HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-03-19, Page 4si ` itingltsal Aldvttnee-`M`iir('es, Weitiaes4a Mar.. 10, FOR, SALE, L 31 5 USPD •FURNITURE. Buy and sell, Agent or Kincardine Laundry,_ Phone 185. 9rrh TIMOTHY and Alfalfa baled hay for sale, Apply to John Spree', RR. 2, Wingham, phone 632J1, I9,;, MIL ( FLT �.RS For sale -"Rapid AO", :0 -inch, 79c; .6% -inch, 85e. Alexander's Hardware. lrrb 1,000 B IaALS of Alfalfa and TimeR thy hay for sale. Apply to Gor- don Hall, Bluevale, phone 610J12. 19b THREE children's Spring coats for sale, Sizes 8,, 10, 12 In Tur- quoise and pint. Reasonable. Phone 991J. 19b MALE POLICE DOG ' for sale. About year old. Quiet, Apply to Wm. Struthers, phone Teeswater 1800. a 19" WI AT FOR SAVE- Good beef by the quarter, Killed on premises. Inspected by Dept. of Health. Yearling heifers, Top quality, Lowest prices, Raynard Ackert, Ripley, phone :24r30. 17rrb 1 only 21 ft, Hay Bale Elevator and 10 ft. extension for sale. Brand new, CoMplete for the low price of $250.00. May be seen at The Dominion Road Machinery Co: Limited, Godorich, Phone 880 for further inforreation, 19b BROADLOOM CARPET and rugs. Latest samples on display now. Have an estimate, without obli- gation, for your room. Finest qualities, lowest prices. WEL-. WOOD'S VARIETY' STORE. , l2rrh BALED :flAYfor sale; Timothy and Alfalfa, reasonable. Apply to A. Jacewicz, B Line, past cemetery, R.Tt, 2, Wingham, phone 63233. 19* WE ARE. NOW contracting with the growers of Malting Barley. We supply seed. Reg. No. 1 Rod- ney and Gary Oats for sale at $1.60 oil, Commercial No, 1 Herta and Brant Barley at $2.05, John; Bur t nstead. & Son, phone 455, . 12rrb BEFORE YOU BUY a vacuum cleaner or floor polisher—call Jed Reynolds for a FREE .Home 'felnonstration, See Electrolux, Canada's finest, Phone 040.11. 8rrh YOUR I?EET CAN cause. pain in ankles, knees, hipq and lower hack: For definite lasting re wilts check with 3, A. VICKERS, Foot Correctionist, Queens Hotel,. Wingham, on Monday after noons. 26rrh DM YOU KNOW that Dtivid Crot'rlpton, Certified Watchmaker, guarantees to keep your watch in good running order for one year? This free service guarantee applies to all new watches, also to ,watches that have been .clean- ed and reconditioned.. Bring hi your watch to -day and take ad- vantage of oar fast guaranteed service.' per)) REAL ESTATE_ 100 ACRES for sale. All grass,. spring creek, Phone 488M Whig - ham after 6 p.m. • 19b HOUSE for- sale in' Wingham. Livingroom 201c1.2; two bedrooms, kitchen, tooin for bathroom, extra room. 18x10, Garage 20x15, Price $2500. Phone 5603, 26rrh LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 35 SUCKERS for 'sale, Phalle Robe, Kroner, WroXeter 1.9r16„ 10* 13. WEANED PIGS for sale, Also one Lanetraee Hog, one and a half years old. Apply to Lloyd Montgomery, phone 14371, Wing - ham. 19* • POta,Tal 3' FOR SALE 200 15t ttialE PUTJLETS, 10 weeks old for sale, Apply+ to ,George Wheeler, RE, 5, T3ruseels, phone. 12124; ,brussels, - as* IatKALia ;EiYBRID Chickens for mile. Day -Old and started. Also mine 16 Weeifsydld pullets, ApPly to Itzugb. Armstrongiy! Tceswater, fJY phone 54114, Teeswater; 5112:10:200' 1/EKAII1 STARTED PiI11r1':F)TS • P RAiiw* S' a1 thiel D 1h 1 �r of eke st r e A atd atl� p lets,. vaccinated for Newcastle and bronchitis, ready for inn. Mediate *livery at 10 and 18. Weeks .of age. Price Ifni on rer fuest titsc(iunt en Targe orde rtr Mat/teal Poultry it ()tit, Pia nt 047$1 sed. fOrth, 20,5,11,12b HELP WANTED NEED EXTRA CASH? Work spare time, We need Men .fid women to