HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-02-26, Page 44 barn AO e,'li'lry es,, qin Oay, WIN 138, 1014 • 1 soia FOR SALE LEE'S USED FSiRNITUR•E, Buy - and sell.Agent for Kincardine in e Lailedry, Photie ,185, Orrb MILK I+ILTER$ for sale—"Repid VW, 6 -inch, 79c; 6%—incl, 85e. Alexander's Hardware, lrrb CHEWING TOBACCO by the plug, carton or carload, 37e a plug.— Cameron's Trading Post. 261). MEAT FOR SALT'.—Good beef by the quarter. Killed on premises. Inspected ay Dept. of Health. Yearling heifers. Top quality. Lowest. price:;. RaYaaerd Ackert, Ripley, . phone '24r30. 17rrb 1952 BUICK- SPECIAL COACH for sale. Dynaflow, radio, in good condition, . Reasonbly priced. Phone 722,. d 26' BROADLOOM CARPET and rugs, Latest samples on display now. Have an estimate,, without obli- gation, for your room. Finest qualities, lowest prices. WEL- WOOD'S VARIETY STORE., 12rrb INFANT. CRIB and mattress; girl's teenage spring coat, size 12.; navy gabardine coat, size 7-9, All like new, Reasonable.. Mrs, Ii'ar- old. Ross, phone 517w. 26b BEFORE' YOU BUR• a vacuum gleaner or floor polisher—call Jed Reynolds for a FREE Home demonstration. See Electrolux, Canada's finest Phone 640J1, 8rrb YOUR FEET CAN eause _pain in ankles, .knees, hips and lower hack, For definite lasti)ig re- sults check with J'. A. VICKERS, Foot Correetionist, Queens Hotel, Wingham, on Monday after - miens, 26rrb SEED GI;AIN. FOR SALE; --We offer Reg. No,. 1 Gary and Rod- ney Oat .at y s $1:60. bu.; Commercial No. 1 Oats at $1.30 bu,; Reg, No.1 Brant ,and Herta Barley at $2.35 bu,; Commercial, Nor 1 Barley at .$2.05 hu.;: Commercial No; '1 ' Mont al C m Barley at $1.85 bu.•-- John Bumstead & Son, phone 455. 26-1Vaar.26h' DID YOU KNOW N w that David Crompton, Citified Watchmaker, guarantees t keep your watch in good running order for one yelir? This free service guarantee applles"t(1 all new watches, also to watches that have been clean- ed and reconditioned. 13ring in your watch to -day and take ad- vantage of our fast guaranteed service: •• 23rrb FOR RENT 60 --ACRE, FARM li?or trent. Brick "house, good barn, -drilled well,. with windrhill and supply tank. Close to school, Apply to E, Kirton, phone 13r5, Wroxeter- 26,5b REAL ESTATE ITOUSE for sale in Winghain: Liviangroom 20x12; two bedrooms, kitchen, room for bathroom, extra rooni• lSx10. Garage 20x15, Price .$2500, Phone 473J. 26rrb 60 ACRE GRASS FARM with running water for sale. If inter- ested call Wroxeter 215 or write Mr. S.. L, Cumming, 169 Avon- dale Ave., WilIowdalet bnt, 26:5* FARM FOR, SALE in 'Wingham vicinity; 100 acres, i;hoice clay loam, Buildings moaernly'egiip- • ped and in goad repair, For further :particulars apply to Box 8 ,Advance -Times: 26* LiIVESTOCK FOR ALE 9 S, 8 weeks old, for sale. Apply pp Y to Mel .Craig,. R,R, 4, Wingham, phone Brussels 11r8, 26* 'FOUR year-old Nanny C.+oets for sale, Cheap, Apply to I;oX 7, • Advance -Times, 26* PIGS for sale, phone Geo. Fish - or, AO. 3; , Wh sham 747W11 in Wingham, the mornings ohly; ,26" `THREE SHORTHORN Red bulls, for sale. Registered. Serv'iccable iigo, Apply to Harvey Wright, Wroxeter, phone 191113. 26* 11,16ADSTOCIK WANTED biffAI)STOCK removed prorriptiy for sanitary disposal; FREE pick up t,rr 'larger defineis,. reasonable colleetiott charge for email aril.. mal), Phone eei lea Winghartt. #7b rPalm er tori 12w,. ox Dur. heti 3Ag't doYl• young (Elmira) •Linni'ted, 6rrb. Ai11 mot,?wori •gIC>lt'vitCE' C4fttftIgt$ XMB Ji,A Csl, Wing - "wit; - )llt, flak oirirtoO y+• Service, Pbobe Day, iii; Night, 118 din 886, 1.2trb Caal1fIING iEVENTS. THE MEETING of the Wingham Sportsmen its anera A,ssgciation will be held in the Legion. Home on laionday, Marek 3, at. 8,30 pan, I Re• €u.ar business, monthly draw, ' frlm s - Battling :Sass (colour) Great Northern. Tackle Busters, Country—Dept. : of Lands end Forest; lunch. Ernie King, Pres., B. Metcalfe, "Sec,, everyone welcome. • 0E20.. i.'OULTRy FOR SALE PEKALB STARTED PULLETS UL'�'S ]J'OR SALE • number of Dekalb started pul- letsvaccinated fair Newcastle and bronchitis, ready for im- Mediate :delivery at 16 and : 18 weeks of age. Price list on re- quest Discount on large orders. Moore's Poultry Farm, R. 3, Sea-, forth, Ont, Phone 647-31 Sea - forth. • 26,5,12i19b MALE HELP WANTED • SALESMEN Full or part-time, We require two aggressive salesmen In this area. Selling experience not essential. but would be helpful. No . age restrictiori, ,but men over 2e preferred. We offer you, better than average earnings and a. real future security in return for your sincere effort and ability to work with a, minimum of super- vision; Applicants will be inter- viewed by Mr; SNEDDEN at the Brunswick Hotel, Wingham Thursday, February 27th from 2:00 5.00 pm, and 7:00 - 9.00 p.m, Cali in person only. 26b. FEMALE HELP WANTED r EXPERIENCED GIRL or lioman` wanted for. clerk immndiat y.; .4 Full time employment.. Abniy ..a�• Wingham Fruit Market. 26'" FEMALE help wanted to learn n egg candling and tabling. Full time "employment. Apply at the Mait- land Creamery, Winghain, 26b CARD • OF THANKS The relatives of the late Miss Betsy Walsh Wish to thank their friends, neighbors and relatives for their expressions of sympathy. • A, special thanks to the nurses and the ministers who were so kind to her while she was a patient in the hospital. =The Walsh family. 26b CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank all my friends, relatives and neighbors for the flowers, r t reats and cards sent to me while I was in Wing - ham hospital. Special "thanks . to Dr. B. N, Corrin, Mrs. Morrey and her staff of nurses. --Lillian Smyth. 26'x' MISCELLANEOUS WE E BUY old gold and gold coins.. N. T. Orxtiandy Jewellery, Gode- rich, Ontario. 26:5* NEW SPRING ARCHES brings back circulation, aids in other foot troubles. Consult' W, A:. •TCaufman, ,Argyle Street, Lis towel, phone 94, open every flues - day all day and evening.. Make adjustments on different makes' of supports. Will be at Brunswick Hotel, Wingham, March 13 and 27th roomNn 3. 26rrb rb SEPTIC TANKS, Cesspools, etc., cleaned with modern equipment. All' work guaranteed. Louis. Blake, R.R. 2, phone 42r6 Brus- sels. 26rr25JE* IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all,, risk coverage? For ieformatlan phone 203, Stow - art A, Scntt, 'Wingham. 2rrb STEWART A. SCOTT can how save you 15% , on your ear or truck insurance. Yearly or six nnenths policies are available. Special fates for fanners, For further information. phone 203. Winghafn. • 29rrb IV•ATERLOO CAT'Itt lareeding Assad fation "Where Better Bulls Aa'e tiled", 13'ar d.rtifiolal in- set -Mallen inf'orrea tiOf. or ser- vice fraft all breeds of cattle, phone The Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association ata Clinton HU '24441 or 1Vlildniay Ygdr12 be- tween 7,30 •and 9',3.0 tarn, We have all' breeds available—Top quality at low 'east,''' 25rrb FINANCING A .CAR/ 1S'etore you buy 68I# Olean our' r,ew' Cost Flnanddng Servldie with Complete That race Coverage, i"J TE , *WI. 2eli VItingliu n 85rrfl' WANTED APlI'LiQATIONS WANTED Morris Township Applications will be received by theundersigned up �.2o1 In ck