HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-04-23, Page 3„
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and Mrs. Ales Butler, Goderiell.. of last week in Loi ion,'
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Mr: and Mrs, 'l0. II, `a"trcirlg spe'& t'
Stnldny with friends in Toronto.
Mrs. C. Lawrence has returned
after spending the last two 'Weeks
with, her .daughter;' In Taranto,
Mr. and Mrs T. L'..' McInnes
visited , on Sunday with. Mr, an4
'�•"he "T'eel}-age if~nillyd H9pdf', ho-
ing ;held In the :Gordo 'car munity
hail eaoh Saturday evening,- are
being •welt attended.
Cordon Dayldson, well driller of
Wieghatn, is drilling :a well for:
Mr. Barry Rhatnp on. the 'lot west
of the United Church, which be
recently pur..chased and where he
plans to erect a home this summer..
Wingham and District 13ranch,wishes
to thank. all those who have contri-
buted to' i i t i
flit t our t ax ce. campaign.
Your donation will ensure .a 'continua-
tion oftis. vita 'crusade.
. If you have root made ;a contribution
yet,' you may do so at your local bank,
•' c 1 ons Drug .,tore or
The Adva`irce-Times..
Have you :,had Your personal
check-up yet? • .
{ '
OQRRIE— Eastbr was the thernr<
et the April meeting .of the' W.A.
of St, Stephen's 'Anglican antral.
at the home of Mrs. Gordon
Underwood on Thursday afternoon,
Mrs, Harry 'King gave a reading
onthe resurrection and. Mrs.
Vittle read "The Message of
Baster", by George Matthew
Adamy, Mrs. Earl T7nderwood
read the $eripttlre,
"STapanese 1olith" and "Tlte
Young Church", from the 'study
hook, was presented by M'rS. Nor-
man Wade, who told of the 'Nippon
Seikokai, the sister chureh in
Japan and its organization, also of
the other Christian groups,. 'Re-
pairs to churches destroyed dur-
ing the war and other churches
Which have falien into disrepair is
one of the major problems. A
fi'ature of the study period was a
dialogue between a Japanese stu-
dent for the ministry and a Visitor
to Japan, given by I'4rs,.. T, C.
Vittie and Rev. E. C.. Attwell.
It was announced that theHuron
Deanery W:A, would meet in
Corrie in May 29th. The Rev.
Reg, Savyry, a Canadian mission-
ary to Japan wilt be a speaker,
New articles needed for clothing
for the Indian' boy at the. Indian
Residential ,School at Cardston and
'for the layettes were discussed,
Lunch was served by the hostess
and her helpers.
ot .44
,...e,.... 15a ..laiSX .,•..
WA. at
Edward. -.s Qme
GORRIE'—Mrs, Jas, Edwards
was hostess to the. Woman's
Association of the Gorrie United.
Church for the April meeting. Mrs,
Wesley Trimble led the dgvotionsi.
with the call to worship, and read
the Scripture taken ,from Luke 24..
Mrs. T. L, McInnes offered prayer.
Mrs. W. W. Strong gave a read-:
log, "They Roiled Away the Stone",
We can roll away our stumbling
block of Worry and sorrow ' ±ith
the firm assurance that strength
will be given If we follow In the
footsteps of Christ,.
Mrs. T. .L', Mobiles, president,
had charge of the business. A bale
will' be packed early in May for
overseas relief. The garden party
will he held June 18th. The par-
sonage committee reported the
bath room was completely modern-
ized, The meeting closed with the
Lord's prayer in unison and the
hostess and committee served a
delicious lunch,
Clinton, Minister
Speaks at Guild
GORRIE--The iRev. C. S,' Inder,
of Clinton and Mrs, Clifford Epps.
also of Clinton were guests at a
meeting of the Chancel Guild of St.
Stephen's Church at the home of
Mrs. Norman Wade on Monday
Mr. Inder poke on "Flowers in the
Church" and Mrs. Epps demon-
strated flower arrangements for
churches. The Rev, E. C. Attwell
Ross Latroniea, son of Mr, and
Mrs. Wm. Latronica, returned on
Friday from • the Wingham Hos-
pital. We regret an 'error in the
first name in last week's paper.
Miss Joan Thompson of Listowel
was a week -end guest at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Adams.
Mr, George Townsend, who re-
turned recently after spending the
winter months in Florida, will
spend the summer months at' his
home, con: 4.
Mrs. Neil Eberts and Mary Jane
of Wilksport, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Errington and family and Mr. and
Mrs./ Victor Errington of Dun-
gannpn'were recent guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond •Gowdy.
Toronto,. spent' the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gowdy.
Mr.. and 'Mrs. Allan Underwood
.and Debra,. and Miss Verna Harris
of Wingham visited Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley Underwood on Sunday.
Miss Edythe Walker, Wingham,
spent the week -end with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne' Walker:
MOIR—'At the Listowel Memorial
Hospital on Tuesday, April 15,
1958, to Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon
Moir, a. son.