address envelopes or sew Baby shoes, $50 weekly pos- sible. Send stamped addressed. envelope, Write Box 812, Dau- phln, Man. 19:26:2:9b• LARGE UNITED STATES and Canadian Manufacturing Com- pauy requires Field Representa- tive in Turnberry Township. Ex•• optionally high earnings. Guar- anteed repeat business.' Automo- bile essential. Agricultural or farming background most im- portant. Sales training given, Reply to Box 84, London, Ont- ario, 12:19;26b DAOE ASSISTANT REQVHtEf) WINGHAM DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD requires a full time clerk, stenographer and sec- retary to work in the 131gh School Office. Good working knowledge of typewriting, shorthand and bookkeeping required. Full time duties. To commence immediately. When applying, state qualifica- tions to Miss Yvonne MacPherson, Acting Sec'y-Treasurer, Wingham High School Board. Applications' to be. in hands of Secretary of the Board by April 1, 1958. E. S, Hetlieringtbp,, Chairman ' 19 :26b —WANTED TO RENT AN APARTMENT or house by April 1st. Apply, to Box 14, Advance -Times. 19" TWO-BEDROOM Apartment or small house wanted to rent im- mediately. Phone 986.' 19' WANTED TO BUY' HOUSE and small Garden. Must. be located in town or village with either train -ar,bus.service, Apply to Box 13, 'Advance -Times.. 19* AMBCILANCE SERVICE JURRIE'S AMBULANCE, Wing ham, Safe, Courteous Service, Phone Day; 51,; Night, 710 or 638- 131- r 38- 13rr DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK removed 'promptly for sanitary disposal. FREE pick: up on larger animals, reasonable collection charge for small ani - mala. Phone collect Wingham 378;. Palmerston 123w, or Dur - ,hath 398, Gordon Young (Elmira) Limited. errb $10.00 and UP paid for sick, down and • disabled Cows and Horses, also dead cows and .horses at cash value, PIease phone prompt- ly Bruce Marlatt, Call Collect $6r7 Brussels, 24 hour service. 19rrb MISde?1LLANEOTIS • RED `CROSS WHEEL CHAIRS are available through the Wingham Branch No. 180 of the Canadian Legion. This: is 'a free service: 'Contact R. John Currie, Chair - Plan, phone 716, 12,19,26b NEVER, NEVER, never since the world began such. . relief from sore,aching, burning feet, weak ankles, sore knees, (hips . and back,- cramps in feet or legs. Corns, callouses, •bunions . dis- • »pear, arthritis pains fade away, brings back circulation. Consult W. A. 'Kaufman, phone 94 Lis: towel, open Tuesday afternoon and evening, and at the Bruns- wick Hotel, Wingham,, on March 20 and April 3 at Room No. 3, 12rrb 'SEPTIC TANKS, Cesspools, etu„ cleaned with modern equipment, All workt r. n Louis to a teed. L i,s Blake, T3,R, 2, •photic 421.6 Brus' Seta, • 26rr25.TEe' TS YOiTf, TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? For, information phone 293, Stew: Art A. Scott, Wingham, 2rrb. STEWART A, SCOTT can new save you 13% on your car or truck insurance. Yearly or six tnonths policies are available. Special rates for farmers, For further information phone 293,. Winghafn, r 29rrb a'ATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association "Where Better Bitlla Are Used". "For artificial in- setninatlon information or sera vire frons all breeds of cattle, phone The Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at, Clinton HU 24441. or Mildmay 180r12 be-; tureen 7.30 and ,9,30 a,te., We have t11 breeds available—TOPq taut at low Coat." 25rrb FINANCING A CAR-?. Before you boy ask about one Co* Cost 'fiitaancing, Service With complete Insurance Coverage.a ,,, 'THWART A SCOTT thous Ass ultkgham 2tirt'b i,• « #R'[R�LO'1Ti�R.a MT ^• SxA+1 Ei),••• LADY WANTS work as clerk or light housework. Phone 1 21. J. 19* WST PARCEL containing box of sym- pathy cards and box of servi- ettes with the names. Wilma. and Bill left 'in a ,store In Wingham, Finder please return to Isabel's Beauty r a y 'Sl Dope, John Street, 19h • WANTED USEDLITTER iCARRIJR and track wanted" Must be in good condition, Apply Frank Stamp- er, Bluevale, phone 13,20, Wrox- eter. 19'' TENDERS SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the' undersigned and endorsed "TENDER ' FOR INTERIOR PAINTING, FEDERAL BUILD- ING, WINGHAM, ONTARIO will be received in the 'office of the District Architect, Dephrtment of Public Works, 385 Yonge Street Toronto, Ontario,, until 3 p.m., April 14th, 1958. Plans and/or Specifications can be seen and obtained at the office of, the District Architect, at the . above mentioned address, or at .the office of the Caretaker at The Federal Building, Wingham, Ontario To be considered, each tender must be accompanied bya security in the form of a certified cheque or bonds as specified In the form of tender and made on or according to •these forms, and in accordance with the Conditions set forth therein. . The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS • A G Creba, DISTRICT ARCHITECT, - Toronto, March 14th, 1958 19b NOTICE TO :CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER 'OfF THE• ES- TATE OF SAMUEL COULTER, late of the Township of East Wa- wanosh, , in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, Deceased. d . NOTICE IS HEREBY •GIVEN pursuant Co the Trustee Act, that all • creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Samuel Coulter, are required to send particulars of their claims duly verified, to J, . W. BUSH - FIELD, Q.C., Solicitor for the. Ex- ecutor of the said Estate, on nr before the • 5th day of April; A.D.,. 1958, and that after Such date the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the ;said Estate, hav-. ing regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had no - Lice. DATED at Wingham Ontario„ this 17th day of March, A.D. 1958. BUSHFIE•LD, Q,C., WINGHAM, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. 19262b NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS• 'IN THE. MATTER OF. THE ES- TATE Or REBECCA MAUDE DODD:, late of the Town of Wing - ham in the County of Huron, Wid- ow, Deceased. NOTICE' IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the. Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late 'Rebecca Maude Dodd, are re- quired to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. W. BUSHFIELD, Q.C„ Solicitor for the Executors of the said Estate, on or before the 5th day of April, A.D. 1958, and that after such date the Executors will proceed to distrib- ute the assets of the said Estate having regard 'telly to the claims of Which they shall thenhave had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 15th day of March, A.D. 1058. J. W, I3USIiFrELD,Q .C, WINGIrAIT, Ontario. • r Solicitor for the Executors. 