HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-04-30, Page 1se Vidette Wroxetor Nears With sthigh is. :010410.4.matd: the 4111N(MAK ONTO"' W °PAW, NISH, 30, 1,098. ATTENDANCE SCHOOL CONCERT CIVIL DEFENCE TO ORGANIZE MAY 7 Films dealing with the subject of civil defence, and the manner in which it applied to the smaller communities• were shown to repree sentatives of various local organi- zations et the Armouries on Friday evening. Following the films there was a, general discussion on the forma- tfon of a. permanent committee to proceed with arrangements for a, complete OD setup in Wingham, It was decided that an organizational meeting .will be held at the Arm" ouries at eight o'clock on Wednes- day evening, May 7. At that time the heads of the various departments and the co- ordlnator for the entire operation will be named. A , Group Advertising Plan ore home of Twelve BY-LAWS TO COVER KINSMEN ELECT NEW EXECUTIVE DOGS FIRECRACKERS • elgrave Neighbors Ho ee to Assist Fear Family ALONG THE MAIN DRAG By The Pedestrian e of the highlights of this olkluity's elitertehinlent year place last Thursday and Fri- vellingts when :members of the glaani District High , Seheei 1,4 retry Society presented their va ety concert, The auditorium ,of seheel wee filled 'for both pre7 se tations,• , le conceit inetuded a wide e of 'musical nembers, dances, nastics and other feeteires. of the main items was a, erre= et play, "Three Pilleje a Bettie". cast included Irene Saint, lgY Or About, a dozen 'friends and neigh- bOure of Mr. and Mrs, Ted Fear, VLA, farinere 'a mile east of Bel- grave, turned out to plow and cue- tiyate 27 acres of the Fox land on Thursday of last week. Mr. Fear has been quite III with pneumonia, He iv recovering' slowly and was, able to 'watch the operations from his bedroom window,. tr. Mrs. Fear, who hails -from 'Vane cpuyer, said, ."Itrs really wonder- fel:the way. the people of 150g:rave turn out when help is teeded.". ,Thle is the second time within -the `year that the Fear family has .re- ceived -such neighborly assistance. Berlier their little girl was ser- iously ill, and. their neighbors pitched in to do the chores, In or- der that the little girl's parents could visit her in hospital, • Mrs. Fear said that for a long time she had 1100 that their family would at come time be able to move back to her home in R.O. Now she feels that Belgreve Is really borne, • The , bee on Thursday wee orgen- ized by George Cook and Garner Nicholson' Those assisting 'Were Glen Van0atep, Clare VanCerep, Bob Greeley, with. George Miehle's outfit, Garner Nicholeon, Leslie Bolt, Harry Goll, Wesley Coek, Charles Cook, Jelin Nixon with C, R. Coultes' outfit, Norman Cocik, Len Rooney and Lyle Hopper with. Jim Lament's outfit. On. Friday George Cook finished the plowing. On Monday the neighbors 44in turned out, this time with Seeti, drills and other seeding equipniene. The Monday work party consisted of John. Nixon, Robert GrashY, Harry Goll, George Johnston' driv- ing George Jotcian's outfit, Earl Anderson, ;Harold Keating, Norman Cook, Garner Nicholso,n, JoseP# Dunbar, Robert Coultee and Wayne Fear. As usual the women of the .dis- trict also displayed their thought- fulness, baking pies and biscuits and helping to supply meat for the meals, Mrs,' Leslie Bolt and Mrs. . . ne Stapleton, Torn Wilkinsoe in Reid, 'Eldon Byer, 'Walton ibbon, 1Vittejorie Kieffer and ri :Walsh. , • re musical numbers included' a elf, ley of 'organ 'eelectioris by Be ce McTavish; of Teeewater; sa phone sOlo 'her David Xennedy; p • da