HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-04-23, Page 1• • If 4. Wi t h which is amalgama ted the Gorrie Vidette and WrOxatar Newo WINDHAM, ONTAR40; WEDNESIMY, APRIL( 23, Mil 1•••••••mmit ----111414 1 ALONG THE MAIN DRAG By The Pedestrian. oitinuing Deficit :Clises SALARY INCREASE. TEACHERS ACCEPT Teachers' salaries, which have Increase .in Hoipi wreerperesoeentitiaetdi veal 0 l R t tween the Wingham Dist'rict High • heen the subject of negotiation be- , recent meetin of the board • made after bearing Mr. .Doenelly, of the firm a Pearson & Ilaiwords, the -hospital's auditchs,. who dealt with 'the problem of the monthly. deficit, as well as the .oustanding accounts and methodsof collecting them. rw:"A°K, • • %maw n nerease of $300,00 per year was offered to all teachers on the staff, while the annual increment $7080,0s0e tfoa; th;e3C1 p7i0n elfpoarl. e rs $400,00 for the vice-principal and The board's offer has since been accepted by the teachers, the other hoepitala in the eountY. Accordingly the followink in- creases were decided upoh: DatlY rate for private rooms will be in- creased from $9,50 to $11.60; semi- private, $8.00 to $9.00; ward, $6,50 to $7,60; nurserY, from the present a2.50 rate to $3.00 arid $3,50 (de- pending on whether or not pre- mature babies are in care); child- ren, $4,75 to $5,50; chronic; un- PROVINCE ASSUMES changed at $5,06 flally. The club- nie rate appliea after a patient has been confined to hospital,. for more than 30 days. . Auditor Present Tha decision op :le* rates was the finance 'committee, stated 'that at present the hoSpital is losing •Q. MacLean, ehairrrian of the board of directors of the Whighant General Hospital, presided for 'the monthlY meeting, at which the most important decision resulted in an, increase In hospital rates.. Chairman Rey Cousins of the management committee reported on a joint meeting with the fin- ance committee, when the matter of hospital cests and rates had 'been thoroughly discussed, A ,study of rates In other hospitals In Allis area bad been made, and it was learned that the' rates at the Wingharn Hoapital were lower than those prevailing in most' of A. D. MacWilliatn, eliairman about $2,000 a, month, and the new rates will Mean an increased ina come • of only a little more than. $1,000 per month, tIt; is 'hoped that the difference • pail ,be• made bp by mere effective 'collection methods, eo that patients' accounts are •paid more prorriptly. Mr,. Donneliy advised that everY. posaible effort should be .rnade to coliect aceounta . before • patients are discharged from hespital, peWitt Miller, .chairinatt. of the property committee, reported that some desks and office equipment Will be pu,echasecl shortly, Storm 'sash IS to be seettred Tor win.doWs: which have not been- fitted pre-.., viously and some painting has been. done around the a5 Welt' as work on ft defeetive air . condi.-- tioning unit.' AGE IS NO OBSTACLE—Mrs. George Wright, 88, seen at the ieft, doesn't believe in sitting back to mourn when disaster strikes. Shortly : before noon on Thursday fire broke out in her home on the 6th con- cession of Turnherry. With the help of a passerby, who saw the smoke and came to her aid, she fought the fire until an alarm could be sent in to Wingham.. Before the fire brigade arrived she had aet off to walk more than a mile to where her huliband was working' On another farm. While the firemen were still Betting the flames she arrived back with Mr. Wright. The couple got a tift in a pick-up ituck end when the vehicle pulled into the yard Mrs, Wright jumped nimbl-Y from the load of bags in the back of the truck, where she had been riding. Flames had spread under the roof of the home, resulting in considerable damage from both fire and water. In top picture Wing- ham firemen are fighting the blaze under the shingles.