The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-04-09, Page 1, •
'own. Council
:ivil De
oration of
will comme nce in tile Town of Wingharn • ,
SUNDAY, APRIL 27th 'i 1958
at 12,01 &nib
Citizens ate reminded to advance their eloeks at that time.
R. E. MeKINNEY, Mayor
TowA of Wingliant
By The Pedestrian '
aitland iver Claims Li
f Six-Year-Old Youngste
SIX-YOar•-cki Paella Brien Rulater;
died at three o'cloele Sunday after-,
noon when he tumbled from a
cement abutment at the Lower
Town dam into the swilling waters
01 the. Mattland Ttlyer, Firemen
and volunteer helpers draggbd the
river bottom for two and a half
hours before the bey's body was
located.. Tho youngster was a son
of Mr. and Mrs. IVIervyn Hunter Of
Wingbarn, one of a family of
seven, -
With his sister Verna and other
children he 'had been playing'
around, the west side of the dam.
At that pOint -a cciPegt abutment
rises rises directly above Urn 'strong
nttrrn710:4 water as it pours off the
aprop pf the dinn. It is believed.
the little lad lost his balance and
fentinte -the rushing water. Be
immediately 41,sappeared ' from
sight in the deep hole into which -
i4e. dropped,
dim Henderson, of • Wingham,
was fiahing from the shore 'at the
point whieb projects inte the river -
between - the two sections of the
dam, He did net See the child
fall, but was immediately alerted
,'by the screaming of the other
ten at 'the seene. Crossing the west
DEATIFf LURKS SIERE—,Typical' of the,',many .pots ;along the -Mate.
.iand litiVer 'within the, Tasea• Winghatn, Dig is,alltis'walk,way above
the Lower lama:dam It is protected on the south Aide by a railing,
IVATVii *)W-4-
Privers are reminded that there
are mere children 'playing about
the, eteeeta this week sine° there is-
eelleol, Just 0; little elewer---and play it safe.
0 a 0 - 0
tJliNNrAi.I!lluLO t/Cla—'
, Never could understand this
mania for limning off last Year's
'grass on the first warm day in
spring. Litnrite it for a we& or
two and the new blades Will com -pletely hide the brown remains
from last year and benefit from
the natural thrtilization, The, urge
to Marta fire certainly elves the
fire brigade, plenty of eNercisv-
They baa 'two culls to grass fires
within an'beer on' Good Friaity .
A-0 -0
Taib poet who dreamed of flitting
back to Lim old land "Stow that
April's here" 'Certainly had some-
thing, After to 'minty shirt-sleeved
,IVIarall It as discouraging to • face
the snowy biases of the first full
mouth. of sitting,
0 0
Bet luts of you stilt haven't re-.
terned your leael,er Seal' envelope
with your contribution, Sure, you'ye
busy and the bitelc.s.. „aree't too'
pleatifui, but the eritiPlect 'kids
need thorn worse than you
0 - - 0 . -
DAD DRIVIN.G.-;• Maixt"';flii;t+iorfn, $idni-i$ you can re, ',is wide" open, it is only a few
feet .froni point that David Ilea limiter fell to his death in the.
watera on Sunday afternoon„ --Advance-Times photo. • .
acetic)» of the drain be Went, down-
Stream a few yards, and eaw the
boy canto to the ottrface. Waslin,0
out as far as possible he all but ,
gra$Ped the child 'before ate was
swept away again by -the current,
Can for 01031,1011
. As soon as adult aasistaneo could
be, found' the fire' department Wee
alarmed and several of the fire-
men and spectators waded into
the lice/ water in an effort to locate
the body. Before too long several
boats were launched, but °Pei--
talons were hampered by The fact
that no grappling irons were
available until they could he
brought by car from. the Proviecial
:Police in Mount Vorest,
The, body of the little boy was
finally located near the Centre of
liPat" •
'o ra.!e; •
the'scsiZeit ,;;;as the
chilling water repeate115,.. One of
these was Don McLeod, who waded
chest deep in the water until he
was all but overcome by the Cold,
irvin Ste., Marie dived into the
deep pool where the boy disappear-
ed time after time in 'an effort to
,nriake sure the body was not lodged
at the font of the dam. A 'chilling
added' to the hazard for those
who became soaked hi the river.
