HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-04-09, Page 8pkge Thetwoghorrituyomooriroos.We010041149•, Aprill OW, ;114$, Bervie speaker
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Wingham Advance-Times
WINGHAM ---- ON 1.
Mildmay WENGRR 13R07718RS, Pablishers
°HIDE hot is I
Ass110 A el rt
1 HEst Ilit0 orgglmwrxwil
J A d t Guil Meeting
GrORRIn•-04 Wednesday .even.
log, the Guild of St. :Martha. met at
the home of Mra. Leonard Sander-
'scan, The meetior, was in charge of
the president, Mrs. Mae- Newton,
and opened with prayer, followed
by Scripture reading by Mrs,
Wilmer Thum. Reports were given
,by the .secretary and the treasurer.
Airs, Gordon ;Ritchie, Teeswater,
Waa .4 'week-end gne.st of Mr, arid
Mrs. Wilbert .Gallaway,
Mrs. Abe Carey and 0:111, Danny,.
or Listowel, and Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Whytoek, Teeswater, Were vl'sitors .
Easter Sunday with Mr.' and,
Mrs, Glad Edgar,
Mr. and. Mrs. Chas, Wallond and
family, of Westport, were recent
visitors with. Mr, and Mrs. M.
Mr, -Toro. Hastle and his cousin,
Donald RaStie, of Toronto, spent,
the weeds end. with the former"s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hectic.
Mr. and Mrs. Walker. Hastie, of
Toronto were guests on Saturday
at the same home. .
Mr, .and Mrs. Prank Earls, of
London, are spending Easter week
Kith the latter's mother, Mrs. Wm.
Doig, and Hugh, Lynne Earls is
spending the holidays with Elaine
Milier mid Leone Earls With Mr.
and Mrs, Gordan Mundell, Blitevale,
Brock J-Ineston, Wingham,- is a
holiday visitor with Mrs. ,Carl
Mrs. Mervyn Grainger and fam-
ily, of Exeter, are spending a few
days at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
000wAt— • getreSs •et the Huron .County
-Farmere Association Drama Fes..
(WARM— Award, for the best
- mai at ,Seaforth on Tneaday- night: ReProsentatiVe
Went to Miss Marie Nestle of the Catlaiia Life .Howielt Jr, Institute. The North
Boron Jr. .;Farmers and Institute WIN JAM, ONT,
were judged 'beat with their one ,aet Phene Atit
mystery play "Fright". Seaforth
Farmers. -and Howiek Jr. Farmers
d Institute flunpetett,
Japanese Youth
Subject at WAIS
'L''ORT1113.-•--Mrs, J. W. Hird was
hostess for the Easter meeting of:
the aorrie United W.M.S. with
Mrs, Gerald Galbraith in charge.
"The Old Rugged CrosS" was sung
with. Mrs, W. R; Collings taking th k;
Good Reading
for the
solo parts,
"Youth in the News" NVB.5 given by
The chapter from the study book
Mrs, Gerald 'Galbraith. The youth Whole Rival
or Japan are firmly Itult in family
life and Buddhism is the predorn-.
Mating religion. The family. is very
much displeased if a member. wants
to, become a Christian,
Mrs, Hector Hamilton and Mrs.
Wes. Tremble, leaders of steward-
ship- and •citizenship gave readings,
Mrs. W', J. V, Buchanan and Mrs..
.Geo. Brown gave repdrts of the,
Presbyterial at Clinton.
The Easter Than-koffering ser-
vice will be held on April 27th with .
Rev. Eric Nelson of -Drayibn as
guest speaker. A bale will be.
.Address packed the first week In May, A
dainty lunch was served by the.
hostess, Mrs. W. 1.. Whitfield and .
Mrs. Chas. Black.
•_. • •
• Elingbzint Atibalwe45trtt.
0501113 E — Harvey Snarling,:
treasurer of the Red ,Goss, society,!
reports that WO has been reeelve .
from the •canvaasers in the recent
campaign. With several more to
hear from, Of this anantint. $9 W..
collected 141 the village of
eter. The .rMota for this year is.
-The Gorrie and Pistri,et Red
Cross has contributed ft* to° the
Harold, Wallace • fondly, who suf.'
fered .such a Serions disaster on
Tuesday. when they lost harp, borne
and 'possessions.
