HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-04-09, Page 4WANTED $20 and up paid frit Ow, Sick, or Disabled Horses and Cows IitCxlliEST CASH VALUE PAID IN sUlarbUNDINO, DISTRICT for DEAD COWS and HORSES. FOr ,Prompt, Sanitary Disposal, Clay or night Phone LEROY ACHESON Atwood 153, collect • Jone20 A. H. McTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY palm TEE8wAtrillt ONTARIO Telephone f8 Teeswater ' Wro*eter--Every Wedneoday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appiiintlinent J. WAUSHFIE1,11 Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to torlo Office-°-'1110yer Olotk, Wing:barn redetiek F. Flornuth Phrn.B., R.O. Carol E. Hottuth R.0 Mrs. Viols H. &moth, 110. ormvi1!iritisT8 puomi, 118 Harritton, Ontario WELLINGTON FIRit Ifisoranee ClOnpany Fist. 1840 An all Canadian Company w1110111" ritithtIttly servAd 'policy bailors for OVer a Century. Mead Office Toronto Matitobit itOrturstiveo Atom, i,Voittioom WANTED Bush lots with soft maple and elm.. • Will purchase hush properties or farms. Please phone or write: The Andre*/ Malcolm 'furniture . Ltd.i Listowel, Ontario MASSEY-FERGUSON TRACTORS' NEW 50's and 65's NEW HOLLAND BALERS USED TRACTORS One Massey-Harris Model 44 high arch. Qne Massey-Harris Model 44 standard One 52 Ford One 4.9 Ford-complete with plough One Massey-Harris Model 20 One Case Combine complete with motor and pick-up. CHARLES HODGINS 4111111Iii ll i ll 1111111411111011111 llllllll llll Save Money -obe PREPAYING it:1144.1,..••••••••...tri, i ...\ ;III NlitCtili .e0—FtA*;- .141://1 ..1;::e N C3A:"•••.!:::.\... ....X. • . , • • * WINGHAM if\•. . . . . • •'` "." - -. 1. -8 7, , t*,.1 , -. ,''.., ::, 4/ Town of Witighato . •- . • ll • llll 19 5r:8 ' .,. ... .„....,•,.,.„. • ...7t1,:x.,[4t,.y64, [4t,.}64 -,:.a1'bailjjeni,s..pii.4ceotint ,. . ,-; ,, ,.:1958 i:a>t7es 'up to 80' fie'r.oectPt4C0:54;:ii;iics. T.1-it6:'4St ,,4 ,the. i-ite.,ei.1:711.:1r1":17;:l.:43: :t , . per annum will be ail?mkk4i4iW'Siteh prepayinents. • Prepayments' of taxes must be made at the Town Treasurer's, wicc, Town nail. • W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer, Town of Wingharr. I .,,i,nnnll 11 imYouu",u„muaaum,aul lllllll 11111111111filt111110 lll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII l I lll lllllll ll 1310WiliglialtlAdV011,00411110,S.Wilthlef4art Apr119184 111)08 CARD OE THANKS COMING EVENTS, I wish to express my sincere BUSINESS anal PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Foritrciepra Wi Dies it .1. .arn{ P James George Workman, 79, a Mathematics,: instructor at - the. UniVersity - of Toronto schools .for 84 years, grid -eo,author of 'several. mathematics textbooks used in Ontario and Quebec, died :Monday, s COLON'S HOUSE for Sale. Size 10 by 12 feet, Mrs.. D, Mae- Naughton, phone 104W Wing- WALNUT BED, IVfattress and mat- thing dressing table, bench. Ex- cellent condition, $20.00, Phone 986 after 6 p.m. 9b 1.111AT FOR SALE—Good beef by the quarter. Killed on premises. Inspected by Dept, of Health, Yearling heifers, Top quality. Lowest prices, Raynard Ackert, Ripley, phone 24r30. 17rrb 4.711-1IFFONIERS. in walnut finish with four drawers for sale. Price • $28,00; Walnut finish knee-hole desk, price $42.00, R. A. Currie • and Sons Furniture, ' 9b. BROADLOOM CARPET and rugs. Latest samples on display now. Have an estimate,,, without 'obli- gation, for your room, Finest qualities, lowest prices, WEL- WOOD'S VARIETY STORE. 12rrb RENOVATOR Automagic 'Sham- poo—Now you can renew the appearance of rugs, upholstery, Leaves no ring, odor or color change, Take half the work out of your spring cleaning, Avail- able at Walker Herne' Furnish- ings. rrh BEFORE YOU BUY a Vacuum' cleaner or, floor polisher --call Jed Reynolds for a 1PRFE Home lemonstration. See Electrolux, Canada's finest. Phone 640J1. 