HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-03-12, Page 23 r • tk %No' WitogIttokt t# • e LET'S MAKE IT Recently the Inerchants itt this community took a vote by ballot to kltiWrmitte whether stores in the rommunit y should remain 4.40en *Vriklay or Saturday evenings. The mpporters of ,S'attirklay night won hy a comfortable majoritN and /how who were in fit vor of Friday night concurked with the majorit. They are unan:-.ttously agreetl that if Saturday is to be the open night in Wingbant, they wilt make it the best phtee in western ontztrio t be, on Saturday e\ening. tieh being the case, and since many shoppers were loud in their. tbro$tests when sitWes were elosed on Z3atnniay evenings,, it beiliQuIVes tbitISe WI) buy in this coutmunit y to1en1- 011,Str4 be change back to Saturday is in tx atilt, worthwhile. if the shoppers fail to do so we'll he riot hack where we tartel. when merchants begin to see that the business done does not merit hold- ing onto the help needed for Satur- kla,), opening. There are many Intsinesstnen Nyho sineerely believe., after ea rehd st tut - ie$ of their sales, that public.shop- GIVE TO THE RED CROSS At this time of Year fund-raising cautpaigns are thicker than hair on a dog's hack. Tit.hre wilt be one, two. perhaps three everk nuntth un- til summer. Each of them descry - in its own waybut the Red Cross:, felltnl'aigra what is in Progress this week„ falls into a tutikple gory. cztte- Red Cross is truly based on the universal welfare kat all mattkinkl, Through its nnyavenues your 1i& will r. -kl its way to the platee where th. -tee is greatest, It Provides; the Ic--"ArCe:age oF httmatt suffering and he experience to al: leviateii whiel- no single pk..rson, not even any cnte government, eould be- gin to eompreiftend. There Was a time when most of the Christian eltureltes asked that their members give a tenth of their income to the cluareh. Today such donations to churches are rare4 par- tiettlarly among persons of average nuetrts. llowever,, the contributions which are turned over to stteh xans- es as the Red Cross suntlorts, do fall into much the same eategory. Members of the Canadian 1,egion will call at your home this week. Hear in mind that these (canvassers are,. in all probabiUty„ donating as nuielt as you are in cash,, plus the time required to, make their quota of calls. Treat them with the respect which is properly their due and *hi tett stint in your contribution to the cause which symbolizes nterey in a most unutereiful world. NEW CONSCIOUSNESS The general tattzlie and pztrents in partifattar, AwarAit Tlegrz.tteEttil t4» Constable "Rob' Eeevis and Chief "Bert" Platt. for the successful com- pletion Of their traffic safety cilittlt- Nilign Ctit Friday evenixtg., whett doek--ns of voungsters gathered at the Iligit S',44tool auditorium to re,- eeiv e prizes and et -ate.. ilte two police ebfficen's have _spent tttany,„ utarty honars fatt-ittg the past two aths ntaking the a rrang tttentS for the earttpaie'e„ selettring pries,, speakers'and eet [lit teat es. IIikL'- offeourseare of trenten- dons worth, theearse younriet• httman tive..3, are at ste-e 'Fr., the krurrettt het c.,veett man ,etret his ti...tcevzet1teuseas. sion the tuttornobile, Cotttinuing e357.. ir this kind! will have to he atzEite if tttere is to be any hope of the hurnan r,,ce outlast - it the prokt acts of its own hands, The Winkham Advance:Mow rietitiotvgaatVitiatOttuk. Ototatilo Ittettfeet tootoe,t, kvtateAtt34, itz, sot Wieogoke ti *Wolk* it4 t;.1-9:11ava ore ttretalationr