HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-03-26, Page 14DRESSES . Irmo - our retdleetion of exquildle styles wilt add to your happliness for IflaSter and Mt through Spring. Yawn love tile ,iiew ahades:hte Spring in rich polished (lotions, printed, silks mid .rityOns and For the Style cOltStious laiyer the poptdar "Chemise" styled in the Silhouette will be of special interest. Video Own llllllllll .„ lll ,„ lllll lllll „. llllll ............. .......... $10495 U U DRAW NIGHT AT McKIE O'' S 9 P.M. MARCH 29 :DRAW NIGHT M CKWFONS• P.M. HERE'S WHAT THE REXALL WEATHERMAN PREDICTS FOR - YOUR NEW YORK TRIP SATURDAY d "ak Ur • WID,IDY SUNDAY _ (Easier) 6 . . SHOWERS MONDAY , COOL . TUESDAY FAIR, JI Zh 1110,1ar4 Adv, Passes Away. In 77th Year • cAlrnes, 'Wed, NArchZO,1,e5 Main APO Property Change:0- FORDWICII—Mr. and. :Mrs, :RV .Askin -of the '14th .concesSion have their farm and Will be .1110 v- ittg to their new tIOMO jn ListoWel. Mr. and, Mrs. Lyle SitaMonS have purchased the home of the late Mrs. Fred Gadeke, and will be moving their household effects. next week, Nov 491.0141414 offers liOale of the finest, angling for Atialilic , flalloti, king Of Saone fish, 4111.1.8101.11104 GEORGE. WILLI.Arvp .• First Class WATCH. REPAIRS. Ittotaited. In IVOnsoles 'Store hair of spaee Watches and Very Clocks only, -tomer reoloests of Tiorc1,044, Mr, and Mrs, Alex Wray' alFl. Grage .of Toronto, spent as few days last week. with relativeS, Master 13riall- 'Wray retarned with 1110, „parents; after .spending as few days with Mr. and. Mr% Jack1,100, M 'nenry Can1hbeil Spond,.. log a little titian with. Mr: and Mrs, Bob -Campbell, • Miss Edith .1-loWes. of Toronto and Mr, and Mrs. Ross Tomlin of Purh.am visited on. Silitday. with Mr, and Mrs, Art Forester. Mrs, Wally Qibson and 'Mrs. Stale Agate spent a collide ..of days last week with Mr. and Mrs—Jack nets tO:Gklelph, The latter -remained for a 'longer visit, 'Master Kerry .Campbell spent a few days last week. with Mr. and Mrs, Clare Campbell at' Moles. worth. CE M Theatre Tivo..showa each night First at 7,15 FAMILY INGGMA An excellent method of having an takatuate ;Hsu-ranee estate fu r the Man with• a yoang family. Consult— FRANK C. )-ROPE". K —Representative-7; Canaaa Life WINHAM, ONT. girth Iva-m.1mA— To Mr. and .Mrs, A6' can Mitchell', a daughter .011 Mon, clay, March 17th, 1958;.' at„the' Palmerston Hospital. .CLOSED MONDAY, TUESDAY ANL/ ....^1,Sket""eleVynes"""ey,"WWW " 'hursday, Friday, Saturday, March 27 ," Robert Mitchum, Rita Hayworth Jack Len-111ton in Down Below" Good -melodramattle entertain- ' plea shot 3ovation in and 'around Trinidad. Listowel were 'Sunday visitors with Mc. and Mrs. Stan. Forester. Mrs, Art Forester accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ross Tomlin to To. Tonto Ohl Monday; Mr. and Mrs. CroSby .Sotheran visited in 'S. trathroy . and 1...ondon over the week-end and on Saturday evening attended the 50th wedding anniversary .of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Ross 1"1„.Agins'of Denfield. The sympathy of the 'community is extended to Mrs, Arthur Chap- man of GQrtaC td her daughter, Mrs, Gerald Gray, in the loss of a husband and father, They were Mr.. roil Mrs, K(lyden Devitt wore Suieray visitors with relatives in Kitchener. Mr. 'and Mrs, l/otig liolt spent the wcelt-end in London. with Mr and Mrs. :George .13olander. Mrs, 'William .Sothern and Mrs. l'ruce .Ifoltozu spent _one day last week in Guelph and -Georgetown. Mr, and Mrs. Orville Guy and Mrs. Henry Howe spent; one day last INTC.JS Di Orangeville, Mr. rue! Mrs. SCiltt. Leiria and Kandy of 'Waterloo .spent the past weOlt-end with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Keith, Mr. and Mr& :tacit HritAter, MILO' LAM and. John of Kitchener Oen' the weals-end with Mr. and "Mrs MIA Moore. Mrs. Ruby loorester of Toronto spent the. wheat-grid 'at her home .here, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin. Gibson of -:_,..41111111.0.011mousissismsoir 