HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-03-26, Page 4r The Wi iglu, Attviti oe="1'iitees, We i., Welt ;til 1958 .•'"�n,.~ti..*., ax sin 11 M1 FOR SALE i SoLKIf;+K SPRING WHEAT at !.TEE'S USED FURNITURE. BUY and .sell. Agent for Kincardine Laundry, Phone 185, 9rtb MILK FILTERS for sale. -„"Rapid AO", 6 -inch, 79c; 61 -inch, $5e, Alexander's Hardware, lrrb CREAM BABY BUGGY' for sale, ',.rood as new. Phone 675W. 26* MEAT FOR SAI.], --Good beef by lqua Killed the quarter. I led on premises Inspected by Dept. o£, Health ' Yearling heifers, Top quality. Lowest prices. Baynard Ackert; f• Ripley, phone 24r20, 17rrb 47iR:ia GUIDE outfit, complete t size p r 10-12 for sale. Excellent condi tion, Phone 314, 26* 1 ,'4'ftO TWIN maple beds, eainplete. with springs and mattresses for sale, Excellent condition. Apply to Geo. H. Scott, phone 118. 266 WOOD for sale, Stove or furnace blgeks. Apply to Mel Jermyn, f . phone 53r12, Brussels.:: 28* NERECONDITIONED. ':Aitrvtay ;aanitisor vacuum cleaner for sale, kixcelient condition. P. et- tison Radio & Electric. 26b 956 METEOR Niagara coach, car for sale: Two. -tone, custom radio, excellent condition. Trade-in ac .cepted. Phone 158. ` 26i IviALL 'WHITE. enamelled cook t stove for sale. Apply to Mrs. Reg Collar, Minnie Street, phone 4323. • 26b 3()OVER In good condition and Electrolux used only five tines :tor sale` Both have attachments. Phone 113 after 6 p.m. 26b 'TWIN GO-CART for ,sale. Good 1 ^"condition, Apply to Mrs. D. ;S MacRae, phone 183: 26b -BROADLOOM CARPET and rugs. Latest samples on display now: Have an estimate, without . obli- gation, for your room. Finest t. qualities, lowest prices, WEL- WOOD'S VARIETY STORE. , • .12rb Lay MUSKRAT COAT for sale. Also wine cloth coat with • fur trim, Both size 14-16 and in good. dondition, Reasonable. Phone 867,. • 26b TRL'S LITTLE NUGGET' spring coat for sale Size a ,Sze1-2 years; also smocked dresses. in same size. Phone 560. 26b BURNER propane gas . stove ,,for sale, $20.00, 26 -inch chain saw, $.45.00. Apply to J. Wool - tock, R.R. 2, Wingham. 26* ONE USED 6 cu. ft. G.E. refrig- erator for sale. One 9 cu. ft. Frigidaire and one 7 cu. ft, Westinghouse refrigerators, Pates t tisca+ Radio & Electric. 26b 1967 MERCURY 3i -ton Pac .- u p truck for sale. Also one Land- race hog and some cows. Apply to Mae Wylie, Wroxeter, Phone 4r14. 26b GIRL'S BICYCLE for sale. Good • as new, Blue color. Apply to Wm. Harman, Brussels, phone 31:x10. 26* !t'WO FRENCH DOORS 6 ft. 9 in- ches x 33 inches for sale, Good as new. Apply to Percy Coup - land, Wroxeter. 26* WE ARE NOW 'contracting-, with the growers of Malting Barley. • We supply seed: Reg, No,. 1 Rod • ney and Gary Oats for sale at $1.60 bu. Commercial No, 1 Herta • and Brant Barley at $2.05, John Burr'istead & Son, phone 455. 12rrb KITCHEN atthe back of 29 John St, for sale. No reason- , able n f f r " e will lieefused Apply a' PPY to Miss D. Comber, phone 343. 