HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-04-09, Page 6,Rainbow Ciub Sends To Easter 5.als. The regular monthlY meeting et the Xary Htlatiliga Rainbow Club - -Wail held in the Oddreittavsk Uan ,On April 1st, and meetings from. hovv on are te cornMence at eight o'clock sharp, Joint hostesses. were 'Mao Merle ,Casernere,. Icidhleen AitelliSen, Ettod Mena- son and Vera Mar,sh, cull was. ...answered by -BO, Members with a faVarite winter --dessert. The treasUrer's report Wes given and several thank you notes read.. 'It was moved that goo be sent 'ke the Society for criolnd Children. for the Easter Seal .earrtpttign, •Was Moved that a 'donation be :given by each member to a desery,. bag' tho .eninnaunity . ,r,a$ter gifts ..are. to bp gent 'to Stly,,- .fral of the club's Shut-ins,• Emily Elston and qViorlo. Town are to attend the spring 'banquet put on by the London Yreo Press. this month, The draw was won hy. Elsie Bowden, Bingo was played with each member receiviog a $,.50' cent article, The: lucky cup was held by .Mar)orie Jenson. • , The next meeting will be held i n th e Legion Hall on Tues.dayi, May eth when ceurt whist will be played, Roll call is to be answered. by giving your favourite spring. newel\ Hostesses will. be Edith! MontgOmery, Helen Hogg,: 'Lou' Breckenridge, Grace Cook and hlroily Vlston„ • Mrs. Jas. Harper Hostess to 'VMS MACINTOSH- -The April ,meet-' ing of the W,M.S. was held' at :the home of mrs. James Harper, when twelve members were present.. The meeting -opened with -the sing" ing of a hymn, . Mrs. Alex Sangster was the lead- er and took charge of the meet-, ing, Rev, H, West was present and he presided over the.' panel discus-. sion, which was very Interesting. Three ladies from Macintosh .at- tended the Presbyterial whieb was held at Teeswater united Church and Mrs. West gave a good report on the sessions held there, The study ,book was read by MrS. Fred Bestow. A most appropriate duet \vas rendered by ftev, and Mrs. West, "Oh Sacred Heart now Wounded". An Easter reading Was given by Mrs, Margaret Ferguson, "Two Kinds of Crosses". A. hymn...Was sung and pie meeting was' closed with 4* prayOr given by Mrs. Alice Vawhinziey. .Friends Shower Bride.. Elect ..Miss Joan Brydges and . MrS. Robert Hill -were hostesses at the. honle of the latter on Tuesday of-• last week for a surprise kitchen shower in honour of Miss .Mildred Thornton. rilends of the bride spent an enjoyable evening playing games conducted by*Marlene itaa„e: Kenzie, „ Mildred . received many - useful, and practical gifts for. the kitelien A dainty buffet lunch prepared .by the...hostesses brought the shower: •th close. f. One of the major attractions at, the Quebec Winter Carnival Is thb . Unique ice canoe race across .tWo• miles of ice floes. Socha Music f9. • Easter Service EL4LI1iVALE—At the tster morning -SerViee in the United .01ireb., Roy. R, A. Oroela sub- lect, was, "The Laster Vietery", referring to Christ's Victory over ain and death, The choir`, wider the direction. or Mrs.. Carl Johnston, organist, sang the 'anthem, "This Is The DaY", by S. 'Plata. 'Cooke, A quar4 tette, Mrs,. C. .Heffrnan„ Rev. R. A. Areolt, Carl Johnston and ROSS Smith sang, "Christ Arose", lay Robert Lowry. The service was largely attended, EASTER THOUGHTS 'MEETING THEME BLIIVVALE---The Thariltoffering Meeting of the W.M.S. Of Knox Presbyterian Church was held in the church on April 2nd,. The president, Mrs, R. J. McMurray, presided. W.M.S. members from Whitechurch, Cranbrook and Bei- More were guests. Mrs. McMurray conducted clevot; ions and read an Vaster poem, Mrs. Dawson Craig of White,- church, read the Scripture and gave the