HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-03-26, Page 1WINC.1111A1V, ONT KWH ?,04' 1,,OF
• T. h. HUSSER
NO TO IYINfillAM ea in
W. T. Abraham
Is New Ag, Rep.
The T'S,81.0rW Relations Q0011'Plir.-
tee of "Wlegb411O UnItect Plinrell has
milted word from T; Gar.
hat Hussar, 0.p,; that ' be
WS !accepted the..eall of the com-
e/I:time to be pastor of the 'Wing.'
iilii cofigregatiOri..,
Htfsser Isi:,peMple'ting
seyeolear past9r4e at
Prior ,to that he was at' MilibroOk
and in Northern Ontario.:
At Aylmdt be was itetie to com
anantY afiairs and in the larger
field of United church Woik, heing
at present the Missionary and
Mainteriabee chairman for London
Mr. and Mrs. gasser:, with their
three younger ..ehildren, will: be
corning to Winghain abdut duly 1.
W. T. A.byaliana, Mr. and
Mr's, of the
BeiMore district, has ""lieen married
as rigrIculter •representative for
the county of LittabtoriY.*
Mr. Abraham Who is a graduate'
Of the Ontario Agricultural College,
has .been StatioaCkl Manitoulin
Island, far the, bast fiv,e para. He
served as assistant • agricultural
representative for Middlesex
County Previous he that, tithe,, ,
...,.,..... /..: . . ,.. FAC'E-OFF.-Reen deterinination is shown hi the. Laces, Of"eentre icemen Don Whitfield a( Fordwieli ai a
Jim 'Kellar of Shallow Lake "Shown toespig in the, puck to :start - the ,semi4insialti of the Grey.-Bruce -
Police Association annual bantam hockey held''-tintrin'unentr:here Saturday, is•Chief of Police- Earl Avright-
Doug ,, .., ,. •
son of. Kincardine; -,.litieferea is Loattidge• Of, WIngh0m. ,, - . (Clark—Advance-'!'hues) ..,. ..,,„ .,• ... - : •. .. •,
,/ xv9rio wow/00a, who ,Was gong;
0 little flying with. Bill gritikahank
On Mooday nriOrning, 443,4411e ,1Vfi 1t-
land la completely clear of lee, noW
With the, exception of backwaters
and,,mill panda. he' Said
was go nial` on *On-.
d :that Beeerpfee nirle-teaped,11.111.
,iii East Wawanoeh couliymaeenas
alie plane had nitlely.elear-
tal the fiord at Sky Harbor airport;
just north of Goderieh.
.0 - Q
Scat Reld, Olaf of the,, CKNX
cligilieCrlirg iitaff, was • the guest
iintakerlat the meeting of the Wal-
iverton Refary,.Cluti iecentlY,'Se.ott
trkke6d oa, history of
bons from the jangle drunito the
iiiodern NteinVision networlc.
t" „. • '
Percy SD/Anton is back after at-,•
' lending a' three-day course in Mil-
waUlvee, 'Wls , put oa by the Cum
niMs Portable Toot qd., ;
local Kinsmen Will piitertain
'several outside •guestar„ this' Fridayi,
evening'; as •plans go forward. for
the Wingham ,Trade Fair, which 'IS
now, about two months in the,off=
TIM Kiastnen report that a
ianY of .the, eidlibit, spaces in
the are4 have been sold.
SaDirday 'night at 1,11eWitigionn.
DI'S:trial: 'High Schodl, Tri • Coul4
Youth for Chriet presented the
Landon 'Bible Institute arid Theo
logical .Serninary Chorale in a .coaa
(ant of Snored- music., The concert
was very well attended and , thor-
oughly enjoyed,
Mre Wm. Carey, director of the
Music .Department of the' Setpin.
cry, conducted the 'chorale its 'they
presented "Music with a .Message".
