HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-04-09, Page 2toss Var.
4401.44Vell04.1tinretWit4lite$40%. Apri lila
Ciangrattflations. Now you are,
indeed, the Prime Minister of Can-
ada. None can question your
suPteroe authority, for the seats Of
Parliament are filled with so many
o )rottr supporters that the Oppos
Won 'won't be in a position to argue
with nutch force. Along with ntil
lions of other Canadiens I think yon
have kvery a providing
good, honest, though t fnl govern-
ment for our country , . But there
are a few small items which you
must hear in mind.
The first and most important of
these factors is that Canadians don't
vote as they used to do. The very
fact that you were swept into power
bY a majority even you did not
eOntemplate is proof of the change,
see, •there was a day when
Ike•inted Liberal, or we voted
cOnserative and nothing could
change the. vote. 'We cast •our bal-
ts asfour fathers had done before
its, and any alteration was treated
as a ,family heresy.
Today things are vastly differ-
ent. The great majority of younger
anadians refuse to be hound hy
party ties. They votefor the man
or the gOliernment they feel they can
trait, regardless of party. Govern -
Ment. has, of itself created this situ-
ation, for distinct party policies have
lOng Since disappeared. Pre-election
promises have become so eompeti-
tive that voting is much tbe sameas
filling your gas tank while .there's
ftriee war in progress., Yon bny
from the man h- the biggest offer.
: All of which boilsdown to the
simple truth that your gOvernment
could lOse the next election. just as
oteerwheltningly as it won this one.
There is a' saying. John, that no
government ever nyins an election.
-When there is a change it is 'almost
always ,a tnatter of the old govern-
.' , Ment losing the election — and
there lies food for thought. The
• basis Of that thought is that the
▪ Canadian people have proved, dur-
ing the past. year, that they are far
.from ready for bureancracy. When
the 'voters itf this land betame erm-.-
Viticed that their own wishes and
• opinions were not of paramount im-
• portance to themembers of the
Hottse of Cominoltq they turned in
- their thousands, to new representa-
,•fives, ,nten ho wOuld, they hoped,
never, forget for a single moment
that th.ey ,were, first and foremost,
nothing. more than spokesmen for
the folks back home..
It is quite natnratfor an ordinary
cifiien to feel a glow of triumph and
iiewlfoUnd power after he has beeneleeted to the.ParliaMent of Canada.
Since he is.humanhjs self-esteem is
Bileriteed,ftwthen. when, be finds that
be is a memb-er of the ruling party,
andthat the policies of his group and
its leader will rale his nation. But
. after that member, that party and
that leader have been returned to
office for twenty years, all three are
VerY much inclined to forget that
their power derives only from -the
wilt of the small, insignificant bosses
back home who change the entire
picture in the one short day on
which the polls are open.
• John, even though you and your
party remain in perwer for the next
twenty years, don't forget for one
moment that Canadians just Won't
stand for dictation, It would be an
extremely fine idea to school your
members in the fine art of repotting-
, . to the electors, not only in ow- news-
papers and through our radio and
TV stations, but in person as 'wen.
Canada was horn out ot the
minds of men who fought for their
own beliefs, come hell or high water
and •the tonstitution they formed
has stood the test of ninety years
without change of weakness.
Yon have something more to re-
. member. about your Canadian vot-
the Wingham Advance*Timeg
pubusbod *Ingham, OntatiO
'Wenger trothets, Publishertr,
*''„ Betty Wertgerytdltrie
• Menthe* AU& tureatit Citeultitien
Alithorited Seetind OWN Me%
Peet Office bePt.,
iiimerieateti Rate tele Yea* WO, Si* Manthe
A. SIX/ lilt "eke
traireigh Retie KW Pet artier
littVertfiditi teibisi OflItp#Beiltinh
ers, 'Phough you may hear the loud
est talk, and though you may have
your greatest worries from the .or-
ganized grou is across the land, pnb-
lie opinion does not end with their
brand of thinking. Canada is full of
, labor nnions, agricultural organiz-
ations, consumer groups and the
like, However, ail these organized
nnit.s applying what has become
known as 'pressure" at govarnment
level •will • never equal In their total
strength the imonymous, and often
voiceless mass' of Canadian voters
Who do not belong to any particular
union, but who are the independent
thinkers the ones who can cost
any government its power over
Theet. is no organized voice for
the hundreds of 1 boils:pule of merch-
ants, printers, small 'manufacturers,
old age pensioners, the farmers in a
thousand remote' places who don't
belong- to an organization of any
kind, Think of the clergymen, the
doctors, the ear dealers, the news-
paper publishers, the bakers, the un-
dertakers. None of. these belong to
a "pressure" group, and there have
been • times in the past few years
when they have been pretty thor-
onghly forgotten: They have only
one thing in common — the right to
vote. And you, above all others,
should know just what they can do
with that privilege.
Finally, John, we entrusted to
your keeping the next -to -sacred tra-
ditions and rights of our Parliament,
, After many generations of•freedom
we younger people are inclined to
the belief that justice, based upon
law, with equality for all; is.firmlv
established and written in indelible
characters upon our statute books.
Nothing could be farther from the
tin th.
The right of free and openr dis-
cussion of public issues, ran and re-
cently has been destroyed bv. motion
of closure in our Nouse of Com -
many of the laws
which at present provide freedom of
speech, freedom of :the press, -free-.
dont of worship and all the other
freedoms of which we are so proud,
remain ours only at the will of the
g-OVernMent. Ts it remarkable, then,
that we seek trustworthy repre-
In the years between the•.wars
nermany had a government match .
like the one we have in Canada. The
people were fully represented. „They
were vested with the responsibility
of holding fast to their own freedom.
Yet in a few short years the tools of
demeeracy, fallen carelessly into the
hands of a (10dIeSS and crafty ruf-
fian, were used to create the- most
hateful tyranny the world has ever
• seen.
Regardless of the cost to yOur
party or its policies; in spite of per-
sonal defeat or political loss, the
rights and privileges of our Parlia.
rnent must be maintained without
question or compromise. By now
you have most certainly realized
that any tampering with these Par-
liamentary traditions of justice and
freedom is the first step on the road
to defeat at the hands of a people,
who, in spite of ontward appear-
anees, are keenly conscious of the
Significance of any government's be-
Yes, John, you haVe a tremen-
dous responsibility. -Vont burden is
made immeasurablY greater liecause
of yonr snecess. You are -without
the tomforting -benefit of a strong -
Opposition. It would be much sim-
pler if yon knew beforehand that
every one of yonr policies woof() un-
dergo argument andcriticism in the
Tiouse — in terms SUffiCiently lOnd
and clear to be heard in every corner
of the land. As things stand now
yott ean do pretty math as you
please ... hut that won't make for a
greater peace of mind.
The Canadian people Tl/tVe given
morethan adequate- proof that you
are the man they trnst and there
is not the slightest indication that
they are wrong: Under 'your gaid.
awe Canada will have good govern -
mem as long its you bear in
every moment of the day, exactly
who put yon where you are today.
Cod be with you in all that yal do
and. say.
1 t% Reminiscing tik
Tbe mild weather pnSalida)"
,tnid Monday again caUsed the re,
Maitang piles of slum to melt away
repidly and as result -the wate
In the river la egain raised. In tli
mirth branch the water raised a
Mgltebat it Wes floWilig overth
ap.tt, traelta and portioo of th
roedeVey „neer' the float'iU1 wa
witohed away gad. the break n
been, noticed when it was, ther
woult have been serious. darraig
'done -arid possibly a 'PQZtlO of t•h
dam carried away. The Parties. Wh
have -charge of the care( the 'dot
.eannot be too careful' in seein.
that .everything t itept ill the Ver
'beet of .shepe.
Varioilii relies. to. WW1 they were
MPfle'ecLot linkrieWn onion4e,
$tovecl taa barn And V) Ite con-
tents on the farm Of Ow Mi4ee
MeGinnis, ltti,cctrt. Morris im Sat-
urday Merrill* aboat a .o'clock,
When the the WAS diseevered it
had Made such headway that it
t, Thin
was impeSsible to remove any a
the eonteete, rteehead
e cattle, horses, hen% impleinen
O and all, the grain and hay Were El
g May 1st.
ts -Mr. N. M. Geddes. of Toronto
fipent the week -end holiday with
lite sioter, Miss. Anne Geddes,
Larry Beneett and john. Wild
were week -end visitors at tile
beine or gr. aro gni. waa.
him brothere and eistere here.
Mr, and Mrs. John Valconet
return to their borne in Kitcheiter.
-.Mr, and Mrs. Harry Scott and
two ehildren of Bracebridge opera
thp holiday wee end with her par-
ents,adVir and iVfro, VValter Lock -
-L.A.C, Jim Lockridge and M
Lockridge of Barrie visited w
his parent; Mr, and Mrs. Wal
7-4andel"Midrgse,' Joiviner Ptbloemsrvileeelr d.gaiMn
-Mr. and Mrs, RoWland Bell
)Tre gueots of honour at
:Wager. held at the home of ti
.tiaughter, Mrs. cloodo t3rooson
nog& On Gold Vriday„ it be
their 35th -wedding aiiniveroary.
agh Stratford Teachers.' College ti
By spending the holidays with her
parents, :Kr. anti Mrs. Norman,
of •Iliompson, Diagonal Road.
thff -Miss Agnee MacLean, Reg. N.,
of Toronto was a holiday week-
end visitor with her sisters, MisSee
Margaret and Sara MacLean,
• Capt, George Walker, Mrs,
Walker and Nobs, Donald arid
end Mrs, Ted Gauley and
faintly spent the week -end With Mr.
• J. Waiker,
ees parents, Mr. and wl‘Ifiticar'It'sea.n):90:181wiLatlir:1
ith at''41:1M1:1Yra.: arflonf,:tAIMIllnrerilate'eAd Bello and
rs. onto spent the week -end at her
tei n4
`• -a/Liss Piorence Harrie of Tor-
vfaisimtiolyrs, with Mr. Bailey's
home here
sister, Nita. Lloyd Carter, wit •Car -
infant slaughter of Kingston Were
over tile weelt-end with the forin-
terr. Chicago,
gavrhearneels1 heisilavsisibteizetng
ia for the past week,
he *,--Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Perrott
refarns lilYIZPecnatrdlre,ciay wjth
-Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Nichol
and family of Medea are spending
this week with afr. and Mrs. Fred
Ross and Mr. Nichol's mother, Xis.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ken Saiton Jr
if Stratford visited with their par-
ents," Mr, and Mrs, Kam Saxton
and' aift, and Mrs!, Harry Browne
-Dr. and Mrs, W. G, Burgrnan
and children, et Kirkland Lake,
spent the Baster Week -end with his
The spring work IS 'being rallidlY
proceeded with ao, Very ebortly,
the golfera Will be etrugg1400 to
beat Old Van Par a» eHminLng
taeh. tough opponent, (rillnpY
DepreaSion, SeafiOn'a 1!)104' at the
Alps GOlf Olub Will enitinlence on
The merobere were all preeent a
the regular session of the town
attuned an ArondaY night: Mayor
Holmes in the chair.
A large deputatien from. the
Winghant General Ilespital Beard
was introduced by W. oreee,
The spolteamea were A, H. Mos,
grove and Dr. P. Macdonald, who
eolielted grarit in itid of the hos,
pita). A motion to grant $204 to the
hospital wns .brougat forward.
A sPecial 'meeting of the toad)
ihembers were present. His Weir,
ship Mayor Willis was in the chair,
The Mayor handed In hie resign
tion as relief officer one the clerk
was r equested to •carry on tot the
balanee of the period: The eXecti-
tive committee will co-operate with
the cierk. A resolatien area pissed
cutting off direct relief on Ma' 1st.
The death of Dorcas Jane Colvin,
widow of the late John J, Boyd,,
occurred at her home, JoSephine
' Street, On Saturday, April 8th,
The bulbs are peshing, thelr way
through the ground and the grass
is taking on a green tinge, Some
people have snow drops in Wenn
The days have the breath of
spring. Mr. Herb Campbell has a
rose In bl'oom. Spring is here and
weatll'ant it has rivubatr,aerelitte the
The Public 'Utilities, Commission
has received the balance sheets
and operating reports for 1932
from the •Hydro Electric Power
Commission. The statement shows
a net surplus on the years' opera-
tion of $1976.23 eftet setting aside
$267'7,00 for depreciation and all
other charges, including :sinking
fund and the principal payment on
debentures, The total assets are
$150,003.12 and the liabilities are
$40,144,81, and reserves total $35,-
851,96. The percentage of net debt
to total assets is 30%, which is a
very creditable position for the
local system.,
council Was held' in the goonel
t, chamber oiIvienday morning, Al
X. l'efe,Lean, MP., for Solit1
Huron, ha a resumed' his seat in
the Reuse of Commona after a
severe illness. He eeems fullr re -
Stored to health.
The maple syrup season is draw-
ing `to a close. A, eoneiderabie
quantity has been made in this
Whighain horse races will he
held on ,Ittne 9, 10, 11,
April 9th-lVaiddyroa,ds-House-
cleaning-Spring weather. Good
Friday, a week from tomorrow.,
Messrs. Me it and Bert Porter
Mrs. Robe Hogg and Mrs. W. la.
Elliott are in Plushing, Michigan
attending the funeral of their
brother, the late John Porter,
Mrs. S. T. Suggitt and two
• daughters 'left this week for their
new home in Vancouver, B.C. Mr.
and Mrs, Suggitt and family have
many frienhs who vgill wish them
every success in their new home.
- 0 - 0
While there has been a reduction
• of thirty •cents a ton on coat in
the T.Inited States, the 'sunineer
price of stove, egg and nut coal, in
Winghttrn win remain the eane as
in the winter, $4,75 and $10 a ton
The reason or the price remaining
fixed, according, to J. A. McLean,
is that freight rates have been in-
ereased in both 'Canada and the
United States.
We are -glad to report that Wal-
ter.Mason, son of Mr. John Mason,
• Beigrave, who was reported killed
in action is not killed, He was
Robert, W. Savage formerly of
Wroxeter, has beei severely wound-
ed in the arms and legs recently
• in France, He - enlisted with the
cavalry from, Torento,
Mr, John McLean, a respected
resident of West Wawanosh, died
• very suddenly on Saturday. A
• daughter, Miss P. IVIeLean teaches
in Lucknow public school.,
Mr. Andrew Taylor has moved
into town to the house he recently
purchased from Mr. Wm. Dore, Mr.
Dore has purchased a lot across
the street and intends building at
Miss 'Nore. Smith is the new
,lunior clerk in the Bank of Hamil-
Miss Cora, King of Gorrie is /lett
Ing as librarian for a. few weeks.
Starting Monday, April 17th, the
Lyceum Theatre will show two
pictures each week. Admission 25
cents and 15 cents unless otherwise
advertised. Special picture this
week, Marie Dressler and Polly
Moran in "Prosperity."
We have reported of late several
freaks of nature anirthis week we
have sttill ahetherttoatePOrtAtaugh
Bros., of the 9th of 'rurnberry,
collected an egg of unusual size, 8
inches by 61/2 inches, on. Wednes-
day of last week. On breaking the
egg it was discovered that this
was really two eggs. The larger
egg was complete with yolk and
white, and Contained another small
egg almpst cornpletly round, and
•also perfect in its make-up. The
Ilan that Ira this egg must have
heard of the depression and was
tying to help „mit as best as she
Mr. and Mrs. A. M, Crawford
are on their way back from Florida
and expect to arrive i Wingham
this week.
0 - - 0
Missing since 'February 25th,
Plying Officer George. Reward
Wheeler, son of Mr. Thomas Wheel-
er, was listed among the missing
on the official lists over the week-
end. Mr. Wheeler had been advised
on February 27th that his son was
missing after air operations over
enemy territory. He was in his
25th year.
Vl,.ringharn United Church was
hied to capacity on Monday!' after-
noon for the funeral service of the
ate Pilot Officer Pertival P.
Piggs who was killed in a plane
rash near the coast on Vancouver
stand on December 16th late The
ody was reeoved on Tuesday last
week along with four others who
ost their lives hi the accident.
At the Clinton Horse Show last
week the Currie and TerVit entry
from, town Won 1st and 2nd pries
in the roadster and carriage allies.
They also were sweepstake Wie-
Mr. John &Topper who has been
residing with his daughter, Mrs,
armee Bryan; neat brussets, is a
patieht in the Wingliam General
Mr, Charles A, Roberts, Western
oundry, was the guest speaker itt
he Bluevide District Men's Club
n Thursday evening. He gave an
ddresa on °Capital and Labour."
Miss Evelyn Garrett has gone
to Walkerville where she has se- f
cured a situation.
Miss Annie Dundy has accepted I
a position as stenographer with e
the Wiegham creamery;
Miss Bertha. 131ankha11 left tor b
Toronto en Wednesday, where she
has secured an expellent position 1
as stenographer with the itoyel Air
Pace. ••
Mr. and Mrs. Reg, D. Bloomfield
entertained a few, of their friends
on Monday evening, in games and
&timing. Mr. and Mrs. Bloomfield
are A-1 entertainers.
Misses Margaret Patterson and
Millie Nieholls spent a, most pleas.
ant afternoon one day last week
with, their friend,. Miss Jean Rosa
in. her lather's sugar bush.
Mite. Helps has iteturried to town t
ititid will occupy her residence
ShtttCr Street, She was accompark-
Jot by Mrs. Xeroetor of Barrie, who
Will eped a few weeks here.
The annual publit seheol concert
which took place ht the tows hall. y
On Thursday aid Priday nights
was a iriost pitaairig event. Pro -
lesser Anderton tied the gaff -t)f,
the school are to be tortgrattilated
Oh the Splendid training that they P
tilVe the Pupils and the peensiu
turn are to be congratulated tor W
the excellent rilatiner with whith tt
they Ceeiducted themselves arid tha
afidieriey they displayed hi the' g
saalsmee shpoemeet, the week -end at t
• -Neil Stainton, student t
university et. vvestein. Ontario,
Wading the holidays with his Pa
ents, Jr, and Mrs. Percy Staint
__week -end visitors with AIM,
Buchanan were her daughters a
sons -la -law, Mr. and Mrs. Jo!
McLeod of Searbore and Mr, a
Mrs. Carl Clark of Detroit, Mich.
-Mr, and Mrs, John Lam
David and Nancy of Toronto, vis
ed over the holiday week -end wi
their mother, Mrs, Wm, Lamb.
-Mr, Allan Tliaol of the Rea,
Uplands, Ottawa, spent the wee
end :with his mother, Mrs. Ai
Nicol, Minnie Street,
-Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sinhanion
spent the week -and with her pa
e,nts, Mr, and Mrs. OSear Roc
of Moneton.
•=-Mrs: Nelsen Loutitt spent ti
weekend with her son, Rae at
Mrs. Loutitt, Wroxpter,
-Sunday visitors with Mr, iti
•Mrs. Roy Pattison were Mr. an
Mrs, Jahn Ain, Mr, and ivn
Alvin Higgins, ivfarilyn and Car
Mr. and Mrs. .Terry Higgins, mi
Margaret HigginS` and Mr. an
Mrs. Robert Higgins, The fami
gathered to hold a 'birthday clinn
or Mrs, King and Donald Fait
on, wbo is six years (Ad,
-Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bert
nd children of Kitchener spe
he week -end at the home of h
arents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sh
anion, St, Mr, and Mr
Edgar. McMichael' arid. Mr. an
Mrs. Robert, Morrison of Po
Credit visited, there on &thday.
-Miss Doris Fells of Toront
was a holiday week -end vieito
itit her parents, Mr. ana
hos. Fells.
-Mr. and Mrs. John McLaugl
in and,daughter, Jane; of Otte.w
Mr. Muir MeLaughlin, of Sal
Tvliss Meta IvfcLaughlin, Re
., of Toronto and Miss Ne
utehison, also of Toronto, spen
he week -end with Mr. and Mr
. T. McLaughlin.
-Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Weir of
oronto were visitors during the
eek -end with Mr. and Mrs. Allis..
er Green.-
-Mrs. Mac Alien, cif Montrea
as a guest on • Easter Sunda
vith Mrs, D. S. MaeNaughton,
-Good Priday and week -en
isitors with Mr. and Mrs. Rober
iggins were Mr. and Mrs, Sta
allida,y, Miss Gettrude Halliday
ggins and Mr. and Mrs. Jerr
avid and Shelley, Miss Margate
irg:g."iann:1 Mrs. Mervin' Stephan
-Mr. and Mrs. W. De. Fielding
ere visitors in St, Thomas oi
aturday and Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pegnam
na daughter, of Applewood Acre
ent Easter with her mother
rs. Geo. Cameron .Sr., who re
tied with them to Toronto on
unda,y afternoon. '
-Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Camelot
r.,.• and Mrs. W. A. McKibben are
ending a few days in Detroit,
--Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hamilton
ort Burwell, are spending part of
is we4 with . Mrs. D. S. lqw-
-Recent guests ,with Rev. C. F.
d Mrs. JohnSon at St. Paul's
ctory were Miss H. N. Johnsoe,
ronto; Rev. Gerald Gregson, of
maw Rev. E. C. Attwell, of
rrie; Mr, and Mrs. C, R, Riches
PlesterLae, Torontd; no.
d Mrs. R. Neath, Owen Sound;
r. Vernon Johnson of London and
r. and Mrs. P. M. Beare and
athleen of Owen Sound.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Langridge,
avid and Stephen spent Beater
riday with the lormer's parents,
r. and Mrs. P Langridge of near
Igrave. David remained for a
✓ days' visit with his grandpar-
-Mr, and MM. Carl McKay and
tiny of Straticitel visited over
e holiday- week -end with their
rents, Mrs. J, McIetty and Mr.
d Mrs, Staffotd tateson.
_Mr. and Mrs. William. B. Me -
01 arrived home 'from Daytona
ach, Plorida, Monday after-
noon, where they have spent. the
past few months.
-.Dr. and Mrs, truce Eickmier
and sort, Ron, of Hamilton, spent
the Week -end with Mrs, tieltmeir'S
ittgreente, 1Vtr. and Mrs, C. 11., Armi-
-1(t. and Mrs, Neil N. McLean
• ,
k -
k. •
Y •
On Monday noon the fire bri- e
atte had a tall to Whitechurch as *
chimney at the home of jantea
\Pilsen was on fire. on Nitkednesday
tie..ternoon last week they had a
• frillier call to' Mrs. A. Currie's
esideride, Son
f Toronto were,week-end visitors.
itli the fernier's slater, Mrs mmer
Walker, Mr, Welker ad Torrany.
an Mrs. Poster Maesheil
Were Sunday:. guests et his sister,
rifts. Lloyd Hingston.
-Mr, LoainitidoMn r$sp, oMaeal orbecirci,riedriod
.A. short 'tithe ago Miss lklary it
eat of Morris ToWnehiti, Made et
tiiiitiful hooked Mat WW1 she 8
resented to. the Wifightiii fled ,t
rasa, titkets were *Iola and $10.15 F
as realised. UFA, Gordon 8chn..d
n being the Winner. The litd
rm thank* Itis$ Scott tor ber
entroo Litt*
h his sister, Mrs, John McInnis
tid Mr. Mebinis. '
-Mr. Nortimit Xotiting, Mr,
Immone and Mr. Lev Balser spent
I1 latter part.of the week rit their
espective iletnes here,
-Miss Utirlene Stainton Lee -
Ott Wail week-eed visitor. with
parefite, Ife. and Mrs. PerCY
aelifiee *Orkee Thonlpeon ef
parents Ntri in4 •liftS, •
Viti ,
013:or 1:rni'day evening with her
11„):::)."‘visPitai:risd Wililf"UMnte't: T"Ilec:et,
daughter, Alice of Teronto well)
an-dMIT,ssanVd;1"r7, 4Jacfr/aellit'iter and
sister -In-law, Mrs, Nellie Perdue
t).--NYMerr'. and Mrs, =gin Coutts Ana
sons Don and :Peter, of Lieasida,
;9npeep:st pt104)c,ovvtezlmtli,:danwriit tlii:e fol.: .
:ge-14,5"'°r!tivewlittlt2he/vtEtaaontedr 4wce4e'lt-e.nati
were -members of their familY Mr,
jtlatrie. sdao,ylvilcaien'sed,t, Rat:o;bi eaahliciolK7Qe1:140'icielnindid(0110,011,:woo(ort ,
ottervilie, Mr, and Mrs, Pat Hee.
children Of Stayrier; Mr, and Mrs.
t Mr.- . P.M°11:11°..11'etradrslyi* j:Irs., 013.1,70Brolichl and
children, children, of Oshawa, spent the
mother, Mrs. •Roy leraeDooald. Mr,
wanerelt-emndrs,at LIJeiselie home,jauxo.efnd•heaeu
and children of WindSer, else spent
'the week -end at the same home,
---,Atklitioaal personale .
'found on page twelve,
. .
, & Ward
qartereti Aecnimilint'a
., Bell Telephone Bldg, -
Walkerton, Ont.
Tr4t,Ernoikut /033
APRIL 9th to 16th
lea'a, reg. 70e, Plus BeYer Nasal, Spray both or
'6 7jc
With Lanolin, ext. Lrg, oval calm 1" for f-gue f or
Helene Curtis SPRAY NET
SAW; 520 Ilegular $1.50 size
SAW) 27e: Regular $1.25 size bottle . ...... .... . ,
I WAX PAPER 28C, 2 .55c
IDA brand pain labies - Bottle of 300,,reg. t.
Ireavy duty ;00 ft. x 12 in. roll - reg. 31e. for
A "Welcome to Wingharn" Store
ANCE:451274:1 LA :Gaff"
• cr/f..4:A- /8
The Sluing this Spring is to
.POLE Type. Buildings
There has been 86 years of research and progressive develop-
' ment, go hito the POLE building fielt.-
POLE Buildings Cost 50% LESS
We carry a Big Stock of Pressure -Treated Poles
and Lumber in stock at all times.
We .have a Big Stock of HOIVIASOTE NOW
Call at
N/140:p2,t) pc_VoCK,
k a
......*.•mss'•••••,••••..o."','....................' fird. Intibatti .
;Rev, C. r. joluison, 1.,/rli, - Rector
i Mrs, Gordon. Davidson. - Organist
lst Sunday After taster
9..45 aon,--.Stinday School
WO 11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer
. f....:
!! 7,(X) p.m,--tivening Prayer
tri Tues., Apr. 15, 8 porti.--tvg. Guild, Parish ROOM I.
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