Aitailboarleat kt"' Minn Sialik, 144 Mkt 111.0t. Ut itkilloolkiatawa *gat- "tau, Velaot Allookat S. X. SO/ft tat $itatir *Maki batith ONO Per year Aoltitaitattin* Rates atti applitzethOta WORTH WHILE ping habits have changed in regard y shopping. They are, however, wi1ling4 prepared to re- vert to that evening if shoppers realWant it SO. Now its up to the shoppers. OPEN HOUSE HAS GREAT VALUE Altparottly there is a question, in some t(mns, about the value of hold- ing a visitors' day at the public school, ueh doubts should. not troubk the staff or hoard of the \\ ingbant school. Parents in hun- dreds flocked to the "open house" last Wetilleq.kiaV afternoon Ullti once «gain refreshen their memories. on a subject x‘bich is vitally close to every person in this commmntv It is particularly interesting to Dote the Milnina of parents who stop for a word with the teacher in each of the rooms. There are many tilleSfit.hiN which arise in a conscien- tious parentsmind about the pro- gress of, their youngsters. They it en an, ext renat:iy doubt mi about the value of their own methods of assistance and a conference with the child's leacher bet` tMit t.t:Sz• of tremen- dous value. It is more than possible that the teacher is aided, too. by ning skktne personal kno,kviedge time parents, and so. of the child's backgrottn,L ht our own opinion much might he achieved by expanding this C01.11- 11lOil Dttatie ill MAIM,* way, so that there would he more than just an hour each year for the exchange of iklezts bon,veen the two parties most deeply interested in the education of new members a the Canadian corn - IN THE SCORNER'S SEAT 4'kattr writer had to take a hit of kidding during th1.- past week about his pbHoeophe regarding snow and how it should not be handled,- Of particular interest were those wise -hints who snorted in glee because our dinky little snow 6110Wer is re- in comfort beSide the furnace. 111mo-el our sincere appreci- ation guee out to those - friends who either had nothing to Say or who a,greed solemnly with our remarks. Coineidentally they are Ole ferlows.who still operate the (,34d-fashiourA snow shovel (there aren't too many who have smarten- ed up to onr system of letting it ntelt )1 The scoff we note, are the boys who have za little private engagement with some man and his tractur, strange good fortune the tractor, with its big snow blade on the front. -always appears the morning after a sto-rtne just in time to, plow theta ont. Another guy who seemed to know all the answers lives in a grand location. The snow blows right over his lot.is slowed vuIre his hedge and settles in peaceful mountains on his neighbours's drive- Jlumst this dear!! vott don't live on Upper Leopold F:treet yon (ion% know what snow is. WEATHER WORKS WONDERS A few (!raysof spriug-like sun - arid the gloomiest Precontes a new nram ..,•(.1:41 (Net believe its, ,it.tst take 3 Waft look through this issue of The Advaraze-Tintes., Busi- ness men are ?busting out allover with oftirtistu ese611 the way wes tike itbe-511 — good sound adver- For sone reason or other, trost f7nsiness men crotel hetieve Watt any- thing Net the- ruo5t. routine sort of trtthun cart Tme (Motte during Jaatuary and' Inctmtary, nttft came the first sarin y days ib March there i!s a new spirit in the air. They staid thinLing of new anft Netter Iktimains to offer. new Nra,c.sto -;torttce up their Storeg aruP letter ways to Nrurgr ett%torrters irtta their prwes of htt4arcs. Thiis mkt' offers 5-AWRIe ViZ!ryat tractil, e iNtrying. Look it 1,As ..,rt% irttry,, it will he wen worth your while. 