ee, Marian, raider and Marl- il o solo, Mary Lou Wright; -6,p• lyei, Ross;' Scottish dandes , 'by Sh -rett Alin: Grahhe. The Cadet bri, el and thee school choir and oe- chestra provided Several most en- johible selections, Sylvia Alexan- de4 Elaine -Caen end Mary Fishei Presented 'the Sailor's Hornpipe datice, in traditional costume of the sea. ' , THE RDIPLE, TEAM of the '99th battery, R.C.A.; W legume, competed in three winter shoots , with the INfinAm or . le D.C.R.A, and ended up in the second division and in the prize money in each shoot. 'the competition Which ' is shot at' the home ranges of the various units, wit the •scoree seed; itt for ,competitiVe purposes, inekided . 111A. 10 , 64 tutees from across Canada, with militia, regular f ores: and special units competing. Left to righteabove L Erk fir DENS front row are: SIS 13. Dawson, Capt. et. P. R e E A ittereSg. B. Jenkins, Major J. Jackson; baekw ero, , EE N' . Cr. IL A. Redmond, Cr, P. Meters, Bdr. ,R,„ E. Murray, 4.1r.-'13..'4. D. Gibson. 'Team members abeent .when ' . the picture was taken were 'Major T. W. Platt and WO, e G. Blaelewelt —Advance-Times photo. Grn Nibi ' hi dM a er c o son , e pe rs. ear with the serving of meals and others who assisted were Mrs, Stanley Cook, Mrs. Cora McGill and Miss Annie Baker. Mrs. Laur- ence Vannan supplied enough fruit for the meals. IMAM HOSPITAL TO RECEIVE RANT e lreeia. -Sharpe,. a student 'at the Wingliam District High School was selected by the Queens of 64 other OPERATIO1N EXPECTED pntario schools as their choice for eta honors when' the girls TO SA IlL • SIGHT-OF rid their chaperones visited Lon- due last week as, guests of The . • Landon Free Press. SMAI YOUNOTER i. A new advertising feature Jeer ‘•eeeek-•heeeenre'eeteneekhie "Diagonal • 'tom ow ow will offer both great op- wet It for the first time. Clit page Road have been anxiously ,await- portenities and tremendous char-- nihe you will find a group of 12 ing word of the condition of; their ME INJUREV FARM ACCIDENTS esPeCial: eibibilitatioreegraneWhieh • tmretee•-•-e-e- will'be paid to the local institution. Provided by the Ontario Govern- TB ASSOCIATION meet through the Hospital Services Commission, the grant to. public NAMES OFFICERS hospitals is $200.00 a bed, A special grant is also provided for those hospitals which have schools for the training of nurses, in the amount of $300.00 per student nurse. The grant to the Wingham Hos- pital will amount to $18,200. The little .girl was rushed- to Victories Heepital at 'liendail Where she:l re- underwent an. operation ea' . Wins Competition Cunningham;. family Leaves on Thursday.. .About fifteen ifeigh-boure' of Mrs. Nelson Cunningham met at the home :of Mrs, Jack Beteson on Tuesday evening Cif •14,st week, When a farewell party was held, SeVeral contests were played and an enjoyable social time-was spent, Mrs.13ateson presented Mrs. -Cure- ningheen with if Royal Doulton fig- urine, ."Rose", a berate and a cor- sage on 'behalf of her ft:tends, Lunch. was served ;by the bee- tees,. who was assisted by .several of the ladies present. Again on Thursday evening Mrs. Cunningham 'was honoured, when about seventeen friends gathered' -at the home of Mrs, Harry 'Spry, Court whist was played with the prizes going to Mrs.. John Lang- ridge avid Mrs. Wrri, Conran. A suitable poem which had been written by Mrs. 'Stewart 'Scott, was *read by Mrs. Spry, when she made the presentation of a lazy Susan; and the companion figurine to the one Mrs. Cunningham had received earlierin the week, This one Was, "Marie", • The Saturday evening previous, Mr, 'and Mrs. Bob Carbert enter,. lair Pd .