19262h NOTIC'J TO CREDITORS' P Tint ESTATE OF ANT)Til,;ty ;STI'E7N, deceased All perions having claims against the estate of Andrew drew Stein, late of the Town of W inghant, ` in the County 'of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 19th day of ,l'anuaryy 1068,. are hereby noti- fied to send in to the undersigned, Solicitor for the Executors, nn gr before the 21st day of March, 1958, full particulars of their claims. tminediately •after the ;said date, the assets will be •distributed amongst the persons entitled there• y to, having regard only to the claims of whichthe T::trlc f. al, otos ;§brilk then ll iia a bate. • � Dated at ,I,istot'nl, Ontario, this 1St tiny of Mar. ch -,10558. R, N, ANDREW, , tintdwelr Ontario SOIrcltor for the Ert�1Leetttrlre� M;A� 11171! Father {Dies • At Mitchell William R. Chessell, 88, father of Mrs, W, T, Cruickshank, Wing - ham, died .ealy last week, Mr, Ches. sell farmed for a number of years in Fullerton Township and had also worked for the Ontario Hydro, Surviving besides his wife, the former Hanna Phillips, are three sons; Wilfred J,, Roy and Dalton, of Mitchell, and two daughters, MrRitchie s. I John of Mitchell and Mr's. Cruickshank of Wingha#n. Funeral service 'Was held in Mit hell on Wednesday afternoon ..of last week, with burial there, BIRTHS RICH ---At Wingham. Hospital, on Tuesday March 11, 1958, to Mr, and Mrs, Edward Rich, Wingham, a son, FOXTON—At Wingham Hospital, on Sunday, March 16th, 1958,, to Mr. and Mrs, John Foxton;. Wingham, a daughter. ' HENNING—At Wingltarn Hospi- tal, on Sunday, March 16th, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hen- ning, R,R, 1, Bluevale, a daugh ter, SIMPSON--At Wingham. Hospi- tal, on Tuesday, Marcb 18th, 19,58, to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Simpson„ Whitechurch, a daughter, ROSS—In Toronto, on . Sunday, March 9, 1958, to Mr,- and Mrs, Gordon Ross, 'a son, . Eric Bruce. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express thanks: and appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbours for the beautiful floral tributes,' cards and messages' of sympathy and the . many kind- nesses shown during our recent sad, bereavement is the passing of dear aunt, Mrs. Thomas Jack lin, Also to' the Moir funeral home.- -Mrs. Margaret Adams. 19y CARD OP 'THANiKS I wish to express any sincere thanks and appreciation to , all those who sent sympathy cards and 'remembrances to me at the• time of the death of my father• Mrs. W. T, Cruickshank, ' 19b CARLi OP THANKS Y; I ` wish to express my thanks' and appreciation to those who sent cards, gifts and . visited me: while I wasa patient in Wingham Hospital, Special thanks to Dr. W.' A. MaKibbon, 'Mrs, .Mori•ey and staff. -Barbara Ceultes. 19* GAILD, OF THANKS I would like to thank those who remembered me in so many ways while I was in the hospital and to those, who -helped at home, Special thanks to Dr. B. Corrin, Mrs. Mor- rey and •the Wingham Hockey Club, -Joan Irwin,' . 19' '- CARD or THANKS I consider it a, great privilege to say thanks, to all ,my kind, neigh- bors, friends 'and relatives, also Dr. Stephens, the special nurses and the general nursing staff for all their kindness shown me dur- ing • my stay at the , hospital. "Thank You" are mere words corn, pared with all the kind attention given to , me. Again, I say thank you.—J, C. Higgins, . 190 IN MEMOttIAM BAKER—In loving memory of a dear husband and , father, Shel- don Baker, who passed away on March 14, 1956. - --Ever remembered. 'by his wife and family. 1913 IN MEMORIAM RITCHIE: In loving memory • of, Gordon 'Ritchie, 'who passed away March 10, 1957, GALLLAWAY-In loving memory Oliver Gallaway, -Who passed away, Stine "20, 1950: Our. hearts still ache with sadness, Secret tears still often flow; What It neant,to lOse you No one will ever know. Whenand we are sad, lonely, And everything goes wrong, We seem to hear you whisper, "Cheer up and try to carry on," • -Lovingly remembered and .deeply missed by their wife Ann and • family, Kenneth, Rita and !George. 