HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-03-12, Page 10The .first Prime Minister of
••Cateeda, Sir 4follni A, Magi.
donahl, 'WS hation
from 'East to West hot!)
politically ,0141 COLI1911404,0Y,
His Noio-kud 0000,, 1.11e
foundation. of
Prosperity crud growth Of
Ali. GeVernmeete ,,,sinee then
have followed his lead, but
pew we are long everlittee:rat
the task of ileyeimplog Can-
oda to TO, This 'newer
that instead Vf an East and,
West outlook, we most ' all
turn our attention NOrtit-,i
Mr, and Mrs, James R. Coultes,
Marie and Audrey visited on Sul:1-
day with Mr, and Mrs, Bruce Keyes
and family of Varna.
Mrs, Alice Johnston and Miss
Iris Johnston* of London spent the
week-end at the home of Mr; and:
Mrs. Richard Procter;
Rev. B. deVries is holding Lenten
services' every ,Wednesday evening
et the home of some. member of
the congregation. Last week it was
at the home of'1VIr., and Mrs. Cooper
Mrs., Cora IVIeGill, Miss Annie
Baker, Mr. Howard Wilkinson,
Charlie,' and. Clayton were all in
'London Iasi• week and visited with.
Mr. and 1Yfrs, John Stewart,
CGlirir-4-101,dS1Vieell114 '
BELGRAVE,--The regUlar meet-
liftinf the Canadian in Train-'
gig was held on- Frirlay-'evening)u
'Alt church, opening wit the Ptir-
pose, followed by Luke 2, q2 in
unison and the , C,G.I.T. hymn.
The roll call ..was answered by 're-
Peating the purpose, :and, the roll
call -next week will be ,Luke 2., 52.
The minutes and treasurer's, re-
port were read and the - offering
received, The next Meeting will be
held -on March '21. The Inissiorp
study was completed. The worship
service was led by' Rlith Miehie
and Trudy de Yong opened with a
hymn. The story, "March the
Girls Have . Their Dell Pestival",
Wad ,read ,bY •
'The Scripture lesson , from Mat-
thew- 17, 1-9 and pryer wellegiven
"by 'Tardy. Yong'' 'Patsy Logan
Was in• charge of the second chap-
ter of :the Bible study The meet- , lug closed with' Tacobi.
ness. tTbe3r tare two daughters,
Thiby,,of"Listowel and (Vera) Mrs.
SteWart Musgrove of Wroxeter and
two grandchildren, Robert and
Faye •Musgrove. •
While on the farm they were
members of the Kurtzville Evan-
gelical Church 'and now of the
Fordwich United Church.
Priends Present
Mr, and Mrs. Dursi
FORDW large crowd
gathered hi the Vordwich Com-
munity hall on Saturday night it
honor of Mr. andiMr,s, Ross Durst
(nee Shirley Ashton) newlyweds.
Miss Marlene Sehnson read the
address and the young\ cottple was
Presented with• a set of table lamps
and Magazine rack. They both
thanked everyotib and dancing was
enjoyed to music by the Junior
Pariner orchestra.•
for those who
served for ykm,
Day in, day out, throughout the
year the Red Cross helps let our hospi-
talized Veterans know that they are
not forgotten. In hospitals, all across
the comitrythese men and women look
to the Red Cross for aid and comfort.
They enjoy the handicraft instruction
and the movies provided by the Red
Cross. They appreciate the warm-
hearted friendliness of the Red Cress'
Hospital Visitor and the comfort of
Red Cross Lodges.
This is just one more of the many
services you support when you give to
the lied Cross—so lease give IA=
an open heart.
Support the
You Serve $y Giving
teaches the roughest toads new
riding manners, 4
No doubt about iti This big, 'bold
and beautiful new ,I)odge ,nOtS
outstaiidirigu iri atvcanillgixit'MOra •
for your So why iiot drop
'P he AVingliern Adlottice-Tintext. We:0400,V, MAT, / A A 1 St Pr/ NO
For Belgrave Rupert You Seive ,,Ely-.9ivisig, Weekly Euchre fOR.RFOISTRIBUTION BELGAV —Prices Were higher MET WEDNFSDAY PRESJOE AT OUIJA BBLGRAVE,---Tite re were ten
• tables of euchre at the weekly
party held: .eri 'Wednesday :evening
in the •eernrininity• eentre. High
priZeS were won by George John..
stop and George Grigg.
M. McCallum • - Novelty prize winners.
Arne Waist and Carl Preeter.
year at the - arintial-
• • sale, SPOrtaered by the " Ontario!
— • . Beef Catt)e. TnaprOverrient :Associa-.
Hello - FAs! ji
0 feW 11,(9 , 01s- one
)0110 Diefelhafer's Nation-al Dc.yeltipi..
BELGRAVIi Tre regular meet-
ing of the Woman's. Missionary,
Society and the Wentrin'a Associa-
held J11 the elnireli on Wetineaday
lion of KM)); I,Tulted Church was
afterneen: Mrs. Waiter Seat,
ineTtbien Mtlic'evrtleswjaharP4hSalllirOnC•Cyccittl :grQ.:cve:C.R.:tgiWeori,410011iti5inP00:30i131;(11:f4e1s. 3 with all, the :members prom:int, Ceti, held in Terento lest Week,
I The hull Went to artificial
Of VebriarY 64( Were read and — ,
w"e CarQ1 Mre. George Martin gave the
using the Mortgage
liatylog, year IWO,. YOU
11 0 /OW aheut Our sPeelr0
.01qUitar, a[Nslia4orm
-- o Reprentative—
Canada, Life
president, was in 'charge of the The IniqUtes of the last regular '
Prize went to Miss W.MS. meeting and opened it with meeting and the ZPecial Meeting insemination '}unit of the WaterIQQ
ancl, Qeorge jarclaai, a bran and Prayer ,followed by a attic BreethirS' Assoeiatiert. poem, "Row to Keep a True Lent". 'adoPted'on motion Of Stewart Preee
BID-WRAYEe---The regttlar MOO-
log of the Ladies' Guild of Trinity
Anglican giwrch was held on.
Thursday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Cooper Net cry with the
president, Mrs, Clark 40host4n,h
charge, She opened the Meeting
With a hYmn, prayer and the
Lord's prayer in unison.
The Scripture lesson front Mate
thew 15 was read by Mrs, Law.,
rence Vermeil, Minutes of the last
meeting were read by Mrs. Rich,
ard procter and the treasurer's
report by Mrs, Copper Nethery,
ays t\i'vmenrew; errwenieemig draed 07411 et
Miss Velma Lowry and the Walsh
fal bakeiliYl sale will be held at the
next meeting, The roll pail was
answered with ideas for' a St, Pat-
ri'elc's tea, Mrs. William Bridges
read en article on Lent. The Meet-
ing, closed with prayer. 'Grade was
sting and lunch wasi served by the
hostess, assisted by Mrs. William
l3rydges. e
ment PoNg $20,00; Ross Duncan, Good Roads
ognvostion i$25i90: Bert gereiss,
Livestock Valuators fees, $1.75;
Chas. Campbell, bens killed, $12,65;
Nelson Higgins, stamps and Rural
Municipalities ,Conventien $43;90,;
Relief account, $15.00; Walton Hall
Board, grant, $75.00,, •
Bailie Parrett, Reeve
Geo, C. Martin, Clerk
Opening Soon
and. Watch Repair
FORMER CKNX BUILDING WINGHAM In future years it may well ho said that ander
:04msp,111111so.sse.does,014n 11.0.11111Moslite l tailik......,
ter and Walter Shortreed.
Moved "by Stewart Procter, see,
ended by Ross Duncan that we re-,
quest the Department of Highways
approve transfers of allotments.on'
1957 road appropriation .by-law as
fellows: $3000,00 from new mach-
inery to Maintenance Bonds; $1000
from maintenance Bridges to Main-
tepance Roads; $2150 from Con-
struction. Bridges' to ,Construction
MoVed by Gordon Wilkinson, sec
ended by ROSS Duncan that the
tender of 'George Radford to sup-
ply, crush and deliver approxi,
poately 12,00e cubic yards of gravel
at 72 cents per yard he 'accepted
subject to the' approval of the dis,
trict municipal engineer;
Moved• by Rose Duncan, second-
ed by Stewart .Procter that the'
applications of Clarence White as
truck driver, Gordon Nicholson ,as
helper and Melville, Bradborn
Warble fly inspector be ,apeepted.
Moved by Stewart Procter,"see-
ended by Ross Duncan that the'
tender Of Howard 8ralth to supply,
800 lbs. of warble fiY powder at
443e cents per lb. be ,accepted.
Moved by Walter Shortreed,
seconded' by. gOrdoniWilkiestin that
the road accounts as presented by'
the road superintendent be Paid,' 4 ,
Moved by Walter She-I-treed, Sec• -
ended by' Gordon Wiiitiriarth ' that
we give •a grant of, $75.00 to the
Walton Hail Board,
Moved by. Ross Duncan, secended
by Walter'Shortreed that the
meeting adjourn to meet again on
April 7, 1958 •at 1 p:m.
The foilewing- accounts were
paid: George Martin, hydro for hall
and shed,. $9.31; Ross Anderson,
Belgrave Street lights, $18,20; G.
Ronenberg, Bonds on Treasurer
and Tax Collector, $49.50; Dept. of
Health, Insulin, $3.84; 'Gamer
Nicholson, fox bounty, $1.00; Bailie.
Parrott, Good Roads Convention'
Howe, Garvin R
OF i „,...-.
D** j304701pr.Sr
rEi(EAUTY • .,
• j_livinwp TIME
Progressive Conservative, Weillington-Moron
on CKNX Radio' Wed., Mar. 1_9 —
Wed:, Mar. 12 — 6.15-6.20 p.m CKNX-TV
- Thurs., Mar. 13 — 7.30-7.45 p.m. CK,C,0-1V
Tues., Mar. 18 6.30-6.35 p.in. Cl<C0:-TV
Fri., Mar. 21 — 6:15-6:20 poru. CKNX-TV'
(Wellington-Huron Progressive ConSeriiative AsSoeiation),,"
iip4'Drug Store
Wingharri •, Phone '18
treaIurer's report and the gift
fund report INtS,13, made by Mrs,
Jesse Wheeler, There were 21
home and 13 hospital.vieits record-
ed. Mr.S. George Martin and Mrs,
Will/3rd Armstreng' were appoint-
ed delegates to the Presbyterial
meeting to be held in Ontario
,Streit United Church, Clinton, on
March 27. The roll call was ans-
-Wered with a verse «of Scripture
starting with the letter X.
Mrs,, Herold Procter Was in
.charge of the worship. and Bible
study and opened it with a hymn,
after which Mrs. L. Bolt read the
Scripture lesson from Philippians
4:1-0. A talk on these Passages and
prayer were given by Mrs. Procter,
Mrs, J. M. Coultes was leader of
the study period, "Conversations
on Japan", She was assisted by
Mrs. Harold Procter, Mrs, Stewart.
Procter and Mrs,. re H. codites,
This meeting closed with a hymn
and the benediction by Mrs. Proo-
,Mrs, Kenneth Wheeler,, presi-
dent, was in charge eif the W. A.
meeting which Opened with a hymn,
The theme of this meeting was
"How to Live and Work witht
Other People", 'The minutes were
read by Mrs. Cecil Chamnoy and;
the. treasurer's; ieeport, showing a
balance of $581.46, was given by
Mrs. J. MY,ddriltes,
A letter of thanks was read from
the Brick W.M.S. I extending
thanks to the WA, for the use of
the church basement and the
church dishes, and stating that
they had donated to pitchers to be
used in the church kitchen. Letters
of thanks were read from Mr. and
Mrs, Norman Keating' and from
the March of Dirties for the con-
tribution made recently, The roll
call was answered, with a childhood
memory at Sunday. School and
The sunflowers' were given out
1.4 the 'holiday
bell c. MI's, Ipg-. Coultes:tiand Mrs.
Georg0.'i;Miehre Ike:IF..appointed to
pu.0,as„e collection. .plates
wrp,e1),.;•akY Angiavecl to
match Lilo • other plates. Mrs,
Wheerelt. is tri,otltiiiet ;title boar d
of Steik'd,rsis alOO4;,:thrtiring :the
chui-ehlel'Ople repaired:' The 1VII.ZPah
'benedf4on Closed this meeting:
BIG, BOLD, '13 E.A_T,7111IFT,J1.1 .grid low-priced,
FORDWICE—Mr. and Mrs.
Adam Zurbrigg,, •residents 'of the,
village, celebrated their golden
wedding anniversary at their home
here on•'!"1'tiesday,,IVIarc1s 11th, when,
members-,of the family were with
them and all enjoyed a family din-
ner. .
