HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-04-23, Page 9NEW 18" WHIRLWIND
A—Mary Hamilton, Ruth nod
gins, Greer, Dunlop, Eleanore Goy
Byron A,Iams, $1.104.11 Sellers, Rosa-
lind Loder, John De Yong, SititieY
Johnston, Jean Martin, Sue Na-
Smith, Bruce MacDonald, Diane
Jackson, Ada Eno), Karen Ander,:
son, 'Patricia Norminton, Jane
Hetherington and Roeala Nichol-
son eq,I Lois Simmons,, Kathleen
Craig, Paul Galbraith and .,Lynne
Stuckey eq,,; Neil Turnbull, Roger
Bleman, Betty Blair, Douglas Ceul-
tes, Joan MacFarlane, Jerald
Sehnert!, Robert Hollenbeck, Russel
Batton, William Dernerling, John
B—Barbara. ,King, Robert Wal-
htee, Brian Schaefer, Joanne
Roane, Kenneth Grant, Douglas
Thomas, Cameron Robinson, Alan.
Campbell-Alberta Haugh and Brian
Ireland eq,; Phyllis Thompson,
Wallace Black and Marilyn Cham-
ney eq,; Patsy Hell and' Corinne
Rhame • eq.; Laverne Dowling,
Sally jeffray, and Murray Kerr eq,;
Donald Procter, • Mary Fischer
and Joyce. Ford eq.; Ruth Taylor,,
0.—Eldon Dennis and Nelly
Niezen eq.; Aloysium Rettinger,
(Garry Willis, Murray McLean,
Andrew .Welahar, ilVfary Jefferson,
Lpreena Armstrong and Sharon
Montgomery eq,; Diane 'Dabney,
Lorna Bolt, Robert Davis, William
Henry, Audrey Wheeler, 'Barry
Fuller, Audrey Benninger and
Richard Penner eq,;- John Mc-
Dowell, Gary Schneider, 'Anna
Esponsen, James Greenley and
Helen Litt. eq,; Sandra. Ireland,
Murray Garniss, James Mair,
PaSs—Wesley Newton, Honk
-Wiltiek, Dorothy Noblef Verna
Huber,„Tanies Logan and Marlene
Purdon eq.; Thomas Millen, Charl-
es Carnisbell, Kathleen O'Malley,
Mary Johnston, Frances Casken-
ette, Gordon church, Marlene Hen-
hoeffer, Bruce McLennan, ' Ruth
Stone, .Bernadette Benninger and
Douglas Davidson eq.; Bert Vae-
Larnmeren, Donald Scott, Jack
Davidson, John .Moffat, Gerard
Dietrich, Robert McPhail and
Shirley Nicholson eq.; Marilyn
Ross, Gary Reavie, Davey Edgar'
and Mary Fraliek and, Michael
Harrison and Rochelle Wineberg
eq.; Joseph ' Wescnburg, Joyee
Armstrong and Joyce Weber eq..;
Thomas Christie and' Linda Clark
and Doris Wall eq.; .Joan
Elizabeth McDonald, Lenore Hal-
!alien and Sarah-Skink- eq.;, .Bar-
tiara Armstrong, Marilyn Pengelly,
Donald Armstrong . and Kathryn
Moses and Frank Mehl 'eq..,
Below the' line—Shirley King,
Doreen McKay, _Winston Gib-
bons, Nancy Taylor, Patsy Bryans,
Ross Nicholson, Andrew Allan,
John Campbell and Hanyey Heim
per, eq.; Donald Stobo, Betty Buckle,
Marian Ruttan, John MacKenzie,
Brian Rutledge, Karen Coleman,
George Shinn, RObert Crawford,
Doreen McGlynn, Ted Waxman,
//,,"(a•.7),'.. 170C.,!OCK , ...I,,-,,
e7 _'F*''
You can in17,&t
, $no or more,
for 1 to 5 yearn
in a safe and guaralitei r
tritish.Mortgage eertifiekei,
delay il)rtrehl.broiRs the day Vent loake the tfeveetotet)t
Pot full information .01,nlif !hags vciOri 'and safe :irr4Stiliilit4
fill out the counon lielow And' send It, to wt.
Bria211 PS 01'1 a's. r 6'e and Trust
enthom In 1877
1 !
a• •
"Yes, Doctor,, AN'eatiesday will Heine!" THURSDAY ,and 'FRIDAY
' April 24 and 25
Henry Fonda, Lee X, Cobb
(Two Cartoons) Wheii its time to have the dentist check
daughter's teeth, Mrs, Smith nainrally rcachea
for the telephone, that helpful "member-of-the-
family" with the habit gouin T., thiwAr; done.