1 . ' Accidents Are My Business 41 Pro*, Vonstabie "BOW LeWis Other relatives, arrived home thla Week, The Bible Today Ilogh nwevate spent :,.the week -end ot the bottle of his .1 Uncle, Wm. Unndell, nt Selmoret, t", 0 ..0 either through the medium. Of TV, ed since that. To Roger West of I As you have probably heard. port and publicity we have reeeiv- — ,FrifTEEN TEARS .4.00 „ or newspapers, or perhana from CliNX radio, to John Strong and Another WirThern boy is station - your own offspring, the firSt phase the news department, to Tbe Lon- et) at Brandon in the ,fIrSt step of et our current Safety .Campaign Came to a dose on Friday night at the Righ School auditorium. don Free Pres,s and the Kitchener his RCAF career. Re is Orwell I Waterloo Record for adding ,fltel . Alien, son of Mrs, .Gertrude Allen, to the fire: Then my special of town. Re got the flying tang Without any enthelishments. wt. than114 to hir. all and Mr. Peat- while employed at -Sky Harbor and had a. really rood evening. For tie, principals of the two' school in then signed op for active service. those of us who have worked on tOwn, with011t whose help this Another RCAF enlistment is the eatupaign, our efforts were 1/ thing could never have heel% Also Calvio Burke. son Of Mr, and WS. amply repaid when we saw. the a SPecial word for Lite teachers at Thos. Burke, He will report to pride on the faces of the award i the sehooLs wil°. lo the middle of Lachine,. Quebec., this montb. received their cer-I other esarns took tinte to mark all rS'‘111.14,,naetress rndtipler)14' es from the hands the papers St/bMitted h.), the stu- of54asCr* ancv‘ciFaMwraS.1;0„silh", ot:rlehD;a:NtedfaetKhaerr* of Crown Attorney H. 0. Hays, dents. 66th wedding anniversary on Sun, Q.Q„, of Goclerich. For the donation of consolation day. t, If your youngster came home awardS, many thanks to all '11e107- Miss Gladys Mee Musg„rove , of /- with one of the certificates, why hers of the IA ingham Branch of the Wroseter„ has enlisted in the don't Wo - you take a goad look at it Canadian Legion, to Marden e- & men's Dmainn of the RCAF., the grade. If you Mild Sit down vtanesa Inaurance of Hanover, Ask yourself if you, too. could maire Behr*. Pilot Insurance and W Officers of the 9th line Turn- I lueon 0 ry Cross Pres, Mrs, e- a By Rev.0 ZPltrion, $4, see, roper cauada Bible Bo41et9 The national headquarters of the British and Foreign Bible Society In Canada reports that the parent Society used 14118 freight cases and 51.40$ packages in sending out it annual production of Scriptures. Prodnction of Scriptures by the Ilritish and Foreign )3ible Society 19$7 totalled 16$8 tons. These shipments, to all parts of the world, In more than 1100 languages, were made up of 1,046,156 Bibles, 1.11- T23 New Testaments and 2,006,211 Portinions. The total of 5.065,090 volUmes distributed represents a slight decrease over 1056 but an in- crease of 300,000 in the 'lumber of whole Bibles. Suggestati /little Reading Wednesday, Paalrns 144: ThUradaY, isJ,. 0442; Friday, //Minh 1-11: Saturday, Josbna 114: olntyl aljetnhtntay,n1:Pst8 801/ lvaru:estc.1:, Tuesday, Jon 1-27. IVIdnt Vicl* ar etiartered Accolintarda Bell Telephone Bldg.%Merton, Ont. IrotxruKiNc. 