The • following additional doea-
tions have been received by the
Turnberry Park fund;
Centennial, Gilmour's; $29,85;
cheqlle for float, $8,00; .euehres',
Gilmours school, $142.76; euchre,
Glenannan school, $58.00; ' euchre,
q'owell's school, $38.75; Lanes'
School Centennial, $10.00; Wing-
:ham Lions•plub, $25,90; jack Alex-
ander, $10.00; Dr. W. A, MeKib-
bon, $10.00;.' Wingham Business
Association, $171.09; George Orvis,
$2,00; Boras Moffatt, $5.00; John
L. MeEwen,. $2.00; Peter Mc-
Ewen, $5.00; W. M. Howe, $5.00;
Ross Jamieson, $5.00; J. A Me-
Kague, $5.00; John W. Hanna,
$5,00; Leslie Bryce, $5.00; Howard
Fuller, $5.00; Joseph Smith, $5.00;
Mrs, , Gordon Gannett, $5.00;
Ladies' Auxiliary Canadian Legion,
$25.00; Mr, and Mrs. • Maitland
Porter $10.00'; Anna Porter; $2,00;
total, $594,36.
tiI41} 0111
An unidentified man created a
most unpleasant scene. at the home
of . Miss 'Lillian Ellacett on Scoter-
day . and is now being „sought by
Miss,.Ellacott was alone_ in her
home at the time, a 'brother, •who*
was visiting with her from Tor-
'onto.," having gene out 'for S. time
to s'ea,,athee members of.the.farnily.
Hearing a noise at the front door
Miss Ellaeott supposed it was her
guest coming in.
As she stepped into the kitchen
'however she was faced by an un-
known individual When she order-
ed him to leave he seized her by
the throat and threw. her down
with considerable force 'bruising
her neck and lip, Miss' Ellaeott's
ecream was immediately answered
by iier close 'neighbor Miss Anne
Fergie and she 'hurried iin to
determine the cause of the commoe.
tion the unknowri assailant fled' the
houSe and disappeared through the
nearby gardens. •
Police have scene theories about.
the" poSsible identity of the •mart,
'been turned. npO. •
Mr. and Mrs. Bill IV(eCool-arriv-
etl in Wingham after three moathe
Ityloms, Beach, running into
sr in the Northern U.S.' What
sOliteptionl Things were even
worse • in the Ontario Northland,
where 1,200 motorists were steand-
ed in the North. Bay district alone
snowplows fougbt to clear ,the
roads. What is so' hard to tinder-
, stand is the fact that Winghana,
for ,onee;--Oldn't get it too.
As far as the Advance-'fla res is
concerned the district didn't grow
at .all (this pa-St week. One • of the
nmitt 'widely-read eelumns i,n the
missinge-the births, We
—41friiiltr'' egt hilorniatioll
was not; -available this week. •
.same 1,
the various towns are not on the TuRN BERRy FIRE
Two weeks ago this newspaper
outlined the plan which had been
devised • by the Win'ghain.'ICinette
Club• to provide some -aid for the
Gordon Perrott family, victims- of
drastit misfortune. "
Since that time the Kinettes have
Mailedout-leftera Acie•eleSityaitelise:.
hold in the community; ,ottiinink
their, suggestion that ;card '4iiirties
be held as a irneans of providing a
fund to help the family. Included
with the letter Were envelopes in
whidh cash contributiOns nould be
made if a party was 'not possible,
Already a4veral bridge and
euchre parties have been held, with
gratifying results and many con-
tributions have been made, The
Kinettes would like, to emphasize
the.,, contribution . aspect Of the
drive, for in this way every ,person
in the entire community can assist
these neighbours who are in 4347
tress. The original plait called for
a completion of the 'parties and
collection 'of contributions by this
(Wednesday) evening, and the Kit-
cites' have asked The Advance-
Times to tell you once again that
your, contribution or the revenue
from your party will he picked up
if you simply call either 664W or
It may be possible, that some
homes have been missed in the
mailing out of the letters and con-
tribution, envelopes. If that is .the
case, please call either of the two
numbers given above and see that
your assistance reaches the Perrott
~ti ill C;ctena •fitstlime. • T,he. to ,al,e'eo.e4eil, „hectic:Y:41'e'
• , rrsa
farming public in this, regard and
so decided to withold decision on
the closing date for •daylight time
until there•is an opportunity to de-
termine what other towns in this
locality are going to do, It, was
Pointed out that great inconven-
ience. and confusion is caused when
'ors and", lefinlicipalities' en Lhc
matter of iLy1 igtk t:InVt.
and 'although o in tell.; anit. 41iftitlY,
the ,months fast time is to be in
force is a matter !for, decision in•
each 'municipality concerned, an
effort has been made by the
assboiation 'to, attain -some, uni-
formity' throughout • the, province.
TliC end ,of .0ctober,.was suggested
as the 'date to winch most pfades
Dealing" With a wide range of •
munieieal.',.prbblems at • the .regue •
the, Winghatri, town • counell , erne': ,
'ad' at, 11.30 from ,oneo. of the more
lengthy' sessions in some months.
Mayor ',R; E. McKinney was' in thp
Omit -arid there' was a full turnout
of reeves and coeincil menibers,
"iThe first communication read
was from the Association of May:-
Library will be Gpen:on Sat-
xtrxlaw nighto during .the Summer
menthe from 7 to, 0. Ie9b •
Mrs. G. Robertson
93 Years of Age,
GOR'RIifl -- Coligratulatio,ns and
best 'wishes go to Mrs. Geo. Robert-
son, who maricedber 93rd birthday
on April 3rd, She received many
cards, gifts and flowers and was
able to enjoy a few friends at her
birthday slipper,
Forty eight members of • the :
Wingham Sportsmen's AsSoeiation
gathered' for' their- .regular ,Meet-
Mg at the Legionheme on•Monday
evening;,'; When two . interesting
films. on,. ",outdoor subjects., were
shown.'. The', Monthly 'draw was
won by jint o johneton of Wingharn,
The association's property was
under discussion for. some time,
When. it was• annaunced., that .the•
.ground Will he worked up at once
add seeded with' fine grass._ , Ari
archery 'club, which is in the
formative'etage at the inerrient win
he granted use of the Property for
Arrangements' arc iii progress
ler a .clieplay by .the association at
the Wine-barn Trade Fair . early i•n
June, •
The -group, along - with Bey
Scouts and Wolf Cubs are ,co-op" -
eratin,g with the Department of
Landa and •Forests this week as
16,800 speckled trout ' and 08,000
brown Limit are being placed in
streams in this- area. • .
The next Meeting of the iissoeia-:
Sion Will be held on May 5, when a
speaker from the Toronto office of
the Dept, of Lands And. F'o'rests
Will address the group on gun
Huron Presbytery Young People
are completing plans for the All-
nual London Conference leadership
workshop to be held', at the Wing-
ham United Church on Friday,
Saturday and Sunday of this week.
"New Techniques of Leadership
Education" is 'to be thp theme,
The speaker for the week-end
will be', Rev, Elton Davidge. B.A„
from Saekville, N.B. Rev. Davidge
has 'been Religious Education sec-
retary for the Maritime Provinces
and in the very near future will be
assuming the position of National
Youth secretary for the United
Church of Canada.
Young people will be in attend-
ance from all parts of the Confer-
efice, including such places as
Sault Ste, Marie, Windsor, Sarnia
and WoOdotock. ,
The workshop commences with
'registration at 7.30 p.m. on Friday
and continues through until Sun-
day afternoon. All young people
interested in leadership education
are invited to attend.
Fire of Undetermined origin de-
stroyed' a big two-section barn" on
the farm of Earl Weitz, Con. 6,
Turnberry, early Sunday morning.
Also lost in the blaze were 72
pigS, 100 hens and four calves,
tractor, manure spreader, two hay
loaders and a -milking machine,
alorig with other smaller equip-
ment. , Total loss is estimated at
more than $12,000.00, partially cov-
ered by insurance. •
The;fire"was discovered at about
7,30 a.m. and the owner had time
to release 12 head of cattle from
the stable before he was driven
back by the flames;
The- Wingham and District fire
brigade answered a. call to the
Welts farm but the fire had gained'
such headway by the time they ar-
rived that nothing could be done
to save the structure or its con-
tents. A strong wind carried em-
bers from the barn away from the
nearby farm home,
The farm, which is located about
four miles northeast of Wingham,
was formerly owned by Bob Down-
ie, who operates the Sunoco ser-
vice station in town,
• Support Civil. Deface •
• deputation, in the person of
Lloyd Carter, president .of •the
local branch of the Canadian
Legion, and the chairman of a
committeanamed by representa-
tives of. several groups in town to
further plans for a civil defence or-
ganization, appeared before council
Mr. Carter, was accompanied by
and introduced Brian Houston, of
Kitchener, regional civil defence
Mr. Houston outlined the pur-
poses , for which. a civil defence
group is intended, pointing out
that enemy action is only one phase
of the activities of such • an or-
ganization. He said that a Cm,
grqup is equally necessary to cope
with disasters .such as floods or
tornados, to which no town is
immune.' Civil defence organization
is primarily intended to act as a
train-co-ordinating group, so that
the existing fire, police and health
services •can he knit closely to-
gether for immediate action.
