HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-04-02, Page 12irlftt,, and SAT., April 3, 1 and 5 'irk Bogartle, Barbara Murray i n "Cam,pbell 's Kingdom" A, powerful and exalting story of I ' adventure in tho Canadian Bookies INCI with a eheek-up end a cheque CANADIAN CANCER POCIETY ,SS. alena."4,04r Give Generously to the Wingham Area Campaign A Door.to.Door Canvass will be :under- taken soon in Winghamk and the ' Surrounding District Please Have Your Donation Ready ATS . ,. * * 4 r r , I . .14110)1 VOW (I lit) said about out delIghOul new Sptink *net Eititer selection of CsatS, but from p4st exiierleinica you -know mirn.,styles are always most 'plettabak. We •want you 1,0 come hi and see, theileand matte -3•mir,ehoke COM MIA year's, ontAanding MOO. •in wool tweeds, basitetweaves • and, easluueres. Pay particular attention to bat k. tulltieSs,-Intekety . • , - ,sleo,ve brag cull,. trn i,, . Prieed front , + ' . ,' ' i , ' , ' .5 ' , , ,,, or*. $2995. . ..; DRESSES . .. . , , . trot yinir loveliest Raster you nu.tst see 'out ftesh, new .6,6943 in tire-pleee, Sheaths, and lull aldrts. Llndroits cottOnS, Oita and itylona ate eaptfrating bolOttra and 40 • s/i 0.,95 for the" season, ,•Priced front • • fict4 7/4 Z`e0oe, P444 $3 *4461 11PP '1 or*Isir dianee.013010, Welamlan.4411, l'4141$ Brother Passes' in Port Credit Theatre Mr, and UN. W. A, Utnnilton were 111 Toronto last 'Week attend- Intl the funeral of Mrs, #Ave Reav tooNNO ,fie.„ IS ON OUR 1.01" WOW . AND AfrA/4.48Ze ATA' sot:tea:44' LOW PR/CE 140-if 0.kon's -0-a41A 0404 Irlyst b Other, Charles Washburn, who panovil away March 25 at ids home .011 .4111cWood Baud, Port Credit, • 11.111,1041301 AltON0.4)r. '411.11"381)AV AND WEllidsrir$1111.1% LIENDE1111ON the Wingliam flosidlni, on Monday, March 2.1. 1058, to. Mr. and Mrs. fleo, 10/Ingham, a daughter. 11.011N.HARDT At the Wingliarn 1luspi Lid, On Thu rsd uy, March • 27, 1008, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert :Reinhardt, Bat. 2, Teeswater, son, KELM- At the Winglutm Hospital, on leridaY, Alarch 28, 1958, to. Mr. find' Mrs, David Kerr, AZ, 2, Ethel, at son. THOB.NTON- At the Wingham Hospital, on Saturday, March 20. to 'Mr. and Mrs, William Thornton, It It, 2, Gordo, a son, LAVERGNE At the Wingimm Hospital, on Suoday, March 30 1958, to Mr, and Mrs. Gerald. Lavergne, Wingham, it 80.f, C11181,10LM At • the Wingliam Hospital, on Sunday-, March 30 1958, to. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Chisholm, 11;,11, 2, Auburn, a son. fleGBOOT-At the -Whighton Hos- pital, an Monday, March 31„ 1958, to Mr. and Mrs, Ito'y de Groot, Winghtrin, a son. LINOSAY.--At the Winghana Hos- pital, on Monday, March 31, 1958, to Mr, and Mrs. William Lindsay, B.R. 3, Greenock, a son, ANDERSON-At _ the WIngham Hospital on Monday, IVIarbb 3.1, 1958, to Mr, and Mrs. Ross An- derson, RR, 5, Wiogham, a daughter. eel..elle ile I oto so ,, 111114.1111111.1, ,, F, F111F e le e ewe ,,,, 11,11114 item ,, ,, elle e ell UM*, 1.I M.11 etlle MI le It E d root 'GEORGE WILLIAMS First Class WATCH R.EPAIRS Located in Mason's Store Owing to lark of space -Watches and :very small Clocks only.. 'Phone: Ont.PricPs Ate LmYtter Free . 590" We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery soal •!