MO AN. 1•I••• =YE .11•11, •••• m". •••• MI, ,111. WPM •MI.
The Christian Science Nionit;r
One Norway St. Boston 15. Moss.
send your nehipoper for the tiro*
checked. Enclosed -find my check or
money order, 1 year 413 El
months ;9 3 months
*News • Facts
• Family Features
,City Zone Store
There was a. sale of Plater hats
Made by the members and the sale
proved to he profitable.
The guest speaker was Mrs. WM.
Arnold of Bervie, who told of the
work of her sister, Miss Edith Pat-
terson, who is on the teaching staff
t an MON-to mission school in
i.ebauon. Mrs., Arnold Showed some
.slides which. had been given to her
• by her sister. Among these slides,
which were very beautiful, was, one
which showed the cedars of Lehan-
on, Mrs. Arnold.'s talk was most
Interesting and informative,
The .meeting closed With prayer,
Mrs, Leonard Sanderson conducted
contest after which lunch was
• ;
Miss Kay Lathers, Toronto; Miss
Ruby Taylor, London; Miss Mary
Thornton, Kitchener; Mac Huteht-
son, Thornhill, and George Gregg,
Sarnia. were Easter visitors at their
respective homes.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hocirridge
and Timothy, of Searboi‘o, were
week-end guests of Mr.• ;end Mrs,
Allan Hynchnan.
Rev. and Mrs, W. Hird spent
the week-end with. their son, Mr. N,
Hird, and Mrs. Hird, at Oaten
GORRIE—Mrs. Glad Edgar was
returned as president of the aorpie'
W. I. for the othird year at their
annual meeting on Tuesday night
at the home of Mrs. Andy Edgar.
It was the historical regeareh
meeting' and grandmothers were
guests, 52 ladies being in attend-
ance. Aon call was answered by
telling "One of Grandmother's Ha.-
bits I Liked”. lVfnny amusing things
were related by visiting grand-
mothers, who were asked to tell of
a humorous incident in their lives,
The motto "Do not resent grow-
ing old, many' are denied the pri-
vilege", was prepared by Mrs, Tom
Edgar and read by Mrs. Leonard
Sanderson, and concluded, with a
verse of Browning's poem "Grow
old along with me the best is yet;,
to be". Two of the grandmothers,
Mrs. Harry Ferguson and Mrs. A.
L, Stephens, sang "Two Little. Girls
in Blue",
Mrs. Gordon Edgar "Random
Gleanings and Current Events",
touched on things of an historical
nature, 'making mention of Pauline
Johnston, the Indian poetess, and
of the memorial erected at Chats-
worth to Mrs. Nellie McClung,
Canadian writer, who also did,
much to advance the position of
Canadian women.
Gifts were given to the oldest
grandmother, Mrs. Ernest. King;
youngest grandmother, Mrs. Sam
Than; grandmcither with 'largest
number of grandchildren, Mrs.'
John Brown; most recent grand-
mother, Mrs. Carl Gregg, Mrs, Lot-
tie Thornton. Dutch auction _Win-
ners were Mrs. Earl Underwood,'
Mrs. Margaret
It was announced that the Sum-,
rnary Day for the "Rug .Course"
would be held in Wingham o.n Sat,'
urday afternoon, April 19th, at the
Wingham School. East,ThIronf-
District annual meeting will be
held in Wroxeter on May 27th.
Reports were given by the stand-
ing committee conveners: The sec..,
retary-treasurer, Mrs. Clarence-
Snarling, gave the .financial report,
for the year, The 'W. I. rased
.$544.03. Expenditures Were $4.98.38,
Plans were made tb help the Wal,.
lace family who suffered loss of,,
house, barn and contents by.
fire. Donations will be collected
and $3.0 in cash donated.
Mrs, Willard Peel, Mrs.. Harold;
Xeil and Mrs. Andy Edgar were:
appointed to look after cheer for
-shut-ies and ;sick,
The following slate of "officers-
Was accepted; President,. Mrs.:
Glad. Edgar;' 1st vice-presiderit,,
Mrs. Glenn Johnston; '2nd vice-
president, Mrs. Russell Adams; sec-
retary-treasurer, Mrs. 'Clarence,
Mistakes can be unpleasant and expensive. There is
only ONE safe way to handle your part' of the job.
it en and Wendy, Toronto, with lVtr. Mrs. Clarence Snarling', Mrs; a
and Mrs. Frank Ring; Miss Ferguson, Mrs. W. C. King; nian-
barn Stirling, Bervie, with Mr. and.
