HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-04-09, Page 114 140:WinghionAdonie4-Vonos, Weitooltax, Aro polv 4114.4-'4. 4.44.4.., a 4.1.44114, • YOUR FAMILY SH6E STORE Your donation js u gen needed to support the Q Campaign "o# the Canadi Cancer. Society BOYS' and YOUTHS' TENNIS SHOES 13hkelt Top and White Trim $2,48 and $3.25 Stores in Wingham open on Saturday night wimmisimmanwiwailiftwommimar ,PHONE 12 WINGRAM 0; 1;4 HO; 4 ;II 44,1 OM, 1;11; 4,41111111111111lt 11111418 Ito 111; 1 ;1; ;Milt iiiiii ;11111;1(4111 411 ;141; In; 11111 r/!1,11141 i it lltl1,114, 11,111 Ill s Spent the past week svith her slaters, Mrs, 'Milian) Taylor and In 0 Tr' Rs, ,fi, wEs Is 1Strange TV . .c1r, On: Local Channel, INSTITUTE PRES DON'T READ. THIS UNLESS . • An interesting item appeared in Lotta Oempsey's- column in The Globe and Mail last week, concern, ing Margaret 'E;rophy',s program, NtLady. Xt Stated that the 'strangest TV idea of the weok came from. some, One Who said you .could bring in number of the less powerful stat- ions if yen bad a portable - With rabbit's ears, by sticking steel wool to. the ears with adhesive tape and then taping metal coat bangers to the wool. Yon are interested in retailing a fast-moving line of farm equipment, , A,' supply the goods on consignment;. you supply the willingness to work. plete line of Gasoline and Diesel Tractors Pull-Type and Self,Propelled Cc•nibinos — 44 machines in all — WROXETER Mr. ,Ifiek Sanborn, Moms. Don and, Leonard Jaeldrn left: foe^Rose- a.t :Sake„ on Wednesday of last week, ' Mr,. and Mrs. Lyle Brothers' and ft/00Y, peXford, were week-end visitors in town and ivfrs. Victoria Brediers, who has Spent 11w winter months at tire home of her son, returned: to her hornd here. Mr," Glen !Mad cheer 'is, a patient in Winghere Generei • Hospital, Where YIP sindetwent iininpneade4)- Imlay hist Week. His Many friends Wish birn a speedy recovery, Messrs. Part. Griffith, ,Winghanr,, and r: Frank Morton, IVforareah called on kr, and Mrs, Richard °Wirth on Saturday, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Ringler called at the seine home. • Mr, and Mrs, :Blair Sharp, .Toho, TOMMY' and Davey of Detroit, spent the week-end with. Mrs. 'Sharp's father, Nix. ','Colin ITurifer, Mrs, Bertha Miecson of Onargo, REPORTS OF FOREIGN LAMS ARE HEARD ,r , • • For firrther details write— BOX 17, ADVANCE-TIMES Mrs, Mel Sanburn. Mr, Sind Mrs, Frank Varies, Lynne and Leone, London, are spending the Easter :Vaeation with irrs, Win. Doig and other 'zeta- tiyea, Master Wayne :Sanderson Under- went a tonsileetorny in wingum Hospital last: Thursday. Mr. Wm. Ringlet', who has spent the 'past month with., his sister, Mrs.. Andrew :Teriarici,iDeOborn, has' returned 'di thebellies-Of Mr, • and Mx:S.:Chas,: MeCtiteheeMc' and Mrs. Win. ';;:Newton, .1Vfarsha and Josephinct,,,of'!„;Byron Were • week-end guests:. Srs. R, NeWton. "i • . • „ CengratulatiOns to Mrs..,Pep Elis- ion* who was .82 years•'ini age on Saturday, We are pleased to re- Port slot is enjoying- fairly. good health at present, . • Mr, ancl Mrs. WaliaceiNixO4n and sons, Centralia, spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Grisffith,' Mr. and Mrs. Glen: MeKereher and family, Iamestown, Miss Mar- garet .Griffith arid Mr. jack Grif- fith were Sunday guests of-Iiifti. and Mrs, Leo Duggan, SdilY11 0';':i Mr. and Mrs.' Dart • :Gibson, Lunen, wore Sunday' gOestS 7 at: the home of Mr,•• and Mrs.. Griji: Gib- son, We are pleased to report Mrs, Win. 'Gibson, is gradually' :Mil/rov- ing from her 'reeent Mrs, Tiros, Ball,..Torente. Mr, and Mrs, Norman lareMpton, were week-end guests of.Misa•Mina and Mr. Arnold- Bell. - Mr. F1, mer Gallagher. 'arid!' sons, Toronto,• spent. the:Week-find, with Mr, Albert Gallagher *"a'.nd the Tatter returned to TOrentOlar visit. Mr. anti Mrs. CarneresCElliott, Harriston, were Sunday ,: Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd.--Elllott. Mrs. mary -Wearing, i,iiCOncord, was .at her home* here:. "Mr, and 'Wingham, Ontario llll llll 1111114,1.,;;W M"."1"..1"11PiiiiiIIMIIP.10 lllll 1.;1011.I.,0111,110.111,111,140/1,11101,11101P1111/111101111,"""1 • WROXE'PER — A travelogue of the New England States given by Mrs. Thomas Burke paid illustrated With colored movies highlighted the first meeting of the Women's Institute year, held in the commun- ity hall Tuesday last week. The delegate for East Hurtal District to the national convention at Ottawa, Mrs. P. S. maeNaught", gave a most interesting account, Some 400 delegates from the 10 Pro:Winces met in session for four days, The theme of *the :convention •Wee "Home Improvement and Community Betterment," A record was played of an inter, view taken in Ottawa with' Mrs MacNaughton • and' Mrs. Me Cosh, A prayer especially com- posed by Rev, W. A. ,Young, chap- lain of 0,A,C,, Guelph for the national convention was read by Mrs, Wm. Hart. This prayer was a gift from the Women of Ontario to the "delegate's attending the national convention, The secretary gave a report of the year's work, $168 00 was donat- ed to the community hall and a new track was provided for the stagceuritl wits curtain, Roll s s answered by "How I can be a better citizen," Mrs. lvfacNaughton conducted the installation of officers • for 1958-59 as follows; President, Mrs' G. Howes; vice, Mrs. W. G, Mc Lean; see.-treasurer, Mrs. Thos Biirke; district director, Mrs, H. Patterson; branch directors, Mrs W, Hart and Mrs. .1; H. WYlir" auditors, Mrs. W. Taylor, Mrs. A. Monroe; press reporter, Mrs. Harry Mains; lueelh committee, Mrs, W Hart, Mrs, A, Monroe: goad cheer Mrs. H. Reidt, Mrs, H. Patterson: programme corn., Mrs. H. Adams Mrs. W. Hart, Miss K. Hazelwood Mrs, W, MeLean,,Mrs. T, Burke. Standing committees, •Aericultues rind Canadian industries, Mrs. J. H, Wylie; .education and citizenship Mrs. H. Timm; home economics, Mrs. J. Simmons; historical ' re- search, Mrs. C,' Cathers; reso- lutions, Mr,s. H. Adams. • WROXETER. — The Blids of Promise Mission Band .of the Wroxeter United,Church met for the monthly meeting on. Wed- nesday afternoon, after school, tin the church hall with Mrs, H, Durst at the piano, and Brian. Sander- son, president, in the chair, The meeting came to order with the singing of the hymn "Jesus Christ Is Risen TO-daY," followed by the call to worship, Catherine Edgar read the Scrip- ture lesson, taken from 1 John 4.7, Matt, 19:19 and Prov. 17:17, based on the theme "Love". Connie Clarke led in prayer, after which all sang the Mission Band hymn, and the Mission Band Purpose was repeated in unison. The Herald for Japan, Bonnie AdamS, showed a number of inter, esting pictures on that eountry and its people; including some maiko enjoying a stroll through a Iapanese temple garden, methods of agriculture, sports, the native dress, a Japanese festival, and a shrine of Buddha. Brian Elliott also read a story about Japan: Lynne Wright, reporting for Africa, read a letter written by members of a missionary family in Africa, which compared life it that country to that in Canada, It also told of the hippopotamus, the leopard, and the lion, some of the native animals, Lynne also showed a number of interesting colored piCtures, which illustrated the health work demonstrated to' the natives by the missionary nulses, an Angolan village, and other things of interest. The country of India was dealt 'with by Herald Brian Elliott, when he passed around colored pictures showing the handicrafts of the natives of an Indian -village and the native children playing games, The president reminded the members of the Easter Thankoffer- ing meeting of the Mission Band, which will be held on Friday after- noon, April 11, at 3 o'clock, in the church' ball, when the .mothers and W,M.S. will be guests, and Miss Elva Hupfer will be present to tell the special story 'to the children, A special programme of music and items concerning Easter are being prepared by the children. The secretary read the minutes, and the roll call was answered by an Easter hymn, Thirty-four children responded to the roll, The"purdoiny inspector by -Buehanan, birthday offerings were received thattehtle Warble F ,nd the hymn "Can A Little Child, teilelatirgo'en 5aliceenattstlea thheatitdarfeor ibi•Au8sPheed*: a • . CROW FADINIENS OF CANADA 409 Huron Stet, Toronto" Free! Marie Fraser's new Milk recipes. WriLe today ,. i; Wiogham Body Shop Just tell us where ....and we'll b there/ Phone 746 Sid Adams Wingham • Mrs. Norman Carson, Gerrie, were Sunday visitors at the same home, Visitors "of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dane during the holiday week-end 'Were: Mr. and Mrs. Mel Seegmiller Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Seegmiller, Karen and Valerie Waterloo:,Mr. and Mrs. John Seeg- miller, Allan and Larry, Hanover; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ruhl, Hanover; Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Sproal. Detroit: rMorr,maonsda.Mrs, Earl Sproal, Exeter; Mr. Edmund Meyers and sons, : Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Riley. Do- reen, Theron and •Ronald of Brus- 018, Misses Evelyn and Elva Hup- fer were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McCuleheon. Miss Greta Fleming, London was ft: holiday visitor with. Mrs. Cloyne Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Collier and Gary arid Miss Donna McLean spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ira McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Allen arid family, Montreal, were visitors in town over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. SCott Hunter, Susan and. Donald, Windsor, spent the holiday with their parents, Mr.: 'and Mrs. RoV Hunter.'and Mrs, Ruth McDonald, Mrs. Henry Sage, Listowel, sneliding a few days at the home of Ross Taman. Mr. and Mrs Richard Sage, Grafton and Mr. Henry- Sage, Listowel, were 'Sun- day guests at the same home. Miss Winnifred Munro is home from Western University for the En ster vacation. ' Mr. end Mrs Wm. Lowe, heather and Bonnie,' Gravonhurst, visited relatives and friends 1-1.rn over the holiday. Mrs. Alex Wright, Brus- selrlit. simisvisiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. w Miss Marenerite Ford •Stouff- ville, and Miss Joyce Ford are-, snendine the holiday with their sister, Mrs. Glen McMichael, Mr. end Mrs. John Wylie and Mac, Mr, Art Thornnson Jinn and Graeme spent Sunday in London, Mrs, Thompson, a patient in Vie- Orin Hosnital, underwent surgery on Saturday morning and is reeov- °rine, favorably, Mrs. Elizabeth Mercer, Mark- dale, Mr. Robert Mercer, Toronto, and Mr. Donald Merrier, London. smolt the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Higgins. were week-end visitors of Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Higsgins.Mr. and Mrs, Prank Graham, St. l'kfarys and Mr. and Mrs, Earl Baker rand •fainily, London, were guests at the same home, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Hart, St. Catharines, Mr, and Mrs. Lyle 1-lart P,TH Patti, Listowel, snent the Week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. , Hart. Ur, and IVIrS, Verne Clark, Dawn Lett and Terry were week-end visitors , in Toronto. Mr, Chas, Maxwell is a patient In n Londonhospital, Where he Is undergoing surgery. We wish him speedy recovery, Mias 'Bonnie Gibson, Lhndon, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon GibSon, Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd. Mapleton, Ronnie, Elaine arid Margaret of Millbrook were week-end guests of Mr: and Mrs. Ross Coates, Prietids of Mr, Edwin Palmer Wilt 'be sorry to hear he is a 1:1:1:tent, Wingham General boa- PAM and wish hirn speedy Mr. arm Mrs. Carke. hit 11Ickey and Nancy pitpant 0111 iiiiiiii ;',144.44,444.; iiiiii 1,4Ii44;;Imili;111;;;;111;;;;;;;;; iiiiiii iiiii 111.11 lllllllll llll 1 l PASSED BY COUNCIL BAC K AC H May beifiarninq Backache is often caused by laiyicidney action, When kidneys get "out, of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, distuibed real or that tired-out and heavy-headed feeling may soon follow, That's tire time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal atlion. Then you feel better—sleep better—work better. Get Dodil's Kidney. Pills now. East Wawanosh council met April 1St, • with: all the members present, the reeve presiding, The minutes. of the meeting , held on March .6th, were read and adopted on motion' by Buchanan-Purdon, The county weed inspector was present and the council agreed to have the county spray for leafy sputg and Buckthorn again tins year. Moved by Hanana-"McGowan, that the road and general accounts as presented be passed and paid. like Me", was sung. The regular ' offering was taken by Jim Sharpin and Stanley Ridley, and was dedi- cated by the president, • The repeating of the Mizpah