HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-04-30, Page 2Tao Wingitamaisivaneeartmes,
Periodieally we hear eomplaints,
perhaps even toice them intrselves,
that this is a poor town because
there is some particular commodity
which cannot be secured hi Wing-
s ham. Or perhaps there is 3 serve
of aome kind, a repair job, or a re-
placement, for which one has to
drirt to neighboring town or order.
from a. city.
/n some cases these complaints
are justified. It is possible that
some of our rherehants and aervier
men could provide a wider range of
goods and atock, Cert a ntv TIOT hing
can be more inittrious to a buainess
•or to a eonimul.'ay than a reputation
for being unable to provide what
shoppers want. Not loug ago, how-
esTer, Ole question was:raised ip one
of our stores when there were both
businessmen and shoppers on hand
to argue the point, and wa did gath-
er a few new thoughts on the matter.
Since the return of consumer
goods to the market in full quantity
following "World'War 11 buyers have
been so eager to purchase that
manufacturers have quite naturally
awurig into diversification of lines;
where one pattern existed before the
war there are now several pa tterns
of the same articie. Car dealers, for
example, are _now expected, by both
manufacturer and consumer, to have
on diaplay many more vehicles than
previously, beeanse each ear is made
in several ranges as to price, in two
or three horsepowers, in coach,
:sedan, convertible, hardtop and sta-
tion wagon — in a myriad of colors.
The same is true of clothing, cos-
metica, food, house furnishings ,
altnoat anything you wish to name.
Ali this is Thu. for the citV retail-
er s'ho bas a market of many thous-
ands of custothers from which to
draw. It is' not good for the man
who must keep his business going
successfully in the market which is
available in a community the Mae of
ia our own,
Thoae ameag you -Who are hard-
hearted and shart-sighted will sim-
Natorally we are not prone to he
rritkal ofa.vertisersafor they are to
qnite an extent, out4- bread and but-
ter. Nevertheless at limes We be-
come A wee bit irritated 31 some of
the larger ones„
Have you • ever observed that
most ,of the merchants you know ad-
vertise their wares and pat prices
the articlesa so -that the newspaper
reader - taaealeeideein• the peace and
quiet of his rasa home, sap -ether or
not he can afford to buy the particu-
lar item in which he is interested.
-On the other hand, just- look
through any of the magiaines you
read regularir Max rarely do you
see a price quoted. You are told that
the I3ia-W1tia ear is the finest in its
field; That. there is extra luxury in
Super -Soft chesterfields — but you
have no -tray of knowing whether the
items advertised are by any means
v,ithin your reada
If is perfeetiv true that sinte the
innvocation of the anti -combines ail -
a manufacturer can no longer dic-
tate the price at which any article is
sold, but there would be lots of ways
to give the, prospertive buyer a,onte
idea what to expeet
Perannally, we often labor ander
the impreasion that an advertiser
who is so afraid to mention price- is
'just sitting there waiting 1-0 See how
much bia customer is good for.
Thara an stgly thought, and more
than likely ill-founded, hut it is
bound to vome totuind.
The Winghttri Advance*Times
V*htlintatit tItnitathattit, Onibirio
Ite4miget brathe,ts, Viatillskaos‘
Bat* **Meet EMI*
***abet •Artidit *urea* ctOti•Citdatiltai
Mitlacitinest tia teonnill Olisai Malt,
I4Osit Office DePt.
Miitniottalt Rote — 08s 'tear 1P3104, SLIK %tem
'Orr Oar
"Iritttigit *At 101.14 Pit OS*
Ailii4otistait **as soitkotiori
ply shrug ad say, "Too had, hut
\al shoji N't here can gel exaetlY
what I want," All too many of our
people are doing that DOW and
few years hence- thea' will be cora-
plaining bitterly that Wingliam. is
nor the town it used to be. They will
be the first to howl aboot lack of em
pkaymem and opportunity here in
the town they have helped to die.
Last week the hospital board was
forced to increase its daily room
rates. No doubt many people will
be quick to decry the added charges,
But we wonder how many have ever
considered the fact that thousands
of dollars worth of X-ray equipment,
as one example, must be kept in COP -
stain readiness, regardless of how
muy or how few patients require
such servires each day. in ,a
110Spital the same equipment is paid
for by a steady stream of patients all
daylong, every day, Moreover the
equipment in the Wingham Hospital
will become obsolete in precisely the
same time as hs more frequently
used counterpart in the city: .