033 and let..ite an exam on safety! That To Mayor E. E. Melt-in-fln aCrberRed are: MonySaving Vs own G. N. Underwood; Treas., Mrs. I piev of paper is living proof to Attorney Ilays and School Inspec- you„ and to me. that your child has Alkin Hastings; Secretary, Jean tor Knakeaci for their support and Wilton. his or her foot OA the first rang of a ladder which will eventually lead for officiating at the cerentom,7 last "Friday. Last bot not least rnay I thank Ortr, 'Chas. We/Iwo*, of Feta - wawa is home on Sick leave for a s to a world in which accidents week as he recent/1y underwent an re the eseeption and net the role. ray two partners in crime. Policeoperatfon for the renioval of his • As this will be my last column. Chief Bert Platt and Barry Wen- i esti for a while at /east, I would like ger, of The AdVanCe-Times,' who to say it public "thank your to all have been along with me in this asother bleat boas /el was phi suyed. with six rinks taking parr in the play. The winners were: lst„ no first, no second and no last. That is all for this time, but dool. Beeernft. Art wileory.„ skip; 2nd. On Wednesday of last week those people who have helped to thing from its inception and with, make this campaign the success cat whose support it could never that, it was, lo this list there is have reached- the end of the rotvii. Carruthers„ B, Diment„ Rev. W. A. They are all nice people, whose co- think for one moment that von -.- Al Walker, .111ek, Hanna, John operation and support was given have heard the end of me. Chief,,, allot mason„ 41,:fp; e. police officer whose Nvork so ctiten setae other, ideas which need may Howard sherbondx, Efasegrove, willingly and unselfishly. To 4.1 Platt Barry Wenger and / have Prank 31..ccormick, brirts him into contact with "the the geed weather to start the ball skip_ ether kind of people" this cam - rolling once more. So until then. , paign has been like a• breath at whether walking, riding or driving, 'spring air, I have met and worked remember 'Stay alert and stay with so many nice folk that even alive". in any cynical eyes it seems that this it not a bad old world after ail. My sincere thanks to the folletw- lad donors of prizes: Brophy Bros. Of Winghant Tire Service, Cameron MacTavialt„ B -A Oil Service, Bob Downie Sunoco Service, the Berry Door Co. Ltd.. itVingnr-ant, Edighef- Teresa Stewart. 'Violet Simmons, •Muriel Thornton, Nellie McF.'inney, Beatrice Watserz. Primer--Reta Smith, Noble 'Greenaway, Irving Clegitorrz, Rob- bie Simmons- • - - 0 Mrs, Wm. Austin and Jean spent a few days is Toronto last week. Miss Louise Thompson is spend - ling a few days; this week visiting Mandell, Beatrice Thornton. Cora 'in London- r Gannett, Irene McKinney, Ernest Mr Lancaster Ex' mrett 'McGee. s. Art Wilson spent a few daas the guest of her brother, Sr. andb„ 1. -Gordon Dobidays e. ev Prank )2,0,veit. Toronto. Freddie Elliott, Clarence Thorny, son. Saac Thomas. Glenn Garniss„ Pte, Russell Holmes, of Ring - is spending a few days with his parents„ Mr. and Mrs. Bert Holmes, Trani. of Toronto, has returned to her home after visiting with her daughters. Mrs., J. P. Mr - Ribbon and am A. B. Adams. fees 6Wing,hanat Ltd, Slim Bouch- er and the Golden Prairie Cow- boys and to the Supertest Petro- leum Corp, the White Rose OD Co. and Reliance Gasoline. . : Wry thanks to Bob Carbert and the MINX Farm Dept, for the op- ening TV show and for the sup- . IT41,1ENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Officers of the Beltrave Scheel Fair were elected as follows: Pres. Btress, Wilma Dow. of 'Thtento., elh4:a; 2!, &"ice -c r m C s S'PeOlit„R. °au -1 -- ms a visitor. In town over Miss Blanche Irwin, Toronto, spent the week -end with friends in town. .Mr. Harry Brawley. Toronto, was „%nest, with his parents in town over the week -end. Mrs. C. B. Armitage returned