26,2;9b F t63VATOR Automagie Shinn-: poo ---Now you can renew the appearance of rugs, upholstery. Leaves no ring, odor or color ' ,change. Take half the work out of .your spring cleaning. A.vait-; iable at Walker. Home -Furnish- g s. rrb int ,AP;A:I#,'.1`M)1i '1' slat National 4 " 'blither nieetrid range for sale,') 1 40" Frigirlalre electric range With .I clock, piatforni light, etc, Smtialt 4 n1rrief I otpoint range, Rat- " Won (Radio & Electric, 26b Old YOU SOW that David ,Cirdmptari, Certified Watchmaker, guarantees to WO your Vited)t hi good running trrder tot once year'? ']:iris free Service guarantee ,applies to all net* watthe&, else to watches that Inane fseitri clean* ed .4nd • reaord.itioaed, Bring in Yb r 'Watch terday aria tate Mt... Witatagn 6f but fast; ria,rtirrtee'ci serVice. $2,25 per bushel for sale. Orders o» ay be left at ,Jphn'L3umstend..& Son, phone 455, 26:2* NO. 2 BRAiT BARLEY and Gary Oats•, cleaned . and treated for sale, Apply to Kinley IVMeNavgh- ton;, lot 7, Concession 2, Turn- berry, phone Wroxeter 150, 26* I,,ADI,T.IS l Charis Foundation Gu- zzle/Its, to fit all figures. Spring sale on. Call Charis Stylist with 14.years experience for Wing- ham;and district. Mrs, Wm, Ken- nedy, Wingham, phone 509W. 26rr Ap.30b 1.10 THIRTY POUND baled• -•of mix- ed hay for sale, Also one load of loose second cut hay; 50 bus, of Rodney one year seed oats; De - Forest , Crosley radio; good table 30x48, Phone 741w21, 26b .YOUR FEET CAN cause pain in ankles, knees,, hips and lower back. For defihite lasting re- sults check With J. A. VICKERS. Foot. Cerrectionist, Queens Hotel, Winghara, on Monday after- rioons. 26rrh BEFORE YOU. BUY a vacuum cleaner or floor polisher. -call Jed 'Reynolds fora FREE Home temonstration• See Electrolux, Canada's finest. Phone 64031. 8rrb MADE your cheques : absolutely fool -proof. You don't have . to spend a fortune. The Nippo, . cheque -writer 11 for 19.9 se s $ 5 andguarantees correct pay- ments. See it .at 'The Advance - Times. 'SEED. FOR SALE—Complete stock Of, Grade 1 New Crop,. Seed. Priced per bushel; Ranger, On- ,• tario or Western Canada Alfa/- . fa, $24.00; Vernal Alfalfa, $37,00; Red Clovr, e $17.50; : White or Yellow Sweet Clover, $7.80; 'Tim- othy, , $6,72; Climax Timothy.. $14.40; Alsike, $17.00, 'Priced per lb.: Orchard Grass, 29c; Brome, 25e•; Meadow Fescue, 20c; Reed Canary,. ,50c; Kentucky Fescue, 27e; Bu . IGrass, e 59c; La dins 50c; White Dutch, 55c; Trefoil,;, 85e; Gary Oats, certified, $1.60; Brant Barley, $2.00. We are buy- ers. of Red Clover and Timothy at top prices. Cleaning Rib Grass from clovers ar specialty. R. Cramm .& Son, Pinkerton, phone. Cargill 68w3, Paisley 151r17. rrb DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK OCK removed promptly for sanitary disposal, FREE pick up' on larger animals, reasonable collection charge for small ani- - inais, Phone collect Winghdm 378; Palmerston 123w, or Dur- ham 398, Gordon Young (Elmira) Limited, Orb' $10.00 arid UP paid for sick, down and diaabled Cows and Horses, also ' dead cows ,and horses at cash value, Please phone prompt- ly, Bruce MVlarlatt. Call collect 56r7 Brussels, 24 hour service. lerrb MISCELLANEOUS RED CROSS WHEEL CHAIRS are available through the Wingharla Brandi No. 180 of the Canadian Legion. This is a. free service. Contact R. John Currie, Chair- man, phone 716. 