•,•4••: imoiN••••• .: SA" illkteXweill !iotillo li - COFFEE , •Re ti..9 i c lb. 7in SPECIAL .. , 1 .7a. C ' 5 • 11. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist %P4triek Si..,. Wingliam Phone 770 titati'-AW. yak "WINNITS---briiggist -Joke • P. MeKihboii., right, is draw id his store Winners feliv Item seen- With 314 MIA .1110. Kett :Ister1;.(Mtrif PSI; after be had presented them •' Malkin airport on !Saturday 4fhiniorik- w4lu:tiolietsl'ee.OL ilf.ii-Sterweek-epti in Now York. City, following' nlie FOR REAL yALuE, A TREAT TO EAT' look for ; 1101 ROSS BUNS 12'1 SAVE 1tie fled Rose Orange Pekoe TEA BAGS PD's 63c 7 for c Finei CREAMED CORN York - • 20. oz. ' ,.. • • Finqi PEAS ":4 York k0 07;. „ „ ,, Choice TOMATOES QueensWa,y - 20 oz .. " SOCKEYE SALMON' Maple JAM/ 734 " Fancy- TOMATO JUICE ityhtier, - •• Treesweet - UNSWEETENED JUICES , Orange,39c, Bleiujed 37c Grapeffuit 35c STUFFED • OLIVES Clubmuse- - 8 °Z. , PEANUT 'BUTTER c, House - ilf amn?"intr o , CITIEES WFLIZ." • !Craft - ez. MIXED PICKLES CfAllinfq't:P, left on Tuesday for Paris, Bob has been tr'ansfer'red to the branch there. . . • _ • - and Mrs. Dustow visited with 'their daughter, Mrs,: Chas, Parrott, on Monday. • -Miss Aileen Underwood of I-Iamikon spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs, G. N, Underwood,' Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Edgar of •Lon- don visited at the same. hoine,.on Sunday. • and Mrs. G. t/ CaseMore, Carling 'yo ace :were recent guests of 'Mn'. and Mrs, George Harron of Kitchener, Mr. Allred • Schwichtenburg at, tended lhe,,ffineral of his grand-,.. ;father, Mr.. 'Herman • • Schwichten- hUrg, Mildmay on Sunday, -• Neil Sparks...returned to her home Id' 'Detroit' oil Tlitirsday after spending several days with her ,daughter, -Mrs Angus7 Mow-, bray, Mr. MOWbray and family, --Guests with Mr. ,and Mrs. Jot: Kerr on -Sunday were Mr. and. Mrs, Lloyd Jasper of mildmay. --Miss Verna Griffith has gradu-; ated from. the: Canada Business College, Toronto, and has accept- ed a seeretarial position.' in the of- fice at the London 'Insurance .4.- ency. -Mrs. J. J, Moffitt bps returned from spending thd.winter in. Lon- don at. the home of:. her daughter and husband, Mr, amt Mrs. A, J. dgar. She is now, visiting' with her daughter, Mrs. ,G. N.. Under-, wood. . . • . : . . -Mr. and' Mrs. JOhn Pattison and 'Mr, and 'MrS. Jack Bateson spent the Week end , Toronto where Mr. Bateson, and Mr. Patti- son 'attended- a 'Canadian Legion meeting at tholCingEdward. Hotel. . . and Mrs. ,Robert Pam: and Mrs, Calvin Cott of Of:Worldly and Mrs. ;Albert. Radford of -.BlYth I were Sunday; guests',With t:Obert Werige.f...;; „ 1VIt ite ivgg.,1-3„7.4.• tlaqgh#4,,Atabflebni -of were Shit day 0,14:: • .M-1,11 Betiti!s• ,Jfkrenl,s; MI.: C. l+ Jplrrnsop •.; f'1" thaP1'.beeif on Ityp,,:,7-Staffz,...4:4.,.',1116::,.'Whighain braneb,4•Vi..:the-; Canadian. Bank of ww 9c -:Mrs. P. C. Taylor, of Gorrie, ititiNYOft -PICKS Tlittii WiNNKR-747.1.ere!Welle•lAgAQings tt MeRihbons • • haS returned to the home of her I)uq, Stara- Jai, Kiiut, ol.'tdOek Satarda',e,Knips;:„rotopi '.:0:ity6e it; AelYbew, Thomas Shearer of AlreKijindy palled the ticket irenr -w;drnin..10- lietuf-i0; furs. eter, after' spending the winter iCen linden on a trip- to NeW'Vork Eitider 'week-entl; months with Mrs. W. H. Haney, • - Leopold' Street, , • -Mr. Mel Keating of. ENcter spent Monday in town with his family. • • --Connie ,Slosser, daughter of. Mr:,,'and Mrs.. L. J. SloSser, has beely,,a patient in Wingham 1ospi- fer the, past ,week, following an operation for a ruptured appendix. 