HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-04-16, Page 9MASSEY-FERGUSON TRACTORS . NEW 50's Hand 65's NEW HOLLAND .13AL.ERS USED TRACTORS One Ma'ssey-Harris Model 44 high arch One Massey-Harris Model 44 standard One 52 Ford • One Massey-Harris Model 2Q ' One Case Combine complete with motor and pick-up. barn, His head and shoulder were injured, Mr, and Mrs, Stewart Jeffray and children, of Stratford, visited Mr. and Mrs, Alex Co4igan at the week-end, Mrs, George German and son, Bill of Clinton visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coultes on Sunday. (Too late for last week) Mrs, H, hooper had as her guests on Good Friday, Mr, and Mrs, R. J. Fleury, of Stouffville, formerly of Welwyn, Sask., and their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fleury, and daughter, Sharon, of Toronto, 41,-4 rliSIMIN., 00 GIRLS 50 Year Old Prank Still Remembered A 'clipping from The Wingham Advance has been contributed, by a resident Of town who remembers the incident referred to quite well and feels that there are others from the Belmore district who will get a chuckle out of it, Apparently the four-wheeled ve- hicle had been somewhat of a men- ace to a number of people, and came to sorry end one Hallow- e'en. In the intervening years the identity of The Triplets has re- mained a dark secret, and even after more than 150 years, all that can be said is that the pranksters were all girls. Communication. Belmore had 'a streetcar, +Fent Wheels, surely had, 1/,But inowlit Only has.one wheel Whiati1riakes ,the lads feel' sad. %I tit; =telt you; when it. • happened, 7 ItsWas7late`one Saturday night, It' was then they did' the mis- chief; •` ' But they thought they 'were doing Dn . Sunday ``morn to the lad's - The soulrdpreiaser did not run; Many a one shed tear For they thought their fun was It-c-‘, „done:', they were not long cis cont aged, Fri''nearlY 'searched the vil- • • thrbugh, ' ' . . And 'at last' they found the f re- Mains of the car Which made them feel pretty blue. First they found the axle, Then an armful of spokes, Next, only three rusty tires Which made them feel not much like telling jokes. They cannot find the parties On which to lay the blame; They think it is two young la- dimese. And a boy which made that old ear la To many a person this is a 'joke To find' the parties out Who only left one broken wheel On which the owner was to spin If anbyoounte. can oblige me To find who the guilty party was, Kindly leaye word at the Bel- more garage And this racket will soon come to a pause. (Signed) The Triplets "SPEEDWELL' Bicycles NMI ME VPINI 111111111 A/11M RIM OM,ter 111111,11 I I I I 1.11 Emir. mu Ns ors aim mil Om INF vmmt ituni ion me awl I Rides on air! VISIT YOUR Chevrolet Dealer today for quick appraisal- prompt delivery! that's why more people get a CHEVROLET ! love that electric hot water heater It's the most efficient and economical way to heat water there is. You'll have plenty Of hot water when you need it . . from Dad's morning shave to daily baths and showers ». from washdays to the dozens of other' housekeeping jobs that call for shot water. Rot water is on tap automatically with an electric hot water heater to help you Live Better Electrically the safe, clean, modern way. Public Utilities.'COMMISSI WINGHAM • ANT •••• roil int-. a. ' a.do 'am Mir id. Performs better!' WA, '1 Otto4V7fOffaw Advoncv-Ti Wedfte044%. 401 OM, 1!4"1•01•-- . . . Woman's Asso.:', Makes Donations' =A1WA:7X-4U Woman's. sedation -.met in the United Church on. April 8th with an attendance of 'rt5, The PreSident, Mrs„ John Wick- stead, presided, and conducted .the devotional .exercises. The treaStircr, Mrs. Alex Me- Craphtn, reported a balanee of over. .S100. A denation to the OOtlerich Summer School was approved, Mrs. Roy Sanderson and Mrs.' Henry Wheeler were appointed to buy gifts for hoys i#i a Sasicatchewan Sched, MRS, 3, JOHNSTON 13 INST, SPEAKER MRS. ORDEN IS WEST SPEAKER WALE "ow iMilijilopimilloa111I!imilluilittp:o1111111041040311.41: W HA MILT 01r17011/1ETRIST 'Thoroughness Time tested a Phone 37 for appointment, Mr. and Mrs. BM Spent the week-end at St,- .Catharines with Mr. and Mrs, Pharies. Westlake. ,They also called • on friends in "Grimsby and Newton. and Mrs, 4. P. Strath. and Miss Eleanor and, Mrs. Jos. Horton AroVKVAI-irr—Tho WKS. of the United Church mot in the ohOrth n "Tuesdit.y. The president Mrs. Alex 1Vreeraeltln, eonclueted ,9)e meeting and led• in prayer. BLUEVALE--The ,annual Meet- ing of the Bluevale Wonien's In- stitute was held at the home of Mrs, j, V. Fisgher on Thursday afternoon, the president, Miss Ruby Duff, presiding. The roil call was answered by the payment' of fees. 