HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-02-19, Page 8MN+ .77 !flerria.ba..4 IT-T4y.,..44a4c,Ripporg. OOP. ' v FARMER$ SIMPLER GAR Fewer frills and less horse, power„ more economy -.that's a request to the .Canadian,ailtornotive inch/037 'from some Canadian farmers, A resolution to that effect was 'laid Before the Canadian 'Federa- tion- of Agriculture's :general ing last week es one of 7.2• resolu- twos- to be discussed,. The auto industry resolution re- ferred to ears ar;d trucks "with unneeesSary horsepower and frills, phis too frerinent whle) coats the average income eonsum- or 11131Ch to purchase,, finance, insure and operate Compared with tars— It said a motor vehicle- is a farming neces- sity and urged a more -eronornieal type which would produce more more ales and thus.- More Canadian jobs. Si1N1t* 900;.;!0 REST. PARtalte01 lilck 400.04 1014PPLig$, FROM' VANCE' RUG STORE VIA, IMP HAKE *1014 COIIVORTMI,E ASV MO SAFE DRIVING CAMPAIGN RALLY will be beld MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24th • at 8.30 p,m, in. CLINTON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL 8,114.-4°ARM FORUM nnoitnoAsT Ofifl '••••- FILM and. SAFE-DRIVING TALI( by riTr. Hardy of the Provincial Police, Goderitql JR. F.'4RISIER. PLAY - by the Counts Whiners Sponsored by Huron County Federation •of Agriculture County Farm Forams. Ladies please bring. luneh. 114 STUDY FARM MANAGEMEN7 Prayer Service at United Church GORRIV—The World Day of Pfaker Service will be lucid the Gorrlejrnited• Church at 8 pan, on FridaY,"*.Pcbruary 21st. Women of all denominations are asked to pin witli,.yir•orrk all over the world in the .,,same service prepared this year -Australia. • PraYars will be WOO for TAU% fteMorn f torn oppression and' Sor 'the United NatiOnS "oilanizations, Datil Waste Hog Feeding Time You can't afford to waste time feeding hogs no matter what the market trice is. If you are feeding straight grain to hogs YOU ARE WAS ING TIME. WHY! Because grains alone do not contain the proper levels of nutrients to get hogs off to market in a hurry. Tests prove that straight grairt.fed hogs take up to 2 months longer to reach market weight than balanced fed hogs. "Oct YOU)? hogs off to, market in record time THE SHUR.OAIN WAY, Call us about StfUlt.GAIN HOG FEEDS HURON COUNTY WHEAT PRODUCERS' ANNUAL MEETING. AgriCultural Board Rooms OtINTON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24th, 1958 2.00 P.m. 3 DEEEGATES TO THE ONTARIO WHEAT PRODUCERS' AiOccona WILL BE ELECTED AT THIS ATEETING TO .PARIFC2 OUT THE WHEAT MARRATMG PLAN. RI SSEL HOLTON, J,( IIENII(NOWAV,. Chairman Sce,retary WIIITECHURCH •arld .IVIts, Levi Blamer( Were in London on Thursday and attend- ed the clinic at Victoria Hospital and visited with her niece, Miss SheivY Self, of Walkerton who was taken to the hospital there last Tuesday. Mist' Self had her hip broken last .00tOber and when the test was taken off last week she broke it again, and was taken to the Victoria Hospital, where she underwent surgery and a plate was put in, Mr, and Mrs. ,Their Johnston, of London spent the week-end with relatiVeS at Lneltnow and with his parents, Mr. avid Mrs. G, John- store, Mr, and Mrs, ./ohnston visited on Sunday at the horne of their 'e'en, . Jariaini Timithetty, Lima cool_ -Anne hbrietono . tl4 twin An Church News OMR:14—A Lenten service will be held on Ash Wednesday, Irebru, ary 10th, commencing at 8. pm, in St, Stephen's Church. On Sunday next, February ?3, Rev, Robert A. Carson of Paisley will be guest preacher at the ser- vice at 2,30 pm. The Rev, 4. C. Attwell will be preaching in Pais- ley. *The February meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary will be held at the home of NHS; Thursday, February 20th at 2,3Q p.m, Theme "Pelt:Wiliness", Gifts Presented to Hueston Family GO1t.RI4--Mrs, K S. Hueston and family moved last week to Winghara, They were recipients of Parting gifts from the villagers