The selection's"- ineluded among
Others: "The Heavens' Are
(Beethoven); "The Lord le A
Mighty' God" (Month188611T);
",Open Our Eyes" (1110efarlan e)
and Consecration (,Carey): "
-The, personnel of the - chorale
'eame from different, parts of the
world"'including New York State,
Nova .' Scotia.. NeW Brunswick, •
Silence, Sask.; Ontario, Jumaela to.
feather their education at the .Lon-
don Bible Institute and Theologi-
cal Seminary,
A shOrt• devotional message. Was • -given by }Re, Prank Koksma,
Registrar of the Seminary to elose
the evening of, a well presented
and received concerti .
arties for
Nq Injuries, In
Two ACcidents'
Thera' were two aCeidents
Motor vehieles in this area, over
the week-end, fortunately- without
injury to drivers or passengers.
At two &chick Sunday morning
a light -track ridriven by Raymond.
P. Adams, of VVintechureh, went
into the niteh at the „intersection
of Highwaye 86 and 87 an-13luevale,
when tire blew '44. Neither the
driver nor his passenger; ;Harvey"
Shaw of 'Bluevale *ere injured:
A .ear owned and'driven by Carl
BurroWs, of Clifford;" went out of
control at the 9th concession of
Turrinerry and the county road
running north from Wroxeter.
Passengers in, the car were Bruce
Binkle .and.. Allita" Hill, both Of•
Clifford. lAbout, $1,000 damage was
done tb the car 'which turned end
elVer end and landed on its reef.'
'rho 'accident also .occurred ion Sun-
day morning
Votel's thronghont the Dominic/
of Canada ail/ preparing to 'go' 't
the polls Monday next, March
31.4, - second election to be
held In less than ten,Months.
Polling hoothk,will be open
alg jvt o'clock morning +iiit It
six o'cieek in -the evening: ."
- J. Arthuy Warm, of Winghani,
1A41.0 Is the returning °Meer for:
the riding of Wellington-lanipn, in
which the Lawn is loeated, liaS'neen
busy for the ,past 'six )dbeics •with'
preparatIona .(03- the election, :which
include the 'printing of iie,essatY,
notices; lists voters -.grid
ballots,thte appointment of,, the
deputy returning Officere aril!
clerks and the Provision of polling_
place's for „each Stibadrvigion in the,
entire eleetoral." dietriet,
tonaItiren stretches from Wing-
Intai right down 'to -Fergus.
Polling. places , in the Town' of.
Winghate are as follaws;
For voters residingweSt
ephine St. and south of fob
Masoa's Book -Store; east `O.f:Jeti
epnine St„ smith" of John St. andi
north of -Victoria St., lietighan'S;j:
Store; West of Josephine St:,, nonth .
of John St, and south of Patrick
St.;..Town Halfi;, east of „Tose:Maine.
St., north of John St. and south of.
Patrick St:, Wingharn Motors,
east of • Josephine'Si,, Mirth of,
Patrick,St.., and "south of C.',N; raila
Way, DOwnie's' Service. • Station;.„
e'astrof Josephine St., rend noi'th,.Of
q,N. railway, , P, Carbe
cleriee, Charles ,St.; east, ell
bee 'St. and south of. Victoria St.,
Finnigan's Store, Diagonal 'Road'
"WingilaM is to be iminonred with
a visit from the ,Reverend .Gbrald
Gregaon , who willbe vi.lt-
ling her during Holy Week, March
31st through April. arcl. -The spec-
ial services be held at the
Wingham United Church each'
evieritng commencing at :8',o'clock.
The Reverend , -Gerald' gregson
.was born in,SouthportN.;ahea,shire,
rhigland and was. 'educated '.,at
.45hrewsbury School. After several
years in btsiness at Wigan and
Manchester Mr, Gregson felt
strongly the Call to God to the.
Ministry, and took his AA. at:
where IM
captained his, college at tennis
and the university at badminton.
After serving .his curacy in
Blackpeol;,:he went as vicar 'to St,
Paul'.s, Cambridge,' where 'he acten
as honorary 'dhaflain to "the Royal
Air Force in the. .university se
that when war came, .he was lin-
niediately called inte74 full-time- ser
vice, and sent 'out as' •sealer 'chap-
lain to' Canada, with. the :British
Empire " Training -Scheme, With:
the rank of wing-emninander.
