HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-02-19, Page 10W0,• Shower each night Irina at 7.10 PliftWATIM i./1141),S141:8 • 1419104W, 701.1,ESPAY A11110 WNIPic ridgy, "Saturday 11),;lbritary - 22 )3Urt Lalleaster, Diana Lynn in, "The Kentuckian" The Stery of the adventures of c. a Kentuckian and his son. One friend tells another about Household's prompt, cour- teous and businesslike service, In fact, 2 out of 3 new customers are referred to HFC by old customers, You may bOrroiv up to $1,000 with con- fidence from Canada's most recommended consumer finance company. Modern money service hocked by 80 years of experience HOUSEHOLD FINAPIC R. K. Fitch, Manager 35A West Street Telephone 1501 , GODERICH rant Grocery Phone,: Our Prices Are Lower ,We Keep Down the. Upkeep Free Delivery VE :itLF LIKE Lounsbury's - not Prepared MUSTARD 6 oz. - lic Ik ; *liner 'Y'anni' Asparagus TIPS - 39c - TOP QUALITY BECAUSE of FLAVOR ',and FRESHNESS ^ GUARANTEED. ' • Libbes - Sliced 20 oz. Red BEETS , . 16c Liquid Detergent - King Sizo 'LUX (20c off) - 89c 'Moisture-proofed 20 for Garbage Bags . . 33c Kist PEAS 15 oz. - 2 for 21c Redbird MATCHES 3 for 29c Boy-Ar-Dee PIZZA PIE MIX 55c (with Cheese and Tomato Sauce, 5 large servings) Schneider's Country Style, lb. Pork Sausage 53c Coleman's • . lb. WIENERS . , . 45c Fancy G qt. baSket SPY APPLES ;'. 69c No. 1 Ontario 19 lb. POTATOES .. 29c .1 • g This is a "Welcome to Wingham" Bargain Store 1401 ttt 0000 tttttttt ,,, ,,,,, 010100004, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, tttt ttttt ,,,,,,, tt 1.0001.0 tttttt 01, 3111111III,4,1, 11,111111,111 61104.1,01 ttttttttt 1111161,,,,0110611,4,ftw11 x11 tttttt 0,0000000 tttttttt ,,,,, .000 ,,,,,, YAAICOSE VEINS'' age N Elastic Levi,: Ps( like rpgulitr . nylons gir yew' /c[4,1. i'ou„ will ocver ttbUi.rd nal "differdit4" 4, MI" APO** of **Or Saner Si Illoa siVIbe se settee elastic stockings Pfse ovOiloble. X. Full-foot BAUER & BLACK McKibbons WINGHAM 'At" 'oeit IstAmt om tat !visttitt.blitiOtry 01,4r/Oit" . ,*kXtt.Ngt 0A1"0, .110:.to $ZW.Voltit, Robt. Shave Marks 95th Birthday Robert Shaw, venerable resident of Bltievale, celebrated his 95th birthday on. Tuesday of this week. In fair' health: Mr. Shaw resides with his daughter, Mrs, Milton Fraser and Mr, Fraser: CATHOLIC LEAGUE HOLDS BANQUET e annual banquet of the Cath- olic Women's- League of Sacred Heart Church, Wingham, was held on Thursday evening at the Queens Hotel. ' Rev. R, Durand, the parish priest, introduced the guest speaker 'of the evening, Dr. J, H. Finn, 1VLA,, Ph. D., of Christ 'the 'King College in London. Dr, Finn is the diocesan director. of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Catholic Edu- cation and Parent Teachers AsSoci- ation, He gave a most informative, address- on the subject of Chris- tian education, outling its history in Canada, C,W,L. - President Mrs, George Skinn expressed' the thanks of the gathering to -the guest speaker at the conclusion of his address. igiliollommilliillinimilolUNI1111111111111111mitainostimiluiloillinimisiliont or, il • , oot, veutft • i eutert9 •Peeadau li i • •,. .13, Everyone is talking about the , terrific ---▪ ._ 1-1-1 selection of new Spring Fabrics *-7 i at Edighoffers ,iii ii and a warm welcome awaits you to come in i a often, and see for yourself. i A ii LUXURIOUS , WOOLLENS — in plain * i a shades, tweeds and reversible plaids • i-i- • pretty pastels TISSUE GINGHAM. --in a The ever popular POLISHED' ,COTTONS I mild. FINE QUALITY PRINTS iitri ii ii File LINENS and DENIMS—Ijor si;rtsi a .,.. a , wear. I • ▪ COTTONPLISSE in pleasing patterns i • _., — and fine sheers.' iii AND OUR NOTION COUNTER IS ALWAYS -: WELL STOCKED WITH ALL ' SEWING ACCESSORIES BEST OF ALL THESE NEW FABRICS ARE ArTRACTIVE AND POPULAR PRICES I, WELCOME TO WINGHAM — 'BARGAIN STORE