United Church News
tsORRIE —Rev, Eric Nelson of
Drayton„ former missionary in
India, will be the guest speaker on
Sunday, April 27 at 10 o'clock,
Daylight Saving Time, in the
Gorrie United Church for the' Wo-
man's Missionary Society.
W.M.S. choir practice on Thurs-
day afternoon at 2.30 p.m. •
Fireside Service
The Young People's Union will
holda fireside service next Sun-
day in 'Gorrie at 8.15 p.m. Dorothy
Toner and James Sanderson in;
charge of devotions, Catherine
MacDonald and Ian Howes in
charge, of program. Lunch will 13e
served and it ishoped that all
members will be present.
The Friendly Fours will meet at,.
the home of Mrs. Lionel Johnston
on Thursday, April 24th, at 8.15
p.m. Program, Mrs, M. D. Irwin,
Mrs. C. Michel, Miss Jean Spar -
ling, Mra. A. Thornton.
The regular meeting of the Turn -
berry Twp, School Area was held
on April 17th, at 8.30 p.m. at No.
11 School. The following members
were present: Holmes,,• Powell,'
Zinn and Kirton. The minutes of
the previous meeting were read
and, on motion of ,Rico and: Powell,
we're adopted.
The following correspondence
was read: Hugh Sinnatnon, W. G.
Blckisbn, Public School, Trustees
Association and the ;Henry School.
The Board. decided to decorate
No.'s, 2 and 11 schools; The see.
treaS. was instructed, to" adVertize
for same.
Motion by .Powell and `Linn that
the following bills be paid:, Teach.
Ors' salary, caretakers, transpor-
tation, H. C. MacLean, additional
Insurance, $4.70; Alexander Hard -
Ware, $5.48; Pattison Blectrio,
$1$.1.4; Bert Holmes, telephoto,
$1.75; Pred Lewis, labor, ,$9,50.
Motion by Kitten and Zinn that
the meeting ,adjourn. The next
meeting to •bu at No, 2 School diff
May Ugh at 8.30 i5;rii.
Bert Holmes, Chairman
, ,Alex 'Corrigan, ' > ee.a'rr'eas, '
Howick Residents
Aid Wallace Family
GOI !$4'g—Residents of Howick
Township .have again shown a
wonderful spirit .of ,good neighhor»
liners and helpfulness in the drive'
for funds to help' the W:aliace'
family, w,ho lost a rerything in a
resent dilre,
A substantial 'amount of cash
was. ►'&iced and many donations of
furniture, bedding; :grot:eries and
other household, items were con-
Work at Park
Planned by Club
GORRIE-=The following officers
were elected at the annual meeting
of the Gorrie .and district Com-
munity Club on Monday evening,'
April 13t.h
President, Norman' Carson; vice-
president, Warren Collings; :secre-
tary, .David Neilson; treasurer,
Norman Wade; auditors, Alec
Graham, Ewart Whitfield; direc-
tors, Tom McInnes, .Gordon Under-
wood, Gordon Moir, Gordon Edgar,
Lionel -Johnston ,and John Dins-
it is planned to have' new swings.
in the park 'and painting done.
Several Ladies at
Course in Wingham •
GORRIE—The following ladies
from Gorrie attended "Summary'
Day for; the rug making course
held in ' ,Wingham. on Satu,rday
afternoon; Mrs. Russell. Adams,
Mrs. Willard Peel, Mrs. Mae San-
derson, Mrs. W. c, King, Mrs.
Harry Ferguson, Mrs. Morley Bell,
Mrs. Clarence . Stokes, Mrs. Alex
Taylor, . Mrs, Lyle Watson, Mrs.
Clifford Tyke, Mrs. Vera Gregg,.
Mrs. Harvey Adams and Mrs. Glad
Edgar. :•' .
Theatre -Hermiston
Aliril 23, 24, 25, 26
It's all aglow and all so' wonder-
ful, the :most entertainment that
ever captivated your heart..
April 28, 29, 30
"MAN OF 1,000'
Dorothy Malone and,'
James' Cagney as Lon' Chaney
The : Man Of 1,000 Faces
tfl. g ... +it : S'AliaSret eh. WOR
add* Preslige
to your
Box 62 WINGHAM. Plob.e • 4.
Huron County T B Association
at 8.00 p.m.
Everyone is invited to attend.
E. D. Bell, . • Mrs. J. B. Russell,
President. Executive -Seca
• You can' run even if now employed
• Knows no slow season as product is needed all year round
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If you ihnve ambition to'succeed in a bUslrness of your own and',
have, the financial means to make an ' irlvewsttnent between
'$1140.00 and $3422.00 depending on time available and person's ,
. qualifications, Covered by our re -Purchase program.•
' This person must have a fair knowledge .of the area and only
sincere applicants need apply as territory is ready for establish-
ment now: Postcards cannot be answered. We need 'a complete
letter about yourself including name, address, phone number,
your ambitions, your experience and financial resources.
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77 York St.
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THk pAhtK YH'A"1` t.00KS •AH C X'D
J:. $ IRUNSTEDT:LE.R, Man tgcr a A, E, ORAHAM,.1V *that
Wingham ,$rtltlnch • ; ' Gorrie• Broth: