HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-03-19, Page 10of the Meat Packers Council in hiS TV interview on Sunday, February ,• 23rd, the present hit and Miss sYs- tern of selling and alloting hogs to processors has resulted in a corn", vete disruption of continuity of supply to them, thereby increasing cost. f processing which means one of two results or perhaps both: in- creased cost to, the' consort-lee and/ or decreased returns to the prodne- er. In the firm belief that every-. One, • producer, ,shipper, packer, . 4 • • consumer and the Government would welcome ,a plan that would remove the costly features or the present scheme, and at the same time establish a true market) value in relation to supply and demand, We submit the following plan: That producers .of hogs In Ontario be granted' the. freedom of marketing' and delivering his hogs to the processor of his • choice, or consigning them to any Co-Opera- tive or to a duly licensed, shipper., That all shippers of hogs in -Ont- ario be licensed by the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Board of and amount deemed by that. Board to be sufficient for the ship- per's operation. That all shippers of hogs pni!. ario be required to provide the pro- ducer with a bill of lading for his hogs, This bill to show (A) Number of hogs shipped; 03) tate° 'number; CC) guaranteed price. That all licensed shippers shall have the. 'privilege of selling the hogs competitively to ,any proces- That any producer of 'hogs hi' r. • • It'ottis one y Will Earn 4 While invested safely and Wisely for I to 5 year. In a: BriL....7,1 MoRgage certificate. , i To invest — just send in your cheque and all detOs will be looked after. a* tub tatorri,anoz. unit4 fay an 4nreallnant Outer *British Mortgage and Trust um • • • . W.,J. BUSHHELD Wiry ham, Ontario n • U U. Toro The Wirtgliana Advance' Thum, WodnesdaY, Ma,r, 19, 1908 BENEFITS ,. ee. Walpole LIMBER — BUILDING — CUPBOARDS Telephone 260 Wingharn MAO "Here she is, Mrs. Brown! I found her going strong, eight blocks away" Thoughtfulness for others is basic with a life insurance agent. It-is part and parcel of his daily work. Wherever he lives he tries to be a good neighbour. He is a good citizen too. Whenever there iS an important project going forward in his' community you will "find him doing his share. Increasing numbers of life insurance agents are taking ,special courses for their own advancement and to increase their usefulness to those they serve. Barrie 'seven million -Canadians now own life insurance policies . proof of their tonfidence,in the life' underwriter and the important service he °flex's. •‘'2.:.-.TIIE4IEE'-INSURANCE .COMPANIES.-114.CANADA t.:9571) l I IS It 20 0 26 27 2-8 V - Don't Waste Hog Feeding Time You can't afford to waste time feeding hogs no matter what the Market price is. 11 you are feeding straight grain to hogs YOU ARE WASTING TIME. WHY! Because grains alone do not contain the proper levels of nutrients to get hogs off to xnarkqt in a hurry. Tests prove that straight grain.fed hogs• take up to 2 months longer to reach market weight than balanced fed hogs. Gee YOUR hogs off to market in, record lime THE SHUR-GA1N WA Y. Call us about SHUR=GAIN HOG FEEDS -::CANADA PACKERS LTD. WiNGHAwt- • 4. DOORS, . FLOOR Aluminum 1 Aluminum ' WALL SASH AWNINGS TILES 'Er ''11411114174*" • t. MX JUNIORS WIN IN DRAMA FESTIVAL GORRUS T-lowlek junior Farmers awl junior Institute were placed •first in the Huron. ;County Junior Fanners drama festival held in the Gorrie community ball. on Thursday evening. Miss Mary Louise Flack of wa,s adjudicator. There were two entries, the sec- ond being the Colwan.ash Junior Farmers and Junior Institute with their comedy, "'H'enry's Mail Order. Wife", directed by Murray Gaunt. The • cast was es. fellows: George• ,Ribey as Abe Smithers; Lorne Hackett as Henry Gibbons; Frank Allan Jim Jones; Joyce Little Beckyas Simpson; June Nivens as Mrs. Tucker; Donnie Gaunt. as the minister, Mrs. Vittie and Glenn Mc- Vichael were directors of the How- telt Jrs. in their comedy, "Comin' Round the Mountain" Cast• Ethel. Ries as• Maw Judleins Ronald McMichael as Paw Jud- icins; Ruth Toner, Daisy Judkins; Murray Underwood,-. Zelre Bemis; Grace 'Sanderson, Dynamite .Ann; Marie, Mrs, Hortense Belmont, Cliff; :Sandra, Edgar, - Lovell; Jack Stafford, Carey New-• bold, Boyd Taylor, president of the World Affairs . - • Each member filled out the' last of the questionnaire's, Mrs. Ted Fear was appointed secretary for the next season, It was decided to get pictures for the next meeting which will be the final one for this Season and will 'be held at the home of Mr., and Mrs, Richard Procter on March 24. USE EASTER -SEALS' - [Procter Farm Move to 13elgrave stock and implements on Feiday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs, Proctor have sold their farm to Ross and Charlie `Procter and ,expect move to their new home in Bel; grave in the near futtire, which was, formerly owned by 'the late Mrs. Robert Nicholson, tiVESTOEK BRIEF The following Is the text of a brief which was recently%Presented to the Agricultural 'Committee of the Ontario Legislature by the Ontario Livestock Shippers ASsoes cation: We believe that for any market ing system to operate successftilly , it must have active and whole- hearted support of all those en- gaged in the industry affected. -Tn. the MSC of hogs this would in elude the producer, the transporter, th e shipper, aria:, the processor. A plan that would achieve thiS jeetive would be most Welcome at, the present time, Move to