SPECIAL, THIS WEEK Men's Windbreaker Jackets in real smart• Styles - Reg. $13.95 SPECIAL , . , ,, . $9,99 EDIGHOffER (Wingham) Limited, • ..,- "TI1E F111.BNDLY STOKE" Iii • , • ' • 01. F;i11111111151111011111111411111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111110111111.11111.11111111110111111111111115 . . • U U U U U U U U • U U Own A 12.5 Cu. Ft. PUSH BUTTOU DEFROST "*I9r Refrigerator iapAY FcgRuy $ 0 n 0 6, u Dom jrt has been, a Pleasure and a privilege to serve as yont Federal representatiVe In t•it ltii,:•. Liven ty-seeond nd two*, ty-third,, Parlittownt of Can.. irrlility, itl'ob.rutory .14tb tbo ,P,rogressive Cootiervat- Live, Association of Welling- tow-Boron, :me the great, honour of once again IRMO- initting tile.TIS their Caaaitli. dirk in the fottb-soniiiig election on March • WESTINGHOUSE Ait motor:oiled opPortunity to gel; the finest; lit liente * tar*" eratiOn t . realty iktoheY- 80,villp White Sale priee. . ,Raillo and i" jr.,0' EleOric. riiiimikawairomouiii;,4•60000, Wellingten-Yrrn PrOgrenSiVe! CenserVative 'Assoc. People say HFC's money service is outstanding eatre The molar nicettno of the W.M.S.. and the Weinaa's Assoela, Wen of Bluevale United Church, were net held. on, February fith on account of bad 'weather,. The. Peat! toned Meetings have new been Cancelled. - The World Day of Prayer will bca -observed in the United church on Friday, February 21st„ at, 3 pan., when the women of the Presbyter! Ian and the United Churches will meet tegether., The annual meeting ,of 'the :con- gregation of Knox Presbyterian Church was held on. February 14th, Rev. Mr. McClure, of Molesworth, was chairman, A congregational supper was, held and reports given, Mrs, R. F. ,Garniss is home from Wingham. Hospital, where she has been a patient since November. Timi W•00440,100 IS lies DIME Left to right, Mrs. L. Slosser, Mrs, 0. Kieffer, Mrs. A. Grubb, Mrs, Ft Caskimette, Mrs, H, Ross, Miss T, Bondi, Mrs, C. Bondi, Mrs, F, Ste., Marie, Mrs, Ben Foxton, Mrs, Wm, Templeman, Mrs. E. Bich, Mrs, Nursing Assistants Commence Course A Class of eight commenced their training as certified Nursing Assistants at the Wingham General. Hospital last Thursday. Members of the .Class are :Mabel Helen Cox, R.R. 3, Brussels; Betty Dunn, Por- cupine,. Ont,; Lloyd Golland, Wing,: ham; -janny Jouwsma, Wingham; Joyce Mahon, -Southampton; "Joyce Nickel, Southampton; Nancy Shantz,- Ripley and. Anne Thomp- son, Seaforth. J, .1-, Lewis, members of the Catholic Women's League, pietured at their banquet on 'Thursday evening„ "MeKenAlk . IVNeter; J#14114 4, •Seg9rtll. 4031-4 M4A atku34,.Mrs...0carge johnstOri, j, Reynolds,. 'MA'S. A Taylor,. Prest and Lewis Taylor, o(: Tho associate directors are Lis follows; miss Faleoner, n.N.,, from the Pliblie Ltea11,11; a repro. sentative of the Salvation Army; H, tIcCreatli and Mrs, a pahaer, all "of Gederiel). 0000000000000000000000000000v00000.1000000m0000000 v0000000000.100000 Did You Know That ... GEORGE WILLIAMS WATCH ' REPAIRS molo.000 Storo , Owing' to 111111 0 Specs Watches 01111 very kit110,11 019CliS —Mr and Mrs. Ralph Hammond and Billie and. Mrs, =W. Hammond spent - the : week-end with' •the latter's daughter, Mrs. 'Z Dent 'arid Mr.' Dent,' of Woodstock, . • . and Mrs. Alvin Self attend- ed the ,funeral. of her nieces Miss Helen Hohnes in London last,Wed- nesday, Mr and; Mrs.. Murray Gerrie spent' the week-end With relatives in London -'and' visited with the latter$ Brother, Mr. Raymond Merkley,' Who is a patient hi. Vic- toria Hospital: —Mr. and:. Mrs. Harold Taylor visited over: the week-end with London refatiVei. —Mx; and 'Mrs, NelSOn NiCol.'and family, of '•Madoc visited . at the, home of sister, Mrs: Fred',Ross and 'with his' mother, Mrs.. Nicol —Mr. , and,.'"Mrs. -John ,IVICInnes visited on Sunday with her aunt at Paisley -•: • —Mr. and 'Mrs.. Jeffrey •Hawkins spent the Week-end With her Par- ents,' Mr and :Mrs. Stafford- Bate- son. . . .