'catherine' lvfecilineheY, . Who sur- vives. They farmed ip;;WeSt WA- werash until their. retirement .te Wingham in' 1950, l ' Mr. was a member of the -Wingiuun United' Church.' SuiwiVing besides„ his ,' Wife are two sons, Gordon of Wingham and.. Edward, of West WaWOnoCh; two daughters; Mrs. A. (Jean) Dainty, of Kingston and Mrs, D, (Irene) Williams, of lonclen, Ope sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Naylor Of London, also survives, as. well (is ten grandchildren. '• The funeral vvill,be• held at tvyo o'clock • this ( Wednesday) after: noon at the Currie, funeral home with Rev, Durrant of the Wing- ham UniteeChurch and Rev. Har- old Snell of Exeter. officiating, RI- torment will be in the 'Wingham cemetery, with the following pallbearers: Carman Holley, Sar- nia; Scott.Robinson,.Loadon; win Mills and William 'Craig of Auburn; H.. Jefferson and James Leddy of West Wawanosh Tovvp- I I 'GARAGE BUILDING for sale, tp be removed from present site Phone 341W. 30* • BRICK SIDING two-storey hens( on James. Street for sale. Sile rooms, sun porch and bathroom Also stove connected for hot' water, Television aerial on roof Priced for quick sale. William Broome, phone 637M after S p,m. or contact W, .1, I3ushfield 16 :23 :30b The Andrew Malcolm Furniture Co. Ltd., Listowel, Ontario USED WINDMILLS, •gasoline en- gines and pump jacks wanted. Can be traded on pressure sys- tems new or used, Ask us for an estimate ivithout any obligation, or if you are needing any new roofing material we give you the best value for yoUr money. 'Write or phone collect to Irving awes at Giamis, Phone Paisley 114r4. 1.6Alt-Nov CARD OF THANES I would like to thank and express my appreciation to all those wlic sent cards rand flowers and those who visited Me while in Victorie Hospital. Your kind thoughtfulnes will ever be remembered.--Car Procter. ' 304 CARD OF THANRS Many than-Ida to 'our good neigh- bors for the plowing and seeding of our 27 acres, Thank also t9 the women of the neighborhood for the lovely baking, meat, etc„ that was sent in to feed' the men.' 'Your kindness will. not be forgotten.— Faye and Ted Fear. 30b NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Mary Irene Haugh late of the Township of Turnberry. in the County of Huron, Married. Woman, deceased, who, died on of about the'8th' day of March, A,D, 1958, are notified to send to 'the undersigned, on or 'before : the tenth day .of May, 1958, full par- ticulars of their claims, in writing' Immediately after the- said tenth' day of May, the assets of the said Intestate -will be distributed amongst the parties entitled there- to,• having- regard- only to clairris di' which the Administrator shall then have notice. DATED this 17th day of April: A.D. 1958. - CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON WING-HAM, ONTARIO Solicitors for 'the Adininistrator. 23:30:m7b --•—•••••1117L MEAT FOR SALE—Good beef by the quarter. Killed on premises, Inspected by' Dept, of Health. Yearling heifers, Top qeality, Lowest prices. Raynard Ackert, Ripley, phone 24r30. 17rrb MASSEY-FERGUSON TRACTORS NEW 50's' and 65's NEW HOLLAND BALERS , 'MALL COOK STOVE, Classic, good condition, cheap for quick sale. Phone 413W. 30b MODERN BUNGALOW for sale, oil furnace, picture windows wall-to-wall carpeting in' large living room, new garage attacheC with Berry door, sun porch, large lot, low taxes. Asking $6,006 .cash Phone 434 or 981. 30* • EXCELLENT INCOME property for sale, Best location. 4 com- plete units; oil heated. Further information write• Box 24, Ad- vance-Times. 23r FORGET-ME-NOTS, green onions, Brussels white loaf at Jouwsma Market Gardens, .R.R, 2, Wing- ham, phone 583. 