HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-03-19, Page 7t
WIN011.4141 ONTARIO, WVIONXSONV"i M.444111 Os, AV
Drew CrQw4 'Miss Jean! Bileeditea ',of e'London
PPM( the. week-end With Mrs - and
Mrs, Ralph AfoCrea, • Mr, and, mrsi 4401,,Pletoll SPetit
the. week end: with,
N9notroTall 'l' or
Mr and ,Mrs. georgofiLioley of priedt,r weittlp morh.ig:1;01. ge47tAtkrolieertWveei ko::'
tent; „
Mr^ 404 :Kra, Edgar 'Wightnaao ,
'Visited with the lat,teeS..rtfother..
.TiVitrmlltrg.Acianyh.Itee at 'Wrrixeter last; i0
Mr, and Mrs, fam es It "c9114.94' joarneYed •••StiCititiryhiSt',Monday .
to de-her a ^b011:whiell,,had been
eeinsigned by Mr: ,Coulter .and sold
in ':i'oriaato the ,Wekk"hefare at, the
bull sale SpOnliored^.4,^ the Ontario
Beef :Cattle Improvement AssOplat.^
Mrs, (Cora Megill visited op Surt-
day with Mrs, Mary 'Herr of .Dun.
gamic e
David. Ariristionf
.M—ra.Ma:14rt7n Granby visited o!
Sunday with 'Mr:. Cecil
.Armstrong, Reta eacid: lIeenetit,' 0.
Thornclale.. .„'
The anpilai meeting. of 'the Bel.
grave Women's;Instleiite
held :on Tuesday eettereoere 'Meech.
e5; in the ementenky'bentre,z;*rs
Cora McGill: will*''be^'^'cOnvelter
this..Catiadiagelndieetefes, ;meeting „
igtelle, by efeffiyrieGall and 'Lorne
Bolt. There Win.be 'a-I:sale, ;it,
MyStery Bexee; .RePdirts • of" teen
veners of Standingeommitteee•Wil
be given and lunch will 'be, serve
by, Mes. :Mark Armatecifig,"•Mrs.
Bradhurn and, .M".r:4 ••
Institiite Met
On Wednesday
WRONETER--The regular ;meet-
ing of the Women's Institute wee
held hi the librarY room of the
coMmenity, hall on the afternoon
of Moen 12th, The Meeting open-
ed hi the feed manner with the
Institute Qde, Mrs, Gilbert. Howes.
Was in the peeeldeetei chair and
welcomed all Present. The seal-
;nary of the yeeee work preyed to
be very profitable to all, . woo. mien Munro gave the find
lugs of the nominating committee,
all offices being filled, The min-
utes of ,the 1Pebreary meeting were
read and ,epproved and t e he cor
respondence was read ',• and the
businee$ depit with.
Al motion Was passed to have a
social half hour after the Quilting
Extension Course on March 20th
and 21st, villa begins at 19 een,
All 'ladies• of the community are
cordially invited to, attend the
course, A motion was passed to
send - $5,40 to the Ceylon Flood
The standing emendttee reports
of 1957-58 were-read by each eon-
yeller and adopted as read. The
roll call "How to Keep Slim"
brought .a good response.
The committee for; the Marcie
euchre partris to be Mrs. Harvey,
Tirmn and, Mrs. nos, .Burke and
for the April euchre,, eefrs,
Taylor and Mrs. Allan Mugs o,
The, president thanked all whO
had helped with the meeting.; Plans,
were made to bold the next meete
ing on the first Teesclay, in April..
Quite a few dintatiens • of baby'
clothes and sweaters- werelyought,
in for' the Unitarian 'Service Ape
peal. Anyone wiehing , to:', donate
to the layettes or sweaters' please.
leave same at Munro's store,
11/49X0PRIV,--ThP ShgrOrost*'
Rail was Wreieter • coin.
munitY On• Friday evening'
with- a capacity neoWd.. The lucky
'eliallireiele door Pr* went tp. Bob
!pal of 'Efampton, The pot: 01110Re
Prize Was Woe' by Mr.' Reid Mrs,
'Stewart, MurgrOve • Of 'WrOaoPter
and the elimination -Hance, Pr*
Went to Mr. and Mrs, David elleen
of: Gorr*
Proceeds of the daneei whiele
was sponsored by 'the hall board,
will be used, for the hall.:
• ..
