HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-03-19, Page 3canadi oddar Nei Marie fraser's new Cheese Casserole Recipes, Send lediryi DAIRY .WoeyliefeP OP PAN.01.0.4. , • aipe Huron ptri.1!.,11, Tprontrir • • .00 ai:0 • i riq ter, as ••6•111 1. 11111111A • • • WATCH FOR ANNOUNCEMENT NEXT WEEK! 11###(.1#•01,1•111111111110410111111/011#1/111111011#1•1111111101111111#11#11#111111111111#41#0.11.1#0.1111000111#0.1111#1.41#111.1111#0,111#10.0111191.1 #11#11,11#1 Ross McLitt* Says . • Pearson and Martin Can Do Most for. Prate 4ilimmi.immiummummilinummumomimi"If we lose peace. ..we lose everythiiiitg- Vote 114cLEL.LAN X IF WE WIN PEACE EVERYTHING ELSE Return the .LIBERAL PARTY for peace. • IS POSSIBLE (Pearsoni) • Television CKNX Radio FEL, IVIAIICH 21 - 11.25 p.m. MAR, 2(1 11.30 AMA. MON., MARCH 21 - 035 p.m. MAR. 20 - 12.10 noon ' CKCO-TV — MARCH 25, 10.30 p.m. ' Wellington-Huron Liberal Association • NATIONAL LIBERAL COMMITTEE IN HURON, THE MAN IS BILL OC „. , , ANE .,,.. „ ,. # who supports the LIBERAL TEAM headed by ( LESTER B: PEARSON A vote for Cocheane. is a vote for Pearson--the Man of Peace, the Man of Action! See and Hear Cochrane CFPI>TV •—• Thursday, March 20th at 0.21) CKNX-IV—L. Friday,iy March 21st at IPUblithed by Iltivon Liberal Association) • , RSONALS , 7*.o• 1111.00moot AdvotrAtoilms, ViglIn. • )4111111.111041.1stitippootptiouipivatitulturt$000404t1141 WM.R ' AMILT0' OPTOME fRIST i:-.. I . . . ThorougiAne.4)$, . .Ability 'fate it.:404. • p _ • i . ii ,Phone :37 for App9intotent ,.k.iki miloolui I lit' iputplomiimillioswournigumplimiiiiciiii siiiimilioliiiit. i ,...,,,,,,p r.,,,,,,,.....,,,,,,,,-...,......,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.„.,,,,,,,„„,,4,..„,?,..,.,„,„... Cooky 'Union Holds `Quarterly Megting The Ifmron county riarnmeti Union held their quarterly !Pouting in Olintori on 'March 10th the .0014 rooms, 'of the argricial*, tural rooms This meeting was Well attended and Was In charge 'of Mr. gtob Taylor, the president. The Meetinfr was opened by singing PO Oanada", acorn- roamed .hy Mrs. Cerdo.ni Hill, The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as' react -.as was the filianoial report, The "lady director, Mrs, Alfred lslesbitt,, gave a short report on executive meetings that had been held and info reed the meeting that it Wes 'a, Pleasure to be able to tell the members that Mr, Albert Cor- meek, the past president, had been appointed" a .rnernher of the .Agri- cnitural Advisory Board Committee to the government. It was felt that ire Would certainly 'do his beat hi the interest Of farmers and agrieul., ture in general. c Bob Taylor gaVe • a report on various Union, activities both in . Huron and other . parts of the province. He also stated that on March 4th Gordon Hill and Albert Cormack had met with the pro- vincial • parliament agricultural committee and presented their brief_ Simon Hallahan„ delegate to the Ontarie. flog Produeers' convention recently held in Toronto -was pre-' sent and gave a report of the 'meet- ings that were held as did Bob Armstrong who also was, a delegate, They both, urged that we at least give the, present marketing scheme a trial: 'A .lengthy discussion fol- lowed,, = Carl 6Ovier •thanked Mr. Hal- laha.n for -coming to the meeting and giving his impressions of the convention. - The guest speaker of the evening was.T. W. Nikon of Nixon Labora- to-ries, Orangeville, who ' gave a very informative address on "Ani- mal Diseases ' and Prevention", after which he answered many questions from the' floor:- Carl Dalton moved a vote of