noon,, March 1, 1958 for Warble Fly Inspector at 4,00 per hour plus 7 cents per mile; truck driver at $1,00 per hour and helper at 85 cents per hour to serve the Town- ship of Morris. Geo, C. Martin, Clerk, 19;26b APPLICATION WANTED The Township of Turnberry are asking for applications for the position of Warble fly inspector for the year 1958. Applications will be received by the undersigned Until 12 o'clock boon, Saturdays March lst. Jghn V. -Fischer, =Clerk Township pf Turnberry 26b TENDERS WANTED * Tenders for the spraying of cattle for the warble fly in • the Township of Turnberry will be .re- ceived by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon, Saturday, March lst, State price per head Per spray, Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily .accepted. John V, Fischer, Clerk, Township of Turnberry 26b TENDERS WANTED Tenders for supplying Warble fly powder for the Township of Turnberry will be received by tine undersigned until 12 o'clock noon Saturday, March lst, State pried per pound. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, °John V. Fischer, Clerk Township of Turiaberry 26b. TENDERS WANTED Morris Township Tenders will be received by •the, undeasigneli up, -until,; 12 ,o'clock, noon � march 1958 to :'sup;blY, 1000 pounds of Warble Fly powder for Morris Township, Lowest or any tender not neces-• sorrily' 'accepted; • Geo, C. Martin, Clerk crit '1 ; • 9 26h TENDERS WANTED Tenders d s f or Warble Fly p Ins ec tor, Sprayer operater and opera- tor's helper for the Township of East; WawarloSh wiIi bereceived by the undersigned on: or befgreMarch 4th, 1958 at one o'clock p.m. Dut- ies to start. April 10th. Tenders to state an hourly wage expected, For any other information contact any member of the council. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed, R. H. Thompson, Clerk, RIR. 1, Belgrave. •19:2613 TENDERS WANTED Morins Townshiip. Tenders will he received by the undersigned up until 12 o'clock noon Marah ' 1, 1958 to supply, crush and deliver approximately 12,000 cubic yards' of gravel on Morris Township roads as the Road Superintendent directs, Crusher is to be equipped ' with . a el, screen, ` A certified cheque for $200 must accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender • not necessarily accept- ed. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. 19:26b TENDERS FOR GRAVEL Townbhip of East Warvanoelr Sealed tenders will. be received by the undersigned until noon on Tuesday, r v Ma ch •4t}i, 1958. ,For • crushing ana 'hauling• 6,000 cit. yds. more or less .of gravel to be r inch screened and 2,000 cu. t yds,more, I r ess to o be 1 inch screened, Gravel to be delivered anywhere in Township under tlje' direction of :the Road Superintend enc, :it. certified cheque far $300.00' to. accompany tender. Lowest ;or. any tender not neeessarily accepted, Poe' further "articulare Ont t. p c act Stuart 14feBurney, Road Super. tendent, Wingham, Ontario, , vvARY LE FLY SPRAYING IN TOWNSHIP OF uowici 1058' Tenders Tenders will be received by the Clerk up to 8 pati., Tuesday, March 4th, for Warble Flys Spraying in the 'i'owliship of Hdiwick for the year 1963, Tendere to statepriee 'per ;Bead fbr warm, and. ordinary water, The work ter terrtnienee April 18th. Lowest Or any tender net aioeeNatttily 'sed eptede A"t' liefitien t ri rt Applleatioris will be :received, by' the Cleric tip to 3 p.m., Tuesday, tfareh 4th,, for an Inspector to sttpervlS tile Warble Fly Spraying n g in The Township of Howlek for the. year 1958, Salary to be $1t25 per lfotit'' .5hd .f it0 iiil y O wn .ttd ns p tta » .