• —Recent liisitors• withi 1VIi. and Mrs.: Lloyd Montgomery' -during .the past. Week Were Mn', and Mrs. Harvey- MeDetmott' of Fordwich and Mr. and Mrs.,'Jirn, Fitch of the 9th 'of ;Turnberry. Lloyd MontgoMery spent SaturclaY, Lo'ndon. - ' RONNY:BROOK._ Mr, and Mrs. Jim teddy enter-- tained the. euchre, group at their home on ,Friday night. Prizes .:for high scofeS ,went to.Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thompson and for.lOW to,Mrs.- Hardy and:".Hilliar,d. Jefferson, Mr. and': Mrs -GUS Devereaux are hav- ing the next' party their hpine. Gordon, Naylor has been confined to bed this,, past week , with pneihnonia 'And, pleurisy.. ' Misses _Irene Jefferson of:Dunn- villeAouise, of Belgrave and•Elaine of Bluevale• spent the week-end at the Jefferson:-homes. • .. Mr. and Mr's. Bill. Hardy and Jean visited on' Sunday 'with her mother, Mrs. Niviris, INSTITUTE MEETS %INGHAM HOME BLITEVALE—The Wonien's In- stitute met bn February 13th, at the -home of 'Mrs. William" Nichol- son 'in Winghain. The prescdent, Misi Ruby Duff was in the chair and 19, in all risked' the snowy roads and' cold winds, to attend the nriceting. ••• • The roll call was answered by giving "One 'Not, , duties as a. Canadian citizen", It was decided to haver another club girls' project in the spring, "The Club Girl Stands on Guard", with, Mrs. Carl Johnston and, Mrs. William Pea- cock as leaders. - It-was decided to hold a shower for refugee Arab children; • at the March meeting. This project is sponsored 'by' the Unitarian S.C. and they require 25,000 layettes. concert using„,local talent will be arranged for the latter part of the winter, the -cornmittce being Mrs. M. Aitken, MrS, C, E, Hoff- man; Mrs, Alex Oorrigart,,and Mrs. Carl Johnston. MrS, 'Carl Johnston gav,e the motto and Mrs, D, S. MacNaughton described the ,Women's Institute national convention held in Ottawa. in October referring to the not- ables who spoke ani.61* thorn, Prime Minister Diefonbaker, Mr. Lester Pearson, Mit, Ellen Fair- dough and Miss Charlotte Whit- ton, There were referondes to the various 'kinds of taltertainthe.nt arid the food served. At one Of the regular meetings the hear Ware, a talent. sale will be'held,. each Metriber to bring any. thing 'prepared by herself to be auCtidned. ; Gina, Were . presented to Mrs. MacNaughton and Mrs, Williant NicholSon, Ws. Nicholson has re- cently moved front 81.neVale to Wine:aril; Appreciation i,vaS also expressed to others who assisted In making, the gathering a SUCOCSA, 'the hostess was assisted by Mrs, R. A. RrOolt, Mrs. Allan tarrfard and Mrs. 46S, liorton in serving re/man-U*11'LN KINSMEN ACTIVITIES BENEFICIAL TO TO COMMUNITIES The Kinsmen Clubs of Canada are, this year, celebrating over 38 years of progress and expansion. Since its inception, in Hamilton in February of 1920, the Organization: has spread to every Province .of Canada and there is scarcely: -a community that has not benefited; from the efforts of Kinsmen whose, motto is "The CoMmunitieS' Greati- est, Need". The pUblic service by .Kinsmen Clubs usually takes the form of providing medical, educational and recreational facilities for the corn-, munity, In every major centre there is a Kinamen-sponsored park or playground for 'the youngsters, and in some cities there are several of these, in addition to athletic grounds for older groups, Ambul- ances, hospital equipment and clinics have been provided in many places and in some instances hos- pital beds are maintained for re, search purposes. During and after World War IT the Kinsmen. "Milk fey Britain" and "Food Parcels for Britain" drives went a long way towards alleviating the critical situation in the British -- Besides the community activities, the