When you look hack caer ions rla r. il''; mune•
times mtrprising to realize in juNt how many
little ways the telephone helped you... how
i.t adds so notch convenience and comfort to
everyday livintr',P.
niii4ANY lit CANADA tHEi 00..t.. tit LK 1
. • „ • • ,„„„.
April 26 and '28
"The Indian ,Fighter"
kirk Douglas - Elsa Martinelli
(Tivo Cortoonti)
April 29 and se
"Gentlemen Marry
(colour) (Cinenlaatope)
Jetie Russel Jeanne Grain
Allan Young
(TWO Cholootis)
Easter Exam Results at WDHS
4. 1
lawayalatalamaaamala mja.o.aaa00,,,,,,,,m aaaaameennesannanseassessamaaanasennemes.
Wis4144.4 Wo4nakipTs, A
of Guelph were weelt-end visitors
at the home of Mr, and 'Mrs.
Wild, •
'--0,11TrS, 3, I'. Ruud, who hag spent •
time winter season' in Ypsilanti and
home and Wil,S 'accompanied by Mr.
and. Mrs. McKay and Mr. Weather."
'1 \
Standing: A-70% qr :over; B.00.-oReta 'Brooks,, :Ronald ThArleY,..
'H C-iat)-00.; Pass-b0,59, A revert' junco Ding, Gtaeme MOKee, GilrY
showing a student's lino:hp in mud-,
subject :has been sent to parents
1.4qt:owe', Oot,.'
• - Harold Kenting of Del- • •
grave spent Sunday with-Mr. • and:
Mrs. Mel Keating and family.
Herb Puller; whir 'was in
Fort William the latter part of •
last week :en business,. visited on ,.
Saturday at the horse of Mrs,. Cyril I :
O'Connor, the former Kathleen
Reid, of Wingham,
—Mr, and Mrs, Normarowephau
of Toronto werewedg-end visitors
with Mr. and Mrs.-Roy Morgan.
at the home of
Walter Pocock on Monday were
Miss Marquis, assistant superin.
tenclent. of Clinton Hospital, turd
Miss Sinclair, former 'superintend-
ent, who were just returning from
a. trip to'BerMuda, also Mrs.
clair and Mrs, Radford :of Clinton.
April '41.lard 25
Knows we can duetor Mull
chat wreck in jig thue,
WM. MAP Tetatits '1011 hi'
luktisPlitig. Each job is
ItiVeit out' cellcentrated tit-
ivation and, we use spec-
ialized equiputent, Out'
meitare well-trained, cap-
able and 4.4/11S001040 US, so
you can depend on us, re-
ga,rdless of how bad tlm
situation may look,
"Mr. Rock and Roll"
Allen Freid, Gra.7,Jan%
Iltunpton Orchestra
Double :Feature
G'or'ge Mentgot urry,
Richard .Boone
Judy Tyler, Bobby Troop
Winghant .Body Shop,
Just tell us where and tue'llbe there!
Phone 146 Sid Adams Wingbana,
,,,, MM.{ ,,,,,, N1111111101111111011.1! ,, N ... ....... IIN,1111, 11111111111111, ..... Incomparable...
• •.
WILL RESID' IN TORONTO Mr, and Mrs. ttonaid Clarence Nelson,
who were married at the home of the bride's parents on, Saturday,
April 121,11. The bride is the daiighter of Mr. amt Mss. Harold ]Gorton,
Diagonal Road, whits; the groom ;is, the 'Son' of Mr. and Ml's. Clarence
Nelson, Toronto, where the eouple will kedide,—Photo by Bill •COOnell,
; ANY , '
Exciting beauty...
world renowned
dependability ...
that's, Longines.
Wittnauer. Terms
to suit you.
Jewellery eradas
LONGINES. Handsome
watch; stainless steel
ease, $70.50 up"
bracelet watch for her.
Vil.75 rrp
Wingham Ontario
—Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Phillips
and 'Mary, Mrs. George Phillips,
Mrs, Nornien McDon,ald and Patsy
I"oran spent the week-end at Ay.-
plegale, Michigan. While there
they attended a 25th wedding anni-
versary reception 'in honor, of 114r,..,
and Mrs. Thomas Phillips„ John •
Phillips spent .the week-end, with
Mr. and Mrs, Lovell McGuire and
- Two carloads of members of
AF&AM attended a special church
service held by the Fordwich
Lodge in Fordwich United Church.