„tiati, Atiy 4p5lieftion rot ("beta- softy xtet#so ty accepted. Harold Pollack, imitrrY Tomfrhablpotakklek, 't,ferric, 'Ci'iiif.8ii6, ,i (26b BIRTHS GR0H—InOshawa General Hos , pital on Friday,. p'eblrruary' 211 5 to; n� r 19 8, Mr., and M s, '13ri;zn Groh (Beatrice MacDonald) a son, Michael Clayton. WAREING--At St. Joseph's Hos- pital, Leaden, on Monday, Feb-. ruary 24, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs, Ron Wareing (nee Jean Camp bell) of London, a son. MacTA' ISH -'-At the • Wingham General, Hospital, on Thursday, February 20, 1958, t8 Mr. and Mrs. Caaneron MacTavish, Wing-: • ham, a on. • LAMONT—At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on. Thursday, Feb ruary 20, 1958, ,to Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Lamont, R,R, 2, Holy - rood, a .011: son. NETSKE--At the Wingham Gen- eral hospital, on. Friday, Febru= ary 21, 1958, to . Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Netske, Teeswater, a son; R'UTTAN—At the Wingham Gen eral Hospital, on Monday, Feb- ruary 24, 1958, to Mr,.' and Mrs. LIoyd Rutter; Wroxeter, a (laugh- ! ter. • BADMAN—Aa the Winghain Gen- eral Hospital, on Monday, Feb- ruary 24, 1958, to Mr. and Mis. Addison” Bauraan, R.R. 2, Blue- vale, a :son. CARTER—At the Wingham Gen eraI Hospital on Tuesday, 'Plebe ruary ruary 25, 1958, to Mr, and Mrs: Nelson Carter, R.R, 2 'Wingham a son, ivo"rrc E Ta 1CiiiED fi IN THE ,ESTATE II O F . A BESSTE• CAROLINE WALS 'ALL;. persons' having ;elatms, against -•the estate , of thea above• mentioned late of the Town of Winghait' bounty of`'Haiori Spi ster, who died on theel eleventh d of February, 1958, are required t4: f filep roof of. wane with the under- signed, ndei•- s,,ned• id i .or ., on beforethe fifteenth day cif' March, 1958. • ,;After that date the, ex;eeutot• will proceed to ,distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then Have had -notice. ' DATED at Wingham this 19th day of February, 1958. CRAWFORD &'HETImERINGTo q Wingham - Ontario Solicitors, for the Executor CARD OF THANKS S I wish to express my sincere tllaliks .to all those who remember- ed n flowers ed me with garde ds a. d low s while T was a patient In Wingham hos- pital, S eci I thanks to Dr, W. A. McKibbon, Mrs, II Morrey and her 1 Staff,—Mrs. Fve yn Rapson, 2611 (ARi) QF TI1ANii;S • • I would like to take this oppor- tulaity to expresa nay sincere thanks to all ,those who visited me while in the hospital, to those who brought gifts and flowers 'and sent good wishes, to Rev. R. A, Brook, Dr, B: N. Corrin, Mrs, 1, Morrey and the ;staff of Winghain General Hospital • from whom I ' received, such capable :care. Your kindness has been greatly appreciated,—Mrs. Laura Kirton. - 26'" Bridge Club North and South—First, Mrs. F. A. Parker and Mrs, H. 0, 'Mac- Lean; second, Mrs. 3, Martin and Mrs. G. Godkin; third, Mrs. H. Campbell and J. H. Crawford. East and West—First, Mrs. J. H. Crawford and Mr, J. Martin; see- ond, Mrs. R. H. Lloyd and 0. Haselgrove; third, Mrs. Don Ros- enhagen and G, Williams, Doreen Ste. Marie W ed -in Edmonton Wedding vows 'were spoken by. Doreen Thelma 'Ste, Marie, of Guelph, Ontario and Joseph Alfred Dirksing, of Edmonton, Alberta; in St, James R. C. Church, Edmon- ton, on Saturday, . February 8th, at ten' 1 le • #da x'. 