.//1:0:..,4% Scott Is
flostesS .1VMS
lilkLGRAVV—The March meet.-
ing of the W.M.S. wee,held at the
home of MO...Kenneth 'Scott, with
a' gOOd attendance, Mrs. Garner
Nieleoisen presided .and Opened the
Meeting with prayer and medica-
tion., ' ,
Mrs.. el, C. ;M:eBurney read the
Serlpture andldro,^Athol Brice led
in. PraYer..The secretary,' Mrs. G.
:Anderson , -gave. the minute's of 'the
preeriotie'.1neeting and.' thh
urCr'S report was • heard, also the
vieIke:to the sick 'were eepOrted,
The. offering •was received: and
MO, ;Joe Dunbar- presided for the
beeinese Perked. Invitations were
accepted to attend the Segforth
and .HlYth teste'r. Thank-offering'
Meetings arid:invite:teens to Auburn
and Blyth were ,,extended' •from the,
auXiliary ,to Attend the. Belgrave
Va,ster meeting in Alien which
a guest speaker will be ,preeente
Mrs,"loe,',Dunbitr..hed the-: topic
"‘Educatkin in Japan" „and,' stated,
that the:past century ee qv, of
the .Japanese..people' hitve learned .
read., and write and are , very
ect.ilaticee . Mrs. . -Mae
.Recitt led' iii the Glad Tidings peay-,
,pre and Mrs., 0 -0 Anderson gave
,an:aecotint 'of - the :life work, of
"Ruth" which was very interesting
Tice, °meeting closed with prayer
by Mrs, .Mrs, :Scott
served a =dandy lunch and a 'social
;time enjoyed,
- • '
Win Prizes A
W;1. Euchre r •••
VVROXtT.PR-A, •very successful
euchre, sponsored " 1)5.r the .Wroxeter
was held in the •cornmenity,
ball on` March ;13th with 14 tables
in play,, Prize - winners were:
Ladies' 1st, Mrs.' Kee Jackson;
2nd, Mrs, F, McCormick, Wing-
ham. Men's first, Chas. Cathers;
2nd, Ted Smith, Special bingo, (an
aluminum tray), Mit, Alex Wright,
Brussels, Novelty prizes, Mrs. Wm
Busby, Mildmay and Lloyd; Towne-
ea& f ,Eifenini Auxiliary
Met oiiluesday
Mrs. lf:.petlizett
Hostess IQ
WRONDTER--Thee-March meet-
ing.of the W.A. was held• en. Tues-
day, -Match ,e1th„ 'atIthe inime'
Ken. Bennett. ° Thee- hymn
"Take -My Life. Was' sung, ,f611oW-
ed by the. Lord's prayer in unison,
Mrs, ;Wfneliart :ready from the 6th
chapter:of John. .* reading .entitled
"Life and 'Religion" was .giVen by
Mrs. Bennett. e
The roll call was: ,answered ' by
a verse containing the word "Life"
by 13 enembereeendemie ensibereA
poem entitled "Don't Quitl., was;
'read by, Lleyd McGee;e "A
Few- Eeaster Thotigittele was, ,the.
title ofNan,,artiele.',readeber
Calera The; by* e"Jeeus
„Keep Me Near the ,Grose Was sung
'and Mrs. Hart. clesed'ehe ;eneeting WROXETER
Stanley Gallaher and' Mrs. W, J.
Ar..Ruchanan ^^carty,74-on-i't^;:with, are.
rangemente -tor the A.Peilehieetigg:
The ladies in ;Seited
delicious -eepper-lolkiWini arvalOt,
noon " of. qUiltifig ' •
appendectomy the previous week.
MiegeS Wak .", and ;Ova Huffer,
who spent "several day8 with Mr.
and. Mrs. Harreeletipfer and other
relatiyes in Detroit ,and' Windsor
retitle-led hoMe"on Saturday.
• Nip, Angus Carmichael, Mr, and
Mrs., James Robertson and jemmy
of Goderich spent.Sunday with Mrs.
,Alonzo Sperling and at the home
-,of JMir. John Hupfer.