thanks to Mr. Nixon'for his very worthwhile topic and said' that much had been learned from his information, Mr. Nixon suggested that anyone inter- ested in them icarious diseases write for the; free pamphlets that arc available. It was moylcd . by l Edgar Raith- well, seconded -F red Rdse that the next meel;rigl bq held en Jene 5th and star0134iimpai at 8,36 mt. —Mr, and Mrs, Len Huff and family, of Brantford, visited with her parents, Mr. .411.0 Mrs. •110Y Mundy -Over the weelt=•14nd, Mrs. Webb WHIM and Mr, and Mrs. Jim Fitch visited on Sun,. (IV at the home of Mr, and. Mrs. Lloyd Montgomery, Opening. • S00 41.11,0101T. -Mt, and Mrs. 1`.1tirintril iltlilM I. Kam and Doirgles r .aspent the weekaend with the letter's fii,St.01' Mrs, H, Holman,. Mr, 1-1014-11i1/1 toiA ffuntly, of London, d A. Riches and baby, of 'Vancouver, p.o., Spent the past week with her parents, ReV, and Mrs, F. Johnson. Mr, and Mrs, 1.3.iches have moved to Toroiike and. Mr, •Riehes spent the week-.end at the same borne; ---MI'. 13•044 • I31:111tor and. friend., of Elinvele visited with Mrs, Dick,. son. and. -Zora over 'the week-end. -Mrs. Chas, Roberts: is visiting this week i n Toronto with her son, Richard, Mrs. Roberts anal fame --Mr..anci Mrs. Win. Connell An, baby and Mo. .Connell .Sre spe4 the week-end with the ietter'S daughter, Mrs. I', Irwin,, Pr, •X.rw.tn, and family •Of Alilatena —Mr, and Mre. Harry POSlIff ,and Joan, Of .trathrey, Spent the .week-end with his 4-nether, .Mrs.. W. • ea fa JEWELLERY: and Watch Repair FORMER CKNX BUILDING — WINCHAM 1:3 IS THE MA sp;Mt r .a inedw Mdra-s>,.0 Niaal Hamilton o Montreal in r Canadian atten ding Bottlers th e r of s convention -Carbon- ated Beverages, which was held at the Sheraton Mt, Royal Hotel, Mr. and Mrs, Pete Jillson and. Mr, and Mrs. Hugh JoneS, of Sar- nia, visited on Sunday- with the . • latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, 'Earl Hamilton and, family, • —Mr. and Mrs. Stafford 13ateson, spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Carl McKay, McKay and family, of Stratford. whose sure; skilled hand is needed now to guide Canada out of this period of 'difficulty and doubt. He is the man of peace, the man of action who in times of emergency comes through with positive, Workable solutions., • . . -Mrs, j, H. • Sloan spent the week-end in Brantford with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Ross TholOP- see. • -Mr. Bob Oswald, member of the Bank of Commerce staff, returned home on Monday after a vacation in Florida. - —Miss Arleen 'Underwood, . of Hamilton, spent the week-end with. her'mother, Mrs. G. N. Underwood, Mr. and Mrs, Roy ,Bennett, Joan and Ruth visited on Sunday with his parents, Mr.: and Mrs, Carl Bennett and 'her brother, Mr. and Mrs. John Haines and family, of London. . . --Miss Corric Verhoef spent a few days last week at .her home in Clinton, Miss Pat - ErneSt visited with her parents, -Mr, and Mrs, P, Ernest at Walkerton for ,several days last week. —Mr'. and Mrs. Hugh Sinnamon and Hugh and Dawn visited -on Sunday with Mr. and UrS. John Sinnamon of Wroxeter. . - Mr. John Stephens is spending a few days this week at Simeoe. --Miss Margaret Mitchell, Reg. . N., of WestreinsteeIlospital, Lon- don, Spent the week-end with Mr. , .. 'and Mrs. Gibson Rintoul and. fam- . . . ily, John Street IDNEYACIDS —Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ohm leech-end withfriends in town. Rob your Rest.. and son, of London, spent the R • Mani.people newer seem to get a good night's rest. They turn and toss—blame it on 'nerves'—when it may be their kidneys. Healthy ;kidneys filter poisons and excess acids from the blood. If they fail and impurities stay in the system—disturbed rest often follows. If you don't sest well get and use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help the kidneys so ,that you •can rest , better—and feel bettor. 