•tikiten;:,ei t couples we:t e. iii' attendance. • Progreeeive - euchre was played with Mrs. Allister- Green having high score for the ladies, and George Guest high for the men. Mr. and. Mrs, Cunning- ham were iethembeted with a gift.. Nelson and IVIrs. Cunningham. and family will leave on Thursday of this week for their nqw home in Smith's Falls, and will be greatly missed by their many friends in Wingham. lenge' to the young people who are ,fleid-year-old daughter; Patriete! at present receiving their educe- The' child suffered• a 'very- serious lion, eye .injury last Friday ;afternoon The -'-elfingharri MIS student was :when the polfit of a' pair bfeseis- chosen! when the girl's gathered at stirs pierced the .lid and ,the eye- the. London: Public Library after a bail, ' oviisiiit;e: the Free Press plant and ".. eine of the highlights of the visit eit•IAthe banquet at which the guest 61/taker was Premier Leslie Frost. all The many friends of Mr. andn. ." eelieted that the, worlei of Mr. and Mrs. Fear are very John W. Hanna, /51,P.P., has grateful to their 'neighbours and notified A. D. letacWiillern, chair- Mende • for this assistance In moiaenwi:ifilltghhearr EfinGaefinceerrnlimo:ptitteael .9off their time of need -and expressed liCING OF THE WEST--e Lion. Whitney Grose' was named' geeerai chairman of the Frontier Wye committee by his club at its regular meeting on 9'ridey evening et 'the otel Brusnwiek. Conelder- able tussion was devoted to the piens' r the Wild West - event, Iehicle will be held at the end of , . August. 0 ,0 - 0 ift$11 DRYING QUT-,- The firemen werecalled out at 12,40 Saturday' 'When la sizeable blaze was 'spotted near HoWson's dam, It deyeloped that an adven- turesome boy bad fallen Into the river and after he ,was extricated by his companions• they deckled to light a fire. to dehydrate the vic- tine The brigade 'was peeded when the fire got.out of hand, 0 - 0 - 0 SIMPLY RIPPING— , A second five call took the' moke-eaters 'to the inane of Lloyd (Rip) Ellacott on Galling Ter- Moe at the supper hour on Monday elite time it was a. blaze in the ehirrieey and there was no damage to the home or its contents. 0 ,= 0 - 0 WAIT TILL MIDNIGHT— Just hold 'that rod. You can't make a move against the trout Until midnight at least, and most will *until the bleak dawn for t -, ee' el ent to' open the 1058 season ettarvel of the whole thing IS that so many fish survive the great onslaught.. . . 0 - 0 - 0 MAN ,OVERBOARD— ' Speaking of fishermen, there is the tale of the smelt' fisherman Who went to the shores of Lake Huron, well prot'ecte'd with wool- len underwear ,i)wo pairs of. pants; a double layer of jackets and high' riebleee hopte..Tp.9.,teeet. of tii.?,meet. croasedeereAreeM on a litillik, but it see'nes their .pal was' so •,Concern-' ed airs-tr the box of senelte 4110 ,e had cc r eted that he tpreteeteci to wade th swollen waters-11p to his chest that is, carrying the loot, It is also said that he, didn't feel the told at alt' . -- ENGAGEMENT The engagement.' is announced of 'Laura Audrey, daughter of Mrs. Frannie Ste Marie Of Winghare and the late Mr. Ste Marie, to Mr. John D, Hobden of :Stratford, Son! of Mrs R. R,,Hobden of Hamilton and. the late Mr, idobden, The mar- riage will take place the middle ar•Mity. ''' ,1 Keep Friday:May 911: open for a dance and draw for $50.00 cash, also three lovely door ' prizes, in Wrexeler Community Hall, epee- 'Owed by the Hall. Board. , Draw proceeds to aid minor sports. •El- liott