26:m5:12b NOTICE TO CREt)rEORS IN •THE ESTATE OF GEORGE'MILLER PROCTER ALL PERSONS .having claims against the estate of theabove mentioned, late . of the Township of Turnberry, in the County of Huron;,_Farmer;, who •dieij, an the eiglith.;'tjay:of January; 1958, ares. re,r quired to file. proof 'oi'same with'the undersigned on or before the fifteenth day of March, 1058. After that date•the executor will proceed -to distribute ' the estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 19th day of February, 1958. CRAWFORD &H DTHDRIi+i' GT ON Wingham Ontario Solicitors for the Executor 26:m5;12b NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Ida Edith I•lastie ALL PERSONS hawing' claims igainst the Estate of the above tnentl ii 0 ed, late of the Village of Corrie' in the County of Huron, Widow, who Bled on or about the ninthday of , January 1958, are required to file proof of same with'' the undersigned tot or before the 1st clay of March, 1958. ' AFTER that date 'the Adiniitise tratri)r will proceed 'to distribtjte the estate having regard only ter the eiaims oa• which sha'then has :notice, DAr. a Eru • ,, D t risers, this 4th day of Februay, A.O. 105$, CRA,'W'r IIPTHERIN'GTCSN B iItYJSS . E l IO golicitere for' the Adniinlstratrix, 12,10,26b y II Ilf li i lir„Yt'1,YYiitl,l7VYiWY,YYNnYIYrilYlfpu,f ugIllpYli! Box Holders' Na nice F. Not Given Out t It M stritltly ng>;,inMt line titles 1 to dtvnlge the .'fante o>✓ ndidecias of any arliteri1Kt uiving au ; d A vtrtr' N:..T f" 111417► il 1tri ri 1V"ft ether Pieaoo do not a,k lits' tat thfs i,Yitti600i60460l00666YtttYdteatetYtleetai4 '1. o o oc he bride rs, the iiia' r. llrs, Loretta :$tet y ;,i r dr k tl h m and th r 1 td, "tea,.. ��,i �; r x.;, �... �. •'..a. tel#le and the • ro t a •r iM• .. ?Ai r o r r sn f in n �Q , lberta. Rev. Father ?ylp•rnalil;ot. fleiated, During' the ceremony'"Ava Maria"' ;and "..On• this . Day . Oh•. BeautifulMather" was, played,, Th bride worea wel z le gtli white gown of delicate imported: lace. The :strapless bodice was• rc oin Iim ntedwith a matchinglee jacket, featuring lily -point, .sleeve and the'peterpan collar was trim- med •with 'sequins and seed :pearls. The .bouffant skirt had ruffles of lace' and nylon over satin. Her finger-tip illusion veil fell from a crown .headdress trimmed with matching seed pearls and sequins, She carried a bouquet of roses, gardenias and lily of the valley;. The bridesmaid was Miss Doff thy Kaufmann, of Edmonton, and cousin of the groom. She wore. a pink champagne sheath dress with lace over taffeta and -a [matching duster and headdress. ss, The groonfsman was Anthony Degenhardt, of Gibbons, Alberta. Ttie reception' was held in the church hall and was catered by ,the C.W.L. For a honeymoon •• in Calgary- and other -Western cities,• the, bride donhed` a blue' suit with champagiid aece'sscirieSi_'i`lle 3r+ung• couple will live in Edmonton, Al• - berta. Robert Stapleton Funeral Tuesday The death of an old andrespect- ed resident of Zetland :occur'red.on Saturday with the lassi ng of Rob- ert Stapleton, in his 85th year, Mr, Stapleton hand been FII for some .time., Born :at Merton, ,Devonshire, England, he was the son of Robert Stapleton and Elizabeth. Balt, He came to Canada with, his parents as ':child and the family settled in Turnberry . Township, 'Ne attended Gilmour's Scheel and an a young man was married in- Wingham to Agnes Wilson ;of East Wawanosh, who died in April, 1944. A farmer all his life, Mr...Stapletoh retired about ten years ago. He was a Member of. the Winghain Baptist Church,' He is se vivid 'by one daughter, Miss Margaret V, Stapleton, at home, and one sister, Mrs, John Kniphler, Stratford, Three children,. Maurice, James and Ellen Eliza- beth predeceased. him. The service • was held at R. A, Currie & ':Sons funeral home at two o'clock on Tuesday afternoon with Dr. A, Nimmo in 'charge and interment in the Wingham Ceme- tery, Pallbearers were James Cur- rie, Arthur Wilson! James Wilson, Ken Zinn, ,Jack Reavie and A. J, Lockridge., Brother Dies At 'Clinton Robert. Baird, a 'resident of Blyth, died at Clinton on Thurs• day of last week, Mr. Baird war. Bern in West Wawatiesh Township 80 years ago, the •son of the late William and Rebecca Baird, ta i.I r l aiird received his early edu ca a �o Ze Ian , ; � t d, He was mark+i • x• hn ri Kan .