and surrm; riding .comniunity before their departure, Mrs. Weston was, given a wall mirror, television hung and a sum of money, Ruth Ann received a nut glass vase, Brock a desk- lamp and Heather a Dolly Varden tea pot,- Mrs,- Hueston, Was 'pre- sented with a personal gift from her W,A. group; She had been a resident of Gorrie for •25.years, W.A. The WA, of the Gorrie United Church will meet at the home of Mrs, L, Thornton - on TimrociaY,. February 20th, at 8,15 p.m, The Northern Helpers in Charge of the programme. CARRIE "Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Will of Beamsville returned home on Wed- nes Oily after visiting the former's parel:to, Mr, and Mrs, Justin Will. Mr. tod Mrs, Alex Graham and sons .sptnt Saturday and Sunday in Wallaeehurg, Mrs, Jas. McKen- Tle returned home with tbeni after spending two weeks with her daughter, Mrs, A. Graham. The retirement,` is announced of Dr. W. Scott Hamilton, dean of the Dentistry Faculty at the Uni- versity of Alberta at Edmonton for a number of years. Dr. Hamil- ton is a former Gorrie boy and is an uncle of Mr. Hector Hamilton. The Harold David farm at the outskirts of the village has been sold to Ralph Tompkins of Lis- towel. Bob Templeman, 15-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Temple- man, who had his leg broken at the ankle, while skating at the Sr, Farmers' skating party at Bel- more, was able to return to his home last week from the Wing- ham Hospital. Little Peggy. Carson, 21-month- old daughter of Mr. and MrS. Norman Carson fell oft the kitchen stool on Friday and brcilie'her•left• collar bone, Miss Etta Burns has been visit- ing With, friends- in Guelph for the last two weeks, Mr. and Mrs. S, Kemp and fam- ily of Listowel and Mrs. E. Brook- er, Wingliarn, visited on Sunday at the, home of Mr. and Mrs, E. Bolander, Mr. and Mrs. ,Dick. Carson were in Toronto last week where Dick attended the Canadian Retail Hardware Association convention, Miss Edythe Walker, Wingham, spent the week-end at her home. Mrs. Luella Sanderson was a re- cent visitor with friends in Tor- onto snd Burlington. Mrs. Earl Wilkin, of Wallace Township spent last week with her mother, Mrs. ElWin Somers. Mr. Somers suffered a stroke at Vic- toria Hospital, London, last week and is in a serious condition, A number 'from. Howick Town- ship attended the Progressive Con- servative nomination meeting in Harriston on Friday night when Marvin Howe of Arthur was chosen as candidate for the March 31st federal election'for Welling- ton-Huron riding. Harvey McMic- hael was appointed convener for Howick to take the place of the late K, I, Hueston, Mrs. Rose Patterson of Wing- ham, Is spending sorne t'al'e at the Nash home, Mrs, Patterson fell a couple of weeks ago and broke her left arm. The Eastern Willing Workers of the United Church W,A, Served a fine hot supper on Friday evening (St. Valentine's" Day), About $115 was realized. Mr. and Mrs, 'Raymond. Dowdy, Toronto, visited over the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Registered Holstein DISPERSAL. Friday, February 28th at too p.m, 1 Male - 38 remales selling at Brampton Sales" Arena 4 milt% North of Thnmpton StielgrOve A Polly Accredited and Listed, herd of high quality Relstelne, Many Preah and Springing, Famous show bloodlines of the "Cariiiieree farni- lies, OW1114 hYi timer Calett4,y R. 1, Georgetown, Ont. took 'Patti* LW.? bile tellwtthklaitµ namolosoloirroalainassonareialsaisisiteroisale Gorrie Drops • First Game 'OORWA--In the first of the play-off games With Clifford on Saturday night at Clifford, Gorrie Intermediates lost by a score of Clifford 16, Gerrie 0. This is a "best of five" Series, baby, was able to be.'taken froin the Whigharn Hospital on Friday. Mr. •and MPS. Currie Burebirip of London spent the "Week-end with his , parents, Mr. and lifts, Jaelt Mr, and Mrs. Oanteron glint/ions and 'Pitney, of, LObdon Spent the tech-end With her I/Stunts:, Ur, Nxt,t, Nflirthif CI 4 7.L. Meets The February meeting ,of ,the Catholic Women's League was held at the home of Mrs. Walter Lock- ridge on, the evening of. February 60, With 15 members present. 