33c • main product was 'fine quality; In Northern, Manitoba the Arctic Canadian cheese, for, which BlYtty., gri0ing.,o'M ot. the .guMest became quite famous., Jn. recent tin, :Nrj.:1*. Ayney.lea -'attracts the -tsars a large ,proportion of the morel.,a06ntui.ottS -angler, output was sold each year• to the , • • ; .Kraft 'company for use. in their wel1.1.knowo Cracker Ba.rrei cheese. Iii In-Addition to cheese the plant alSo made creamery and whey butter.. f nose Sweet if oz., - , • - 55 . 35c U a)-q. CORN FLAKES nouggsti - LU ftz. LEMON PIE ;FALLING 9 ,' 25C for •• • .. aritv„.y • ranges • rugged dello - 4 0/4. oz, "z • -. , — side 'happily, cons:bine --fir' ritish Manager of the plan; „st • • • •- ' .truiv - ' • Was purchased shy' tile. Co-op in -1915 , ,, ''' , , , it; , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,, nem ,,,,,,,,, efaeleene, ,,,,,, ,,,,,,, has been 'Cairnee, vont' Mies in tlittt capacity.,,SeVeo ,r.j.••"" ' 'Y.' BU-IS MTH 'LlIEESE PLANT Meeting .at. Blyth recently the members of the .Blyth Farmers' Co-operative, voted to merge their holdings with the Maitland Cream- ery Branch of the 'United Co-opera- tives of Ontario at Wingbam. The merger becairre effective on March 15. ' • 0:Owls are n ornially entployed' at the factory. 'A , complete . line. of farm supplies and fertilizers, whh;li has been handled there, will lie dis- continued Ithder the new. manage- Mbnt, ,A disastrous fire destroyed the PlanC in the full of 1951,: bit the building was reconstrtictcd,• a great deal of' help being volunteered by the Members of the co-op and Win-POrterfield Dies in Calgary . Word • has 'been; received of the death of William. 'Porterfield of Calgary in his 87th year. He had been a, resident of that pity for More than fifty. years,: Prior to Which he had lived in ,13ranclon, Manitoba, • ; ' - • ""4444444***(4444rorrewororreerrer,....irlmmtereemormere"..0.4144144mm14rever.o.m.1004.0110441m1enkr144,40,41,14011144.044i4 el Mr, Porterfield was a son Of the late -Peter and 'Mrs; Porterfield of version will take place So that the other East 'Wawanosh, Ifis wife picric- plant can alsob 'e used as a milk s' in the •community, -Corn pletelY new equipment Was install- ceased him several' years. ago. Il 18 ,receiving depot, Equipment is . ed at that tune. q A Candies, chocolates,. _I Easter Bunnies. to $8 $ 95 tio.,0. and 4 shape to suit you, Pelee • 4 THIS YEAR IN GREAT PROFUSION Large selection lo choose from AcCESSORIES, Tao HANDA,Acis--2 Ves, a handsome sidoctinIt Is here for D'o'er i'ara 41110K. ii.)riecti. frotik • NATS: , word be eomplete Without it Otnart new hoitn4 and we hare survived by three sons, Ewart and Maitland of Calgary And Arnold of New 'Westrrtinster, s B.C.,, and three grandchildren; als0 two 'sis- ters, Mrs. Margaret , Ferguson of London. and Mrs. Brnest Geddes 'of SeafOrtli. Interment took place in the Union Cemetery, Calgary, MrS, Alex Porterfield, "Leopold Street, is a, sister-in-law of the deceased, HELIWOUS: DRAMA FRIIIATIYEMN4,. • The Blyth factory will continue to make its excellent quality ched- dar cheese but in addition to this phase of operations sonic con- being installed at the present time to triple the capacity tor ;the hand ling of milk. 