136 Dodd's Kidney Pills and Mr's, Ford Murray and family, of Brampton spent the Week-end with Mrs. S. A. Murray and other relatives in town, • and Mrs. Andy Beill and family of - Petrolia, spent the week- end with their parents, Mrs. M. ,Bell. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edgar. —Mr. and Mrs, Currie Barchill, of London, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burchill. Elizabeth Droumboris Of London, Mr. and Mrs. Allan'' Hick and daughter, Wendy of Brace- bridge, were week-end guests of Mr. and -Mrs. H. Wild. Mrs. Hick and Wendy will remain for a two .wcelt visit. —John. Wild has taken part in the Fergus, 'Orangeville and Guelph, carnivals and will be skat- ing is the Aylmer, Georgetown and New Hamburg carnivals, Mill SCHOOL "...'NOT TO THE POLITICIAN OR TO "THE SECRETARY OF STATE AS SUCH, 13UT .frO THE MAN LESTER :PEARSON BECAUSE OF HIS PERSONAL QUALITIES, HIS POWERFUL INITIATIVE., 'STRENGTH • AND PERSEVERANCE, pISPLAYED. IN ATTEMPTING' TO PREVENT OR LIMIT WAR OPERATIONS' AND TO RESTORE PEACE." From the Nobel Peace Prize citation speech, Oslo, December 10,1057. Not.° he is proving it again. Lester B. :Pearson is ready with a practical, all-out program to briiig back employment and traderestore confidence and faith—meet Canada's . present emergency with the Pearson Plan for immediate action. VOTE' LIBERAL for constructive leadership NOW with LESTER `B. EARSO helpful eyes at mml BANK r. We get many 'letters from customers, expressing their appreciatipn for SOme. Particularly helpful advice or iervice they've had from. Torobto-Dominion, people. Some tell us of advice that has helped to further their careers Or improve their business prospects. Others have been able to realize their plans because of financial , assistance from The Bank. Still others have been asNisted in everything from filling out 'deposit slips Co dealing With foreign exchange. We greatly appreciate hearing about things like thiu— because'we at; the,Toronto.Doininien have alWayo made a special point of offering helpful, friendly service to all out customers, new and old, in every way we can. TORONTO-DOMINION MIK 4' t fAN7t 't HA t"L. 'di O. AHEAD • M. 0' ,•• Friday night, March 7, was a pleasing climax to the Wingbarn Safety Council campaign. The carnpaign was started by an inter- esting "safety quiz” between some Wingham District . High School students and a greup of local Kins- men and Kinettes on CKNX Al- manac Television program, The high school representatives, Tom Brydges, Bev Stewart, Doreen Burden • and Beverley McDonald, secured a notable draw with the :Kinsmen. A written test was taken by ail 'the high school students for a possible 45 marks, A two hund- red Word essay with a safety first theme constituted 55 marks for a possible total of 100. The awards were donated by businessmen of Wingbarri and the surrounding district. Ron Parker won the senior award, Wrist watch; Pred Stevenson won second prize, 'a, record player; Elizabeth Bur , ten, a pen and pow!' set; and five-dollar bills were presented to Don 3e,rdip and Boy SteWart, Whighairi Pablie Scheel pupils were presented with awards at the same program. —13y Ronald Parker X1111 t•.• GRAHAM. Manatift Gotrie Branch B. RUNSTEDTLER, Manager WingholP tronch