8rrb• „AMES! Charis Foundation. Gar- ments to fiE all figures. Spring sale on. Call Charis Stylist with 14 years experience for • Wing- ham and district. Mrs, Wm. Ken- nedy, Wingham, phone 509W. 26rr Ap.30b GRAIN FOIL SALE tRANT HARLEY for Sale, Oscar Kieffer, phone 12r8 WrOxetter, BRA:NT BARLEY for sale, suitable for seed. Gne generation from registered seed. Sample showed germination 98%; weed seeds, hone in government test, :Clean Od and treated $1,90. Apply to A W. tatea, phone 137r2, Tees- Water. 2,9* REAL. ESTATE GOOD BUILDING LOT for Sale) South end of Frances Street, plume 101 after 6 p.M. 9b HOUSE for sale in. Wingham, Livingrocun -2042; two bedrooms, kitchen, room for bathroOln, extra room 18x19. Garage 20x15, Price $2530. Phone 569J. 26rrb SMALL FARM consisting of 23 acres; good elay loam; in How- ick Township on Highway 87 close to Wroxeter. Fine brick house, all conveniences. Small barn, new stabling, Ideal for re- tired farmer. Further particulars call Wendall Stamper, phone Wroxeter 84r1, FOUR-ROOM BUNGALOW for sale in Village of Fordwich. Good cellar and water supply; garage attached, hardwood floors. Close to store and post office. Phone Fordwich 45r13. 2:9b COTTAGE FOR SALE FIVE ROOM COTTAGE and gar- age for sale on Albert Street. Situated on good lot. Must' be sold to close the estate of the late Mary Jane Reid. For par- ticulars apply to Crawford & Hetherington, Wingham. 9:16b FOR SALE The buildings known as S.S, No. 8 and. S.S. No, 11, East Wawanosh. Tenders for any 'or all of these buildings will be received by, the undersigned up to Monday, April .28, 1958. Highest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. J. A. McBurney, Soc. R.R, 1, Belgrave. Clarence Charriney,, Chairman R.R, 1. Belgrave 2,9,16h LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ONE DURHAM COW due to calf in June for sale, phone 628J2. 8h MARE and 2-year-old colt for sale and 20 chunks of pigs. Frank Ethenswiller phone 616111 Wing- ham. 9* POULTRY FOR SALE .- • • --- PULLET SALE, Starter -pullets-- High Line 934-A. DeKalb pullets- .16 weeks old an April 10th. Vac- cinated for Bronchitis and New- castle Disease, and de-beaked • Contact Newmarket Co-op. at Newmarket. Phone Newmarket, Twining 5-9611. 26 :ap2 ;91) CAR FOR SALE 1954 FORD 4-Door for sale. Good condition. Apply to Mrs. Harry Fea.gan, Shuter St. 2:9b FOR RENT • WILL PASTURE 12 yearlings. Har- old Casemore, phone 510W3. GRASS for 30 head oc. cattle for rent. William 3”, Henry, phone Wingham 402W3. 9b 100 ACRES of Grass for rent; lots of Water. Mrs, Wm. Schiestel, No. 4 Highway, phone 142r12 Teeswater, 2:9b PASTURE for rent, 1,i miles south of Jamestown, suitable for 35 head of cattle. Norman Mulligan, 'phone 38r11 Brussels. , ' 9* ABOUT 50 *acres of land ,for rent for spring crop; also for about 8-10 head of cattle, Phone 628J2. 9b GRASS FARM for rent. 100 acres; 42' acres seeded, Timothy . and. Alfalfa, Also hay for sale. ReaSonable. A. jacewicz, R, R. 2, B Line past cemetery, Phone 632W3. 9* HELP WANTIth HOUSEKEEPER WANTED for businessman's home, All modern Conveniences, one adult.' State age and salary expected, Liberal time off. Write Box 216, Code- rich, Ontario. 9b NEED EXTRA CASH? Work spare time. We need Men and women to address envelopes or sew Baby shoes, $50 Weekly pos- sible, Send stamped addressed envelope. Write Box 812, Dau- phin, Man. 10:26:2;9b WANTED CATTLE, WANTED to paSEure for the season. Good grass and river runs through the pasture land. Fifth line Morris, Oran Russell, lt,R, 4, Brussels, phone 17,15, 9:16:23h The Wirighant Golf Club would like about 50 trees, Mostly dead- 'Ocala, suitable for transplanting at the course; minimum height 0 feet, Reply to Bon 18 Advance' Times stating number Of trees And price. Oh , FINANCING'. A CAR? Before you buy ask about our LOW Cost Pinalleing Sera/lee With 'COnanlete Iluairrineri Coverage. STEWART A. SCOTT thong Whighlortl 46tVil THE WINGI-I.A.M ,WOMEN'S stittne will meet in the council chamber, on Thursday, April 17, at 2.30 pan, The annual meeting with annual reports and election. Of officers, Roll call payment of fees. Hostess . convener, Mrs. U. Hopper. CE9b AMBULANCE SERVICE • :,ct:IRRIE'S AMBULANCE, • Wing- ham. Safe, courteous Service. Ptione Day, 51; Night, 716 or 630. 