The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-04-02, Page 6no.44(, et wndoe, "Kk n0 c.Q.LT, Meets at
Timely suggestion if you need. money !
Canada% toditt
• .00Subler finance company
$otitern'Hottte, •
vottowxon — .Tbe, Ford-Mel)
,,C.G.T,T. held a meeting at tin
horne of. Paulin() Sotherii When
answered the roll. gall, 'The
sill],? server Was tahell. by Pane
'Koster and Margaret Anri., Wilson.
'Ruth liltberti dise1,1004, the. Or.
able, The .rest meeting wilt be tit'
Shiraey Eurlg's on April 7th. Tile'
initiation .service was .conducted
for 'new members, Lunch was Serv,
:•ed and, the meeting closed with
• 'Ton,
Iii.0 Group Plans 11:400A4417, mew 'decide for
yourself whether you p5efer it hot
Sagaring.o. Party Or. Cold, .41A4. instance,' intik Is a
vonDwiml.„The Fil„c 'hat it need not liceessurilY
held a meeting On: Sunday :ta'ken' as,'4 c°0: k elYer4ge'
at the parsonage with g() present, ' nOttPss 'casseroles,
Worship service and :study were cream. sailees. and 'puddings
condueted by. Betty MOCIernent are ontaions, The meat
and Dianne 041'41'141 anti the topic.coarse- .at 'Ilineh often Serves: Mk .4
4was Yeeteelr• 1:0; it nod, not:
"`,sugaring -off"
ptetlydedon tom• hhaedoii, :oattaityrs4 (i.eolios;;,4•,rIn 'ct4cet4,04:110t at,n fiNbhe•
night Lunch was, served arid 'raw .lonclO,,,intO attractive ond ap were sung.
The gratip Also attended 0.14ing 'Paisarole. dishes, 'creamed.
time in Wingham SUlidaiafter, OS or 'salads. When it combs to.
• 'bread. for Iiineh; we often thirilt • noon. ::•OlilY; in 'terms of a' sandwich, Yet,
Yesladles they are "something to get
excited, oboist,
All new,shades and 'they never shrink, 09 give
yourself a lift with BAN LON SWEATERS
at Carmichaers .
Nadene money Bereice
harked. by 80 years
Any. tirne of -day 'is a good
time to'tilik to the friendly
people at MO about your
money problems, Advice is
sound .and helpfld, Loans are
prompt and privete Borrow
up to $1,000 with ropaytoont
terms you choose,,
voupwlcut-Tim Holy
„Communion were observed at th
Fordwicii United • •Ctiorott un-
day morning i:vlien Bev, Ai , Jr.
(l4rdner took liiS theme, -"Tlw
Mystery of •Optil.trieSA".
Eighteen members were received
into the cluireh: By Certifieate,
Uncles Vitarrell, Mr, and Mrs. nos-
sel Mrs. Elmer Millar, Alex
Collins, 'Geo,. Plttendreigh arid.
Mrs, J. D, Fordo, •
I ?Jerre Its,ne,noThrnecahsot:nli 9wlipyie'ltzda,:Int
LUNG1ITIME LOGIC : 'accompaniment for salad, soup or BY Profession or faith: Ur, 4114. .
Dianne- CaroWell, Mary Johnston,
0.,y ghtill.4%:idee:reitsihn4;'; 047 ,,.a st4eb Casseroletefoauiti rd:ihsuhdt,dy1leg Fruitsoo
Mrs Lorne ',Lamb! ' Mss: 4
BroWn, Carl E,ttingbr, Joyce Greer,: .
You've reached the* half -W'
Anna Espolsen; Glennav nitberd, mark when innehldine rollS-:4l'oOnd.''' , — ..._ .
Sharon Polleelt, Fraser POtiock, Time to stop for a bops:tiler, half foed.ot ,tne •01.1r-square lunch, are
"nutritfeins hot or cold, William. Wallace and Gerald way through your daily chores, and,equally*
D'Arcey. - _ • time to rePleniSh the- energy slip c°°4ecl. ' ", ' canned* Although
ply that has dwindled 'so nolehly• • ' mothers and teachers know .that
houra. How tp foods_ have.the,.same, nutritive
441-0 ,:ilet Pr. colci,',..many have fdimri. • in the late morning
You are always sure of the BEST when you wear "Weldrest
Nylons", Loveiy street; sheer,
60 gauge denier — FOIL ONLY ..... ..... $ 1 •25 pair
ortniviwomnis, ydiat"Enavnux s'ronar,' HAS A vowwixi%
wropc oto.NEw WRING ourniutt FOR
THE COMPIXTE FAMILY. Society. Hears Report, do it? —with a',four-sijuare -
vention yo • lunch, eaten at homeo arwa i`Wit1014011 ;Pas 'a f ood 138Y°h°19°-
of course! You can't go wron ifat ,a hot lunch, or one ha dish-
cal effect esnecially during cold contains foods from these.. 'four, • 'titer' months, 'The rule v to re-
See our display' of Batty Clothes and Accessories. 1003's' and
Girls' swim Blouse;; am Sport' Shirts
Dress Vniits ,fOr Boys and Durable double knee Jeans
and many other items of Wearing apparel, '
Nurses.' White Nylons
' 79c .. spEciAL . , H pair
Yq“ buy the BEST you •pay ,4ESS i l
FORDWICH—Miss Mae Koster,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. David
.Kanter, left this week for St.