home on Friday after visiting with v friends in Wallaceburg,L. Great alarm was mused Bet- or the grave daring the wet wind arai •vvi_ I snow Thursday afternoon about wnoleFamilym 5.30 when it became known that McKenzie's hardware store was on fire.Being frArne ft soon fell prey - is the flames and was completely NM Facts burned. The hotel of W. Geddesi FIFTY YEARS AGO, , John Fowler. Blnevaie Road. will hold a sale of stock and implements on Friday. concert wilt be given in the Windham opera horzse this evenio, n with proceeds, devoted to the relief Of a few deserving, facomilies in the, town.. Hig,la School notes Items of in- terest from. the Acropolis ore the 'Hill—The topic of cietrate in Form III 'Resolved that Fiction . Should be Abolished from P-ablic i' Librark‘e.. Leader er the stnanet- , tive is R. Lloyd and of the /rega- l' hive, less May Mason. Dr. J. P. Kennedy was in Taranto ? ; for a few days this week. i Miss Lucy Saunders, of Strath- , relr. is visit -lag with her. brother. ' Mr. R, E. Saunders. ' Rev'. T. S. BoVe in %%Trento Ithis week. Mr. Robert Currie has; imtslied a patent blower ha his black.sraith !shop which win ,he a great con - verde -nee to all. • Rev:, Wm., Lowe cit Landon was 4rmkterme!,- hands with old friends in (Willem= last week. Mr. John Terrift a former res$- I dent of Witerara, who l'mr air s fo past few years been living En Corm - wail, has accepted a position with the Ben Furniture CO.„ of South- ampton, FORTY strARS, AGO Lt, Walter Fkragess, was recently, awarded the DistingtriShod Ser- vice Order, Since going to France he has passed through the. severe fighting at Lens and Passenchen- diee Ridge. Lt.B14gess is a son Of the' late John Burgess of vale. Wilfred Fryftrgie off the Western Foundry COL, Ltri.„ has Purchased .the cid esaporator and will use it as factomy ilnwtdotato) niarnifactire handles. Urs...c5r win be installed and in it all ki3-ez% or ?laud:les will Erie ntatuta,ctured.r,, James 1-Tarcit- toll ettnfige off this -new fact. ory. Master Arthur Iintin met with a painful sozeidelitcaaSaint/Tay, Bo, fractured an attar =him inha as stone viva pte,„ of triiitothourcil„ %oh* as returned from the 'fror.t, visitkg with Mr. and Mrs, Carrick., Following the report of the utealie POWs ScfitatorT. Sr, and 4.-stanks, „ rang Ilitniimatok Dohie„ Edvart magetraott, alert „tinh Shon, Bertha Oannelit„ Btort rtrletArk.. Arebiie Urlerinnitnn tc., A ,PiaftM Jr, Z--CialsoiSt Gailitett, Rory listtitt, Cie ide StleIatitt, nom* 'Crake Moordelt, Merge litesem ideatlitavt, Mary Moratforay, 2l--Nl'effink kneel* tenant Salk ASA Statektrirthltrt.aa Good Reading took fire, but by desperate effort Pet forth by a bucket brigade was saved front clesitruction, altimeter .heavy damage was done to the south side of the berirclin..., Provincial Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario West rheas in Strat-P ford on 71-anii5ksfy ofitYT,N week.. W. Efenderso% master al' the local lodge, Alvin Smith, rarter of Blitellie ledge and Charles Beat- i firkg. tbasalier ofRiqtrave, ledge„ will attend the Mectiam" g. Mrs. Nellie Liilow, or Bluevale, who sp.ent, the winter- at Seven Oak% lineal*, with her father and • Family Features OmaiM 'CteatiiZiar W4r14*.a. /Vomiter Cot Norwoe $t, Seaton IS„ Mom Sent yoor orosnon„or fee t1. ttm theater& Ebeiesed &Id =recheck or moiler eider. I, yeer Via 6 moods 3 =aft $4150 Ct Nome „ Adtite$s letle• Statat „.. Rois McLellan Says Bad iiidgement— Chosereath-e Pellet go -INIMO 15..% Trade from CAA. to, Gt. Britskra. Good iu anent— Retain tl".