�h q,c,�,•�a ,�.. ,e e, who predecieas 21 1934, They resided el at ;I3,eImore •• until he purchased a farm on the outsicir t4 .ofi: Blyth in. 1.939;'X3,`eretired trona—waive farm- Ing inY 1948, but continuedto relside ,at•,his;he d• me rn•+.L'l t6til t 1 r 'd. Ir t I e lie» •� an came ill two' years ago. Surviving tire'' five • daught:ers,. Mrs, Ruby Magee, Florida; da Mrs , e ith' 'Hamilton; S S In .Mr9. J. s' Kelly, Hamilton; Mrs. T. Harland Young Women's Z �4.ux larzry Meets • The February meeting of the Yon m ' U Wo ens u iii r Young Ax a of'the Y Wingham United Church was held at the home of Mrs, S. Strong, with Mrs. R., Filbert in charge. • The meeting opened. .with the hymn , "Stand tip, Stand Up for Jesus." The Scripture lesson was front Philippians 3: 1.16, followed by a 'commentary in which all were advised no to take t a lt e falsep ride in themselves but to look to Jesus Christ, The Christian stewardship secretary, Mrs, W. Caslick, gave art ;ftiferesting reading which asked all to consider givings more der-. iausly. This was f011ovred by' a film entitled "From the _ Church. at Nishitb•;' It is a starve! a small young ehtlreh in Japan, and the work of two missionaries in mak- ing it possible. The members thenenjoY.�yed a' book report given by ;qrs. A I12c4 Murchy depleting the life especial, ly during the War, of an American girl -who married a Japanese man in the employ of the Japanese dip- lomatid service, The' president, Mrs, It, Ziirbrigg, oti ucted d: d� e- the b � ,, slnesS of the meeting', whieh ineltidedt plans to Dater tdt the chole topper. xtrs. A. Greenoffered hop M.rs, 4u r. brigg whir trio ,.rouYe, bat Ih the 11• i Warta bay .of 'Prayer p rograrttleY; The• meeting closed vvitit a hymn and:th, l ehidtictitifii Toronto hncl Grottolo, Cali- fornia: three sops, James and Ron of Toronto and Allan. of California; also two brothers.and one sister, George ' and John Baird . and Mrs Jane Hayes; all ' of Wingham` There are six grandchildren and three • greatlgrandehildren, Two sans and 'a daughter predeceased' Mr. Baird. Deceased was a member., of the Angiicait Church and the Blyth L,O:h. Service was held 'at 2'.30 p.m. on Saturday at A. A. Currie and' Sons funeral home in, "Wingham with Rev. C. F. Johnson, rector of St, Paul's Anglican,Chureh officiating, Interment 'was in Winghain"Cerise- tory,. 'the pallbearers being Tom Metcalfe; ;Herman Metcalfe; Milo Casemore,''Glen ' Caserndre, Ate\ Rand and Jack Orr. THE. FACT TWAT A MAN CAN RUN OOWN A PAP -OF ROBBER HEELS (DoesN'T PROVE HE'S A DETECTIVE. Thier is •the last week you can take advantage of the Big Saving on I1'ertilizer.- Do not forget you y u save $1,59 per ton for all fertilizer• pni•- chafiecl in. Februfiry; also an fidditional stetting of to ,if 'paiti. for l►ef , ore March I511t. 'We herofi supply of fertilizer in Our waree hd'frte ter your Conveniente, ,Ail prices are COrepetitiveGive lig your Order noW aneatake adivantage F'ot this Rig Saving, NGFIAMI 1 SHUR lt 6ilitd FEED MILLS wQ/. rYy d, 1. �1 MYRII • 1411 4*. 