After his three years ,in this
Corrimonwealth, 'he was recalled to
England, and later . sent over . as
senior chaplain to „Burma . . . .
volunteering a, second' time for
Overseas service, " ^
Since the war, Mr. •Gfregsbn has'
acted as secretary to the Scrip-
ture Union, has'served on the staff'
of • Wycliffe. College, Toronto .Uni-
versity acting as their missioner
to the Church rif, England , in.
Canada, and has also -been chap»
lain to the Women's Reformatory
in Toronto.
tiolY Week Services
in .United Church-
.Helly Week Serviee'S •Will be "held .
commencing on 'Monday evening
next, Mareh 31 and `continuing
until Thursday evening. The ser-,
vice each evening will commence
at eight o'clock, hilt will be pre-
ceded at 7.30 'by 'a, prayer meeting
and religious music, Speaker at
these services will he Rev. G. W.
Gregson, IVIA„ of Toronto, ' who 'is
a most outstanding preacher.
Good Friday service will be held
in St, Paul's Anglican Church 'for
one hour commencing at 10 a.m.
'Rev.' C, F. Johnson will 'be in
charge of the service and Dr. A.
Nimino will be the speaker.
Members of all denominations
are cordially 'invited to take part
in 'all of these services.
ed, for a meeting- to be held in the
local Armouries at ,eight o'clock.
on -Friday' evening,, Ivh,e,n, invited
representatiVes of various organi-
zations in this community will dis-
cuss civil defence and the part
which can .be taken by 'citizens of
Wingham and the surrounding
The subject has been , toughed
upen by town council and ,.other
civic 'bodies several times ln the
past five • years, but no definite
'action' 'to "innilernent civil defence
planning was undertaken until a
few months ago When'the'adinini-
stratrix arid members' of' the
-lel staff, along with the, doctors,
police ,and the Ladies' Auxiliary to
the Hospital worked out a very
complete plan of action in ease of
any type of disaster,
In addition to the hospital's part
hi Civil Defence, there are many
other aspects of the subject which
will be under discussion at 'the
meeting on Friday evening, as a
basis for further gatherings and
Films will be shown at Friday's
meeting to demonstrate the need
and purpose of Civil Defence or-
--Mr, Ed Fergie and -daughters,
Joan and Marie,.'Reg. 'N., of Tor
onto 'spent the week=end with., his
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Win. Forgle,
Miss "Anne Forgie returned home
with them 'for a few days,'
Mr. and Mrs.. Reid
55 Years.Nlarried. . .
Friends; joined in extending ',con-
gratulations yesterday to Mr; and
Mrs; Alex*Reid, Edward Street,-
who celebrated the 15th annlzei:-
,sary of 'their xnarriage,
Mr..anci Mrs. Reid were married
eft Ripley; ht the hoine. ..(4: • the,,,
bride's parents, Mr. .and Mrs, 'Mc-
Lean, Rev. F. 3', Maxwell officiated
at the double ceremony in which
Mrs..Reid's sister was also married.
Following their marriage Mr. and
'Mrs, Reid farthed on' the Durham
Road for five yeais, moving to
Wingham ern .1908, where Mr. Reid
operated the 'local bus service to
and Dann the stations, at ..a time
'when there were as many as '14
trains a day , in and outs,of the
town, Later Ile" entered the eriinloY
of the British-American Oil Co.,
retiring ?about 11 years ago.
The Reida have • one daughter
Mrk J. C. (Tena)\ Thompson., of
London and five grandchildren,
Fallowing the death of Mrs,. Reid's
:inner a • nephew; Roy McLeod,
made hiS home with them. He now
resides in Pasadena, -
Ifyon.: are like. quite a few
people we' know you have forgotten
so far to '00 •ahZthihq,00111; either,
your Red Cress donatkin 'or your
Easter ,Seals" -:contribution, .Why
not, do it right away?