12,19,26b NEVER, NEVER, never since the world began such relief from sore, aching, burning feet, -weak ankles, sore knees, ships and back, cramps in feet or legs. Corns, callous s, buni s dis- appear, arthritis pains fade away, brings back circulation, Consult W. A. Kaufman, phone 04 Lis- towelopen day afternoon e Tu s te r noon andvenin evening; and at the Bruns - Wick Hotel, irighani, on March 20 and, April 3 at '4toont No. 3, 12rrb SEPTIC TANKS, Cesspools, etc:, cleaned with nioderia equipment. All Work guaranteed. Louis Matte, R.It, 2, phone 42r6 Brus- sets: 26rr25JFl*. IS YOUR: TELEVISION' properly insured for all risk coverage? "or information phone 293, Stew - Art A. Scott, Winghani, 2rrb STEW.ART' A. SCOTT can now Save you 15% on your ear or truck insurance. Yearly or elk 'months policies are available. Special rates for farmers, leer further information phone 293, Wingharn, 29rrb VATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association "Where'Better Bulls Ate Used", ',For artificial in- semination information or ser» vice from till breeds of cattle, pitone The Waterloo Cattle -Weeding AM -elation at: Clinton H(P.:$44l or Mildmay t30r12 lad ftweed7.0 arta 0.30 akit Wohs� ti all breeds avail le—I,quatIy it torn Cos]:," 2rrrir WILL, TRADE BOY'S; BIC OLE for girl's. bi- cycle. Phone 5013. 26b Rhin(,( ESTATE FRAME HOUSE 20x28 for sale. Could he moved, Apply to Box 1.5 Advance -Times, , �6 HOUSE for sale. in WIngham. Livingrootn 20x12; two hedrootns, kitchen, room' for bathroom, extra room 18x10, Garage„r2045. Price $2600. Phone 5593, 26rrb HOUSE for sale, Centrally located, built-in cupboards, 3-pietee bath, all hewiy decorated. Available immediately. Phone -486R, 26* POULTRY FOR. SAX.(, DEKALB HYBRID Chickens for sale. Day-old and started: Also wane 16 wc,ks-old .pullets. Apply to Hugh Armstrong, Teeswater, phone 54r14, Teeswater. .5:12;19:20* PULLET SALE. Starter pullets -- High Line 934-A, DeKalb pullets 16 weeks old on April 10th. Vac- ' cinated for Bronchitis and. New- castle Disease, and de -beaked Contact Newmarket 'Co-op at NewflI t Ph N I t an ce one • ewivar .ce •, Twining 5-9611. • 26:ap2:9b --_ •`r WANTED FOR RENT ]ITEC WANTED NE106 EXTRA GASH? W:eric spare time. We need men and women to address envelopes or, sew Baby shoes, $50 weekly pas- Bible, Send stamped addressed envelope, Write Box 812, Dau- phin, Man, 19:26:2:9b LARGE UNITED STATES and Canadian' Manufacturing Com- • pany requires Field Representa- tive in Turnberry Township. Ex- ceptionally high earnings.• Guar- anteed repeat 'business, ,A.utenie- bile essential. Agricultural or farming background most, lin- portant, Sales training given, - Reply to Box 84, . London, 'Ont- ario, . 12;19:26b OFFICE ASSISTANT EEQU1RED WINGHAM DISTRICT HIGH- SCHOOL BOARD requires a full time clerk, si;enographer and; sec- retary to work in the High School Office. dead working knowledge bf typewriting, . shorthand and. bookkeeping required,•-Fulll time duties, To commence immediately; When applying, st t.oqualifica- tions q ual as - tionsto Miss Yvonne MacPherson, Acting Sec'y-Treasurer, Wingham High School. Board. • Applications to be in hands of Secretary of the Board by April 'l, 1958. R. S. Hetherington, Chairnian 100 ACRES GRASS newly seeded for rent, Apply' to Mel Jermyn, phone 53r12, Brussels, 26* WAN'T'ED, TO RENT 100 ACRE FARM near Wingham. Phone 402W1 after t6 p.m. • 26* APARTMENT