$1. trader and La - =ease, yirith arneizt Wartlike good relations stint tem. best etstemer. ust 'vitt slaw ughtcesst rettage.trent blr U.S.A. ter stteh Stezsiestf bes „mrivezse-,, VA., pones. Ckettlie mut pig :peke* torday, non& of CS. donna& Ygeeeset rmeeetwe tit egg /Nrefeelii Are Ilk VAL tisktioig oat eit, AgtargUlt StetZPI4K, 1140*5Kit firit ete-operstiolvi ter liteletese., Return the LIBERAL PARTY- anti don't risk losing this market. 'Ott cLELLAN 'a Teltvision CICNX Radio Ilititit,„ MAX. 13-.4014 lane. 'Weir Xitit 17—Ifttif pkna, '.Zti-,-Citt • Welifittgtherelettianti lateral Asinneatinnt. MUCK ULU* 1411k MARCH It0L-1.1.3it MARCH *OM ml r, MARCH • ' • ALL THIS WEEK g I A B S&C TABLETS ' 19c i BATH BRUSH i mid laittnve. - 160's, re* 23e --------------------,....1, , 1 *fon brisucs in plastic head;. _removable 'handle 08c val. 79c I BATH SALTS 1 News rb, size delightfully scented *Jeanette' salts 013c vat; S 250 -lb. capacity - magnifying lens ... $5.98 ,. I BATHROOM SCALES ! BEEP,. IRON & WINE 1 With added Vitamin RI - 16 oz.., reg. $1.0;.c..- — .... 179C 1 COLD CREAM SOAP 9 1, FLOOR WAX I White Nylon Curl, Bobby, Dressing & Pocket „, for _ " for LdAdiic, 46,07 73c ! With Lanolin, reg. 2 for 20c !COMBS 49c 45c, 2 for 89c !„ “Easi: Gloss"' 1 pound tin, re* 60o . ! Halibut LIVER OIL 89c $1..89, $3.49 I -Reg. $0.1.6, $2.29, $4.29 / 1 HOT WATER BOTTLE I Good quality English -made oMinister" bottle , ... ... . 81c 1 Mineral Oil 5! Agar, 16,40 oz., reg,. 96e. 1,a9 79c , $ 1 . 513 I IDOL -AGAR MILK of MAGNESIA • 1 io, T.?, ounce'- reg. •35c, 60c I, MILK of MAGNESIA TABLETS 90,„ Cci,„ 1 1041's, 300's - reg. 55e, $1.10 .., ,..., . ., Li a/4..101J%, I MINERAL OIL 43cy ic7c I Heavy grade, taSteless & odourless, re* 64k, $1.10 1 Top grade paradieblorbenzene 2 pound' bag 59c I MOTH CRYSTALS I PAPER NAPKINS 1.6c, 2k,„ 31c I Einbessed White - box of 70, reg. 18e I RAIN HAT .. 1 IteePs Your hair dry in drizzle or downpour - 25e val. 9 , t SACCHARIN TABLETS t it grain -100's, 500's, 1000;s . . It/ 9c, 14 3 I SACCHARIN TABLETS 17 C 49c '79c 5 'Vt. *pilot - /00's,, 500's,, 1000's _ ' al 5 __ 9 __ _ 1 SHAVING CREAM 10 tRegular 49e tube LDA, Brand cream ...— „ . Oil C t SPOT REMOVER i4„ lb ounce - reg. 40c, 75c -------------------------- ° 33C, 59C I STOMACH POWDER _ . i 4„ 16 ounce - reg. 75c, $1,95 59c, $1,49 t TOILET SOAP I TOILET TISSUE 1,.0 49c i Assortment of bars in polyethylene bag _ - -. fOr I WASHING COMPOUND Only 4, 2 for 25c i Soft, White. IDA -Brand-- reg. 2 for ?„1.c. .. I WASH CLOTHS r I Not too big - not too small - rock bottom price . . , u*"' i Makes Wall washing, eto, much easier 19c : 1 WRITING"vtrau'heavl'P*Adupt3S' - "r' ale -- ' CI far 28 2 55C •i Xote - Z00 sheets 12c, 2' 23c i "Eo..onotuy"" Letter size - reg. /6c . _.., ,.. , -for I WRITING PADS 9C, I A "Welcome to Wingham" Store SAO L.. 'Letter - 200 sh4 ei.ts 49c 79c 29c, 49c WAX PAPER giF P /PTKW DRLIGC.IS V ANCEE D.'1844PY iluosiur 734,611 REVLoN C2-1..vmer2c VETERtivARY srta,PraFr • A. • C7tric.,....._ 18 Jitturuititactstint LEVIN till 1111111131113•111111i113111111111.1110:11, aut' (butch I tAxGtacon Zatt natant Rev; C.R Johnson, LAI, - Rector Mrs. Gordon Davidson - Organist Wed, Mardi, 12—Lenten Service at 7.30 FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT e.so a.m..--4tay Communion HAM a.m.---.11orning Prayer 2,30 p.m.----Sundoy :7.00 pan.—lisening Prayer Thurs., Mar. 13,—Altar Guild at the home Mrs. J. II. King Mr. 18---Eveniur Guild in P4rish Room hatikatlittlAilataturtittara 1114 *MAL Mil Lir 1161131k of v.I