Carruthers Oechestra, ` F30;713 pei r. the uree cornea.. Final „eon- d itien of the eye can pol l yet 'be predicted,. but the • specialist ;and the child's parents are quite, hope- that the sight' "will he' saved.' - — It is at present expected that Patricia. will be able to :return home later this 'week. • • Murray Stainton was named Most communities have 'their id t of .theKinsmenCl b f pres en u o was 'Wissier, 00, of. Teeswater, was , admitted' to • the • Winghom etleaeral Hospital an, Friday after he had -suffered' . badly lacerated thumb -when. hie Mind came , into con Met . with a, el reeler saw, Partial-amputation of the -:thurieb was necessary. The' man Is still ; elonfined hospital 'but ditiou is now-satisfactery, 'Oh Tuesday Tom Hallant, of Lucknow, aged 28, was the :victim of a • treetor act:Went, en 'which he suffered severe lacerations' to his right leg.' The injured man had to drive about a mile Tor assistance after the accident occurred and 'as a rout!: suffered considerable loss of bleed, 'Reports from the hospital on Tuesday afternoon indicated that 'his condition' was satisfactory, USS 11, East Wewanosh- and Huliett won . the, challenge shield for unison chorus (small schools) with 86 marks at the Hullett Town- ship Festival held at Londesboro, April, 22nd. • The teacher is Mrs, Myrtle Yungthit, Blyth and the music supervisor, Mrs. Elaine McDowell, R.R. 7, Lucknow. :DANCE AND DRAW IN WROXETER HALL ' Wingh'arn when that organization elected a new elate 'of officers vat their meeting in the 'Queens Hotel on 'F'riday evening. Other. officers are: Vice-presi- dents, Jim Currie, Fred Temple- man; secretary, Harvey Fisher; treasurer, Ivan Gardner; regis- trar, Jerry Timm; directors, Mur- ray Taylor, Roy DeGroot and John Currie, Judge Frank Pingland, of Clin- ton, was elected honorary presi- dent of the Huron-County Tubereu- losis Association at its •annual meeting in Clinton on Monday night. • f Other Offiters are: 'Past preel- dent, Elmer Bell, QC, Exeter; president, Glenn Hays, 'QC, Goele- rich; Iiret vice-president, H. Al McDermitt, Fordwich; second vice- president, J. 13, McKinley, Zurich; executive secretary, Mrs. J' E. Rus- sell, Seaforth; chairmen' of coin- naittees, Christmas seal, F. E. Madill, Winghani; rehabilitation, J. E. MeXinley; case-finding, D. I. Stewart, Seaforth; , advisory, 'Dr. R. M, Aldis, Goderith. Report of the treasurer showed $12,155.97 -in receipts for Christnies seals for 1951, an increase of 'WO over the previous year, Guest speaker: was D. M.. Ma- son, rehabilitation officer at Beck Memorial Sanatorium, London. -DANCE AT BRUSSELS A modern and 'old-thne dance Will be held in the Brussels •towe hall oir Friday evening, May 2nd, featuring 'The Brunettes", Thy.nne- Alcock and the Diehl Sisters, Ad- ItisSion. 50e, RECEITION AND DANCE' ' the WhiLecturch Conant unity hall for Mr, and Mrs. Murray Taylor r this Friday evening, - May 2nd, 'b'arrier's •Oreiteetra. Ladies please, bring lunch, le30b TEA AN)L/ BAIKE SALE The C,W.L. will hold a. 