HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-03-19, Page 6CARDIGANS, $7,95 PULLOVERS, $5.95 See:these wonderful BAN LON sweaters i Carmichael's The Family Store — WINGHAM PHONE 1W now at 11. 1Frida f3LANKETS::,.; First Quality Blaidte • 70x80 ."Shitrte, Jug, $15..60 $3•99 siqx.tm, ..... ..... .. ,. SUBURBAN COATS Our Fins! Clearance on itIett's Suburban Coats - sizes 39 to 49 .11 Reg. $19,95 • $14 9 ........ • 9 • xileh looking telgifint *Ws,. ip variants designs and shades. • • Site 23 74 11' • rt ft t2 . . .. +...,.,,,.... .. ...... •/' . • . John Dielenbaker Marvin Howe V. 4. THIS , STORE WILL BE :OPEN FOR .SHOPPINCLON SATURDAY DENIM: • p EDIGHOFFERS (Wingham) LTD. ., ;. .' . . "The Friendly S. lore. ,. . , , tiolot ouniltlicitoicoiffi . . lttoimoostiirommosoima lomointficitioit hl otoolittipintlioriostomillicromoutaitoto0. . , . .. . . .. '1 • , • • •. ",» "' fI Ivtagloor. 4,4va4e #41104§, Virod.rw xio, itai. 1,9,. 1908 .. . . 14, mIr...rn.,*.W.I.,.r.. ,-M.r. rr.4. 4141,4, . ....M.Hrit.."....4.09,44,1.041 1,91Pflel' 'Winn/ ..9.P00..190.910.1.,: 'ADIES.1 Get on: lite 1Reminiscing - PaYitlson ..aud Donald, slag,.. „S)011,1V11ittt,14,, ',of t/Oltd011 ▪ AC4 took part in a 'bonsptel iffMk-' Alvin lilggios af and Wan, • : • Mrs, Roy rattlson pf,.:Wa Miss Verne Walker, 'Of 1110,01111N 'Mrs. Qeorse Setutoter.,01:10tin, School staff, tincierwent.4,11''Operat rfcih, spent feW ^ itor tiers on Thursday eve,1114,'" mother, Jvhs. lohtt 141)00O1-. w,ro v b.erui visitors with '• Mi •ss °Rita PallOWaY, ''Of Mts. Robert RIggins WOW Miss dine; ,sporit the weelt,end.w.10, her Margaret .fligglns and .Pte..',Altort parents , sof . . . 4,4101 T,!Ili411'11.0..14.0t044/4 .. . . .. ..... : r, • e•R and,0,Ve. tyre •y. o • 65tk. BAN LON • • The •elnPler tie flonalnion. PDX, .4):olor Merritt has lone to TOtfititri tire SpettOn Oeliege therei, • *RP. Albert. Small, of Preston, spent a-few days at the borne of CROY. YVAIRS.i. A00- • 1114' rfatheri .VVItilkon Murelt. Mr, Jainbs, Peruots. had the .nrig-, Mr*, Al') -Hingston were. ,fortune to fall on the slippery walk irj Condon, this Week 'bidding-tars on Thursday last and brealt ono Well' td,' t491.p son,. Lloyd, .whose, of his arms, battalion' leaves or OVergettii ,on, , , KIM BroWit of London has 'TintredaY. • •taken a position as head nrillther with. Miss. Boyd. . Miss St. Clair, of Toronto, 'who is an expert trimmer, is with Mrs, Green this .tClltitno slenag7an, tri f•••Orillla has. taken a position as salt:Wady' Mr, and Mrs, William' npubie dee left last week for :London,. where they intend residing in tut-. * * * • . , VyiENTY-Elirn VEARS AO0 Mr, DaWson bag, ov/- ing to'•111' health, disposed of his, IP* Culross .;:to M. Ceerg0 SIMI11011s, James 0, Stewart reportti the sale of : two lots on Catherine Street, owned 1)y Mr. Charles j. Rintoal and Mr; I-1.arrY MOCkal. , Wagon at C4RMICIIAEL4!S Yes, these luxury BAN LON SWEATERS are all — and more — than they say about them! BAN LON Sweaters wash pe'rfectly , ,need. ,no blocking , resist. fugzing Troy mown, NENER MOONY, (Ayr OP SlIA14-1 . Ittr„ H. F, Obekle, of Formosa,. 'are. , has, -purchased the -grocery business ' Mr, John Jefferson, of Saska- forint:Ay Owned by Mrs, Cummings, ' tool), is visiting with Mr. and M1'3. Samuel Bennett, he being `a. and *111 carry on a grocery, flour. and feed bushiess at this stand: brother of Mrs, Bennett. : .• f rom Brock :vine yesterday evening mics..(Pr * 4 , P. Towler a m,. , for Dr. R. C. -Redmond returned ,igly 'respe cted resident of whither he was called to attend Windham, itassed away at LOng the funeral of his brother, who Beach, California, on Friday, in ., died suddenly in Boston, leer. =90th Year. 'rgt. Sam Y0111114, of Chetah, Is The home Of Mr. 