—A-T photo. PLANT MANAGER ON- TRIP TO THE WEST Music Festival Is Held For Turnberry Pupils BUSY, BUSY BOYS— Who Could possibly be busier than a 'VVingliant fireman? On Wednesday : of last week the bri- gade was called to a fire at the Ma ' 1 le building on Centre Street. Befo •noon on Thursday they Were out to the home of Mr, and Mrs. George Wright op the 6th , of Turnberry and the same after- noon dashed all the way out to. West Wawanosh where a grass fire Was raging at the home of Chu- ; once Chainney. Friday •at one p.m. there was a rush. to the home Of • Harvey Aitcheson on Shiner Street,, where burning leaves were endan-: geeing a garage and before the day was over they were called to' ex- tinguish & grass fire behind the home of Dr. B. N, Corrin. WE GO A-SMELTING— Yep! They're running. Get out the net, the hip broots and all"the warm clothes you've got and prepare to lose,sorae peep, Momma, you keep things nice and warm at home be- cause 'father's going to-come Martel soaked to the ears; no matter how. high the boots, 'And we didn't day soused, either. 0 - 0 - 0 DON'T FORGET YOUR CLOCK— Don't forget to set your clocks ahead one hour before you climb into 'bed on Sunday night, for Day- light Saving Time takes effect at midniht, Of course it always mak of ' ib. a grand excuse for the fel-, ' Tors'.,,,'4;i'po didn't want to get to' ...,,,,.. church anyway, 0 - 0 - 0 WILL BUILD SCHOOL:— " Congratulations are in order for Wilfred White, local contractor, who has 'been selected to erect a tWo-room addition to the Harris- ton public school. ,The tender was for $21,740. We know something of the local firm's ability to put. up a good building, as evidenced by the latest addition to our own public school. PL4Ni TREE'S 0..EVELOPMENT ROAD' W. Manna, M.P,P. for Huron-Bruce, received word on Monday evening from the Minister .4 Highways that the road from piyth to Goderieh will be 'taken Over by the province 'as a develop- nient road. Work , to improve the Condition of the road will be start- ed in the near future, News of this new development Will be Welcomed by motorits. in this .distriet who uae the road heavily as the shortest route be- tween. 'this area and the 'county' Own. Mrs. N. Elliott Ladies' Club Pres. . On Tuesday afternoon of .last *eek the ladies division of the- .,Wingham Golf Club held its an- amal meeting •and election of offi-, ▪ at the home, of the , retiring 'President, Mrs. Joe Kerr. '..After a period of discussion and -Committee re.ports the new .slate of .affieers was, ietroduced, Officers ler 1958 Incluude: Past president, Mrs. Joe, Kerr; president, Mrs. Norman Elliott; vice-ores., Mrs. A. DuVal; 2nd vice, Mrs, H., L. pry; secretary, Mrs. R. LloYd; treasurer, Mrs, Don Nesmith; .cap- t a. , rs, A. R. DuVal; vice-ea.P - Cain, Mrs. Wm, Conron. The, season. will -get off to a ood. start, with.. the r anuaal._;apring de4ett, bridge at the home of Mrs. J. Harley Crawford, next Wednesday., , Herbea A. Fuller, • production manager of the Berry Door Co, Ltd., left on Friday to attend sales meetings at Points in Western Canada, will address meetings at Fort William and Banff and will also visit the head office of In- sulation Industries in Vancouver, The 'latter Erin' thendleS 'Salea' of the berrY product in Western' Canada. Bid Farelpell to Keating FaMilli - AL% and Mr& Perey Stainten, Leopold Street, opened their horhe to over thirty friends and neigh- bors of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Keating and Mrs. Devid Chainney on Fri- day evening. The occasion was a farewell party tor the Keating fata- lly, who are moving tri Exeter next Seven tables of 'euchre were' in plaY during the everting. ' Mrs. Frank Edgar won ,-the prize for high, ladY; Mrs. Lloyd Hingston was high for the lady playing as a man; Mel Keating' took the prize for high man and Mr. and Mrs. John McInnes won the censolation prizes for ‘,19'w scores, t Mrs. Percy *Stainton read ah ad- dress, which eXpressed everyone's regret at losing such fine neigh- bors and friends, and wishing the Keating family and Mr& Chatnney success and happiness in their new home. Mrs. . John Langridge presented Mr. and Mrs. 