Mr. Zurbrigg is a, son of the, late
Mr,.'andmrs, Peter Zurbrigg and
'W.asiibormonthe 3IeI; concession of
Howick Township-, where` he' farm
ed for 28 yeari, as, well' as being:
engaged in harness
making and the
repairing business, When ill health
'forced: him to leave the. farm in
1986 they moved to Fordwich
whereMr. „Zunbrigg .spent many
heursiniaking„iteP .ladders, lawn
Chairs;:, ete. The'icouple lWas married
on March 11th, 1908, at the Evan-
gelical parsonage, on the 6th line
of- Wallace'. by the, Rev, H. H.
Mrs, Zurbrigg was the former
Emma Wenzel, daughter of the late
Mr, and Mrs. Leonard -Wenzel of
the 3rd concession of Wallace. Her
hobby is her lovely flower garden,
which during the summer is, al-
-Ways 'very colorful and attractive.
In the winter months her windows
are full of 1pvely bldoins,
Mr. •and' Urs• Zurbrigg enjoy
fairly goad' health and we wish
them many niore • years of happi-
• ,
, . , .
• . „•. One beaming o their shining lies Mayfair 4-door sedan
You're looking et a nother delighted Midge
atute, for :fe,."4.ture get
m yourtorIey.. -0-1958 ore fir
in at your neaiest Do.dgo dealer's' '
today/ You'll soon discover why
today's glanunirotts Dodge has °en1 all looking. twice 4 ' first at the car . thou at its low price!
The New
are AU Here
Reek 'in roll, fire bop,
di/attend, wei don't
care wilutt you like,
we .have it!
)1'ltr4APON'1't Songs of the
UCOM FLY wan mr,y,'
“Olt, ROW wISIE!
The Diaumuls
The Piainonds •
tijussgs. $85tE1rTER, ',ORAN
Chock tiorty
°001041 TO ME'
ifoliiinie Mathis
*OCR k 1101Z IS OKItig
STAY."-4",ainty .14 sauJors
VAVilintV ittoK
• .ramittitUlro- ttetto zutartht
sUALITY W014KMAN5i-nc.... PROM 9ACKet•NE
urb tiiAttES YOUR L.oW-Onideto DODGE erlig • etuAl:rtse.0,etir leteY Or THE YEAR!
rrom the noment your rugged new Dodge chassis
m is outited en Wheels till your finished car rolls off
the assembly' line, each riusiity.conttruttod. coin.
nonent is carefully checked for worlumanship. This
`attention to details ineanS your car is worth bloke
When you huy"it—more when you trade it.
, •
Nowhere in Canada is there we
much ber, on one set of eniboth.
riding Wheels for euGh 111 Oriedeet,
monerliatAnO price as DODoiti
Takeo ,good long look ' at what
today's Dodge price eau park in
your driveway! A.' low; wide and
handsome beauty, styled, to make
Dodge,the talk of the town. And
advanced features that Other
1.0W-riCed cars can't offer You.
Push-button fully automatic
transmission ler one . which
puts sprightly new' or neWlY
improved Sig" power i,at the
command of your finger tip. '$8
Totsimi-AIRV bide is another!
That's the Dodge exclusive that
la ih's hlbh'hilt Al/Sod:WM of automotive etarteetanehie
The Fertheich W. X. will. bola its
March meeting on Tuesday, March
18th at the Home of Mrs, Russel
Nichol; Roll call, "Why Mothers
Get 'Grey", and the matt, "Today
is the to-iniorroVe yeti worried
about. and all is Weir%
Miss Ruby t urbfige tjE Listowel,
pent a few- days. last week With
ter parents, Mr, arid Mts, Adam
Mr, arid Mrs. gess Nuhti and
amity Of flowangton, viStted on
Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Hutehiatin, •
Mr. EOM Mrs. *they. Dareey,
tarry arid Ocrald visited In Tor.
onto with' Mr. and Mrs, Jacls
Welsh triw the Week,eird,.
Ur, and Mts. Richard 8liertc, of
Vi.1"Ititlgor spent tattirday with Mt
and Mrs, Alteliesufi Watieed and
Mrs: lean Witticy. ,
• ".
L.P.'s; Wooed
roes Ittororda. and
• . SupPlits Cti,,Ilectiong being matte March 101h to 14th
ttointhers of Canidian Legion Branch 186 PHONE -110 WA" fig 111.1011SE
blACION.441ROA,O, WitN011A,Sit
oil tuft, ARO Ourmtba.,• •
yillYmokwoolos pijstiot,..0Howits OK, StAkts toiserstf ON 11/..-estex roue t.64 ,10iiittoltsSitsir LisfINO
4 '0 1 1 ,•1 '
'* A.- • :1":10 4 I , • s
s • s o