Mrs. Leotard. Sanderson; Miss
Betty Bator, Windsor, Mr. and
Mrs, Bill Barnes, Kitchener, with
Mr. turd Mrs. T. C. Vittie; Miss;
Carol Irnison, Toronto, Jim Walk.'
er and ,.Miss Edith. Walker, Wing-
ham, with Mr. •and Mrs, Lorne,
Walker; Mr. and Mrs. George
Snider, Elmira, with Mr. and Mrs.
T„ Bennett; Mr. and Mrs, Joe.
Thomsoo and Miss Donna Thom-
son, Toronto, with Mr, and Mrs.
Clifford Cook,
Mr. Bill Bennett has purchaied'
grass farm on concession 'IS from
Mr, Cleve Vitae.
Rev, and Mrs. W„ I. V. Rtehand
an, Kelvin and Maureen, are 4visit.'
ing Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Lambert, of
Waterford, X.Y.
'Mr. Wesley Trimble visited his
brother, Mr. Win. Trimble, at Han-
over on Saturday,
SupPer guests at the tome of
Mr. and Mrs Harry GowdY on Sat-:
n rday were Mr, and MM. Raymond,
aoWdy and Miss Avrlel Webster,
Mr. arid Mra, lolm Moore, all of
Toremto; Mr. and' Mrs. Wm, Xing,
ists, Mrs. Harry Rhame, Mrs. Nor,.
man Wade; auditors, Mrs. Cecil
Wilson, Mrs. Mel Taylor; press,
Mrs. Norman Wade.
Standing committee 'conveners- -
Agricultureand Canadian indus-
tries, Mrs. Carl Gregg, Mrs. Leon-
ard Sanderson; citizenship and
education, Mrs. Stewart Strong,
Mrs, John Baylor; home econoMics
and health, Mrs. E. H. Strong,• Mrs.
Norman Gedoke; historical re-
search and` current events, Mrs.
Gordon VAigar, Mrs. -Gerald Gal-
braithl Tesolutio,ns, Mrs. Cecil
Hefreahments 'were Served by the
hostess, assisted by Mrs. Stewart
Strong, Mrs. Rustell Adams 'and
Mra. Ceell Wilson.
Families Move
To New Homes
GORIR/P„,—Mr. and Mrs, Chester
Bennett and Thelma moved That
week to lF'ordwich, and Mr. arid
Mrs. Harty Itharne and Corinne
moved to Mrs. /Jottle 'Thornton's'
apartment. Mr, and Mrs, Fred
. •
: How Does dour Farm
Entrance Appear to the
..i•Passim Motprist?'
GORRIE—A large and enthusi-
astic meeting of Howick ami'Minto
residents was held in the ;Gerrie
enmity hall on Thursday even-.
big to organize a benefit canvass
for the Harold Wallace family, who
lost house and barn and •contents,
of both in a disastrous fire on`
Arnold Darroch chaired 'the meet-
ing. W, E. Whitfield was appointed.
secretary and. Harold Pollock,
treasurer, Canvassers were named. Mr. Gerald Gray and Gary, of
-for each concession in Howiel$ and Stidliury, spent Wriday with Mrs.
part of MInto. Anyone who has, Arthur Chapman. Mrs. -0, Gray re-
turned with them on Saturday
after spending the past few weeks
with her mother, Mrs. A, Chapman.
Mr. an d Mrs. Elgin Fulton,
Richard and Mark, of Galt, spent
the week-end at the home of Mr.
and -Mrs.. Robert Harrison, Mr. and
Mrs. Bad Harrison and family, of
Wingham., were Sunday guests at
the same home.
Mr: Leonard Sanderson ha's
bought the .Oliver Stewart farm on
concession 11., Howick Mr.. Wrn.
Stapleton has purchased the Roy
Mann farm on concrssion. 14,
Howiek. •
Mrs, Minnie Irwin left on Wed-
nesday from Melton airport to visit'
her daughter in Los Angeles, Calif..