The 'formation of a civil defence
organization does not entail agreat
deal Of expense on the part of the
town, Items such as hall rent,
light, heat, etc, make up the major
part of the cost which is borne 50
per cent by the federal governMent,
25 per cent by the provincial gov-
ernment and the remainder by the
municipality. Literature, films and
(Please turn to Page Twelve)
Degree Conferred
At Rebekah Lodge
District Deputy President Miss
Mae Hyslop of ,Walkerton was the
guest 'at Majestic Rebekah Lodge
on Monday evening. During the
meeting the degree was. conferred
on three candidates by the degree
team with Mrs, Jos. Schneider as
noble grand and Mrs. Mervyn
Templerean as degree captain. •
''An invitation from the Brussels
lodge was received and accepted
to attend their meeting on Tues-
day evening. Following the degree
a short address was given by Miss
Hyslop as well as by other visitors.
Gueets..were present from Walker-
ton, Parkhill and Madan
A delicious lunch Was served by
the committee convened by Mrs,.
Harry Ge„rrie. •
Mdmhers . and .Officerit , of the
North.1-Ittion•--Junior-7 Iyartriers or-
ganization have undertaken-a.most
ebreinerklable.' peafeet. . which
they .,arc.' offering.-rprites • to the
farm owpet...Whcs eana' make the
greatest: improvement • -in the en-
trance to hisproperty• this summer.
The contest is 'open to 'farmers in
the townships •of-.East .WaWanogh;
'Morris, Turnberry. • and Grey.
Seveety-five dollars • in prizes will
be awarded' as tollowst First,
$20.00; second, $20,00; third, $10,00;
fourth, $10.00 and fifth ; $5.00.
„Those Who purpose to enter the
contests meal -cog-later by filling out
a. form contained in an advertise-'
rnent in this issue of The Adva,n,ce-
Times,'• On or about May 1st a
picture will be taken of the farm
entrance of. each registered con-
testant. At SePtentber 1st another
Vieth. will be taken ,of the same
entrancaarid the judges will award
the prizes on the bests of improve-
ment shown, Originality, improve-
ment. and safety will be Considered
in the judging, • .
The project will teriainly serve
to centre public . aWareness on the
impottance of the • appearance of
farms in this locality and if it is
continued will •Centribute tremen-
dously to • the beauty Of our
Anyone interested in taking les-
socis or running a Movie projector'
please contact Mrs. Pearl'Haritoart
at the Library. , F9b
.B111.1011.01T MOUT
- A- benefit night - will be .held" at
the Royal T, Wingham, on Thurs-
day evening of this week, in aid
of , Mr.. and Mrs, Earl 'Woltz and
family, who lost • their barn* and
contents by • fire last Sunday.
'There Will‘ be a' euiibre party fol-
lowed by a dance,' 8.15 sharp. Lad e
ieS' please bring lunch,, gentlemen
bring card tables, Donations may
be •reft 'at the g. .Bei rave Co-op, at.
Moffatt's -Store, at Bluevale, Merit-
ley's. garage at Belmore and Alex-
ander'm IlardWare, Wingham: Ott
. The town. track will pick up
garden refuse on the MST and
MITEIRD Friday of each month, 'be-
ginning April 18th,
Refuse must be placed in eon-
tainere, . whenever possible and
placed at the 'boulevard for pickup.
However, householders arc asked
to •set out such refuse • not earlier
,than the day preykius to collection.
The office of Dry B, Corrin
will replant closed , until April 17.
• Filb
Everyone .is Welconle at the
Ladies' Legion Euchre 'in the Leg-
ion 1-1(1141te' on Monday, April 14th,
be seed.