WANTED to rent: one or two bedrooms, for occu- pancy at once or in May, Apply Box 12 Advance -•Times, 12-26* NOTICE!, TO'•CREDITORS All persons havirig`claians-ragrfinst•. the estate of Adam Robertson, late of the Township of East Wawa- nosh, in the .County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the, 8th day of February, A.D. •1 5s 9 are` notified to e send, to the undersigned, on or before the 12th day of April, 1958, full par- ticulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said '12th day. of April, the assets of the said Testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to claims ;of which the Executor shall then have notice. • , DATED this 21st day of March, A.D. 1958. r CRA.ti`'i itI CRAWFORD & tIET XI. N TON IiXE G WINGRAM, ONTARIO. • Solicitors for the Executor • 26,2,9b, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND. OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF 'SAMUEL COULTER, late of the Township of East Wa- wanosh, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, Deceased. NOTICE I,S HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Samuel 'Coulter, are 'required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. W. PIJSH- FIELD, Q.C., Solicitor 'for the Ex- ecutor of the said Estate. ,on. before the 5th day of April, A.D., 1958, and that after such date the Executor will proceed, d todistir distribute e the assets of the said Estate,'hav- ing regard only to the claims, of which he shall then have had ' rid - Lice. DATED at Wingham; (Mario, tibia 11th day of March. A.D. 1958. 3. W. PlUSIIIMIZ, Q.C., WINOTIA1Vi, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executor. 192621 NOTI+C`E To CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN °V.1 -IE .MA'rTrT • On' TTN TATE O1' REBECCA: I'i-MJbE 1)01)11, late of the Town of Wing - heat in the County of Mitten, Wide• ow, Deceased. NOTICE IS Htil',Iirni GIVEN pursuant to the'Trust ee Act, that; all creditors anti ;o hers 'lowing elating against the Estate of the late Rebecca Maude Dodd, are re- quited to send particulars Of their dolma, ' duly. verified, to S. W. EtISTIPIELU' ,d, Solicitor fir the Executors of the said Betide, on o before the nth day of April, A.D. 1958 that .u. r and aftersuch 'doth the Executors wilt proceed to drst.rih." utc the assets ;nf the mid Estate having regard only to the elainis Of which they shall then' have had notice. n t A'T'1niTr' gt Wingham, Ontario,. this 15th day or 1Vfarelt, Are 1958 J. W. 13iJ;4'H ,U �D WINCI1LAIlf, Ontario. Solicitor Pott the Executors. 192621r 1'9:260 • GRAVEL TENDERS Township of .[Yir the y. -Sealed tenders • will be received by the undersigned until ,2 p.m. on• Monday, April 7, 1958 for • the crushing and hauling of approxi- mately 8,000 yards of %" gravel, 'to be spread to the satisfaction, o€ the roadsuperintendent, not later than, July 2, 1958, cbntractot; to strip and maintain pits. A Marked' cheque fol' $300 to accompany tenders, ,Lowest or any tender slat 'necessarily accepted. John' V. Fischer, Clerk. FOUND' SMALL FEMALE Dog . found; black and white body, brown and white head, Phone '98. • 13RICKJNG, PLASTERiN REPAIRS REFAINTING walls; chimneys, brickw-plastering. ork Free`esti- mates, 'guaranteed work; Write Fred T. 