benediction brought the meeting to a close, after which some time Was spent in practice- of the music in preparation for the Easter Thankoffering meetings, under the direction of Mrs. Durst 'and Mr's. L. McGee, An a.greement'between the conn- eil and a ratepayer for doing some forestation was read and signed by the reeve and clerk. Hy-law. No, 9 was read the first and second times, confirming the above. Moved by McGowan-Hanna that by-law No. 9 be read the third time and passed. The following accounts were read and ordered paid: Roads Stuart aVIcHniney, salary, $179.00; bills paid, $2.30; Win. T. Irwin, wages, $44.05; Fred Deacon, wages, $4.25; Murray's Machine Shop, welding chains, $1.25; Wingham Tire Service, tire T 30 grader, $57.65; Can. Oil Co., fuel and oil, $161.28; W. C. Becker Equipment Co„ 562 grader repair, $53.17; Dorn, Road Mach. Co., 562 grader repair, $70.55; W, S, Gibson, in- surance, $253.32; H. Kerr Con- struction, snow removal, $140.00; Almond •38111.I0S011, StIONV retrieval, $7,00; Geo. E. Radford, show re- moval, $24.50; The Wingham Ad- vanee,Tinses, ads, gravel tenders, $3,42, Taal for Reads, $1,001,74. General Aeetunit Wendell McCalltfrn, 1 fox bounty, $1.00; N, C. MacLean, prernitan Treasurer's Bend, $12,00. Total general cheques, $18.00, Motion by Buchanan-Ptircieri that the council adjourn to meet May 6th at one eeleek at the Beigrave community Orval Taylor, Timit ts6n, Izeevo. Clerk, Even if you have provided an annuity tio later years—you will probably be able to use an extra financial cushion when retirement time comes. Talk it over soon with an Investors representative — "yourhest friend financially'" . Call or write; Thos. A. iardin sphOiki• 147 .WINUIIAM, 'ONT. John W. %lines 3, ttstowtot, phone, liblZ day with Mrs, Winnifred Clarke, Listowel. Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Meehan, Brussels, were Monday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Sohn Clarke. Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Weir, Tor- onto, spent Easter with Mrs. W. V, Weir and Miss Gertie Bush, MrS, Lyle Willis and sons, Whiteehurch, spent Sunday with Mrs. Sarah Musgrove and Mr, and Mrs, Stewart Musgrove. Little Karen Galbraith', daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Bradley Galbraith, Wingharn, spent a tow days last Week at the, home of her grand- parents, Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Deng, Mr. *arid Mts. Lorne Dolg and family, Drayton, visited at the same home on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Prot Noble, Diane, Sandra' AIM, Paul arid Hope spent the. Week-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Riahard Ingram, Sandre Ann and Hope remained for a longer Other visitors at the same horny Were; Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Ingram, Creernere. Mr. and Mit, Eldon Ingrain, Edger end Carol Anna of stratterd„ rind Mrs. A111116 Overteid, Waterloo, Who IS spending a week with, be brother. InifOstC•ra syndica:te 4,4w 6 xs* vif, 14t4i4.4thttriri4M4,•i4, 00tittiiikP6i441044010 . . lllllllll , . MERKLEY MOTORS Box 02 WIN.GHAM Jy7TOlSTE SI G 615.1 14111111,unlll 4401 l 41111114// 11.111441.4,44A444. Just Winks his eyes when others would give tip in .tlespair. lie knows that. the Wingham Body Shop cart make- that ear look good . again, With spec- ializedequipment and men who really know their business, .we take on any- thing from .1 dented fender to a complete smash-am. • rilrankie and ib leave 'em laughing Frankie and Johnny, better krtowil to Toronto Star readers and the world ai funnymen Wayne & Shuster, ate never at a loss for a laugh. Their column f'Tbe World of Wayne SC Shuster" appears regularly every week in the big Saturday ,edition of the Toronto Daily Star —and it's a world crammed with funny business as entertaining as these two comics of TV and radio fame are in person. Acid pages of • informative news, features and pictures and you have the'reason why the Star is Canada's outstanding source of entertainment new, It's a big paper and a big buy:: POR ENTERTANMENT 'READ THE TORONTO' STAR . f HOME ORLIYRRYVKIYRVID YORONTci DAILY ITARitO .KINO 'MIRO WWI TORONTO. • ()-ze,Oughion uour fi r-, retirement f with 15,000 i,.4"•14 4'• . ve4:::•44,4v.ik4:44;:4, .4."4,44•44