'tea and bake sale in the council chamber on. Saturday, May 3, at 3 o'clock The draW for the bedebread Will be Made, Everyone welcome. bee0e `MUSIC ;FESTIVAL The Morris tied ,WitWailosir setteic 'festival fit the -Foresters' 13elgtaVe, May and 2. See- shins 9.30 aen, 1,80 p,m, Evening session in W.D: High. School, May 2 at 7,34. Music supervisors, Mrs, Nora Moffatt, Mit, Mashie Me- DOWell. Adjudicator, Mr,. Ti. 13, Queen, Torolito, Assistant, Director of Musie, Province of Ontario: „ it 30b adveetisemeine pleeted by 'mere chants and service people Wile are offering special *rye to the 'buying public oil Sateyee,y evenings 'from 7 to 10 o'eloek. • 7" • These - advertieetheete, like those which,- appear eaeit ;ttiVeelc. on :the Welconie Lo ,Winglitent, page; are Something more than a. M,Cre 'offer of so ' intical' rrierehuncilire ' for t o stipulated anion* cf money; They repreSent the:mewl:10e and; con- crete invItatlenerif. Winghaan heel- neseman to 'shoppers town and throughout the surrounding district to visit rowel: end i't's. attractive. Stoma Vexing the past-few months ehere was a green deal of talk about a receesione(whiele 'course, le the little brother- of a' depree- sion). The 'effects of this' business" slump did tote in' °.faete create a great, dad 'of ?.haectehle in Vring- barn, where employment 'remained on a fairlY steady leVel: Neeeethe- tem, all 'of us who ete' enough to recall "the 'dirty thirties" kribw Wet when tougher theme threaten, it is einie for concrete action. In, a community the of ours prosperity is seleknie condition ' which, one family enjoys while another starves, ;Oer, economic welfare Is so knit together that when one group se:if-eve the test will ehortly feel the pain, It is fur Ude reaa011 that Wing- ham Merchants are timing shop., pet's tide . area to shop at home, where their dollars Will remain to support those leedeettiltinge to which we are elf ettilially. com- mitted: TheA dvanue.-TleieS would recoin Mend that you read the advertleing columns of this paper, ell ,of them, with a hew sense Ititertlat ytair own community. 'We would aleo like to 'Say "weleoite aborted") to those advereiseret•Who appear on page nine, , This has been a gratifying Week The Adva'nee-Times office, The Watei Safety Fund ivhielt Was launched- two •weeks ago, ins -grown encouragingly since the east of contributors Was published last Week. Severed. former Winghane reeklerits, 'who are in no earthly danger frontethe water Ifieeeards thiS community, have recognized the, worth:411n eleture of the effort end have sent ludohations to help thb - citizens of their home- totiti • protect -thereeeleteeeene theik families , front evident •. danger. ,The following entionittee has :been named to consider bee tieetlieas far its water safety Is -concerned, and to de- termine the best way la which the fund can be 'utilized: 'to eenteeent ..litecreittion Council and Lpies Club, W. B. Conran; it ismen (Anti, Warren Callan; Legkin, Lloyd Carter; Pireinen, Chief Jini Care and.- Hervey TetYlor: The following, donations have 'been received for the Water' Safety Feed: ..a.:••••••••••1 *....1 $ 61.09 5.00 2,00 6.00 2.00 Lob .800 5 00 .10,0,0 :L00 1.00 e .09 .00 1 e.00 6.09 5.00 150.00 5,00 5,00 DANCE ItECI'PA.b • A dande recital be bold in the town' hall on Friday, May !awl,-: at 8.30 p.in, .• ANGAGlilMtliT , .The eligageriletit itinittatillett ,,of kilanch daughler 'of Mrs,Ilegiiitild'Cl. Newton of 'Wren- eter and the late 'Mr, Newton, to MI'I aoltri 'Harvey trthishaw, ,Son Of let :and lerrideentev, '$- 110;09 Anonyitione doludiert l 170:00 'L;OTAL . $ 340.09 leoltatililie le) this ittito Will be tetteleed for anethet two Weelre. Phial Mite ha aeon, May Oth, so that all ilonatiOns tray im acknoWledged Mini* WOOS. Of May I4th, own particular problems, which are apt ,to crop up year after year, as thorns in the sides of zealous police officers. These are usually infringe- ments of local by-laws which a few citizens choose to forget or ignore. In Wingham our perennial wor- ries are dogs and firecrackers. Both 'are •fine their place, but