THIS. SORT OF THING CAN 60.TO YOUIC,Illy.4.0„.;.-, Twenty ladies%
,froin tielgrave and the eierreendieg district were bus on WednefidaY;'
Thursday and Friday of last week working at the Relgrave ecomnitin-
ity ceittre on a, short owe in millinery,, under.' the 'SuperviSion 'of ,
Mrs,- Mildred mrulligae, of the Home Economies Extension Branch,
Department 'of Agriculture. The.coursee.wae .spenseeisd• be the 'Bel-
grave Wm-notes Institute. In.' the top • *time ireft to right,
Mrs. Ca:Mem Walsh, Mrs. Leslie • Bolt, Mrs. Reps., Robinson, --Mrs.
Gordon 'Higgins, Mrs. Mulligan, Mrs.,- !Van Wiiikitorrin*IA 01:0,E;14
.leigghis; Mrs. Jim Walsh, Mrs.' Earl Anderson, Ad's. Jesse ^NV/teeter
and' Mrs. Stanley Cook. InclUded' In "the ^^pictute• is Mrs.4 Coop6r •
Nethery, seated next to alio, Bolt, ,In,tbe; lower pa-titre, are `NIA. Coed
McGill, Mrs, G. R. Coultee, Mrs. Cliff Logan, secretary, of time,
Mrs. L. Vannan, Mns, Richard Preetere'en'esidene;:'Mre. Cliek Joint-
, stem, hidden `behind Mrs: Herbert Wheeleres 'white hat and Mrs: Sohn
'Andersen and Mrs. Walter Scott. —Advance-Times photo.
Prize Winners a
E •uchre Parties
Euchre Held-
kitton'.s' Sehocil -:, . .. .;. , - . A euchre and crolegiole pitety In
aid Ofethe^Ttitiitgity -,Parkt.rund
was ,:htia , at litrtows'..schOol• with
• seven tablee;of :etitilife• and .three'
Pf,ciokinore: •';' • ....r.ti.,' ' : .P.. :.
Milt pkiieS?;'welit.'^t0:r..Mrs:I John
' MatTaiiish .anal. We'fi.•-;,fiiiiiiiii.:';-,•.ethi^-;
0 4.1ation,'Pki0.s'e .tto *TIEit;1,c01 -**ar,. rlS and a;ok Wail40i. ..; ,-,,..
Mr., and Mrs, Robert Hayes• and
family Jeff laAt week for their
new •home at Elimville near Exe-
ter Where he purchased a store,
Our• sympathy is extended to Mrs.
Cleyne Higgins in the lose of her
Mr, and Mrs, Bert Abel and
Janey, Mr: and Mrs. Lyle Hart
and Patti Listowel, sperit 'Sunday
at the home of Mee. R, Newton,
Mr, and Mrs. Fred ilyndman
spent; Sundae: with Mr, and Mrs,
James Doig. •
We welcome to our -cortmunity
Mr. and Mrs, Walter Davisson, of
Queensdale Ave., Toronto, ° who
haVe purchased the Thos. Ritchie
•Mr, and Mrs. Harry Smith. of
Strathroy, were Sunday guests, of
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smith.
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Sage and
sons, Listowel; spent. 'Sunday at
Roes Taman's.
Mr. and Mrs. •Stewart Musgrove
and family • spent Sunday with
Lyle Willis, Whitechureh, and Mrs.
Jeffery Musgrove, who has been
visiting h,er daughter, returned
home with them.
Mr. Archie Gibson, Nelson, B.C.
is visiting his mother, Mrs. ,Wm.
Gibson who is ill, and Mr. 'and
Mrs. George Gibson and family,
Congratulations to Miss Anne
Douglas, who passed her Grade 9
piand exams with honors last
week. Her teacher is Mr. L. D.
Thompson, Brussels'.
C'eS8 erpenditeres over revenue;'
$72;15;' bank balance,. $632.71,
Moved. by. C., W,. Heinle, second-
ed. 'by Gordon Pengelly and carried,
that , both' the aeditor's• and the*
treasurer's' reports . be adopted as :
The electiOn of officers and the
various committees for the ensuing
year followed,. the results being:
Chairman, Board of Trusttes,
O, E, Taylor; vice-chairman, ma,
son Robinson; secretary-treasurer,
L. Vannan; members, ,Mrs, . J. R.
Coultes, Stewart Procter, C. W.