'Keating with a tri-lite fleor laritp and ilkIrs. Chanipey with a silk scarf.,Mel of- fered' airidere 'thanks en lithitlr'ot himself and the elitite family 'and extended standing invitations to all present to visit theM in Exeter. , Following the presentation a de- licious lunch Was settred, Mrs, John Langridge and Mrs. Angus Mow- bray assisted Mrs, Stitinto,n during the evening, and in planning the event. 11,1ts, Alex Miller, of Stratford, was `r"` visitor with her sister, 1 rs. Donald Rae, John St.' - r.. E. A. VenStorie spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Philip Harding and Miss Pearl Harding, in. Guelph. . ----Mr, and Mrs. Don Cameron, Sandra and Bruce,•spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Peg- nem, of Applewood Acres, Ont- ario, and Mrs. Geo, Canieron Sr., returned hqme after spending two weeks With her daughter; Mrs, .1. . . The Water Safety Fund which was opened by The , Advanne-Times last week is off to a fine start. Donations actually received so far total $61.00, to which may be " added an additional $61.00 from the anonymous dohor Witt has . offeted to anateh public donations up to $500.00. Within the coming week representatives of the Various organizations in .Winghatth• which are interested' in the welfare of our yeungsters will be asked to sit ob. a com- mittee to 'deterinine the' waY in which this fund can hest be Utilized to prevent further Jragedies at the dalhier"' , pointS along the river, It wilt be our suggestion that the mom* be used for.actual life-soling equipment. ' 'The following letter from Marvin, Howe, 'M.P. for Wellington-Huron, is typical oa the dozens of comments , we have received since the cainpaign was,. opened , a week Parents NOI.c,,eably,„ Absent from Meeting On Friday evening from 8 to 10 p.m. the Wingham Figure Skating Club 'held its annual meeting in the council chamber, The home of every skater had been notified hut only the executive attended. Interesting reports were pre- sented on the carnival with its gratifying profit and the year's ac- tivities and tests. The year's fin- ancial statement showed a 'further dip into the reserve funds and the executive was most anxious to dis- cuss the following - subjects, ,with the parents: (1) Next year'S fees and skating hours; (2) Engaging instructors; (3) Associate membership costs and privlleges; (4) The $1.00 medi- cal' and dental fee; (5) The part carnival and tests should play in the life of the club; (6) How par- ents can help prevent the waste of time of both pupils and executive. It was most disappointing to have no parents present. 'the ex- ecutive wondered if parents know (Please turn to Page Twelve) • HIGH SCHOOL VARIETY CONCERT The Winghani District High School Literary Society will pre- sent the annual Variety Concert in the school auditorium at 8.15 on Thursday and Friday evenings (April 24th and 25th). There will be a program of group singing, organ and, piano music, 'girls' danc- ing and boys' gymnastics; and a one-act play "Three Pill's in a Bottle" (courtesy of Samuel French). The proceeds from this concert go to the' 'students' fund, for' var- ious student activities. Come up to . 'the school on .Thursday or , Friday at '8.15 p,m„ for an evening of pleaaant and lively entertainment, Tickets may be had from airy pupil, or at the door. Adinission 50 cents (no reserved seats). F23b The Safety Fund 6 GrO,ving BLUEV.ALEr--The 11th annual mimic festival' of Turnberry Town- ship was held in Bluevale cow, munity-ball on April 18th, the even- ing session being held in Wing- ham District High School, Mrs. Nora C. Moffatt 'is the Music supervisor.and the adjudicator wea Earle Terry, director of music, London. Inspector J. H. kinkead was chairman. The Turnberry School Area Board donated a shield, and