,Cocci8 prizes and lunch will
WPDX11.01611.t WJ. , Uenitfil
The WroxeLer W, I. will hold a
PregtessiVe etielird in the Conan-um-
Ay hall at 8.30 pan. on Thursday,
April 10th, Pries And novelty'
prizes given. Ladies please bring
lunch, AchniSsiOn 20 cents. nth
teCtiltla AND OANOtil
The Country Curling Club enehre
Mid dance in the Bluevale hall, on
Wednesday, April 9th, Euchre lit
8,30 sharp, Dance 10;30-1.00, Tif-
fin's Orchestra, :Ltieeit supplied
and everyone 'welcome, rob.,
You are reminded that the hints,
Men atier Drlye 'take place
OR11.11. 80th, Please leave handles
at e • F0:16:23
Family Moving
To Renfrew
Rev. D. J. MacRae, who ctssuineil
his new duties as .mlnister of the
United Church in, Renfrew some.
weeks ago, 'was in town the 'eddy
part of this Week, The family
moves today (Wednesday), to their
new home in the 'Ottawa Valley
Completes Course
Ordinary Seaman John Seddon,
son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Wilfred Sed-
don, has completed his basic train-
ing With the Royal Canadian Navy.
John joined. the RCN last Nov-
ember and has been at H.M.C.S,
Cornwallis, CornWallis, N,S., since
that time. He Will arrive here on
May 4th, to spend a 15 de leave
with' his family,
Farewell Services
Farewell 'services will 'be held in
the Wingham Baptist Church on
Sunday, April 13th; for Miss Laura
Collar, who is returning to Nigeria,
West Africa, after a year's fur-
Services will be at lt a.m, and
7 p,m, and the public is cordially
invited to attend. Speaker for the
day will be Rev, Bruce Brilltnger,
of Burlington,
Of NUB HOME • •..-es'eesoeV
1.447111VALE-,--One hundred, years
ago last 17th of Match, (1858), the
Irishman, Edward Parley, sailed
down 'the :Maitland on. his homee
made raft to land at Lower Town,'
Wingham, 'formerly called the
Town Plot, There 'he planned that
a town would 'be Mint and MS was
the first house Made 6t logs.
1851) was 'the year *lien the first,
settler canto to Upper Town In the
person ofJorn Cornyn, who built
on the site Where the Queen's
Hotel bow stands,
Illuevate''s 'settlers came earlier,
the first in 1854, and the flour mill
and saw mill co'mbin'ed were run-
ning by 1806. No mite knewe the,
site of the first home but the mill
stands to landmark over a: hun-
dred years.
if the site of :Edward irarley's
home is known this centennial year )/0.4186 00 MAitituA60—Mr., and Ake, Bert t,liteltatait Of Morris
a theft would be geed time 'Meek it in ToWnship, Who aalt4ertlay• celebrated the both aohlvcreary
tem Adva01064 Imes photo. i $01110 WO%
110$1,r1Ars AUXILIAWY
Tile Ladies' Auxiliary to Wing.
ham General Hospital will held
their regular Meeting- in the coun-
cil elienibet on PridlaY afternekin
,,April 11. at 3 o'clock, 1.10;
-Three new 'teachers wore engag-
ed by the public schocil board at
their meeting on Monday even-
ing, Ill 'replace members of the pre-
sent staff who •will be leaving at
the odd of the term in June. of h,e neW teachers are Mrs.
uneline Clilmar, at Present, residing
iri Toronto; Miss -Joan Armitage,
whose 'home is in Wingharn and
Mrs. Dorothy 'Thornton Of Blue-
vale; They will replace Miss Verna
MeLatighlin, -Who retires in June
and laoradd Nal, who has accepted
at position near Port Credit, The
third teachee will be an edditioit
to the staff, due to increased en-
There Was 'good news for the
taxpayers at the meeting, when
it was decided that the request for
funds from the loWti -coffer's will
be .the same, as ini.the past two
years,' despite an increase in (tests
of operating the staff,
Ilia unchanged mill rate
made possible, by reason Of' eXtra
grants -froth the provippial depart-
reent of telt/Cation. Theft grants
haver been awarded .for the purpose
of easing the burden of education
costs. 'to the taxpayers,
board granted permission
for the use of the sbhool grounds
-01‘ the purpose of holding a Boy
:out jamboree near the end of.
'Chairman Zettt G, Reid presided
at the board Mooting,