Mayor.R.E. McKinney, of Wing-
ham, was on'e thn speakers who
addressed the recent annual meet,
ing., of the Ontarip • Municipal
Electric , Association' in Toronto.
His subject was the coat of low
Hydro ratint ate
Mr. and ,Mrs. A. J. Thornton of
itoeheater, New York, wish to air
noai -e the engagement of" their
ni Mildred Edna Thornton`to
Murray Alexander Taylor, son 'of
.Mr. and Mrs. Chester Taylor, of
St. Helene. The marriage to take
. place on Saturday, April 12th,' in
Colbounie Street United Church,
London: 11126,'
• A euchre party will be' held in
the Oddfellows' Hall o')i' Wednes-
day, March 26th. Sponsored by the
Odiffellovis' Lodge. Everyone wel-
come. ." F260
A euchre Tind dance , Will he held
In , the Foresters' Hall, Beigrave,
oil Vriday„March 28, Sponsored
by the Belgraye Pipe Band. Euchre
front 8' to 10 p.m. Everyone Wel-
Come. F264'
,h'or information concerning elec-
tion and* fat 'tiara eleiition day.
Call Progreskive-C1OnserVative Corn-
inittee rooms in Brunswick Hotel.
Telephone' 319. F26b
John W, Fianna, "M.P.P, for
Huron-Briiee, recently addressed
the Legislature in answer to a
query from Hon. Farquhar Oliver,
leader of the Opposition, about the
situation at Ontario's race tracks.
Mr,. Hanna, a member of 'the On-
tario .Racing Commission, said that
every effort .is. 'being made to
raise the, standard at , the race
tracks each year, and he. said that
he was sure every .rnember of the
House would be pre0d of the way
racing is bandied in this prOvince.
He also. pointed to ale. fact that
the 'government received $4,294
from racing in the past year, a
percentaie of which is turned back
to the racing spdrt to improve
Facilities and eel-abating generally. DANCE AT GOltRIE
An Easter dance will be held in
the Gortie community hall on Mon-
day,• April 7th with , the Pordwich
orchestra supplying music,
skin 50e, Booth ih the hall, F26;2b
WROXETER W.i, 11111100iim
The Wroketer W. I. will hold a
progressive euchre in the Com-
munity Hal) at 8.80 p.m. 'Thurs-
day, 'March 27th, Prizes given.
Ladies please Ining tench. Ad-, • mission 25 cente. k26b
Soldier 's Family
Reaches Germany
Word,, has been received here
that Mrs, Jim Seddon and her two
Sons, Michael and Stephen, arrived
at Liverpool, Englaaid, on February
24th, from where they proceeded to
Connally. They were Met at Soest
by her' husband, Tpr, Jim Seddon
and have taken up residence at
Iserholm. They Will ,remain, in Ger-
Many until Jim's tour of duty wills
the occupational forces is com-
Party Held for
' The L.O.L. Euchre wilt be held
in are Orafige Gerrie, on
Wednesday, April 2 at 8.30 p m,
Admission 25e, Ladles please 'bring
lunch. P26b
• A p meeting will be held in
the et) unity' hall at Belmote on
Thera ay,' Match 27, 1988, at '8.30
p.al. A' representative of the Situ-
'Oen Valley Conservation Atithor-
ity will be present to present plans
for the linproVenrient of .the corn-
Mbeity park, Ladles 'and gentle-
men, this is your community park,
name and bring your Suggestions
.:4,Signed, Clutha/rain of • Bblraore
Community Hall Board. 1019;26.1)
Mr, and Mrs, Whn, it, Taylor,
it,A, 1, Wroketer will be at hoine
to their frielida and neighbours en'
evening,. Mardi , •28,, 1958; on
the tiectiakin of their 211th' Anniver'
airy. • P19:644,
35th Wedding BUNNY AT WitOXETtlit
Everyone come to thn Benny
Hop at WroXger Community
Wedneclay,, Airil 9th, Music by
Elliott Carruthers Orchestra, Spec-
iiil~.'d like the Bunny Hop,
Elimination Dance and Paul lones.