'and.Mis, re wing at:quaint:Ant:es in -town, Walter Lott, Turnberry _ was ne rs..Williain For,gie is at present brightened by the arrival -of a baby M "r viSiting her son, lilr. Ed', Vorgie, boy on Sunday morning. with his parents, Mr. and M. ''R ELIO' Carr, of Toronto, is visiting,, Mr, Kerr, , our popular janitor at the high school, *gave his annuals mrs1 ,.cl eorge ,curr. treat to ;the pupils on Thursday of 11Si,SS.'FlOrenee, Dietrich, of Wa."1- last week, It consisted of two !cotton.,, is ',visiting 'With her sister, immense bags ' of ' rosy apples, a Mn. L. s.,13vithiger. • ,. SATURDAY NIGUT OPEN SPECIAL 7 to 10 p.ux. Indy 70x90 First Quality ec cc r1 ' IBEX BLANKETS ..... , — , . 4,,N,P*t.PJ pair bag in each play room,) We can assure Mr. Kerr they were appree- ieted to the very core. , ,,Chairs for $2,19 per half dozen zit S. Gracey's. FORTY YEARS A00 0"- 0 •:' HoPPer, Reg N A,•Fothergill, over the ,week-end, Mr. A. J. Nortrop, butches kris. ha% returned 'to, town after being been appointed goVernment fish od ditty'itOdetoria, Hospital, Lon- 4011 ,, for the past two months. Mr. Leonard Bennett, of the Dominon Bank staff, Chatham, visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs T. Bennett:, , According to the :budget all bank checrites in future` will require . a 84 11,X, Fhpqnes, no matter hoW sma:„Irwill;,.'require a three-cent Be rt Elli ott "..,s(a's high man at .• sthcoer:ribfblagi:9.-.7rnament on Tues- daY:eveninewith nine wins and a On Tuesday of last week Reeve J. W.,..McKilibon was visiting with friends in • Walkerton when he had -the misfortune to slip On the- icy arifraeiiired •two of his , rlbS' and ,erdelled 0,kt...others. , ° F.ItiEl4INT. YEARS AGO hiS '86th' birthday. .0engritulaOrts to 'Alt, John T. Currie,. 911 Monday' celebrated lascitrkweTersadaryi;thanf,c,pnaWchclentees, dAy,a4noicf Phone. 106 , ACKER ,Wiikihiwo I. . , l 'i --Miss Leila Huntley has entered ,McCormiek ,MeAvoy4 Fred ' • • poriril,1111811111 .. ...... .. ............... . • I • itill11111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111‘1111111.i11111111111111111111CS1111111111111111111111111111 M111119 I11111111161111.11111111111111i lil l.*11111110101111111111il i111*11.11111L • . ::'• "". ' F. It's swimming time at the five crippled eitutps in' the province that are owned and operated by the' OnclitioSociCty for Crippled Children, who annually conduct the Xaster Seal Otnuinign, By contributing to the Easter Seal Campaign buil; year,: yea' atinde it possible fot• 11)0,17it than 1,200- crippled kiddies to enjoy• a • threerweek summer vacation, The 19,5$ :Caster Seal Citinpaign has an ritijeetiVe oh $750,000 amid runs until April alt. • ' • .1104.41•111411-1•11.6.M.io.0110 fr-Mgrlarrn.1.414.1.1.Ed•tra•Df.larM4o.,,41.1.4 11Its:' (Dr.) Hoffman of Toronto visited., with her parents, Mr, and lohn" Kerr. %Mt., W.': .1, R.utlettge„ of Bramp- lAjted with his Sister Mrs. IIPC has made loans promptly for 2 generations Instructors' Schools Easter Hoti s dealer for Wingham. He proposes putting three •wagons on the road this season. • Mr, Robert V, Brooks has pur- chased the grocery store from Mr, Alex Moo/bray. We' Wish' 'MIA success in this new venture, .; A very enjoyable time was spent by s large number of 'St. congregation on Monday evening in the Sunday School room when three returned soldiers, Lieut. Holmes, Sgt. Fitt- and Lieut, Jones-Bateman were the honored guests of the .AYPA.