there Is no room, for either when they interfere with the 'best inter- ests of the majority of citizens, Here is what Byelaw No. 1255, 1953, has to say about dogs: From May,1st to September 30th in' each year every person who Mires. keeps or harbours a dog or dogs within the municipality of the Town. of Wingliani, is hereby pre- hibited from allowing such dog, or dogs to ,run at large within the said Municipality. The by-law also stales that a -dog found running at large may be killed or impounded and that the owner may be Subject to a fine of $50,00 'or '21 days'in jail. By-law No. 1289, 1956 states the followieg about the ' use of fire- crackers: Ne person, Without having first received special permission shall, with the exception of seven days, before the 24th they of May aid seven days thereafter, fire or set Off fireballs, squibs, bracken Or other fireworks within the mold. elpat limits of the Town of Wing- barn Penalty Under this by-law pro- vided in the same degree as the one referred to' above, Flee of $50 or 21 days iii‘ jail. These tWo by-laws were not written. tip 'by a. group of s oil- sports, but rather by the eettecil of the town at the specific request of various persons Who rightly felt that a public nuisance and danger .existed, ., • ClAL134 CLUB MEETS The Turnberry 4,714 Calf Club Will hold a meeting at Cille-tottfe School On the afinceesien of Turriberle/ Wediiesday, April 30, at 8.30 P•5110 F30b HOSPITAL AUXFLIAILY MEETING 1,111,1BAY • The Ladies' Auxiliary 'to Wing- hair (leneral 'Hospital' will hold Its nionthly meeting in the Council Previously acknowledged ...... ... ..... Percy Clark Caskarrette. Service Station ....... ..... ... .... El. Illeldintmy • Michael Merkel! . eVilftert Caskanette Knott Reid ' .lerberi, '11.(liter 'Wholesale ,tieergeT4urat 'Walter Chariton C:arente .... ........ ..... ....... Weitue Itartneve . D. A. Cameron Slice • Irene Owls, Totentei .. 4. 11, (11.11.WrOrdt W Ingham Tire -lie pertinent Ctlighoffers (Winghanii Ltd, Betel itirtuniwick • . SAUCERS lefeveNei AGAIN?-1Diett's a good epieetion. Thte- - photogranlier managed to eatch piCturo .the ithoye tittidentiffed Object Wits outlined against the sky over Whighaisa's main 'stiest last week. Far more detailed eiletttee, look inisideo. . -.... — RUMMAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 10 The spring rummage sale epon- itored by Ile Ladies' Auxiliary to ilt Witigha "Nedra! 'Hospital Will be held hi 4 Witigham Aroniuries on, baturday; May 10, 'at two o'clock. VNteryone is asked .for donations of clothing, hate, shoes, furniture,' eto, Anything' you cahnot, tree; we ',gen sell. So, when you honeecleen, • make tip' a box 'for the hospital einemage sate. it is asked' that all articles 'be ,at, ,tile Armoutlee On Friday, May Ilt se that they can be sorted rind • Matifed. It you Wish your parcel ' called for, please notify Miss M. JOhite, phone '208 or Mrs. 41, lit: Mc- *ay, phone 118, , ' 1e301) tCPCSIO COLLECTION The town truck 'will pita up gaeifell refese Bill the .PIRST Mid VWPriday of each /tenth,. be,, Firm"April 18th. • Vi e* must be placed in Con, bitters whenever possible 'and 'placed at the boulevard for pickup. 01WeVer, householders ti,re haked to set out such refuse• not earlier than the day previiigs to Collection,' Thank you fet your co-operation. ' re3r3-0 lb Charnber on Priddy al terribc)h, cif Ititteval,, thO eeeeditig raise I May At three Weloeic. ar- Dime Qa: 'gattitdat MAY' -24th, r914'ereehte for.the Wroketer 'United Oittireli at '380 p;M. rifietettege' sale, 030h ' •• j0* li