30* Drayton Speaker At Thankoffering' ',WROXTR---The Sunday Morn- ievserviee at' the Wrexeth'i• United 'Church marked neeaS- sions, !When the elter4h,-• which .has been undergoipg,rdeeoratiOn; Was re-dedicated,- and the Easter Thank- offering sdrvice of,,theVV.M.S. was helci. • " ,, • • The special speaker for the' ser- vice was -Rey. Eric: Nelson, 'of Drayton, who, about fiVe years ago, returned with his wife and family, from India, where they had spent four, years in Christian -missionary world. Mr. Nelson gave an interesting first-hand description of this coun- try, telling of its people, ' their .customs, their dress, theii• religions, and their great lack of, education. He said that although Hinduism and Buddhism, are the main re- ligions, ChriStianity is doing a great 'Work there.) Some natives who have acquired an education tire proving their worth to their coun- try, such as .one particular native boy to whom he referred, who is at- present attending Cambridge University in Eriglaod, and who, bopesFto .4qtarn .to. India. as one of its iniportant leadeys. • TENDERS FOR DECORATING Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to May, 15th, 1958 for the decorating of No.'s 2 and•11 schools in the Township of Turn- berry, Schools to he painted inside and out, to include all wood work and ridge boards, desks to be var- nished with two coats and sanded if needed; also pianos and benches Storm windows and screens to be Painted also e.avestrough, Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- eepted. USED TRACTORS Alex Corrigan, Sec.-Treas., Bluevale, 1. 23:301) ANTIQUE SOFA, antique table, , piano aceordian, 1 year old, five changes, Apply C. Frichurger, 30b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE One Massey-Harris Model 44 high.areh One Massey-Harris Model 44 standard One'52 Ford DEADSTOCK WANTED CREAM ENAMEL Cook Stove. with new grate's and pipes for sale, also Bedroom Suite, springs and spring-filled mattress nearly new, Oak Library table and chest of 'drawers,.- -Mrs, Walter Bluevale R.R. 1. 30'' ship. fl-EADSTOCK .removed promptly for sanitary dispOsal. FREE pick up on larger animals, reasonabic collection charge for small ani- mals. Phone' collect Wingham 378; Palmerston 123w, 'or Dun- - ham 398, Gordon Young (Elmira) Limited. ' 6rrb . One Massey-Harri, Model 20 One Case Combine complete with motor and pick-up. ONE SECOND Calf Heifer, dm about May 24th, also Hereford heifer 10 months old, would make a baby beef. Phone 658W4. 300 • DARK RED Shorthorn Bull, 12 months old from accredited herd, Edgar Wightman, Beigrave. 30* LAWN MOWERS, Power Mowers, Grass Shears, Scissors, etc., sharpened. For sale, used, /won- . ditioned lawnmowers, Les Mc- Dougall, phone Wingham, 553W, 23:30:7:14-b CHARLES HODGINS joh n Mei'Calfe Died on Friday : One of the oldest' resideet5 Of Turnberry ToWnship, Jtilin D. Met- calfe, died,, at the Wingliarn General Hospital on Friday after 9., lofig illnese. Mr. Metcalfe, had, lived his en- tire life,in Turnberry, having been orbirptUat 'township in 1809, son. of the late Isaac Metcalfe and' Mary Jane Stephenson, He re- ceived his early.education at the Glenannan School. His„ wife was the 'former FannY Robinson, also of Turnbeny, who predeceased him in 1954. He was a member of St Paul's Anglican Church, Wingimin 'Surviving are three saps, Thomas ,Herman: -and Isaac,- all of Turn- berry; Turn- berry; four daughters, Mrs. How- ard (Ann) Wylie; Wroxeter; Mrs. Albert (Edith) Tone, Mrs, .George (Isabel) Shaw, Mrs. Mel . (Elva) IVIartin,' all • of Toronto; .and one brother; Robert li,letealfe, of VenA dun, Man, There are 23 grate- children and. Six great-grand- children. One•son, Arno,- died in 1953. The funeral service was held at R. A. Currie1 & 'Sons fcineral home on Monday afternoon with. Rev. C. jpAnSonii reetl.r patti:s, officiating-with interima1n irig-* ham cemetery. The pallbeare'ri were David Eadie, Mervin Mar- shall Reuben Appleby, , Russel -Baird, Thomoh Stokes and 'Lance •Llneoln; Lorne and George Met- calfe acted, as floWetbearers. 