HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-03-12, Page 6are getting ready for those warm clays Just around the corner, seethem for style and •quality, plus economy on all your PAMILY CLOTHING NeEDS FLANNELETTE BLANKETS x 80 "Sheila" - a $450 value .$3.99 pr. - get ,several pairs Stretchy -Nylon RIB HOSE Children's - Reg, infe SALE . 47c pr. BOYS' - SPARKLING ' WHITE DRESS SHIRTS complete with Tie and Cuff ,.1Anks 99c each $11* 11C11 e Males, Wet-11)4000p -Oar. i4 r 1.05 EAST 'WAWANOSII . APPOINTS, -WARDLE FLY 'CONTROLLERS lil • 17: • N Sherbondr are CLEARING their ENTIRE STACK Came in and get a BARGAIN I onfolmIsT.,.s 3-PIECE SETS l►t .suede and ,gaburiline to ' N 111 Children i)ebate At I3luevale School ELDEVALE-- At DitieVale .SehOol o n Friday afternoon, Phyllis Grant and Sheila Ross, of Kirton's school debated against Julia Thornton and. Hugh Mundell, cif 131uevale school, on the subject, "ReSolVeci that Women Are smarter than Men", The debaters were well prepared .and showed .4ikzrpri4.ing . ability •con- Sidcring their years. Mrs. lvr, L. ',Aitken acted as judge and -found the 'speakers on the negative side winners by a small margin. Their -teachers are Mrs. Wilse'n Thornton and Miss /3erva Gallaher. tax, $4.1,10; 'Dominion Road Maeh- ;Lowry Co., repairs. PIUS: H ncrr, Constrnetion, snow reinov.al .$880.00; Ross Jamieson, snow removal, ;71400; tko. Radford, .snow re, Trinvai l $1,833,20: Vance's Drug Store, starting fluid $3.00; Receiver, General of Canada, incoplc tax 13.70, CENDRAL --Village of Myth,. re- lief December 1957, $6,20; Wing- ham Advance-Times, advertising IPA; W, 8. ,Gibson, insurance $100.00; Chas, Cook, _0 fox bounties' MO; Russell Punrdon, refund dog tax $2.00; • Township' of Morris, share Belgrave St, lights $0.3.1s., 41.. R. Lane, clerk of Kinloss Laws Rintoul Drain $25,601 Cler'ic's fees $35.00; John Foran, Clerk • West Wawanosh B,'-Laws Rintoui • Drain $25.00, Clerk's fees, X. M. Harper, audit' fees $250.00; Herson Irwin, Convention expen- ilerson Irwin, Convention expens-- ,es, $30,00; Clarence Hanna, Con- vention expen*ses, $30.00, Total $4,527.82, • MIMS' "SPRING COATS in all UmulDler. typal W"Ohl from $1.1,98 up • .0,0 mow Avuor,, GIRLS' COAT' Sizes 1Q 14x from .$17,95 .up . SPRING HATS by Caildereila Exclusive at Carmiehaers for $2.98 Dress' Sheer Nylono.' 111 Beautiful spring. ootdo. ($0 gauge 15 denier,- - at $1.25 pair BOYS' JEANS Ismw lines arriving daily. Sec, and Wear the popular Ivy League stripe, sizes S - 18 at $3.95 pair Mrs, Nelson Reid lioried in 'Mogi-min BI4LTIV4LIMrs, Nelson lima died in Whigha,rn General nospl,tat on • March. 0th, in her .07th year, She had ITO in; faiiipg health for some Mrs, Reid was formerly :Fedora naoidlgacqad.meof t ,0C00131.01:1,1 ainzld 31A4 baying forrnedy lived at 'White- churp: and Qlonannan, ,,Surviving' are her husband, two sons, Vernon of Winghtun, and. .Alen, of Clinton;. a _daughter, Mrs. I-4103'd Taylor, of ,Bluevale; two granddaughters, also two bretherS, Clifford Maud of Guelph, and Stanley, of Cedarville; two sisters, Mrs, Russell .Gibson, of Guelph and Miss Matilda Maud, of Harrill., ton. The funeral service was 'held in H. A, Currie & Sons funeral home, Wingham, on March 7th. Rev4 H, A. Brook, of Binevale United Church, conducted the service, The pallbearers were Albert Kit; ellen, Maurice Bosnian, a B. Hoff- man, .188,40 Metcalf, Russell Baird, Reuben Appleby. Interment was in Witigham Cemetery. • All who were associated with Mrs, Reid will remember her as a The East Wawlinosit Connell met March 6th, With all the MOM- bers present, and the _the r pre- siding, The minutes of • the meet, ing'• held February 3rd, were read and adopted on motion by Buck. arum - Hanna, A. X. Harper presented his audi ted report of the township re- ceipts and expenditures for the year 1.957, Revenue $94,043,89; ex, penditures $90,662.09, Mill/his for the year $2,380.90, Moved by Purdon-McGowan