Rey. Mr, Gardiner was the speaker.
-Mr. Archie McLaughlin and
Mr. ,T. Smith, both of Larder Lake,
spent the week-end with N. T. and
Mrs. McLaughlin, They' were en-
route to the Uhlted. States, on a
Here is' a mower that gives you bargains in quality:1
features and performance. It's built to give years
of ,dependable, trouble-free service', Mows 'grass,
weeds,' pulverizes leaves and trims close to give
you complete lawn care:
threb weeks' holiday ;trip,
—Mr: Ed Walsh spent Sunday
.witit'relativise at • Galt.
—Miss May Lou -McArthur - of
,Torontovas a week-end guest with
,her parents, Mr. and: Mt S; harry
• . '•
.....Mrs;,,•,Stuart.„Me13urney return-
ed home..froM. a week's holiday on
Saturday after .;)isiting - with :,her
sister, Mrs. P. Davidson,. - in Port
• —Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Carter
and daughters, Linda and Maureen
of Bridgeport, Miss Velina Carter,
Kitchener and Mrs. Alex Cram-
mond- of Galt were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carter,
Frances.•St. •
—Mr; and Mrs. Carl McKay and
family of Stratford were . week-end'
visitors with.. their parents, Mrs,
Annie McKay .`and Mr., and Mrs.
Stafford •Elat4son,' and other. Wing-
'ham' relatives', •
—Mrs. W .Hammond returned
home, on Saturday after.'spending
two 'weeks with her son and daugh-
ter-in-law,' Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
HamMend, in Montreal,
—Mrs. Fred Fuller left on Fri-
day to visit for a few days with
her sister, Miss Beck Mitchell in
—Visitors with' Mrs. D. S. Mac-
Naughton during the week-end
were Mr. R. Armstrong., Mr. ,and
Mrs, Bruce Armstrong and daugh-
ter Elizabeth, Mrs. Selby Foster
and Jean, all. of Irordwich,..Miss K.
Hazelwood of Wroxeter is spend-
ing this .week at the 1VIcNaughton
home. • ,
.—Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fielding
attended the spring rally of • the
Baptist Churches of the Owen
Sound Association held at. Listowel
on Wednesday .aft.ernoemand.even-
ing of last Week:. • -
--Miss Grace Keith, Reg, N., of
Guelph visited for a few days with
her mother, Mrs. E. Keith.
—Mrs, Hazel Shoebottont. of II-
derton, Ontario, is spending this
week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Cameron. •
—Mr. and - Mrs. John McInnes
spent Sunday in Paisley with the.
latter's aunt and uncle,
—Mr. and Mrs, Whitney Grose
and Debbie spent the week-end at
Bowintinville and Oshawa and
visited with Mrs. Grose's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A, P. Spencer.
—John Wild, and Larry Bennett
Weight:of-cut change in seconds
without tools,
Throttle, stop and start ntrols at your
Staggered wheel design prevents.,
Ltuf hiulcher attachment inclusied'free:'
Harknourt, .Gary Templeman, Joan
Amps, Lois, MaeDonald ,Ioyee
Marshall; Harley Gaunt, Glenn
Plant and Glen Reidt e'g.; Robert
Green, .Lewis Cardiff, Joyce The-
dorff, Donna Renwick, Maurice
Ste "Marie, James Angus, Gordon
Gtiy, Margaret
r joreroy sLola ntittroviiii:
s•Tazeotos.n74,0%,:vJiodhodn.lityhf.ogle, Glenn
Absent---Sharon Crnlibe, .Orloria
0 0
A—Ruth• Henderson, Thelma
Cowing, parley Sleaser, Pamela
Porter, Laurie Stucicey, Lyle
Smith, Brenda Hughes, DonnaMil-
len, Beatrice Klein, Dorothy Cook,
Marlene Walsh, Sheila. Tolton,
IVI4rgaret Wightman, Clifford
Brewer, Margaret Hastie, Lyrnan
Jardin, Marie Noble, Btty Zinn,
Douglas Lockridge,
B—Sharon Hubbard,Paille fjr-
ton, Marie Johnston, Kevin Keats
and Murray Scott eq.; Ruth Grain-
exr, Karen McDonald, Betty 'Mc-
Donald, Grant McBerney, Paul
Statia, Connie McKague, Sandra
Edgar and. George Jones • eq.;
Phyllis Elliott, Faye Edgar, John
Gaunt,.Nancy Fowler and Maureen
O'Malley and Shirley Scott ,eq.;
Paul Bennett,
0,--1Vtarga.ret Wallace and. Betty
Ao.a5 eq.; Donald Murray, Doro-
thy Ross and Jean ThompSon
Eugene MacImais, Walton McKib-
bon, Albert Woods, Donald Ma-
hood and James_ McNeil and Sharon
Thomson 'eq.; Donald Smith and
Ronald, Snell eq.; Maxine W14(1111.1,
Bruce Donaldson, jimc Warwick,
James Austin, Joh.n Campbell,
Geraldine O'Malley, Elizabeth Bur-
rell, Ted . Worraworth, Douglas
Wallace, Malcolm MacKay, David
PaSs—Johe 1V1erkJey, Robin Don-
aldson, Frances Henhoeffer mid
Alan McTavish eq.; 'Mervyn Mc-
Kinney, Edith Davis and Lionel
Gerrie eq,; Ronald Jones, Muriel
Haskins,, Kenneth Chettleburgh,
Bruce Irwin, David Sanderson,
Robert Angus and Drew McKee
eq.; Douglas Donaldson, Peter
Carmichael, Thelma, Dobson and
Sharon. HerningWay eq.; Fred 'G.