191' IN MEMOIt:IAM NICHOLS'ON—In loving Memory Of. a dear husband, Joseph T, Nicholson, who passed away on March 20th, 1949, Life moves on, time passes by, Treasured Memories , never die, —Sadly missed and ever remern• bered by his wife, Ethel. 10*' IN' MEMORIA1t: - SMITHH—In 'loving memory of Charles F. Smith, Barber, who passed &way in Coderieh twenty years alta, on Thursday, March 20111, 1036, authshtne fades and shadows fall, Rut sweet re e rance utl o rests all, —Ever remembered by brothers and sisters. 190 I iiTT+3MOITtAll f WELT'.-tnloving„memory of 'gr.' and Mrs, ,3oslah Wells who pasit-• ed away March T 2: 2` 19 G 1 d (ttiand *OA,Ever remembs Ed by'theMach 14„ 1016, � Mrs, P. McEwen Funeral Friday , BLUEVALE--Elisabeth. Strach- an, widow -of the . late Peter . S McEwen, died In Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on March 12th, in her 87th year, She was born in Grey Township, the daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. James Strachan, pioneers of the township. After -her marriage she lived in Turnberry until she and her husband retired to' 13.lue vale in. 19.36, • Surviving, are two sister's and two brothers, Mrs. Andrew Lamont (Elsie), of, Bl,evaje, Mrs. Isabel, Yeomans of Detroit, De James of Fort William and Dugald,, of Blue-, vale; also one nephew; one grand; nephew and one grand niece,. • , The funeral service. was held in ft. A,•Currie & Sons funeral 'home, Wingham,, on March 14th, Rev. W. J. S. McClure, of Molesworth, conducting the service, Temporary interment was in the Wingham' chapel, final burial to ,be in Wrox eter Cemetery, The pallbearers were Buipis.Moffatt, A. D. Smith, Fleming Black, James • ' Moses, Thomas :Strachan and William King, .• Mrs. McEwen -Was an, active member of Knox Presbyterian • Church, Bluevale, was especially interested in missionary .vork and was a life member of the W.M.S. BLUEVALE Mr. and Mrs, James Yeomflns, of, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Stra-•, ehan and Mr. Nelson Cardiff of Brussels, attended the funeral service for the late Mrs. Peter S. McEwen. Mrs, Jos. Horton spent a feW Knox VMS ,,Met • clays .in Toronto last week.. , Mr, and Mrs. Jack Gamble and OA 'Wednesday. FOUR U's THEME OF1 MEE. TNG W, BLUEVALE --Tao Bluevale Wo- men's Institute met at the home of Miss Mary Duff on:.Mar. 1.,3th, The president Miss. Ruby Duff, presid- ed. The roll cal) was answered by stating "'What's your beef", and brought forth many interesting r'e- plies. is -raid t�. Cey on flood Apps.. ,fp a yl i•.. sufferers and for co-operation with th;e' Canadian Constinlers Associa- tion • were left • over to the next meeting, Reports were received from con- veners; Canadian Industries, Alex Corrigan; community activi- ties :and 'public relations, written by Mrs. Walter Smillie and read by Mrs...Bernafd Thomas; health by Miss Ma'rgar'et Curtis; histori- cal .research by Mrs, M. L, Aitken. Arrangements were made for staging the. ' Teeswitter'. play 'in March, Donations. were .'received forlayeiteaafdr Arab refugee hi - Mate. Mrs, Charlei ")3dsman, 'read the report of the nominating com- mittee. The topic," "The Four C's, 'Thai. Lead to Success” was given in. four parts: .Character, by Mrs, M, L, Aitken;- Courage: by Mrs. Spat, - ling Johnston; • Cheerfulness, by Mrs. Stanley. Darling and Co -op - 'ration by Mrs Milton Fraser, Mrs. Carl Johnston eondumted n :contest in the recognition'of Irish airs which she played on the piano Mrs, Corrigan, Mrs. R. Turvey'and Mrs,. M. Mcl♦ at ]ane had perfect scores: Miss' Mary Puff : recited Irish rhymes and told some Irish stories. Refreshments