Hanna, Leslie Bolt, Gordon Pen-
Superviehig , "committee, C. W.
Hanna, Gordon Pengelly, Leslie
Bolt; booking agent, Mrs'. Laura
Johnston;' custodian,' C, W. Hanna;
baseball, Ross Robinson and Geo,
Johnston; grounds 'committee,
Gordon Pengelly, George Cook,
Robt. Higgins, Fred Cook, Hereon
Irwin, -
fiance committee, to be in charge
of dance dates and engaging orch-
estras, 0, W. Hanna, Sam Pletch;
to be responsible for one dance
each, 3rd, lihe of Morris, H, H.
Coultes; 4th line, Morris, , John
BELGRAVE—The regulit' Pro-
gressive euchre:Party Was held' in
the community: centre on tlre!dnes,-
day evening with eight tables in
play, High prizes were won by G.
R, Coultes .and Mrs. Harold Walsh
Consolation prizes went to Chris
Nethery and Mrs. Jack McCallum,
Novelty prize winners were C R.
Coultes and Mrs. Herb Wheeler.
Mr, and Mrs. George Martin
welcomed the members of Club 20
to their home on Thursday even-
ing when an enjoyable time was
spent playing progressive euthre
with high prizes going to Mrs,
Lewis Storehouse and Albert Bie-
man. Consolation prizes went to
Mrs, Harold Vincent and George
Johnston, Lunch was served.
Nixon; 5th .line, Morris,' Clare
VanCamp; et h. linee East Wawa-
ricish, Jack Taylot; 9th line,. East
Wawatiosh, Gordon, Pengelly; 10th
liee; East Wawanosh, Norman
Coultes; Highway No, 4, Norman
Cook; 'Village of Belgrave; Ross
Moved by Gordon Pengelly, sec-
onded by Stewart Procter and
carried, that the water rates for
C. W. Hahne be set at $2.00 per
month Commencing January 1st,
1 1958 and that water rate accounts
be sent out January 1st, and July
1st, of each year.
I The -chairman reported that a
new chimney had been erected, re-
placing the one destroyed by the
wind on February 28th, and that
a cheque would be forthcoming
from the Ontario Farmers Wea-
ther Insurance Mutual Co., and
that Sam. Pletch had agreed to
purchase the old brick at the pm-
veiling price for old brick and
clean up the debris.
I The chairman instructed the
the secretary-treasurer to send P.
letter of thanks' to Lewis Stone-
house' for his voluntary labor , in
installing air vents -and building
ARfNA BOARD Gathers '," JOIninielifitelliy.liiif IOW
Gall tRirtOth•ti-
.with Prayer: e = . ; ;13g/L,GRAVii-,The regular'nrieet2
vv are pletv5ed repoa mr. Mrs, Hart epelee'eoeete, Hofthe ,inr- of the ;Evening Auxiliary '; of`
Win, :Brown , ,,retereee eleme business whets' the minutes the ',the WetinaWS:Missionary Society^Ot,
Thursday fibre Wingharn General Februarymeetingwere read and .ole'TueSclaY. RYOriing ^. the home
.weere ;he eeeetweee an adepted. It 'was decided that Mrs.-e, mix =United .Church was held: • HOOjtal, ;or Mrs: Robert .GrasbY, with in;
it'Ohd411-070th,',#-• The?
President,', 'eMts. ,-Goirdon Rokrnan
:was . in" charge; opening time meet-
ing 'with.. hymn and. the.' Lord's
Prayer In ' unison; .tollOWed; by a
poem ?'Pile' Secrer, , The minutes,
and, roll''Were read by Mrs.• .