111111161 llllllllll 11111111411111111J1111111011111i q„11"u,,,1111 1111 Q f l p p, ltl i lllllll ff SEED FOR SAT.18) • NOTICE TO CREDITORS, IN THE ESTATE OF 'JAMES l‘ie HARDIE. - ' 'ALL :'PERSONS "-having 'plain* 'against the , estate of ;the above mentioned late of the Township of Turliberry, County of Huron, Flirm- er, who died on the fifth day of. April, 1958,, are required to file proof of -same with the undersign- ed 'on or before the third day of May, .1958. After that date thef executor will proceed,. to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims Of which, lie shalt then have had 'notice. DATED at Wingharn, 'this 12th day of April, 1.958; CRAWFORD.& HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for. the Executor 16 :23 :30b . — 14111SCF,LLANEOUS - 'AFRICAN VIOLETS .for sale; lovely gift for • mother on Mother's Day. Ur's, Gertrude Al- len, Catherine St., phone • 541J. 30:7b 50 YOUNG Yorkshire pigs for sale. Apply to Norman H. Coultes phone 720w2. 30b $10.00 and UP paid for sick, down and disabled CowS and Homes, also dead cows-and horses at cash value, Please phone prompt- ly Bruce 1Vtariatt, Call collect Berl Brussels, 24 hour service. ' larrh - • • Save Money 3Y BIRTHS WILL BUY OLD HOGS', Apply Maurice Cronin, R.R, 2, Tees; Water, phone 56r22 .Teesweter. 16 :23:30 :7 STRIDING OR DROP SIDE couch mattress; new with cretonne eMieritig and skirt, Per quick sale $14.75, R. A. Currie & Sons, 30h SCHAEPER—In Wingham Hospital on Wednesday, April 23, to . Mr, and Mr9. Henry Schaefer, Tees,- water, a daughter. Y G l llllll , ,01,4 N 0 /, ..174 WINGIIAM ;11/4 fkit. *441:4011c0.4 ‘,INGORPOk:f4 • REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES of lawnmowers, 'power 'and hand, • -AlsO 'a number of used machines for -sale. From $3.50 to. $7.50, •de-; pending on condition. Jenkins Repair Service, Phone - 694W, Wingham. • rrb SEED FOR SALE—Complete stock' of Grade 1 New Crop Seed. Priced per bushel: Ranger, On- tario or Western , Canada Alfal- fa, $21,00; Vernal Alfalfa, $37,00: Red Clover, $17.50; White or Yellow Sweet Clover, $7.80; Tim- othy, $6.72; Climax Timothy. $14.40; Alsike, $17.00. Priced per lb.: Orchard Grass, 29e; Brome, 25c; Meadow Fescue, 20c; Reed Canary, 50c; Kentucky Fescue, 27c; Blue Grass, 59c; Lac-ine, 50c; White Dutch, 55c; Trefoil, 85c; Gary Oats, certified, $1.60; Brant Barley, $2.00. We are buy- ers of Red Clover and Timothy at top prices, Cleaning Rib Grass from clovers a specialty. R. Gramm & Son, Pinkerton, phone Cargill 68w3, Paisley 151r17. rrb Autornagic Sham- poo—Now you can renew the appearance of rugs, upholstery, Leaves. no ring, odor or color change. Take half the work out of your spring cleaning. Avail- able at Walker Horne Furnish- lags, rrb • --r ..... BARBOUR—In Wingham Hospital, -on Wednesday, April 23, to- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Barbour, Bel- - grave; a daughter. ANDERSON-4n Wirighom Hos- pital,„ on ThOrsclay, 'April 24, to :Mr,. and,Mrs, G. Ross Anderson, Beigrave,'. a,daughter. WE ARE NOW contracting with the growers of Malting Barley. We supply send. Reg. No, 1 Rod- ney and Gary Oats for sale et $1,60 bu. Commercial No, 1 Herta and Brant Barley at $2,05. John Bumstead & Son, phone 455, 12trb Town of Wingham MATCHING BED (Box Spring and Hair Mattress) Vanity and Night Table; G.E, Floor Polisher; ',Will - Mahogany Book Cases; large Kitchen-table with castors; Sofa.and four arm Chairs; Radio Phonograph and several small , Tables, Phone 981 'Or 434. , 30° . r • r 1948' Tales .,.TAxpayers. rnay,make payments hi/ at:count 4 • f.'1958 tioces'lip. to $0 per cent .0 f'1957:1 DID YOU KNOW that. David Crompton, Certified. Watchmaker, guarantees to keep your watch in good running order for onayear? This free service guarantee applies to all new watches, also to watches that have been ed And reconditioned. Bring in your watch to-day and take ad- vantage of our fast guaranteed service. • 23rrb 1N7epayments -of-taxes must be tua,cle at the Town Treasurer's Office; -Town Hall. BEFORE YOU BUY a vacuum cleaner or floor Jed Reynolds for a FREE Home demonstration, See Electrolux, Canada's finest. Phone 640J1. 