that -council accept the auditor's report and his fees be paid. Two ail:eon-lents betweell thq council and two ratepayers for'rc,, forestations. were read. Moved by Hanna-Buchanan that the reeve and clerk sign the above agreements on behalf of the town- ship. By-laws No; 6, 7, 8 confirming the agreements were read the first and second times. Moved by AcGowan-Purdon that Orval telt, Taylor, Reeve R. H. Thompson, Clerk About 4,000 Churches In Japan Since 1873 He t An by-laws No, 6, 8 be read the: • kindly, neighbour and friend. third' time and passed. '• BLUEVALE—The W.M.S. of the Tenders for gravel contract were -United Church mot in the school- , ' room of the church on Mareh -6th; . YOU ALWAYS SHOP IN COMFORT AND PAY LESS AT Carmichaeis The Family Store — WINGHAM , PHONE 1W opened. There were three tenders meeting. moved by PUrdon-Buchanan that' Mrs, ft. A. Brook conducting the.. mted WA Supports... council accept Joe. Kerr's tender for 65 cents' a cubic yard. Applications were opened for warble fly inspector, Sprayer oper- ator and operator's helper, Moved by Purdon-Hanna that the appli-. cation for warble fly inpeator• of Frank Thompon at 95 cents an hour and 7 cents a mile for car he accepted also he is to attend the AMOIEWIAmwofootoweipulemimmiodOWOunwimmummwa.m.mmwommoie!Oimpommiumwsi....q...0...0.....1.!0..... Matters discussed were repreaenA Wien of the society at the Presby- terial Clinton on March 27th; TO WINTER WEATHER VT and the Spring Thankoffering Meeting to be held at the Easter season, Mrs. Spading Johnston, and Mrs. James Johnston are the com- mittee in charge 'of the Thank, This is the best possible time of year to set yourself up for a new and vastly more pleasant way of living when the snow starts to fly next fall! ' March of Dimes BLIJEVALE—The Woman's As- sociation :met in the -United Church on March 6th, Mrs. John Wick- stead, president, presiding. The treasurer's report showed a large balance, Plans fon, 'future activities were discussed. A collec- tion for the March of. Dimes will be taken in each group of the As- sociation. LOW DOWN PAYMENT LONG TERM CREDIT ARRANGEMENTS combine combine to make the new BLUEVALt urnace warble fly school to be held itt 'on"ing meeting. on March 18th. 'Nfss.0M4y. Mrs, liltfoonr Moved by Purdon-McGowan G that th o r Earl Caldwell's application for vrasep read th e scr ipture. Mrs, W. sprayerr, operator at $1.00 an hour Johnston continued the study of anti John Caldwell as operator's Japan. The year 1873 saw the first helper at 95 cents an hour be ac- Christian. church in Japan, Now cepted, there are nearly-1000" Churches and Moved by Hanna-Buchanan that 100,000 Christians. the road and general accounts as presented be Passed and paid. Some of the early missionaries . Moved by McGowan-Purdo.n that Esso SERVICE ON-THE-DOT FOR CARS' ON-THE-SPOT IS YOUR CAR LOORING DULL AND DRAB'? WANCH IT 'PERK UP UNDER OUR EXPERT TOUCH . ... COST IS' SMALL' - RESULT TERRIFIC! yours for the asking! Astonishing fuel economies spell good business rather than luxury buying CALL US TODAY AIR CONDITIONING WINGHAM Phone 740 "Sid Adams, Prop." Wingliam and education is highly valued. • The missionaries are free to carry out the many phases. of miS- Sionary 'work. PLUMBING PHONE 255 PERCY CLARK HEATING the council adjourn to meet April 1st, at one o'clock at the Belgrave community centre, or at the call of the Reeve. ROADS--,Stuart McBurney, sal- ary, $179.0.0, convention expensesv $30.00, bills paid, $4.05; Wm. T. Irwin, wages, 3166,23; Fred Deacon, wages' . $119.55; Alex Robertson, wages, $5.10; Philip Dawson, weld- ineplough $5.00; W. A. Tiffin, hy- draulic oil, $18.20; • W. S. Gibson, premiums on policies $88.42; Rea- vie Motors, charging battery $1.00; Can. Oil Co., 550 gallons fuel and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall spoilt a day at Parkhill last week, visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. James Master. Mr, and 'Mx:S. Cecil Roiph and were martyrs. Evangelization has Mr. and Mrs, Jos. i-larris ' of Mit- been slow the majority of the cheli, visited at.the home -of Mrs. people still clinging to their hea- Joseph Curtis -last week. then religions. Miss Beatrice Taylor and Miss Since the last war, Japan .has Marion Ellis, of London, visited made' great strides' industrially, at the home of Miss Mary Duff on „ . Her people are frugal' and Indus- Saturday. triou CharleSI05ulies is a patient ins but are hampered by lack of - raw materials 'and good soil 5114 g-..