18rth. _ . .BRICKING, PLASTERING REbAIRS • REPAINTING walls, chimneys, brickwork, plastering. Free esti- mates, guaranteed work. Write Fred T. Fowler, Box 450; phone 141W, Mitchell., ,Ont. 26;2,9,16* DEADSTOCK 'removed promptly for sanitary disposal. FREE pith up on larger animals, reasonable collection charge for small' ani- mals, phone collect Wingham 378;• Palmerston 123W, or Der- ham 398, Gordon Young (Elmira) Limited. errb $10.00 and UP paid for sick, down and disabled Cows -and Horses, also dead cows and horses at cash value. Please phone prompt- ly Bruce Marlatt, Call collect 56r7 Brussels, 24 hour service. , 19rth 'MISCELLANEOUS WE ARE NOW contracting with the growers of Malting Barley. We supply seed. Reg, No, 1 Rod- ney and Gary Oats for sale at .$1.60 bu, Commercial No. 1. Berta and Brant Barley at $2.05, John. Bumstead & Son, phone 455. 12trb DID YOU KNOW that David Crompton, Certified Watchmaker, guarantees to keep your watch in good running order for one year? This free service guarantee applies to all new watches, also to watches that have been clean- ed and reconditioned. Bring in your watch to-day and take ad- vantage of our fast guaranteed service. 23rrb NEVER, NEVER, never since the world began such relief from sore, aching, burning feet, weak ankles, sore knees, 'hips and hack, cramps in feet or legs. Corns, callouSes, ,bunions dis- appear, arthritis pains fade away, brings back circulation. Consult W.: A, Kaufniars, phone 94 Lis- towel, open Tuesday afternoon and evening, and at the Bruns- wiek Hotel, Wingham, on April .17th. 91) SEPTIC TANKS, Cesspools, etc„ cleaned with modern 'equipment. All work guaranteed, Louis Blake, rt, '2, Phone 42r6 Brus- sels. 26rr25JV IS YOUR TELEVIWON: properly insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 203, Stew- ,Art A. Stott, Wingbani, 2rrb STEWART A. SCOTT now save you 1.5% Ma your ear or truck Insurance. Yearly or slit' months Policies are available, Special, rates for fartriers. For further information phone 222, Whighata. 22reb VATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Assoeiation "Where Better Hulls. Are I!'l trirtifialtd Serninatien infettnation or Ser- . vice trot all,,hreeds of cattle, phone Tim Waterloo Cattio breeding Association at: Clinton III/ 24441 or Milchnity 120E1'1 be- tweet 7.20 and 9:30 a,rri, We have all breeds ,aValitibliii-4.Top quality At 10W tOiiit,?° 26ttb thanks to all my friends and rela- tives for the cards, flowers and treats sent to me while I was a patient in Wingham General Hog- pital, Special thanks to Dr,' W. A. MeKibbon, Mrs, I. Morrey and the nursing staff, Rev. O. bur-, rant and Rev, A. Ninam0.—Mra, Arthur Edgar, 9* CARD OF THANKS- • I wish to express my sincere thanks to my friends and relatives for cards, letters .and flowers sent to me during my stay in St, Jos- eph's Hospital„ 'London.---,Agnes 913 --- • CARD- OF THANKS We would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to those who sent flowers; cards and letters, also to those who assisted in any way ,during our recent bereavement. Our thanks also to the staff of the Wingham General Hospital for the kind and con-, siderate care shown during the past several months-t--The Family, Brothers and Sisters of the late Mrs, William Reid. 9b IN mintoRIA.N. DEANS..