were served by Mrs..' Chas. Bosnian, Mrs. Berl Gai'niss and Mrs. Bernard Thomas children are visiting at Donegal. -- Ao e d ane aheldi sh w rn a,, d wasn t , the •community halli, n• honor of Mr. and Mrs.. William Gamble, newly married,' do Friday evening, A purse of money was presented by Jim Thompson, Miss Eleanor Smith read the address, A large, crowd attended, The Thynne and Alcock orchestra; of Brussels, plied music for .dancing, Clifford Casemore Dies in Toronto Word has been received here of. the death, of , Clifford "Casey" Casemore of Toronto. Mr. Case - more, 53, died in the Toronto Gen- eral Hospital on 'Wednesday, ' He had been ill for some `time. • Born in Wingham • he ' was the son of thelate Jame Casemore a s a e and .l•ennie Ransome Casernore, formerly of Winghamn He moved to Stratford, and then to Toronto in -1,947. Surviving are his wife, the form- er Emma Bender, 'formerly, of 'Stratford; two sons, Jackson and Donald, both of Toronto; two daughters; Mrs_ Robert (Joyce) I:tumbolt, Mrs, William (Georgina). Payne, both of •Toronto; two grandchildren and a sister, Mrs.' Clayton . (,Lillian) Edwards,. Strat- ford, A brother, John, was -killed in an accident in Sarnia m 1946. The funeral was held from the Lynett funeral home, Toronto, on Saturday. Burial was made .in. Toronto. John H. Elliott J Dies atWalkerton There passed away on Friday, March 7th at his home in Walker- ton, a well-kndwn and highly re- spected citizen of that town in the person of John Elliott,. after afew months' Illness,. -+ • He had lived in 'Mildmay for a ' number of years, and •at one time BLUEVALE-The WMS :meeti €, of Knox. Pty esb terian • Chui'�1t Bluevale, . al was held in the sell dol v,e, d , room of the chuichot>r,W.,e,dncsdaly In. the .absence. of. - the.. pOsideiit ' M,rea Bernard,;Thomas, the vice- president, , presided and ::opened with the• call'- .to worship, Report: were. given, and, letters of .bisine s dere 'discussedand •read; The roll IITED Z'a li peril. fot ilea.il, .sick or disabled horses • or, cows. F+ ree < pick-up :ea smaller animals. Prompt Mci vi, e *with winch - iequipiied • • trucks.: ..Phone LERO'Y ACHP.Si N' -' w .od, 1 .3 collect, At p 5 eat. or GEORC•E 'I-HISLOP Wroxeter 2>L 15 " Giay28 • had worked for Thompson 'Bros„ before being employed by Canada. Packers, He moved to Walkerton four years ago, and up to the time he became ill was :a truck driver for Cn Canada Packers, Jack, as he was commonly called, was born on July 4th, 1900, the son of Thomas I;Jlliott and Mary Etta Thompson, the latter ,of whom passed away *hen he was a child of six years. He spent his boyhood hays on the eighth col?eession of Culross, afterwards fahrhing on the Sixth Concession for It short time._ Sortie years ago he married Edna Willie, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, M. VtW'illie,, who, with one son, Don- aid mourn his loss. He io also survived by his father and step mother, es well, as four step sisters, Mrs, George (Elisa- beth) Karadis of Gardena, Cali - fertile, Mrs, Gordon (Margaret) I•H'amilton, of Iiensatl, Mrs, Gedr'ge (Jean) Henry of Lu, -know, and Mrs; George (Edith) Kiteley bf Montreal; also one sten-brother, Gordofh, of Kitelierier, Another steinoro+heir, Redwas killed in World War It, Ther t 's �.' e body es ed.at Ii'edy ix • tuner. ai 'tome, whole it Wail removed to Sacred Heart Church, •Teeawntea' s M tic snr icry at v 10.30 on Monday. a dtlv Requiem high mass was sung.h'. Rev, Er. l�McKenna and WristWKS in the Teeswater Roman Catholic cemetery, Pallbearers were all old lt8 £Fie s of the deceased, r Iunoat p thired5, Graham' liffat, John Moffat, Chester Pinnell, Chao CoA- eddy and WUsott Bats, ' TOo MANY .PEtPLc, ,ARE cRUSHEID e r OV E . 