Prize for 'the lucky Bunny, Lunch
booth in hall, Admission 75 cents,
CORRIE—Mt, and Mrs. Ernest
King celebrated their 64th wedding
anniversary oh Friday, March 21,
when they were at borne 'to their
friends. On Saturday evening their
family paid them a surprise visit
and a family dinner was held. They
Were recipients of many cards and
Mr, Xing is 92 years old, while
his wife is 82, They maintain. their
own home and enjoy fairly good
health, although Mr. icing, has had
an arthritic condition and is nil-
able to get around very much
They ware both born in Howick
'Township and have resided here all
their lives, Thoy•farmed until re-
tiring to Carrie a few years ago.
Mr, and Mrs, king, are members
of St. Stephen's Anglican Chureh."
The couple recall that the year
they were ' married, 1894, spring
came early and some ploWing bed
been done, but the weather Was
cold later on.
They, haVe . one daughter', Mrs
Percy (Clara) Colmar of Toronto;
four 'sons, Wilfred, Prank am'
Harry, all of llowick, and Ernest
of WindsorAThe family was all
home for ,the Sa'turda'y night 0010-
tr-Atkin except .Ernest, Who is in
the South. .
Beemise many friends and nyna-
pathetic w-aequaiiitanees throughOut.
this;eomfrignity have' exnyassed the •
degre to-,•be of soxne 'assistance: to
a' 'fsiz}ily which'..haS'.'-eheolintered.
great misfortune. 'this yeas,. t.l'r.-
en the task of putting these e,
ia,stoinpe.dracttiheeal. ffoirr4int, ti:4 year
Gordon Pertott" hag been- in lios-
petal confined, to bed at home
in a completely , disabled condition,
suffering from a, form of ,parabrsis-
Hoipital° and, lirms,ehold expenses
have piled - tip 'as 'theyare bound
to do with a, family' Of four small
The-lane-4s will mail out, With,
in the neXt few days, a letter to
each her/sell-old. in town, '5u.ggest-
ing.thaLas, anttny people as possible
efii.tkn*e t4 held .bridga.pn.euthre
f:iettiet04 'the' evening of .W
iroeeeds 'of which t
will. be 431a:bed - in a • fund 'for the
Perrott family. In ,i3a,seS; w,hara
townspeople can neither' entertain
nor attend one of the neighbor-
parties, donations may be made.
and envelopes will accompany the
letters for this priroose.• The Kin-
ette,s will pick them up on, the
evening of April-
Those wise are holding parties
will be asked 'to regigter between
7 and 9.30 p.m. on the ,evening of
April 9 by phoning 633 or 664w.• A
member of the Kinettes
up the donation or proceeds of the
party the Came evening. No later
than. 11 pan. scores will be phoned'
In to the above numbers and the
prizes determined' oil a town-Wide
basis and delivered to the winners
the same night,
Parties May be held before April
9 if it proves more convenient to
do So and the scores will be accept-
ed and considered 'in the final re-
The plan which has been worked
out 'by the Xinettes is one which
wilt be welcomed throughout the
town, for the Perrott family has
not' only the sympathy *but the ad.
iniirstion of the entire cointriunity.
I They are,, trot the type of .peOple
who arc in any way "charity" pros-
pects. They are simply Hie victims
of a Misfortithe so 'overw.helrain g
at the mainenE that good neiglibera•
are 'more than happy to do every...
thing they possibly mil to help
theft hi this time of difficulty
just as the Perroits would be the
first to de for the 'rest of us. ,
The Xineltes have, undertaken
this big task and the,time Is short,
So neighborhood groups are urged
to make their, plans at once for the
card patties Which Will offer eon le
real assistance lh this tithe of need.