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Irwin accnin-'
parried her to Maiton,
Miss Etta. Burns and Mr. Wni.
Taylor were winners at the L'D.L.'
euchre on Wednesday evening,
Mr. Reg, Hobbs, was taken to the
Wingham General Hospital • on
Mrs. Mary Hesellwood spent from •
Friday to Tuesday with friends in
London and •Blyth,
Mrs. G. Wright spent a, few days
in ;Toronto last week.
Mrs. Alex.' McKenzie, Harriston,
and her son; Mr• Stewart McKenzie,
of Port Elgin, visited Mr. and Mrs.
Robt, Graham and at the Whit-.
field home on Thursday,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Evers visited
with Mr.. and Mrs. Manfred Irwin
1,111111.1111111111111114111111111191111.11111,3181W111111101i1,11111111111111•1111111(111111111111illitii,11.1111111111111MIIKAIIMEMMIMUM and other relatives over the week-
•=9 end.
. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kennedy, of
:1-!, 'Toronto, were holiday visitors with
1 thi3 latter's grandparents, Mr. and
ri Mrs. Robt. Graham and Mr. and
Mrs. Harold. Robinson.
Easter visitors were Mrs. Barry 'S•Ptlinng: assistant secretary-tress-,
• Jennings, Lucknow, and Miss Edna' carer, Mrs. Norman Wade; district
-11-1. Lawrence with Mrs. P., Lawrence; directors, -Mrs. Carl Gregg, Mrs.
11 and Mrs. Wendell Gott, stoh _ 'Willard Peel; brandh ditectors,•
Couple to Visit
Home in Holland
GORRIE Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Donkersgoed left on Tuesday' by
air for a three-Week visit in Hol-
and. They will attend the 80th
wedding anniversary of Mrs, Don-
kersgoed's parents. ';
They have been residents of con-
cession 3.1., Howick, :for the past
1 few years, eomThg here from Hol-
May Lose Finger
.Afte.r Accident
CORRIE —Mr, Robert Harrison
had the fouith finger of his right
hand badly crushed and split •open
while working at the Hyn.dman
Wood. Products tin Friday. It is
not certain yet 'whether the finger
will have- to be amputated,
been missed by the canvassers may
leave-their donation at any of the
following places:
Wroseter, Allan Monroe; Gorrie,
Gordon Moir, Lionel Johnston;
Fordwich, Harvey MeDermitt;
Lakelet, Ernest Wylie; Clifford,
.Anson Dernerling.
It is hoped that the canvassing
will be completed by Wednesday
of this week.
Lot No 'Concession Twp 4.41411•••• I ••• 1.0 ••• # • • S.4 • 44 411M.4 St 4444114 4 '14,
Eilkosels: Mr. and IVIra. Everett, Cottlter have irioved to the Ithanie
llf Crithers, WroXeter: Mr. and Mrs.: arm and colt
Mr. Gordon
MAIL '1411IS ENTRY FORM TO GLENN COULTES •R ROy abOrdy, 11,4114S, Coulter, and 'Mrs. Coulter, Aroved
$ 4 4 is
BRUSSELS, 'BEFORE MAI'? Mr, and Mrs 'V. D., Irvin are to the Chester Bennett tarm. The
vialting friends at Ashford, Vir- Coulter families tonic ,-front Men
— Allan Nittliborough To nshlp1 1:11101111001110F110911111.11111111100101i1114111111111iiiillig 111111111111tiir tit Oil *mow inittototteiertill
The North Huron Junior Farmers are organizing a farm
gateway improvement project during the spring and summer
is months.
11 Open to anyone in East Wawanosh, Morris, Tu nberry and
Grey Townships.
"1 judging will be on originality, improvement, safety. Prizes I offered will total $75.00.
.14 lst prize, $25.00; 2nd, $20.00; 3rd, $15.00; 4th, $10.00; 5th, ¶5.00.
If you wish to enter •this project a picture of your farm gateway will be
taken by May 1, at which time the project begins and another picture will
I be taken on September 1; wheh the contest closes. In this way the judges
will tome to their decision.
i are Telephone ,
IV • • 4 4 • 4 1,004 114