Jean, Quebec, where she will go in
training with the R.C,A.F. unit for
six weeks and will then gq to
either Clinton or Aylmer,
One night last. week friends and
neighbours gathered at the school
and presented her with luggage.
She was also given a travel cloeir
from the telephone staff, of Odell
she was a member.
At the home of Miss Valeta
Emig ten couples met one night
and gave her a flash camera. Mae
thanked everyone for the lovely
The entire community wishes her
success in her new venture.
aiektecrifze(e- r", 6474(4T1
R. K. Fitch, Manager
35A West Street. Telephone 1501
look for
; FORDWICH—The 'directors of
the Howick, Agricultural Society
met in the Fordwich Orange 'hall
on Wednesday night
'main groups: milk, to drink on" eat, 71 - member --Ws the food thul counts, (as soup, pudding or in'easSer7 j net Abe temperature. Hot or cold, oles); meat, or any of its alter.. inc right .foods will provide pep
nates (fish, poultry, eggs, cheese and energy' and lasting good health
or peanut butter):. bread, 'any so `• rang as `they are eaten! variety, or rolls, muffins or scones; . ., ..
and fruit .or vegetable, raw, cook-' You!re being ',misled if you, he-
ed or canned, It's as easy as cOuntz •lieVe:that missing lunch is the an-
ing one,. two, three, four, and yea ewer to your weight control prob-
have a lunch 'that scores one hUn- hem. Three regular meals are even Mrs. Wm. Ettinger
82 Years Today rikiMO
The Family Store of Wingham
A splendid report , of the 58th
annual fair :convention, held in
Toronto, was given by S. J. Rob-
inson, who stressed the importance
of creating more Ideal interest in
Class C. fairs by the issue of Passes
to local councils, 'clergy, TV, radio
and press 'personnel, and the en- ' .
couragement of displays by local
more „unpor t during a weight . ' tan died every time!
What's the rule for lunch:— campaign,k reducing; to cep your merchants , manufacturers, d-H . ' , ' . clubs and midway entertainment, should it be hot or cold? There 4 total diet balanced atutritionwise
FORDWICH—Mrs. William Et- Mrs, S, 3, Robinson will report no rule about the teinperature of as well •as calorlewise, So do in-. .
tinger was pleasantly surprised on on the ladies' sessions at the next, foods eaten at ltinchtime. If the elude- lunch in the, scheme of things.
Sunday when all members of her meeting. ‘v . luncheon Meal is well halaneed nu: You'll be glad you did!
family gathered at her home to . . .
help her celebrate her 82nd birth- _ gill111111111111111111111131111111111111111111111111111111311Iiiiimilmimmillitiiiiiiiimmummilionoimmumitimostunlonsoionimiiicsosimillitimitlinioltionansiiitti,11112111olin l i iil i l oi lin n i m ilisinsituillin,
to•Ims. D.M.04.....*•00.14.11110,!'lli.c4101W,de.Y011111.411111114,111111.04•1•11•1111111111.01,11,11.00Mpl•ptv!pil.044111114011...91.411.111111L , • ••
day, which 'will be on Wedneladay,
April 2nd.
Mrs. Ettinger was presented with
a lovely pot of rivals and a birth-
day cake, The ,community joins in
Young People Plan
April 2 and 3
"The Wrong Man"
Another. Hitchcock Thriller
Starring Henry Fonda and
Vera Miles
To Attend Dance
FORDWIDE-The of -1-
St. Stephens and Trinity Anglican =
Churches met in the church •base- it-
meat on •Sunday evening for their
meeting and opened with the hymn,
"Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross"
after which the president Bernald
King, led in prayer, Scripture read-
ing was given by Fay Jack.
Business was then discussed 'and
it was decided that at leasttwo
carloads would attend the dance in
Goderich• on April' 8th. The next
meeting will be-held. on Sunday,
April fith.
Rev. E. C. Attwell closed the
meeting, with prayer. Lunch was
served by Sharon Hubbard, ,Pay
Jack and Andy Allan;
April and 5
Red Skelton in
"Ekeuse My Dust
"The Deerslayers"
irtoTpxY and TUESDAY,
' April 7 and 8
jack Mahoney-, Julie Adams and
young Tim Hovey, who teaches
adults how to live and love
Now bring new beautyocomfork and
styling into your home- with famous
Kroehler "Plus-Built" Itirniture at
special 65th, anniversary. bale prices!