-In loving memory of out parents, Mr, and Mrs. William Deans— In our hearts your memory lingers, Always tender, fond and true; There's not a day, dear parents, We do not think of you. —Ever remembered by the faMily, IlIEMAlitlAllf • MeLEAN—In loving memory Of a dear husband and :father, Wil- liam Thomas McLean, who de- parted this life April 7th, 1957 'Fend are the ties that are broken Dear is he who is, gone, • In memory we ;will .always keep him :As long as the years roll on, --,LovinglY remembered by his wife Mabel and family, A special meeting of Royal' Black Predeptory No. 797 was held in the Orange , Winghana, on Good Friday, April 4th, when 'four- tee,n candidates were: advanced to the Red Cross Degree by a 'degree team from Amberley Preceptory. Visitors were present from Lions Head, Owen Sound, Chesley, Rin- eardine, Amberley, Fordwich and Blyth. The Amberley degree team were complimented on the very excellent manner in which they ••exemplified the Red Cross degree by the Wor, Pree. of Wingham Preceptory, Short addresses were given by some of the visiting members and the `meeting closed at 11.20 p.m. by singing the national anthem. Lunch was then served to ap- proximately one hundred guests by the members' of Wingham Precep- tory. V(411TCHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gillespie and family of Sarnia spent the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Gillespie 'and with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, R. Farrier, MrS. D. Willis' and sons visited on Sunday with Gowanstown and Wroxeter relatives. Mr. and, Mrs, Carl Weber and children vaned on Sunday at the home of his sister, Mrs, Robert Chambers of Harriston. Mr. NI3.13 Evans of Tiverton passed away on Monday In Kin- carcline Respite'. He suffered a heart attack a few weeks ago and a severe stroke on Saturday. Be- sides his wife he leaves one daugh- ter, Mrs. Chas. Falconer, of Glarnia and two grandchildren, Mrs, James Faleoner is spending a few days this Week at the home of her son inGiamis Montgomery and Falconer font-, lies and 'other East Wawanosh friends and neighbours attended the .50th* wedding anniversary of Mr. and MrS. Bert lackson at their home in Morris On Tuesday, , 01.11.••••1••••Wilmmommor EDGARPATTIPN FUNERAL TODAY, A well-known resident of the town for the past 48 years, James Edgar Pattison, died at the Wing- ham General Hospital on Monday. Mr. PattiSOn, who was 74 .years. of age,' suffered a heart attack in 1951, from yvhich he had never fully recovered! Some,time later he also suffered a stroke and had been seriously ill since that time. l3,9rn in East Wawanosh Town- ship on January 3rd, 1884, he .was a son' of the late Wesley Pattison and Maria Plunket, On May 15th, 1912, he was married to Catherine Glousher, and they bave since re- sided in Wingham, where- Mr, Pat- tison followed the trade of carpen- ter for many years. In later years he was associated with his, son John, in his' electrical repair and appliance business. He was member of the United Church. .Surviving, besides 'his wife; are one son, lin, of Wingham, and a daughter, Laura at home, and two grandchildren, Cathy and Jimmy Pattison and one brother, Allan of East Wawanosh, The service will be held at 2,30 this (Wednesday) afternoon at the Walker funeral home with Dr, A. Nimmo in charge, and interment in the Wingham Cemetery Chapel. Pallbearers will 11.4. R, E, McKin- ney, W, J. Bushfield, F, R. How- son, W. A. Heughart, R. H, Lloyd and David Murray, Miss J. G. McKee • Taught in Wing.ham. S,eryiees for Jeannette Gladys McKee, head of the English de- partment at East York Collegiate -and a teacher on thp staff there for the past 27- yearS, was. held last Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. at the Trull funeral ehapelr ''Danforth- Ave.,' Toronto. Further service Was held. at 1.30 p.m. on Thursday in Teeswater. ,Interment was • in Teeswater cemetery. • Miss.''