Ralph McCrea; treasurer's report
by'' Mn. 'Grasby., There'
home,' end • 33 ,hospital
elelee.itoethe .sick and • shut-in re-
corded; ,4 ' •, 4 '•
The'. group ideided^ as. a way of
reeking. elittle'oextra Money, 'eaeli
reelriber is„toebeing eepenny• for
Witel*h tifete e;intietiine mea-
surement, to ],the "next -Meeting.
thko.firAsidiat announced .that the
alloeatioid forthis 'year $140,00.
t;e0elliloIti,; and ',IVIrS;L:Ted Fear
W,.0'ee!niattiedee gates. o.the Pres
ho 'f' birthday;.,,p O 11 i=yt er ir4e:•March° 27 in '•Clinton, The After- Kirton; children's :birthday, prize,
Glen Harris. , noon Auxiliary will he geeets at
othe Thankoffering Meeting, All prizes wereedehated, Mrs:
John MecTevieh' and .'.Mrs. Eldon with Mrs, Gordon ,Bosman, Mrs.
Keeton Will charge of ,the Clifford -Logan and Mrs. Ross
next euchre, Robinson to prepere the pro-
METOR,Afro, G. L. Doti.
Was bootees to members of the
Wroxeter W.M.S. When they met
at her home for their regular
Meeting, On forldaY afternoon, Dille
to' the illness of Se-eel:al members,
the attemidnee was $1104110 than
Usual, as only eight members and
two visitors were present,, The
group responsible for the, arrang-
ing of the meeting was composed
Of Mrs, Dobson, Mrs, GlennMc-
Michael `and. Mrs. George Gel,
Wraith , •
:.. 'The 'theme of the devotional part
plebe! meeting was "IteEverything
by Prayer", and this part of the
meeting wes conducted by Mrs.
Sin; who began with a Most aP-
-riate reading on the meaning
of prayer, After the singing of
hymn "Jesus Sakeour Pilot Me",
and• a prayer, Mrs, Galbraith read
the Scripture lessee taken from
Pilillippiane 4:1-9, and the ;com-
mentary °for this, es found in the
form of service in the Missionary
efordhly, in which the following
&kite were brought to mind: ' '
1, That Only through prayer can
We discover how near we are to
God; 2, In ;Prayer we lose our bur-
dens of 'anxiety and learn to re-
joice in the Lord; 3. That those who
come to God in quiet sincerity feel
a Celmness that," is the ,,,peace of
God; 4, That: having faith in God
We understand that. living" to serve
Him is, the pole purpose of our be-
ing-here on earth'; 5. We should be
thankful when He gives tie strength
Co bear not. (nib' our owe burdens
but part of our brother's as well.
Continuing the them e of . prayer,
Mrs. Dobson recta an article in
:which she said that God is under
no-obligation to es,and, that, the
prayer of all •true Christians should
be "Not my will, but Thine, 0
Lord": .
Using the program "iyoreen >iii
the News" from "Convereations, on
Japan", with Mrs, Dobson as lea
der; and Mrs. MelVfichael as nar-
rator, the study book, "This IS
Japan", Was' dealt with .in aemoet
int resting manner, Treeing the
Ill tetery of Naomi Kilcute, a typ-
i „„•Alananese ' Christian, and a
Very resourceful one, she was very'
successful in raising her own farn-
ily after the death of her husband,
and, ,was the means, of helping
many other . Japanese' women to
earn reliving by using their native
.elcille, in -many ways, :The"Jitpati-
sq',w6men 'who for centuries have
led e life ;tie strict obedience, first
to the tether, then to, the husband
arid then to'-ea son -'oil oil the death of
4 htisband, heel having faced tre-
mendeus difficulties, are now tak-
ing their place in church' and goV.,
..erfitnente laVing been given ,equei
status the, nieh in the ,,new
cOnitieutioll, .• , , %I. ' '
The,,Ipeeeidehe, 7%,:fra.. X, Edgar,
' p „, ilea' frit the .litieinOWV portion, 4111
o • e 'Meeting at Whieheit'veas de-
cide' ' that the ledividintl 'members
Weeld hold •small 'teas hi eheir own
,hon'tee ,',M- raise money, for the
Yeaee ;supply worn, `with the pro,
hability of holding a- sale..ef home
baking, late in May for the °same
1,,OWtine to an invitation issued by
the members of the Mission Band
to all mothers and. W.M.S. mem-. bars to. attend their Easter Thank-
effering meeting on Friday, April
leth,,": at , 3 o'clock in the church
hall. TIM regular ineetieg of the
W.M.S:;Whioh would fall on the
siime data 'was moved ,to Friday,
April 18. A notice of the, Huron
Peeebyterial; to .be,lield•ie tbe; Chi;
taiio' Street Chtirch,,,in'' Clinton,
was read and anyone wishing to
attend, or anyone Who .bould sup-
ply transportation' was urged to
.contact the president before that
The singing of "All the Way My
'Saviour Leads Me", and the bene-
diction brought the meeting `to,a
close. A social half hoer followd,
during which members took part
in A contest on. Japan, and lunch
was enjoyed. '
Euchre Held at
Powell 's School
The, euchre in aid of the Turn-
'berry Park fund was held at
Powell's'School on Friday even-
ing. Theit were ten "tables In play
with Jwiti high prizes going to. Mrs; Bill
Ross and Lloyd Henning ' and
consolation prizes went to Mrs.