'All pieces "Plus-Built cusliionized" to
give you Yeart of extra comfort, wear
"and beauty. Wide selection of fabrics
arid Colors-just.rights to add new
beauty to your home. Look -select
buY now! Be. the first to own this fine
New slant arms, smart
„tiros ferriiled legs; trim
fashiest .tailoring. Choose
from our selectian of
and colors-While
they lastf •
The New.
are All Here
Rock 'n roll, lie-bop,.
disieland,. We :don't
St eam tuthat you like,
we have It:
!lager and liatunierstiein'S
"MILL" 'Roger Williams
ElVis' 'Golden Records
Perry Como
"TiiilliNAGt — Warren
Covington and Elie Coutinalaters
• QUEEN" — Jeliniay 'Cash
• Goorge Hamilton JV •
Connie Francis
401.11118 'LITTLE GIRL •O'
MINE" 'Eberly Brothers
"t01.1411,00P't rIrlie•::Chordettes•
•"'011" 411LIE" 'Otis Williams..
end with relatives in the Commun-
Mr. and Mrs. Stafford Harris :of
Toronto visited on Sunday with
Mrs. William Wade and Beatrite.
Mr. and Mrs, Carl Stewart of
Listowel visited on Sunday- with
Mr. and Mrs, William Sothern,"
Mr, Scott Keith of Kitchener
spent the week-end with his „pqr-
ents, Mrs. Keith and Randy .re-
turned home with him •after .spend-
ing a week here,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, Siraincyrnak-
er attended the funeral of a rela-
tive in Kitchener last -week -•
Mr. and Mrs. Les Loughran on
the birth of a son at P,almerston —
Hospital, on Wednesday,', March =Pi
26th, 1958,
Mr, arid: Mrs;IBol) Campbell and
family visited on Sunday with the
latter's parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Geo.
Moss, in Galt.
Mr. and Mrs. William McCann
and Margaret were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. John Baker of
Friends of Mrs. Don King .will
be sorry to hear that at present
she is confined to Wingham Hos-
pital, suffering from pneumonia.
Congratulations to Mrs. William
Wade, who last Thursday celebrat-
ed her 86th birthday.
Mr. Mervyn Wallace of Guelph
visited several days last week with
his mother, 'Mrs. Alveretta Wallace.
Little Aileen verste-eg, who was
badly burned two weeks ago, *is
progressing favourably and is hav-
ing skin grafting done at the
Children's Memorial Hospital, Lon-
Mrs. Bella Greaves of Gorrie
spent several days last week with
Mrs. Geo. Baker,
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Har-
grave and David visited on. Sunday
with Mr. and. Mrs, Ron Reed in
Mr. and Mrs. Wray Cooper, Mr.
William Brown and Mrs. W. E.
Hainstock attended the funeral of
a cousin at Brussels one day last
Messrs. William Edgar, George
Ashton, William McElwain and ,
Harold Walllace attended the bon-
spiel in Listowel last week but
were not winners this time,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Robinson, Mr.
Jim Robinson and Misg' Jean Lep-
pington spent one day last week in
Mr. and Mrs. E. Hargrave and
Douglas visited on 'Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hallman, near
Mrs. Tom McClement and Mrs.
Tom Hutchison attended the fun-
eral of the late Miss Bessie Inglis
in Listowel one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Benin of
Xitehener visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore.
Mrs. Pearl Patterson and Eliza-
beth and Leslie Campbell visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Willoughby Patterson. .
Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Brown of
Beamsville visited over the week- SLEEP-OR-LOUNGE
New "Relaxer" chair. You sit ...
sfrelch... and relax-makes
cares seem to float awayl Many
Jost right for that can- "
Yersistional corner. Buy
them by the pair and
doome yea* piensursi
„ • ^4.....t4
14.Ixttindett Plays, Glailih
roes ittecor dg, 1141,1
tatfroal IA nylon,
New shiiifietil beElt-
Ireful :Wipe
, ideal Oh for. Mom, Dad ,
4.10seiviaila fe(nify)
Pc. Sofa & Chair Group
Priced trot°
189,50 to
• Regular' Soto ,
or Soto led 14
Choose either t)e taf her]
tole bed group*,both aril'
priced remorliablio IOW 14
value to ,Many 'c.OltS11
tatiniosa from!
IrOADWIC11--Twelve tables
pivgressive 'euchre were in play
xt Ole weekly card party in Pord-
*kit community hall, which was
goonisored by the library, The wino
lgll toy, Soth-
igh gook ;Roy $hettolotts;
ledy"Emma Asking; Tow ,gent.,
6054 Special prites, Mrs.
It and Minea
8diart Modern styling in ehinice of light or
tnahOgany &daft. Big, roomy chests And titeltstc•
with "Permanitece constructirm tot lasting.
beauty, Beautiful in any deeer, see it Nowt
poomicitokiifjoitnimagjoictonomijmiroirticoo.tioitowitoommilioilicolokisrmoorlogio[tffliwilimittimminjthilm.i inimmiamioion