'Tho secretary, treasurer, Mrs. W. J. Peacock, gave the statement of finances and the annual report of the activities of the organization, Two of the most important activities were prepay, ations for the Ttirnbeqy Centen- nial and the renovation of the base- ment of thS community hall. Mrs. Harvey .Robertson presented tile auditor's report. The members' choice of a short course given by the department°was millinery, Plans were discussed for the May meeting in the, community hall, motored, to..Torento last week, • • Mr. and Mrs, John Rosman of West Lorne, were pastor week tors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bosnian, Mrs, Well Mac4achren, of Tor,: onto spent a few ,clays with,- her mother, Mrs, R., V, Garniaa. Two new families in the village are Mr. -and Mrs,Andrew jaeltlin and daughter, .formerly of Kitchen- er, and . Mr,- and Mrs, William Guppy and two children of Rich- mond Charles Johnston of the first line 'of Morris, is a patient in Wingbarn Hospital as the result of an unfortunate 'accident when he fell through a. trap door in the Mrs. James Johnston read the. Scripture, The guest speaker, Mrs, A, E. Burden, of Wingham, e'c Pressed her pleasure in returning to Bluevale, her husband being minister in the chureh here ten years age.. Her subject was "The Miracle of Human Transform-, Lion", She gave iaStancea of such miracles in the liVes of Paul, Al. bort Schweitzer, John Wesley and others, The disciples, were changed through the power of the resurrec- tion, There is no purpose in Chris-. tianity unless we are changed, Members of the W,M.S. of White church United Church, were guests. Mrs, Ezra Scholtz and. Miss Donna Gillespie, of Whitechurch, sang a duet, accompanied by Mrs, Garnet Farrier. Mrs, John Wickstead, of the Bluevale Society, sang a, solo, with accompaniment by Mrs. W. Johnston. Refreshments were served by the First Line and Boundary groups of the Woman's Association, Mrs, J. D. Beecroft, of Whitechurch, voic- ed the appreciation of the members of their society. Mrs. R. A. Brook gave a friendly reply on behalf of the Bluevale ,,members. More people come to HFG for money hOp. o . • CHARLES HODGINS Reason? FIFO, Canada'1,1' leading =sinner finance company, offers courteous money management advice 'and prompt loan service backed 'by 80 years of .eaft perience. At RFC you can borrow up to $1,000, get ow 3i asinia,,.familias a year i,o - 1,-ie-tday ID 30 s merovnictehs atriodretpaaky.e borrow confidently from. lin. I' Mrs. Alex Corrigan, spoke on "Radio and Television for Your Child", classifying the.programs and noting effects on the minds of children. Many of •the children's programs give thein an inspiration to activity and more interest in reading. Librarians claim an in- crease in circulation of books since the coming of television. In a dis- cussion about whether scenes of violence are harmful to children, opinions were divided, Radio kin- dergarten was agreed to be bene- ficial, Mrs. R. A, Brook ' gave ' the motto, "The years teach much the days' cannot know", She affirmed that experience is a good teacher and accumulated knowledge is priceless. Experience makes Us more tolerant and more diligent hi pursuing our objectives. The president conducted the in- stallation of officers as follows: President, Mrs. Sparling Johnston; first vice-pres„ Mrs. Stanley Dar- ling; second vice-pres„ Mrs, Bert Garniss; sec.-treas., Mrs. W. J. Peacock; asisst. treas,,, Mrs. M. L. Aitken; pianist, ,Mhs. Carl John- ston; assist.-pianist, Mrs. Alex Corrigan; district direCtor, Mrs. Carl Johnston; branch directors, Mrs. Melvin Craig, Mrs. Frank Stamper, Mrs. Raymond Elliott; nominating committee, Mrs. AlTc, McCrackin, Miss lEmma `Jalinstoith, Mrs. Bernard Thomas.' • Conveners, AgricUlture and! pq.c. naclian industries, Mrs. Alex leer-, rigan; home economics, Mrs I Jos, Horton; health, Miss. Margaret. Curtis; -citizenship and'education, Mrs. John Wickstead; historical' research, Mrs. M. L. Aitken; res- ollitiom, Mrs. Harvey, Robertson: Mrs. Stanley. Darling' conducted a contest on birds. Refreshments were served -by the hostess, assist- ed by Mrs. R. A, Brook, Mrs. 4IeX, Corrigan and Miss Ruby. Duff.' e I . ; PARTY ONION DISH Whole lot of ' flavor in small whole white onions cooked