'Fowler, Box 450, phone 141W, ;Mitchell, Out. • 26,2,9,16'r .CARD O1N THANKS, I wish to thank all my friends and relatives for the cards and treats sent to me while a patient in Wingham hospital, . Special thanks t6 Dr. W. A. McKibben and Mrs, M'ortey and staff, ---Barry Hefter, . 26'F CAW) OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to my neighbours and friends for the wonderful flowers anti Cards sent to me during my stay in the hospital; also thanks to Dr. W. A. McKibbon and the nursing staff of the first floor.— • Mrs, Edward small, 1 1 THANKS CAW/ OJr N1 y 11 Jt I wish to thanc all MY friends s for cards, gifts and visits during My .stay in Wingharn. Hospital, Also thanks toDr. • A,i I . WrMciS boon and d staff of tirdfloo r of, the ho s- pital Such things are not soon forgotten,--Charles H, Jefferson. liN 26* IN 14I•EIVI.ORXAAt WlXR --Iiz loving Memory of Wal- do Weir, who passed away March y 26th, [947.• Sometimes 'it's hard to Understand Why aome'thinga have to be But in his wisdom God has planned Beyond our power to see, —Lovingly remembered by his wife and family. 26b • _w. nnII3rt1I.A1Cl �IEXtV>�(1,15 ' CifrtftrE'S AMBULANCE, Wing- ham. Safe, Courteous Service. Phone bay, 51 Night, 71(3 or 636, 1;#rrb FINANCING A CAR? i Lefoi'e you buy ask abatit our tow ,Co stMaiming Service with complete Montana Co tia e. . T A SCOTT. S � � ♦ RT A i mono 293 yilinghit,i i 25erb TOO LATE 'TQ CLASS'IF'Y' MRS. DARLEINE Hopper of Wing., ham hasbeen appointed the new representative for Avon Products for the town cif Winghan?i ai?d district, Phone :562W.• ' - 26b STARTED; PULLETS -,-1,000 Red - ..Sussex three ..weeks• . old; 560 two weeks, old; 500 four weeks old; 120 Rhode -Island Red one week old three Rouen ducks'and • drake for sale, Apply to J,, R•. ••• Coultes, phone 743W2, 26b 30 Wi2AN1:.TNO PIGS for sales Apply to Alex Corrigan, ,phone Wroxeter 15r2, , 26)i, lnv 1lI1V10iiiA1li 'TITCH Tn J memory of Mrs, John Fitch who passed away two year's ago March 2`4tb: It's two years Mother, • Since you -have •' passed away; We watched You suffer, but could not help, in any way - You left us quietly, your thou'g'h.ls' unknown • But you left us the memorY, We're 'so proud to oven.' You're presence is ever .near •us You're love remains .with us yet. For you were the 'kind of a Mother' • Your loved ones could , never for- d —Always rem timbered by husband and family: 26* IN MEMORIAM YOUNG—In loving memory of .a wonderfulson and brother, Hugh Young," who passed away 2 years ago . today; ]varch ; 23rd,, • 95 Y .6 y . • When evening shades are falling And `we sit in. quiet alone, To our hearts there eom'es a long- ., If yott only could come home.' Friends may think we have for- gotten 'i. Vheo, at,.'times: they see:us simile, But'they , he y little know the heartache, ,Pur smiles hide all the while. -Ever remembered 'by Mum, Dad, and Bob. 26b Mrs.. John W. .Mason] Dies iri'91st, Year '" , A beloved resident of :East Wa- wanosh Township, Mrs,: John W: Mason died d at her home on the 7th , Concession last Friday even=. int. Mrs.: Masi who was in her 91st 'year, was quite active until she became ill nine weeks ago; She had 'always been interested in the work of her church, and