81111,111011111111111110111E1111111.111,1111)1111X114.111411110P1110111tE111111111CIMIIIMinisilliiimilmmilipiiiminitHICIliiiiii•1111111411111111111111111111111111111111111111111.111111111111111 1111111$1111(111111111111111111111 1 11111111111.111111111411 111111111111 1111 P., fi., ALANWILLIAM Optometrist Patrick St, .Wingliani • Euchre Winners. FOROWI.Cli—Vight tahl ee aft progressive ,ettehre were play oh the eennnunity hail here, me Winners were:; High 100, Mrs. El, met Miller; high gent, Russell owl; consolation, Mrs, John if49^ pington and "John Watth; speeial prize, John Camble, Mrs. Chris Severit lias90th Birthday FORD WICH-13 est 'Wishes are extended • to Mrs, Chris Severt of Fordwielt, who 'on Stinday, 23, celebrated her 00th birthday. Quests were present from .oiifford, Carlsruhe, Kitchener and Owen . Sound, Mrs, .Severt bad three birthday cakes presented to her by friends. and family, She enjoys 'very good health and_ is able to be around every day, ,She, reaides with her daughter, Mrs. Harry Bast. TIE AS!gtant, UM. Qeorgo ftich, ards; branoll directors,' Mrs:, ciar- mice Carswell, Mrs, Harry Vast, Mrs, Scott Clarkson pianists, Mrs, Lorne ,Siefert and Mrs. goYdell Devitt.; noininating con., Mrs, film- naa WiiiianiSen, Mrs, Geo. Richards and Mrs, Fred Hamblyr auditors, Mrs. Clarence -Carswell and Mrs. Wililaraa Sothern. Conveners of the standing Committees were left the saute as. Ina year, . An Irish contest was• conducted by :Kra. Lorne Seifert, Current. events Wore given ,by - Mrs, Ron Hub°, One being the :Whitby win. over ,TItissia and ft Canadian ap- pointed 'as press sectre,tary to the Queen. A .geography match, cap- tained. by Mrs, Stanley Bride and Mrs. Crosby Sothern„ caused much amusement; Mrs, Dride'S team won. ^ Thad meeting' closed with the singing of "God Save‘ the Queen". and lunch was served by MR'S, I;lar- oltl Mrs`.,jim •Vittici Mrs. Lorne Seifert and Mrs, Chive Mk- 10011.,DWICI1,-The emannulltY of F.Ordwielt was. saddened reeently to ',1earil of the sudden passing of Mrs. :Sarah A. Cadke,_yidow of the l8tft Prederiek gadkv;„in her 77th Year, Although ill for ,only five short. weeks, ,the late Mrs, Gadlce, . who was born at Kirkton, Ontario, pass— ed ;peacefully .a.Way at her home' atHFOrdWieb on Frida7, March 14. Her parents, Mr, and. Mrs. Roberti Davis, predeceased lick many ,years ago, Mrs.' Cadhe had. been, prominent in church and. community affairs, and .she with her Ahlishand whom she married at KirlttOn in 3809 an. who predeceased her four Years'- ago last. December, were always. active when it eame. time to, take part in community projects,. She leaveS. to mourn her .s0,4 passing two .da,ughterS .;. Ada, (Mrs,. Alex, ,pf Fordwich, and. Joy, (Mra,.,Trevelya..Hainstoelt), of , Milton; ono son, Roy„ of 1Sordwich . Also .mourning her loss are four brothers and one sister, Mrs, Enuna Nairn, -of St Marys; Dr. M. Davis, of England. William Davis, of Vancouver, 13,C., A, D. Davis, of Galt, and Robert Davis, of Edmon- ton, Alberta. There are foOr grand and four great grandchildren,. Funeral serviees took place on Stinday, March 1.(ith, • from her late residence in Fordwieh, with inter- ment in the Fordwich cemetery, -Mr. W, Huiriphries. of the. Jehovah Witness Sect officiated, Phone 77p Many years ago a common "trt5at,' pent" for skin, cancer in. England was to tie alive toad to the tumor, Of course, it did no good. Today 85% of skin cancers are cured when treated. arly with. X-ray or . surgery, U ,1.111.01..11.111,111.11.1100111) MOH JJJJJ JJ a e d Front Grocery HELLO MRS. A. DEMERUNli is WI PRESIDENT 'hone; , Our Prices Are Lower • 0 We Keep Down the Upkeep U U • U U U Free Delivery FOR. REAL VALVE AND A TREAT TO EAT ALWAYS 11)ok for 1101 CROSS BUNS 12 FOR 37 Collage, TOILET TISSUE 13 rolls $1.00. mocoriakoies SODAS non or &quo'', , lb, 31c Chateau •CHEE8E • • 8 Oz. •".33c FORDWICH—The local branch of the met at the home of Mrs. Russel Nichol for the Marell Meeting( with )ft's. -pare