-T?st'Hespital, London: Mrs. tin i daughter; Mrs. needs more export markets. There Geor es is now a large 'measure of freedom George •Gernatin;.: i !with'hon Mrs. Bob 13oWers; ' of 'Brussels," spent Sunday with Mrs. Andrew Lamont. C. Higgins is. home from Wingliam General Hospital. h NNUAL GIAN March li HUiNDRDS OF USEFUL • EVERYDAY BARGAINS. $21,000.90 STOCK MUST BE REDUCED An Old Fashioned Bargain-Packed Stock Reduction Sale ursday 9 March 13th, at Ten a• m. BE EARLY — GET YOUR SHARE OF THESE Sale starts T MONEY-SAVING BARGAINS STORE CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY TO MARK DOWN PRICES. . DISCOUNTS ON EVERYTHING YOU BUY YOU'LL SAVE MONEY! -1BISIERMEWIIRMININ alemmeimmo DOESN'T MATTER WHAT . CHAMBRAY WORK SHIRTS Blue 4S1 Tull - Mostly quail sizes $1.49 each CHILDREN'S Car & Duffle COATS Item $5.98 Clearing at $3.00 ea, Fine DRESS SHIRTS Sanforized, rased cows Whiles and. Colors $2,75 ea.' 2 for $5.50 PRINT * 36" wide to ri yard ends Special sale pric'e 29c yd. MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Good sizes - many styles Reg. $3.00 10 $3,95 SALE $L93 ea. nays' 'Plum' UNDERWEAR Vests and Drawers 79c each TOYS.- an opportunity! sonic, daonaged, some soiled Values from $1,00 to IPA Now 19c, 49c & 99c ea. BOYS' Faded Blue JEANS Heavy noiihia Price .$2.66 pry otxmaANct LADIES' DRESSES utgabLie $5i1)5 tit. s$,K3 GOING: AT $3,99 COSTUME JEWELLERY - Clearing - 15c &25c ea. PAINT AND 'ENAMEL - Sale Price $1.00 cit. WORN: SOX 47:c pr. NYLON - 89c pr. WABASSO SHEETS 81":x 100" - $3.49 ea. TRAINING PANTS, 24.6 y- 19c pr.-Five for 89c Men's Heavy BIB OVERALLS - 9 oz. $4.45 pr. HATS Ladies.' styles in.' •:k 77c ea. Boys' "TANK PANT" Vine Drill - 12 to 16 yrs, worth ,$3,50 now $1,88 pr. FANCY BRIEFS Lava trimf etc. - reg, to 79e Sale 39c - THREE for $1.00 EXERCISE BOOKS Scribblers NOW 4c ea. FIVE- foie .19c Children's UNDERWEAR Panties, Blomberg Vests, etc; Values to 10c SAL E 23c ea. WHITE BOBBY SOX 9111400 Toll 47c pr. - 2 pis, for 75c Kiddies' CORDUROY OVERALLS - Sale .99c pr 51 Gauge, first quality NYLONS — Sale 59c pr. Kiddies' PLAID SHIRTS, sanforized - Sale. 77c ea. SHELF PAPER - reg. 15c Sale 6 for ,25c Men's HEAVY DENIM WORK PANTS $2.99 ea. English Bone China CUP and SAUCER — 88c ea. 42" PILLOW SLIPS io SALE 88c pr. Men's - 'Youths' ANKLET HOSE 29c pr. — 5 for $1.00 COTTON BRASSIERE Sizes 33 to 38 TWO FOR 88c BATH TOWELS 'Big and Fleecy - Reg, :mu SALE PRICE 77c ea. COTTON SLIPS TWIN 'SCAM Reg. $5.81) SALE $1.89 ea. TERRireavyTput :ELS SALE 88c pr. BOYS' 'num DENIM JEANS Sizes 8 to 16 $2,19 pr, Lace Trim Rayon SLIPS Sizes 32 to 10 — Beg. $2495 SALE PRICE 99c Men's TOPS and BRIEFS Dandy quality - Stock up; TWO for 88c Wholesalers' Clearance 22 kt. trim DINNERWARE "Tudor Rose" pattern 20% to 40%' DISCOUNTS mcvs FINE WHITE SHIRTS Very flue broadcloth - Reg, $$.08 SALE $1.99 ea. ESMOND BLANKETS Smart Plaid design - Worth $4.00 SALE $2.99 ea. CAKE TINS, BREAD BOXES, GARBAGE CANS Solna slightly doted GOING FOR JUST 66c ea. LOVELY SILK JERSEY MATERIAL for itiresses, Manors, Etc. worth $1,0 yd. SALE 59c yd. umimusams 1111111•111111111111111111111111;5111 31111E Q 41111110miummilissems SMART BLOUSES ,fine 61.ton. Broadcloth lot,s of trim, sizes 32 to 38 Sale Price 99c Weiwoo We can hst here ONLY a traction of many bargains for, this 'event, Variety Stor 111111111111111111111111.1