-McKee. „,.died,, early last week at Wellesley hospital. She had been teaching at East York collegiate until three weeks ago when she, became ill. Born in TeeSwater, daughter of the late Alexander and Jane. Mc- Kee, she received her early , edu- cation there and attended the Winghani High School, where she was later a member of the teach- ing staff, She received her B.A. from McMaster University and het bachelor of ' :pedagogy from the University of Toronto. She was also a gra.duate in library science from Northwestern University Cleveland. • ' Miss McKee taught in Beams- ville, Wingham and 'Kitchener' for a number of years before coming to East York collegiate ,in Toronto. She was a member of the Wo- men's Missionary Society of 'Dan- forth Baptist Church and of. the University Worrien'Ocin13.,-'. - Miss McKee is Survived by one niece,'Mrs. Fred Evelegh, and two nephews,4, Dr. Alex McKee, Dauphin, Man.; and Hebert McKee, Togo, Sask. Cy_Coto Cy S El; FOUNITAIKI SPECIALS , Ai-101145R. MICE 114114&' ABOUT A DISH OF 1, ICE CREAM IC' THAT: NIT IS BOINIELESS.1., We are very interested in giving eat 'CHICKEN CONTRACTS. if you Are 'thinking about going into, the broiler business, you 'should, contact us at once and we will be, only too glad to fillOn what is required and the. termo of the Contract. SHUA GAIN 111r. Workman graduated from the University of 'Toronto In 1994 and started his., teaching career la .a log-cabin solve' near ,Lindsay, He also taught at Oakville; and. later became principal of Wingilam HighSchool, Survivors include a flailglite4 Mrs. J. 19, Hamilton, of CoriaWall.. CRAWFORD & HETHERINOVN ItarristerS, Solicitors, E Wingiboni, Phone 48' J. R. CRAWFORD, Q.O. R. 8. IIVITHERINOTON, Q.C. FOR SAIX 1411:1WS TAXI SERVICE and. Used. Fariaiture. We' buy and sell, :PhOrte 185, rid) ▪ GIRL'S SPRING COAT fOr sale. ' Size 7, Pink and grey check. Phone 727W12. • . WOLK FILiERS- for sago--"Rapid ..• elo"; 79e; 61/4 -inch, 85c, ,Alexander's • Hardware. 1r.rb. BUNK BEDS in red maple with ribbon springs .and rolled edge, .spring,lilled mattresses. Corn, plete unit only $76.95 at R, A. C11 rrie & Sons. 946b •.,:=6:eistotslest..fstattieeeistett.to.v.iss*Atelit , XURNITURE—Select from choice ▪ new styles at the Mildmay Show- rooms. Also visit the "Trade-in Dept." Free delivery. G. E. •Sehuott, Mildmay.. 9:16b • HOUSEFURNISHINGS-2, 3 and 4 yard wide floor covering, beauti- ful, wallpaper, "Kern" paints, `broadloom carpet. Buy at Schu- ett's Mildmay Furniture Store. 9:16b ' YOUR FEET CAN cause pain in • „Ankles, knees, hips and lower hael For definite lasting re- sults check With .1. A. VICKERS, Foot Correctionist, Queens Hotel, Wingham, on Monday after- noons: 26rrb MAKE your cheques absolutely fool proof. You don't have to ' spend a fortune, The Nippo cheque-writer sells for $19.95 • and gtiarantees correct pay- Inents. See it at. The Advance- . Times, • • SV,ED FOR SALF..--CoMplete stock of Grade 1 Nets Crop Seed, Priced per bushel:, Ranger, On- tario Or Wesiern Canada Alfal- fa, 124,00; Vernal Alfalfa, $37.00; fled Olovei; 117.59; White Or YellOW S'w'eet Clover, $1.80; Tint. othy, $0,12;* Climax Timothy, 04.40; Alsike, $11,00, Priced pee lb,: Orchard Grass, 29a; trome, 250; Meath)* resenef Vic; Reed Canary,E.'6e; Kentileity, Fescue, 21c; Blue Grass; 500; Ladina, Me) White Dutch, Me; Trefoil, 89e: Gary Oats, certified, $1„60; Prant Barley, $2.00. We are biiy. era of Rea Olo'Ver Irtrid Timothy at top pricea, Cleaning Rib GraSS -fro* elOVers it specialty. $t, Cranial 4 Oli, Pillitertert, phone kesieV 04r1,7, NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Adam Robertson, late of ' the Township of East Wawa- nosh, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or ;about the 8th day of February, A.D. 1958, are notified to send to the-undersigned, on or before the 12th day of April, 1958, full par- ticulars of their claims in writing, Immediately after the said 12th day of April, the assets of the said Testator will be .diStributed amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to claims .of which the Executor shall then have notice. DATED this 21st day of March, A.D. 1958. CRAWFORD Al HETHERINGTON WINGHANl, ONTARIO. Solicitors :for the Executor 26,2,9h • ...„ HEADSTOCK WANTED TOWNSHIP OF TunNpEurty BY-LAW NO. 7.1958 • A By-Law for, stopping .