her :core munity and was known in many homes as 'a kindly nurse in timed of illness. ' ' A daughter of the late -Waiter Nicol and :Ann Budge, she was bore on the 7th Concession of East Wawanosh and had spent her en- tire life 'there, living on only two farms. Her memory : carried her back to the days when oxen were still in use on the farms in that area. She married John W. Mason 65 'years ago. Her husband died in 1944. Mrs. Mason 'was a :member of Ittriox Presbyterian Church at i3ei-• grave: - She is survived by one son, Allen, of Kitchener, and two daughters, Mrs Henry(Annie) Arm r n, arid Mrs. Vi (Agnes) d M s titer ing es) Ydungbiut, of East Wawanosh with whom she resided. She was prede- ceased b 'son li;d i' 1955 and ce d '`ya whin n a daughter, Mrs. Bert '(Edna) ounin 1056 There are g, seven grandsons and.12 great-grandchild Panels] Service • Was held at Knox 'Church, Belgrave, on Monday afternoon,' • With Dr, A. Nintnio of Wingham .officiating, Interment Was in Brandon Cemetery, Bel - grave, Pallbearers being Joseph Dunbar, Marshall `Stonehouse, Chris Nethery, Lewis Cook, Albert ttotiltes and William Blank, BIRTHS TOMS—At the W1'igllain Hospital, on' Friday, March '21, 1958, Lb Mr, and Mrs. Jack Toms, Wing. 'ham, a daughter, JOHNSTON—At the Wingharn Hospital, ' on .Saturday,,, hfarcll 22,..1958; ;to Mr: and Mrs; Risks' ' •.Johnston,'Teeswatea, a 'sin., ' CURRAN At 'the.•Wiughana Floc pital, On Sunday; • March 23, ,1058, •to.Mr, and Mrs, James Currin';' R;R.; 1, 6ucknow., a son, VAN VLIET—At the Wingliatra 'Hospital, on Monday, March :24,' 1958, -Co . Mr, and Mrs, Jan van' Vliet, •.B.IR. 2, Brussels, ,a son B rother Passes At,•Detroit Melvin, Robert Shicls a.• native of Grey, Township;,died at 'hie .home r ine rt o •D tto t n Thursday, March •13, after a'long illness, •' Mr. Shiels.. was a son of the lath, Robert and Annie• Shiels- and .was born "in Grey* Township .on Jan nary 8;.1297. He 'married the form- er Mary •Jacklin at the • Brussels Anglican Church 30 years ago, Following . service with the • 161st. •Battalion, with which' he 'enlisted at Brusi sse] he • sworked fol the J.~ L, • Hudson & Co, • store Sri Detroit for about 30 years. He was a mom •ber :of the' Temple Baptist Church in that 'city. Besides his wife, • he is survived by one 'daughter, Shirley, at Minn; a: sister,1Vli's, ;George (Elisabeth) Jphnston; Wingharn; and:a brother, m n N .o >+ a Shiels, Selgrave.' The. funeral was held from the Cooper Bros, • Mortuary in Detrgjt on : Monday : of last :week with ire= terment in Forest Lawn Cemetery.; NV y . 1 Fi1resh S otun at '. Gu ld Meeting •The Evening• Guild, ;of St Paul's Anglican Church 'meson 'Tuesday evening "hi the parish room: The meeting was opened by the •peesi-. ,dent,,:Mrs.. Alvin:. Hzggrns .