fordwiph, First ,Qt. Month ooRri•IN--alkstor .BerEnett • sold the Jack Toner tam, •whicit he recently purchased,. to. Albert Denkex'Sgoed, PoncessiOn tfow. jek. Mr, Bennett has rented; the home formerly occupied by Mr. Frank 'Graham, Fordwieti end wilt be moving the- first of next month, Farms Change Hands GORR= -- Clifford Pyke has purchased the George Townsend farm on Con, 6, Hewlett, and John Thornton has bought the Stewart Lovell farm, also on Corr, 6, hither and yon plus,extra handling resulting in greater shrink, bruis- ing and cost, all tend to lower the net return for the 'hog, To the Shipper . The trucker or shipper is never :certain of the destination of his load, therefore he cannot mix loads Old cannet arrange return loads . Which at this season are 'very irn- • portant to farm operations, The re, suit is inefficient service to farm- To the rroeessor As pointed 'out by Mr, Manning Ontario he given the privilege of reporting any irregtilaritkv of the shipper to the Farm. Products. Marketing board, and the );3oarcl as result of its Investigation may -cancel the shipper's license, That the Beg Producers Associll-1 tion be permitted to (0,ntario) deduct a fee, not- to exceed five cents per hpg, from the producer's returns on all hogs slaughtered at inspected plants in Ontario. The Same to, be used for the promotion of quality pork and sale of pork p' duets May we suggest that the accept- ance of this plan would create hartrionY and efficiency in the. pro- duetlon and marketing of hogs in Ontario, and, that the Farm Pro- ducts. Marketing Act he so amend- ed as provided.—Sub Section 2, Section 4 of said Act, lam.,GR,Avx.---M.r. 344.• Carl Procter held a very Success- tut suction sale of 'their farm . . Forum Subject • 13FLGRAVID---13odmin farm for- um met on Thursday evening at engaged in the industry..Keen com- the home of Mr, and Mrs. Clarence petition was still' the true yard- Yuill to -watch . and discuss the stick whereby the price of hogs.has television forum progranune. Pro- established, This .was a good sYSs greSaive euchre was enjoyed' first tern of -marketing hogs, but miler- with 'high- prizes going. to • Joyce lunately, criumping. of hogs at the Procter and John Nixon, -Consola- processors' developed as a result of tion .prizes went to 'Mrs. Richard truck operations. By this we mean Procter and Carl Ieningvay, As the attendance' was th e appearance an th e scene et the interested in there was only one group formed truckers who was to discuss the topic, "Canada's. pay loads only; -and as a result in Role - in World Affairs". The clues- many cases did little or,. nothing tion for discussion:. was, "What towards maintaining the '.prick would your forum like to know level. Too many hogs left the pro- about regarding Cans.da and , its dueers farm. without an established role in world affairs'?" This group' price. 'thought they would- like to know., .The present marketing scheme in what is. expected - of. Canada 111 world affairs. ' effect in Ontarie, with its central or "one desk" selling •agencY and compulsory, direction of hogs has resulted in many' defects in hand- ling the procluet that are becoming more apparent as. time goes . on. May we .list a few: To the .-PrOdneer No established price ,Wben the , hog leaYes the -producer's. pen, . No assurance preducer as to where and when his hogs will be slatightered,- • . • s •, The unnecessary- transportation' When hogs were sold live weight Huron County Junior Farmers wel- comed all to • the s.ntertainment, the producer "••knew tomorrow's Sam Robinson led in a sing-song price. today, and thereby .could ex- • With Sandra 'at the piano, and ereise their own judgment as to Charlie Moore •of Whiteelmreh where and when to sell his 'hogs, gave humorous readings between• acts, The replacement of rail transpor- • tation by trucks plus tire teralvey • of some producers 'to fill hogs brought abouVa situation • where the live hog could no longer be considered a, unit of value, so rail weight and rail grade were the in-' evitable result which benefited all SERVICE OICINE.00T FOR CARS ON•THE-SPOT PRINT° f. (WANG(); MIMI! A OPRIMIRENCV %yr; ektia- MAKE 14o TIM itOtriz 'or voun oviR. too lot.3.,uaitif,,D, yff in fiharn o o p Phone 14(1 "81d Adams, Prop,", Winghlun • , MORE WHAT Piton SIMMERED FIELDS Saskatchewan has pPeved the value of tree plantations in pro- tecting wheat fields, from evapora-, tion of moisture caused by prairie winds, Shelter belts planted on the edges, of fields have increased the average yield of Wheat by five buslNIs per acre, as compared With unprotected fields.tf • U iii lit U ii N iii iTi Sir John A. MacDonald built the Canada of to4-day. . • • Now, -dohn Diefenbaker envisions, the Canada of Tomorrow ,A J. • FOR. NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT To Create New Opportunities 'For Canadian Industry ,•MI 'till To Develop Canada's Unlimited National Resources To Expand Processing of Our Own Raw Materials ProVide More Employinent For More Canadians To Enlarge }Lome Markets For Canadiai Agriculture ti NOT A. SPENDTHRIFT • PROGRAM . A SOUND , INVESTMENT IN :CANADIAN .: PROW:EMIT,. --',. 1°46 re.-y'',Ono'_::.EISton'..a.ha .4o.' hp .":. ...ect.,.Elsto.,'..Cat'dif, HURON RIDING . , , Published 1):;t Authority of Huron Ptogretigive..-Contery46,0 Assodatioo ' MARCH 31 _ iTi t . ., . • it titicairilnilialifillitilifiliffilIliailill111111,111,1111110114941111110filklililfillifilitlalllailifillitlaildtlifiLitlititiallitilliTillilliiiii•IIII111011011,111011101,1101111111111,11 6111411 ,1101141MAN . . y. AFINIC