4itlineas Included the discussion of the annual banquet to be held at the Qlwri, Hotel. It was decided, to send a bale of used elothing to the Indian settle- molt in 1Vianitaha. Mo,, 011rieri gave a reading' 'on stile life • of t3erhadette, The *ifateh? Meeting IA , to he held In the church A 'Vete Of tbanic4 was extended to the hostess• arid t. l'ou'r iou~l [irtiieh IOU * CAILEKDA On Tuesday and: Wednesday of last week a course in Fin Management was presented at' the.Wroxeter Coomiunity Centrm In Charge of the course was lick Clark, of the Farm EcOronnies Branch, OAC. The study. was concentrated Olt -the factors Which ailed faint income and the use of A short totib :aliAlysis for Ontario farms, as„ Well as,Alie keeping of fifth, hentaints, Those -who Hu* the course arc Iliqthred below: In the too -picture .are„ front row,. loft to tight, n Rutherford, ilicatillutherford,,tatarles Thorniia; bitidr row, Ulme-0. tAordMg Alla Scott MAMA, • Centre pi ethre, front row from the left, Fred Houbledee, Ilearge thrilerWeed, Arnold leffecsq bank, VI-1ft Merldey, Don lirortime, Itottoncpictnkc, front rinV,' }toss. Knight, Russell. '10100 back, Gordon Oreig mid WtlUain •oaropbell. •--,,A.41vatitio4clmem photos, tNSpECtiaN 1)0CiR•. of, TF•F - 13UltIS , 'under the auspiees of THE .0matoo BEEF GATTue :..011'110ifFl1VIENT ASSOCIATION THE SHEEP AN)) SWINE ARENA .0341:: Whiter Fair Toronto LARC -I 5th and 6th, 1958. R1*fords ;and Aberdeen Angus sell on March Oh • :.Sherthor»s sell on march 0th commence at 10.00 a.m. on each 1111), - Oolyinithi--'approved by the. Culling Committee will be "allewiid •• .to pass throligh the Auction. kriii,L,,,i):,ill;nititiitoiMiziycloo,tici!sttto lohnittIalstinmilue i.ilile)(1:.sdeit.vlbif.1)1 Toby -oaftlellri•iliisig:s,a..16,,:; will lie41.CtIte Tate of • • '.1",";•• (a).;:i4lbarSiiirrialinee. tested bid's, 3314% of the. Purchltful'Ilice; 'Curt not e~tciitiiui; 111200'., and thf, on" tipPrbyinl,- bulls, 20% of purchase Price, • Milt(-not:, exeeedlihr 1120.00 ' • '" VOR .CATALOGUES APPLY TO: 1 4111131:SlOOMSON MASTER 'S;Weiar anti models now -A. New,Source of Profit •1 'SON Feed Mixing Equiphent • ki led 1,14,4420 • arise e and Machine Unfit ARNIA ONTARIO GOODISO.N..• -••••-- • mixER, Plow rsirog,1.40-1a,t available PRODUCTS • • umpagrA svotiniTY A Canr AAIA LW special contract pro., xhiteg. Inintrance skin Option, nil b one policy available from age 4/ to age Consult,— FRANK C. HOPPER', I—Representative,- Canada Life WJNGFIA114, ONT. With the '.new.Clatall,Sho Master - Mixer • *it-0're got everything to 'ord.,: vide your liviiutot it with the finest in od and blended ,feed(r, Over ' 2,6Q0 ;. Feed Ttlfrxory Er e ",g0141' noel year's:!nf.ona :91,(302-1 airing eX11110terree,:',1104' produced . • tlils'I".,,11.00' • comPitet„.' ')riel(inA' precision, 'years of. scrziew,;4N godlybuilt,-"•for.-A„an yd of operatiOn,-, • You'll be surprise4at low haVest,Ment"'-',p•rec. quired and IlitIli';09-0 resulting rom,-: the, I,E; creased •••pretere‘hec shown by yoiin aoirhals for custom mixed fedS. Why net write Ind • for illustrated ,fiffio- ' tore, prices and •;:spOis,-." ileations and learwho a Goodisen increase .;your this year., and every year. LS .. . . 44 ni W "HIGH OFF THE HOG" WILL, YOUR FAMILY LIVE? Whether your family lives on tenderloin or kidneys, may depend on how well your estats is handled, Experienced Estate Officers, like those Sterling Trusts, can help you plan your estata properly, so that ultimately there will be a minimum of • delay, e011insion •and tax loss. Why not talk to a Sterling Trust Estate °illicit WO* or Write for our free booklet "SiUsibrild Fir Yaw Pinkly". STERLING COltliOR Hood Oki: Noy 11C0 floods !HE A / I 0 11, branch O'Neal I. boate) it MHO. TRUSTS .1,.,%! •