'Milk received at the Blyth f an- 'tory will be separated into cream and skim milk, the former to he manufactured into blittbr at the Wirighana creamery. The Win milk be used for the manufacture of cottage cheese and spray 'milli pOwder, at the Gnelph plant operat- ed .by tJCO, Fern, New Conipany At' the present time the 'Wing. ham. and Blyth plants are operated by .a division of tile United Coop- eratives of Ontario, but ()anima- cing October 1st of this year a new company, to be known as 'United Dairy and Poultry Co,operatives Will be. formed to take charge of ally phaseS of the dairy and poultry operation. The new company; will, of coliese, he affiliated with MO but will operalp I'm a separate con , tern, $2.98 to , $10.95 $1.2C,„ $2.50 -LOVELY. 'NEW GLOVES Ya.coundete imi,111,• you'd want gloves Mid iitir atOtk - eiii1,11116i$ AO nylons 'n.re dellgiuttully stYled, ttleed ten* , ' EASTER CARDS EASTER 'GALORE You don't have to be rich to share in Canada's growth and prosperity, Today; through Intestors Mutual, you can profit by the wide diversifica- tion formerly available .-only to the large inve'stbr. Pot' full 11: details see your InvestOrS Syndidate repretentatiVe: Thos, A, Jardin Phone , • WING1114111. ONT. John W, VVkines it.u, 3, coorowrit, - khon. 104 89 u, $1.95 NYLONS 4109b1, XYIntiti 001440111 g' of the MIST allatiet a here, eoltiplete yogi''Witettrobo, troin The Radio ind Television Coin- Mittec -of the Anglican Diocese of Huron will -murk the taster season with the production of a radio play especially wrAten for the occasion, it was annoanded recently, The play "The tirda.d of Life" -is a, "You Are there presentation Of the events Sri the life of .Testel Christ on Maundy Thursday lead- ing up to the Last Supper, /t was Writtenhy Orl* Miller, a wmi known C11.0 playWright and will• be heard over a ,n0hiber Weatden OritatiO radio stations. The play Is being produced at the studios' of .Cksr.,, London, by George tueltley, ehairman of the dieceNan cOMMittee and is being recorded for delayed broadcast. Prominent amateur stage and to le- visiOn actors, will be lientil in the dearth:die tales. 4 Loodly the 'broadcast will be heard over rattin station CX14.1X at t10,60,,Pridaf, NorrirrkeerrororAreirire arr.. rdivieer • 4. Procriptioris for ilealth • The Blyth plant has been owned by the Myth Co-oiler;itive for the past 13 '3•earS, an organiza- tion Which also was affiliated with UCCY but Was ilideperitiOntly owned by the lathier% of the Blyth dist- rlet. The building which houses the Cheese factory was operated for I ti v 0 store Eutd., ItsPufehasre by the 1lyth operative the • .piatiihg operation • EDIGHOFFERS Whighan0 LID„. C'osindio fol• * Sortie years Sit a'plahing Mill and • 5 • . "The Priendly Store" — ' ' was tarried on for 'a Unit, but, the i *04.bet toviwkinq, •j, • •