Mrs. tmorge/ Johnston attended
the fufierail of her 'brother, P.Obert
81ilelS, In Detroit lea MoridaYt
Friends, neighbours amid rela-
tives gathered. at the hothe of Mr.
and Mrs. Percy, Hogg to surpriae
them with a party to celebrate
their 85th wedding anniversary,
The evening was spent in
ing etiehre. High prizes for the
tady"Welit to' MrS. Harry iiifontgorn-
dry and George Orvis won the prize
for high Man.
After wishing, the couple many
happy returns of the day, 'the host-
esses served a delieleus lunch
eluding a cake which had been,
decorated for the event,
--Mrs, floss Orvis and children
of Oil Springs spent the weekLend
with her' parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Percy Hogg, Mr. Orvis Caine on
Sunday and 'they visited With his
parents, Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Orvis;
tileifitt OiLtiltentlit'$ •
A euchre will be held at 0110n:our's
School 'on Friday" Wretch 28, 10 aid
of the tarilbeint Park Pond. Spe-
cial Eager prizes, Good' lunch.
Everyone Welbothe, ,1'2(lb
108tiOlt&O •ANNIVEAARY Congratulations are
• ekteeded to Mr: Mid MO, Mei' Reid, tldward Street, who
Celebrated the 115th anniversary of their ItiOthige . •
.w..AdVithea,Tinies phothi
V ,
VAltittY CONCtitT IN.
Vita0AtTigit., ()OM, lltAtt4
V , y * Coneert and Entektain..
mein ' lore,in W.rtoretet,Conraniin-
ity Hall On Friday, Mardb '28,
tiSle, songs: -drallaa., followed by
iliac with musk by trussels
brunettes,. all-girl tirClidAtird. Ad-
'iniasion 80e. and 25C. 'Enerycine wel. .
'COrile ' .19„'26
transmission lines as it is assessed
to many of the . smaller munici-
palities in this part of the province.
The paymepts .are supposedly fixed
in; this section' of • the province by
the, distance of transmission from
the 'distribution centre at :Hanover,
arid' the .mayor contended that. the
cost of these lines must have been
met 20 years ago — yet the towns
in this' area are still paying.
Another speaker ,on the same
,subject was A, H. Tomlinson Of
PorGOlgin. As a result of the pro-
teat a 'committee is to be set up
to 'seek• some progress in the
equalization of hydro rates •on a
more equitable basis. Both 'Mr,
MeKinney and Mr. Tomlinson will
serve on the committee and ex-
press confidence that some re-
duction'.in rate can be .obtained.
The following is a comparison, of
tile rates 'charged to various com-
munities in Ontario; Hanover, 24c
per kilowatt; Owen Sound, 42-63c;
Walkerton, $1.95; Listowel, 0415;
Orangeville, $6.71; Huntsville, $6,89;
Wingham, $7.07; Port Elgin, $7.73;
Kincardine, $9.08.
1955 Wingham paid $11.469.79
at a' rate of $8.45. In 1958 the
charge to Wingham was $10,586.73,
while in the same year low-tension
trananlission cost the town of Han-
over only $359,45; a diiiereme of
At.' the• Toronto meeting Keith
ColemAn, director of accounting
for Ontario Ifydro recognized this
unbalanced situation when be said
in his address;
Although a fair number of muni-
cipalities take power from low-
tension, lines, the total load is
small and the effect upon individu-
al costs is out of proportion to the
effebt upon total cost, 'It effects,
to the greater degree, comparative-
ly small municipalities on .the end
of a long distribution line whore
Oats Of $9.06* or $10.00 (dr even
$1.4.0()) a kilowatt for leW-tension
distribution are not uridommon.
Any hierease in the east of the
function leas a severe effect on the,
customers who share it,. 'A new
.high.‘tenSion station introduced in-
to the systeni, may upset the equil-
ibrlutt of cogs among: these ails-,
totters who take 'at low voltage
and may, be severe upon the ens-,
touters „not fortunate enough to
haste. a high-tengon Station in
their Ovine backyard. This disturb-
lug effect 'may be seen hi the
neXt three slides,