comments, Mrs. I Earl Dunn of 'Cranbrook, read a poem and Mrs, Alvin Mundell of Bel, more, led in prayer, Mrs. Roy survey introduced the guest Speaker, Mrs, Melville Den- nis, of Brussels, whose subject .wae- "Thoughts that Come at Easter". Mrs, William Mundell expressed the thanks of the gathering for the tine address. Refreshments were served and a social time enjoyed. Club Closes 13th Season -BLUEVALE — The final meet- ing of the euchre club of the second line, Morris, was held at the stone school on Monday even- ing, April 7th, This club meets weekly at homes during the winter and this was the 13th consecutive season of meeting, , a record of neighborliness and good fellowship. NEVE $9.98 ,„ $12.50 DRESSES A now line of 'spring Muse Presses and Street wear, also now at Garmielmel's lovely .cottons, sizes' 1r 30 and 104 gctl, very loaar prikta starling $2.98111) w. $8.95 Tropicana D mess I NOW IN at . lll $4.98 Boys' Sport Coats All wool. Navy rand Meet's Sixes releed nt aat Carmichaets ... '.101.11...11100,11111111141.11111111.0.1••1111monolowlm....m. 0.10eir.v...14.1.1.P.1111111111.,..40.11111•941..1. ' ' lllllllllll 111111111.0111111111110.1H11.1111111111411 /11.111,1111.01 lllll .1111101411.....111...1 lllll • Loang Imo. to $2,300, Qt 01011.1, 1 alio Pp 0 30 months rePaY en a wide seleetion. 01).040 plans. 1,1 24440tutaous SOrVkat. 148 The Square C'paderich, 9,utario -Phuhe 7 97 TUFTED SMOOTH TOP Uniform Jiffy-Join tufting No Buttons never felt by the sleeper tailored smooth top ONLY SIMMONS LIMITED could offer such pat. tress value at suet' low priee,...Situtnons preeiSion '`auto- lbek” coil constructiOu ...while layer felt Forded }Audios 4 • VCILULLOM • long-wearing exeluSivf toyer. NOW ONLY $ moo* lax IMO ALSO AVAILABLE a l ll la( lll I llll l ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, 11111/111111111 ,,,,,,,,,, 11111.1,1 ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, NOW ON SALE! fr by SIMMONS LIMITED Ilir igrrWrifigirrirrrir7r7r,;°7- 117 1!",:""r"': • LAURALOLLAR SPEAK& .AT ST, ANDREWS .Y1MS .fbir#94 0 from Ntgeria„ 'arldreSsed; the Easter Thanhorfering meeting n4try.SIst,ocAlenttlyr,ei:n's Th e. witIgbam, ,Aux.111.4ry enter- tained members of th.e TeesWater and Whitecluireh soeipties ,on 'thia oceasion, and a large number .spnibled to llear niest 111040age, Miss. Collar based. her thoughts , on g. verse !from Dent. 'And thou shalt remember all the Way. which the Lord thy GO Jed thee - these years in the wildergess, humble thee, and to prove thee, to. know what was in thine heart, whether thou eouldest keep l'3W commandments er no", words, illustrated by pictitres, she, told the story of her eight years in Africa, and of the many avenues of service which opened Were her, The 'president, Mrs, A.. Nimrao, opened the -meeting with an Easter message, Miss Christine Isbister read the. Scripture lesson and gave a 'brief meditation on' the passage, mrs. N. L. yry offered prayer and Mrs. IL C. MaeLean dedicated the .offer'ing. A duet, SUPg by Mrs. W, Ford and Mrs, 3, Day, accompanied by Mrs, W.' W, Gurney, was much enjoyed, ' The guest speaker, Miss „Collar, was introduced by Mrs, A, Minna° and at the cOnclusion of her ad- dress lVfiss Marion WilliamSon, retired missionary to India, thank- er her„ and, on behalf. of the Be- quest committee, presented her with, a cheque to be used in her work in Nigeria. Mrs, W, King- rose closed the meeting..,with pray- The soaial .committee, • under ,the convenership of Mrs. n. y. Pyni, served tea, and a social hotir 'was enjoyed. - The meeting arrangements, were •in. charge of Mrs; T. C; King and Miss Christine- Isbister. ,P 4.9 ..".04.1"rienirruito „„ . , or•lelflite , .r IT'S -yop N..EEp# TON 'DON'T -CALL ON TKTRO.N.E.,JODAY•1: ail op ,for Storing Days Ahead with- Clothes CARMICHAEL'S ThrrAmrs,- Spring Outfits 3-iviece and Imat and cont sets for both Itioys.' tnid Gimis' sizes 1 37‘ rrineS from $5.98 ta, $8.98 SPRING. COATS "Yes, have in stock Girls` Spring Coats sixes 7 - I2 1111(1 Misses' sizes 10 - 14x. In all-weather and wool mater- ials, latest styles. lowest prices from $11.95 to $19.95 . , Yes, 'Carmichael's are just bulging at the seams with new excit- ing spring merchandise, for every member of your family ,and ladies, be sure to take advantage of Carmielniel:s "Welemno- to I- Wingbani''' special this week , . . .1 FIRST QUALITY NYLONS AT THE • BARGAIN VIIICE OF 70e PAIR 1 You always buy the best "but" pay less. TURNBERRY TWP. SCHOOL AREA ELEVENTH ANNUAL Music Festival Township Hall — Bluev'ale, Ont. Friday, April 18th, 1958 WHITECHURCH Mr. Giant MeBurney is spending a few days this week in London, at the home of hiS aunt, Mrs. Eugene, Arrnitage. Miss Barbara Irwin and her nieces, Valerie and Brenda Neth- cry, all of Toronto, visited on Sat- urday with Mr. and Mrs. WM. Mr, and Mis. Clifton Moore of London visited on Friday with Mr. and' Mrs. Wm. Kennedy of Mar- noch and' Mr. and Mrs. Leo Devine and their three daughters of 'Park- hill spent the.week-end with Mr. and' Mrs. Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Jacklin and children of Btussels spent Sunda); with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook of Marnoch. Austin Cook has been laid up with an attack of chieken pox. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Smith and family of Kitchener visited on Sunday with her parents Mr. and' Mrs. Gersho,m Johnston. Dwight and Diana stayed tO spend the holi- day week here. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston of London, also visited with their parents here on Sunday. Mrs. Wilfred 'Walker and child- ren spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Johann and with her mother Mrs. Henry Johann of Belmore. Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Montgomery held a family dinner at their home on Sunday. Those present Were Mr. and Mrs. Anson Ruttan and children, of 'Fordwich, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fraser and Randy of Walton, Mr. and Mrs. John Jam- ieson and sons, and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Moritgennery, Wingbam. Mr. and Mrs. W. V, Bragg and son, Randy,' Toronto, spent the Week-end With her parents, Mr, and Mrs. F. W. DOW, Mrs. Robert Willie and sons Clare and Kenneth, Toronto, visited on'Sunday at the Daw honie. " Mr. Albert Conites ' commenced this eason's -cement work on Men- day, at the farm of John Fischer, Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs, Sclah Breckenridge of Jamestown visited on Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Larne Scott. Morning Session — 'a.m. Afternoon Session — 1.15 p.m, IC/Veiling Session i.30 in the Winglutea District High. School' •. ,ADJUDICAT011. — MR. EARLE, TERRY, LONDON MUSIC SUPERVISOR — MRS. NORA MOFFATT The New RECORD RELEASES are All Here .11toek 'n roll, be-hop, diViewlaenchlavweeitIdon't care what you "LOUIS AND VIE nastor..1.6" imEcturENSTutzuot, ,Ray,Martitt's Orekestra "COME FLY VVITII Mir Frank Sinatra %RUFFIN' ALONG" The Four Aces “wilior., rtz•zo toil", TQoAr aohnny mitthis g,mnr,Ont4O MAGIC" — Henri Rene' and Plis Orchestra "SAL" --. Sal Mine° JtitiVig SNow — Country and Western 4ainhoree, .0WINTRA WONDEILL,Wir Tht) ltay Chnries Singers XAdur., CittA,Sickg presents music fer the LOVE 11OURS' CANADIAN .CANCFR SOCIETY Got, were Easter visitors With Mr, and'Mrs, George Hetherington and family. . Mrs, Dobie of Toront0 is visiting her daughter, Mrs. james ,Tohn- stoh. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davies and ; children of Thornhill, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Elmer SellerS. 404444.444!;464•4•144.14644,1441#4.,4,44464m4iii•iii.eiasom44 naOts, ()awn itimillialaa14.1044114i41.45,11441.0 ”110.16414.1171/1,,Og.it,.5.1. THE CAMPAIGN FOR FUNDS IN .WINGHAM. .anit: DISTRICT . 1.41).'s, Extended Piays, UMW,. ten's Het:culls, and - iltioFf SupPlies WILL BE HELD' THIS MONTH - MEET YOUR CANVASSER .:WITH THE *: 'GENEROUS SUPPORT TH'IS .viTAL PROGRAM DESEkVES. WARREN HOUSE •01Mray/stAtittOADi witistGOAM moo, 04.14: Walker Home Furnishings Phititte406 • WALKER t . • Whightom Mr, and Mra, 'Raymond 'Elliott attended the funeral Serviee for Leslie McLeod, at Wal, ketton on Monday. Mr, and Mrs, Alfred Barry and children of Satilia spent the holt, day utith Mr, arid Mrs. Geerge Thornaciri.- The Bluevale Weinen'S Institute will Meet at the hone of Mrs, john Fischer bri Thursday of this week, ThiS the Winne meeting, Mr, James Perrie of Brussels preached in Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Hoffman of Exeter, visited on. Sunday with Mr. ,and Mrs. C. B. Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lillow and Marion with Mrs. Nellie Lillow. Recent visitors with Mr. and. MM. Gordon Hall were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar' MelVEiehael and Mr. and. Mrs. Bob Morrison, all Tin- onto. Easter visitors at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Darling were: Mr. and Mrs. George Val- iance, of Agincourt; Mr. and MM. Lorne Newman, of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gibson and sons of Drew, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lints and Mr, and Mrs. Jack Bradwell, all of Mildmay; Miss Betty Francis, of Winghanf, Don- ald and Harry Darling of Toronto. Rev. Wm. Blackmore, Blackmore and children, of Tor- onto, were with Mr. and Mrs:Ray- mond, Elliott for Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Spence McKinnon and children, of Cornwall, visited their parents at the week-end, A family gathering was held at •the home of Mr. and Mrs. J, K. •Mc- Tavish, including Mrs. Alex Arm- strong, of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McKinnon, of Bluevale and the McKinnon fanlily from Corn- wall. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bosnian on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs, Jack Bosnian and family, of Ingersoll, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grif- fiths and Bob of Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. James McitinneY of Toronto, Miss Jean Strickland and 3. Bradshaw, of Toronto, spent the week-end at Mr. R. E. Mc- Kinney's cottage here. Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Campbell and family enjoyed a motor• trip to Lachine, Quebec, for Easter. Mr, and MM. Nell MacLean of Torent6 were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, A, D. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Allan White and Children of Clifford -Visited with Mr. and Mrs. aos. Horton On Sun- day, Mr. and Mrs, Ale Corrigan had as, guests for the week-end; Mr. and Mrs, Gee. Mundell„ of Cariukc; and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie cones, of Toronto. Howard Brook, Of Toronto, spent the holiday week-end with his par , emits, 'Rev, K. A, Brook and Mrs. Erook, jaek ldlliott. Of Cornwall, visited his home here fora few clays, Mr, and Mrs, Donald Street and. thildren of Listowel, spent Sunday. With Mrs, M. t,. Aitken, Mr, and Stirs, Wet Jenkins of