8rrb • • . ,..,,:••Iiitere,$i,7:;4t. the: -4:41:6: Of • ,Th)l r • :661: per aimum will'hevalidwed'biigtfehTretra.'y'rn ent s. W. A. G'ALBRAITI-I, Treasurer, I, 200 ACRES grassland for pasture; lots of shade and water, Farms separate, across the road from one another, Alex Nixon, R.R„ 2 Auburn, '23:30:70 Town of Wingham NOTCE TO CREDITORS ALL. PERSONS,. having claims againSt the estate of William Mel- ville Reid, 'late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the Seventh day of February, 1958, 'and the estate of Martha Reid. late 'of the ToWn of Wingham, in the County of Huron, ,Widow, who died on or about the Thirtieth day of March, 1958. are notified to send to the undersigned, on or before the Third day of May, A.D. 1958 full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said Third day of May, 1958, the assets of the said Intestates will be distributed' amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Ad- ministrator shall then have notice. nA'rtt. this Fifteenth day of April, A,D, 1958. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON • WINGHAIVI, ONT. Solicitors for the Administrator 16:23:301) FOR RENT APARTMENTi bathroom and• built-in ieupboards;. and four rooms. Apply W. J. Clark, Wing- ham or phone 141. 300 100 ACRE GRASS farm for rent; 42 acres seeded timothy and al- felfa. Very reasonable. 'A, jace- wiez, RR, 2, Wingham, phone 632W3. .30 0 llll Ortri llllll lll it r it I i III lllll ... tr rr ......... 11111111 II ..... . 0111111111 Ili ....... .. . I i .... i.,. el li,i 1i11111i11111. . . „ NEVER, NEVER, never sine° the world began 'such relief from sore, aching, burning 'feet, weak ankles, sore knees, hips and' back, cramps , in feet or ,legs. Corns, calloUsee, bunions dis- appear, arthritis Pains fade away, brings hack circulation, Consult W. A.• Kaufman, phone 94 Lis- towel, open ' Tuesday afternoon and evening, and at the. Bruns- wick Hotel, Wingham, on May 1st, Phone 666. • rrb WANTED TO BUY . CRAWFORD, R. Dies in Detroit Nellie Kelly, wife” of the late .Robert Rolston, died in Detroit on April 24th in her 66th year. She was predeceased by her hus- band, Robert Rolston, fermerly of Wroxeter, who died on November 29 last year, In his 74th year, Sur- viving are two sons and four daughters. COMMERCIAL SPRAY Painting equipment mounted on 2-wheel trailer; 6 gal, paint tank; Briggs and Stratton =toe; twin com- pressor; auxiliary air tank; De Vilbiss gun; 100 feet paint and air line; Al shape. Reason for Selling unable to look after it, Hen- Gear, Sotrtliampton, Phone 68, 23 :30* BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY WANT TO HIM old Horse Pistol and rifles, Cameron's Trading Post. HETHFRINEWN Solielthrs, Wingloani, Phone 48 CRAWFORD, (1.C. R, HPITHERIN(iTON, Q.C. FINANCING A CAR? Before yeti ;buy ask about our Low Cost Financing Service with complete Insurance Coverage. STEWART A, SCOTT Phone 293 Wingham 25ith SEPTIC TANKS, Cesspools, ete,, cleaned With modern equipment, All Work guaranteed, Louie Blake, R.11., 2, phone 42r6 Brue- sele. 26ir253160 • ....ADIESt, Charts Foundation Glir- taents to fit all figures. Spring sale on, Cali Charie Stylist with 14 years experience for Wing- hAtit Arid, district, Ms's: Wingham, phone 500W. 26rr Ajp.30b IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all rick coverage"? Vol.. information phone 293, 'Stew- Art A. Scott, Winghtiril, 2rrb A. H. McTAVISII EMPLOVMENT WANTED ANTED 'Meal $4.85 VOOR FEE'r CAN dense pain in anitlee,, knees, hips acid lower back, ror definite lasting re- suits ehecit With -T, A, 'VICKERS, Foot Cerrectioniet, Queens Hotel, Wingham,, on Monday after- 26rrb BOY WISHES to out lawn for summer. Phone 118W, 30:7b ' CAR VOIR SALE MARRIED WOMAN would like full time work, Reply Eon 26, Advance-Tinter. 