Here is another example,. We
have in our printing plant an auto -
mark book stitching. machine. It is
used at most, for two weeks in every
year. A friend who operates a prim-
ing plant irt Toronto tells us that we
are, from the standpoint of business
reasoning, insane to have any ma-
chine in the place which requires
such an investment for such limited
use. The true answer, of course, lies
in the fact that it is available partly
to provide sen -ice. . TO guarantee
the delivery of our product on the
same basis as one could expect in a
larger place. The same is true. of
Inany other machines in our plant
an equally true of Mally of the oilier
businesses in this community.
:Millionaires are made slowly in
Wingham. The next tithe von are
'all set to chive out of town with your
week's pay, parse to think for a
moment that in all probability the
man you could buy front at home is
ilIVeSti'llg a murhhigher-proportioia
of his profits in service to :you than
the auper-smart businessman ita the
city who is ready TO take your
313071ey but is in no position to help
you pay for the new high srhool, the
latest hospital wing or the town
constables spring unifof
On Sunday afternoon -we were in-
terested by a TV program which
dealt with the development of ,the
West Indies islands. which are now a
part of the new nation formed under
the British Commonwealth. The
feature touched on many phase; of
life in the islands which- are now
awakening to a new sense of purpose
and rspomsibiiitv.
The pktnres included scenes of a
mobile library delivering books to
the schools. Unfortunately books
are still so scarce in manv of the
islands that they have to he handed
out on a rationing system. To pro-
vide incentive for the rhildren to
apply themselves diligently to their
studies, on13,' those who have attain-
ed good marks are permitted to have
books. There was a most impresaive
sequence as a library track pulled up
1,0 a salmi and the eager children
almost 'mobbed the librarian in their
haste to secure the treasured VOIII1T1-
es. The sad faces of those who would
not reteive any of the books were
equally revealing,.
Tile program quite naturally led
is to thoughts of the vast varietyof
printed matter which is available to
us in Canada, and The fact thatatve
do not value it as we :should. Our
ehildreu ran secure limitless MIDI*
bers of books, and yet their inter-
est in the trelaures of the printed
word is not nearly aa keen as it is
among youngsters who haVe had
s,carcely any access to books.
Perhapsi iS the old story of the
familiar bleasing being treated with
contempt, but any influence which
will lead us ibatk to the sound values
and great pleasures of intelligent
reading is -worthwhile.
1- BOX 473
TorOntO, Ontario,
April, 2,i, 1959 •
, .•
'Editor, Ad.Vanee-Thnes,
think it was a 'very fine idea
GSV yetirs to start a fund to mane
imp :avers andponds safee
have pleasure 10 sending the en. ;
close4 -cheque for 55. as a meal
; contribiltion for the fund.
Irene Davis
The road grader was hrouplit
into use on Tuesday and Josepiziat.
Street was given a good eleantne
The front of Willis & Co. shot
stoze has been brightened up le- ag
bosh Coat of red paint.
Dr. Tiennetly, who has ;144 3i
: taking a post graduate course
sto:gery in the Chicago hospital
expeetscl borne tonight.
'Ur, Charles Barber has purcho,,-
•tol /rew gasoline engine and ea
plea mixer, to be in readiness fin
the corning season's wale
The annual excursion of the HI!
roil Old Boys' Association of Ter.
onto will be run to Goderich rind
Wingham, on Saturday, July 4;11
The Wirlgham Baseball Club an 1
the Citizen's Band have tingle?
nonsideration a proposition to tale.
Part in the Victoria Day celebra-
tions at Llstowel on May 25111.
At the anneal meeting of ilat:
Western Football Assoelation, held
In Stratford on Friday ia.st, Elmer
Moore of this town was named a5
official referee for this district.
- A. mail service was inaugurated
on Monday is.st on the Guelph
csoderieh branch of the C.P.R_ Th.
ibail train arrives in Goderteb at
12:1) noon and leaves at 459 pi
"The Good Friday holiday pa,,stal
off cluietlY n Wingliam. The liar
ferent places of business wen
closed and many of our lawns
basalt. spent the day at tie
hornes malting ready for gard.a,
Mg "operations.
The told Weather this week ha
1161etoraYmedof'813SruinndgayNronfrkgirt TjealmeeasnlIsilg:
surmise, but it was better to hay.
it in .April then in tay. The stip
ers reported four Inehes of snow .ii
"Toronto. •
tr.Jas.:Walker' PoXtug
tensiVe repairs on the front of Mr
furniture store. New corniee IF
being put on and the storewil be
repainted. When the work is eowe
pleteti Mr. Walker will have at,
:excellent store.