Stephenson, Shirley Redman, Barry
Mulvey, Mae Doubledee and Kay
VanCamp eq.; James Grant. and
Bert. Tocaluyko eq.; Wayne Day
and Marie Deyell eq.; Marjorie
Kieffer ',Isabel Struthers,.. Betty
Webber, Crawford, Norma
Harper, kaymOnd Wadel;
GibSon and Dell IrWin eq.; Eliza-
beth Stephenson, 'Sheila Smith.
Below the Line—Grace MacLean,.
Sharon Brown, BrUce Hughes,
Ronald Robinson„ Alice Schiestpl,
Gerald. Foxtmi ,and Ronald How-
Jane McKague, Fred
Irwin,fDianne Irwin, Robert Mun-
dell, Shirley Armstrong, Joyce Al-
cock, Douglas McDonald, Doro-
thy Marks, Kenneth Crompton and
.Gruen McPherson eq.; Phyllis, O'-
Brien, Kathleen Ballagh, Robert
Thonipson, Joan Davidson, William
MacIntyre, John Finleon and
'John Greenaway eq.; Nelson Arm-
strong,' Ross Peacock, Robert Mc-
Intyre, Janet Saint; David Carr,'
Marian Farrier, Sharon Lewis and
Doris Pieltell,. eq.; Loretta Fis-
cher, Ivan, Guy, Joyce Harman,
Frew W. Stepheenson, Shirley'
Merkley, Charles Rintoul, Skelda
Simmons, Robert Cook, Dorothy
Shaw, John McGee, 'James Wild,
Karen Swanson, Elva MacDonald,
John CouSiiis, Marilyn Goll, Wayne
Johnson, Larry Weaenberg, Joyce
Crothers, Donna Thacker, Kath-
leen Deaner, Marlene Gibbons,
Robert Brooks, John Pipe, William
Willis, Grace Stewart, Patric:1e
Absent—Mary' Lou Moffat.
0 - 0 - 0
Powerful 1.75 4-CyCle engine`with recoil Starter,
*rid special Tor° Auditone Muffler.
Larger and power propelled model& also available/ .•1
Blue ale
Featuring the Largest Widc
Screen itt Ituiroll County
Two Shows Nightly, Rain or
Clear First Show at Dusk
Box office open at 8 p.m.
Cbildtea Ibidee 12 in Cars Veto Kenneth
rro Mortgage 8 Trust, Stratford
11n0P,Se" IdotmatIon About, ,ro,t1.r safe anti tonvAtlipi ti
41/2 %";,4sguArAtitoed investment cer tificated.
.1 ¤ ianduvw •
F~i Aitr '.11LOt 44**, 4044
C( • to.g...hio**i•ii*v.liiro.eiiimood..404H
041# *0
Ari01301., siao*onsaassassip
A—Irene Saint, Marie BeekIng,
Brace Grainger, Christine Run-
stedtier, Mary ,Millen, Marjorie
Foxton, Frances' Henry.
B--Karen Michel and Howard
Row eq.; Patricia Deyell, Karen
Groskorth, Patti Higgins, WilliaM
Higgins, Judith Lunn, Elaine Conn,
John 'Newans, France's Lamont,
Marilyn Reihl, Shirley 'Simmons,
Mary Lou Wright, Sylvia Alexan-
der, Keith. Woods.