7N. � OWN . • ni6N1"re.- Give your baby tricks a head start ih lois$ With the hew Super Shur - Gain 23% Chink Starter with adeledi fat. The now Super Chick Starter has been tented and 'proved at our demonstration fano in Maple; On- tario to give you 10% more growth, Meeh' better feathering and health- ier birds, Do it right, do it the Shut -Oak way, you 'Will he glad you 23% Super - _Starter Chick Starke r $4.70 10% O � Super Grow Mash 3.85 20% Lay Mash $3.$5 WI N Gig 41111. PHI SHtlil ;AIN) FEED «li . K 1 � w y M+Mr' II AAM � 1 ,_. _.. l MILLS � \ ;4— nit 1 call was a,nstered with 'a• verse beginning With 'the letter 'K The offering was dedicated by the Vice-president, • Mrs, Gordon 'Graig had charge of the topic and gave a very in- teresting paper on the new study book, "The Christian Church in New 'Japan" stressing its wines, - tion, the place of the, women in the church and the freedom . ,cif religion. The meeting was closed with prayer, A short meeting of the .Ladies l_i- s Aid followed .and Matters c s of rU ness for the coming ' year were. discussed, CASH—if you live. CASK—if you die, f rntectifiu for the family Comfort for your ►etiremovt Alt in olio policy, Consult— FRANK ., CRANK C. HOPPER —Representative - Canada Life •. N WINGHAM, AT M, .. WANTED'' softmapleand ''elm;. Bush lots with .:: Will purchase bush properties or f arms. Please phone. or write: The I Andrew Malcolm Fu rniture Co,'Ltd., Listowel, Ontario h GET YOUR. DOG TAGS Y YOUR DOG MUST BE TAGGED BY MARCH 31, 1958 The owner, possessor,r, or harborer of a clog shall registered at the office.of cause the same to be regL Town Clerk or Police Chief ' ON OR BEFORE MARCH '3Tst, =19.5 MALE DOG $ 2:400 FEMALE DOG ,iSECONi) MALE DOG SECOND FEMALE DOG KENNEL i.IciEl SE 110.00 T. W. PLATT, CHIEF OF POLICE. 5 4.00' $ 4.00 $ (1.00 cur<,<uu,r,,, uurii' Flu r. 1 rir0 l rrruil iu",ri"ulurYrl,lrurr,i,,,, ,, iir"i Rt",n"rrr i e urur"140,,0 ruiul,,"uilr: I . ;"Ili lilrir,,011410011U000610plr111111rr1 nglliiiii1i1111$11r11,10111I lulllil"YI l li 111 ell ilrl1ui10110iir1111lilil111111"1,r illl,ri Save Mon BY • fee 14 aA ' ♦.WiN'►IANI ;ft 479i s ''k I ecoee.beAl'i:•e 'owe of Winghain <195$' TaxeS ti•S e S(li ihn Pti}inc. nis, on nccnilrit cent<olf 195 : ntel'dcst' 1.f {lie 1-n.te ``of 1idlll / >k, (chit,. T�1er rf35tlii .'Wi1l••be allowed on suchrept••>n-fents'. P 1 3 Prepayments ,s ori }� 1,. eat, f taxes must • beniiitle at 'the Town Trea„surer',s Office, Towle W. A. GALRRAITH, Treasi rer,. Town of Win ham BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DiRECb: • T t7RY McAYISf A. B.T BARRISTER; SOLICITOR and NOTA1t'V, 'I11'T.Ttl TEESWATER - NT .. O ATtTO Telephone 23, Teeswater Wrooter..,Every Wedneatar afternoon, 2,-4 p.m.r oiti by Appointment, . Frederick e Ic k E LIomagi.. - P hTtr.R, R.O. t Caro E. Carol E. klomuth Nati,Visit H, Hamad!, R.Or oprolvoyn TS"i'S PITOtun 1 119 .I'Iarriston, Ontaji'io CRA ::F� R WO d& HE1'NERINITON Ilarrihtera, Solieltors;: ' a' Whighaun '` Plii►r,e 4* .T. IL CRAtWFORD, U. S. HETIIERT•N(itON,, t1,0. J. W. WHEW Q.0 . ,✓ Barrister, lholieitor, Notary, rite, Money to.Loco' Offie Meyer Bionic, Winching WEtLIN CrT N .f U 1 iltii5(ilFanee i olii{rtit►j" . I,rht, 1b4o X"ir all Canadian 'Company+ *hl'ch 'hail falthfi►lly dittoed itlt nolle' holders. (Or over * entnr y4 Head' Tor t B. ', *Width* Inilwrsrr'9e Y►�itlitc- Wirtrhi�tit. , i,,,i.. �l0111P aceeeeeilealiert