Many, friends in Wimgzain
regret to bear that Miss 3.11ilie
Harris of Wroxeter continues :in
poor health. aress Harris was
brought to Winghani Hospital on
Monday for treatment and her
ler:gem:trete of friends 'will wish her
a speedy recovery. ••
-11 -1)
Mrs. 50kinson, Ddward Street,
eeeived word that her husband.
C. R. Wgkinson had been wounded
in the recent fighting and is now
Ira A hospital In England, Charlie's;
litany Wingbam friends trust his
wounds are not -serious.
Ur. and Mrs. Dud/ley Holmes
received a cable stating that their'
son, Serge John was admitted to
Sard. General Hospital, Brailonge,
suffering from, fp, =shot wounds'in
the .fsee.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. MeGregor
bave ramgied ko the Hannah pro-
pe.rty on the B lite which they
have purehased.
Mr,. S. Burchill has decided te.
betome a citizen of Wingham. He'
has purchased the Joseph Well-
-woodprope.rty in Lower WIT:gimps'
Mrs. Peallingt011, VOID underwent
an operation for gallstones at ibP
WhIghant General Hospital is, tre
are pleased to say. improving Mee-
Rielard Wehater, an old and re-
spentiell resident of Iszeknowe
:passed avray on Friday nuareing
W. J. Hilliard, propraetor
the Viringbam Bazaar bas rented
the store formerly oeenr.ded by tL
Lindsey, and will racxe into it
'to the near fothre.
Me. Aria Mrs. A. E. Cling are
taftraviag into the Hick's property:
VictOria Street and It& and
'1Lrs. H. T. Thompson v,17.1 sgain
*testy:their ownresideraee sPat-•
rick 'Street.,
Mr. Ect Holioleay and family
have Mated halo the house retent-
vatated by Garage Shrigley, Mr.
Wells has purchased the Worden
'property formerly oweepled by Mr:
The many treletirest and taisaas
in this nalglibatbood were grieved
to learn of the sudden deoth
Mrs. C. E„ Wilton nee enetesa0.
Oteeesre) In Windsor cm Friday.
Marolad, IN&
tort ziow tinder vt,-,y fiNT
Ottrialztatiort or a Etey Seoul
Tztitto izVintgiiszk The trideld
Eleartottity from toowit He/Ott:a/tett
101.11drottto Wanl. in town And boAl
ibriferelkee With Itr. apit-
'OT BEAUX A MAN FROM MARS—This is Dave Burgess, of the
rffNX skit; whose ear Is 'equipped with the otid-loolcing antenna you
saw. on the front page. Dave's car is fitted out with a. mobile "Itarn"
radio .stetion, tzeriee the need for the outsize antenna.--A-T photo.
al was wia undertake the form- fire which bad started near the
ing of this tram)." .A. number of railway bridge on Minnie Street,
boys, 15 to 38 years of age will belbad got out of control when fanned
trained ;during the sununer as lead -1 by a stiff north wind. Prior to the
ers, so that by fall they will be arrival of the firemen the Bre had
qualified to assume the rank of made rapid beaciailas, and when
1 , .
patrol leader. There will then he the fire erew arrived on the scene
a campaign put on for scout mem- the grass close to Mrs. IVIePher-
bets and itts expected by the large son's barn and along 'the fence
/umber of inquiries that Wing- hack of Mr. Galbraith'salso close
limn will have a real live Boy to J. a Crawfords garage, was
Scout organization In the near burning, and had it not been
The sudden death of William Wil-
son, lower Vingbann, an Thursday,
canie as a great shock to his fam-
ily and many friends. Mr. Wilson
was reiding the paper 'when death done by the fire except zt few ferace
prists,and rails were destroyed.
brought under control at once.
might have bad serious results, as
it was, the hose was quickly laid
and the tire was soon under eon-
trul. Practically no damage was
came so peacefully and suddenly
that ft was thought he had fallen, We haVe now received two
thto rt sleep. He was in his Mb- sues of 'The Palmerston Observer,"
_year. edited by Mr. Kenneth 3. Carle-
Wtiie sholnling in Winghant ton, forarterly of Creemore, Ont.
last Wednesday, „Mrs. Agnes Earls, This paper ts well printed and edit -
of Wroxeter, alai the misfortune to! ed and a. credit to the town of
fall on the stairs in one of the pajmersian in every w.ay,.
stores here and fraeture her hip.'