silver cups. Cash donations were received from donors. Prize winners were: Girls 9 and under,-(1) Ruth Ann Errington, (2) Patsy Hotchkiss, (3) Isabel McKay, Boys, 9 and. under, Doug Heffer, Robert Johnston, Mac Rbss., Girls, 7 and under: Judy Welsh, Daphne Walker, Delores Stacey. Boys, 7 and under, Goldie Gall- away, Tommy Haugh, Donald Woolcock. Girls, 1‘i and tinder, Julia Thorn- ton, Gail Henderson, Elaine Mof- fat, Boys, 14 and under, Billy Jeffrey, Hugh Mundell, Reg, Coulter, Girls, n and under, Mary Haugh, Jndy Forsyth, Tie, (Judy Bitton, Eileen Vollmer). Boys, 11 and under, Don McKay, Tom Powell, Billy Wall. Girls' Open (Cup), Gail Hender- son, Julia Thornton, Elaine Mof- fat. (Julia Thornton won cup by reversion.) Boys' Open (Cup), Doug Heffer, Hugh Mundell, Billy Jeffrey, Duet, open, Gail Henderson and Mary Haugh, Marjorie IVIoffat and Elaine lifoffat, Carol Robertson and Karen Greeriaway. Two-par't ehorus, Powell's School, Lower Winghittn, Bluevale School. Ottawa, April 2i, SPRING TEA The Salvation Army Home League will hold its Spring Tea and Home Baking Sale in 'the Council Chem- ber at 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 26. F16;23b charge, J. P. Mdkibbon, appealed to every member to be on hand when notified of a work party. Tile areas Where the trees are to be planted have already been 'staked out. When completed, this will not only add interest to the game but will greatly enhance the beauty of the course. ' Officers elected this year are: President, R. H. Lloyd; vice-pres., Dr, W, A, McKilybon; treasurer, F. E. Ma.dill; seeretary, John Cruickshank; club Captain, W. E. French. Chairmen of committees: Greens, Norm Welwood; property, Jack Lloyd' trees, J. P, Mckibbon; ance, Dr, W. A. Crawford; mem- bership, Harry' 111cArthur, GOLDEN WEDDING—:Mr, and Mrs. Chitties Martin, Division Lint, East Wawa:kWh, Motivated their 50th, woikling anniversary yesterday (Tuesday), When neighbours and friends in the Whitechorelt area gathered to extend emigratulations.—AdVance-limes 10.0 5,xio Wm) Anoi4moug Donation o• 01.0(1 TOTAL................... ,„....,..... ....... .................. ...... 122,00 ,•• We have ttb littentiOn of ehaaing anyone for dionatione to this hind, It will remain /purely 'the expression of Boise Who ate thouthoul citotigh 46 iteell that son:et/ling tein and Mast be done tr) Protect yOung lives. If YOU nditi lehd hand', Matt or hon g your contributions The AdVariee- TittleS riffled hit soon as you boned* oon. ,The tund will he kept 0Pett Or a limited Dine only. ENGAGldhIENT Mr. `and Mrs. Kenneth Dowling, R.R. 5, LUcknciw, announce-! the engagethent of their only daugh- ter, Myptele Elizabeth (Beth) to Mr, li Andrew'Aitehison ' son Of - Mr, ', rchie Aitchison and the late Mrs, Aitchison of R.R, 1, Luck- now, The marriage Will ,talst place early in May, • 23* BUMIMAGE SALE SATUKDAY, MAY 10 The Spring rummage Sale spon- sored by the Ladies' ., Auxiliary' to Wingharn General HoaPital Will be lield in the Vitinghani 'Alan/it:ries on Saturday, May 10, at taVO o'clock,' Everyone 18 asked. for dot:Aloes of elethirig, hata, Shoes, furniture, etc, Anything :you cannot use, we cal: Sell, SO,. when yea hotlatelean, Wake up .a box .fo r :tii0 heaPitair, rummage sale, F23:30b. ncresr coutioxit*- . • The' 'ewe truck Will 'pick tip gardii 10, refuse on - the FIRST and THI , h'riday of eat* tritintii, be- ginni g APili 18th, ,' - Refute ittittat be planed in COW+ tamers 'WheneVer POSelble- and placed at the boulevard let Pieklip. ;However, householders are iiiiked to Set out such raftille ant earlier than the day pteViolia. to 'toiteetiOti. Thank you &A' your eraePtitattkiii. 