-up that portion of James Street lying west of Duncan Street, and extending westerly to the easterly limit of the land expropriated for highway purpases by deposit No, 1007, filed in the Registsy.. Office for the Registry Division of, the County of Huron, and that portion of George Street bounded on the , south by Queen Street and on the north by , the southerly limits, of. the land expropriated for highway purposes as shown by deposit,No. 1007 filed in the R.egistry. Office for the Reg- istry ,Division of.,t11e, ,county ,nh Huron,' all of -which ,are -in the 9d Village of 13luevale the County 'of Huron, under the Pro-, visions of the Municipal Act RSO 1950, Chapter 243,• Section 469. WHEREAS the I said° aforemen- tioned streets are :unimproved and are bounded by properties ewned by Alvin Smith; AND WHEREAS the Council of the said Corporation feeling that the said portions' of James Street and. George Street are not required as a roadway and that no property owners should be prejudically af- fected, deem it expedient that the said portions of James Street and George Street be .stopped up and a By-Law passed accordingly, THEREFORE, the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Turnberry enacts . as follows; (1) That portion of. James Street lying west of Duncan Street and extending westerly to the easterly limit of the land expropriated for highway purposes as shown on the deposit No. 1007 filed and in the Registry Office for' the Registry DiVision of the Copnty of Huron, and that portion of George' Street bounded on the south by Queen Street and on the north by the southerly limits of the land: ex- propriated for highway purposes as shown on -deposit No. 1007, filed in thdiRegistry Office in the Reg- istry Division of the County of Huron, all of which ate in 'the said Village of Bluevale, in the Town- ship of Turnberry, be stopped tip and that the Corporation there- upon shall have the right to lease, sell, alienate or otherwise deal with the said stopped streets, as may seem fit. READ a first, and second time this 7th day of April, A.D. 1958. JACK WILLITTS, Reeve JOHN V. F/SCHER, Clerk / hereby certify the above to be a true copy Of By-Law No, 7-1058 ,,of the Township of Turnberry„ as read a first and second tithe on the 7th 'day of April, A.D. 1958, NOTICE ' Take netice that the above By- Low No, 7-1958, of the Corp, ration of the Township of Turnberry, after publication as required by Seetion 472 of the Municipal Act, Will be duly coriSidered and road a third time and litany passed, The Council, in aceordance with the re- quireMents of the above 8cetion 412 will hear the blablas Of any person or persons. tither -by the- by or by Melt' Solicitor, that their lands Will he prejudically af- fected, Applieation for such a hearing Should be made to the undersigned not later than May 2nd, UM. Dated at.EinevaIel Ontario this 7th day of April, Al), 105$3, 4013.1/ V. PISCEER, ToWnsbitt Turabarly ANES .HARDIE • AS WIDRY .KNOWN'. The death of a very 'well-known and universally respected resident of Turnberry Township, James M, Hardie, took place at Victoria Hospital, London, on Saturday. He, had been ill,for the past three and a half weeks, • Mr. Hardie was born in•1903 on the 9th concession of Turnberry. Township, a son of the late John B. Hardie and Margaret A. Walker. He attended Gilmour's School and the Wingham Righ School, -before taking up farming in Turnberry, .which he continued until the time of his death. He was an active member of St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church in Wingham, and has served on the Turnberry Town- ship School Area Board, for, 10 years, four years of, that time as chairman. On October 22, 1941,' Mr. Hardie Was married .to the former Hazel MeBurney, who survives, with four children, Douglas, 17, Neil, 13, Kay Marie, 9 and ponnalea, 7, all at home. There is one sister, Mrs. Clayton (Emrha) Edwards, of Lis- towel, . Service was conducted at the Currie funeral home at 2 p.m. on Monday by Dr. Alexander Nimmt.; with interment in the Wingham Cemetery, Pallbearers were George 'Fowler, Chester Gilltinson, Bert Holmes, Alex Corrigan, Clare Nier- garth and Harry Bateman. SEES RED CROSS DEGREE FEED MILLS 5