1 MOM INSTITUTE HOtAS FAMILY NMI'f The February meeting of W1ng- bam W,I, was helcl:Thursday even - Ing In Wingham council chambers. It being, family night, a pot -lucid supper was served to a large gate- erting of mernl ers, their families and friends, After • super a short business period was held, presided over by Mrs, R. 0, Powell, president, The Ode was sung and in the'ubsence of Mrs, W. Ilenry, Mrs. laingrose read .the minutes of ,previous meet- ing and correspondence. This was followed 'by,4o11 call, ]yirs. J, Henry and Mas, F. XO - Cormick were appointed to attend sessions + in .the'council chanibers on care arid management of film pro- jector. Mrs. J, Halliday 'and Mrso, R. Mundy are in charge +of pdei.c- ing• the layette for Arabian babies, also Pullover Parade. Anyone' wish- ing tp donate tg' this project may leave articles with Mrs, Halliday or Mrs, Mundy. A delightful program followed. Mouth organ duets by Mrs. S. Cowan; and Mrs. T. Cruickshank; readings by Mrs, D, S. MaeNaugli; ton and a very humorous anal en- joyable reading by Mrs, T, Bower, Mr. Bob Carbert .o£ CKNK gave a very interesting description of 'his • trip to Venezuela, accompanied by his display of :slides. The National Anthem was 'sung closing another very enjoyable family night:. Will you be raking in' 010,000.., 15 years , from now? , 1r�•tl x r i st saraa 01, You can rake in this kind of harvest ten or .fifteen years from now. About $10 a week will bring a gueriniieed mini- mum 'Warn of $19;000 in 15 years. Talk it over soon with an Investors renresenta- tive "your best friend ,`financially," Call or write: Thos. A. Jardin Phone 147 WINdiHAlli, ONT, John W. Wainea RJ . tl, 'L$STOWEL Phone 1.942 nve '°'sto rs-, syndicate" O' F C A N A tl A, I I P It t O *FAO OFFICE; WINNIPEG. OFFICES IN f11INCII.AL CIT![$_'. WANTED Bush lots with soft maple and elm. Will•pui'chase bush properties or farm.' 8 Please phone or write: ' Andrew .M .:aica11n Furniture C o. Ltd; , f Listo\velf • Ontario ... r1}JItler,!!+1lIli!tcornett„tinctrttttMee eeee,ereeleeeeetri rHl+Yei ettrrrlYflfill,rl err+!Y,1/tt ttieelrtt ttttt tYli.4.M.11"rr"•j_ • Save Money 13Y Npa.Qf*aoao witeartawc le a '`tff INCOIiIIore neo i a .Atk t I w r af. nggymr 1• 5 8 Tame • x 1 • S. 3r1 a '1, els may ��� � a -1 ,l e h�1 t 1 ill:..` count e :`' cot n P 1. .off s .� 0' .1 9.58 c ,cent o •1���'' :es. T1te Csi ,",at the,- a at : o T+11��- Y. cent,- pet annum *Will be allowed on such ptepayrlletlts. Zl epnenis of taxes must lie made at the� . Town Tr easuf`ei•'s Office, '[ own,Hal.l, W. X CALBRAITH, Treasurer, Town of Wingham l It11 1 r; it 1 f III VIII111llllllli VIIIIlli 11 (11I I11• 11,11 1 1111 II IIIIII IYIII 1 11 IIrI IIIIIIt YY,rlr+„II/!/!1!111!/lir/11i1/!1!111 BUSINESS and PRO SS _;FE.,- I O N A� L DIRECTORY OR 'Y.: A, 11 'MCT411f' i1 BARRfS'.tERR, sor,hoITo NOTARY PUBLIC and N ..._. . L !,>t`EIajSWAk'EJRI - • ONTARIO Telephone 23 7;r'sWa,teF Wroxeter—Ivory Wednesti' afternoon, 1-4 p.m., or 1'ty appointment. Frederick b I7(11J1t ' It Ph B liliu. ., R.fJ, Carol E. Honiutlt R. $ Mr.Vial N. Rnmuth . R.Q. 11il:'1' it .. ei'TS' It .131101/18 118 Harriatonf. Ontario CRAWFORD & NFT` N�RIN N Barristers, ,aolieitors, Etc, Wingham, q Pliant, •l8 (Ta II, CItAVV.FORO, Q.C. IL, 'S. lurrIfJUNGITON, Q.C. J, W. BUSNFIE1. thirristo4'', Solicitor, Ngtar%, Et& Ione .. ,Loa R y to n OffI—llteyer lljloek, 'Winizh�rrii WELLINGTON F rfMoirial o Company Est, '1840 An all Cantittiod 00;010iny wlh h he, ,..liy tt .. � te.itit urrvr:<i 00110. hohloYs,the Over a ten'ttityf Ue .,., Yui Office 'i'Oronitr e 1FI� Cie MacLetta Jrwbutiiitea Aj4*cy Wirltgbam