Kinsmen Pare continually build- ing, within their qwn`membership. The teaching and use Of parliamen- tary procedure, the upholding of constituted authority, the improve- ment of ,business and professional ethics, and the development of co- operation, tolerance and under- standing amongst all races and creeds, are, internal projects that are going on continuously. In its 38 year histol-y, the Kins- men Clubs now number 322 with a membership of over 10,500 public- Dairy' products are still your cheapest food ilea?' Along with our CREAM 'TOP and HOMOGENIZED MILK, try our • WHIPPING CREAM It's a real freehand guaranteed to whit* lor BA'TESON'S:Model Dairy. Phone 74 Wingham . .110!1! ,,, OIMUil,M14 ,,, I ,,,,, mumpflt ,,,,, ,, ,,,, 111,HAHRUIO ,,,,,,, et —Mrs.. Geo. • McMurdo, has re- turned to her home in Toronto aftdr spending a' few weeks with hex sister, -Mrs. T. Y, -Smith and other relatives in town. . • —Mr. Dennis Taylor and Mr. Don Clarkson, -of • Hamilton, spent the we'ek-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Chas. 'Showers. and Mrs. Boy, Bridge and Marrianne spent the week-end with lier mother, Mrs, Roy Mac- " —Mr, Alex Elliott visited on Monday with his daughter, Mrs. Ed Ryan; Mr. Ryan and family, of Toronto.' Witham Austin Was Native of England ' The death of a respected' resident of• this -..community took, place at the Whighain General Hospital bn Thersday: morning, with the Pass- ing- of William 'Walter Austin, in his .84th year. Mr. Austin had been ill only a short time. Born in London, England, he came •to 'this country in 1912 and settled,- in the 'TeesWater district, retiring to Wingham in '1944, He was married to the-former Georg- ina Hull, in London, England, on May 25th, 1901:Mr: Austin was a member of St, 'Paul's Anglican Church, Wingham: Surviving besid'es his wife are , four - daughters, - Mrs. A, G. .(Myrtle) Gibson, Toronto;' Mrs. H. (Kathleen)•'-AitcheSon; Winghtri; Mrs Victor (Jeari)'Showers, Wing- ham and Miss 'Ivy Atistin,• Kitch- ener;' and -three „sons, Walter, Tpronto;. John; 'Newmarket and William, of Turnberry Township. A datighter died 'in' infancy. There are also 11 g-rancichildeen. 4 The 7 fUneral serVice was held at tho' Walker funeral home 'at' 2.30.' p.m on Saturday; with Rev, C. F. Johnson of St.'Paul's Church in charge and interment in the Wingham Cemtery, The pallbearers were Mr, Austin's sons,' Waher, John and William and three sons- in-laW, ,• Victor ' Showers, Harvey Aitcheson and Andrew Gibson, I Tout, .thance 'buy ;top quality. Appliances • • • At lowest pOpes ever! • , ........ '747. Officers Elected At C.A.S. Meeting The Children's Aid Society of Huron, County held' their annual meeting on February 12th with representations' from-Wingba,m, Clinton Exeter, Seaforth, Dash- wood and Goderich in attendance. Rev. R, G.. MacMillan of Gode- rich was elected preSiclent of the board of 'directors; Dr. K. E. Tay- lor, .Goderich, 1st vice president;• Berry, R,R, -1, Wooclham, 2nd vice president; A. H. Erskine, Goderich, secretary; A. M. Robert- son, Goderich, honorary secretary; J. G. Berry, Goderich, treasurer. - Reeve Bailie Parrott of Morris 'Township represents the County Council. on the board and the fol- lowing, are..the directors: Mrs. F. Fingland, ',Clinton; Mrs. 'K.' Johns, R.R. 1, Wocklham; Mrs, HoWard spirited young men between. the Klumpp, Dashwood; Frank Sills,- ages of twenty-one and forty. Seaforth; John Winter, 'ER: .2, Harriston; Fred. Davidson,. Wing- The major project of the Kins- haria; Roy Cousins,' Brussels; Wm, men Club of Wingham for this year is the trade fair to be Present- ed in 'Wingham this spring, offer- ing an opportunity for Western Ontario industry and business to display its wares and incidentally to raise funds for the ambitious prograrn, of public service work planned by the club.