3611 20% Super, Grow Mash $3.95 20% Super Layrnash $3.95 Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta. MionCy to Loan Offlee—IlleYer 111bek, Whighan1 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY room° TREAWATort • ONTARIO. Teleehone; 33 Teetitrater Wnnecter—Every' Wedneittlay AftertiOmi, p411,0 Or by .appointment, STEWAR,T A. SCOTT can neve save you 15% on your car or' truck insurance, lrearly or six months policies are available. ,Snecial rates for fanners, ''Per further information phone 203, VVingliain. 29rrb FOB, ARTIFICIAL insemination setvlet - or more information, telephone the Waterloo Cattle Encoding Association eolleet at Clinton, H11" 2-8441 or Formosa office,' phone TeesWater, 126, be- tVireen 1,36 and 1),30 11,111„ We supply serViee to top of the Polatelh, jersey, Ayrshire, Cuernsey, Brown Swiss, Red Pot, Hereford (polled and bort-, acl/ Beef Shorthorn (pelte( of 116111N1). arid Niel Purpose Short- horn, Angus -arid hreitdit, 114 test itt 08rtit Riormas II/58' CHEVROLET BEL-AME POWer Glide, red and White, IWO-cider hard.top. Per et shape. 2285,(i0; sl.mmerton Wingham, 304 GRAPH' Frederick F. Hornuth Phrn.B., R.O. Ca rot E. Hornuth, R.O. Mrs. Vials H.' Hannah, R.O. TOIVIISTRISTS 14/01161 lig natetstont - °motto SHUR-GAIN Ppit YOUR Carpenter work, ee- /tent World, m1,4ortry and chirn- neYs, Oai1 john MeKaY, Wing- /tarn, phone 103. 16:23:36:7* VW' " FEED liciususib WIN 00144 M ILLS AlylittLANCITI reRni.v8 AMBULANCE, hrtM, Safe, eruirientis Service. Photo Day, 611 Night; /16 or 666, \ —77",_ 5W itlill-P1 -,q , 144 kr,,,i,:,:•1 i • $20, and up paid for Old, Sick ittxv Disabled Horses and Cows irromisT tinSit PAID IN SitiltROUNDINO II/STRICT or DIFIAD COWS and HORSES, Por Prompt, Sanitary Disposah (Tay or night Phone. L1ROY ACHESON Atwood 153, collect F..ORDE /11.$14,1* Witexotor 015 jilt.4,10) WC iur,L•voil rink nriiindiun 1111 47. Insurance Coilipaby 0 • :Est, )840 An all Canadian Coe illanY has faithfully serve ii its PollOY hailers for Oyer eentury. 11etut Offieo Torotifit H. C1. ThielLetio Itesuranes Agenny 'Wleighenin . WANTED TO RUNT, BEACH COTTAGE, Gederieli to Kincardine, for summer or im- mediate, At least two bedrooms, mart or less furnished. Phone 849. 23:30:70 VOICE OP TEMPERANCE Only 1,660 alcohale eases in Ont- ario last year were 'reached by special treatment services, A fev( °there- received help in. hospitals Private clinics and penal institu- tions. Ontario has an estimated 78,000 alcoholics, thousand new cases are added each year. These statistics were tabled hi the °Mario 'Legislatitre recently by the Aloe/100mA Research FoUrala,,, OM, One hopeful trend was pointed. out In the report, thiployers are awakening to the fact that al- cOhollani is a VerY serious problem iri industry. In employee' groups the Iroiindation has surveyed, from '8 to 6 -per cent have alcohol Pre -- hieing, These employes average 18% days absenteeism per year, about 10 days above, the normal MO, The answer to this serious problem:? Surely not only More faellities frer cure; but Much yilorc tritenalVe pre-V010On rriePairea- 0100001 edtiehtion of youth in. home,. schoallAditt, 20b 'FRECKLES WOULD MAKE A FINE COAT OF TAN - IF THEY'D ONLY COOPERATE. Asic GET TOGETHER/' The season is at hand when a good many of yon farmers will be, in the market for Chick Steerter. We would strongly suggest you put your baby 0110(.4 OH our ShmAnin 23% Super Chick Starter,. with Added fat.' It is -doing Wonders, you should try it too, Be ahead of the game Vidth. 10% more livability, 10% more ,growth, 10% better feathering, 23% Super Chick Starter OAT iN)It, , OlmitOrty a baled; tar *ilk Photte latWIt Mrs.. "Mita* eleeeeeleeleiekieveirememeeleeetellisece 14 ' • r 4 r