Ifiarrls, president, in charge. Mrs, Lyle 'Simmons gave the story of the crucifixion, ii,e,MeElwain gave the motto, "To- day is the tomorrow you worried about .and . all is well". She gave the definition of worry aria g‘o.,ess-- ed the fact -that tomorrow never `comes. We should leave our to. morrowa in God's bands. The roll call, "Why Mothers Get Grey!', was well answered, A do- 15-1 nation of $15,00 was made to the nt library, $25.00 to the hall board NI and $10.00 to the Polio Fund. P.1 Mrs. Glenn ,fohnstoe, district 11 president, was the guest speaker and took as her 'theme, "A Wise Mind Groweth Like a ,Savings Ac-. count". New ideas come from read- ing, radio and TV. Our savings ac- count In the bank may dwindle but our minds' savings: will never Pf fail. •.# This being the annual 'meeting Mrs—Johnston conducted the elec- i Lion of officers with the results as follows President, Mrs, .Anson Denlerling; Vice, Mrs. Stan Bride and Mrs.'Wm. McCann; secretarY- T: treasurer, 1Vfrs.' Robert Gibson; as- sistant, Mrs. Lyle Simmons, DiStrict director, Mrs. Clare. Har- = MI S . 2 4 1. j. 3 1 /3 ki l la l ee e su e Treesweet Unsweetened ox. Orainge Juice , 39e mixed 10 oz. PICKLES 28c Disset's Gallon ICE CREAM 79c 1),I.aule: Leaf Solidi Pork lb. SAUSAGE 53c sainoidar's urib. Cooked HAM . . Od e r r • U Domestic lb. Shortening „ . 33c Natio, - Aso one COFFEE . Sic Red Anse TEA BAG . 43c Maple Leaf lb. LARD 23c Aylmer hiiat:o It oz, KETCHUP Z for 39c' -":"AraLuol , r ex, BABY FOODS 3/31c1 S Gerbers Baby Cereals .. . 8 oz. Deion Riadleas 21c BACON . 69c JJJJ JJJJJJJ 11111 ttttttttt 11F111111 ttttttt 10.11111111411.11'11111114/111.4. tt ttt 0 1...”11111111 /11141//ltlilif • tttttt 0 ttt ttttttt ttttttttttttt 1ttltlltlll t It I YII111111111111111t1111 tl11111111lIIIlnt1f11111111t,lltttttt lllll ttt ll 1,14,161,11,01.1 llllll ll ll U • ster Fasimms with that spring feeling The plans have all been We have bie tickets and reservations all ready — On the. evening of Saturday, March 29th, the. Mayor, R. E. McKinney, will make the Draw for your trip to New York. • m Do yon have a ticket in Drum ? • Remember there are no strings attached — whether you regularly shop with us ox not you may sign a ticket with a pw'ehase.of any size — from a postage stamp to an electric razor. But remember only THREE MORE DAYS to go. At nine o'clock CKN X Radio will be cluing a Street and store broadcist — right on the spot! At NINE-FIFTEEN THE DRAWS WILL START ----fThe first five names drawn froni the mixing drum will receive a worthwhile prize. THEN AT ABOUT NINE-TWENTY the draw will be made for the trip to New York this last and final draw will be made by the Mayor, M. R. E.. McKinney. og frond! Join the .dun! SAT,, MAIL 29, is the last day COATS 'glister culls for a New Coat- and olf course find the style to suit you at EilighOffers, delight/011y youthful Mid styled to flatter. See the luxurious fabrics la all wool baSyettreaves, 'tweeds Soft rink cash- lueres„ Raglan Ottsli-lip sleeves, brisk fullneSS collar' lx ai add greatly to the appearance of these :lovely styles $g9.50 1'1400 Irani . We have planned the biggest day M our store's 57- year history — we're going to have a real Ball! Gifts all day and evening for every lady customer, • and all school-age children. You can't miss'. Be sure yop have a ticket in the boxi Maybe this will be your first win! HATS • VeSt 1)1,081'' See tine Hata 1.0r yinit PARADIN f„ witigioh t ,,ew designs la' the Season's' 6 $1 9 $ 805 Most flattering' 1t fashionable styles, Priori — • to ,° S Cosmetics for Reautp E IGHOFFERS (Wmgham) LTD. "rile Priendly Store a fa Pdo P404,27, 'nal aoiantnitaaanteioneatralaatelltataSsesolitual a 6ifie !!, • a i -, 4 Goodbye Winghainef i : U t •eightgthirty the Beigrave chic Band will parade on Main St and by nine,: will be playing • in frOnt •ail` the StOre. • Prrscriptiori3 for i with DRUGS Lanf 000'fflitheffinoo •inaannonatoefoemooffforaloaueneeatimonehadissneranniinoilleft t. 1 •