An ambulance was calked and she
was rushed to the hospital where
the fracture was reduced. Although'
oing as well as can be expeeted,!
Mrs. Earls will be corstined to the
hospital for some time yet.
'ABMs' 2TernoriaL Bali, ;which was pipTEEN- yr,:zeits' AG0
owl:lased last,year by Wit/ghat:11
Lodge A.F. & A.M. oen be omit, At the Progressive -Conservative
for oese/setion this week, ‘The work Convention for the riding or Hur-
t 'changing this old clairch build- on -Bruce here op Tuesday erening,
ing an that -it wall be one af the, ex -Mayor John W. Hernia of town,
finest masonic Hans in ontazio,, was chosen the standard bearer.
alas bee e going -on all winter and There were two nominations. the
next Tuesday night it will be lased' other being F. W. Norman wade
of ..,ylowick, who withdrew. E.
Hartwell Strang was also nomi-
nated hut withdrew- his name an
Our ball club bas organized for
the season. Baseball is a great
game and it is np to the citizens
to support tlae boys in their efforts:
as mulch as possible.
for the fast time, when the lodge
Ineets there. :
Work will oommence soon
the building of Corrie's School the nom' of the 'emwen11013.
House fas. No. al East Wawanosh. During the peat few years the
The contra -et for the erection of Winghant FIsh and Game Club
this new school was let to W. H. have been very active in restock-
Pintos:1i, local eontractor, an Sat-. ing district strea-ms and rivers with
urdn'Y and as soon as the grounds, fi,e,O. Already this spring this work
are cleared of the debris left by is again under way as on Friday,..
the fire. Mr. Bintoul -win begin Die George Orvis, and David Fortune
work of building, which wall be emptied two containers of speekletd
bout the 241.13 of l'aftay. trout in district streams. The Fish
red Game Club are hopeful *t re-
storing some of the streams in this
three-eant stamp required on
all cheques for sums ander WI)
sea aeosee into *eyed on may lst, idistriet as good fishing plaees.
Wingbare merchants are, on Fri- .1Tr. and Mrs. W. A. Russell of
day and Saturday, icorithirilng to town have reeeiverl word Gant
mare"I'7;31 rdlar Day s of 1232 their son, .7.3331e.S,, has been pro-
se:1)rd breaker. A eommertity wide' rnOted to the rank ot Plying Of -
sale got merchandise will be featur.
A very pleasant erring was
spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
joe Vellson, Wing -ham, when about
twenty girl friends Miss Cath
trine Morrison held abovver to
her bobor, prior to ber marriage
11 th.
On Friday afternoon, the rire-'
-nien pqjzllad t� duty. A grass
Last week we reported two Wing-,
ham boys have anrived overseas
, and this week we again reeOrd the
names of two more Nilo have land -
Is the Old Country. Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Des& have reeeived a,
cable from their son, Elmer, saying
that he had arrived safely over-
seas. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elston of
2itorris also reteived * similar
11.Yro.E.et.. Lia.direkair*Oitibitlel .a.404B4.,
' ' . P"
the Bible Today •
Same 700 eopiet ntSet/Aurelia* The alb>. Rt. leaves *al illustrated
been distributed on the aginteriesn OrisPei in eath home. 'Moro Aire
4060 mobile homes in the *ma, to
the part-time *lark *ill take the
salesman aeveral la -meths lo tern.
Suggesiod Whit Bonding
Tkortoy, tioloftten..g 3: 141;
day; ColOssitint 144; taturday,
thotoadonlang 4: 1.-15; Stodgy,
Psalm tat 1-12;
96:14; oritoodriki, Provetto t0;144.,
1,3eit cif the Lawrrence teawAY
by a, theological student employed.
part.thrte thiporieur by the
American time, Society.
Lawrencett Spriggs, foltn"
ptotessional slitter itnd now a
sindrnt for the rtinioirx is visit-
ing the triellesk-terotS and ttroPor.
othinst along hi 11bet/411ile .11111P4
of torthern Rev York State, *-
trtXlis to boy' wad rend;
Message that their soil, Millard.
Jim overseas.
During the last eight weeks oUr
town clerk who is also secretary of
the local ration board, has had It
very hney time, in addition to ids
tegelar duties the :Work:in connec-
tion with the. local ration board
basbeen very hUsY as applications
tor sugar for eaniiing hew) been
paining. in. The final tabulationa
Were completed on Monday even-
ing and iSft. Claibraith reports that
10:583 individual applications were,
received represeethig 3,500 homes
M this area, .