C—Sandra Strong, Gordon Scott,'
Audrey Demerling, Harold Totten,
Ralph. Watson, Ruth' Ann Hueston,
Carol' Greig, Catharine MacDon-
ald, John Brawn, William Thomp-
son, Penny Gerrle j Keith Robinson
and Thomas Wilkinson eq.; Robin
Pasa—Aene Douglas and Keith
Finnigan, eq.; Mary Schar-
bach, Robert l'Untael,. Douglas
Hardie, Eldon Byer, John Ken-
nedy, Write Metealfc, Joanne
neither, Roderiek McKay, WayiiiU
13rown, R:enneth Buelnark, John:
Mundell and Stewart-Wallace eq.;
Myrna. Robinson," Juile .Stoices.
nia,Yrie Wood, Shirley McAllister,
Beralce ,Shirley Parker,
Eleanor Woilet, Yvonne Rath, Cecil
Horton, 13uchan a and
tladte, Daisy Gibson, Wilfred
Below the Liat-..-WillitstroRintoul,
Mary :Fisher and Jean IVIcFarlitne
ell,;. Robeit Jefferson', Vary 'Oster,
Douglas Slittin, Don Gurney, John'
Rotchkissi ,Dorotior Prieburger,
ttspiiond Walker, motto ivitierat.
lane, Marlene Waxmad, Jean Car--
cliff, Douglas Fischer, Betty Adrian,
Lynn.Freudentn, George Metcalfe,
Mary Pocock and Lloye Slob° eq.;
Janies. Rintoul,
Patricia .Logan, Wayne Nico17• An-
na-lisa, Anstorf.
Absent-Sandra Wright,
GRADE XII (General' Course)
A Ronald Parker, Claudia Has-
elgrove, Marianne McKibbon, Ian
Mundell, Richard King, Ivan
`B E B. . leaner Walsh, Peter Ne-
smith, Marie 1-lastie, Marilyn
C ,Dorothy Chamney, Brenda.
Breckenridge, Jamie Sanderson,,
Barbara Linton, Rae Hethering-.
ton, • Marlene Mahood, George
!Searson, William Clark and Betty
Anne Slobo eq.; Elizabeth McKin-
ney, David Kennedy, Arnold. Dav-
Pass—Murray Davison, Peter
Hemingway, Ray Murray, Glenn
Coupes; Mary Skim), Merle Gowdy,
and. Dorothy, Toner eq.; Kenneth
Coultes,' Dale Cardiff, Marian
Hoover, Claire Chamney, Helen
Ethical, Douglas Freudeman,
Verne VOOSt0110, Mieh ael Halla-
han, Tan Howes, Ruth Yrytogle,
Mary Elliott and Margaret Mach-
-an and Marion Robinson eq,;
George Armstrong, Lynn O'Malley,
Murray Johnston.
Below the Line--Marykue 'New-
man, Tohn -Moffat, Lester Meehan,
Kenneth •Hodgkinson, Elaine Sta-
tia, Wilma Haskins, Larry .Snell,
Robert. Higgins, Kenneth Dawson,
Gordon Keats, Fred Lewis, David
Scott, Thomas Burrell, - Douglas
Carr, Robert ,Ste Marie:
Absent all or part of examine-
lions ..,Barbara Coultes, Vernon
...t 0.0gn11. Marjorie Moffat, Wayne
0. °-II GRADE XIIp SeciiIICOmmercial
A. -Beverley McDonald, Lois
.Noble, Arlene Thomas,
B—Bonnie Edgar, •Loreett Wray.
C -Muriel (dowdy, Joan never-
PASS Mary Harman,
Gilkinson, Joyce Haugh.
BeloW the Line—John
Lois 'McDonald.
Absent-Alison Webb.
0 - 0 -
A ,.-John Itunstedtler, GWen
B' Stewart, ThOlnall 8t
Vera Sharpe, Faye Jack,:
Barry IVIcQuillin, Mary Lou Dun-
lop. •
Pass.- :Betty Devereaux, William_
kennedy, Stewart McGill, Paul
Groskorth, Velma Stapleton, Don-
ald .,Tafferson, Joyce Moffat, Dor-
een Burden.
Below the -John King and
Elaine Worrall eq,; Mack Cam-
even, Donald Jardin, Gail Shaw,
Douglas Logan, Gregory Buctilimm,:
13ruce Me,rayl,sh,
Absent itll Or part 'of exams--
japes trtglis,