in boil- ing chicken or 'beef stock 'until al- incist tender. Drain and saute in melted butter or margarine, a few tablespoons fresh orange juice, salt, ground black pepper and a flickering of ground mace or nut- meg. East r Story at Mission Band 134114174t4-71-47he Mission Band of the United Church hold its East sr meeting on, Wednesday, ;Widek$the leadership of Mrs, Geo. Fischer and Mrs. Melvin Craig. There, was an attendance of 20, r,rhelna41 lne 41w11d, animal was given,as a roll 'call. -The) reading of the minutes was followed by a prayer for mission- aries by Grace Mothers. Rose Marie Nicholson gave a peace item, This was followed by a temperance song by the members. Bob Mothers read the 8cripture and the..offer- ing was taken by Clifford Hether- ington and Calvin Fischer, Mrs, Fischer gave the mission- ary 4tory and Easter hymns were sung. At the conclusion a social tiine was enjoyed, with games and refreshments.III.., - HOUSEHOLD FINANCE R, K. Pitch, Manager 35A West Street Telephone 1501 GOr77:Cli is giving away SHARP . . . NEW . All you have to do to'win one is secure a have nevi subscrip- tions fo'r The Globe and Mail. It's as easy as riding a bi- cycle. You'll want your "Bike" for EARLY SPRING so, get busy NOW! 1 I I I You don't have to deliver any pa- pers or collect any money! Our carrier boys do that! Jill• 4 0ON'T TAKE CHANCES!' steoCtiP ON FIRST AID ITEMS FROM , REGISTER ins The Olabcr and- MA 6icy0,0 Club by sendifiti in 4110 coupon b.lnw. fir-turn it to us TODAY and we will send yen official subscription torn: by the nor! snail. Show this offer to ayoryoto you think ?night give you • an order! Call up your friends dud relatives' and tell thorn ,how they. can help •you to win • new bicycle. Show. Ibis offer to get Morn and Dad to help you, too! You'll want your bicycle- soon— ta don't nuss-a ,;rnmeste..: Offer Open to April 30 VANCE'S _ DRUG STORE I s • AND YOU WON'T FEEL. HELPLESS WHEN ACCIDENTS OCCUR! 4iirlf=r1 som omj.w. wow me, --....Was...," eik....qtagsaat hICYCLE CLUB, I I 140 King St. .. Toronto, Ont. REGISTRATION: leORM I want to corn' a "SPEEDWELL” bicycle. Please I register my name and nerd me o , supply of •afficial order forms and rules of 1;1,1 offer. 11 I Name ..,.... ,,,,, Age I Address I City or Town ..... Phone ........ I 1 Stare size end style of bicycle 'Boy's . Girl's immen4' mama now mmonor wpm.. woo Peoll Send orders at once to BICYCLE CLUB Uteactivaggld LOCAL TRZOCTIIA111(b. rda TORONTO 1 ONTARIO . • _ ", " More body-strength protection! ,i..,that's why More people get a CHEVROLET-! /I di 01 Longer * , by far! • ...that's why p more people get a 0 CHEVROLET ! Better clearapce! • that's why more people get a I CHEVROLET ! II II 11 I I ' I I ,, that's why more people get a I ,1 EVROLET.! 1 1 p Wel, NEEDS PLANTS FOR ARENA HOUNDS .11 RELMORE---The annual meeting of the Belinorc Women's Instittite was held on Wednesday, April 9th ill the club room with the president. Mrs. R. Appleby, in the chair. The motto, "It is right to pray for a crop, but keep on hoeing". was given 'by Mrs. :John Rutherford After all reports had been read and adopted, Rev, Mr. West presided for the election of officers, Mrs, David Eadie was elected president, Mrs,• Walter Woods, Vice president, Mrs. John Ittither. ford, secretary, Pianist, Mrs, Curie; press reporter, Mrs. A, Appleby; cheerio cominittee, Mrs. C. Boyd, Mrs. X. NeWans, Mrs. A. Jeffrey, Mrs. Wm. Merkley; district direc- tor, Mrs. R.. Appleby. Standing committee convenors were as follows: Agriculture and Canadian industries, Mrs. R. Baird and Mts. A. Jeffrey; home mono- Mies and health, Mrs. Walter Woods, Mrs. Wilfred Johann; com- munity activities and public re- latiMis, Mrs, Pi, Renwiek and Mrs. Elmer Jeffrey; citizenship and edileation, Mrs, Zinn, Mrs. 'R.. Appleby; historical research and current events, Mrs, T. Abraham and Uri`, iarty Mulvey. Plana were Made for further planting of shrubs and flowers near the arena, Anyone wishing' to coo- tribute to this work, by donating, Weida, please *root 401,:a Itother. —mow mop =nen Irmo ----- L-I-V-E-L-I-E-R The difference is in the pocket! , A that's why mere people get a 0 CHEVROLET ! ...that's why More people get a 4.1•1 ow. Wowt, oom womor *Wm." rot 1.144 OM. •••• in* Wonderful colour range! I. .„ that's why more people get a I CHgvitoriET HEVROLET Just beautiful! ...that's why more people get CHEVROLET t — that's why , more people get a 4.44, Wiika u. 4:44 VVINGHAM MOTORS AZHZ ry