- • Rev. Hector McQuarrie passed away at his residence on Thurs7 day. Mr. McQbarrie was for years pastor of the Wingham Pres, b§terian Church ancl';it was during the time of his ministry, -that the now St. Andrew's Cl4treh was erected. ' Mr, Harry WordStrian has, mov- ed from the 13 Line to the double house on Water Street, opposite, the chair factory, ,wheA l he ,will. be glad to buy all kinds of, scrap. County Cancer Unit Elects The.iluror, unit of the Canadian Cancer "Society elected Mrs. Ken- neth Johns, Exeter, president, Mrs. Johns' appointment • • follows the sudden death of the president, Fred Sturdy, of poderich, • Floyd Lodge, Goderich, wasnam- ed first vice-president, President of the Clinton and district branch, Mrs y~illianr Morlok, who presided at the special meeting,' paid tribute Lo Mr. Sturdy. , •• Since Dad's day RFC has been making prompt loans, in privacy, to people who need money for all kinds of good reasons. At House- holdyou can borrow up to $1,000, `get one-day service and take up to 30 months to repay on the terms you choose. , B01-14,4 confidently from RFC • HOUSEHOLD FINANCE ez,tareo„.0i R. K: Fitch, Manager 35A West Street Telephone 1501 GODERICH COARIEL-The nuiribiu;; of ' ron receiving Red .Cross ‘7,r .ter. Safety awards, In Ontario • thiring 1957, was 20,726. Out of that 'num- ber, 8,611 r reeeived..beginner ;but- tons, 'which lakes a Youngster; frem the non-swimmer level to the point where he can swim 'a distanCe of 30 fdet, turn around , and swim back 30 feet. Only children who have: been taught by "6„,,,qualifie' (1,134 cross instructor 'are ' eligible! 'for-. the Water Safety tests": ,Ontario last year 373' men and' women over the age of 19, and holding'a life saving award, participatecI in `-the Red Cross. Water Safepy'' instructors' schools. The course, is 3'0 hour's. in , length and includes 'bOth leettires and pool and nrabtice. • teaching sessions-. B.5cams,are-held and only those who are: considered respon- sible people receive'- their qualifi- cation. During the faster thelidays this year, five instructors schools will be held in Ontario in ;.St: •Cathar- ines, , i'eterborough, Fort F,rariCis ,a,nd Windsor. YOU. Serve By Giving SMALL RUGS POPULAR The braided rugs' that were grandmother's pride are becoming popular again and are being_ ,used with hoth traditiOnal and coritem.-• porary decoration. Consuraers like the rugs. because they wear well, complement rather than cover Polished floors, and are inexpensive to maintain, pne manufacturer has just announced a whole range of new styles, U • U U U U U U Flannelette, BLANKETS Vote for Marvin Nowe an A r MAJORIT ON MARCH 31st ,Men's 'Bomber style jackets of fancy fleelt`toelton cloth, with satin lining, ,A' very smart jack- et. at stn outstanding price. Reg. $13.95 1 ' SPECIAL . t.88 $ , "Itieeontitt"..or. a regular r. - • ' : ' . Size 70 x .99 • . . •• ... SPECIAII• .. .... A f in U U A. I KETS U I n Zit Doeskin SHIRTS, A 'good selection of patterns in- : eluding. piald leeks in Meit's 7 Doeskin Work Shirts I! • .* MATS COTTON SHIRTS Mere Is e)itiePtional Value lit • Cottott' Work Starts • 'Values from tl $3.69 to $3.50 " MATS c„bc.„ Mats' In good' (arbours and pattettni sttitablaor ititthens, indlways, bedrooms, etc. ' 3, 50 $t.08 $1 99 . 1.10 CLEAR. . $1.99 TO CLEAR AT .. , ..•. AT ..... ..... Special Discounts on All Winter n erwear , it • ., . ... .. ..... .... ...,. DRESS' SHIRTS MOO'S Vine ;Cress 'Shirts in mostly piain shades . ' „gem •:)51.115 a, ,i,. A . TO CIAlArt ......... ..... ....... 4 1.V 9 . , PAJAMA ., . S , Mett's GOOil .QUidtty 'Platintilette, ..Pajtisitas .".lit 'Showily etilettrial ' Pattorns. *egg. 0.90 $3 do 8)1'-11. '''lliA*'• ...`"•''" •°° . ..,.. :..... BOYS''' SH1Ik TS';..• , . A group of Boys' Deeititha Sport Shirts in :real •itinarrkirtteitui . Jug, 111,98 "(...$3,93 $1.49 TO. CLEAlt .„.... • ,, , , '. .', ........... . _ ..._......... . . '.SON. .i : ',......,,4,, .. „ . . .11.0,,...6Sipx.r t i all,itylon of WOO' .vi i i,„ `ii .y1100, 1.01,,, $1,01i, and sr,.;40 ' ' , • . .. ,,.. •. , ; • ,Special 69c pr, ,or: . 3 ...' pt., for $2,:()Q., ._ - n t . 'rr tile -for a Government that Kept its • Prom:10s.... Irriblishod by tite Wellington.Theron Vrogrehsive Conservative MA60.10101).