`with • prayer. and 'the Lord's:. prayer.'in• unison- • • T.he''secretary,' Mrs: Jack Salter ready hei- minutes of .the previou:l ieeting• and the roll call. •The treasurer's ' • report, : W,as given •by Miss.. •Dorothe.. Comber, showiung• that the pancake supper was a fin' andel success. .;Discussion took place regarding the buying ;of .a. projector, but this Was left until the next meeting, Members were reminded to'bring articles of soap, powder, pins and, wash cloths, for, the babies' bale which, will be sent. in May, It Was decided•to hold 'the auction sale at the April .meeting. Miss Dorothe Comber's group had • charge of : the program and social part 'of the meeting. With the 'assistance of Alvin Higgins, films' on', the Hawaiian ,Islands, showing how _'they are -advancing in education as well as religion, ware enjoyed, Mrs. C: • F. Johnson closed ,the meeting. With prayer, The hostessea. served a .delicious lunch, AJ( 1 El Cash pail] ler desid, sick or disabled horses Or cows. Irmo pick-up on sandier aylitnais, li Prompt service whir winch equipped • trucks,. Phone.. ER A D �?, CHES0N Atwood 153 c,. f >>mtl collect ;or 'GEORGE HISLsP Wroxeter, 2r15' May211 WANTED ^ 1:' Hush Iota with soft maple ple end' ]lilt. Will purchase bush properties' or farm Please phone or " write: ease hon The Ando*, Malcolm I4tt i � Ltd,, Listowel, Ontario lo it; GET OUR OG TADS BE YOUR DOGDOGMUST � TAGV a 1,+ By MARCH 31 1958 • The owner, possessor, or harborer of a 4o14 shall' cause AiSe the sante to be re iste• re d at the e off ice of Town Cleric or Police Chief a OR:BEFOR E MARCH 31st, 1.9 58 8 • 1$4,11411:000014; 1IIO(l 4.UU, i11:>i; DOG •$ 4'4)0 S:JYIALNI DOG $'B,II0 . KENNEL L4CLNSE klUrUU T, W, a'l.A'A".�L`f, 1t . C111IiI! OP Pout*. HARRIS :R• A T R S ' .and 65' ' NEW. 50 s � .� a.s �y •NEW HOL AND BALERS 1 5 � - TRACTQ.RS :' Case Model S 'John Deere Model M, complete with' front-end loaderand two -furrow plow Massey-J1arris', Model 20 49 Ford complete with plough • CHARLES' HOD 6 -INS 111.111111114.114 AA . 1 . 1111 ln"111!",llllll 11111 lIl"11111111111111111111ll ll11111111"n ]ell "iul un uu,u q,Yu 1P"allnmun: BY PRE:PAYING A: Y.1 N G ji*.,.,a0JN l.,}n 4 } WIHGHAtn9 0? $ d1 ,N G •E TER le ' . �' "- Town at Winghain 1958 Taxes ,ra tpay'el`5 may make payments ''o i'aeepynt of 195$ taxis up. to $0 per cent o f 195s l Yes. - 1 1 � a Interest at the rate -ol i"our per cent, 1)er alllltllll will be allowed cit such )1'e) laial 'etits. l Pi'�1��4 .` • , lz](,lli:s of Laics iritis' • be. mac -le at the Town Treasurer's Office, T. r art 1) J 14'11. W. A. CALSRAITH Treasurer. Town of Winghain , 11111111nl le11,1„1111111e11111111111111111111111 Y,11111111111/IIIA111111111111)II1111111111!{IN/Illi]]]l]cul],Ie111l/ill11lll!llllllll BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIREC RAY w • H. T C . A. - 1 VI i BAIiIt i Sli 1 Z S I,llt . O ,17lOit end NoTattav 1 tri :1t) 'TEEsurivr lig `()NTAnt() Tole lion 2 T .. 1 0 $ rorbvuater Wroatoter•-.-Jiivery . Wct�,t,isaTia lsftorrioata, •2,-4 11a0., or by altlioint,nent. Frederick F. HHomiuth Phm,14., Carol 'ErHi<1litto - -. h, R:q. Mrs. Viola 11, Ramlltl, 11.0. Oi"rolutJi'a1r,Sto * T'iibNE II.g arrigton, 'Ontario ERAWFORa ' & , ET E�IN E.lia IVC�� a 1 llarristers solicitors r r aa, Phone V ,t i i h 8 is u , i o J, I.X. C1tAW1.rORI), Q.C. it. 5.. IIPITIIEItJNGTON, Q.C. J. W. � USII �B',ILII • .Ci'• Tiu:rr14E64 r oltclt4f,- Notary, gooey to toot Otflce—Meyer .flioeltr • Wittalouoi. WELLINGTON FIR Ifitirratii:i, Company Est,. 1.340 Ail alt otoadia.tt Cotitltu:f:v which has faitlil tIhj siWved it's IIolluy M idoa•s for over a r,rntalry, ]lead (Mine, ..i Toronto li#. O Mae'X:ean Iriq'lirtiircc Agency Winghttin