On Friday a class of sixty gradu-
ated from No, 2 Service Flying
Training School at Uplands Air-
port /war Ottawa, and ,received
their RCAF pliot's badges. Thiti
OM had as luenthera Mgin
Coats, Son of and Mrs. RegA.
Coutts Of town; Van Sainsbury, son
f Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Sainsbury
of Toronto and grandson of Mrs.
V . R. VanNorman of town. Another
f this clas was W. N. Wilson or
Brussels. "
1 NV'ffiTFCtiULtfr
a(Tritelided last week)
easioad or aounic toiastaas
the united Church Y.P.ii. slansal
. for
I of T.P.u. to be held In 'North st.
eta Attend tile Annual spring Bay
fli nit e (1 Churah, Gederfeli on Tues.
i day evening.
I Naney Forster Of Lgucknow spent,
the week -end at the horn ov lyvp,
and ilfrs. George Fisher, sd ivvr,
and Mrs. B,ontOd Vorater' , 1 fem.
mr, and Mill. Cecil Falconer have
wool re,.decorating -the forme
been busy during the past two
Hy visited there on Sunday.
Webb hOille in W. Wawanosh, Sol
Mr. Andrew Gaunt, A Scottish
fampy, Mr. find Mril. Anderson and
their three children, IllOved in 00 ii•1
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Simian -an
rind son Hugli, of Wingham, visited
OL Sunday at Om home of Mr, en
1arra. Ernest Beecroft,
Brussels viaited on Sun y wit g ;.
lVfr, and Mrs, 'Mock Cardiff 0
Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Rinto
lvf,r, and Mrs. N,limer 5 fahOln 41. 1 •
and' family visited on Sunday wItl I, •
her .mother, Mrs, Robert noon
rreoswater. -
Mrs, Toynbee Lamb and Mrs i
vifsted on Tbursday with th
Harry Tichbourne of Ooderieli
mother, /vTrs. David Ken
We are pleased to report that
Ur. Matt Eefl, proprietor of the
Brunswick Hotel, is much improv -
eel after sufferinga beart attack
on Monday evening last Week. -Mr;
Beirs friends will he pulling for
his complete recovery.
George Johnson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Murray Johnson is at, borne
iere jIl with scarlet" fever.
A well atteeded bingo Was held
by the Ladies' Auxiliary to the
Legion. on Tuesday evening, .A
draw for a lovely quilt was made
and the lucky winner was Mrs. E.
S. Copeland,
The annual meeting of the Wing -
ham Citizeres Band was held on
Friday night when the following
officers were eiceted: President,
Bill Henderson; vice-president, M.
Tel/mien:ran; etary - t r ea s er.
L. E. Buckman; librarian, Fred
Tucker and property committee,
L. E. Buckman,
Gaviller, McIntosh
„Sic Ward
Chartered Accountants
Teieprione Bldg.
Walkerton, Ont..
TF,T4EillON171. 1133
MAY 3rd
1 Jack & Jill 98c COUGH SYRUP and A.0
45 2 Age
"Easi-Oloss" 1.1b, lin, Troia_ .511 c C,'
1/2 -oz. CHEST RUB , UOC,
1.D.A. 'Heavy Grade, 10, 40 or., reg. 65e, $-1.10
43c 87c
, Safe tor any fabric - 4,, 10 oz., reg. 40e, /5e .. . 3 It c
I T.D.A. Brand - 4, 19 oz., reg. 15e, 51.95 . •
- Woodbury SHAMPOO .
! SAVE 41e - 02, si5,43 - $130 Value. .... 69c
A "Welcome to Wingliam" St°
Sieb2i2)" iltiONcir TABU REVLON
43 ,
locAL va.',0gomeo. to -
mtioatp Pocoddk-..
1. •
gaitaritiounamomatimistimalimistomittairtoritailaturitallanyi No
t .1._
.4q mitt
4 43
Rey, 0, r3 Johnson, 1.,Th„ - Rector
Mrs, Gordon Davidson - Organist
rs, "Nfasp.u1—eniorAuxiliary
in Parish Rotnn.
rourth Sunday after gaster
II 9.4,5 nom—Sunday School
.,. 11AX) a.m.--lioly CO011illlIliell
a' PA) Patio"*TiVelliilg' Per .