04130:th TROPHIES PRESENTED AT, BOWLINfi DINNER The Wingliam Ladies' BoWling Club completed the' winter season's aetivities Thursday night with a turkey dinner in the Legion hall with the Women's Legion Anxiliary catering. president for 1957-58, Mrs. Walter Brown presided and after dinner the following trophies ',and prizes were presented. Winning trophies were, high average, Mrs. Walter Brown; high single, Mrs. Jack MacIntyre; high triple, Miss Sharon BroWn, League champions were Scot- ties. Captain, Mrs. Walter Brown, Mrs., Robert Hickey, Mrs. R. G. Gannett, Mrs. G. Welwood, Mrs. Parker Campbell and 'Mrs. Nor- man Elliott: Playoff champions were Collies, Captain, Mrs. J. MaaIrityre, Mrs. Wilbert Hodgkinson, Mrs, Elmer Sellars, Mra, Lev. Balser, , Mts.- Arlene Sinnarrion and Mrs. Tona White. 1 A short business' session and' election Of officers, wits held. Of- ficers elected for 1958-59 were, president, Mra. Robt, RoWsell; secretary, Mrs. Walter Brown;1 treasurer, Mrs, Lorne Gardiner. The remainder of the night was spent in progressive euchre. High scores were held by Mrs. R. G. Gannett and Mrs, J. MacIntyre; lone hands, Mrs. Ed Marsh and consolation, Mrs. Betty Scott. • The annual meeting of the Wing- ham Golf Club was held in the counell chambers on Tuesday evening last Attendance which was not large was ,probably affected by the ,play-off hockey game. President R. H. Lloyd summarized the operations of last year and the' various committees reported. The club had, without doubt, the best year in its history„ More .people played the game and the member- ship was the largest ever. This has meant a very much improved fin- ancial status. . . A great deal of work was done on the greens and it Was felt thet some of the results were now ap- parent, The :program of work fol- lowed on the greens Improvement was largely a f011ow-up of plans made by the late Mr. Herb Camp- bell, The ladies' &Vision repcitted an active year, The group was con- gratulated on, the first Ladies' Tournament 'held last summer. Thanks of the club was extended to the ladies .for the money &Ma- ted for Improvement of the fair- ways. The principal plans for this year were discussed. Two important new ventures are to be started, The first 18 an effort to improve the' turf On the fairWays. To this end, fertilizing, seeding and weed- spraying will be Carried out. The second plan involves the creating of tree-planted areas of rough.' Some Tarty te fifty trees, ranging in size from to 6 feet have been. located and these are to be ' transplanted immediately, Volunteer workers Will assemble at the course at lei* 'twice to coni- pieta this project. Chairman of the committee in Mr. Barry VVenger, Winghatn, Ontario. Dear Barry: I note hy The Wingham Advance-Times of Wednesday, 16th, that you have opened a fund for the purchase of water safety equipment to' be 'used in your comintinity. I would like to congratulate you on nth; very worthwhile effort mid am enclosing my cheque for .00 to add to this fund. , , Yours sincerely. Marvin newt, Member for WellingtonatittrOn. We extend thanks rrot only to Mr, Howe, but to each, of the following, who has :recognized, ht a ptactical' manner, the fact ..that we in 'Wiwi:am can and Will do more than hope that nit more drownings will take place in our midst: t ' George Cameron " $ 6.00 Mrs. J. IL Sloan . ,,,,, .... ..... ............ ....... ...„.... ......................... ...: .... ........ .5.00 Stafford ttatesett : . ' . . 4 . ' ' .11 " ' • . 4.00 Stan Iliseler, IGuellth .. ............ .................. . ; ... .. ...... ...."..?........ 2.00 Bill. Irwin • , .2,00 H. A. Currie & Sons ' '5.00 Ken's ,Alignment Service '1..00 Harty Wengtr ,, ., . ......., .... ..•. ... ' . .....4. . 10.00 Callan Shoes Marvin Howe, M.P. PROCLAMATION DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME will commence hi the Town of Wingliam SUNDAY, APRIL 27th, 1958 at 12.01 a.m. eitizeng are remanded to advante their clocks at that titne. E. McKINNEY, Mayor Town of Witighani 1 PDPPY41.11COND AlsitilVtiitSAItY—Ale„, and Meo. lithoroits Donikroi4, of Gottle, who telebrittod the 52M1 (11:n1w:is:try .of their marriage im day of ,ittst Week,--AdVititeVaTitues pilot%