Earl Elliott •and Ken Crawford.
BELGRAVE --;The , inaugural
meeting, of the Belgrave Commun-
ity Arena Trustees Board, was held
on, March 11th, in ,the reereation
room of the Arena, Those present
were, O. E. Taylor, O. W. Hanna,
Stewart Procter, lYfeacin Robinson,
Gordon Pengelly and ' the secre-
tary-treasUrer. The minutee•of the
last meeting -were read by the
Moved ,by Mason Robinsoh, sec:-
onded by Gordon Pengelly and car-
ried that the minutes of the last
meeting he adopted as read, - •
The auditor's report was read
,by the secretary-treasurer, Show-
ing receipts $2,525.79; expenditures,
$2,2.73,83 for the year 1957, surplus
receipts over expenditures, $251,96;
bank balance $701.8e,
The secretary-treasurer gave a
finaficial report covering tile dates
between January 1st 1958 and
March 8th, 1958, showing receipts
$196,50; expenditures, '.$268,65; ex-
Mrs. Cameron' Walsh's group
was in charge' of the worship ser-
vice, opening it with•a hymn and
prayer. The Scripture lesson,
Phillippians 4: was given by Mrs.
Norman Cook. Mrs, Walsh closed
this',with prayer and a hymn,
The study 'on eConvereations on
Japan" was• summarized by Mrs.
Leslie Bolt, and Mrs. Walsh, assist-
ed by Mrs. Norman Cook, Mre.
Harold Walsh, and . Mrs, James
Walshetold something, of the past,
the present and the future of
Japan. •Mrs. George Johnston led
in recreation and lunch was served,
steels In the arena,
Moved by Mason Robinson, sec
onded by Gordon Pengelly and
carried that the secretary-treasur-
er be authorized to renew the
wind insurance when the premium
18 due on August 19th, 1958.
. . . ..
Mrs. Stanley Agate Of Toronto
is spending a coupW., Of Weeks with
Mr. and Mrs, Emil Darbey and
' Mr, and Mrs. WallY'GihS0e.' "
Mr, and Mrs: ROliert°' Campbell
and family visited 'Oh 'Friday with
i the latter's fatheii 3,t'ir. George
I Moss, who at present „is confined to
the hospital in Gait followihg an
1 Mr, and Mrs. DOtig Wildfang of
1Toronto visited over the Week-end
i with Mr, and Mrs, Roy.'$inutions.
I gilimiceit,i
At right, 1,14:41. Cireennere, ihnt two oC
time "head, table gheele lOentienied. 1WeVIOOSIY,0 .)00Witt
Otifihileitlii Verne 'Wending Itthery .Stuckei and' OrnAlk M.0411.4
1.1iON$ OM, IN A VEW 1.1(CKS In preparation for the
tenant 'infant* of liooteat seta* isms: the accompanying request for
assistance for -the Ontario Crippled .Citiktrefei,SoCietyy the, members eit
this • 'Llano Chili oi brOke'^ott ^Orb' teedingit e/ early at • Buchanan- got lute , arthin. Ow' ,Pe'ntro 41;re. Otit41100' Armitage,
their' regutir 'kneeling-,grit %%friday,. flight , rttrkt $11 turned ,its to. ?duff lid Intvidiatty r)t, :Needham, N'ortuan, littato4 131.,csident lattit iteoNhSo
en'ire100.30. At the left ,Jack; Alexander, 'Let Varied and thaikat Bob Iletlieritigtoli,' W. T. 'Cruickshank (hiding), Comet*